Originally Posted by
ATTENTION: Kinship Recruiters. This thread is NOT for your advertisements. This thread is for people who are looking. Respect this rule, please. PM those who may be of interest to you.
Use this thread if you are undecided on a kinship (guild) or are confused by how many there are and what server to choose.
I encourage you to post sufficient information about yourself so that recruiters will know if they are interested in you or not.
For example:
Your name, or character name and race (if known):
Age: (some kinships have real life age limits)
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.):
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.):
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.):
MMO games you’ve played:
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?:
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters):
My name is John and my Character is Meriadoke (Human Champion) Level 35
I am 69 years old today. I live in California (Pacific Time) and am retired. I play a lot 4-5 days a week (my wife has a random weekday off.)
I have gotten this far play solo, I would like to learn to play in fellowships.
Some of my quests even though they say they are "Solo" I get mobbed by large groups and can't complete the quest until I'm several levels over what they say the quest is.
This is the first MMO I've really played. I've tried others but just didn't like them for one reason or the other.
I would like to get a fuller understanding to the game.
Originally Posted by
My name is John and my Character is Meriadoke (Human Champion) Level 35
I am 69 years old today. I live in California (Pacific Time) and am retired. I play a lot 4-5 days a week (my wife has a random weekday off.)
I have gotten this far play solo, I would like to learn to play in fellowships.
Some of my quests even though they say they are "Solo" I get mobbed by large groups and can't complete the quest until I'm several levels over what they say the quest is.
This is the first MMO I've really played. I've tried others but just didn't like them for one reason or the other.
I would like to get a fuller understanding to the game.
I would suggest that you say what server you are on to help recruiters know if you can join them and then pose a question in the new players forum asking for advice on how to play your champ.
And welcome to LOTRO
Originally Posted by
I would suggest that you say what server you are on to help recruiters know if you can join them and then pose a question in the new players forum asking for advice on how to play your champ.
And welcome to LOTRO
This, plus a happy birthday. :)
Originally Posted by
I would suggest that you say what server you are on to help recruiters know if you can join them and then pose a question in the new players forum asking for advice on how to play your champ.
And welcome to LOTRO
I play on Meneldor server. And, I'm actually level 38, I misspoke before, and I am in Evendim.
Looking for kinship - fellowship - Something
My name is John and my Character is Meriadoke (Human Champion) Level 38
I play on the Meneldor Server. I am currently in Evendim... But most of the Solo quests I'm doing I get mobbed and can't complete the quest.
I am 69 years old today. I live in California (Pacific Time) and am retired. I play a lot 4-5 days a week (my wife has a random weekday off.)
I have gotten this far play solo, I would like to learn to play in fellowships.
Some of my quests even though they say they are "Solo" I get mobbed by large groups and can't complete the quest until I'm several levels over what they say the quest is.
This is the first MMO I've really played. I've tried others but just didn't like them for one reason or the other.
This is the 2nd time I've posted, the first time I got no response. Do I have to come back here to get a response or will it come to my email address?
I tried getting a fellowship today by sending out a text to /regional, no response.
Do I have the plague or something? :(
Originally Posted by
My name is John and my Character is Meriadoke (Human Champion) Level 38
I play on the Meneldor Server. I am currently in Evendim... But most of the Solo quests I'm doing I get mobbed and can't complete the quest.
I am 69 years old today. I live in California (Pacific Time) and am retired. I play a lot 4-5 days a week (my wife has a random weekday off.)
I have gotten this far play solo, I would like to learn to play in fellowships.
Some of my quests even though they say they are "Solo" I get mobbed by large groups and can't complete the quest until I'm several levels over what they say the quest is.
This is the first MMO I've really played. I've tried others but just didn't like them for one reason or the other.
This is the 2nd time I've posted, the first time I got no response. Do I have to come back here to get a response or will it come to my email address?
I tried getting a fellowship today by sending out a text to /regional, no response.
Do I have the plague or something? :(
Hey John,
check your private messages :)
Thats how kins would contact you.
character names: garrdian (guardian), maitiku (minstrel), ayuhmii (rune keeper), asukya (hunter)
these are the chars i try to use, as i'm quite new, still
i have 1 more char slot, but use it to try other classes to see if more are nice to use for me
age: 29 (almost 30)
server: Gilrain (rather stay there than to start all over, and a reallife friend is there too)
location: GMT+2 now, GMT+1 at wintertime (europe) (english is not native language, but want english guild.... kinship
playstyle: solo when i farm stuff (any kind of craft*, xp and such), team when i need help, or when i'm interested in some kind of mission/quest
MMO's i've played: Guild Wars (first one, not second.... still playing it alot), perfect world (game, since i'm far behind, i havent had the will to return much, to be honest)
what kind of kinship i'd like to join:
helpful and nice to help with even the easiest things
EXPLANATION: i've had an accident, and that caused me some brain damages, which make me slow in a few ways: absences make me gone for 5-15 seconds, my left and right side of my body dont work well, on themselves and together, meaning the communication lacks, then my brains can't handle much pressure, causing me to 1. get agressive if i have too much to my head at once (like 2 people talking to me at same time, in reallife), 2. my brains work slowly, so reading will have to be done a few times before i get a line/sentence through my head
**i just cant handle much pressure on me**
it might hard to see it, or to know what to do about it
well, dont do much at all, let me rest a bit
in Guild Wars for example, i take a break if i have done a mission or few quests on my own
when someone else (or a few other people) join me, its best to have them do most the work, so that i can take it easy with my brains, so i rather do some damage and shouldnt have an important job in the team
might sound weird, but its been harder for me to handle it, than for others
all those years in Guild Wars only a very few people understood my situation like 70-80%
also, i cant work for a real income, so i have a small income to stay alive, and collected some money to buy moria expansion for 5 char slots and the 2 newer classes
so i cant just go and buy me something i need, meaning i do alot of work ingame to get turbine points to get more storage space, for example
i do like to learn alot, but it takes a long time before it stays in my head, you could say
like i'm interested in crafting, so my 4 chars will be: armourer, historian, tinker and woodsman, so will have all what i need to make stuff
so i'm basically looking for a kinship which can handle me... mostly
also, with warm weather it's even worse, so i either need more breaks, or be needed even less in teams
because of this all, all i did was slowly getting deeds done with buffs and turbine points
also, i'm slow, so no pvp for me, heh.... hope that'd be clear, as it takes a while to use the right skills, and to learn what they do
also because of this, i dont do stuff with time limits or where i have to hurry up (except if failing doesnt do anything bad, like fishing sounds fun
sorry for such long story, but before i get: come on, pay attention. or: why dont you just do this and that the way we all do it?, i rather have you know this all
ps. i turned off world chat for same reason, as i cant follow chats fast enough either, even made new chat tabs for it
last note: thats why i just use 4 chars, to learn about 4 classes which seem easy to me, 5th char slot will just be used for fun and to try classes... maybe i'll use all 5 one day
in case you might not get it, this is also why i play my own way, cuz i'm slow, and so i just play around alot to get the hang of stuff
dont think i'm offended if you think i play like a newbie or a kid (my account is old, i'm not that new, just havent done much)
also i have a question about the very first post: why doesnt it matter in what server we play? i mean in my case i'd need the help in Gilrain when i need help... which i might need alot, especially on higher level parts
anyway, i think that's enough info and reasons for my request, i hope to find a nice kinship for me to enjoy the game more :)
1 more thing, thats also a reason why i dont play captain.... that class has more to do that just dmg and heal o_O
NAME: Brewdic - Hunter/Woodworker
Age: 47
Preferred server: Landroval [EN-RE]
Location: Pacific Time Zone (-8:00)
Playstyle: RP, Crafter, solo or group.
MMO games I've played: SWG, EVQ2, SWTOR, WoW, been with LoTRO since beginning, but I never went far...
Why kinships should be interested in me: I really try to stay in character. I love to RP while playing MMO's. I try to share the spotlight with others as much as I can. If someone doesn't have a lot of RP experience, I can help them.
What kind of kinship I am looking for: An RP kin that has good stories and has a friendly environment. Some drama is ok, but, if it dominates the chat, it needs to be squelched.
[Landroval] Returning Player seeking kinship for fun, mayhem, stealing the cookies
Greetings! I'm another returning player - actually a Founder. I originally started on Gladden, but have moved to Landroval after hearing nothing but great things about the community since I came back. I last played shortly after Mirkwood came out.
Character names: Amerygn, 62 captain (human); Gillerian, 29 minstrel (elf); Guilliame, 20 burglar (hobbit); and Storhoi, 17 champion (dwarf). Yeah, you'd think after all this time I'd have something higher than 62...
Age: 50. Nice, round, even. I even have a cane, though I don't need it yet.
Server: Landroval, duh.
Location: US Eastern time. Weekday playtime is generally evenings; weekends are variable.
Playstyle: PvE, preferably with others, though OK with soloing. I'm an experienced roleplayer, but haven't done any LOTRO roleplay to date; I'm open to a kin with RP but it's not my main focus. I enjoy instancing (though I'm very rusty) and the occasional raid; my hardcore raiding days are behind me. I sometimes call my style "serious casual" - I want to be good at my chose role or class, but not to the point of making the game my job.
MMO games I've played: Oh geez. EQ1, EQ2, Earth & Beyond, EVE, Horizons, WoW, GW2, SWTOR, and have dipped my toes in several more.
Why should you be interested in me? I'm civil, friendly, helpful when I can be, occasionally humorous, and I make a mean Dark & Stormy. What's that, you can't drink these? More for me, then.
What kind of kinship am I looking for? I'm looking for a socially-oriented kinship with a primarily PvE and social focus; roelplaying is fine and I'm happy to chip in to RP events or stories. I want to be able to do cool things with cool people, who take things just seriously enough to play reasonably well, but not so seriously as to mistake the game for a life priority.
Looking for a kin - currently on Eldar
Long time player of over five years - lifetime subscription. Currently playing on Eldar and kinless.
Age 50, male, UK, with family and job but often online most nights for 2-3 hours.
Mains: RK (level 100) and Warden (soon will be level 100) and levelling up Guardian, Loremaster and Captain.
RK: Gyldorion
Warden: Gylbrennan
Looking for a friendly, helpful kin.
Am into PvE but not PvP (at least have never really got into it and have preferred lore, questing and instances).
To give an idea of what I am looking for:
a relatedly active kin with players both at end-game and also levelling up; I am happy helping experienced players with Alts and new players and would want the same help for me
a kin that does instances and raids and like to get them done well but are not elitist/over serious nor obsessed with min/maxing; nor operate points-systems; nor play at unsociable times; there are some raids (OD, ToO) that I have not yet fully completed
players who like to complete all of the deeds from simple low-level slayer deeds to meta-deeds (e.g. need Thorog, Dungeons of DG) to the deeds associated with instances/raids (e.g. at T2)
players who like some of the fluff stuff too such as Festivals
help with larger group-size BBs
Looking for kin on Riddermark
Name or character name: Ervith of Rivendell (lvl 39 elf Lore master on Riddermark)
Age: 20
Location: Sweden
Playstyle: Solo for the reason that I never have someone to play with.
MMO games you’ve played: RoM, Lotro
Why kinships should be interested in you: I'm a novice to the mmorpg genre, I've never experienced endgame or even a high level char. The main reason for that is because the lack of people to play with, and learn from. You should be interested in me because I'm willing to learn everything! And I will give back 100% to my kinship. I'm an adult and I act like one. I don't swear every other word and I don't argue over pointless stuff for the sake of arguing. I'm open minded and will always be willing to take advice from others and follow directions in groups.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): I'm looking for a kinship that is "beginner friendly" and willing to educate someone like me in "the right way" to play, whether i'ts raids, quests, farming or crafting.
I sincerely hope there's a kinship for me out there!
Best regards // Ervith of Rivendell
{Silverlode} Looking for casual mature fun kinship
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Skillomite, Man, Hunter, currently lvl 77.
Age: (some kinships have real life age limits). 40ish
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): Silverlode
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): UK, so GMT afternoons and evenings.
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.): So far I've been solo. I'm a casual player, fairly time limited.
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I'm a mature player looking for similar people, mature as in attitude rather than age. Not into arguing or L33tspeak or oneupmanship. Happy to take advice and learn, that's one of the main reasons I'm looking, to slowly learn how to work in a team and casually RAID. Happy to help others and be helped myself sometimes.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): I want a kinship that is fairly large with an active chat, helpful mature attitudes, with absolutely no pressure to level or have the right gear. Beginner friendly is a good phrase I just edited in from the post above, its a good description.
Hope you can help, this game is amazing as a solo player I can only imagine it's so much better played as a group.
Looking for Kinship on Gladden!
Your name, or character name and race (if known): AlleyKatt, human, champion, current lvl 27
Age: (some kinships have real life age limits): 37
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): Gladden
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): EST (U.S.)
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.): Solo, groups
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I'm a frequent player, enjoy helping others, not afraid to ask questions, love playing in groups and interacting with other players, and genuinely love LOTR
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): Something casual, fun, active, mature, no pressures, pleasant people
Looking for a kin on Crickhollow
Character Name: Branway Level 47 (Captain/Woman), Dolfin Level 15 (Runekeeper/Elf), Tuphinwar Level 17 (Guardian/Elf), and Sanoris Level 23 (Warden/Woman)
Location: USA, Texas
Age: 21
Server: Crickhollow
Playstyle: I'm a big, big soloer who's mostly casual and always PvE. I'm F2P, too, which does have some drawbacks.
MMO Games You've Played: LOTRO and . . . Nope, that's it.
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: Well, I'm mature, respectful, and know how to spell (most of the time). I also have no problem answering questions or playing mentor, when I'm qualified to do either of those things. I'm laid back and willing to learn. I also enjoy crafting, although I still have some room to grow in that area.
What kind of kinship you are looking for: I'm looking for a kinship that doesn't mind a late bloomer. Though my main is a level 47, I've never grouped before, or done any group content. This is mostly because I suspect I would be awful at it, which is hardly a ringing endorsement, but is the truth. I would like to learn how to group and handle group content well, so that in the future, I at least have the option to group up rather than go it solo. I would like a kin which all my alts could join, so it's easier to pool resources. I also want a kin that's still supportive of soloers. While I want to learn how to do group content, my main reason for wanting to join a kin are the social aspects. I'd still like to be able to solo most of the time, just with a little company.
If you're willing to overlook my less than stellar application and invite me to join your kin, I'd be most grateful and . . . realizing my list of requirements is longer than my list of helpful attributes, most surprised. Do it anyway, though. Pretty please!;)
Character Name: Mains right now : Hullis (human farmer/champion lvl 11, Slowtro playstyle), Khalzi (Gritty, Dwarf hunter, lvl 10, Immersion playstyle),
Others--- Shalria (human burglar, lvl 16), Kaldregar (LM, lvl 41)
Location: USA / Midwest
Age: 47
Server: Laurelin
Playstyle: Lots of time solo but I love Mid to Heavy RP.
MMO Games You've Played: Lots of them. City of Heroes was my big game for a long time, Asheron's Call, WoW, Second Life, others... (Played on MUSHes before that!)
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?:I've come back to LOTRO after some time off. I'm a mature gamer with a healthy knowledge of proper roleplaying etiquette. In RL I'm a professional and understand the need for clear communication, timeliness and accountability. I try to bring these things to any group I'm with as well. I'm very creative, a writer, a voice actor and love great improv. roleplaying sessions. For a sense of my style check out my recent posting on the Laurelin forum board. It talks about how I'm trying to see if I can jump start a common farmer character with roleplay IN game and not through any story elements of my creation.
Here's the link. Pretty tough but we'll see how it goes!
What kind of kinship are you looking for: I'm looking for a group of mature, creative folks that understand/tolerate immersion play and building characters from the ground up that have a range of events and happenings. I like the ideas of markets, musical gatherings, horse races and any other creative adventure! I love good RP as long as it moves things forward. I'm a very busy guy with a family so my play time is limited to some weekday evenings and weekend mornings before the family gets up and going. (The times I could attend an event on a Saturday or Friday night would be few indeed!)
Contact: Feel free to contact me through Hullis or Khalzi in-game. (They are my main chars right now.) I'll check PM's here but less often!
I'm out of the kids room and can finally post here!
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Curueru Bauglir/Elf/Hunter
Age: 32
Preferred server: Crickhollow
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): Central Time Zone, USA
Playstyle: So far, I've played almost exclusively solo. I've grouped a few times with random people to complete some quests that they needed help with. I'm level 59 and currently working on deeding in Eriador before my VIP sub expires. I've never roleplayed or done PvP.
MMO games you’ve played: LOTRO...and that's the list
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: Selflessness. I am constantly giving away free stuff. This is just a game to me. I will always be willing to help others. I'm a very mature, respectful individual and treat others accordingly.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): Maturity is most important to me. I enjoyed a good fart joke once upon a time, but those days are long behind me. Also, I would like to join a kinship with people who enjoy the lore of Arda. There is a reason why LOTRO is the only MMO I've ever played. I'm a pretty casual player, but I would like to learn more of the intricacies of the game from more experienced players. One day, I hope that I have enough experience to pay it forward.
Your name, or character name: My name is ?ukasz, and I play as Ayen Hunter 34 lvl / Elenrod Warden 10 lvl
Age: 23
Preferred server(s): Snowbourn
Location: Poland
Playstyle: group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual,RP, crafter, I want casual guild where I can improve my language skills :)
MMO games you’ve played: 5 years with WoW.
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: In truth I do not know what I can offer, I'm new so I can not help with the game, my language is not fancy (still learning). But I'm always willing to play and learn, extra bow / sword is always useful :)
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): I would like to be among mature people that if they improve my language, and do not laugh. I like to laugh, but usually prefer calm game.
Your name, or character name and race : Tarwathiel, level 100 hunter
Age: 28
Preferred server(s), if any. : brandywine
Location.: Eastern US
Playstyle.: Casual end game/pvp
MMO games you’ve played: Runescape, wow, a couple others
Why kinships should be interested in you. : Because I'm a nice, laid back guy who loves doing group content and just having fun!
What kind of kinship you are looking for. : I'm looking for a large active kin, I want to be able to easily find a group for fellowship quests, instances, end game raids, epic battles etc. Size and activity is a must.
Your name, or character name and race : Cheeseburgler (65 burg), Doctar (55 Cappy), Toots (50 LM), Raar (50 cappy), Soakheart (24 Mini).
Age: 45
Server : Gladden
Location: Eastern United States but extremely variable game play hours.
Playstyle. Skirmish, Group, Solo, Raids. In this order.
MMO games you’ve played: All of them. ok not really but I started with MO such as Baldur's Gate and Diablo I and moved into MMO with meridian 59 and UO and have been playing ever since. AC, DAOC, EQs, WOW, AA, ROM, Take any short set of initials and odds are I have played it or tested it.
What do you offer kinships?: I prefer to play and help people. I get bored just levelling up. right now I am sitting on my credits until folks need help in a specific area, at which time ill buy that pack. I would rather group and not level, than level most of the time. If this is a raiding kin I am willing to stick to any of the character I have and work them up if that would benefit the guild the most, but in all honesty I love the bug the most right now.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. : no more than 100 member if possible. I want to raid , if possible, but in all honesty the groups and small stuff are more important. Lets put the kin back in kinship That said, I do prefer a kin that has a few people online at all hours of the day. I don't want to feel alone.
Your name, or character name and race (if known): My name is Addison and I don't have a character on servers yet.
Age: (some kinships have real life age limits) 26
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): I prefer a server with a lot of people who lives in the US, like I do.
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): Eastern Time Zone in the US, GMT -5.
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.): Soloing is fine, but I don't like to solo 24/7. So, I'd love to group up with friends if that's possible as a level 1. PvE, RAIDS, Casual, RP, I'd love to try crafting.
MMO games you’ve played: I've played just about every single MMORPG in the market.
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I'm a very sweet and friendly guy. I'm loyal and respectful.
I love to help others out in need and I love to attend to events the kinship may have. I do everything I can to make someone happy inviting me and have no regrets doing so!
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): The kind of kinship I'm looking for is a friendly and active one. Tight-knit community of friends who look for one another and care for each other. Active people who live near my timezone.
I have two characters looking for two different kinships.
Name: Fynndryn, level 95 Champion/Explorer, Man of Rohan. (Will be getting him to cap soonish).
Caedred, level 33 Burglar/Tinker, Man of Rohan (In my mind, Caed is Fynn's younger brother, who fled home after being framed as a horse-thief. Fynn is held in much higher esteem and is the eldest son of the household as well, so has always been the responsible one. His mother's dying wish was that he find Caedred, so he's currently searching for him and aiding the rest of Middle-earth while he's at it. Caedred, on the other hand, is finally making his way homeward, perhaps to clear his name at last.)
Age: 27
Server: Landroval
Location: Portland, OR...so Pacific Standard Time.
Playstyle: Varied. I do a lot of soloing, but would love to be able to do more group stuff. I am interested in RP as well, but not just standing around the Pony talking all the time. Both characters are maxed out in their respective crafts (Caed is still working on mastery for West cook, but will soon be done) and I enjoy crafting for people. I have never done PvP on my Freeps, but I have a r6 (if I remember, it's been awhile) Warg.
MMO games you’ve played: I played Final Fantasy: A Realm Reborn for a bit when it came out, but mostly just LOTRO.
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I am helpful and interested in a more immersive gaming experience, albeit not to the exclusion of having fun and playing the game as well.
What kind of kinship you are looking for:
For Fynndryn, I am looking for a Rohirric RP kinship. All Men/Women of Rohan, but I don't want to RP exclusively in Rohan, I want something that comes up with reasons to travel the world and RP while we're at it, maybe finish some deeds, etc.
For Caedred, I'm looking for on level RP companions to journey through the game with (Caed is technically in a kinship already, but he's the only member, so...perhaps there's an existing group he can join instead). Preferably Men, of any region, and perhaps a few of other races. Maybe a trading or merchants guild or something like that?
My only nitpicks with regard to RP are that there be no Hobbits in the kins (as they wouldn't be farther east than Bree, maybe Forsaken Inn-- so RPing with them in the Shire would be fine, of course) and that if and Elf or Dwarf or two is there, a reasonable explanation is provided. I'm not a lore######, but it just makes the most sense for the kins I'm seeking to be mostly race of Men. I would like it true to lore to an extent, but recognize there are aspects of the game that make that difficult (I'm not one of those 'eats 3 times a day', no porting or swift travel, has to walk (not run) everywhere, etc. people because I simply wouldn't have the patience for it lol) I do prefer that things like outfits and steeds look more like stuff you'd be out traveling in and not blanket horses and fancy elaborately colored robes (unless there is a specific explanation behind your character).
So send me a message in game. I play Caedred a bit more at the moment. I also have a 100 LM, Andithael, you can inform as well.
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Balrliman
Age: (some kinships have real life age limits) 26
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): Silverlode
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): Michigan, eastern time zone.
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.): Just about everything. Still new to the game so still learning.
MMO games you’ve played: FFXIV, FFXI, WOW
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): Some people to help and chill with. Hopefully to get better so I can help out the Kinship.
( US ) New Player Looking For a Home
Hello everyone! My name is Kyler. As the title above says, I am a new to LOTRO and am looking for a helpful and close knit Kinship to call home.
I have been an avid Lord of the Rings fan since I was about 8-9 years old. I've read from Hobbit-Return of the King three times each and have watched every movie in blue ray extended version countless times Needless to say, I love Middle Earth. I bought LOTRO on launch day but was never able to truly get into it. I love being able to group up through MMOs or atleast talk to a group of friends while playing. For some reason, every time I logged on to play I couldn't really get the experience I was looking for. This past week I moved all the way to Alaska and currently have a TON of free time on my hands. So I decided I really want to buckle down, find a good kinship, and play this game! If any Kins out there are willing to recruit a Middle Earth fanatic and veteran MMO player please do not hesitate to post here! ( I'll include a little information below for anyone interested ). Thanks guys and happy hunting!!
I've been playing MMOs for 9 years now. I have extensive experience in both being an officer of guilds and also a years experience of being a Guild Master. I'm easy to get along with in game and love to have fun and enjoy the game. But I also know when to take things seriously, whether it be in a raid or going over "guild matters". My schedule is fully open right now and I will be playing all day tomorrow. Like I said above, please post here if you are willing to pick up a player! Thanks again guys.
Originally Posted by
Hello everyone! My name is Kyler. As the title above says, I am a new to LOTRO and am looking for a helpful and close knit Kinship to call home.
I have been an avid Lord of the Rings fan since I was about 8-9 years old. I've read from Hobbit-Return of the King three times each and have watched every movie in blue ray extended version countless times Needless to say, I love Middle Earth. I bought LOTRO on launch day but was never able to truly get into it. I love being able to group up through MMOs or atleast talk to a group of friends while playing. For some reason, every time I logged on to play I couldn't really get the experience I was looking for. This past week I moved all the way to Alaska and currently have a TON of free time on my hands. So I decided I really want to buckle down, find a good kinship, and play this game! If any Kins out there are willing to recruit a Middle Earth fanatic and veteran MMO player please do not hesitate to post here! ( I'll include a little information below for anyone interested ). Thanks guys and happy hunting!!
I've been playing MMOs for 9 years now. I have extensive experience in both being an officer of guilds and also a years experience of being a Guild Master. I'm easy to get along with in game and love to have fun and enjoy the game. But I also know when to take things seriously, whether it be in a raid or going over "guild matters". My schedule is fully open right now and I will be playing all day tomorrow. Like I said above, please post here if you are willing to pick up a player! Thanks again guys.
Hey kylerhooper,
I responded to your thread. Swords of Eönwë is a new kinship recruiting on Brandywine. We've got a focus on leveling and crafting, and possibly end-game content if we expand to that capacity in the future.
Looking for Raiding Kinship
So, after having returned to the game, years after the CM migration, I find myself all subscribed up again and looking for a friendly Kin :)
My in game name is Novae, a hunter on the Eldar server. Im happy to join voice comms (in game, TS, vent, mumble) 18+, check, and I am helpful and industrious to all who need me.
Im very much a completionist, so am happy to help others with runs of content I dont need myself to up deeds and acheivments.
Ideally, I would like to join a Kin that often has raids / instances / group play going on. My best memories from Shadows of Angmar --> Mirkwood are of healing my kin in the raids of the time - Rift, DN, DG all ran to completion on a veriety of classes. I am usually availble in UK prime time - 7-11gmt, depending on when content would be run most often.
Preferably, I would like to be a part of a kin that trusts their members, and is happy to have a fair loot mechanic (assuming this is still a relavent point) - had bad experiances since with other MMO groups using point systems, and then locking out the new players untill the officers are all decked out.
I am also happy to level an alt specifically to fill a needed class slot, and will happily outfit kin members with any food/scrolls/hope pots etc that may be needed.
Looking forward to finding a new home :)
Nova o/
Kinship Exilados da Terra Média conta com diversos players ativos e com lv Cap (lv mais alto do jogo) e tem por objetivo unir todos os brasileiros, inclusive os de outras kinships, pra que possamos acabar com o regionalismo e com a criação de tantas kins brs num jogo gringo. Unir os brs para fazer raids, Big Battles, corridas de tp, ou só pra conversar etc..
A missão é meio utópica e meio difícil de se concretizar, mas já começa a dar seus primeiros passos, já unimos uma antiga kin com a nossa e agora já temos mais de 7 abas de players.
Se vc tiver interesse em se juntar a nós para elevar o espírito da diversão, independente do seu tempo de lotro, estado, etc, junte-se a nós.
Líder: Grimtiadric
Nosso facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/7405...group_activity
Nosso raidcall: 9591530
Vítor - Arekoth, The Champion, Officer.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Your name, or character name and race:Cedhalvoth, Elf.
Age: 16, I know I'm a bit younger than most, but I'm mature for my age.
Preferred server(s), if any: I've only ever played on Gladden, I'm happy to switch servers but I'd need to look into how to do that.
Location: GMT time UK.
Play-style.: would like to play in groups, never done PvP, casual, up for RP but never done it. Fairly new to the game. I'm level 19 if that matters.
MMO games you’ve played: None apart from this really.
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: Don't know if I can offer anything tbh but just looking for people to quest and socialise with, so if that's what you're looking for pm me :D
What kind of kinship you are looking for: Basically people who are doing the same playstyle as me, chilled-out people who can help each other out and make LOTRO a less lonely experience :D
I just returned from being away for an extended length of time. I must admit I am a bit of a newbie now in the game as everything seems new and have changed. I am looking for a kinship that has active people, basically to make friends and to talk to in game and occasionally outside game too if you like I am an open person friendly but a bit shy. I recently got crushed by a huge incident irl that left me half dead and broken, but I am healing and getting better I just want to enjoy life again. I hope we can all be friends.
-IGN: Gunstar Metal Beard
-Role Play a bit, PVE mostly, I can try PVP too, I grind and explore a lot, I am a self proclaimed Lore-Addict xD, I am a Bearded Dwarf at heart. and I like making things and helping people
-I play as long as I can Tuesday to Saturday I can go online mostly 4-6 hours unless I need to rest but on Sundays and Mondays I am mostly on except perhaps when I fall asleep on the keyboard (in which my face will be imprinted with letters again
-Play style? I guess Explorer and Manufacturer
-RL info...hmm well I am in South East Asia, Timezone will be Near Tokyo timer (a bit late I guess of 1 hour) I love cooking, baking, and gardening. I am a hopeless Romantic and a bit old fashioned (guess I was raised that way, there are good and bad points on it I guess) I am a bit slow so please be patient with me I love helping others as that's my job but I have very low tolerance for injustice (so please don't do nasty stuff to others in front of me, I get agitated and may go berserk...just kidding xD, just don't do it.)
I guess that's all I have to offer, I would like to learn more about the game, its people and everyone that enjoys it. I hope we can be in 1 joyfull family Thanks a bunch
I have found a Kinship, Lets all have fun together :)
Interested in joining kinship
I have one main character Denfrith level 65 man - Hunter My user name is asarum1952.
I am 62. I am basically to gaming. I have done the majority solo and feel I am missing a lot
not using the social aspects of the game. I am not very good with things like chat, plug-ins, game speak,
emotes, but want to learn more than what I have figured out on my on.
I am working on Westfold scholar, Supreme Farmer, and Expert Weapon smith.
Live in Washington state and am on most days usually between 6 -12 PM Pacific time.
I am VIP but have not bought expansions yet but probably will when I have some extra money.
A bit concerned about not meeting others expectations since I have so much to learn . Needs someone to sell
me on a kinship.
Originally Posted by
I have one main character Denfrith level 65 man - Hunter My user name is asarum1952.
I am 62. I am basically to gaming. I have done the majority solo and feel I am missing a lot
not using the social aspects of the game. I am not very good with things like chat, plug-ins, game speak,
emotes, but want to learn more than what I have figured out on my on.
I am working on Westfold scholar, Supreme Farmer, and Expert Weapon smith.
Live in Washington state and am on most days usually between 6 -12 PM Pacific time.
I am VIP but have not bought expansions yet but probably will when I have some extra money.
A bit concerned about not meeting others expectations since I have so much to learn . Needs someone to sell
me on a kinship.
What server are you on?
Can't believe I forgot that. I am on Gladden.
LF Kin on Brandywine
I am a returning adult (36 yo) player after a few months break due to RL.
I am looking for a kinship with a fun adult social bunch of people.
I am still fairly new to the game but tend to learn things on my own or asking about it in game.
I am a social/casual mostly solo player and not into RP tho I do respect people that do.
I am on all hours mostly late night early mornings 4 or more days a wk.
If you know of a kin like this please reply to this post and tell me the name and about the kin.
Thanks for reading
You can pst me in game
or on this thread. :)
I just returned to playing LOTRO after about a year or so break. I had been playing before that since release up until mirkwood consistently.
Kinship: Looking for a kinship that overall is friendly and helpful, but also offers some end-game raiding/grouping along with pvp.
Age: 18, currently a freshman in college
Playstyle: I enjoy PVP the most once I hit 100, currently 85 Champion, and would like to earn some good gear before heading to the Moors.
What can I offer?: I just hope to be a positive, friendly member of a kinship where I can play with and help others.
If there is any information I forgot or you would like to know feel free to message me in game: Seregthol
What server are you on, Seregthol?
I'm an experienced player with toons on several servers (Brandywine is the one I have been playing on the most). I am seeking a friendly and social Role Play friendly Kin. While I have toons on Brandywine, I am willing to roll a new one just for the right Kinship. I am heavy into crafting, as well. :) If you think your Kinship fits the bill, please drop Qimba a note on Brandywine or drop me a private message on the forum. Thanks!
Any kins with comms on Imladris?
Jonamir, (29)Man Captain. Mazragog, (8)Dwarf Champion
Age: 25
Server: as I said Imladris, I am open to swapping servers but the couple of people I play with might be harder to convince. :/
Playstyle: I want to experience everything there is to do in the game, PvMP, raiding, skirmishes, The epic quest-line, all that good stuff, and I guess I'm a little picky about doing stuff the "intended way" like fellowship quests, it bugs me that I can never someone around my level to do them. I really enjoy leveling in a group, so its a little disheartening to hear that most people are 100 and all the way in Gondor. A long way away from my lvl 29 self.
MMO exp: I've trialed trialed everything there is a trial for, I've played a bit of Guild Wars, SWTOR, idk if Warframe and Vindictus count. EVE online would have to be my favorite but i can never reliably afford a subscription since I'm a broke college student :p As far as LotRO, I have been playing off and on since the beta My brother and I *wispers* shared an account, cause back then we were just broke kids :p
The game went F2P and I made my own account, I got to about LvL 24 and then stopped for a long time, a lot of negativity I read about the game kept me from coming back. But right now I would like to continue playing and try to invest some more time in the game and maybe conduct some multiplayer in this multiplayer game.
What I would like in a kinship: They gotta be friendly and acknowledge that my schoolwork comes first, other than that I'm really only looking for comms, I play a lot of console games where voice chat is a must, and XBLs party chat was just wonderful for talking to people and getting to know friends of people I played with. So having a place to hangout and talk is I think important, not just for communication when playing together in an instance or something.
Looking for a new Kin
Andagis and Aranborlas (Andagis is a Beorning and Aranborlas is an elf loremaster)
Age: 41
Preferred server: Windfola
Location: EST
Playstyle: Mostly solo mixed with some very light RP,though I do enjoy grouping as well
MMO games you’ve played: You name it I've likely tried it out at some point
The kind of kinship I'm looking for would be more of a friends/family type that is casual in it's play (I'm not hardcore and don't have the time to devote to it),also a kin that does not take itself nor the game to serious.
I'm looking for an active, heavy RP kin in Laurelin. I'm from the USA, but I chose Laurelin because I heard it was the server specifically made for roleplay. So I'm a number of hours behind the Europeans on their server. I'm not a fantastic roleplayer, but I'm trying to find something new and interesting to do on LOTRO.
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Tavindir, Elf, LM, R6 ENG. (if knows does apply, I am a forgetful!!! lol)
Age: (some kinships have real life age limits): Tavindir is really old... and my daughter is in her 20s, so I'm not so young either. (she introduced me to Lotro years ago)
Preferred server(s), if any. : Brandywine
Location.: VA/USA EST
Playstyle. : PvE, group, solo maybe PvP soon too
MMO games you’ve played: I played games before MMOs!! Only other MMO I've played a lot in is STO (Star Trek Online)
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I play a lot. Love the game. Love grouping. Have TeamSpeak on my cpu.
What kind of kinship you are looking for: I need to find Tavindir a good kin where he can do end game. I'm just back into the game pretty recently, and haven't started the whole DA grind for essence armor. I have been doing BB/RP and am R6. I would like to find a kin where I can join in and do these things on a regular basis. I also have a lot of alts that can do runs of different levels, deeds, etc. Please send Tavindir in game mail/tell if your kin has room for a LM that likes to PvE, raid... but needs to grind out some gear! Thanks!
looking for a kinship on withywindle
age - 41
location - UK
Played many mmo's over the years eve,eq2 etc im looking for an active social kinship i prefer voice coms so i can chat while i play i find u get to know people better that way
Originally Posted by
I'm looking for an active, heavy RP kin in Laurelin. I'm from the USA, but I chose Laurelin because I heard it was the server specifically made for roleplay. So I'm a number of hours behind the Europeans on their server. I'm not a fantastic roleplayer, but I'm trying to find something new and interesting to do on LOTRO.
Landroval is the US based Roleplay server, so if you have no luck on Laurelin maybe roll a character on Landy and look around as well.
Lonely Hobbit looking for a RP kinship.
Level 54 on Laurelin server.
Mature gamer, just about played all MMO's there is.
Although I'm looking for a RP kin, at the moment I would like to level up before starting to RP but still have a friendly kin to chat to on the way :)
Oh and the name's Meriduc btw :D
Name:Melyadal(11 Brandywine) Mellisande(38 riddermark), Relior(23 riddermark)
Age: 24
Preferred server(s), Riddermark, Brandywine
Location: East Coast USA
Playstyle: Any
MMO games you’ve played:Too many to list
Looking for a leveling/casual guild since my characters are all relatively low leveled.
Name: Arathylas (81, Champion, Riddermark) Caehl (83, Captain, Riddermark)
Age: 40
Play style: any
Server interested in: Landroval, Brandywine
Long time player who is looking for a new home. I originally started on Brandywine and Landroval but migrated to Riddermark when it opened. After a year break I am ready to return. I have characters already on both servers that I am looking to transfer too, but I would like to finally consolidate onto one server. I have mainly soloed over the years but am looking to expand and do more group stuff. Looking for a kin who is active, doesn't mind doing older instances, and is friendly and social. If any kins are interested please contact Arathylas (Lvl 65, Champion, Landroval) or Rivaal (Lvl 86, Hunter, Brandywine) in game. I log onto both daily.
Looking for Kinship on Firefoot.
I just returned to the game about 2 weeks ago after a year or so break. I have a lvl 70 minstrel named Illustrated and a lvl 69 Warden named Flipwick; I play both of these daily. I was in a kinship quite a long time but when I returned it was defunct.
Server: Firefoot
Age 40
Lotro and WOW have been my mainstays, but also dabbled in eq and eq2 over the years.
I am looking more for an adult social crowd. I am not hardcore but have been in the past in other games. At present I mostly just solo all the content which can get a bit tedious.
I am also a night owl and tend to be on late.
Kinship offer
Imperial Assassins would love too hear from you because we have a good mixture of ages our lowest is age 14 and on up too our 50's.Please drop me a line and we shall talk.(server EVERNIGHT)
Looking for Kinship
Age: 33
Preferred server: Any
USA EST: Random Hours
Playstyle: Solo, group, PvE, casual, RP, crafter - I love light to medium grade RP, I am open to Hardcore level of RP too but I have never experienced it.
MMO games you’ve played: Too many
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?:
- I am a proactive member who loves to work with others. I like to foster new people up and have a relatively high level of patience. I also love the lore of LOTRO but I do not know it by half.
What kind of kinship you are looking for.
I am looking for a sizable kinship that has people at all hours usually, who is looking for someone to RP/Group/Socialize with. I hate playing MMORPGs without the MMO or the RPG part. I'm an original EQ player from its RP servers... meaning I love to role-play. I have all of the expansions, paid sub... just looking for a good place to call home.
We've sent you an email in game with some information. Based on your list of preferences, I think our kin would be a good fit. You would certainly be welcome with Shadowbane. Our website is at http://www.shadowbanekinship.com
Check it out and feel free to send me any questions. I hope you find a good kin home. We look forward to hearing from you.
Originally Posted by
Name: Aethaebryn [Man Warden/Main Level 100], Aethornth [Beorning/Alternate], Elthalanth [Elf Hunter/Alternate]
Preferred Server:Lanroval [US-RE]
Location:Current Location is Mountain Timezone, preferred timezone for kinships Mountain/Pacific
Playstyle:Casual PVE, Instances/Epic Battles (depends on how long or have time to play them)
MMO games you've played: Earth and Beyond, SWG, WOW, (currently playing) LOTRO
What kind of kinship you are looking for:
LIFETIME Sub gives me the option of taking my time to play.
What sort of kin am looking for, Casual, PVE focus since am not interested in PVP, Tolerates/Allows Deaf Gamers.
Raids/instances will depend on if have time to play or how long the raid/instance will last.
Not looking for a immature kin or a kin that uses naming conventions that is outside the LORE of Lord of the Rings & RP aspect of Landroval. KinRank: Max Rank, or at least Rank 7.
NON-Negotiable Kin must be acceptable/tolerate Deaf Players and not require them to use/install voice software like Teamspeak/Vent & Etc -(have been mislead in the past and frankly am sick of it, if a kinship cannot accept the fact that deaf gamers cannot use voice software do not bother contacting me for invite to your kin)
Functional Website is optional, though I preferred not to registered on a kinship website due to bad experiences where had to change my email address.
Kinship Facebook (maybe/depends)/(am a very private person, my facebook is not open to the public just for close friends and family).
RP Optional, am not a RP'er, I play on Landroval due to it's community being more mature then other non-RP live servers.
Been enjoying Crafting, have three crafting proffessions currently working on Jeweller, Tailor and Woodworking (though am just crafting for myself and alts and not for community at large (might for a Kinship if there is need or have the time for it).
LFKin on CrickHollow
Hello, I am an old-timer that has returned to the game from a very long hiatus.
That said I am looking for: an East Coast Kin that has new or old members who a) does not mind running with low level characters with no gear yet or experience and b) it not tired of the game and going to move on in a couple weeks. I've played ALOT of MMOs and I'm pretty unhappy with our choices. A friend mentioned to me recently that he'd heard that LOTRO has added a bunch of new content and indeed I'm finding the game is ALOT different than I remember. Thus I am started anew and ignoring my high level toons that I'm not sure even how to play.
When I played last I maxed out 3 toons and ran most or all of the content before I stepped away. I plan on hanging around for quite some time. I'd rather do this with others to complete goals and have fun in the evenings and on weekends. I'd consider myself Casual/PVE with interests in Crafting, Instances and Raids as well.
brandywine kinships !
information: i prefer to be called ferus, not sure why i didn't pick that as my display name upon joining. the only character i'm going to have is my daedroghiel, elf hunter, low 20's for her level right now.
age: 20
server: brandywine
location: ohio, usa. but my sleep schedule is completely unpredictable (thus why i'm writing this at 6am) so i could be online at any time.
playstyle: usually solo only because most people don't have the patience to play with me. xP pve, casual. i don't do much crafting. and i like to complete everything before leaving an area.
mmo games you’ve played: this is the only one i've ever played consistently.
why kinships should be interested in you: i'm helpful and patient. willing to stop what i'm doing if another player needs help to complete something. and i'm sociable. even like to think i'm mildly entertaining. ;D
what kind of kinship you are looking for: i need something that i can enjoy my relaxed gameplay style in but still have plenty of people to socialize with. i do have voicechat capabilities.
Your name, or character name and race (if known):I usually play on my hunter Amrodian, but you can call me Mark.
Age: 24
Preferred server: Brandywine
Location: USA EST timezone
Playstyle: Casual PVE. I've soloed the game to level 84 so far, but I'm looking for a kin to ease my introduction to instances/raids etc.
MMO games you’ve played: only other mmo I've played would be runescape so i'd consider this to be my first real mmo
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I try to be as helpful as I can be because I know everyone has to start from somewhere. I also learn pretty quickly so I hope that helps when it comes to running group content and stuff. Overall I'm just a super relaxed player who wants to enjoy what lotro has to offer.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters):Any Casual kin with a down to earth group of people who just want to enjoy playing the game.
Looking fo Mature Kin
Age: 40. Kin must have age requirement.
Location. East Coast United States I play 0-16 hours/day around the clock.
Playstyle. PVE: Raids, Hard Group Content, Solo, Crafting, etc. I do not PK/PVP. I am a certified Deed Junkie.
I don't mind pushing our abilities to the point of wiping. Multiple times, if needed.
I have crazy MMO experience dating back to UO onward.
I don't mind grinding if it will benefit myself or the group.
I have multiple crafting alts.
I like helping people.
I am knowledgeable and tend to remember a lot of tiny little quest bits. Ask me, and I will probably know where/how/why.
CONs: I am 40 years old, and have my grumpy days. Please respect this. Some days I will prefer to solo.
I cannot always speak in VOIP due to where I am playing on certain days.
I do not play my crafting alts, only my Loremaster.
Depending on where I am playing for the day, my connection speed may be 'fast but unreliable' or 'slow but reliable' or anything in between.
I do not powerlevel people.
I do not YET have helms deep. I let my VIP lapse and am experimenting with F2P for now. (I miss the mailbox already!)
Requirements: At least 5 People online at any given time, 24 hours a day.
VOIP. Mumble preferred, Vent or TS3 accepted. Raidcall not accepted.
Breaking in period before I join. I want to hang and see if we click before I get an invite.
You may send an in-game mail to me under the character 'Hopeful'. I will read all requests and get back to each and every one. I promise.
Name or character name: Johnster
Age: (some kinships have real life age limits) 70 (in July 2015)
Location: Time zone preferences if any, country, etc: USA Pacific Time
Playstyle: Willing to learn any style. I've been playing solo. Would like to have friends to do fellowship quests and/or help with mobs or hard to kill characters.
MMO games you’ve played: I'm a basic newby. Played a little bit of Beta Elder Scrolls Online and have been fooling around with Lotro for a little while now.
Why kinships should be interested in you?: I normally play the game a lot 5 days a week.
What kind of kinship you are looking for: 1) I would like to help other players and have them help me. 2) I would like to just form a fellowship and do a series of quests together (that everyone in the group needs or wants to play. I'm open to what ever other players want to do. I don't like cliques.
I sometimes just get tired of playing alone. :(
Johnster, what server are you on?
it will help folks know if they should contact you. :)
Good luck on your search.
Your name, or character name and race (if known) Dandertank Dwarven Guardian in the mid to high 20s. (Im working on leveling)
Age: 34
Preferred server: Silverlode
Location: USA Alaska Time Zone
Playstyle: Casual PVE.
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: Relearning to play LOTRO. Been off a long time. Have been playing MMO's since Asherson's Call. Once i get up to a higher level i have no problem helping people.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): Casual Kinship. No pressure, funny mature kinship
Newish Player Looking For A Kin!!!
Hello everyone! I have wanted to get into LOTRO for such a long time. I have tried in the past but have found myself playing solo 95% of the time and eventually get tired of it. I love being able to play with other people or even just chat while questing. I think finding a social and helpful Kinship is what I need to do to truly enjoy the game.
If any Kinships out there are recruiting, please reply! I will be on all day tomorrow =)
Returning Player looking for a Kin (On Nim)
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Gunsword
Age: 29
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): Nim
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): Central US
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.): All of the above
MMO games you’ve played: Too long to list
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: Depends on what the Kinship is needing.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): Any really, mostly wanting to hang out with people while I play. Do want to raid in the end of things.
Old player coming back; looking for Kinship!
I played from beta until right when Siege of Mirkwood came out. I was in a very successful raiding guild at that time and left the game to play SWToR. My main character is a 60 Elf Hunter named Schayla. (she was named Sharreth until I had it changed) I play on Silverlode. I am a fan of Tolkiens writings so I am very familiar with the lore. I do not, however, role-play. I am mostly interested in any PvE content at the moment. I have played a great many other MMOs as well. I am in the Pacific time zone and I am in my 30s so, not a kid.
I am looking for an older, larger, friendly established Kinship who has room for a returning vet. I have been out of this game for a long time and need to not only relearn what I forgot but figure out what's changed since. (a lot, from what i can tell!)
Thanks! Please message me here if you'd like to talk to me. I want to get back into this game! :-D
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Tywen
Age: 20+
Preferred server(s): Crickhollow
Location: EST
Playstyle.: Casual PVE,light rp
MMO games you’ve played: EQ, WOW,Swtor
What kind of kinship you are looking for: Friendly folks, who like do to quests,dungeons, some light rp would be nice.
Hello Everyone,
I am a newer player to Lotro, it has always had my fancy but until recently I was caught up in other games. I have decided to come and give Lotro my all and now I'm looking for a well established and tight knit Kinship to join.
I have played basically every MMO to date since UO and EQ and would really like to experience all aspects of this game. I'm looking for a kinship that is either locked at 50 and working their way up or one that rerolls often to play through all the content again. Please send me a pm, I would love to hear from any and all kinships!
Level 100 Mini on Landroval looking for a home
I'm a LotRO Founder (been playing over 8 years) that is currently looking for a kinship on Landroval. Some things about me:
- I didn't play for several months and am far behind (last major instance I did was the dragon)
- I have a level 100 mini but she's poorly geared
- I come with a 100 level hunter (the hubby)
- I'm a casual player.
- I'm very sarcastic and love to laugh (yeah, I'm a real person). :D
- I'm a nerd gamer gurl.
What I'm looking for:
- ACTIVE players. Holy cow, why is this so hard to find?
- A kinship that gears up yet enjoys the occasional old run (i.e. The Rift, etc)
- Friendly.
You can find me online on Landroval as Lilybella or message me here.
Returning player looking for a kinship
Character name: Qavah
Server: Brandywine
Timezone: USA central time
MMO past history: LoL, Perfect World, SWTOR, ESO (currently only occasionally playing LoL and ESO)
A little about me: I'm a gamer girl who just started playing lotro again after a year of being away I played for two years on Riddermark before I quit where I have two lvl 85s (burg and hunter) and one lvl 81. (lore-master) I do plan to have them moved to brandywine eventually. I am a laid back and caring person but also very competitive when challenged. I am online just about every day or at least every other day. My play style is mainly soloing but I also enjoy grouping and am more then happy to help out in any way I can with anything. I'm looking for an active kin with a fun atmosphere that does pretty much a little of everything and does events that involve everyone. ( I joined a kin once that only cared about the lvl 60s and above which really bothered me so this is a must)
To contact PM me on here or send me a tell on Qavah. Thanks so much!
Returnin player looking for a kinship - Dwarrowdelf
Hello all,
Character name : Coileen (Human/champion)
Lvl 48 (and increasing :) )
Playstyle : Usually solo. Willing to learn others.
I like helping fellow kin members :) Quite loyal, too.
I really don't know what to write here, I was in a kinship for a long time, but I couldn't play for 8 months, so I guess I'm kicked out. Got a new shiny computer and keyboard, so I'm planning to dedicate with myself and become VIP.
Please pm in game.
Hello Ive been playing on a couple different servers for a while now. Im coming back to my older toons on nimrodel. Im looking for a kin that still runs alot of endgame content or roving threats. Or just skirms and instances for that matter. Just looking for people to group with and help out from time to time.
My Toons are at level cap or close and guilded crafters. I have other toons as well that area variety of levels. Mostly i play light armour classes and i enjoy healing as well. My main toons on this server are Thorogil-LM and Thorobil-RK
When i log ing i log Thorogil first, so if your going to send mail please send it to him.
Looking For Kinship On Evernight
I'm looking to join a kinship.......especially if there are members who like to do the Moors.
I have 7 Alts including a 100 Champ and Mini. I also have all of the crafting vocations fully leveled to Westemnet and would be willing to share.
I've never been in a kinship before.....I've pretty much soloed through everything.
I'm on Evernight......EST but I can play during the day sometimes.
My name is George and my age is ancient. My Character contact is Ravenbrooke
Hello to you all, I hope that as you read this your day is going well and continues to go as such.
My name is Jacob, My Character's name will be Seldion, A Human Captain.
I'm 27 years old and am a active video gamer, Mostly online but I do enjoy playing to my self from time to time.
I am looking to get heavily into the game and I am trying to find a kinship to join on a server before I do.
I am looking for a heavily active guild with lots of players that are on in the US time zone of Eastern Coast.
I don't need that much help as I am a quick learner and have played the game a bit before, I am just looking to share the adventure with people and enjoy my game time.
My play style changes really, but I mostly like to play the support role, Healer or Tank, As a Captain I'd play the Support role of Buffs and Off Heals.
Reason any Kinship would want me is I am a friendly, open minded individual that enjoys being around people, and willing learn and adapt quickly.
Thank you for taking the time to read this, I hope it wasn't to boring, Hope to see some in game soon!
Looking for a kinship on any server
Hi all,
I'm looking for a friendly and active kinship to be a part of. I'm coming back to the game after a hiatus and am still f2p (my last attempt years ago stalled and I believe it's because I didn't have a kinship to interact with). I'm interested in trying out various classes, crafting with a hope to have my kin use my items (and with help from the kin!), and helping others enjoy the game.
Unfortunately though, the time I can spend online are pretty limited due to family constraints. I'd like a kin with a decent out-of-game channel of communication like with an active forum so I can contribute even when not gaming.
I'm also looking for a group that has other lower level characters that I can play with.
I'm currently running a couple of characters on Gladden and Brandywine, but am very willing to start a new character on another server if needed. I'm on Pacific time.
If you'd like to send me an in-game mail, Rilphor on Gladden is where I can be reached most often.
Looking for Brandywine kin
Hi. How are you? Thanks for dropping by. I am a 57 year old semi-retired, disabled, bipolar attorney. Really. I am looking for a fun kin (Brandywine) that is about having people/friends to play with. I am not looking for an ersatz online family; just a bunch of fun people. I have been playing since open beta with a few lengthy breaks from the game. My mains are Abagadol, a really handsome, debonair RK; and, Moonsugarr, a doughty Hobbit minstrel that has, thus far, only done DPS (can you say Glass cannon?) I don't have BB ranks, but, I am willing to learn. (Will you send me someplace special?) If you are at least interested in conversing with me, send me a PM here or look for me in-game.
Your name, or character name and race: Willowsworth, Hobbit, Guardian
Age: 23
Preferred server: Landroval
Location: USA eastern daylight time
Playstyle: I want to get into some pve Rp.(Currently reading Lord of the Rings.)
MMO games you’ve played: WOW
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I am one of the nicest and friendliest people you'll ever meet. I take pride in my good nature. ;)
What kind of kinship you are looking for: I'm a nub. So please be willing to bare with me as I have no idea how to play the game.
P.S If you are interested in what I can bring then P.M me here on the forums.
Name: Chris/Beranvar/Ceniwar/Fornarr/Freldoc (Beo/Hunter/Guard/Burg)
Age: 14
Server:Brandywine (just moved from Landroval, so my characters are low-level atm)
Location: USA (CST)
Playstyle: Mostly solo
Why a kinship would want me: I can't offer much in the area of resources but I do offer good conversation (according to my friends at least haha). I follow directions and am open-minded. Many hours of LotRO experience, not many other games though. I do warn you, I am only a free-to-play player right now, though I have bought the Beorning, currency cap, Evendim, Misty Mountains, two extra slots, and I'm buying the Moria expansion soon.
What kind of kinship I am looking for: I'd like to join a Christian or at least family-friendly kinship that doesn't swear or use crass humor, things like that. Just mainly a group of friends to chat with while I do my adventuring :D
If you are wanting to recruit me, send mail to Beranvar. See you in Middle-earth!
Looking for a Kin
Healing is a preference of the habitual voyeur of what is known as (raidlife)
A morning rez can be avoided if you take a route straight through what is know as (raidlife)
John’s got raiders droop, he gets intimidated by the dirty hobbitsis, they love a bit of it! (raidlife)
Who’s that Burglar marching, you should stay in the heal zone mate, get some extra healz!
All the people, so many people
and they all need extra heals, heals and heals through their….. Raid life
Know what I mean?
I get up when I want except on Wednesdays when I get rudely awakened by the Guardian, (raidlife)
I put my robe on, have a cup of tea and I think about leaving the kin house (raidlife)
I heal the tanks, I sometimes heal the wardens too, it gives me a sense of enormous wellbeing (raidlife)
And then I’m happy for the rest of the day safe in the knowledge there will always be a piece of my heart devoted to it (raidlife)
All the people, so many people
and they all need extra heals, heals and heals through their….. Raidlife
It’s got nothing to do with your vorsprung dwarf technik you know,
And it’s not about you kiters who go round and round and round
All the people, so many people
and they all need extra heals, heals and heals through their….. Raid life
Panthan on Gladden.
Long-Time Player Seeking Home
Name: Sephrin / Drachis / Tristral / Solenos / Solenus / Mitren / Rathmar / Nathis / Andestis / Haldegren (Guard / RK / Hunter / LM / Minstrel / Cap / Beor / Ward / Burg / Champ)
Age: 33
Server: Windfola (born and raised)
Location: California
Playstyle: I've tended to play solo for the most part these past couple years but I'm attempting to remedy that. :)
Why a kinship would want me: I tend to be pretty easygoing in temperament and I'm pretty much adaptable in terms of what I play (fine playing the tank, the healer, or just dps'ing whatever has a symbol over its head). I used to run raids and dungeons as a tank pre-Mirkwood and a healer/dps'er during Mirkwood but alas, time marched on and I found myself wandering the big world on my own since then. I'm aware that Windfola has a limited shelf life at this point but all the same it would be fun playing with others once to it's inevitable conclusion and beyond.
I'm 28, in the Pacific Standard Time zone, and looking for some RP kinships or groups to join on a few toons on Landroval. If interested in any of them, send mail to them in-game or to my main Andithael (I don't RP on her, but I log in most regularly on her, so it's most likely to be seen there).
Caedred: High 40s burg, man of Rohan. Currently in Moria. He left his hometown of Cliving years ago after being wrongfully accused of stealing a horse. He is slowly making his way back home now after spending several years in Evendim and North Downs, as something of an honorary Ranger. He's also an accomplished member of the Jeweler's Guild. Would like to quest and RP with a small group of other Men (and perhaps an Elf or Dwarf, if it's played well and there's a good reason why an Elf or Dwarf would want to join a group of Men), on a semi-regular basis, leveling together and such. So if you have any toons in the Moria range that might want to join up with Caed, let me know!
Fynndryn: Capped champion, Man of Rohan. Would like to RP in Rohan with other high level Rohirrim on occasion. He is Caedred's older brother and has always been more highly regarded than his brother.
Thoddo: Level 26 hobbit yeoman. Owns an inn in the Michel Delving neighborhoods (4 Brookbank in Farcleeve). I intend to have a monthly RP event at the tavern, predominately for Hobbits, though anyone is welcome. I've been sidetracked with real life lately, so kind of dropped the ball. Hopefully I'll be able to organize another event sometime in September. Any other hobbits want to join the staff (it's currently just me), shoot me a message. Cooks and farmers preferred, to help stock the tavern, but it's not required or anything.
Calbrent: Low level Man hunter. Don't have much of a story in mind for him at the moment. He's a huntsman and woodworker from Bree-land. Like Caedred, this is a toon that I'd like to RP and quest with (as opposed to Thoddo who is just lazing about the Shire and Fynn, who will be patrolling Rohan).
RP style I'm looking for:
For RP purposes, I don't care to RP with hobbits outside of the Shire and Bree-land/Trestlebridge area. I'm not super strict about lore in general, but one of the things I do try to stick to is the attitudes the various races of Middle-earth have towards each other. That doesn't mean those racial divisions cannot be overcome, but it should be a point of the RP/story for that to happen then. Not just a random Elf that is super cool with everyone, etc. The mixed race company of the Fellowship was unique in Middle-earth. In this vein, hobbits being nonadventurous home-bodies is important to me.
Some RP issues that are not important to me, personally, are things like game mechanics. I don't expect you to walk everywhere instead of run or only eat at camps or not cast certain skills, etc. I also don't care if you want your character to know any of the actual LOTR characters, as long as you don't take it too far. But realistically, if you're a hobbit from Hobbiton, then you'd probably have met Frodo and Bilbo a couple times. Probably went to their birthdays. If you're from Mirkwood, you could be acquainted with Legolas, etc. Don't pretend your Elrond's secret lover, but I don't care if you're loosely associated with someone. No one is aware of the Fellowship or was present at the Council of Elrond, though.
So send mail in-game to Andithael or to the toon you're interested in RPing with.
Deveras(Main/Elf/Hunter/100)Dealas(Hobbit/Burglar35)Eldhar(Beoring/17)Elthodhril(Elf/Lore Master/43)
Endrodhol(Elf/Rune Keeper/38)Thangli(Dwarf/Champion/25)Teoma(Elf/Minstrel/17)Open
Preferred server(s)All but Teoma are on Evernight, Teoma is on Laurelin
Location. Eastern US, as close to this as possible
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter
MMO games you’ve played: This, Guildwars, Old Republic, Star Trek Online, paths of exile
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?:Friendly active player, enjoy coming on and playing for a few hours, sometimes most of the day.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters):Looking between Laurelin and Evernight server, trying to decide when the transfer is open which to move all my toons to. I would have loved to move to a US server, however that is not an option.
Your name, or character name and race: Skardhall - Level 100 Dwarf Guardian. Also have a few others below level 25.
Age: 31
Preferred server: Landroval
Location:US Central timezone
Playstyle: Mainly solo, but I want to do more group activities. Interested in instances/raiding, pvmp, completionist activities, socializing, learning and helping others with things, some crafting. More casual than hard
MMO games you’ve played: A lot, haha. Everquest, WoW, EVE Online, SWTOR, Lotro (returning after I left right after HD came out), various MUDs
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I have a lot of MMO experience overall and do know how to play the basic roles for group content for a number of classes. I usually pick up things pretty quickly and enjoy a good challenge. I'm fairly active and can contribute with helping other kinmates when I can. Also, I love crafting!
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): Mainly one that is mature and fun, first and foremost. Secondly, one that does some sort of active group content. As I am just coming back after a lengthy time away, I would prefer one that would be willing to help me get up to speed on things as well, since I just hit 100 recently.
Your name, or character name and race (if known):Saelne,lvl 8 Woman Archer
Age: (some kinships have real life age limits)31
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.):Crickhollow
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.):New Brunswick,Canada(current time here is 3:11 pm)
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.):Solo mainly,but I do like engaging in raids and dungeons with others. I care more about the journey towards end game than the destinaton. I'm not very experienced in RP or PvP.
MMO games you’ve played:WoW,Lotro,Star Wars:The Old Republic,Runescape
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?:Not sure how to answer this one. I would hope to be a valuable asset to your kinship,and I can gather resources for other members. You name it,I'll go collect it!
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters):One that I can enjoy being in,and one that I can remain in seeing as how I'm a F2P member. One thing is that my connection is very unpredictable so if I disappear without warning you'll know why.
Your name, or character name and race (if known):Saelne,lvl 8 Woman Archer
Age: (some kinships have real life age limits)31
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.):Crickhollow
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.):New Brunswick,Canada(current time here is 3:11 pm)
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.):Solo mainly,but I do like engaging in raids and dungeons with others. I care more about the journey towards end game than the destinaton. I'm not very experienced in RP or PvP.
MMO games you’ve played:WoW,Lotro,Star Wars:The Old Republic,Runescape
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?:Not sure how to answer this one. I would hope to be a valuable asset to your kinship,and I can gather resources for other members. You name it,I'll go collect it!
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters):One that I can enjoy being in,and one that I can remain in seeing as how I'm a F2P member. One thing is that my connection is very unpredictable so if I disappear without warning you'll know why.
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Hoda (Character name) level 80 Man Loremaster (at time of posting).
Age: 19
Preferred server: Landroval
Location. : Wisconsin
Playstyle. : Mostly solo because I dont know anyone to play with but interested in group stuff
MMO games you’ve played: Just lotro
Why kinships should be interested in you. : I like to help people so if anyone needs anything I would be willing to try and help if I can.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. : One that is casual and mature.
Your name, or character name and race: Skardhall - Level 100 Dwarf Guardian. Also have a few others below level 25.
Looking for Israeli kinships/players to socialize with
Age: 26
Preferred server: Arkenstone
Location:Israel, GMT +02:00
Playstyle: solo, group, instances/raiding, socializing, crafting.
MMO games you’ve played: Only LoTRO
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: Haven't seen players from my country, so mostly looking to socialize, have 10 toons in another kin with all 45+!
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): Looking for a mature kin.
Character: Level 43 Hunter, Silverwood of the 7 stars, Elf
Lifetime Subscription since 2007
Age: 59
Preferred server: Only on Arkenstone
Location: New Zealand GMT+12 suit Aussie, Late Night USA (English Only)
Playstyle: Solo, Group, PvE, PVE RAIDs, Crafter
MMO games you’ve played: To many to list.
What kind of kinship you are looking for: Mature PVE
Can use Teamspeak, Vent, Mumble, Skype (Perfer Teamspeak)
Arkenstone Kins?
I am looking to transfer to Arkenstone when/if the transfers from Silverlode eventuate.
I have 5 characters on Silverlode that I am looking to transfer:
Bazzag - Elf Champion - Level 100
Rasbarnor - Man Hunter - Level 100
Rasithiel - Woman Captain - Level 100
Sloddhi - Dwarf Rune Keeper - Level 100, and
Rastenor - Elf Warden - Level 69
I also have a Man Guardian (Rasburton) - Level 30, on Arkenstone that I started as an introduction to that world.
I am very mature (mid-50's) but love playing the game and have been a VIP for a little over 3 years now. I am located in Perth, Australia, so would love to hear from any Oceania-based Kin's so that I can have a few Kinnies around when I am logged in.
I have enjoyed mostly solo play, but that is mainly because the Kin I was in on Silverlode didn't have many in my timezone. When the world closures were announced, our Kin Leader closed down the Kin, leaving everyone to their own devices. Having played mostly solo, I am sure that there are many experiences in-game that I haven't yet had, and I would enjoy having the opportunity to join in group fellowships with some of my new Kin.
I'm not really sure what I can offer to any prospective Kins, but I spend a LOT of time in game and will always be ready to help out where I can.
Hardcore Raider (w/ Top 5 WW Experience) LF Hardcore Raiding Kinship
Your name, character name, race (if known):
Luke, Unknown, Unknown (For reasoning below)
Preferred server(s):
Willing to play on any (for the reasons below)
United Kingdom (GMT 0)
Hardcore raiding (Casual outside of raid time)
MMO's played + Achievements:
- LotRO - Played this game religiously for 3 years since launch, learned the ins + outs quickly. Always returned.
- EverQuest I - First MMO I played, started off casual then I discovered raiding. Raided hardcore at the age of 12 for 2 years, resulting in 2 consecutive years of Server 1st on Antonius Bayle.
- EverQuest II - After raiding hardcore for 2 years in EQ I, I moved onto EQII, raided hardcore for <Black Flag> on Freeport (Server 1st) before transferring to Splitpaw to raid with <Validus> for half a year (#3 Worldwide), was then approached by officers in <Equilibrium> (Worldwide #1) and raided with them ever since (1.5 years) until bust.
- World of Warcraft - Raided hardcore on an off, never a game I really stuck to.
Why kinships should be interested in you / What do you offer kinships?:
In a Kinship, I am a loyal, hardworking and helpful member. I graft to hit targets the guild expects of me, I take time to research and test, finding alternatives and better possibilities, After playing hunter in the highest tier within Mines of Moria, I discovered such alternatives.
However, as an individual I feel I am very versatile, I am able to mold any role a guild seeks to complete a raid team and make it mine (hence leaving my Class/race as 'unknown'), I am keen for constructive criticism and keen to show that my past experience has payed the price into fitting into the hardest of raid guilds. I am a serious but friendly player, If you happen to be interested in recruiting me, please by all means PM mean and we can discuss which classes you urgently need. I am more than willing to play any class.
What kind of kinship you are looking for?:
I am looking for a hardcore raid kinship, a guild who raid a few nights a week but are also active outside out raid time for grouping and socializing.
Outside of raid I like to enjoy all aspects of the game such as events, crafting, collecting and even PvP (sometimes).
If you're interested in what you have seen above and would like more information, message me! I don't bite.
Characters: Sigmaer Level 31 Captain, Malevanor Level 32 Elf Hunter, Faengil Level 31 Elf Warden, Runorkeld Level 25 Dwarf Rune-keeper
Age: 45
Preferred server: Arkenstone
Location: PST, evenings on weekdays mornings on weekends (though other times on weekends could be arranged)
Playstyle: Solo, Group, PvE, PVE RAIDs, Crafter
MMO games you’ve played: Asheron's Call, Wow, Eve, Fallen Earth, SWtoR, SWG, Tabula Rasa, and many others
What kind of kinship you are looking for: Casual PvE
3 players seeking a mature adult kin AND new server home
myself, my partner, and my best friend game on Dwarrowdelf, which is closing. We are seeking a new server and in the process, i think finding a great kin on that server may be the deciding factor.
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Ordarthin (Elf Warden), Ingrassost (Human LM)
Age: (some kinships have real life age limits): 39, 40, and 41
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): You tell me
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): Eastern US
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.): group, PvE, casual, and a sprinkling of RP (crying over dead NPCs, roaring at Mazog in the epic, etc.), and we love to craft items to help others.
MMO games you’ve played: Just LoTRO
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?:
We help other kin-mates (taking time out of our plans if a kinmate asks for help. And we take the time to educate them on their toon, game mechanics, an instance they are struggling with, etc. We expect the same from the kin we join.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters):
Because getting groups is a logistical challenge (synchronicity in both goals, intent, level, motivation, and most importantly, TIME), the 3 of us tend to game together in the evenings after long professional work hours during the week. However, we are disappointed that we cannot find a kin that does 6-man instances, 6-man skirmishes, and 12-man raid content "for fun" on weekends. Since time is so critical, looking for a kin that's established and puts up a raid calendar or polls allowing members to better self-organize for weekend runs (hey this weekend, doing isengard from 7-10am. sign up if you are interested so we know how many groups will be doing the content).
We would like to experience that content with a group of mature (educated, sane, level-headed, professional) individuals that will educate us on the nuances of the instance or learn with us (trying several times if need be). We like a challenge, so having 3 level 100s blast through the enemies while we face roll / follow is boring as hell and teaches us nothing on how to play our role better in a group setting, follow raid assists, etc.
We don't have headsets or RAZR gaming mice. We're casual gamers that just want to experience all the content lotro has. Each of us has multiple toons at different levels. My partner and I have level 90 toons, but most of our others are in the late 60 to 70s range right now.
And for the game world, we're looking for a server where the auction house is always full of crafting supplies and other odds and ends at reasonable prices. 60 gold for 100 scarn. NOT reasonable. Looking for crafters that can make epic relics for the kin, or best in armor, etc.
Let us know where we should begin looking/applying. Dwarrowdelf is closing soon.
Greetings! I'm a returning player from several years ago, and I've started fresh back on Landroval (my original and only server). I'm looking for a mature, active Kin to call home, for the purposes of conversation, fellowship, and possible future raiding (raiding not a requirement, just curious). My wife and I have started several classes to duo together, but I'm online with my Guardian main 70% of the time. Thanks in advance for any response!
Character name and race: Serevoth, 45 Guardian
Age: 46 *sigh*
Location. PST
Playstyle. Solo, Duo, Fellow, PvE, RAIDs, Casual, Crafter
MMO games you’ve played: Most! It'd be easier to list those I haven't played.
Why kinships should be interested in you: I'm friendly, love to help Kinnies (especially when it comes to crafting items), and am occasionally very funny. I generally get along with everyone!
Looking for kin, choosing server by it
Your name, or character name and race (if known):
Taonuviel, elf
Age: (some kinships have real life age limits)
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.):
One of the remaining U.S. servers
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.):
Michigan, U.S. Eastern time, on often, but not early morning
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.):
I tend to do solo quests, but have joined groups for quests and skirmishes. Am interested in RP but not all the time. Had been enjoying crafting - light/medium armor.
MMO games you’ve played:
This. Some others that aren't memorable. Some zOMG when it came out, but I couldn't get far if I felt like going solo, and the site in general was really more for teens.
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?:
Have played the game, almost to lvl 70 when 75 was highest, enjoyed helping other players, did crafting for kin members free + any needed materials. Never cause trouble.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters):
Active, enough paying members to do VIP skirmishes regularly, mixture of player levels. Appreciate use of microphone, whether in-game and/or outside program, used both in past. (TeamSpeak)
Looking for kin EU servers, LGBT friendly, English or German
Characters: champ-main, alts: minstrel, lore-master, rune-keeper, warden, guardian, captain, hunter, beorning
Preferred server(s): Laurelin and other EU- servers for English or German speakers
Location: CET (central european time)
Playstyle: Solo, group, PvE, PvP, Raids
MMO: only Lotro
I am a friendly,regular,committed and loyal player
I am looking for LGBT friendly kinship that is mature and active.
If you would like more information,please send me a message.
Searching for a Landroval-based Kinship.
Quoted from the Landroval forums:
Originally Posted by
Good morning Landroval!
I've decided to return to LOTRO and spend my limited gaming time with the incredible community this server boasts. I am looking for a Kinship that I can grow alongside and enjoy this journey with.
Particulars: Haeletir Leohtbrand is a Captain hailing from Bree, who at present is level 21 and rapidly climbing. I have several alts up to level 35, but I have settled on the Captain as my main in the interest of balancing my playstyle against availability as you'll read below.
Playstyle: Completionist. I want to maximize my enjoyment of every aspect of the game, both during the leveling (adventuring!) process and at the level-cap. You will find me running with on-level fellowships, participating in festivals, crafting, completing deeds, engaging in PVMP once I'm suitably prepared and, eventually, completing end-game content. While I am not a roleplayer, I am not opposed to light roleplay by any stretch and have a great deal of respect for creativity and immersion.
Availability: Varies a great deal due to my work schedule and other commitments, but generally includes evenings and weekends when possible. To be upfront, I will often be absent for potentially lengthy periods and sometimes at random. When I'm available I tend to play in binges.
My ideal Kinship is one comprised largely of fellow completionists, or at the least one that is well represented in all of LOTRO's various activities and pursuits across all level ranges. Ideally, it is involved within the Landroval community and active as a sub-community both in-game and externally through forums or some other appropriate means of communication.
Thanks for your consideration!
looking for new kin
Good morning I play about 4 hrs a day on GMT from UK , my kin today closed 'Oceanic Warriors', in which I was an officer till today, when our leader sent this message:-
Joined: 28 Jan 2011
Posts: 161
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re: Oceanic Warriors Closing
New postby Tailspin/Klobster on Sun Jan 10, 2016 5:36 am
Up Vote
Down Vote
I believe the time has come to close the doors on Oceanic Warriors. Many of us have moved on to new things and new games, and rather than stay and aggravate those still left with half-hearted leadership, it is best to finish up.
If you have points in the essence bank, contact Makii or Tailspin to withdraw those form any of the current stock. We can craft some essences if they are out of stock. Let us know.
Personally I will be going to Ark. As my RL work starts again from next week, I'm really only going to have time for one game. You can still find me on the Team Speak many nights there.
Thank you to all who were part of the experience. I wish you the best in whatever you are doing from now.
- Tailspin'
I look forward to a new year, where people like myself, enjoy the game, I am mainly concentrating on pvp at moment, and doing little pve, have 4 100's 1 maxed to everything, 3 capable of running in T2 content rc grind at moment, but rarely do as it is boring once you know it:-( , and because since tailspin left in june, then returned in december, I have only run it couple times both times i was on last boss, and something in RL came up for 1 of participants , had to leave, we were on last occasion at 250k left on his health.
I look forward to someone answering here, and joining a kin, who has the energy, and ability to do most things in game well, a 8 year veteran in april I have the knowledge and all crafts are maxed before MT, have currently 3 maxed on Anorian.
Hugs to all former member s of OW, and associates, and also to all former members of Dragonfly, where I spent 2 great years, till we split in two over leadership issues ( who wanted to be leader and who was appointed leader by former leader donni) gl i9n New year everyone, and see you in Moors and MT area.
Any active Christian Kinships around?
I am looking for some like-minded people who are casual raiders and are currently an active kin.
Looking for kinship on Brandywine
Character Name: Heatherun
Character Race: Boering (reached level 16 this morning)
Age: 42
Location: Canada MST time zone
Playstyle: Up for anything, but currently playing the game casually.
MMO's played: Warhammer Age of Reckoning, Star Wars Old Republic, DDO (still playing), DCUO, WoW (3 sessions then quit), LoTRO (for about 4-6 months before stopping)
I am not sure how much I can contribute to a kinship since I have never played in a serious one. The one I was part of when I last played was with a few friends and we grouped for PVE, crafted items for one another, and shared what information we found that the others were lacking. I am looking to eventually try some of the raids in game and some of the other epic and larger content and would like to think I am able to contribute reasonably to any kinship group/party that I would be a part of.
I am looking for a kinship that is not very hardcore at this time and is accepting of a casual player starting over slowly in that game that will play maybe 1-2 days a week. Also I am looking to find players that have a fairly decent level of knowledge of the game that may be able to answer any questions I may have about the game and its systems. I am just looking to have funa nd hope to find like minded players.
Thanks to any kinships from Brandywine that take the time to read and consider me as a potnetial member.
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Behil (76 Warden), Aaman (100 Burglar), Belele (55 Captain), several more... Your best bet for getting in contact with me is to send me a PM here on the forums or an in-game mail on one of these characters.
Age: 30
A bit about me: I'm a returning player new to Crickhollow looking to join a smaller kinship. I've played LOTRO off and on since 2009, mostly during SoM and RoR (before they released the RoR instance cluster). I've come back now and then but haven't stuck. That's mostly because of the Burg changes in the last few years. I'm leveling some new characters this time around!
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): Crickhollow
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): East Coast. I play from 8-10 est.
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.): I really enjoy the group content in LOTRO, that's probably why I keep coming back. Some of the best times I've had in MMOs were here in LOTRO running three and six person instances. That said, I'm not a hardcore gamer. I'm not into progression chasing and I'm not all about gear.
DPS has never been my thing in MMOs. Healing and tanking are what I enjoy most, in that order probably. I'm leveling my Warden, Captain and a new Minstrel this time around.
MMO games you’ve played: I've played a ton of MMOs, but the only others that I've invested significant time into are SWTOR, Guild Wars 2 and Final Fantasy XIV.
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I'll never leave you hanging on instance night! If I signed up, then I'll be there!
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): Small, chill, and into grouping up a couple times a week. Call it a healthy mix of solo leveling and group instances!
I'm usually not a huge fan of guilds/kinships that have a ton of rules just for the sake of having them. HOWEVER, I know how important having some ground rules can be for a guild. I'm most interested in Kinships that, one way or another, prohibit members from being jerks on the internet. If your members like the isms (racism, sexism, etc.), I'm not interested!
Character Name: Erama
Character Race: Elf
Age: mid 40's
Location: Abilene TX
Playstyle: very casual
MMO's played: DDO , LoTRO
Work for a fairly large Cable provider as an engineer and have a very busy schedule. I like to relax and have fun in MMO's for down time. I am not a serious gamer just a wannabe...
I play just not hard core. Helpful and good sense of humor. I am just gettinig back into the game so started over just to get used to it again.
Contact me if you have a Kinship that would be willing to accept some one of my casual status, I am on Brandywine server looking for a kinship.
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Charp
Age: (some kinships have real life age limits): In my 20s.
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): Crickhollow
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): PST
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.): Somewhat casual, primarily solo. Love to group up tho for instances etc. I don't have much raid experience. Definitely not big on RP in MMOs (I play DnD irl, mind you). My play time will vary due to real life stuff that probably should take priority over LOTRO. Crafting is always a good time, my main character is a tinkerer.
MMO games you’ve played: Uhh other than LOTRO I've probably spent the most time playing Tibia, n then WoW. I've sampled a plethora of lackluster F2P anime-style MMOs as well but none really stuck. Other non-RPG MMOs as well, like Age of Empires II.
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I'm a little rusty, but I'm decent at heals if you ever are desperate for a min like me. I'm also super easy going and typically down to grind deeds with whoever or just to lend an extra hand here n there. Sure could use a little help myself from time to time! You won't want to have me around if you're easily offended or if your kin is looking to recruit hardcore members. I don't have much of a filter and I'm way too easily distracted to get very serious about much of anything - these things are true of both my online n offline selfs.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): Casual but active, friendly folks who are down to shoot the breeze every now and again. A smaller kinship would be preferred, I tend to get overwhelmed the few times I've joined big kins/guilds. Y'all gotta be helpful, too, 'cause share n share alike is what I always says. I also always appreciate a dash or a sprinkle of organization, participating in ickle kinship events is a blast.
**pls mail or msg me in-game. If Charp's not online I might be running around the Shire on Nicotina. Cheers!
Your name, or character name and race (if known): I have 9 toons - all from lvl 11 to 33
Age: 30-40
Preferred server: Brandywine
Location: PST. I play after 10PM on most nights
Playstyle. Solo, PvE, casual:
MMO games you’ve played: DDO, Neverwinter, WoW, etc, etc
I'm looking for more of a levelling kinship. Most kinds are full of people who are lvl 80 and up. Or not playing when I am able to play. Would love to find a kin with active toons in the same range as me
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Icebox, Man (hunter)
Age: 28
Preferred server(s), if any.: Withywindle
Location. : UK GMT
Playstyle. : Returning player looking for others to game with and level up a little quicker, PvE, Group, 20 hours a week or so i usuall play somtimes a bit longer depending on real life.
MMO games you’ve played: Archeage, Defiance, others that i cant remember lol
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: Friendly, helpful, mature player
What kind of kinship you are looking for. I'm looking for a mid-sized PvE kinship with mature individuals with similar goals. I'm interested in playing the game and exploring the world at a reasonable pace. On the topic of RP: RP is cool with me so long as it is action oriented RP.
Character name: Raffles / Hobbit / Burglar
Age: 36
Preffered server: I'm open to any server really. I'm based in the EU but I've had a look at the servers activity and either US or EU would be fine. I'm currently on Landroval (I feel an RP server might provide a better community but more than willing to proved wrong) but happy to create a new character somewhere else.
Location: Scotland
Playstyle? Mostly solo but absolutely willing to get involved in grouping, events etc.
MMO games you’ve played? Most of the bigger ones and a few of the more indie ones too. Very experienced.
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships? I'm an easy going chap, new to the game (though I played for a few months in 2009). I'm always willing to get involved and lend a hand!
What kind of kinship you are looking for? A fairly casual, newcomer friendly guild would be great. I'm still learning the games systems and just now its all about exploration and taking it slow.
Thank you all!
Maelefin, Elf, Hunter
Age: 40
Server: Gladden
Location: North America, Canada, Québec, Montréal
Playstyle: Mostly solo
MMORPGs played: WWC a little, GW2 from time to time, DDO a while back
What do you offer kinships?: Mature, serious, casual gamer
What kind of kinship you are looking for?: A rank 10 kinship with members that could sell me the crafted goods i need. I don't want to have to create a bunch of toons just for crafting and crafting seems to be the only way to get decent equipment.
Seeking new friends
Your name: John
Age: Adult, WELL above legal voting age. *ahem*
Preferred server: Currently parked in Arkenstone. Would try to move for the perfect kinship.
Location: EST
Playstyle: Solo, mostly, out of necessity, but I truly miss the camaraderie of a kin. Like to RP, if someone is into it. Very casual. I tend to be able to play only a few times a month. Work, family, local friends all take precedence.
MMO games you’ve played: Mostly this one. Short stints with EveOnline, WoW. But I've been playing LotRO since Beta. In fact, the Progenitor of this thread was one of my kinmates. Miss him terribly.
What do you offer kinships?: A friend who will stop playing an involved questline to help a kinmate upon request. I do tend to see kinmates as friends, even though we never might meet. I still keep up with the people in my kin who have left the game.
What kind of kinship you are looking for: Most importantly, respectful people. Trolls and juveniles will have me in their face with very civil but direct rebuttal to any disrespectful or vulgar comments, whether directed at me or another, and then they will be blocked. I want to play with people who truly like this world and its players. Sadly, I cannot commit as much time as many hardcore raid kinships will demand. That said, I usually have a couple of days a week where I can set aside a bit of time on a somewhat regular basis. Will somewhat depend upon how much I love playing with the people I get to interact with.
That I am VIP with only one toon at cap might tell you something. I am in no hurry to get to endgame. I intend to enjoy the ride more than getting to a destination.
I really do love the world Turbine created. I even have a friend or two in the dev teams.
The reason I'm now looking for a new home is that the kinship I currently still belong to has all but disappeared. Key officers and leaders all had ineluctable life demands put upon them in a short span of time, and the kinship quickly dried up.
I have stayed with them as long as I could, hoping the leaders would be able to get back to it and recruit again. I did a bit of recruiting at first, but the people who came needed leaders with lots of time to devote to the game. That just wasn't me.
What I need from a kinship is people who love to laugh. At me, at themselves, at the world. I want to make a place in a kinship where I will be remembered and thought of with affection.
Okay. Posting this. Let's see who bites.
i am looking for a kinship that has a voice chat of some kind. i am a old player coming back and starting over.