Brit reporting for duty :P On Laurelin
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Yenisey (probably havent made a character yet) Name is Jack
Age: 21
Location. United Kingdom
Playstyle. Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter. ( All of the above as all of these aspects have their own usage)
MMO games you’ve played:Oughhh thatll be a long list. Allods online, World of tanks, league of legends, Cabal online, Age of Wulin, Vindictus, Path of exile, War Thunder, any many many more.
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: Well i can offer a very committed british active player. I can be helpful if needed and do "guild raids and such" as i best of all enjoy the social aspect of online gaming.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): Im looking for a kinship that would be capable of offering me newbie help and answer to my questions, not the kind that says they will help, and they barely even notice that i have a problem unless i shout it out. Im looking for kinship that is also following the ideas of voice comm.
Older player looking for laid back leveling kin
I was in beta and played for a while after launch but drifted away for RL issues. I have been back a few times over the years and have had fun, but not finding a place to call home I drifted away again. I'm back and want to give it a good go this time around. I have toons on riddermark but am more then willing to start on a new server(us-server). I tend to be a solo type player but like to get together with people to run the instances that are on level. I would like to learn/relearn the lv 20-60 instances and group quests. I tend to complete one area before I move on, so I do not level to fast. I like the tank/ melee roles but am willing to fill any role that is needed. I'm older in years so do not want to deal with drama and issues (I have kids and a wife that fill that role nicely). Over the years and games that I have played I tend to like the low to mid populated Kins. I tend to be a little anti-social in that I usually do not say Hi & Bye every time someone logs in and out, but I will answer questions and help with whatever people need if I can.
If it sounds like I might fit in with your group send me a message.
Returning Player, Looking for a LOTRO Family
Iseldir, Gondorian Human
Age: 22 in RL
Brandywine Server
Location: California US
Playstyle: I generally prefer Teamplay although I have spent a great deal of time playing solo when there is no one else around and there is something I want to get done. Since my main is a Captain lvl 50, I like playing the role of support healer/buffer. I have a headset so If kinship members use skype or ventrillo or etc. then I can readily engage in communication for the sake of strategy and casual conversation.
MMO experience: Dungeons and Dragons Online, Neverwinter Online, Everquest II, APB, WoW.
I'm a lighthearted person who enjoys playing video games and am proud to call myself a nerd in all manner of Tolkien literature (one of my favorite poems is Mythopoiea). I enjoy playing support roles in MMOs, because it allows me help out my team mates which is what I enjoy doing in real life, helping people out. The kind of kinship I would ideally see myself apart of is one where my fellow members enjoy Tolkien Lore and in the spirit of that mythology, love playing with others in a cooperative kinship culture where Fun comes first and Loot Drops come second. As a kinship member, you'll regularly see me dropping hellos when I log on and will see that I enjoy helping out the kin in all ways possible. I would love to hear from any kinships who have the kind of internal culture that I'm looking for because I feel that I would be a great addition to the team.
Looking for a Kin! ASAP!!ANY SERVER
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Not known. I do favor dwarves but I play all races.
Preferred Server: Any (EDIT)
Location: Eastern Time Zone -5
Playstyle. Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter. I do it all.
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I'm a nerd in LOTRO, expect me to be on hours when I'm not studying.
What kind of kinship you are looking for:
"Remember when the game first came out and the land thrived with kinships that focus was on exploring, socializing, and having fun getting to know your companions? When leveling your toon and building your crafting skills was more important then end-game raids and irritating repeater quests for rep. (Why did we leave the dropped rep items idea anyways?) And the excitement of getting a house or earning your first 4 gold to buy the mount of your dreams was an accomplishment that you enjoyed because it was earned thru hard work and fellowship, not bought thru the store in a rush to be max level and ultra-powerful." Quote from Shadowdragon01
That the kin that I'm looking for! I'm more of a roleplayer in lotro. I been playing only the RP servers since I first started lotro because it had that adventure! Well lately.. I been missing the spark of the game. So here I am restarting my toons (I haven't played in a couple years) and giving it another shot!
Contact me through here (PM or Post)!
Hope to hear from that chosen kin soon.
New player looking for Kinship on any Server!!
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Well my name here is Slapacookie, But my game name is Sam Mckhern
Age: (some kinships have real life age limits): 19
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): Any server I am a new player joining, I just need help learning the ropes of the game.
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): United States, Pacific Time Zone
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.): My playstyle is not one thing it would be PvP, group, Crafter and Roleplay.
MMO games you’ve played: This is to long of a list but ill list a few: Fallen earth, World Of Warcraft, Allods Online, Wurm Online, Xyson, Tera the list can go further but these are the main ones that i stuck with for a couple years.
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I am a social kind of person, unlike some people who play I like to talk with people about the game or real life stuff, I do not play games to just get mad and cuss at people when I dont get my way so you can expect that Ill be mature and not bring drama into the kinship. I am a pretty hardcore gamer so if I am into the game I will play like 15 hours a day so if anyone needs help i can help them or basically just expect me to be on alot. I do not know if this really answers the question but if you have any more just message me. Also if you are a Roleplaying kinship I love rp its kinda like a second language for me I have roleplayed for about 3 years and love it, I do not need to rp in games but I will and trust me you will have fun roleplaying with me.:)
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters):Well I would like to join a kinship that can be social because I play games not only to have fun but to meet new people, I love a social atmosphere in whatever im joining, Either it be teamspeak/ventrilo/ raidcall/ or even skype. I would just like a kinship to actually communicate via headset which eachother. Also one that has more Adults in it, not saying it cant have younger ones but just would prefer more adults then teens and children. And well one that is active and not one that shuts down like 1 month after I join the game.
Looking for a kinship in Laurelin
Name: Albarion (Elf Warden)
Age: 25 (RL)
Preferred server: Laurelin
Location: Santiago, Chile.
Playstyle: Solo, group, PvE, RP, no RP.
MMO games you’ve played: LOTRO, Guild Wars 2, Rift, Ragnarok Online, The Secret World, Champions Online, DC Universe Online, a lot more.
First, I speak spanish (native), some english and a bit of french. I'm a handsome elf with an enormous spear, and a shield. I'm lvl 34 now and I want to do some skirmishes, raids and that kind of stuff. I'm looking for a spanish kinship mainly, but I could accept any good offering :)
I was born to give love and good breakfasts. That's what my mother thinks... :)
Aglargelair of Melendor (will transfer)
Age: 23
Location: East US
Server: Melendor (but will switch servers for the right kin, this server seems void of quality kinships)
Class: Champion (but I can play any class, MMO experience listed below)
Level: 85, Eastment WeaponCrafter Half way through master of the guild rep
Start date: 25th of July, so about 5 weeks ago, of the instances I've ran they seem to come rather naturally to me
MMO Experience: EQ1, EQ2, 5 years of Dark Age of Camelot primarily melee dps/tanking but also had a caster and a pet class all max levels, 3 months dps/tanking the Star Wars MMO, Guild Wars 1 briefly, Guild Wars 2, 3 years WoW on and off between expansions playing a Druid Tank/DPS and a Mage
- I hit 85 in less than a month, primarily in Skirmishes because I found it to be the best way to learn my class, I'm looking for a kinship that does PvMP runs, Instances, and raids. I play 4+ hours daily (no, not an elitist, I help casuals the best I can) and will download any VOIP the kinship uses. I'm currently making up my virtues I bypassed by skirmishing but am almost done and at a loss to get the good gear with the instance finder never queing and the only kins that run things not recruiting. I will transfer servers if needed.. I really like this game but I find myself at a stopping point being unable to get the marks or groups to continue.
So PLEASE if you have a kin that does run these different aspects of the game, I'd like to join. I don't complain if I'm not in the starting line-up, I just want to be able to be with a group of people to ahve fun with and progress.
Looking for a Tortoise Kin
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Willing to make new characters
Age: Going on 24
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): Any US, I've already an 85 and 4x 15-50's on Firefoot, smaller servers are preferable but not required
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): US EAST
Playstyle.: Looking to do PvE, groups, instances, and Raids at level, would try RP
MMO games you’ve played: This
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I'm laid back and a natural listener.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): A kin that does raids and group stuff at intended level. Basically I missed my opportunity to play the game as it was new, and would like to do so. What I mean is I would like to XP disable at 50 and do Rift to get loot, do the same at 65 and 75 and eventually 85. Not looking to rush content, want to experience older content as if it was the newest stuff. The reason I got into this game was watching a youtube of Rift and ToO and thinking wow thats so cool. But so far in my 2 years I've yet to see a Rift and rarely a ToO nowadays, much less people doing those at level and not just rolling it with 85's. Hoping a tortoise kin is out there.
looking for kin on windfola
Greetings and Happy Day, I am Forandril previously of Destiny Awaits, they have moved on and am looking for new family.
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Forandril/Elf/Hunter/Scholar
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): Windfola
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): EST, N. Carolina, US
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.):All the above
MMO games you’ve played: Conan, WOW, ESO
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I offer quality play time, group, crafting and all in all a good drunk time with kin family :) cheers!
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): I am looking for a kin that helps the little people, is active on Windfola, likes to drink/smoke while playing, and all in all, just a family to be part of.
New to LOTRO....LFkinship plz
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Josh....Toon name is Larir
Age: 40
Preferred server.....i only play on brandywine
Location. Milwaukee ,WI, USA......Central us time
Playstyle. far i have been totally solo since i cant seem to find a group.....looking to get into raiding when i am able
MMO games you’ve played:......LOOOOOOONG time EQ player(was in top raiding guild on the nameless server for 4 years) GW,GW2,
Why kinships should be interested in you. .....Family style guilds with a raiding tendancey....hardcore raiders who can wait till i max out my toon
What kind of kinship you are looking for.....I am looking for people to group with and help get to end game...only lvl 40 atm but want to get maxed asap
Looking for a friendly Kinship
OOC I am 38 yrs of age, female, in CO, USA.
In Character:
My main Character is Tatheril, a level 9 Hunter Elf with no crafting as of yet.
I am looking for a friendly, family like, fun kinship to join on the Crickhollow server.
I role play, am not much into PVP, but love PVE, and group play. Sometimes I am a solo player though.
I am a really friendly person, but I do not like a lot of drama, so if you are a drama free kinship, I would love to join!
For more info, just PM me in game!
Thank you!
Looking for Kinship on Nimrodel
Name or character name: kazor
Age: 42
Location: USA; eastern time
Playstyle: I mostly play solo and have been without a kinship since coming back from a long break last year. I am interested in playing end game content and have trouble finding people to fellow with a lot of times (before I took my break).
MMO games you’ve played: EVE, Star Wars Galaxies, Asherons call
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I am an easygoing person and don't like or try to start any drama. I enjoy helping out other members of my kin when they ask.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. I am looking for a large kin that is active and is willing to help out their members, especially with end game quests.
I am a casual player. Due to work and family obligations, I don't get to play for hours at a time anymore. I took a few years off mostly due to burn-out and also to spend time with my new family.
I have a Guardian, Level 85 on Nimrodel.
Thanks for your consideration
[GLADDEN] Lvl 85 Hunter Looking for Casual, Competitive Guild
Hi there, my name is Azaryah. I am a lvl 85 Hunter looking for a decent end game guild that doesn't mind someone who may not have the gear but knows how to make the best of what little he has, that makes having FUN a priority over being the best, though I definitely have a competitive nature that desires to be part of the best. I would prefer if the majority of the guilds members are Eastern or Central timezone. If you think you'd be interested, IM me, or send a me a tell or letter in-game. I look forward to hearing and playing with y'all.
Looking for kin in Brandywine
Char name:Hermo LvL:78 mini Hobbit, Scholar, Master fisherman, Ermi Lvl:75 Champion Elf Tinker,Hermlin Lvl:62 Hunter Dwarf Woodsman,
Age: old enough to apply for senior discounts if this game had any.
Preferred server(s): 3 years on Brandywine
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.):CDT Midwest
Playstyle: Mostly Solo
MMO games you’ve played:DC Universe
What kind of kinship you are looking for: I am looking for kin that can help me on fellowship quests and where I can help others in the kin. I am a premium player spending about an hour a day mostly in the morning and weekends. I do not give personal information out.
Looking for a kinship on Landroval server
Name of characters: Caeliia (Champion, Race of Elf) ;; Landroval server
Age: 21
Location: Michigan, United States (Eastern timezone)
Playstyle: New to the game so I'm not sure, but more than likely solo, group, and RP
MMOs played: This is my first MMO.
Assorted Information: I prefer the Landroval server.
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I am super friendly, love playing with others, and will help you in any time of need.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): No preference/undecided[/QUOTE]
[Evernight] NA player looking for kin
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Arthearius, Man
Age: 32
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): Evernight
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): I play during PST peak hours. (4am GMT)
Playstyle: I prefer to dabble in all aspects of the game.
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: Older gamer, know how a good kin operates. No drama.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. : NA (PST/CST) guild is preffered as I would like to have players on to interact with.
Looking for Heavy RP and Raiding Kinship
My name: Samantha
Main Character Names:
Fainauriel Adlanniel (Elf, Hunter)
Alessia (Human, Warden)
Woden (Dwarf, RK)
Rosetta (Hobbit, Minstrel)
Age: 21
Preferred server(s), if any.:
But open to other servers.
Location. :
South Africa GMT +2
I play European hours.
Hardcore Roleplaying - been roleplaying on forums and playing tabletop dungeons & dragons for 7+ years
Hardcore Raider and Team Leader - I like group activities and I especially love the teamwork, concentration and focus involved in raiding. I am not however a power gamer. Raiding for me has to be done over weekends as I do have full-time weekday commitments, family, studies and a job.
I absolutely love playing in a group! Always up for instancing and organising kinship events! I am normally an officer or admin of some sort as I tend to get very involved.
MMO games you’ve played:
Guild Wars 2
League of Legends
Why kinships should be interested in you. What do you offer kinships?:
Extremely friendly, bubbly and sociable! - I am a very helpful person and I love to just jump in and help whenever. I am dedicated, responsible and organised. I have initiative and drive. Whilst I may start out as just a recruit, I am always willing to step up and be an officer as I willingly love to help, guide, train and lead others - whether it be in a social event, or an instance or raid. I am also very diplomatic, I can diffuse tricky situations. However whilst happy in a leadership position, I am just as happy just being a normal member! I get to just be a happy soldier participating in kin events and I am cool with that also.
Experience - I am not new to LOTRO or MMO game mechanics. I know my way around fellowship manuevers, voice chat and all of the classes. I played LOTRO up until the lvl 75 cap, stopped for a bit and now I am back. I only need to catch up on the new content and updates. I am a previous kin leader and have led raids in the past.
I am also a very experienced roleplayer in terms of character creation and ideas. Whilst my LOTR Lore is scratchy - I am a friend of reading and am reading up on my Tolkien Lore as you read this. I can quickly adapt to anything and I learn very fast. Throw anything at me and I am good to go.
What kind of kinship you are looking for.:
Looking for a Heavy RP and Raiding Kinship with a mature, friendly and sociable atmosphere.
Looking for kin that have some players online Los Angeles time in evenings :-)
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I'm extremely friendly, love being social and making new friends, love helping others, I have a sense of humor, I don't take things too seriously, Im mature but love gaming for life :-).
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): Must be a mature kin. Id prefer an over 18 kin since Im 44 lol, but not an absolute requirement if the kin is mature. Prefer those that are not too hardcore that are more relaxed or casual, but love to play and be social.....and of course help others. A kin that is looking to group with people they are not familiar with and would be new to the kin :-)
LOTRO Background:
So I have a hunter level 65 which I haven't touched in 5 years. Since there is no other MMO interesting to me right now and I'm now slightly pessimistic of a couple of upcoming games, I decided to see if this game, the last game that actually felt like a home for more than 6 months, will interest me again. I left ages ago finding it hard west coast time (Los Angeles) to find groups at night during the week. I chose the Landroval server again, probably my favorite server in any MMO ever. To be honest I never completely felt like I had chosen the right class back then. I found my hunter kinda boring, but I invested so much time in him I never let go. Originally I tried a Loremaster, but after playing a Mage in WOW for so long it felt like an insult to a magic user lol. Then the uproar happened when they came out with the Runekeeper to please people like me (sorry lol) and I loved that class. Problem is I want to be a hobbit and Runekeeper isn't a choice. So I chose a Minstrel and am leaning on just starting fresh. Healers are always wanted in every game and if I like it, maybe I'll continue being one in future games like ESO if that game ends up to be OK by release. At some point the game will be so familiar that I may pick up the hunter, but at least I have a lot of money on that toon lol. So yea, I'm doing a reset for two reason, a sense of the world again and getting used to a different play style. Love the fact that they upgraded the graphics. It doesn't feel much like an aged MMO except for the character creation. World looks beautiful still :-).
Looking for a French Kinship
Name: Sockso
Age: 32
Preferred server: Sirannon
Location: United States, MI
Playstyle: I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game
I'm looking for a friendly, fun, and casual Kinship. I'm currently learning French, and I'm enamored by the beautiful language. I started a captain last week. I'd love to join up with a Kinship who uses voice chat because language learning is my primary reason for playing the game. My in-game name is Sockso. I like to play as a helpful support character. I hope to hear from you!