Looking for Nation
Since the transfers I find myself in an awkward situation.
I am a nearly fifty (later this year) old gamer who has played LoTRO off and on since the original Beta. I have many hours in UO since 98 and love all aspects of group play, as well as solo questing for the feel of the story. Happy to help younger or less experienced gamers learn their traits or a playstyle that conforms to character selection and group needs. Most comfortable in a streaming voice data environment.
I have four characters on Silver that still need a home. Lvl 79 Cappy, and then Lore Master, Minstril, and Champion all in the low thirties. I also have a starter Guardian on Gladden.
Optimally, I would like to reunite with old guildmates (Warsong Nation), or find a new group that is of similar calibur and focus (Some, non mandatory, pvmp and regular opportunities for grouping at most levels, end game and, bringing along newer players) If the group seems to be about enjoying the game I am likely to fit in nicely.
I do PvP, Group, solo questing, and instanced play, and don't mind crafting.
Please contact via PM with info about your group or Nation as the case may be.
Looking for Kinship Hispano - Buscnado Kinship Hispano
MAIN CHAR: Jaragorns(CHP lvl 85) and other characters (WRD 70, RK 50, CPT 30, MNS 30, HTR 30) I don't remember exactly (LAST JOIN ON LOTRO 2013)
28 years old
My last Kinship Southern Cross (VILYA) , I read on Londroval Server have kinship hispano. Any other great kin or server for players hispano. (Have other account friends to back lotto).
(GMT-5 Chile) (GMT-3 Colombia)
Group, RAIDs, SK...
Looking for Kinship with people hispana for talking on RAID. On my last kinship, we can't go some RAID because don't understand instructions for the RAID.
Looking for a kinship in Gwahair
Hi everyone.
I am looking for an active kinship, where I can find fellow members all around Middle Earth so we can do quests etc. together.
I am playing without using money, so things are not so advanced/fancy. I have unlocked Evendim and North Downs so far, and am now saving points for Trollshaws.
I am not a steady/regular player myself, but when I find the time to play I spend considerable time on it in one go. Mostly I am a loner, but I also enjoy doing quests together.
I am generally working on quests, but I also keep track of the book of deeds to cross some things off that list, esp. for points.
Some info about my character in Gwahair:
- name: Nertherin
- female
- elf
- lvl 40
- hunter
- ranger (job)
Hope to be gaming with some of you guys together soon.
Bye, Mindigon
Your name, or character name and race: My real name is Chels, and my character is an Elf Hunter, Ivrel.
Age: 20
Preferred server(s), if any: Arkenstone
Location: Malaysia, GMT +8
Playstyle: I'm largely a solo player, but I do understand that some of the really fun content can only be done in groups, which I've never tried/done before! It'd be interesting to learn group battle strategies c: I'm a low-key completionist of sorts (haha!) so I love finishing deeds/quests, and I do enjoy sightseeing and exploring the world. The lore and immersive experience is the best part for me! I'm not much of a crafter at the moment, but I do intend to get back to it someday because I'm terribly behind on it. I'm a very relaxed kind of player, and I do in-game things at my own pace.
MMO games you’ve played: None so far.
Why kinships should be interested in you: I'm a pleasant and mature person - I generally get along well with people and have been in my fair share of forum groups (for other fandoms). I'm the kind of person who will help you if I can! As for skills, I've been writing pretty much all my life - anything from content to news to creative fiction - so I could contribute to website material, if needed. I've also just started learning how to code.
What kind of kinship you are looking for: Ideally, I'd love to be with a laid-back group who're okay with casual game-playing hours and understand real life commitments do get in the way. A kin that doesn't pressure its members to be chatty all the time or take part in every single group activity, seeing as I still do largely enjoy solo gameplay. I'd also love being with a kin who appreciates the beautiful universe Tolkien has crafted; I'm a huge, huge fan! :') Kin size is not an issue for me, as long as it's a tight-knit and friendly community.
Looking forward to hear from any kins that think I fit the bill! If you'd just like to get to know me first before extending an invitation, I'd be more than happy to oblige, just drop me a message. Thank you for reading!
Your name : Andy
character name and race (if known): Bregge Dwarf Guardian; Brithien - Elf Champion; Ingloriel - Elf Rune Keeper; Kylare - Human Hunter; Randicar - Halfling Hunter; Sethilorn - Elf Rune Keeper
Age: 60+
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): Arkenstone
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.):CT, USA, EST
Playstyle. : Solo, group, PvE, RAIDs, casual, RP, crafter
MMO games you’ve played:WOW, Pathfinder Online
Why kinships should be interested in you. : Long time tabletop RPGer (>30 yrs); experienced; enjoy benefits of Kinship; Helpful to new players
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): I tend to be a jack-of-all-trades, so that I can gear up new/lower level players, and help them learn the game system, even as I am learning it.
Your name, or character name and race: 2 characters that I'm looking to bring into a kinship; Thorkatla, 53 CPT; Nemirthel, 20 RK
Age: 21
Preferred server(s), if any.: Arkenstone.
Location.: I'm on Mountain time (GMT -7).
Playstyle.: I've mostly played solo but I'm looking to get into group PVE content, particularly instances and eventually raids. I'm looking for a relatively casual kinship as I don't have lots of time (I usually have several hours free on the weekend, but during the week I can't be on every day and not for long when I can). I also craft, but I'm still working on getting my crafting levels up.
MMO games you’ve played: STO, SWTOR. Currently I only play LOTRO.
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I've been playing the game for 5 years (it took me a while to figure out what I wanted to play, hence the low levels), so I'm pretty familiar with the game (except instances) up through Moria. This means I can help out new players, which I'm always willing to do. I'm friendly and always willing to help other players out as long as I have the ability to do so.
What kind of kinship you are looking for.: I'm looking for a kinship where I can start getting involved in group content and that is LGBT friendly. I'm not interested in becoming a hardcore raider because I play the game for fun and don't want it to add stress to my life. However, I do want a kinship where I can learn to run instances and raids as I find them enjoyable when people aren't overly serious about it.
Your name, or character name and race (if known): My name is Sam, my characters name is Lothlariel
Age: (some kinships have real life age limits): 39
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): Landroval
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): Idaho, USA (Mountain time)
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.): I mostly solo although I do like to participate in guild events and raiding.
MMO games you’ve played: Where should I start? Most, if not all of them. Mostly SWG, WoW, EQ/EQ2, SWTOR, LotRO
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I am a mature adult with a level head, I am very helpful and knowledgeable (although I am a bit of touch with LotRO at the moment since I have not played in a couple years)
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): I am looking for a kinship that is run by adults and has adult members. I am not interested in playing with a bunch of teenagers with no self control and no sense of what it means to be mature. I prefer to be in a well established kinship that has been around for more then a month.
Please send me a whisper in game before inviting to a kinship, any blind invites will automatically be rejected.
AZ coming back to game
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Azodnem (man guard)100 Azoris (dwarf rk) 100
Age: (some kinships have real life age limits) 37
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): Arkenstone Elendilmir transfer
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): CST
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.): Endgame preferred
MMO games you’ve played: LOTRO, WOW, SWTOR
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: Was a kin lead, officer in the past. coming back to play after an extended absence from game.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): casual raiding, organized yet not power hungry
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Lureirith, elf, loremaster
Age: (some kinships have real life age limits) 21
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info) Evernight
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): GMT
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.): Solo end-game
MMO games you’ve played: LOTRO
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: Was an officer in my current kin, it has died out and nobody really plays anymore. When it was active I used to help out lower levels and was able to give advice on certain things.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): casual mostly as I can only really be active for half the year as university takes priority the other half. Looking for some end-gane players who can provide advice about that aspect of the game as in the grand scheme of things I am still pretty new to this stage of the game and I am aware there is a lot to learn to better my character. I play solo most of the time but would be happy to play with others every now and then.
Well, my Husband and I transferred over from Elendilmir to Gladden with our kin and now the kins dead and the leader doesn't log in. Bummer...
so now we are looking for a laid back, lively kin of adult players. We don't care if we have to transfer again, more importantly we just want to find the right kin.
What we are looking for:
A lively kin that does group content of all levels, NOT just end game, and has fun when running! Yes we take our roles in a group serious but we are hardly leetist. We game to have fun, not stress, scream/get screamed at and boot people (or get booted)
A kin that doesn't have requirements like "you have to log in at least once a week or you get booted" Um...we have super busy lives, we can't commit to time constraints....we log on when we can.
A kin with a sense of humor! We like to joke around and can get pretty feisty at times. We are too old to be censored during our down time. If you can't handle some off color humor and occasional cursing...we are def not good for you.
Helpful and patient people who actually answer questions (sarcasm in the answer is more than welcomed as long as there IS in fact an answer)
What we offer:
We have lots of toons between us, mostly in their 80s and 90s...each have a 100. We do have quite a few that craft. We have no problem playing a toon thats needed since we love all that we have.
We are helpful when we can be, again, our time in game is sadly limited but we are always there to help with anything when we are on.
A sense of humor!
I have been playing lotro on and off for 8 years. I have been an officer is some kins and led others. I LOVED the days of running instances, from farming BG for the Captains Arm (I still have it in my inventory!) or CD for Helchgam's Slime (when it was actually a challenge to get) to the days of running each Moria instance for the specific gear that instance dropped. (I miss the old days lol) Sad to say that after an extended absence, I have still not quite got my groove back. All the changes STILL have me thrown, but I'm working on it. My husband is only about 3 years in. The last time I ran group content was when the Mirkwood expansion was released. I miss group play (heh). Worse still my husband has very little experience with the group content and I REALLY want him to see/experience what he's missing!
We are EST in the US
If you think we may be a good fit with your kin, please send a message
Thanks :)
. Dallevor, r5 lvl 105 elf mini ( healer ), r5 warg, r4 BA and maybe a few other toons.
. 13yrs old
. Arkenstone server
.Western Australia timezone
.Usually I do group or raid and like to pve and pvp
Why should kinships be interested in you:
I don't swear and I'm happy to help anybody if they need it. I am willing to take the advice of other more experienced players. Also I can follow the orders of the fellows leader in a group. I can heal pretty well but I'm not that good. :)
What kind of kinship are you looking for:
I am looking for a kinship that is active and that is helpful. A one that is in somewhere in Australia ( western aust prefered ). That plays in the moors as a full kinship ( not 100% nessesary but I would like to do pvp/pve with people from my kin ).
That about covers it :) If you are interested in me mail Dallevor in game. :)
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Oxydious, Hobbit
Age: (some kinships have real life age limits): I'm a 21 year old Hobbit
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): Gladden
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.):
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.):
MMO games you’ve played:I like PVE, Raids and helping others in game, I'm also a completionist so i must finish everything
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?:I'm quite active and socialable and I enjoy helping others where I can and enjoy hanging out with other memberss
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters):Active, Friendly Kinship who enjoys part taking in raids, quests and helping each other out
Casual player lookinf for kinship
Character name: Ursyla LM Elf
Age: 40ish
Preferred Server: Arkenstone
Location: USA, CT, EST
Playstyle: I am a casual and solo player. Need advice on group play though. I play mostly at night around 10 pm when I can.
MMO played: I used to play WOW. character was a Warlock lvl70
Why kinships should be interested in me: I am a mature adult who is willing to help out a kin when need.
What you are looking for in a Kin: I am looking for a causal, mature and fun kin.
I have six other toons. 3 toons are in kins and the others are not. None are max level. Levels range from 41-18.
Kadosch and Warris - Landroval Server - RP Kinship Wanted
Your name, or character name and race : My name is Rodrigo, I have two characters A Champion lvl 32 and a Warden Lvl 18, both Elf
Age: 36 years old
Preferred server(s): Landroval
Location. Brazil -3:00
Playstyle: PvE, RP, Crafter, RAID´s, Casual
MMO games you’ve played: WOW, Age Of Conan, Lineage2.
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I´m not a hardcore player, but I really like this game. I have my account for a long time, and I really like TOLKIEN lore, creations, everything. When I´m Online i really don´t care about help friends, and do it with a lot of Role PLay :)
What kind of kinship you are looking for: Role Play Kinship, friendly people, to have some fun into this incredible World.
HI All,
Just hopping back into game after a long absence, to find that my old kinship has been disbanded (we were on Meneldor); trying to find my old friends. Anyone know if Reaper of Gondor (aka Tarrenlas), Yaru (aka Arue), Trelline (aka Treline, Trelina), or Jerimo are still playing and which server they ended up on?
I am a lvl 100 rune keeper named Glomier. Would love to find my friends!
Low level cap kinship
I'm back after a small absence period. Looking for a kinship with caps at a certain level (50 preffered or 75) and does the raids weekly or bi-weekly. I got a lot of 105s and low levels and am interested in doing old content on level once again. Server not important. Hit me up in PM or here.
Your name: Beorynwulf, warden level 102 (will be 105 soon enough)
Age: 35
Server: Gladden
Location: EST, Eastern USA
Playstyle: I like to play because I like the game. I don't want to just grind. I like running the older content just as much as the new content and doing instances for fun/challenge. Trying to get into PvMP too, or Freeping as I am currently VIP.
MMO games you’ve played: ESO, FFXIV, LOTRO for five years
About me: I am getting back into the game, but I trained my warden well, and look to tank as warden if possible, or dps if not. Although I am just getting back into the game, I know my gambits well and am working on getting better gear
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): I'm a teacher and look for having a kin that is mostly mature individuals (I game to get away from that sort of drama). I am friendly, and so I would like to find friendly people willing to talk to each other and who are active in the game, not just doing everything solo. Want to run at least the featured instances once a week as a very bare minimum.
2 Experienced MMORPGers looking for a kinship
My name ( in-game) is Wod and my buddy, Zathro, and I are looking for a kinship to join. We are both human characters, I am a Minstrel, Zath is a Captain. We have been gaming for >30 years. Our server is Arkenstone. We have been playing LOTRO casually for about 7 years together. Prior to the big server migration we were in a small, casual kinship which dispersed among the new servers.
We play once or twice a week for a few hours each session, but are willing to push for a good run. We would like a helpful guild that can handle casual players. We would like one large enough so there are always players at our level (currently ~57) so we can go into instances together and have it be a challenge. Obviously we are not power leveling, and prefer to enjoy the content and like a good challenge. Zath likes crafting a lot. He is a weaponsmith. I try to keep my skills up, I am a woodworker.
I am Eastern TZ, Zath is Central TZ.
We played at the raiding level in WoW for a number of years, but were not hardcore.
We like to be helpful to our kinship members and will take time to help others.
Would love to hear via in-game mail from any kinships interested and are willing to set up a time for an interview or whatever process your kinship uses.
Thank you,
Your name, or character name and race: Shawn // Yaut - Man Warden - 21
Age: 28
Preferred server(s), if any: I am currently on Brandywine, but open to others
Location: CST, Illinois
Playstyle: I enjoy group and instance play. I've raided in most MMO's. I've never really gotten into PVP in any game.
MMO games you’ve played: Pretty much everything aside from Tabula Rasa and Star Trek. Primary ones have been Everquest, FFXI / FFXIV, WOW, Rift
Why kinships should be interested in you: I'm not new to MMO's, I've been playing them for about 14 years at this point. I enjoy the playstyle, the challenges, rewards, etc. I can be quiet when I don't know people but I enjoy making friendships with guild/kinmates. I don't like jumping around between guilds. I've played Lotro before however never really got to a point where I was able to accomplish anything. Some things have changed since I last played so I restarted a character to relearn everything.
What kind of kinship you are looking for: I'm just looking for an active friendly kinship at the moment. One that does instances together fairly often would be best. I never got a chance to do many leveling instances before while playing Lotro so if there's a lot of alts that run them that would be even better. I'm working on leveling but also trying to do most zone deeds so I'm not power leveling to 105.
Looking for large, active Kinship on Brandywine
Hi all. Coming back to the game after about a 2 year hiatus.
Character names: Nithroel - lvl 27 Minstrel, currently looking to learn the minstrel ropes.
Karzai - lvl 95 Guardian.
I was a member of Hammerfist, but notice they rarely log in any more, so I am looking for a large active guild, serious but laid back.
Interested in doing all sorts of content, including Angmar , Fornost fellowship quests (I'm a completist.)
Age: 47, LOTRO founder.
IRL name: Bill
Location: NY City
Server: Brandywine
I'm usually logged in as Nithroel.
Anyone recruiting that matches what I'm looking for, plz send me an in game mail or message.
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Caeron
Age: (some kinships have real life age limits) 47
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): Gladden
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): Eastern US
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.): Been working that out, Solo atm
MMO games you’ve played: EQ2,
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?:I play hardcore when I am online, literally several hours a night, I am a night owl due to my work schedule. I do not change my sleep schedule so my off days are spent playing. Hence if I dont accept an invite immediately, I am working
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): Active, Active Active
Originally Posted by
My name ( in-game) is Wod and my buddy, Zathro, and I are looking for a kinship to join. We are both human characters, I am a Minstrel, Zath is a Captain. We have been gaming for >30 years. Our server is Arkenstone. We have been playing LOTRO casually for about 7 years together. Prior to the big server migration we were in a small, casual kinship which dispersed among the new servers.
We play once or twice a week for a few hours each session, but are willing to push for a good run. We would like a helpful guild that can handle casual players. We would like one large enough so there are always players at our level (currently ~57) so we can go into instances together and have it be a challenge. Obviously we are not power leveling, and prefer to enjoy the content and like a good challenge. Zath likes crafting a lot. He is a weaponsmith. I try to keep my skills up, I am a woodworker.
I am Eastern TZ, Zath is Central TZ.
We played at the raiding level in WoW for a number of years, but were not hardcore.
We like to be helpful to our kinship members and will take time to help others.
Would love to hear via in-game mail from any kinships interested and are willing to set up a time for an interview or whatever process your kinship uses.
Thank you,
I sent you a PM ;)
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Justice - Sinisin, Elf Hunter
Age: 42
Preferred server(s), if any. Landroval
Location. Texas, USA - Central Time Zone
Playstyle. Solo, group, PvE, RAIDs, casual
MMO games you’ve played: Mostly WoW for 10+ years, I have been playing LOTRO off and on since beta. There is still lots I don't know
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I am looking for online interactions while roaming Middle-Earth. I am mostly looking for a mature, casual kinship that assists others and likes to enjoy the world of ME. I am a drama free player. I have a 9 month old son, so I don't get to play as much as I'd like, but I am looking for a kinship that likes to talk and get to know each other. I am not looking for a kinship that has 1000 players and no one knows who each other are. Thanks for anyone who reads this.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Hello, :) this is my first post on these forums. I’m looking for a mature, casual, social kinship. I just started playing last month but I am totally hooked. Love this game to death. The lore and story lines are wonderful. I may be new to this game but I am not new to MMOs or Tolkien Lore. I’ve seen all the LOTR and Hobbit movies and love them. I’m old, real old, ancient by gamer standards probably. :) I just got my AARP card, so that gives you a clue. At this point in my MMO career, I don’t really PvP or Raid really. I know, I know, it’s all about end game for most people but for me, when I have time to play, I use it to relax and get away from the world and maybe socialize. I love crafting, it’s a priority to me. I dabble in AH selling and do an instance now and then. Oh, and fishing, a game has to have fishing. I’m terrible at it in real life, so I make up for it online I mainly love the scenery and the lore and even role play a bit, but its not one of my strong points. I go by “Taco” on-line(that name was taken, both in game and in forum, maybe I should go by something else LOL). I started my on-line gaming career with a text based game called Dragon Gate. I think I played that for a couple of years then I played UO from 98 until about 2006, then WoW from then to 2013. Have been on Hiatus for a couple of years but have come back to try this wonderful game, unfortunately I heard rumors it’s in it’s twilight. But, I guess I will enjoy it while it lasts. I have made a half a dozen characters on Crick hollow server to try different races and classes, yes, I’m an Altaholic. LOL Lot’s of invitations from people wanting me to join there guild(Kin) but just like when people do that for parties(fellow), I don’t usually join, because I like to know what it is I'm joining and going to undertake before “I dive on in” TM. It’s like, “who are you, and what do want?”.You should introduce you're self first and explain what it is you need of me. I am located in the eastern US. I am usually in/out(I go in and out a lot if I have chores to do or things come up)game from 10am until around 7pm EST(because I work nights right now). I enjoy questing/instancing in a group, if I know what I’m doing. I don’t like the pressure of being the main healer or tank any more unless it’s with experienced people and it’s not a crazy hard objective. Like I said, I love to craft and don’t mind at all getting my own Mats. I’m not asking for items or in-game currency, just friendly banter and fun experience. I’m not a good writer, as you see the above text could be broken into several paragraphs probably. See, I’m more of a numbers person then a artsy/writer type. I took Calculus in College. That’s why I knew exactly what price to post things at auction and what number each stat and rating had on each piece of gear to be in order to compete in raids or how to calculate which moves and which spells would be best against each class in PvP. Yes, on my old games I did have characters that had top tier equipment and did top tier raids and even dabbled in Pvp but those days are behind me. I don’t need to work that hard and don’t need the stress any more. I like the fact that this game has housing, reminds me of UO. But, it’s instanced which is good and bad and a little pricey and not really needed as much. I like the shared storage and can get mounts early but don’t like the have to pay real money to get everything gimic. :rolleyes: But I guess that’s how most MMOs are now-a days, free to play, pay to win. I want to try a Beorning a Warden or Rune-keep(Oh yea, I played Runescape for a couple of years several years ago too, I forgot about that.) but have already blown though my budget my wife will allow me to spend on on-line games this month. I maybe old, but I’m not Wilford Brimley, but I’m not Charlie Sheen either, I’m somewhere in-between I guess. :p
Casual kinship
Hi, I'm a returning player after several years so I'm starting from zero. I'm a dwarf champion, name's Hiliglosi in Crickhollow. I'm looking for a casual kinship with members that like to play together now and again. I'm not a hardcore player so I don't play every day or so, but want the chance to socialize when I do since I think it's the best way to play the game. Should mention that I'm not spending any money in the game.
Thanks and hope to see more people in-game.
Originally Posted by
Hi, I'm a returning player after several years so I'm starting from zero. I'm a dwarf champion, name's Hiliglosi in Crickhollow. I'm looking for a casual kinship with members that like to play together now and again. I'm not a hardcore player so I don't play every day or so, but want the chance to socialize when I do since I think it's the best way to play the game. Should mention that I'm not spending any money in the game.
Thanks and hope to see more people in-game.
if your looking for a kinship here's a list of some good ones at http://crickhollowkins.tumblr.com/
character name: CasperTheGreat
Race: Man
Age: 26
Server: Arkenstone
Location. -8PST
Playstyle. Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs & anything else
MMO games you’ve played: I play LOTRO & Paragon
What kind of kinship I am looking for.: I am looking for a kinship for a few reasons. I want a kinship I can team up with other players throught the game. I am very interested in learning how to raid and skirmish. I am new & level 34. I need a Kinship that I can complete quests with who are a early level too like me.
I also need to join a Kinship to meet friends who play this game.
Originally Posted by
Thanks a lot. I'll check it out.
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To brazilians only / somente para os brasileiros.
Server: Arkenstone
Procura uma kinship brasileira que ainda esteja na ativa?
Mais de dois anos de existencia!
Foco na diversão!
Sem impor milhares de regras de condutas aos players!
Sem cobranças!
Galera que gosta de fazer novas amizades!
Temos TS próprio!
Canal do YouTube e tumbler!
5 grupos do whatsapp!
Página sempre atualizada no Facebook!
Diversos guias e tutoriais!
EXILADOS DA TERRA MEDIA, Kinship que veio pra ficar!
Procure um dos nossos officers!
Looking for Landroval Kin..
Hi, hoping to find a kin that can offer the intensity i am looking for..
Your name, or character name and race: I am Jordee and I am Hobbit.
Age: 18+
Preferred server: I am on Landroval
Location: Eastern USA
Playstyle: I am a hunter and enjoy killing everything, Love to do instances new or old, I am very interested in raids and T2 instances, I am very Helpful.
MMO games you’ve played: Runescape, LoTRo.
Why kinships should be interested in you.: I can offer time and can help if needed. Also would donate. Am very loyal. Take me serious and i will take kin serious.
What kind of kinship you are looking for: Raiding and T2 instance kin.
Howdy! I'm a returning player, picking up where I left off with my captain. He's currently 72; I'm working my way through the epic lines in Enedwraith.
Character name: Amerygn
Age: 50+
Server: Landroval
Location / timezone: US Eastern; I generally play Friday nights & weekends, with occasional weeknights
Playstyle: I'm soloing a lot by necessity, but I enjoy grouping. I'm combating my completionist tendencies to get through Enedwraith into zones more on-level. Casual raiding is fine. I enjoy crafting but am not obsessive about it. RP is welcome and I enjoy it, but it's not my primary focus; doing cool stuff with cool people is.
MMO games you’ve played: Many and more, going back to EQ1.
Why kinships should be interested in me? I'm a mature, laid-back person who nevertheless tries to be as good at their class & role as possible while still playing casually. I strive for zero-drama while looking to contribute to the community in some small way.
What kind of kinship I'm looking for: One with active players in my playtime who talk to each other, and some level of group interaction. Pleasant, mature people who enjoy the game and play for fun, however they define it.
Looking For Arkenstone Raiding Kin
I've been playing solo since the server consolidation, but feel it's time to join a kin. I play daily, and would like to get into more raid/T2C content, which I'd rather run consistently with a kin vs. rolling the die with pugs.
Arothrin (105 Rune Keeper), Arohad (100 Guard), Arograth (85 Champion)
Colorado, United States.
Solo, Group, RAIDS, Casual
MMO games you’ve played:
WoW, Rift, SWtOR, ESO
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?:
I've played several MMOs, so understand the fundamentals. I play LOTRO daily, so as a kin member I'd often be available to support kin runs. I haven't mastered T2C content yet, but am eager to learn & take advice from others.
What kind of kinship you are looking for:
Just an active one full of reasonable, easygoing people is really all I'm looking for. Ideally, the kin would maintain a calendar/schedule of planned kin runs, have a website, & use voice-chat.
new player lookubg for Kin Arkenstone
My toons name is Heet I am on Arkenstone lvl 55 champion. looking for kinship. willing to train different toon for kingship. I play regular 4-5 days a week and usually extended periods when I play. I am new to Lotro but not to gaming. I have ts as well. Reside in Pst time zone -8GMT
My name is Daniel. I am a returning player (haven't played since early 2014). I am looking to enter a kinship because I
remember how wonderful the social aspect of this game was, and I want to re-experience that. Moreover, after being gone for so long I find that there is much in the game that I do not recognize nor understand. I feel a kinship could help me get on my feet, so to speak. All I ask is some friendly guidance and mentoring. I do not require any material support, as all I did three years ago was harvest gold, TPs, and other in-game currencies.
Your name, or character name and race (if known):
Galrichtobor - lvl 85 Dwarf Guardian
Preferred server(s), if any:
Transferring shortly to Arkenstone (current server is Gladden, but I plan to leave it because of low population)
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.):
Phoenix, AZ - Pacific Time (Mountain Time soon since my mediocre state is too "special" to move the clocks)
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.):
I've done it all (expect PvP & RP, but willing to try, I suppose), but what I really miss is hanging with a nice group of individuals who enjoys playing together, completing difficult content, and having a few good laughs along the way.
MMO games you’ve played:
Well, besides LOTRO, I've tried FFXIV and SWTOR - couldn't get into to either. Nothing compares to this wonderful game.
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?:
Well, I'm a decent fellow, easy to get along with. I also used to be rather good at raiding and such. So, if a kinship is willing to help me reacquaint me with a now-changed (from 3 years ago) LOTRO, I feel I have a lot to offer in return.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters):
I'm open. Hopefully, a kinship that knows to balance between competitiveness and amicability. I want to raid and enjoy end-game content, but I want to do that with people who know how to relax and enjoy themselves. And the most important is an active kinship (I mean with players who are online a lot). I log in virtually every day, and play a lot over the weekends. I'd like to have some company :)
Thank you for your consideration,
Daniel - Galrichtobor
I have recently returned to LOTRO and have a lifetime account from around Moria release. I used to group with my brother and his wife in those days but they have long since quite playing and I have drifted in and out of the game over the past several years. I have a character of every class ranging from 105 down to 10. I am currently playing my Rune Keeper (level 55) and am loving it. I have plenty of time to play now and would like to find a casual guild or group to explore group and raid content with.
Character name: Zeland (Rune Keeper)
Age: 47
Server: Landroval
Location / timezone: US Eastern; I am usually on daily between 1pm to 7pm. Thu-Fri are my weekend nights and I can be on any hour those nights.
Playstyle: I'm currently soloing but would love to find a Kin to explore group and raid content with. I have maxed out all the Crafting trades over all my toons as well.
MMO games you’ve played: EQ1, EQ2, Vanguard, Wow (briefly didn't care for it much), Star Wars Galaxies, SWTOR
Why kinships should be interested in me? I'm mature, laid-back, no drama, fast learner, patient, dedicated to learning and developing my character to their maximum potential.
What kind of kinship I'm looking for: A guild with active players looking to group and explore content.
Character name: Barien (Hunter)
Age: 48
Server: Landroval
Location / timezone: US Eastern; My time on is sporadic due to work & travel
Playstyle: I'm currently soloing but would love to find a Kin to explore group and raid content with.
MMO games you’ve played: GW2, SWTOR, DDO
Why kinships should be interested in me? I am a quick learner, mature, funny & helpful
What kind of kinship I'm looking for: A mature guild with active players looking to do group runs and RP
I have a few characters from L72 down to L10. Barien's home is 4 Garden Street, Highburg.
Looking for social Kinship
Name: Darreus
Server: Gladden
time zone: PST
playstyle: pve (questing, dungeons, raids, ect. not too much pvp but may consider)
MMOS ive played: dont know any that i havnt. haha
i can bring a lot of positive attitude to the field. I can fill any role needed.
i am currently low lvl (highest toon is lvl 30) but am looking for a kinship to join and play with that will have something for me if i hit max lvl. (I.E. raids and such)
Infamy kinship is now recruiting
The Infamy Kinship is Brandywine based kinship that has been around for over 5 years and has been inactive for the last couple years but we are back in the game now. I am the original leader of the kinship. we are rebuilding the kinship from the ground up. We are looking for any and all who would like to join, we are a north american kinship. We are welcoming players that are new to the game or long time veterans. We would love to help anyone who is new to the game learn their way around. We will also belooking for new officers in the kinship, so anyone who can show good leadership skills could become an officer in the kinship and play an active roll in shaping this kinship into something amazing again.
-We will be running weekly raids and instances
-Helping kin mate with anyting they need
-Running classing content
-Kinship lotterys
-Friendly kinship events
If you are interested in joining or have any questions please send gelderock or Mearadan a message or mail in game.
Looking for Active Kinship that loves to quest and run instances
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Aymeri (59 Cap), Lauretheron (44 Hunter), Demlordol (38 Guard), Gahmuret (28 Ward), Skaldryn (25 RK)
Age: (some kinships have real life age limits): 45 (return player) Currently VIP, Have Moria expansion, planning on getting the rest if I can find an active Kin
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): Crickhollow
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): Pacific, United States
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.): Quest, quest, quest, End Game, fellowships
MMO games you’ve played: LOTRO, WOW
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I play often, and I am easy going. I will others help when asked, and love questing
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): One that helps members through fellowships, and achieving the end game. One that will run instances together.
Greetings everyone, I'm not just looking for a kinship on Laurelin but also people in general to socialize or practice roleplay with so please do text me, even if you don't have a kinship to recommend :)
Main character name and race (if known):
Sejawyn, ~lvl 22 Hunter Woman (further I'll be leveling an elf LM, elf Minstrel, Hobbit Burglar and Woman Champion on this server soon)
Age: 25
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.):
Laurelin for now.
CET +/-2 would be ideal but I play at different times so it's not that important
- being new to LOTRO and not knowing anyone yet I play solo at the moment but I would welcome some joined action with nice (read: newbie-patient) people.
- most of all I would like to get into role-play with my character so a RP-kin would be best but they sure can be casual about it
- I'm more of a completionist and I couldn't care less how slowly my character progresses to endgame content so I'm probably of no use to hardcore kinships
- I'm planning to get self-sufficient in crafting with those 5 characters on the server so in the future I could help out kin-mates with crafting
MMO games you’ve played:
At the moment mostly Star Trek Online and some others back as a kid but that's been a long time.
Why kinships should be interested in you:
Uhm, I own The One Ring? 5€ on Amazon.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters):
- much as I wanna try it I can't see myself being constantly all over Raids and such so most importantly I'd like a kinship that provides me with nice people to chat with and to have fun with but without any sort of pressure to constantly having to participate in group activities if I feel like doing solo for a while.
- as mentioned I want to practice RP so a kinship that can help with that would be great. At the same time I'd love if you were a bit more casual about it so I don't have to be scared to RP in fear of making mistakes.
Kinda important regarding RP:
In the long run I would like my main toon to hang out in Forochel more often and discover her origin and stuff in that area roleplay-wise. A kinship or people who play there or generally in the North or maybe got some Rangers of North kind of theme or similar going would be absolutely ideal for my character as she wouldn't quite fit in a Riders of Rohan Kinship for example.
If you know of people I might get in touch with up there once I reached Forochel levels please let me know, even if it's on other servers.
If you have any recommendations about people or kinships for Elves of Lórien or Rivendell please send them along as well as I'll be levelling those two alts next and at some point would love to get involved in some Imladris/Lórien roleplay.
I am returning to the game again after an 11 month absence. I am a lifetime VIP since Launch and have knowledge of the game to a point. (some new stuff still learning since last time I played)
Your name, or character name and race (if known):MardinSr level 41 Warden
Age: (some kinships have real life age limits) Not a kid anymore
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): Arkenstone
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.):Texas CST but play most of every day
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.):like all but PVP and RP and by RP I don't like getting yelled at because I don't join in with those who do.
MMO games you’ve played: Lotro, FFXIV, and several others ove r the years, but this is the only one I was willing to pay a lifetime sub package for.
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I am not crazy or stupid, do not want a leadership position, willing to train newbie members on what I do know, willing to learn what others know that I do not, like to solo play a lot, but love socializing with a group and willing to run groups when needed.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): Casual but everyday or almost everyday play, no major requirements about having to group and make certain runs daily, although in the right situation (as long as it is kept fun) would be willing to do it for several days in a row if needed.
Thanks ofr any that give this any consideration.
Raiding kin
Hey My name Is Termminal If you are still looking for a kinship, Come check us out. We raid 3-4 times a week and have a very mature player base. We focus on the end game content, and Take the content pretty seriously, We would like to work with you and teach you anything that needs to be taught so you can be an effective part of our team. If that interests you Check out our Kinsite or Shoot me an In-game Mail to Termminal, and we would like to hear your thoughts
Originally Posted by
I've been playing solo since the server consolidation, but feel it's time to join a kin. I play daily, and would like to get into more raid/T2C content, which I'd rather run consistently with a kin vs. rolling the die with pugs.
Arothrin (105 Rune Keeper), Arohad (100 Guard), Arograth (85 Champion)
Colorado, United States.
Solo, Group, RAIDS, Casual
MMO games you’ve played:
WoW, Rift, SWtOR, ESO
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?:
I've played several MMOs, so understand the fundamentals. I play LOTRO daily, so as a kin member I'd often be available to support kin runs. I haven't mastered T2C content yet, but am eager to learn & take advice from others.
What kind of kinship you are looking for:
Just an active one full of reasonable, easygoing people is really all I'm looking for. Ideally, the kin would maintain a calendar/schedule of planned kin runs, have a website, & use voice-chat.
Raiding Kin
Hey My name Is Termminal If you are still looking for a kinship, Come check us out. We raid 3-4 times a week and have a very mature player base. We focus on the end game content, and Take the content pretty seriously, We would like to work with you and teach you anything that needs to be taught so you can be an effective part of our team. If that interests you Check out our Kinsite or Shoot me an In-game Mail to Termminal, and we would like to hear your thoughts
Originally Posted by
My name is Daniel. I am a returning player (haven't played since early 2014). I am looking to enter a kinship because I
remember how wonderful the social aspect of this game was, and I want to re-experience that. Moreover, after being gone for so long I find that there is much in the game that I do not recognize nor understand. I feel a kinship could help me get on my feet, so to speak. All I ask is some friendly guidance and mentoring. I do not require any material support, as all I did three years ago was harvest gold, TPs, and other in-game currencies.
Your name, or character name and race (if known):
Galrichtobor - lvl 85 Dwarf Guardian
Preferred server(s), if any:
Transferring shortly to Arkenstone (current server is Gladden, but I plan to leave it because of low population)
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.):
Phoenix, AZ - Pacific Time (Mountain Time soon since my mediocre state is too "special" to move the clocks)
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.):
I've done it all (expect PvP & RP, but willing to try, I suppose), but what I really miss is hanging with a nice group of individuals who enjoys playing together, completing difficult content, and having a few good laughs along the way.
MMO games you’ve played:
Well, besides LOTRO, I've tried FFXIV and SWTOR - couldn't get into to either. Nothing compares to this wonderful game.
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?:
Well, I'm a decent fellow, easy to get along with. I also used to be rather good at raiding and such. So, if a kinship is willing to help me reacquaint me with a now-changed (from 3 years ago) LOTRO, I feel I have a lot to offer in return.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters):
I'm open. Hopefully, a kinship that knows to balance between competitiveness and amicability. I want to raid and enjoy end-game content, but I want to do that with people who know how to relax and enjoy themselves. And the most important is an active kinship (I mean with players who are online a lot). I log in virtually every day, and play a lot over the weekends. I'd like to have some company :)
Thank you for your consideration,
Daniel - Galrichtobor
I've found it better to contact folks looking for kinships in this thread by PM.
There are other threads (often on server forums) that are useful for general kinship recruiting.
Originally Posted by
hi im 23 ive had experience playing many diffrent mmo's ive recentley been playing vanguard in the past ive played wow swg daoc i like to pvp pve and just have fun with a good group im looking for a guild that uses a voice chat system weather it be vent or ts looking foward to hear from a guild thanks
Infamy is recruiting, we are a rank 10 kinship with a kinship house. we are accepting new players as well as experienced players to the kinship. we are also looking for high level players interested in being part of a raid group that will be doing weekly raids. pst for info
we play on brandywine and my character is gelderock
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Kryadan, Elf (lvl95 transfer from Eldimindil)
Age: 35
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): Arkenstone
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): EST
Playstyle. Solo/Raid/Group
MMO games you’ve played: Lotro, WoW, D3, NWN, FFIV:ARR, BoD
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: Active community member, I am not a fantastically talented raider but i can push buttons at appropriate times.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): Size does not matter, but being active would be a big plus. I can play solo if needed, I like deeds. I do not roleplay, but i don't mind those that do at all. I enjoy raiding, but I am just coming back and have a lot of questing and deeds to catch up on.
Returning Player
Played for a short while and forgot I was subbed to my account for something like 6-7 years (honestly)..... and when I realized it I decided to try to play. Originally played this game with my children but they are grown and gone now so it is time to branch out.
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Sulabri
Age: (some kinships have real life age limits): 35
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): Landorval
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): EST
Playstyle. Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, RP, ,crafter
MMO games you’ve played: Too many
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?:
- I roleplay and I do not need my hand held when it comes to taking care of myself. I can if so allowed, self initiate events.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters):
One that is active and has some RP, even if its casual... I want to play a LOTRO mmo to be immersed not just solo play.
Edit: I starting as a lvl 1 Warden... I do not remember much on how to play, I'm just looking to have fun with others when it comes to a Kinship.
looking for a kinship!
Mae Govannen!
I'm looking for a kinship. I've played since 2012, then i came back on 2014 and now Im playing again, always as an elf hunter. I've never been very social though, but i want to explore the social part of the game.
Server: Laurelin
Name: Daniel (real life), age 31
Location: Chile - Timezone: UTC/GMT -3:00, i play almost every day 1-2 hours, weekends i play up to 4 hours.
Character: Fimil
Race: elf Hunter, level 48 (i played another elf hunter up to level 91 before)
Playstyle: solo, group, open to learn new styles.
Why me: i plan to be serious on this, to be an active part of the group. I love the LOTR story and Im commited to keep the spirit of It. I want to learn and share my experience too.
Looking for: a kinship that goes to quests/instances together, if its an elvish kinship i would love it, to have in game friendship and fun, raids maybe (Im new on that one).
Thanks for reading!
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Bywine
Age: (some kinships have real life age limits): 47
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): Brandywine
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): PST
Playstyle. Solo, group, PvE, RAIDs, casual, RP, crafting.
MMO games you’ve played: Dark Age of Camelot 10 years
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I am an easy going platyer, I do not get upset with players for messing up a quest or raid (it's just a game). I enjoy helping new players either by showing them around, help out with a quest or craft items they would need. I have characters in every crafting discipline at legendary level. I enjoy promoting a Kinship and helping out in anyway that could benefit.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): A casual Kin that likes to run quest or skirmishes together or other events. A Kin that will do a RAID but does not focus completely on it. A Kinship that is mostly together for the social aspect and for sharing in-game experiences.
I have been gone close to a couple of years and I would like to find a Kinship. I am a casual player but do enjoy the occasional raids and would like to try pvp again if that is still worth it. I have two major characters and a character that are legendary in each crafting discipline. I enjoy mature, casual Kinships.
Here is what I have:
level 95 Warden
level 81 Champion.
The rest are alts for crafting but all are legendary.
Contact Bywine in game.
Looking for a group of people, many or few, to enjoy the game with! Played on and off after launch and MoM but have only recently returned with a vengeance. About to take my Burg (Kasey) through Moria and will be bringing up an LM shortly.
Not looking for anything hardcore; levelling's more fun with people to chat to and help where I can!
(Playing on Evernight and on GMT)
I am Rillurien and I am looking for kinship to join. I have several characters but the two I use the most are my two elves Helrenthrad my male lore master and Rillurien my female ranger both of these characters are elves.
I am 23 years old and I am looking for kinship on the Laurelin Rp Server my timezone is in the east coast of the united states.
My style play is casual but I would like to have help with raids war bands and completing deeds, I am also looking to get into roleplaying again.
I have played Lord of the rings online and variety of other mmos but I prefer not to talk about all the others I've played because it's long list.
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: Well I have level 90 Lore master that could be very useful for raids. I am also a rather kind and caring person I can help out others if asked too.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): I am looking for kinship that does roleplaying raids warbands and deed completion. I would also like a friendly environment with in the kinship.
You can contact one of two ways: Either on my character Helrenthrad which is my main or on my secondary main character Rillurien.
I am 40 yrs old, a single dad with a full-time career iRL and have been playing since alpha testing off and on for the past 10 years. I am looking for an active(a must), family-friendly kinship that uses voicechat regularly. I don't have any max-level toons and I'm not looking to be carried either. I prefer to be self-sufficient, but at the same time I don't want to join a kinship full of individuals that don't work together.
I prefer small to medium sized kinships and have no interest in pvmp or large zerg guilds like 'Sons of Numenor' or 'Lonely Mountain Band'. I play on Landroval 40+ hours per week on average. Feel free to private message me here if you info about your kinship.
LF Kin Casual / Social on Landy
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Rineraen (Landroval)
Age: (some kinships have real life age limits): 38
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): Landorval and Arkenstone
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): EST
Playstyle. Solo mostly. PVE, Social, & Casual (enjoys to farm and craft)
MMO games you’ve played: WoW, FFXIV, SWTOR, GW2, Tera
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?:
- I try to help everyone & treat everyone with the respect that they deserve. I love to chat & have fun. I love to help others by crafting or helping them with a quest or instance if I am able.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters):
Returning player looking for active/adult/casual/social/fun/ helpful kinship to meet some friends and have some fun running instances and questing together.
I do like to at times be quiet and just zone out solo for a while too. I don't ask for anything unless I absolutely need help w gear or mats for gear but I do tend to fend for myself & help others .
Seeking Quirky Kinship
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Gaerdyn, Elf, Runekeeper and several alts
Age: 40-ish
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): Currently Landroval but willing to relocate for the right kin
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): US - West Coast
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.): Solo, group, PvE, casual
MMO games you’ve played: LOTRO, Rift, DDO, CoH, Secret World, SWTOR, Guild Wars 2
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I'm friendly, helpful, chatty. Have a oddball sense of humor. Im a casual player but usually play some daily. Have crafters in just about every profession and love helping out friends with gear. Played the game for several years before taking a break and still remember a fair amount about quests, etc so happy to share information when people need it.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): Looking for an active, adults-only casual kinship with fun, friendly, outgoing people who aren't uptight and who don't take the game (or themselves) too seriously. The guild doesn't have to be huge, Im basically looking for people who do group content together and socialize while they play. A guild that can appreciate a twisted and perverse sense of humor would be great.
Thanks for taking the time to read this.
Looking for Kinship in Gwaihir
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Iriadel, Elf, Lore-master (Level 60)
Age: 25
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): Gwaihir
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): US - East Coast (Boston, MA)
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.): Solo, group, quests/instances
MMO games you’ve played: LOTRO
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I am online regularly and active. I am looking to learn and explore. I am happy to help and support.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): Looking for a kinship that likes to fight together and experience the game / level up. I have a mic/headset and have liked using that with a previous kinship.
I am a returning player looking for a Gladden kinship.
Im 30. Live on the East Coast.
I own all the expansions up to around 2015 except for Mirkwood i think.
Most of my 6 characters stopped around level 75-100 and my crafting for all professions is at westenment (spelling)
I focus mainly on my warden (95) and my off-heals captain(85). All my other characters are around level 40-75.
I prefer a kin that has some kind of voice chat (not discord as it breaks my computer for some reason)
I like group content but am aware i will need help re-gearing for the post gondor world ect. so it would be nice to be in a kin that has people leveling up as opposed to a kin with nothing but level 105s
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Faunor (Elf)
Age: (some kinships have real life age limits): 31
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): Laurelin
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): UK GMT.
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.):
Solo, PVE, Crafting, chillax. I do have an interest in Raiding, instances and so on, for what I'm on-level for, and what I will eventually level up for, but I'm pretty new to that sort of thing in LOTRO, so yeah babysit me! :P
MMO games you’ve played:
Runescape, SWTOR, WoW, Everquest 2, Guild Wars (all), City of Heroes (And Villains), The Matrix Online, Final Fantaxy XIV, Star Trek Online, The Secret World.
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?:
Um, no idea. I guess I'm another body to the pile? >_>
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters):
A friendly one would be nice. One that wouldn't mind grouping in the low levels and maybe teaching (or learning) the ropes from there onwards. My character is still in the teens at the moment, so if I understand right there'll be lots of raids and instances along the way to team up for. I tend to use the EXP Disabler to slow progress down a lot, so I can remain on-level for a lot of content and get reasonably good at it. Um, but I haven't much experience grouping in LOTRO, and I'm not an expert, and doubt I'll be top tier competitive or anything like that. So I'd like a kin that will be able to accommodate that, if possible. :)
LotRO veteran returning (Brandywine)
Hey, all.
I'm re-installing the game as we speak. I used to be on Landroval. I used my free transfer to move to Brandywine. I think my Hunter, my only character, is 81 or so. I'm planning on creating a Captain when my installation is done and updated. I'm looking for an active, family-friendly kinship, too, that uses voicechat and works together as a kinship often. I am interested in PvE.
If anyone can recommend any active, family-friendly kinships, please let me know.
Looking for a new Kinship
Your name, or character name and race (if known):Man - Sanjo lvl 34 Minstrel
Age: (some kinships have real life age limits) - Mature player
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.):Laurelin
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.):UK
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.):Solo, pve, casual, light RP (want to learn),
MMO games you’ve played:SWG, EVE, SWTOR, Elite Dangerous, WOW
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: After getting to know people, having fun online, telling jokes, receiving and giving out help occasional grouping.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): Want to learn how to RP, play musical instruments so maybe a good musically minded kin, just to socialise (hangout) not really interested in raids and instances all the time just to know that people are around to help if needed and meet up to quest together or simply to socialise, like the sites and sounds of the game and exploration. Looking to enhance my minstrel want to make sure I am using the right traits and enhancing the right stats for example. Advice and guidance about crafting my own armour and how that benefits me in game, just people that do not mind spending the time explaining things.
Your name, or character name and race (if known): trollingegbert,Elf Hunter, (Level 64)
Age: 29
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): Evernight
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): NL ( Netherlands )
Playstyle: Solo, Group, Raid ,
MMO games you’ve played: LOTRO, and a whole bunch other MMORPG games.
I am picking up my account where i left it about 1.5 years ago. Now im active again, and i want to be part of a active kinship. the last kinship i was a part of was not so active so i lost interest in the game. I decided to give it another change after taking a long break. I want to play and have fun with others. But also be serious about Raids/Big fellowship quests.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): Active kinship with a lot of members ( or still growing ) so there are always people online. Fight togethers, have fun together, Got a Mic/headset so communication is cool!
my name is alexander kreuger. and have no toons yet
i have no server preference.
i am 21 years of age.
i am on the east coast.
i like playing healer that is what i played in EQ, EQ2, SWTOR, and ESO
i am looking for a guild/kinship that dose a little of every thing
and has a voice chat of some kind
like but not limited to discord, vent, TS3, or mumble
Looking for a kinship ideally on Evernight which focuses on playing level 50 (and level 60) stuff on-level, ideally with xp frozen characters.
looking for an active kin,pref. elven for my future high elf alt
IRL age:28
playstyle:i most do things solo but i dont say no to group content like BBs,rp events,helping out ppl with quests,advice,or with craft stuff
Your name, or character name and race (if known):I have too many alts to even begin listing them all :) Right now, the top three that I am playing are Aleksandrea, Tarthr, and Fearaden
Age: (some kinships have real life age limits) 37
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): I've been playing pretty exclusively on Arkenstone right now, but I do have 2 toons on Crickhollow, I think, having moved them there during the mergers, but haven't been on them since
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): Appalachian region of the US
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.): solo and casual, crafter
MMO games you’ve played: exclusively LOTRO
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): solo & casual player friendly which lets their players pretty much do their own thing but who'll help out when another player gets stuck or decides to try something new in game.
I especially would like to find a Christian kinship, if possible, to link up with others who share my interests and outlook on life. I've seen information on Family of YHVY, Saints, and Reflections of the Light - so if anyone from those kins would like to give me a shout out, I'd appreciate it - but I'm more than willing to talk to leaders of other Christian kins on any of the severs.
I've been playing the game since 2010, starting on Brandywine, then moving over to Dwarrowdelf before settling onto Arkenstone after a year long hiatus from the game, and I'm currently playing on Arkenstone, though I am willing to start fresh on a new server (in fact, starting fresh might help me organize my favorite alts a little better :) )
I'm a solo player and a certified altoholic spread across 3 different accounts, and I do actively play at least 1/4 of those toons. I also work through the crafting guilds, trying to have an alt per guild. I prefer to have 1 toon in this kinship as I also to like to form my own private kins to keep track of all my alts and to group them according to storyline.
I don't do PVP or hard core raids and haven't even finished Moria; I've barely ever gotten a toon into Rohan, and have never really played south of Enedwaith. In other words, I tend to stick around to the lower level regions and really have no impulse to press through to end game; I figure I'll get there eventually lol I do have Moria and Rohan and the Isengard expansions, and would like to eventually push on into those areas; I just tend to either get distracted, or get stuck on quests that must have a group.
On the flip side, since I run a lot of alts around the lower regions, I'm very experienced in those quests and deeds and am willing to help newbies or collect crafting mats in those regions for players in other areas.
I am also very interested in trying some new things that I've never done before, such as trying a lower level raid or larger group instance, but I would like to do it in a friendly atmosphere where players are in it for the fun and don't get extremely upset because another player doesn't have the best gear or may not be an expert on their character class. For instance, I'd love to complete the In Their Absence quest line and maybe even attempt the rift sometime.
I'd enjoy perhaps a little RPing, though I usually have a hard time getting into character :) I tend to run all my toons as part of a larger AU storyline in my head and I do have backgrounds for most of my toons, according to that AU.
I don't mind helping others out, but I don't want to be obliged to participate in certain events, etc. I'm usually a lurker but am also looking for a clean chat experience, since while I usually stick to playing solo, I enjoy chatting while I'm playing - I'd just like to have a cleaner, more friendly environment to talk in than in world chat!
I'm not a hard core gamer. My playing tends to run in spurts; I'll be off game for a while, then I'll come back and play most nights for a few hours for several weeks. It all depends on whats going on in real life.
Finally, since I have a ton of alts, I've got multiple versions of all the character classes, but I tend to play the minstrel, guardian, and hunter classes the most often and those are the classes I'm most familiar with. I've also been playing the burglar a lot, though I wouldn't consider that class one of my favorites. I don't tend to play a lot in the other classes, and I have the least experience with the loremaster and captain.
Looking for an EU Kinship
Hi, My main character's name is currently Wellandell-1,
I'm a 21 years old french.
I've several char 105, my main champion is almost full geared, only need the Throne t2c stuff.
I'm playing the game for now more than 3 and half years, and looking for fresh start and get the throne t2 stuff.
I'm a real main champion, been working on doing good parse for over 3 years now, so i've managed to play quite correctly my main class i think.
I didn't managed to integrate a successful group yet, so i don't really care about transfering some character.
I love PvP, haven't played a lot of MMO, but i loved lotro's pvp ever since i started it. Besides pvp, i spend most of my time farming instances for kinnys and waiting to be able to raid efficiently.
I'm a conscientious player and i'm always trying new things and stuff to improve, so i'm open to suggestions.
Not gonna say much more about myself, feel free to PM for any questions.
I'm looking for a new endgame kinship. I have played LOTRO since early 2008. I'm on the Evernight server. My main and main alt are t2c ready.
I have completed the raid on t1 and some bosses on t2c as well as SSt2c and those below current cap. I also have all crafting vocations levelled and max guilded.
Finally, i love meeting new people and helping out kinnies so i'm really group focused and enjoy interacting with people.
RL Name: Paul
Age: 36
Characters: Paolosh Ishara 105 Champ R8 (main), Nuirellin Elessedil 105 Hunter R5 (main alt), various alts @ 100 and below.
Playstyle: Endgame PvE and PvP
Region: North East England (Newcastle upon Tyne)
Looking for: An English speaking kin currently completing Endgame and PvP.
Previous MMO's: ESO, Runes of Magic, Age of Conan, Rift, DAoC. (also currently playing early access of Gloria Victus).
Feel free to PM me :)
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Eadson (Landroval)
Age: (some kinships have real life age limits): 28
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): Landroval
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): CST
Playstyle. I tend to play solo a lot simply because if I need to get off I'm not cramping anyone's gameplay, but I am very open to grouping if people are understanding. I enjoy all aspects of the game and I'm interested in exploring older raid content that I have missed out on. I roleplay as well.
MMO games you’ve played: WoW, FFXIV, SWTOR, GW2, EQ, EQ2, DAoC, UO, SWG
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I think I am a pretty positive person, and I like to keep everyone looking forward towards the goal rather than dwelling on setbacks. I have a deep knowledge of Tolkien's lore and I respect everyone I come across and like to help others as often as I can. I just bought a VIP subscription for 12 months and I have all of the expansions now, so I'm going to stay around.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): I'm looking for an small to medium sized guild where every member gets to know one another rather than just being a character on a screen. I would prefer a guild that uses voice chat, but that isn't any sort of deal breaker for me. I am primarily interested in the PvE aspects of the game: raiding, lore, crafting, etc.
I am looking for a Oceanic based kinship in Evernight my toons are:
Name: Yoichi
Age: 30
Location: Japan
Nimnelphin 105 Champion
Nerthanfast 105 Hunter
Jijgglypoof 105 Ministrel
looking for end-game content, role-playing, raids t2c content
New player looking for a kinship
hello, i'm a new player to lotro .... love the books and the movies and am an old hat at mmorpg's but been looking for a good one to stick with.
Lotro looks very promising and i would love to join a kinship asap. i have yet to make my 1st char but will most likely be a captain [cause they look fun].
So I am wondering 2 things ;)
1] whats the best server to play on [for English speaking population] &
2] are any kinship's recruiting on the above mentioned server?
Many thanks, and i look forward to hearing from you [hopefully we'll be gaming together soon]
Hello i am new player playing on Evernight EU and i am looking for a Kinship to enjoy the game together!
Character Name:SnowyPoupa
Location:Greece GMT +2
Playstyle.:I love to Explore and do PvE content like Dungeons Raids.I am looking forward also to see Crafting in this game.That means that Group content is really nice to see.End game also when i go there:)
Previous MMORPGs:Many but mainly World of Warcraft.Currently i am playing also FFXIV that is my main game but i also give time to this jewel of game:)
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?:I love to enjoy my time and have fun.I also love to help people and do content with them.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters):I am looking for an active and friendly Kinship that does PvE content and enjoys time in game.Currently my FFXIV Guild uses Discord as a means of conversation so having one to bolster our fun is nice but not mandatory by any means :)
New Player
My real life name is Steve, my character is Adious.
My age is 34 but Adious I want to say is a bit older than myself. To be honest I have never thought about his age.
I would prefer the server Arkenstone as this is my first character and only character so I am very attached to him.
I live and work on the East Coast so (EST), my play times are a little wonky as I am currently a full-time student and part-time worker. I do spend a large amount of time in game though.
My playstyle has always been leaning more toward hard-core, but I have my casual moments as well. Currently my goal is to do all deeds in all zones I have visited, which solo as a Captain is taking some time to accomplish.
As for what games I have played, this could be a long list. I started with EQ and have played everything from DAOC and on. I was also a paid tester for SOE so I played pretty much everything that ever made.
Oh I can not state I have anything to offer, I am a brand new character, the only thing I have is loyalty. If the other guy has more toons, or sounds better on VOIP pick him.
As for what I want out of a guild, well an active and interesting one, I like stories, always have, I like being engaged in a purpose, having goals and accomplishing them has always been a big plus for me in MMO's. Never being disappointed in an event, if I mess up a lot I dont want to hear it because trust me I am already tearing myself a new one. Besides I am more than likely older than you. Other than that, it was nice talking to you.
Looking for Roleplaying Kinship on Landroval
Hello I am completely new to LOTRO and have just reached level 10 with my Noldorion elf of Vanyar bloodline from Lothlorien Avangrond.
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Avangrod, Noldorion Elf, level 10 and climbing swiftly
Age: 43
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): Landroval
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): US - East Coast (Rochester, NY)
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.): RP (Tolkien Lore appropriate), Solo, Group, PVE with occasional friendly PVP, semi-casual casual player, occasional RAIDs
MMO games you’ve played: LOTRO (new), Original Everquest (7 years), Dark Age of Camelot, City of Heroes, Star Trek Online (currently for 1.5 years)
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I try to be online at least 3 or 4 times a week if not everyday. I am very interested in Roleplaying, I have been an officer in most of the MMO guilds/clans/kinships and helped those guilds regularly by helping new members, running websites, and organizing events. Looking for some good friends to spend time in this game with, socialize in chat, and roleplay with.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): I am looking for a roleplaying kinship, that is why I chose this server to play on. I would like to be part of a kinship that tries to work within Tolkien's lore of Middle Earth and not spread out into other fantasy areas that are not part of the setting. I am willing to join an all elven only kinship if that is necessary. I have browsed a few kinships on Google and here are a few that are the type I would like to join: Aiya Earendil, Tirn en Taur, and Galad en estel. I have read the Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit 6 or 7 times, the Silmarillion, the Children of Hurin, and am currently reading the Book of Lost Tales I. I love the lore of Middle Earth, and that is why I chose to play this game when I found it.
looking for a kin on Laurelin
hi I'm a mature player (as in old fart) looking for an active Kin, I have a Lvl 105 warden whos hasn't done a raid in 4 years an lvl 98 minstel who has never done a raid (and about time he ot off his lasy ####) I play well with others and have a sense of humour (well I think so). If I would be a fit for any Kin on Laurelin please pm me. on my minstrel GilGaladuil or my warden Dafidil.
hope recruiters sill read this
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Thorund (dwarf champion) and others
Age: (some kinships have real life age limits) 48
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): Arkenstone
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): Kansas (CST)
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.): I enjoy it all.
MMO games you’ve played: DAoC (mostly), CoH, PotBS, WoW, and LoTRO
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I'm a mature adult and a team player. I'm a Christian and don't cuss or discuss vulgar topics. I'm interested in being part of a team and contributing to that team. I have crafters in several of the vocations and three level 100+ toons. I also find it rewarding to help younger or new players when I can. I'm easy going and am always willing to "follow the leader." I was a member of a very large kinship called Riders of Rohan, but most of them left for another game, so I'm looking for a new home. (On a side note...many veteran players may know my brother, Woodstalker (Elf hunter) who has done TONS of pvp here. I introduced him to the game, lol.)
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): I would enjoy a kinship that pursues excellence, but isn't stressed about it. I would also prefer a kinship where extensive cussing/profanity is not constant. :)
Yes, we still read it
At least this recruiter from Gladden does, and I'm sure I'm not alone.
You might also post on your server forums, to make sure as many eyes as possible can see your advert, and good luck in finding a kin that suits you.
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Ferairin, Man Hunter lvl 30
Age: 24
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): Evernight
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): UK (BST)
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.): Solo as of now, why i'm looking for a kin :)
MMO games you’ve played: DCUO, WoW, LoTR:O, ESO, Ultima Online
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I'm always keen on helping others when and where possible, even if that may be less so at the moment due to my current level i'll do what I can :)
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): Well, being a father of a lively toddler and working 3 nights a week i'm a casual player. I'm looking to meet a bunch of friendly new people with which I can do some instances (these things are amazingly difficult solo :P), quests and just generally have a nice chilled time with.
A Captain looking for a home...
Character name: Briarwisp is the name by which I am known, however, Rowena Lirulin is my given name.
Age: 23
Server: Landroval
Location: North America, Mountain time.
Playstyle: I am a serious roleplayer who has mostly done solo pve, but my hope is that I can learn the other aspects of the game like pvp, raids, end game, etc.
MMO games I've played: SWTOR, ESO, D&D, and GW2.
Why choose me: Here is a little information to help you decide. I am a returning player after a five year hiatus and I still think LOTRO is the best game out there. I chat IC unless the situation calls for OOC chat. Briarwisp is currently the only character I play and she is level 22. As Briarwisp I am a captain who practices the Historian vocation, something I am very dedicated to learning and using to benefit those I meet in my travels. My backstory is this; My mother was born a maiden of Rohan and my father was a Northern ranger. They met amidst the chaos of a goblin raid and my father stayed only long enough to see my mother safe before he was called back to his kin and his duties. She never saw him again. My mother died when I was eleven, the victim of illness, but before she left us she made my aunt promise to find my father and take me to him. Our search brought us to Bree, where we settled. Unable to find my father I grew up as a farmhand, and now I continue to search doing whatever the Rangers will hire me for. I may be quiet and watchful, but my Rohirran heart is full of fire when you get to know me.
What I am looking for: I am hoping to find a roleplay centered Kinship, with a ranking system that is story (and lore appropriately) driven, I love a good cause and organic in character interaction. I want the more practical aspects of the game as well, like raids, pvp, crafting, etc. though I am somewhat inexperienced in these areas, I make up for it with confused enthusiasm. I also would like a respectful atmosphere, I do not do scandal or drama (but a good conflict in character is always fun). The LOTRO community is already great, I hope to find a home within it that can provide an even richer experience.
Find me: Private message or send a tell to Briarwisp in game, and if I am not online, send a letter.
Hey all,
returning player here, after a lot of time and espansion, looking for friendly (italian?)social kinship.
Name : Kaot
Human Captain.
Server Laurelin.
im from italy, dont know if the are some italian Kinship around.
Any social kins are good, game are borig alone :) Some chatting group stuff :)
Looking for rp
On lauren play a hunter lvl 56
Age 51
Individual mostly
Looking for a rp kinship
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Damronil, Elf Hunter lvl 32, Explorer
Age: 28
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): Gwaihir
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): Germany, Munich
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.): Solo as of now, looking for a permanent party
MMO games you’ve played: RO, Linage
Why kinships should be interested in you: I'm proactive in helping, well-organized (always will notify in advance, if I'm not able to come for a raid etc.), friendly, good sense of humor.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): I'm studing German and looking for a Germany speaking kinship that will accept me and bear all my gramar mistakes in chat :)
Azoradan, Elf Hunter, Lvl 56 (trying to make it out of Moria alive)
36 Year Old
EST - United States, although I tend to play more in CST and PST times
I like to do small fellowship stuff, whether questing together, completing deeds or skirmishes. Never really got into the raids, but am open.
Eve Online is my main MMO, still active there. Have played many others.
I am mainly interested in a Kin so I can fully experience what the game has to offer and have fun together. I also need some help as I am returning to the game after a year or two absence. I am looking for large laid back group, hopefully very active in my TZ, so that people will always want to do stuff together. I have kids, and am not on every night, although I can usually make sure to be there if something important is going down.
Please either PM here or find me in game!
I am just getting back into the game after several years out. I have several toons in the 60's range but honestly didn't remember how to play them well enough. I started a lvl 44 Hunter named Treemana and getting back into the swing of things. I am mostlyl PVE oriented and like to quest with others and raid. Most any group events. I enjoy helping others to lvl up also. I enjoy a peaceful kin with a TS of Discord, etc where we can talk at times. I don't try to cause problems and tend to be very cooperative. At 62, that's what you do, lol. Pls let me know if I fit with your kin. I am on the Landroval server and have just been playing on Treemana if you care to catch me in game or send mail.
looking for kinship
Originally Posted by
hi im 23 ive had experience playing many diffrent mmo's ive recentley been playing vanguard in the past ive played wow swg daoc i like to pvp pve and just have fun with a good group im looking for a guild that uses a voice chat system weather it be vent or ts looking foward to hear from a guild thanks
I like your style, I too am looking for this kind of kinship. I have several characters on many different levels of play and are in different places in the game. If you find what you are looking for, please let me know. fretz, 105 main character, landroval world.
Name: Feliborn level 101 Guardian Elf
Age: 25
Preferred server: Arkenstone
Location: US CA PST
Playstyle: Just getting to end game so daily’s & raids. Nothing professional just playing casually.
MMO games I’ve played: LOTRO, Guild Wars 2,
Why kinships should be interested in you: Love the community of being in a kinship. More than willing to help people out. Will show up to raids on time. Play about 2-3 times a week. Love my guardian but have a handful of level 40-70 alts. Who’s ready for a tank and spank :P?
What kind of kinship you are looking for: Casual and friendly. Would prefer a larger kin.
Ps used to play before college. So coming back after a 4-5 year :)
I'm on the Laurelein RP server and from the U.S. CST time. I am looking for a kinship that mainly rp's (preferably heavy) but that also helps other kinship members.
Class: Champion
Race: Human
Name: Kolerk
PM me in game if you have a kinship.
Lonely Hobbit
level 35 Hobbit Hunter playing on Landroval
Looking for RP/PvE Kinship, Preferably Rohan based
Your name, or character name and race (if known):
Ecgwine, Man. (Also have Breohthelm, Ecgstan, and Ecgwald, all Man)
Age: (some kinships have real life age limits)
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.):
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.):
Eastern US/New England
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.):
PvE, RP, Crafter. I've never done much with group content in LotRO, but am interested
MMO games you’ve played:
LotRO (off/on since beta), Rift, WoW, SWTOR, STO, SL
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?:
I'm friendly and work well with a team. I'm extremely knowledgable about Tolkien and Anglo-Saxons. I'm prepared to work to help the kinship out and learn what I need to learn.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters):
I'd like to find a Rohirrim-based RP guild that aims toward martial and non-martial culture. I'm willing to look at non-Rohirrim guilds as well if the story fits the character. Sociable and working together on PvE stuff is also needed. Doesn't have to be large, but I do want active.
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Cory
Age: (some kinships have real life age limits)
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.):
None, newly returned
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.):
Texas, USA
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.):
PvMP, maybe some PvE (Raids)
MMO games you’ve played:
LotRO, Rift, WoW
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?:
I was an extreme moores player from launch - 2010, I mainly heal in PvE and have been in major raiding kins on the silverlode server
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters):
I am looking for a kin that is active first and foremost and that has some presence on freep side (If such a thing exist anymore). I am looking to play Burg and Mins in the moores, and probably RK heal for PvE
Hello everyone,
I am brand new to Lotro but I have two decades of MMO experience (from EQ to Wow). I actually played several years ago but a friend stopped so I went back to WoW. I am looking for a mature, casual, active guild. My Captain is level 31. I have actually wanted to start playing this game for a while but the wife wanted to stick to WoW. Well I wasn't having any fun so I told her I will be playing Lotro and she can play WoW. I'm still working on her though, she has Lotro installed now.
A little about me. I am in my 50's and live in the EST zone. I play MMO's to wind down and play almost every night. I am quiet at times so there are times that I miss conversations, tells, hits on the hit, screaming, and fire. I am helpful when I can be and I require very little maintenance aside from the occasional question. This might be a two for one deal if my wife starts playing.
EDIT: Because I forgot to add my server (Arkenstone).
Character name: I go by many, mainly Belialos and Hirasen at the moment
Age: 33
Server: Landroval
Location: North America, EST
Playstyle: I would love to get back into RP (I was huge into it in EQ). However I love reading the stories, working on the different sub quests for coints and just exploring
MMO games I've played: ESO, WoW, EQ, EQ2, SWTOR (I know my way around an MMO - just not around the world of LotR)
Why choose me: I do try to be helpful even when I don't know the answer to a question and I like to help contribute to the guild and help with events!
What I am looking for: Currently I want to find a kinship for good conversation, exploration, and who are okay with the fact that I don't know what I want to be when I grow up (I like alts!) Additionally while I don't mind Discord, I'm not a voice user, I prefer the guild chat to be lively and I'm a typer vs. a talker. I'm a casual player and I want a group who is the same
Find me: Can send either Belialos or Hirasen a message in game :)
Name: Ewfledred | Man, Female, Rohan
Age: 20
Server: Laurelin
Location: Central Europe.
Playstyle: RP
MMO games you’ve played: Too many to count.
Why kinships should be interested in you: Good with RP, good at tanking (new at tanking in lotro but can't be much harder compared to other games :P)
What kind of kinship you are looking for: Crafting/RP
Looking for Arkenstone Kin for seasoned gamer-boy.
Good Morning. Harblack here and I am looking for an Arkenstone kinship. Before I spew out the requested speeds and feeds let me tell you about me.
I am looking for what everyone asks for - a low pressure laid back friendly kinship. Does anyone seek out a drama-fest full of anger and vitriol? I hope not. At least not in this game.
My relationship with LOTRO is fractured. I‘ve been playing on and off for 6 or 7 years I jump in, I love it. I level a toon to 60 or 70 and I get pulled away from it. Sometimes I lose interest in a class and/or crafting profession, other times life intercedes (Wifey, Kids, Family, Work etc) and once I get pulled away it’s hard to come back. So months go buy until I pop back in.
The last time I was into it, leveled by Guard to ~ 70 or 80 and the server amalgamation happened and the Kin ‘Return of the elves’ broke-up when the server did. That was totally on me. I could have landed on my feet but I didn’t come back for ~ 6 months.
I’ve made some serious changes in my life and I am hoping this doesn’t happen again.
Anyway – I’m back and looking for some friendly Kinnies.
My Stats:
I am Rich. Not $$, just Rich. :) In forums that’s Harblack, In Game HAR-Something. I am Male however HAR’s are always female. Because, Reasons. ?
Age: Born in the 60’s. Barely.
Server is Arkenstone.
Location. EST. Toronto area in the great ‘state’ of Ontario, Canuckistan. How’s it going eh?
Playstyle = Solo – the Kinship mission (should you accept it) is to get me A) Grouping, B) instances. Don’t even talk about C Raiding = I have an inherent fear of letting peeps down.
MMO games I've played: D&D Online and LOTRO, that’s mostly it unless you go back 20 years – and that’s all a blur.
Why kinships should be interested in me? I am friendly, chatty and will drop everything to join or help a group as long as I have the time and a toon at the right level. I am in the IT field (29 years at the same IT company) and can often have advice with regards to HW specs speeds and feeds. My gaming back-ground started with Pen &Paper D&D in the 80’s. If you want to reminisce I can wax nostalgic like a boss.
What kind of kinship am I looking for? I hope there’s an age-appropriate, friendly kinship that can help me keep me exploring more of this beautiful game. Also one that won’t be upset if I disappear for a week at a time. Game times varied – Mon-Friday evenings, weekends anytime.
That’s all I got. Harblack – roger and out.
Looking for Kinship
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Elicia or Cossette Shintozaki, prefer elves or human avatars, class is whatever is most useful for the kinship.
Age: 28
Preferred server(s), if any.: one that supports Asian time zones.
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): US or Prefered Japanese time zone friendly
Play style. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter: I am a veteran of playing LOTRO for like 8 years, I play mostly solo, only because everywhere I have gone the kinships I have joined go silent to me, I love doing everything from crafting, group play, instances, and assisting other players, I would like to RP as well, if there are people who want to do that.
MMO games you’ve played: DCUO, Dungeons & Dragons Online, Phantasy Star 2 Online, and LOTRO.
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I'm always keen on helping others when and where possible, even if that may be less so at the moment due to my current level i'll do what I can, I happily recruit, I craft for people, and assist in level instances or raids, And I want to rp if possible.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): I want an active kinship, where people are online a lot and doing anything, at least chatting so I know they are there. If they offer people getting involved a lot that would be good. But the most important thing I am looking for is Japanese and Asian friends to talk with and team up with.
*This took a long time to translate to English from Japanese, so I hope everything is correct, any kinships or server groups that can or support Japanese speaking and writing players feel free to respond please and thank you.*
looking for a kin on Laurelin
several toons Dafidil lvl 105 Warden, Gilaladuil lvl 100 Minstrel, Dafolas Lvl 83 + hunter, I'm a mature player (read old bugger) and although I've played for serval years off and on have not done many raids etc, looking for an active kin that playes in UK time happy to RP but not essential. Playing Dafolas (hunter at the moment so if any use PM me on that character. And a good morning to everyone.
I'm Lucas age 25,
looking for Kinship in game , on Arkenstone server , I'm new to lotro and its kind of lonely game XD so would love to play with some more people :)
Returning player. Four + years gone.
Character name: Several, most named after breweries. ;-) Mostly playing on Lagunitas or Minhas.
Age: Gulp, um, old. AARP-eligible. LI.
Server: Crickhollow, but will move at least one character over if needed. Or will re-roll until the next expansion comes and I get my free-leveling token.
Location: North America, EST
Playstyle: Explorer, Quester, Raider.
MMO games I've played: Asheron's Call, to AC2, to WoW to here, back to WoW, and now back to here. ;-)
Why choose me: I'm entertaining, actually useful in group play, will roll a tank when needed, or DPS to your heart's content. I'm usually an alt-o-holic more than an alcoholic, but the lines are blurry. I do have reading glasses though. I think.
What I am looking for: People who appreciate a bad dad joke, while enjoying leveling a character, and will (eventually) run end game content without too much drama. All while I'm likely to be nursing an adult beverage.
Find me: PM me here, or ping me on one of the characters above in Crickhollow. But, PMing me here is likely best! I can do Skype, Discord or Vent too!
Looking for a Kinship "friends of frodo"
Hi, ive been gone for a couple of years and came back just this week, and found my characters. Id like to get into the same kinship if they are still around. I believe the name was "friends of frodo" or something like that?
are they still around? If so, What server are they on?
Any Help would be much appreciated.
name: Many are my names in many servers.
age: 23
preferred servers: Home is now at Crickhollow, but I've kinda been poking around Laurelin lately. I'm very willing to move for the right kinship.
location: USA, EST. I play mostly at night and in the morning.
playstyle: I've always played solo, but I want to try some group and roleplay. Casual. No PvP, no end-game, I still don't have Helm's Deep, l o l
MMO games you've played: a little WoW and ESO, didn't like either of them. LotRO is my first and only love
why kinships should be interested in you: I'm an easygoing kind of player. You ever need help, just call on me and I'll be there. I know the lore pretty well and I'm wild about LotR and the Silmarillion. Also, I LOVE tanking. Can't say whether I'm great at it, since my experience is mostly solo, but, by Eru, I will do it. Also experienced as a Hunter. I'm new to Rune-keeper, but I play that one too.
what kind of kinship you are looking for: laid-back people who aren't gonna stress me out and are patient - I'm not new to the game, but I am new to the whole interacting-with-other-players thing. I'd like to try roleplaying, but I'm not dead-set on it. If you have a themed kinship - Hobbits, Lossoth, lady characters, Tom Bombadil fans, Dwarves with emo hair, whatever, the possibilities are endless - that might be fun, too. PM me and let me know what you got.
Three of us that played LOTRO back in the day are coming back to it and have started over together on Laurelin. Seeking a primarily social kinship to have someone to talk to, and maybe trade with, during questing and leveling up. Somewhere that you can ask questions or find someone who can craft you something, and where you can also help other people out and craft stuff for them from time to time.
We may well get into RP to varying extents after a bit, and we wouldn't mind a kinship that does that too, but we don't want a kinship that's primarily focused on RP, and particularly on a specific kind of RP. (I may be joining one of those on another character, but not yet.) We're not avid raiders but it wouldn't be bad if this gave us some chance to get into that too, as long as it wasn't the be-all-end-all.
We'd like that 'sweet spot' of a kinship big enough that there's someone around, but not so big that we feel like we got recruited by cattle car. (A couple of very forward kinships have already tried to recruit us, including one who's hit me with the same tell five times in two days, and I'm definitely put off by that.)
If you know the Golden Mallorn or Concerning Hobbits on Landroval, we'd like to find the Laurelin equivalents in terms of the tone, size, and focus.
I came back a few days ago after a ~5 year break- from Vilya server- and have jumped in Crickhollow. If any Kin from Vilya Southern Comfort are still around, I'd love to know.
I am currently on crickhollow server. I am old enough to have watched the first moon landing, barely ;)
I am east coast USA atm, my hours can be a little weird.
I am a fairly veteran MMO player, mostly PvP like DaoC, World of Tanks, World of warships. I have been in some very competitive clans/teams
Why PVE and lotro for me? a lot more relaxing at times then PvP. I love Tolkein since a teen. Farmer Giles of ham is one of my all time favorites to read to the kids. Named several pets 'bombadil' going back to the 80's.
My preferred style of play? Not crazy serious, but not head in the sand either. I want to understand the mechanics, play smart, but have fun.
Kinships looking for players that can be competent, follow caller directions and be team players would probably find me a fit
I prefer an active kinship with above average to large population that HAS Teamspeak ( or possibly discord...)
feel free to mail/msg me in game as Bullvye-1, Delothus or Romandacil, or through this board.