Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
im a lvl 54 guardian on brandywine looking for a kinship who can commit to what they say instead of bs'ing to into joining.
im very helpful , sharing, friendly and mature. even tho im lvl 54, i still need help alot so i hope to find a kin who can answers my needs and likes as well as fellow with instead of looking outside the kin. i mean, isnt that the reason we all join kins? to fellow with friends in the kin in the first place?
maintoon name is: rhaevn 54 guardian alt:rhaevnson 25 hunter alt:deadbird 17 champion or captain its been a while i cant
if anyone wants a new tank or an old guy then im your man
hope to hear from someone soon
plz email me if u want to talk please as will forget to look here as much as i should at
thanks and happy hunting ppl ,-))
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Hail friends,
My name is Pierre-Yves. I am from Canada Quebec and am looking for a roleplaying guild available to also chat and coop teamplay. Here are the information of my main character.
Server: Meneldor
Name: Piery Lightwolf
Race: Human
Class: Captain
Level: 44
Im looking forward to get into Mines of Moria but havent been there yet through I have the expansion. I also am looking to advance the books as I love stories in a game. I am not very far in them Book 3 I think.
Thank ye my friends.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Name or character name: Still unknown, I've tried many things but cannot figure out what to play seriously!
Age: 31
Location: Canada; EST timezone.
Playstyle: Solo for when I can't find groups, but prefer to be in groups. I'm dedicated to the game but also a father in real I will not let my children do nothing because I "have to play" if you know what I mean! Also, I'm a crafter player... I LOVE TO CRAFT!
MMO games you’ve played: OMG, a lot! From UO to EQ, the DAoC A LOT!. I've tried them all... Pirate of the Burning sea, SWG, CoH, EVE Online and lately WAR. But I love the LoTR era.
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I'm mature and dedicated. Group will always be a priority over myself. I'm disciplined and loyal. I'm a fun guy to play with!
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): I'm looking for mature ppl but also gamers ppl! I'm not looking to have many "514y3r" name around me... I like roleplay and I like people mature enough to recognize that this is a game and is meant to be fun! I'm also looking for direction, I want to be part of something, therefore I want to play what is needed for my group. I'm a great player with a lot of experience also.
That is it. I know the game is "old" now so hopefully good old kins leaders are still looking at this board. Please contact me via PM, I come here every day!
Also, I'm open to join up any server as I just started. And yes, I'm not on trial, I have full version of the game and I intent to play!
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Character name: Zemzera
Lvl: 20 (And climbing fast)
RL stuff: Student, age 30 and single, no kidds
Preferred server: My character is on Silverlode (No preference)
Location: Live in Sweden so would be nice to have a kinship that is online the most at EU timezones
Playstyle: Questing a lot so far have not managed to test any of the other game contents yet. As solo or with fellowship just as fun with both. Would love to help/Assist other players in the kinship with quests or other things in fellowship.
MMO games you’ve played: Entropia, Eve-Online
What do you offer kinships?: A mature player that is always happy to help others in the kinship and am also online a lot. (At the very least an hour a day)
and always strive for end game content.
What kind of kinship you are looking for: Im looking for a mature kinship that are acting like adults and make the best of all of the gamecontent. Most of all it would be nice to get some friends to share the LOTRO experiance with.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Hi i've had much experience in mmorpg's and with RPing. I'm desperately searching for an RP kin in windfola, but havent found one. if you're out there i'm reaching out to you. please contact me through this thread. if no kin exists in windfola and someone knows of another server, please inform me as well.
Age 23
58 Captain
Eastern US
Currently playing on Windfola
I have over 5 years mmorpg experience and RP experience
previous games: Ultima Online/Warcraft
I am a very mature and serious player, yet i'm very lighthearted. I used to be and would like to be again, a medium/heavy RPer, but i havent been able to RP in LOTRO very much at all. I would like a mature group of RPers to quest with in middle earth.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Hi all, looking for a kinship if at all possible.
I am:
23, living in Nashville, TN, USA.
Character is:
Dwarf, Guardian
And I typically play on Arkenstone.
I have only a little experience playing MMORPGs, and I'm still getting used to the interface as far as communication, chatting, etc. I learn quickly, shouldn't be too long before I have all the kinks worked out. I'm looking for a kinship that values teamwork, but allows for solo play if I'd like. I'm a pretty chill person as far as gaming is concerned, I won't be on ALL the time, but probably fairly regularly.
If you have any more questions, feel free to post them.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
I am a L30 Elf Champion. I am not a whizz-bang expert but I enjoy the game. I find that I can do very little without help. I need help and am willing to offer help if needed. Thanks...
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Ooops ... My game name is RIPPTIDE and I am a champion elf - Level 30. Not an expert by any stretch but would like to join a KIN of 'older' members...
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Hi Everyone,
My ingame character is Lethurin, level 14 soon to be 15 Hunter elf. I am also working on a hobbot Ministril for fun. I am looking for a guild that is nice and helpful. I like to stay mellow but I'm a pretty hardcore gamer coming from years of WoW and SWG so I'm prepared to level and raid/endgame in later levels. Still, I'd love a guild of any kind. I like to think that I'll be pretty good at my class, since I played a hunter for 3 years on WoW I am extremely experienced in the class and know it well. I know it's not the same by my raiding strategies will stay similar, as I also adapt new things. I am eager to help and I'd love to help the kin in any way I can, especially as I start leveling up. I am also looking for a decent sized community of players in the kin. Please respond to my thread or contact Lethurin ingame if you are at all interested in letting my join your kin. Thanks so much!
PS- For every time I said "guild" I meant kin, I still have a bit of WoW left.
I am also interested in Nimrodel server where Lutherin currently is. Please contact me via ingame, ingame mail, or messages on the forum... thanks!!
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Yeah, I'm looking for a kinship...and stuff.
My character is a level 25 elf hunter, and i'm 16 and I live in Colorado.
I'm looking for a laid back kinship that isn't just about the game and doesn't mind casual swearing at time....and yeah that's pretty much it. i'm on the nimrodel server and my Characters name is Zanthorn.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Name: Tyrinna, Elf Rune-Keeper
Age: 31
Server: Firefoot
Location: Colorado Springs, CO USA
Timezone: Mountain Time (-7)
Playstyle: Group, casual, crafter, raid
MMO games played: Knight Online, Rune Scape, Final Fantasy XI, World of Warcraft
What kind of kinship I'm looking for?: I'm looking for a kinship that would not only help me out completing difficult quests such as "The Lost Tool", but to benefit in my ability to work as a team member.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Name: Hyrdophis, Hobbit Burglar - currently lvl 26
Age: 24
Preferred server: Gladden
Location: East Coast
Playstyle: play at least 3 hours / day; on days off I play more :P I am a PvE player that is interested in a serious kin to accomplish grouping, raids, and end-game.
MMO games you’ve played: EQ, EQ2, Vanguard
Why kinships should be interested in you: serious player looking to enjoy all that the game offers
What kind of kinship you are looking for: a kin with a very active roster that groups together daily. Once up to level, will be interested in raiding. I was in top raiding guilds in both EQ2 and Vanguard and have about 10 years MMO experience.
See ya ingame!
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
My char is Meida on Nimrodel: Lvl 20 Minstrel.
I've played WoW for a few years, but pretty casually.
In RL: 27/F, Oregon, lovely bf & 2 associated rugrats.
I'm looking for a friendly, casual kinship of adults with a good sense of humor. The sense of humor is priority - this is supposed to be fun! Uber-serious gaming is not my style.
I know the basics of MMO's: how to work well in groups, most of (not all!) the geek-speak, and how to lvl without asking group members for help every five minutes. Mostly I'd just like to put the stuff I craft into a kinship bank where it can help someone else, some good conversation, and a bit of grouping for the hard stuff.
Thanks :)
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Your name, or character name and race (if known): None yet
Age: 39
Preferred server(s): Any
Location: USA Central timezone
Playstyle: PVE general questing and craftin
MMO games you’ve played:Played LOTR before (returning player)
Why kinships should be interested in you: On each night and enjoy helpin others.
What kind of kinship you are looking for: Looking for a kinship that enjoys questing, crafting and just helping out each other. I would perfer a kin with a min. age limit and maybe uses Vent or TS.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Name: Jake
Character name: Jaikasaur
Age: 25
Character level: 21 at the moment
Class: Captain
Server: Silverlode
time zone: central (wisconsin)
Play style: I'm a team player and so far I love the captain. I'm usually down for anything and I'm not a big fan of soloing so I try to get groups going when I can. I play to have fun and am not a fan of people telling me what I'm allowed to do while I'm ingame. That doesnt mean I act like a jerk though, I wouldnt want my game time ruined by someone so I wouldnt want to act that way. Ventrilo is a must, I cant stand lack of organization because of failed communication. Vent just makes everything easier.
Why me?: Like I said I'm a team player first and I'm not selfish. I'm always willing to group and help people whenever I can, thats just how I am.
MMO experience: You name it I've probably played it, but just to list here we go
Seriously played: DAOC, EQ2, WARHAMMER, SWG, WoW, Guild Wars
Other games: EQ, Tabula Rasa, FFXI, ummm someothers I'm sure I'll remember after writing this.
What I'm looking for in a kinship is preferably one that is already well estabilished with a decent sized ACTIVE player roster. People that are looking to have a good time and can be hardcore without being snobs and still be laidback about the game. I havent been playing LOTRO for to long so I can switch servers if need be although I would prefer to keep my progress on my current character. I guess thats it if you have any questions send me a PM and I'll get back to you asap. Thanks =)
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Your name, or character name and race: Valfridth, lvl 60 hunter, man
Age: 32
Preferred server: Nimrodel, but would consider move to server if situation was right
Location : Fordham UK (little over an hour north of London)
Playstyle: Have almost exclusively duoed with my wife (lvl 60 elf LM) but we are now looking for a relaxed type kinship to expand our game experience with.
MMO games you’ve played: both myself and my wife have played EQ sinve 2003 but have tapered off it a great deal.
Why kinships should be interested in you? My wife and I are both friendly and helpful and enjoy seeing and doing new things. We are both mature players and are not into nor cause any sort of drama at all.
What kind of kinship you are looking for: A relaxed type of kin that helps one another get things done. we are NOT looking for a full time raiding kin of any kind. Years of that type of play style has worn a bit with us and we are more interested in a smaller scale setting with occasional larger events here and there.
If any kins would be interested in taking we two strays in please pm me on the boards here or send Valfridth an in game mail. Thank you.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Hello: I am 34yrs old, I am a returning player to LOTR, after being off since Dec of 08, I have played WOW (3yrs), GW & CoH/V.
I am looking to join a casual, helpfull & friendly Kinship, mostly I am looking to have fun & make new friends, you can either leave me a message here, or drop me a line ingame, name is Joharassit on the Arkenstone server.
Thanks, happy gaming
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Name: Jeff
Age: 19
Location: PA, USA
I'm a returning player looking for a kinship. Being a returning player, I remember how to play, and the interface.. but I forget a lot of the instances and such. But once I come across them, it shouldn't be to much of a problem.
As of now, i'm only a level 9 guardian named "Gloimr" on the Firefoot server. But I tend to level quickly.. but i'm not an elitist by any means. I would really like to find an RP kinship, to me, it makes playing in Tolkiens realm so much more fun. Because of this, i'm willing to start fresh, again, on a different server if needed.
Looking forward to seeing you in Middle Earth!
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Your name: Balinorigloin
Age: 16 almost 17
Preferred server(s): On the arkenstone server ATM but i am hardly enjoying it anymore, any server will be fine i am prepared to transfer.
Location: New Jersey, USA
Playstyle: I am a raider, love doing the Watcher, turtle, moors and so on
MMO games you’ve played: lotro, swg
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: Level 60 champion, maxxed traits, 5/6 rad gear, experienced player
What kind of kinship you are looking for: A somewhat successful raiding kinship, Without cliqiness, and favoritism.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Hello, I am 14 years old looking for a good kin. I have been playing LOTRO for about 3 months (played for 3 then started back up 2 days ago.) I have a hobbit hunter lvl 28 on Silverlode, but now i have a lvl 13 guardian hobbit on Gladden. I don't argue with people and take advice from most people (if they arnt jerks). I am not on all the time, but when i am, i try to be as serious about it as possible (depends on my mood). I am a Explorer but may change my vocation. Send me kin invite ASAP, thanks.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
I'm a 47 year old female living in Oregon---PST.
PLAYSTYLE : casual
SERVER: Brandywine
Conversation: I'm open minded with a good sense of humur. I just don't like a deluge of vulgar comments. Especially those denegrating woman.
Previous MMO's: EQ2, WoW
I'm looking for a friendly, christian like group of people to have fun with.
Have a Great Day !
looking for a good friendly Kinship that is willing to lend a hand
I am age 13 I have 1 level 22 man champion with great equipment I have two forged maces on it top quality and really good armor I also have a level 16 man captain and a level 15 lore master and I am great at sneaking around in enemy hide outs and I can use tactical strategies when needed and I am a good player. I have been playing this for a month or two and has learned quickly
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Send a PM
Age: 25
Preferred server(s), if any: Landroval
Location: EST
Playstyle: Solo, group, casual, RP,
MMO games you’ve played: Just LOTRO
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I'm a mature adult, willing to listen, learn and have fun. I love the lore of this game and that is why I joined and haven't played any other MMORPG.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. I am looking for a kinship that is active, willing to help others (whether that is advice or grouping up for complete quests, etc.), does a little RP, and is mature and friendly. Most of all I'm looking for a kinship that is relaxed and just plays for the fun of it.