Looking to come back to LOTRO
Hi, my name is Patrick. I used to play back in 2009 but due to not having a decent pc could not play until now. Back then I was in friends of frodo, but sad to say I could not get active which was not fair to them. Now I want to start back into it and need to know should I go on Anor or just pick a normal server. I'm looking for a friendly casual kinship that will help me grow and is active. I'm on the east coast of the US.
Originally Posted by
Hi, my name is Patrick. I used to play back in 2009 but due to not having a decent pc could not play until now. Back then I was in friends of frodo, but sad to say I could not get active which was not fair to them. Now I want to start back into it and need to know should I go on Anor or just pick a normal server. I'm looking for a friendly casual kinship that will help me grow and is active. I'm on the east coast of the US.
Anor can be very tricky since it is a Legendary Server. You must be VIP in order to create a character there and you must maintain VIP status in order to keep using it. You can earn certain bonus picture frames and titles if you continue your character there, but you will also have to level through things with a -40% XP debuff at all times. If you are truly casual, then the lowered experience gain and the current level cap being 100 instead of 130 won't be much of an issue for you. Information here: https://lotro-wiki.com/index.php/Legendary_Server
On the other hand, it is still possible to find stable kinships on other servers. Arkenstone is highly populated and known for the endgame crowd. Landroval is known for their RP community. Of course, Brandywine and Gladden both have a nice supply of interesting folk. Ultimately it is your choice what you want in the game.
Originally Posted by
Anor can be very tricky since it is a Legendary Server. You must be VIP in order to create a character there and you must maintain VIP status in order to keep using it. You can earn certain bonus picture frames and titles if you continue your character there, but you will also have to level through things with a -40% XP debuff at all times. If you are truly casual, then the lowered experience gain and the current level cap being 100 instead of 130 won't be much of an issue for you. Information here:
On the other hand, it is still possible to find stable kinships on other servers. Arkenstone is highly populated and known for the endgame crowd. Landroval is known for their RP community. Of course, Brandywine and Gladden both have a nice supply of interesting folk. Ultimately it is your choice what you want in the game.
Thanks for replying back. I'm not sure If I want to go VIP or not. I currently play WOW, SW: TOR, ESO. It would be helpful If I knew some welcoming kinships, so I would know which server to start on, so I do not waste time on a character I can't transfer.
Originally Posted by
Thanks for replying back. I'm not sure If I want to go VIP or not. I currently play WOW, SW: TOR, ESO. It would be helpful If I knew some welcoming kinships, so I would know which server to start on, so I do not waste time on a character I can't transfer.
Hello friend, try crickhollow server, there are many casual kinships there that be happy to welcome you in.. I'm in Friends and Allies, this is a new casual kinship. good luck.
Brandywine Kinship
Hello my names Hayden,
Im 25, and fairly new to this game, I've played WoW for 4 years or so. I'm in Central time US (OK)
Honestly I'm just looking for a fun community to really help me get into this game, I love it so far, and its so immersive and the Lore and everything is nuts!
I play mostly during the evenings because of work.
LF Landroval Kinship
Your name, or character name and race: Trebarion, Man Hunter, 77
Alts: Treboric, Hobbit Burglar, 68; Terebor, Elf Lore Master, 38
Age: On the early side of Gen X
Preferred server: Landroval
Location: U.S. East Coast (GMT-5)
Playstyle: Slow. Very slow. Like I read the quest dialogue slow. I like solo play and 3-6 man groups, the Epic quest line, Explorer deeds, crafting, and PvMP on both sides.
LotRO Experience: Lifer since 2007. Formerly on Arkenstone in Middle Earth Warriors; also The Immortals Creep Tribe. I recently returned to the game after a long hiatus and found that my old kinships and friends on Ark are no longer there/active. I thought that a change might be nice so I transferred to Landy.
MMO games you’ve played: WoW, Guild Wars, SWTOR, TESO
Why kinships should be interested in you: Maybe I'm being foolish, but I can make it from Grams to Glân Vraig as a chicken!
What kind of kinship you are looking for: Friendly, laid back, mature, and drama free are the most important qualities that I look for in a kinship. I'm no longer interested in raiding but I am down for other kinds of scheduled events like fellowship runs, instances, skirms, PvMP, etc. A guild with active crafters would be a plus; an active Discord or other comms would be a double plus.
Hello! I'm looking for a *BRANDYWINE*guild to get back into LOTRO with. I've played on and off from the beginning of the game, and have characters from lvl 9 to 105. I need to relearn the game! I'm really wanting group play again, something sadly lacking in modern games, at least the group dynamics of the old mmo's.
Characters: Fyndhiel 91 RK, Nimuilwen 105 Htr, Illiriel 78 Grd, Findhiel 57 Chmp, and a smattering of others...
Age: 40s
Server: Brandywine
Location: USA -- and for a time, Afghanistan - I work shift work, so my schedule changes every month.
Playstyle: Group play: Dungeons, Raids, etc.
MMO games I’ve played: EQ, EQ2, LOTRO
LF: I am looking for a friendly and active Kinship.
Contact: Discord: lordnarvinye #6031
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Seerjohn (Man)
Age: (some kinships have real life age limits) 63
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): Gladden
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): EST
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.): Questing, casual raiding
MMO games you’ve played: UO, EQ, EQ2, SWTOR, WoW
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: Supportive of team, active in chat
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): Family friendly, organized activities
Currently an officer in a WoW guild that I have been with for over 30 years. Getting tired of WoW however. The guild I am in is family friendly as many of our kids also play. We hold organized activities 4 times each week (two raid days, mythic runs and PvP). I am not a PvP'r, but am active in questing and raiding.
Hi, returning player here, well into my 40s RL. I tried the game for a few months back in 2017-18, had fun, brought my main character to around level 80, but then had to get away. I'm revisiting now, hopefully I'll be able to stay more!
I rolled a new character in Evernight, man Paxbur the lore-master. He's now level 26 and counting. My old ones in Laurelin, I didn't delete them but I felt more like starting fresh as I remembered nothing of what I was supposed to be doing! So it's in Evernight that I expect to be playing and where I'm thinking of joining a kin.
I'm generally quite happy to play solo and quiet, check the wiki for info and guides, learn from mistakes and such - but then there's some content that needs group play. It's better to first look around in the kin before searching for randoms. Also, crafting support would be good. I know most players work on all crafting skills on different alts, but I find it more satisfying if a group collaborate instead, like sharing mats they don't need instead of selling in the AH, lending a hand in a production skill that a team mate doesn't have and such. Thirdly, the occational small talk in the kin chat is good too.
What would I bring in? I would bring no drama, that's for starters! I'd be happy to provide crafting help too. What are you after in a new player? :D
Note that I would probably be unable to join voice chat due to RL situation. If that's necessary for the kin, well now we know it's better to stay apart ;).
I am on eastern european time, GMT+2.
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Wulfy is my main (high elf captain-red), I have two others that I group with, my “primaries” Ceedric (high elf LM), and Rihannsu (elf guardian), those three get all the “goodies”, gear and so on. I have four other level capped toons but I don’t group with them, so they get the landscape/quest gear, and they are also my crafters and grinders for embers, dailies, weeklies and such. Dachef, Diesirae, Dreucilla, and Krysteel.
Age: (some kinships have real life age limits) 21++ ????
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): Have been on Arkenstone since I started playing in 2008, not going anywhere else.
Location. (Time zone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): I am Central USA, but I work nights so I’m usually on late afternoons and all through the night on my off-work nights. I usually get two weeknights off during the week and a three-day weekend off every other week.
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.): Completionist on at least my main and two primaries, I do solo and group, no RP or PvP. Love grouping and seeing all of the content. Definitely prefer to get everything done on my main first naturally (for deeds and so on), I also try to get everything done on my two primaries as well, with the “lower” four alts getting landscape/quest stuff and doing deeds etc. whenever I have the chance.
MMO games you’ve played: Here is the my first one, I have dabbled a bit in GW2 and some other games like Tomb Raider, Immortals, and such, but I always come back here, been playing steady for the past 12 years and probably will be here until they turn the servers off.
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships: Decent enough player, no drama, I know my classes well. I listen to group lead and know my way around most of the instances in the game. I have a top tier guilded crafter in every profession and love to help people. Love to group and try the harder content (I’m pretty decent up to T3 and have completed a LOT of content up to T3) very laid back, extensive knowledge of the game (I’ve been nicknamed Wulfapedia by some smart alecs in my kin, lol).
What kind of kinship you are looking for? (This one is very important for recruiters): Current kinship has been great over the years, casual with a decent raiding core so that’s primarily what I’m looking for, to be part of the group, hang out, have fun, go run a few instances, see the sights and enjoy Middle Earth. Can group most any of my off nights. I’d have to say my “raid” times would be somewhere around 7 pm central to maybe 2 or 3 am central when I’m off work. Feel free to drop me a tell ingame and let's talk.
Looking for Kin as an Inactive Player
My character name on many servers is Xaldox and I am 20 years old. Although I have a level 105ish on Gladden I barely get back onto it because I don't really enjoy very far in the epics past Rohan last I remember. I have a character on Arkenstone as well around level 40. I usually always play a Guardian as the race of Man.
Preferred server(s): Gladden and Arkenstone would be my main go to servers as I am currently levelling my Guard on Arkenstone.
Location: EST
Playstyle: I really enjoy grouping, especially for deeds and side quests, I just always enjoy the game more with friends I can play with from time to time and it is also a lot easier to be active when I look forward to playing with people. I also really enjoy just sitting around and listening to the soundtrack from time to time.
I've dabbled in SWTOR, but I have honestly mostly played LOTRO since 2011 and just got inactive around 2017 because of school.
What kind of kinship you are looking for: I really want to be able to be in a kinship that won't kick me for my inactive stints, I know it's difficult when it comes to managing space, but with school I cannot always be active and on every day, especially when I lose interest in the grinding of this game. I would love to have access to great crafting friends that help with armor and weapons as well as people who just want to do things together instead of soloing.
Your name, or character name and race (if known): ToniBeorn(Beorning) is my main one, also have ShyLostBeorn on Laurelin but I also use other characters on other servers.
Age: (some kinships have real life age limits) 33
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): Gladden, Arkenstone
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): Oceania
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.): I don't know. I'm very new to this game.
MMO games you’ve played: SWTOR, Wow
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I am not sure what I can offer a kinship because I'm not an old time player, I'm still learning the game. Am mostly looking for friends to play with/teach me. I can offer someone who is very active in Oceania time zone
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): Smaller, close-knit, friendly towards new people. Willing to teach new players in groups/not abuse them, And not drama-filled. Also non judgemental/open minded
Looking for a friendly, helpful kinship on Landroval
I am a 75 year old player in the USA Mountain Time, I play during the day most everyday.
I have 32 toons, 6 active now, 5 are low-mid level crafters that I never play, the remainder are basically dormant and subject to being deleted and replaced.
I'm not an aggressive player I level slowly, I don't particular like the 100+ levels.
The 6 active players range in level from 40-72.
I particularly need help with crafting (especially from Level 50 and up). I seem to stall out somewhere between level 60 and up.
I would like a kin that will run a few group skirmishes and such occasionally.
I'm not particularly interested in overly organized Kins, I like to play freely,
Please PM Johnchamp if you have a proposal for me.
Hi Guys!
Your name, or character name and race (if known): my real name is Francesco, my character name is Lirhon and he is a Elf Minstrel at 12 lvl
Age: (some kinships have real life age limits) 33
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): Laurelin
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): Italy
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.): I'm casual player, but i love PVE, raids and group.
MMO games you’ve played: So many, ESO, Swtor, WoW, Aion and many more.
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I always try to lend a hand, I have always played support roles (healer) and I always work hard.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): I'm looking for an Italian kinship if possible, but an international one is fine too, as long as you have the patience to teach me, unfortunately I'm new and I would like to learn a lot about this game.
hello i have played a ton of mmo and have decided to try this one out right now i am on arkenstone server rune master name kitrenia and i am looking for a kinship> I do have discord and i really dont like to solo,
(Brandywine) Looking For Kinship
Names: Krelltherion
Age: 49
Server: Brandywine
Location: USA -- On and off throughout the day. West Coast.
Characters: Just starting with the Loremaster.
Playstyle: Dungeons and leveling.
MMO games we’ve played: Lotro, WoW, Rift, SWTOR, etc.
LF: Returning after several years and relearning the game. Looking for a friendly and active Kinship that I can relearn the game with.
Thank you.
LFK on Landroval
Tashania, Woman Lore-Master 130
Age: 28
Preferred Server: Landroval
Location: Phoenix, AZ. Mountain Standard Time (MST), doesn't observe Daylight Savings Time. I mostly play afternoons and late at night. for EST this puts me at around 2-4pm and 10pm-5am.
Playstyle: I prefer to always be playing with other people, and hanging out in discord chatting even if I'm just soloing content. I enjoy difficult PvE content of all sizes, and I intend to get my gear caught up and engage in that kind of content. My favorite part of LotRO, however, is PvMP, and any kin focused on that, either creeps or freeps, is going to get preference from me.
MMO games you’ve played: Everquest 1 and 2, WoW, LotRO (obviously), Runescape, ESO, Guild Wars 1 and 2, FFXIV, and many others.
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I'm highly active, especially when I have a fun group of people interested in similar content. I'm easy to get along with and don't mind helping out, within reason.
What kind of kinship you are looking for: I'm looking for a kin that's active in voice chat, easy to get along with, and endgame focused, with several active players and room for a Lore-Master. Ideally, this kin would also be active or interested in PvMP, but that's not a showstopper. I just came back from a several year absence, so I'm still getting caught up, but if the community is solid you can expect me to stay around for a long time.
LFK - Arkenstone
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Dennis; Denarann, Race of Man
Age: 49
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): Arkenstone
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): AZ, I play some afternoons and late nights on my days off (like all night sometimes)
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.): I play by myself if I need to, but enjoy grouping with people for quests, grinding, instances, etc...
MMO games you’ve played: Asheron's Call, Dark Age of Camelot, WoW, Guild Wars 2, SWTOR, Elder Scrolls Online (lots of others that didn't last long)
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I am obviously an adult and do not like drama. My game time is my way to unwind, so I like to keep it fun. I like to help people and take time to answer questions or aid others when I can.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): A kinship that likes to do a lot of things, is willing to answer questions when I can't find it in Google, and has a decent population late at night (AZ time). My current kinship is fine, but they mostly play when I am not on.
Originally Posted by
ATTENTION: Kinship Recruiters. This thread is NOT for your advertisements. This thread is for people who are looking. Respect this rule, please. PM those who may be of interest to you.
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Stryker, Son of Stall, Guardsman of Gondor.
Age: (some kinships have real life age limits): 33
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): Landroval
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): Eastern USA
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.): Casual... maybe one or two nights a week, mostly leveling and wanting folks to chat with so the game feels less lonesome, but not as crowded as World chat. Also hoping for people in the level 85-95 range that may want to group up, as my main is level 89!
MMO games you’ve played: LOTRO, SWTOR, WoW
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I am very kind, will take my time to help others, and very skilled in group settings as a tank, healer, or dps.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): one that is accepting of someone who will not be online all the time, and one that has a cool name that will look good with my character who is a Knight of Gondor!
Landroval Returning Player
Hello! I'm returning to the game after many years and would love some folks to play with!
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Tricksae
Age: (some kinships have real life age limits): 36
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): Landroval. I'll be online between 7-11pm server time (EST)
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): I'm from the Chicago area, CST
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.): At the "old" level cap, I was hardcore into raiding and PvMP. I've got more responsibilities IRL and less time, so I doubt I'll get there quickly. That said, I mostly enjoy the social aspect of MMOs and have always enjoyed crafting and any group content.
MMO games you’ve played: LOTRO has been the one I have played the longest (2007-2012ish), but I did play SWG up until the NGE (dating myself), and dabbled in ESO and FFXIV over the last few years.
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I'm social and like to add to the feeling of community in a kinship. I like to give as much back as I get and I want to be a part of a community, not just looking for help / raid spot. I very much enjoyed being an "expert" in the few classes I played. Understanding why meta builds work, and most importantly having fun with off meta (Blue line burg was my favorite MMO experience ever)
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): Active, friendly players that get to know each other. Lots of activity in kin chat or discord. Folks who don't mind helping me get back on my feet (seems a lot has changed, or I just forgot a lot in the last few years!)
Hi there,
My name is Daniel, I'm returning to this game for the umpteenth time to try and actually play my way through!
Playing on Laurelin, I prefer RP, and am a Beorning on this character.
I live in Ireland, so GMT +1, never been in a Kinship before, but would like to RP with more people as well as get help and learn to play the game better.
See you all soon!
Two looking to join The Light of Telperion kinship, recommended by Borgiol
My info: Caitira level 24 elf hunter. 62 years old. Brandywine server. CST in the U.S.. Casual player. Played LOTRO for a couple of years back in 2007 and also have played ESO
Other player is Laazaruslong dwarf champion, also lvl 24, same server and timezone, casual player as well. Has played WoW for some time. He is my nephew and is 40.
Borgiol helped us last night with Weathertop and told us about the kinship and said to tell Gravildor he recommeded us. Thank you.
Character name/race (if known): Undetermined atm.
Age: 40
Preferred server: English Speaking ones, no other preference
Location: EST however I can be around for any tz within reason.
Playstyle: For LotRO I am used to being Solo PVE but I am open to learning more ways to play.
MMO games you’ve played: Eve Online, Warhammer Online, EverQuest, Star Wars Galaxies
What do you offer kinships?: I'm very active on discord, social, and like to work well with others.
What kind of kinship you are looking for: I'm looking to get really into this game, and explore it.
I am thinking of returning. I never got too far into LotRO due to my friends leaving the game too soon. I never explored the option to be in an another Kinship and I would like to explore that. My favorite class was the Warden but I am flexible. I am looking for a group to socialize with, even if we cannot always be together in game. I want to have fun and feel part of something again when it comes to this MMO. I am not against a roleplaying kinship but it is not required. I just want to feel involved.
~ Sulabri
Character name/race (if known): Benenhausen (level 125 Hobbit guardian)
Age: 45 (12 in game)
Preferred server: Currently Laurelin, prefer to stay
Location: UK
Playstyle: 12 years running this one character on solo PVE; previously long term member of a kin who have sadly fallen away. Love taking time away from the epic storyline to retreat back into the shire; pull out a pipe and lick my wounds while the rain comes down over Hobbiton, Michel Delving etc.
MMO games you’ve played: LOTRO, that's it
What do you offer kinships?: I'm very willing to help with crafting and fellowship quests. Keen to help out with raids although inexperienced.
What kind of kinship you are looking for: Looking for similar age players to level up with and help each other out, in game respect for the world, lore and all creatures and creeds within it, and respect for other players appreciation of the same.
Your name, or character name and race (if known): David
Age: (some kinships have real life age limits) 40
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): Any
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): EST
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.): Everything except hardcore and time-limited
MMO games you’ve played: WoW, Rift, SWtoR just to name a few
Returning to the game and would be creating something new. If at all possible I'd like to find a leveling group or kinship that try to stick to a leveling schedule. Most of all I like to be social so it would be nice if the group or kinship were the same. I'd be willing to play on any server as right now I'm just playing around on Treebeard at the moment.
You can reach me via Discord at ThatGinger#3403
LF Arkenstone Kinship of Older Players
I've been playing off and on for 13 years now, mostly as VIP, and have recently returned. I'm seeking an active kinship of older players with a casual play style and a friendly manner. I mostly play solo but like small-group instances as well (no raiding at this point).
Character Name: Pick one; I have 16 on Arkenstone, the highest is a level 100 Captain, Makmorn; but TBH, I prefer dwarf toons
Age: Older than dirt (as in retired and able to play any time I want, mostly)
Play Style: Casual; I like to explore and grind at my own pace, but am willing to help out with group stuff too; I'm also working up all my crafters
Other Games I've Played: Many MMOs, starting with the ASCII text MUD Medievia back in 1989 and then EQ/EQ2 for around seven years and WoW for several years after that
Hours of Play: Eastern US, pretty much any time, day or night
What I Want in a Kinship: Lively social interaction (more than one or two people on at a time) and intelligent, organized leadership.
What I Can Bring to a Kinship: Loads of experience, love of the lore and a slightly twisted sense of humor
I have Discord
LF an Australian-based kinship
I've started playing again properly for the first time since the days of Rohan where I mained an RK on Vilya in the kinship Nocturnal. Since then been playing on & off without really doing any end-game/group content.
Server: Arkenstone
Character name: Main character is Narnellas (H.Elf Mini) who I just levelled to 130 about a month ago. I do have a couple others at 100+ including my RK from Vilya which I have been working on but my hope is to find a regular group to heal for and hopefully looking to take up tanking as well eventually.
Age: 25
Play Style: Pretty much only been running solo but I'm trying to ease into group instances now that I'm getting more familiar with what to do at endgame and I'd prefer to do that with a kinship I can regularly play with and enjoy hanging out in-game.
MMO games you've played: WoW and GW2
What kind of kinship you are looking for: Don't like taking the game too seriously so any kinship that likes to keep a more laid-back atmosphere where people group up and run around together to help eachother out I'd love to take part if you'll have me as I always enjoyed grouping up on a raid night and hanging out for a few hours. I do have discord and Teamspeak (if that's still a thing) plus a working mic as well.
If any recruiters see this feel free to send a PM my way if you have questions etc. otherwise I'm on most nights as well.
We are Looking for an Arkenstone Kinship
Name: Teemoo (Hunter Lvl 64) Breblo (Guardian Lvl 64)
Age: 23
Server: Arkenstone
Location: Germany
Playstyle: always playing together as a duo
We are looking for a kinship were we can find people with the same level as ours for raiding Moria etc. We would love to get some friends for raiding and farming Instances. Of course a german Kinship would be perfect, but speaking english isnt a problem eather (Discord or Chat). See you soon
Greetings Teemo Oettinger
[Brandywine] Looking for a kin
Hello, I'm a long time MMO player (played & raided in most games), restarting after a lengthy absence. I've been back for a short time now leveling alone & I'd like to find a kin to run group content with, as I am starting to creep up in levels (almost lv80 hunter). I'm looking for a 18+ (adult) kin, based in BRANDYWINE that is active & social, preferably with voice. I'm in the EST, play every day, I'm VIP & own all the content.
I'm not looking for a rp / pvp or any sort of religion or family based kin. I just want to be able to hang out with like minded adults & enjoy the game. Not interested in spam invite / bigoted / elitist kins.
If you have a kin that you feel would be a good fit, please contact me & we can talk.
Thanks =)
hiya~ long time tolkien fan and gamer jumping into LotRO for the first time! no one else ik plays this game(or wants to), so looking to join a nice kinship so the experience isn't so lonely.
Character name and server: a few but i've been trying to level my "main" 33 hobbit hunter Thilba on Shadowfax. i have a 22 elf champ Meletheldi here as well. i've always been into healing so i'll level up my minstrel Sapphic some day.
Age and location: early 30s, Texas
Play Style: i'm super new to the game and prefer doing things solo for now.
MMO games you've played: haven't played an MMO since Fiesta Online like a decade ago lmao.
What kind of kinship you are looking for: the most important thing for me is that the kinship has LGBTQ+ players / is LGBTQ+ friendly with a casual, helpful, and low pressure environment.
LF kin from Laurelin
Surumiel et al., elf and hobbitses from level 30 to 120 atm.
Age: Old
European times suit me
I am playing solo now, used to do fellowships and even some raids
I played a lot in olden times, then had a break of several years and now came back to a changed world. Loyal but not very good in organizing stuff, jogging happily along. Playing a lot again, so happy to help others.
I am looking for a smallish but active kinship (all my old kins are mainly dead) with gentle mature atmosphere, no hc requirements. I would like to do some group content again.
New Player Ark/Gladden/Brandy?
Your name, or character name and race: Graerod - Arkenstone but I'm willing to go to a new server for the right Kin
Preferred server(s): I was looking at Ark/Gladden/Brandy based on the information I received from the LOTRO Discord and the population tracking website. (Though I am open to possible EU servers as well because of my schedule).
Location: EST is the timezone I'm in. Due to my schedule I can really only play during the week around 2PM - 6PM EST so I'd prefer to be in a Kinship active around these times or on a server that has peak population around these times. I can play later during the weekends but I generally play early mornings - afternoon and sometimes into the late evening.
Playstyle: I enjoy grouping and end-game content. I like collecting different things, raiding, and dungeons. I understand that a lot of people are at end-game so I'm fine with leveling solo for the most part but a kinship that also has active alts at lower levels is a big plus.
MMO games you’ve played: WoW, ESO, RS, SW:G, FFXIV -- these are the ones I've dedicated a lot of time to though I have played more
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I really enjoy interacting with the community I become a part of. Socializing is what keeps me active in a game more-so than content.
What kind of kinship you are looking for?: I'm looking for a kinship that is active around my times that is fine with helping a newbie learn the ropes. I've played LOTRO before but I've never really stuck with it because I never found an active community. I don't really care for minmaxing but I am interested in learning how to better my toon and would love to run end-game content once I get there. I am a bit of an altoholic, or at least I can be, so a kinship that is fine with me taking my time to end-game would be preferable. Though once I do find the class I click with the most I may spend a lot of time on it getting to end-game faster.
Your name, or character name and race: Skodiak, Human
Age: 28
Preferred server(s): Gladden
Location: Argentina.
Playstyle: Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, crafter. I kinda go with flow honestly.
MMO games you’ve played: Regnum, Black Desert, Runescape.
Why kinships should be interested in you. What do you offer kinships?: I mean, I kinda just hope for a kin that is fun and accepts me for who I am. I can be very supportive if needed, and I'm always game to lend a hand.
What kind of kinship you are looking for: A kinship that is supportive of new players and old players just the same. It would be nice to have a team of people that care for one another and are just there to have fun, since this is a game and all that xD.
Arkenstone Player Looking for a Kin
Hey everyone! I'm a casual player who's been on Arkenstone for close to 3 years now, playing a variety of lower level toons. I'm looking for a friendly kinship willing to take my level 30ish Dwarf Champ. I'm a college student, but hoping to find a kinship with mature players.
Character name and race: Sokilvar is a Dwarf Champion
Background: College student
Server: Arkenstone
Location: UTC + 2:00, but I tend to play late evening, which lines up with the late afternoon/early evening in a lot of North America.
Playstyle: I'm a pretty casual player. Most of the time I stick to landscape content, but I enjoy skirmishes and instances when I can find or get a group together.
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I'm a reliable, friendly person that enjoys helping others. I enjoy crafting as well, and would be happy to help out by providing materials and crafted armour.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): I'm looking for a kin that accepts casual players, even if they're not highly levelled. My ideal kin would be one that's friendly, mature, at least decently active (which likely means a larger kin?), and well-established (or if they're new, I would like it to be organized). Since I'm an active craftsman a kinhouse would certainly be nice, but that's a fairly small consideration.
I am on Discord as well, though I try to limit the time I spend on there.
Zorse - Landroval - Looking for Kin
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Zorse (Champ/man) - Level 117 at time of post
Age: 40
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): Landroval
Location: +10 GMT - Aus/VIC
Playstyle: Solo, Group, PvE, Casual, End-game
MMO games you’ve played: LOTRO
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: Team Player
What kind of kinship you are looking for: Medium-Large Kin, with active players in my time zone.
Hey guys! Been on and off with LOTRO since 2011 (That's when my account was made!)
But don't let that confuse you, I am in no way a veteran! I don't remember anything about LOTRO AND I just suck at video games overall.
So, I'm a casual player and just love to lay back and relax and just have a good time with others, I want to make friends and form close bonds with others, I want to be in a part of a really friendly kinship!
I'm going to start being super active on LOTRO and play a lot with 6 of the expansions being 99 points I recently got and also subbed for VIP! So please, recruit me, I'm very loyal, sweet, kind, and friendly!
My Discord name is Addison#7949 if you decide that you think I'd be a good fit.
And don't worry about how long ago my post was. If you see a month from now even, add me still.
I'll always have my Discord available.
One more thing I'd like to put down, I'm from the USA EST timezone. But, my schedule is all over the place and I play very weird late-night hours. Like 1am+ EST.
Or I can play morning/afternoon as well. And sometimes I'm off during the night and can play then too. Just never know what my weekly schedule is like. My schedule isn't fixed. Sorry!
Character name and race/class: Seraddi Elf/Hunter (And I will be making more characters down the road too with different race/class!)
A little about me: I'm an introvert who's always in my room, no friends in real life, just biding my time over video games and TV shows/movies. I do work in a cafe/bar at a volleyball club and love my job!
Server: Gladden
Location: USA EST timezone
Why you should pick me?: Because I am a very friendly player, I love to help others out once after I become more knowledgeable with LOTRO, I love running group activities and love playing with others,
when I get to know you guys, I'm a social chatterbox and really love to be your guys friend, if you're into close-knit family type kinships where everybody is close to each other, I'm your guy!
But yeah, add me on Discord! I'm always on it. Add me even if you see this 1-3 months+ from now! I won't change my Discord name
I really want to find a friendly kinship on Gladden!
I'm just getting back into the game after a veeeeeeeery long absence and am hoping to find myself an RP-focused community to hang out with!
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Nessime, elven minstrel, with plans to make more
Age: 29
Preferred server(s), if any: Currently on Landroval, but willing to switch for the right kinship
Location: EST
Playstyle: RP-heavy, solo/PvE with occasional groups for harder levels and raids, but mostly I'm a Filthy Casual and just in it for the lore
MMO games you’ve played: SWTOR and this one would be the main ones
Why kinships should be interested in you: For RP purposes? In addition to 10+ years of experience and a solid imagination, I bring both a deep knowledge of and love for the lore of Middle Earth (i.e. my elven character has a Quenya name, which is On Purpose and For Backstory Reasons) and an absolute willingness to look at canon and go "nah, that's stupid, what if we do this other thing instead". For gameplay reasons? I am a reasonably competent and friendly player who's always willing to help people out, whether that's providing support or a second sword in a fight or attracting every single enemy in the area and running around getting my butt kicked while the rest of y'all do whatever you need to get done.
What kind of kinship you are looking for: As mentioned, something RP-heavy! I'd like somewhere that's generally friendly, and a group that's faithful to the legendarium, but like... in a women- and lgbtq-friendly sort of way, you know? Some place where I can say "this is my new ranger, she's a gay disaster" and nobody's gonna be weird about that.
Returning player looking for a fresh start / kin
Character name and race:
Because I am not sure which server I will be playing on, I would first like to find a kinship first before creating a new toon. It shouldn't take long to reach level 20 (3-4 hours).
Preferred server:
It depends on which sever the kin is playing on. I am willing to play on any of the servers.
United States; Central time zone
I really enjoy doing 3- and 6-man content, Raids, or just grouping up to complete quests and deeds. I don’t mind completing quests and deeds solo or in groups. I enjoy all levels of the game, plus crafting.
Why a kinship should be interested in recruiting me?
I enjoy giving and receiving gameplay advice. Always looking for ways to improve my toon(s) and helping other kin members to improve their toon(s).
What kind of kinship am I looking for?
I am not totally hardcore, but I would like to find a kin that enjoys learning the content and explores the game to its fullest. Not just hurry up and reach the end game content. I enjoy playing with others that find Discord as being an important tool to use, especially when grouping in fellowships.
ARKENSTONE Hunter, guardian, captain, burg
Names: Raxxis, skarrzz, kreyiss, unholyhel
Age: 35
Server: Arkenstone
Location: Canada, Alberta
Characters: Hunter, Guardian, Burglar, Captain
Playstyle: Leveling alts and end game content
MMO games we’ve played: Lotro, WoW, Rift, SWTOR, etc.
LF: active kinship that runs endgame content on a regular basis.
Just came back from a couple year break n looking to get back into the raids n see the new ones
Thank you.
14 years after release I suddenly felt like this was a good time to try Lotro hoping there are some friendly people to show me the ropes and humour my while I ramble.
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Milanthelion, Man, Captain
Age: (some kinships have real life age limits) 37
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): Evernight
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): EU
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.): Utterly new to the game, just looking to have fun in a slightly more than casual way. Between children and a job, hardly able to play constantly.
MMO games you’ve played: WoW, Rift, Swtor, FF14, Aion, Guildwars 1&2, PSO, Age of Conan
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I'm mature in an immature way, helpful and have been told (by my wife and mom) that I'm occasionally funny.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): Friendly, mature and not too hardcore.
Looking for a kinship.
Originally Posted by
ATTENTION: Kinship Recruiters. This thread is NOT for your advertisements. This thread is for people who are looking. Respect this rule, please. PM those who may be of interest to you.
Use this thread if you are undecided on a kinship (guild) or are confused by how many there are and what server to choose.
I encourage you to post sufficient information about yourself so that recruiters will know if they are interested in you or not.
For example:
Your name, or character name and race (if known):
Age: (some kinships have real life age limits)
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.):
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.):
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.):
MMO games you’ve played:
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?:
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters):
my character name is Arafoldar and I am human (Level 33).
Age: 32
Prefered server is landroval.
Location lone lands.
Playstyle diversified.
I am interested in kinships because I would like to interact and play with other people/players
Looking for a casual Kinship
Hi, My name is Sneaqs.
I am old (51)
I am on Arkenstone
I am on EST and I usually play at night
I do play solo, But I would like to adventure with a group or just a few people.
I have played a few MMO's, GW2 for a few years, ESO, WOW but my love is LOTRO which I played for 6 years straight as a VIP.
I am a returning player (FTP), However I have all of the content up to and including Mordor. I have 3 level 100 Characters, a LM, RK and Mini, I have a level 61 Champion, level 81 Burg, Level 51 Beorning, and level 31 Hunter.
I used to belong to a very large Kinship Roxxi Manor, they are no longer around. I was an officer in that clan for many years.
I am looking for a clan that I can relearn all the changes that have happened in Lotro. There is soooo much I have forgotten. I am looking for a casual clan to have fun. I play this game to relieve stress. I am a corrections officer,
this fantasy world helps me escape the real world stuff I deal with everyday. I hope there is a clan out there that has a few people that would just like to share an adventure once in a while. Thanks
LF late night / weekend UK kinships to run instances / raids
Your name:Gary
Age: 53
Preferred server: Evernight
Location: UK
Playstyle: Solo up to now but looking for group play
MMO games you’ve played: Runescape > LOTRO > SWTOR > GW2 > LOTRO
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I started playing Lotro when it launched, levelled every class up to max (65) then dropped off to go with my guild to SWTOR. We raided up to that level and my main was fully kitted out at that point. I carried on solo until my Hunter main's playstyle was ruined by skill trees (I was in the Helm's Deep beta and bailed before it released). I came back with a new account on Steam (gave the previous account away) when max level was 115 and slowly levelled until the War of Three Peaks expansion when I got fully back into it. I have a Hunter (Main), Burg and Loremaster at 130 who are as geared up as they can be through solo play (I'm up to speed on the new LI system) plus a bunch of alts that are fully maxed and guilded for crafting in every profession. I'm limited by my availabilty (see below) but am always happy to jump in and help someone with an instance / elite kill / craft or whatever. Given that I have only solo'd up to this point, I may be missing some instance unlocks, so bear that in mind.
What kind of kinship you are looking for: I work evening shifts so I don't get home till 11pm ish ( 10pm on Fridays) - UK time, then I'm available to play through to 2-3am and also all through weekends (I only work Mon-Fri) . I'm looking for a kinship that are happy to take on someone who knows HOW to raid, but needs bringing up to speed on the current state of play instance-wise. I'm not looking for a kin that uses DPS meters and wants to do speed runs, I want something more laid back than that.
looking for active kinship treebeard / new player / minstril-high elf
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Sotirios in game
Age: 40
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): Tree beard
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): NA east coast
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.): coming from wow and ff14, I just finished raiding in wow TBC. I am open to group play and solo to finish the MSQ. I joined here to enjoy the beginning of the game, instead of getting lost in the advanced game servers.
MMO games you’ve played: I have tried and played the majority of the MMO RPGs, wow, ff14, gw2, runscape, ESO, swtor
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I am a consistent player , I am friendly and mature, no drama, very cooperative and open to suggestions.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): I like to feel the presence of co-players enjoying the game together. I like to participate in group content, dungeons or raids. Also, as a new player , I feel kinships is the best way to learn the game
thank you all
Looking for a kingship in Arkenstone AUS
MY Main Toons name is Eradainn he is a human hunter level 116.
I play on Arkenstone and have many ALT toons.
Im 22 l live in Australia time zone AWST. I've had this game for 9 years and I'm coming back after a 2 year break.
I'm looking for a decently active kingship that's active during the afternoon AWST time.
Old person and Player returning after many many years
On Crickhollow just started playing again.
Looking for a Kinship that is ok with me leveling a bit slow as I enjoy the game.
ATM A Brawler around 14th.
Named Kabgul
Stout Axe
Fun Gaming All
Looking for friends!
Hi! My name is Susanne (pronouns she/her) I am 24 years old and I play on Landroval as Swanthistle, a human loremaster.
I am on the east coast in the United States so my clock is set on the eastern timezone.
I'm a returning player and used to play on the Vilya server! I haven't really been able to experience any content past Moria (yay ADHD and creating too many alts) but I am very excited to be starting with this new character and hope to make it to end game. As of right this second I am currently at level 21 with her. I am a super casual and laid back player and I'm just really trying to soak in all the lovely content that LOTRO has. I would love to learn how to play group content in the future (especially having chosen a support class) but most of my experience with the game is in landscape and solo content. I am also really trying to give this crafting thing a go! I am mostly online in the evenings most days. At the very least I am online once a week, but usually a whole lot more.
A little about me personally;
I am queer (pansexual) so please please please if this is by any means an issue don't invite me to your kinship.
That being said, I am an EMT by profession and volunteer firefighter (hopefully going career soon! fingers crossed). I also ride and train horses on the side! I grew up around them and absolutely adore all things equestrian, so if you ever want to talk horses send me a pm! When I have free time and I'm not playing LOTRO I love to read and embroider.
I've played several other MMOs such as ESO, SWTOR, GW2, and Runescape; but I ALWAYS come back to LOTRO! I've been playing on and off again since 2011 and I just love the art style and how it immerses you into Middle Earth while staying mostly true to lore.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read my post! I look forward to meeting all you lovely people!
Server: Gladden
Name or character name: Aluyenia (have several low ALT's)
Age: 65 (Yep, twice retired, both Military and Civilian)
Location: USA; EST
Playstyle: Play style mostly Solo, but that was to learn the class(es) and enjoy the game. Now looking to learn small/large group activities
MMO games you’ve played: EverQuest, ESO, FFXI, WOW, SWG
I'm a casual gamer, pretty much on everyday as time permits. I'm retired but pretty busy in real life so mostly been a solo player as I control my availability. I hit 140 on my main and tried a few dailies and discovered I need to learn to group/play fellowships to progress my playing style. Sometimes I can be on for a few hours but other times just a few minutes before I have to log. I started this game few months back after MANY years away (I only played a few months and quit originally) but came back and really enjoy the story lines and different paths to achieve something fun, so I solo'd almost 100% on my Minstrel (DPS) so I could learn the class and mechanics and find what I like best (still searching).
Looking for a Kinship that is social, low key and casual but has players on throughout the day (I don't play evenings, mostly mornings and afternoons EST). I'm easy going, hate drama and such, though cursing/bad language isn't an issue. Would like to do dailies and Instances with a few folks each day who can provide inputs and changes to how I play and also understands when I have to log for real life. I like playing a Healer but would need some guidance in that area, so my toons are all currently DPS focused.
I've played this game off and on since the beta days and am really getting back into it. Looking for a Kinship on Brandywine. I'm a semi-casual player but looking to craft, and do instances and groups and content that I haven't been able todo. My playtime is typically evenings/early morning PST (GMT -8) Currently playing a Hunter main but also have captain and looking at playing the brawler.
Age: 38
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.):US Pacific
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.): Solor, Group, PvE, End-Game, Crafting
MMO games you’ve played: Almost all of them (Eve, DDO, Rift, LotRO, SWToR, Galaxies, Everquest 1 and 2, Asherons Call, New World, Archage, GW, GW2, DAoC)
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Wulfswich (champ lvl140), Lavendarmyst (mini lvl132), Ranthvelas (RK lvl126), Acornbutter (hunter lvl120), Jeaniel (LM lvl105), Tuen (Cappy lvl102) and several other low level alts
Age: (some kinships have real life age limits): 54
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): Arkenstone
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): I usually play between 9:30pm and 2am CST during the week and most of the day during the weekends.
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.): I'm more casual but I do enjoy running instances and raids. I've not raided with my Champ but have with both my RK and LM when the cap was 100. I love helping with deeds and completionists.
MMO games you’ve played: RDR2, ESO, Neverwinter and FFIV
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I enjoy helping people, am easy to get along with and I am reliable. I play most evenings when I get home from work for a few hours to unwind. I also have several characters that are close to cap and would like to see what end game raids look like. I also really enjoy the lower level instances, Carn Dum, Rift and all of the Moria Instances are a blast. I would love to get the Black Goat on more than just my LM. I've been playing for almost 10 years and am just coming off a 6 month break. I have all expansions and am VIP. I am not the greatest player but I try hard, listen to instructions and like to have fun.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): An active kin that doesn't mind I have so many alts :) I'd also like one that is not solely focused on End game, as I stated above, I enjoy the mid game instances too and would like a kin that enjoys to run them just for fun. I've been in several kins recently that said they were active to find out it's only one or two people. I'd like to see people on no matter when I log in if possible. :)
Hey there!
I'm a returning player who's waiting for the ability to transfer my characters from Elendilmir into Crickhollow, and have been playing a Beorning named Forbden in the meantime. Playing through the game again has been fantastic so far!
Though I'm still at a low level, and play fairly slowly and casually, I can play my part in raids (Once I get there!)
Last I played was when Moria was released, and was waiting on Rohan.
If there's any kin welcoming to a friendly "beginner" player, please let me know! I'd love to quest with low level alts and be social.
I'm in the US, EST
Name: Joe
Age: 53
Location: US (Pacific time zone)
Playstyle: currently solo on whatever I'm doing
MMOs: Lots. Currently dabbling a bit with DAOC shards, and Lotro
I've had a Lotro account since launch. I have, or have had, lots of characters through the years. Currently:
Crickhollow - 31 Man Captain, 59 Elf Warden and lowbies
Brandywine - 82 Dwarf Minstrel, 38 Man Champion and lowbies
Shadowfax - a couple of lowbies, under level 10
I love the lore of Lotro, and I still think it's a beautiful game, but I'm tired of playing solo, or at least, tired of not having anyone to chat with while playing. Honestly, in all the time I have played, I've only really been in fellowships a handful of times, so I'm not really knowledgeable about roles, etc.
I'm looking for a friendly kinship that doesn't mind teaching an older player stuff, answering what could end up being a ton of questions, and letting me join in on stuff that I can access. I listed all the servers, because I'm willing to play whereever there is interest.
Thanks for your time!
Looking for a Kinship on Landroval
Name: Bruce
Age: 40
Location: US (Pacific time zone)
Playstyle: currently solo
MMOs: UO, EQ 1 & 2, WOW, LOTRO, Rift and several others
I played when the game first came out but quit 7 years ago.
57 Champion
44 Burglar
Currently leveling a minstrel as I'd like to take a poke at healing.
I'm a huge Lord of the Rings fan and I keep finding myself drawn back to play. It would be nice to have some people to group up with, but admittingly I've forgotten so much I'm basically new again.
I'm looking for a friendly kinship that is laidback, but likes to run dungeons and various raids.
Thanks for your time!
PST Player, mature, not a min-maxer
Hello all!
I’m Jay, a newer player, I originally played back at launch, finally trying to get back into it.
Age: 37, old, but young at heart?
Preferred server(s): Arkenstone primarily, willing to relocate if a good match is found.
Location. (Timezone: HST, usually on evenings on weekdays early mornings on weekends.
Playstyle: Solo mainly, but only because I’m intimated by my lack of understanding to percentages and min-maxing. I’m here for the story and for fellowship.
MMO games you’ve played: I mainly played MUD’s back in the day.
What do I offer kinships?: I offer a good friend, willingness to help and companionship when grinding or crafting.
What kind of kinship you are looking for: I’m looking for ones willing to help new players into the game, guide and assist in teaching on how to be beneficial to the Kinship. Even slightly interested in casual roleplay, although I’ve never done it before.
Let me know if I sound interesting!
Looking for Kinship on Arkenstone
I have a 140 Hunter, a 80 Champion and a few level 30 alts. I am looking for a kin that has a social voice chat scene on discord. I am currently on Arkenstone. I am a day player in the Pacific time zone, 48 years old and not a fan of drama. I would also like to join a kin with a cool name that reflects the Lore of Middle Earth.
Please Pm me if I sound like a good fit. Thank you!
Looking for an active Kinship in Landroval
Name: Doug
Age: 51
Location: US (Pacific time zone)
Playstyle: Explorer, I like to find all the lore, willing to help with fellowships
MMOs: WoW, LOTRO (Of course), SWTOR, Neverwinter
I've played off an on since the game first came out, but I'm just really finding my home here as compared to other MMOs
71 Hunter (Main)
65 Champion
Several lower level (under 10)
I've played LOTRO often over the years, but for the last year, I've just really had so much fun exploring all the areas, living in Middle Earth. I'd like to get to know a more mature group of players, that are just loving the world and the escape from reality. I'm on fairly often, when time, work, and wife allow.
I'm looking for a friendly kinship that is laidback, but likes to run dungeons and various raids, and willing to help with all the n00b questions.
Thanks for your time!
I'm Beth AKA The_Spinster.
Age - 50/51 in June
Time Zone - US Central Time
Server - Crickethollow
Spinsterwytch the Level 6 Woman Loremaster is looking for a kinship that is social, casual, like family, and has many friends inside. She's currently in Archet. (game is logged out)
Character Name and Race: Breidr, Race Undecided [Dwarf, Man, or possibly Boerning likely]
Age: 33
Location: Eastern NA, although I'm more likely to play during EU times during our daytime hours.
Playstyle: Casual PvE/RP
MMO games you’ve played: World of Warcraft, Final Fantasy XIV, Albion Online
Why kinships should be interested in you: I am willing to put effort towards any reasonable request or need. I have years of valuable logistics experience [both professionally, and in my hobbies. I have been a serving NCO/Officer on a non-profit Civil War Reenactment organization and have also been second in command of various gaming organizations, Notable games are World of Warcraft [Emerald Dream Military RP/PvP, and Holdfast/War of Rights where I served as an executive officer. I am willing to invest my time to "give back" towards organizations that put effort towards me or my interests, as time is all I have to give currently.
What kind of kinship you are looking for: I'm interested mostly in the social aspect of a kinship, light RP, and possibly more if I get good enough at said RP. Recently disabled, I've lost a lot of my former outlets and hobbies for one reason or another. I used to be very invested in Civil War reenacting, but COVID has changed the landscape of that, and the disability means I'm not the soldier I once was. I've been searching for other outlets since the start of lockdowns in 2020. It's also when my formal employment ended, and I've been kind of stir crazy.
Returning to game looking for Kinship
Character Name : Aedwynme on Arkenstone Server. Main is Loremaster lvl 120
Over 21
Location : San Clemente, CA +8 PST
PLaystyle: PVE, PVP, Groups
Prior MMOs : Too Many to list , LOTRO always has been my favorite
I am hoping to join a kinship that has players who love the game, enjoy a more active kinship than one that is casual.
Adult couple LF solid active kinship-Arkenstone
I am a returning player who introduced my husband to the game recently. We are looking for an active community of adult gamers, casual atmosphere, no drama, no politics, just gaming at all levels. We both have played MMO’s for all our adult lives and are looking forward to enjoying our recreational time with like-minded gamers.
I am 50, husband is 52. We live in Tennessee. Both are professionals, I’m retired from my career. I have a lvl 42 red hunter (Jenivaen) my husband has taken to the warden and is currently lvl 45 (Valainez).
I’d love to hear what our kinship options are on Arkendstone. If anyone has suggestions, please feel free to message. Any kinships looking to refresh the ranks, aid a couple of gamers and enjoy the occasional joke, message me.
Thank you all for your time and consideration.
Returning player looking for casual, social kinship:
Looking for casual, social kinship in Brandywine, English speaking, with lore-friendly name. I am a returning player, having left the scene for 5 or 6 years. LOTRO is a secondary game for me, as I am an officer in a World of Warcraft roleplay guild. If I don't have a roleplay event there, I can log into LOTRO, as I'm kind of burnt out on WoW leveling at the moment. I am active on Discord. I am not looking for an RP guild, don't have time for that in this game too. Currently I have Hallandor, level 17 High Elf Champion that I'm playing.
I also have a 116ish? I think? Beorning on this server from years ago and may delete my second Beorning and transfer my old Guardian from Crickhollow. I logged into her and couldn't remember how to move around in this game so I started a new character.
Age: 39
Location: California, USA
Playstyle: PVE, primarily questing.
Other MMOs: Current officer in an active RP guild on World of Warcraft, Moon Guard (Horde) server. I RP as an Argent Crusader!
Looking For: Casual, social kinship with friendly players looking to help out (and be helped in return if possible.) Discord presence highly preferred.
Still looking as of 17/5
Wulfentharg 58 LM, Laurelin.
Mature player seeking kinship with a good number of similarly levelled. English male, happy to use Discord or TS. OK with light RP. Need help with Moria instances.
Returned after ~4 years but mostly played ~2012.
Name or character name: Einen (i will have more just not right now)
Laurelin server
Age: late 40's
Location: USA; EST timezone.
Playstyle: Solo for when I can't find groups, but prefer to be in groups of similar level people. Eventually when I reach endgame.
MMO games you’ve played: SWG, SWTOR, Conan.
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I am mature adult who still likes to joke and have fun. I work well with others for a common goal or just to have a good time. I am loyal and keep my word when given. Due to past MMO games i am familiar with group roles for a common goal in instances and heroics. i may be old but i still like to have fun and enjoy life. Playing MMO games online is a way i can relax and destress from working in a high stress job all day long. that means sometimes i am full of piss and viniger and looking to have fun. and full of energy and sometimes i just need to laugh and bring my spirits higher. life can get you down but friends can help bring you up. its not how hard you can hit in life. its how hard you can get hit and still get back up.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): I am looking for a long lasting kinship not a fly by night . i am in it for the long term. and would like the same in return. to me age has nothing to do with being mature. it means you know when to be serouis and when its time to be silly. A kinship that will help it's members is a must.
Syless, High-Elf
Age: 32/M
Location: USA, Central
Playstyle: PvE, PvP, wanting to get into end game raids and content, love to RP
MMO games you’ve played: Almost every major MMO there is
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: Lots of experience leading guilds, being an officer, and general MMO experience. Also have a lifetime sub
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): Just looking for a group to make some new friends. Dont have any friends that enjoy LOTR as much as I do, and even fewer that enjoy MMOs as much as I do. Tired of playing solo
Just moved servers, looking for a fun kin
Character name and race: Balselotta, beorning (with alts on the way)
Age: 24
Server: Laurelin
Location: Estonia, EU (GMT +2)
Playstyle: Mostly solo, but would like to do instances/raids together, lvl together or help someone lvl etc. Would like to reach end-game.
MMO games you’ve played: LOTRO on and off for 10+ years, others too many to count
Why kinships should be interested in you: I aspire to be a valuable member in a tight community
What kind of kinship you are looking for: Casual that runs instances (maybe even community events)
New Player Looking for Kinship
Character Name: Vestu
Level: 105
Server: Brandywine
Age: Over 40
Play Style: Casual
Other Games I've Played: EQ, WoW, Smite, DDO, ESO
Hours of Play: Late EST
What I Want in a Kinship: A kinship that is active; interaction, socializing, etc
What I Can Bring to a Kinship: I'm just starting out in this game, althought I played it for a very very short time many years ago. That being said, I'm pretty green in the world of LOTRO, but I have a lot of experience playing other MMOs. I have played extensively (in other games) in both group and raid settings.
Looking for Kin
A Hunter who has been out of the game for several years. I started with LOTRO at the very beginning. Had to stop after 12 years of regular playing due to work. Finally able to return. I am trying to get back into the game. I am older than most of you so let's just let it go at that. I am currently on Arkenstone but will change. I can play and raid several days a week. I just need help getting up to the current level of play. My current lvl is 121. If interested in this old relic, let me know. My character name is Dudae (which is a combination of two names if you are interested). Thanks in advance.
New player looking for Arkenstone kin!
Character name and race: Suilendis, elf hunter (level 33 at the moment)
Age: mid-twenties
Preferred server: Arkenstone
Location: United States, East Coast Time
Playstyle: This is my first MMO, so I am still figuring this out! I'm enjoying doing quests and exploring casually for now :)
Why kinships should be interested in me: I can promise great enthusiasm!! I really like this game and can see myself playing it for years to come. I'm also a lifelong Tolkien fan and really enjoy meeting others who feel similarly!
What kind of kinship you are looking for: I'm looking for a casual group where I can find friends to go on fellowship quests with and improve my crafting skills. I'm interested in raiding but don't know much about it. Mostly, though, I'd just love to get to know some fellow lotro players!
Thanks for considering me!
Nizrahuddin, Man Warden - Level 140
Gender/Age: Male, 45
Server: Landroval
Location: CST Texas, US
Playstyle: Solo, Group, Raids, Casual
Why me? I've been playing LOTRO off and on since Beta. Returned a few months ago after a 7 year hiatus. I hit level cap, maxxed out my LIs, and ground out a lot of deeds in that time. Now I'm looking for more of a social gaming experience. I'm married with young kids and I make time for a variety of interests when I can. Gaming is only one of them. I'm not a hardcore gamer and am looking for a kinship of similar casual, mature personalities.
Looking for Arkenstone Kin
Long time player looking for Arkenstone kinship.
Toons name
Eredil, Loremaster
Dernwine, Guardian
Character: Gallantlass (high elf)
Server: Arkenstone
Play style: solo, group, raid, casual
I am a 32 year old Canadian that currently resides in Cambodia(GMT +7) so I'd like to join Southeast Asia/ Australia based guild preferably. I've played just about every MMO released since Wow and tried my hands at some older titles like EQ and SWG as well, but Wow was always my main game until legion. I've just started playing LOTRO and currently enjoying leveling and taking in the beautiful scenery - the game still look phenomenal for its age! - but once I reach endgame I'd like to casually dabble in raids and dungeon.
I have 4 toons, my main is the Elf Tinthonnas (currently L34 Lore-master). I also have a Hobbit Guardian called Savalac, the Dwarf Champion Dilfinn, and the Woman Minstrel Adlaith.
Age: 38
Server: Laurelin
Location: UK (GMT in winter, currently on British Summer Time which is GMT +1)
Playstyle: I currently play on my own, but a kinship would be helpful in terms of help with fellowship quests and finding crafting ingredients/recipes, as well as just having friends in-game. I like crafting and exploring, doing tasks and deeds as well as the various quests. I'm steadily aiming to complete as much as I can and take time to enjoy the game. I'd like to try RP and see what that's like.
Other MMO games you’ve played: None, this is my first foray into it.
Why kinships should be interested in you: I enjoy helping people with crafting requests (my toons cover all the crafting bases). I'm relatively new to the game (started during the recent Anniversary festival), but I intend to stick with this game long-term and develop my characters - and hopefully help others along the way. I don't bash other players or anything like that. I have a friendly attitude and would like to make friends with other players so that we can help and encourage each other along while also hopefully having fun.
What kind of kinship you are looking for: Looking for a fairly casual kinship, with other players who are happy to explore, craft, take their time and appreciate the huge game-world and help each other, while also having time for the fun, social aspect of the game. I try and play LOTRO every day, but that's obviously not always possible and I can't always schedule regular times. I would like to try some RP just to see what that's like. My main language is English, I've got reasonable Spanish and enjoy learning languages in general, so I'd be comfortable if the kinship is multi-lingual and there might be opportunities to improve my language skills/learn more.
P.S: Quick question - when you join a kinship, do all of your toons automatically join it? Or could you have different characters being in different kinships? (Although I imagine the latter might get confusing to keep track of).
Long time player coming back from a break looking for socail kinship
I am Sandy and I have been playing since Oct 2007 (not quite since Launch). Looking for a kinship that is active but does not mind players who take a month or two off from the game and will not dismiss from kinship. I do have vision problems sometimes and cats that enjoy either the keybaord or batting at the screen during play.
Server: Landroval
Location: US Southeast
Playtime: Usually during day or afternoon
Age: 56
Characters - at least 22 on Landy
Above 120 toons Daelily, Creefast, Creewing Merelyn, Criel = other toons include Snowpe, Butterflybash, etc.
Just looking for a social kin who doesn't mind someone who enjoys doing festivals, deeds and sometime group play, but laptop not tested.
Returning player, looking for a group of Lotr Friends
Ios, lvl 22 Loremaster (alt addict in most games but I want this to be my main)
Age: 42
Preferred server: Crickhollow
Location: 8pm to Midnight est weekdays, weekends fluctuate but usually up through the night (night shift worker)
Playstyle: Opportunist group content. I find die hard raiding in other games at least to be too demanding of personal time. This game could be different though so would not be opposed to trying it when I get there.
MMO games you’ve played: Far to many to list. Notable time put into Rift Online and excessive play of City of Heroes (still dabble with it).
Why kinships should be interested in you: I am a social player and like to get to know people. For me it's not just about playing the game but the people you play with. I enjoy casual talk while playing, so some form of voice chat like discord is a must for me. I really want to focus on a Loremaster however I am also a flexible player and tend to play what is needed. Once I get to know people and the game I tend to throw groups together for dungeons and such on a regular basis. I am also more than happy to make a new character to play up with new people. Though it will be awhile before I am not the new person heh.
What kind of kinship you are looking for: Casual and laid back group of people who enjoy group content and understand people who have work and real life commitments. Also looking for a group that is not overly sensitive. No real good way to say what I mean there but I don't want to have to walk on egg shells around people. So basically a group of people who are mature enough to take a joke and accept that not everyone has the same world view that they do.
Additional thoughts: I do not want to be carried through the game. I am here to enjoy the content. I have little interest in having some high level character run me through things while I stand around and just collect xp and loot. I am also famous for not wanting to bother people with making gear for me though they always seem to insist. The reason I have not stuck with this game in the past was in great part to my previous work simply not allowing the time to have a life. That has changed and I have far better work life balance now. Another factor was I always tried to drag my non lotro friends into the game and they never stuck with it. This time I just want to find a new group to befriend and enjoy the game with.
Mae Govannen fellow adventurers ! :D
My character's name is Lemyarion and I'm an Elf Lore-Master from Lindon lvl 16.
Fun fact : It means ''Son of one who remained'' in Quenya
I am 24 years old
I am playing on Arkenstone. My time zone is US-East Coast
I mostly play during the evening and on the weekends
I am a new player looking for an active & friendly Kinship. Mostly interested in experiencing the game to it's fullest. I want to explore all of Middle-Earth without rushing to end-game. Unfortunately for me, I am a completionist at heart. ;)
I'd love to meet & socialize with new people so I can share with them the beautiful adventure that Middle-Earth is with them. I also have a passion for Tokien's lore and I'm always eager to learn something new.
To answer the question ''Why should you recruit me?'' I would say this : I am definitely not an expert in this game and I still have lot to learn. This being said I strongly believe that I am a positive energy to add to a group & I love to bring people together.
Feel free to send me a tell/mail in game and don't hesitate if you have any questions.
Slow leveling
I'm interested in a slow leveling group that stays at a particular level for a period of time before moving to the next level. I tried a group that did everything together at the same time but that kind of mob scene doing quests didn't appeal to me. I mostly solo leveling up but enjoy doing instances on level with relaxed, congenial people. I need an English language server as my language skills aren't good enough for German, French, etc. Most of my playtime is US daytime and some US evening time. I can spin a new toon or transfer to another server, as necessary. I've played for about 11 years now so have reasonable experience with various classes. I'm not interested in an end-game situation at the moment, but am interested in doing the landscape and associated instances.
Australian Kinship on Arkenstone
Hi, looking for a kinship who play in Australian time zone and prefer older more casual players
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Skaraedan
Age: (some kinships have real life age limits): 27
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): Evernight (However, I have yet to start so if there is a better server/opportunity I am happy to change!)
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): Scotland (BST - British Summer Time)
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.): Solo, Group, PvE, anything that time allows me!
MMO games you’ve played: WoW, FFXIV, Wildstar and many more!
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I am a very easy person to get along with and will honestly just be looking to have a fun time. I respect rules and once you get to know me, can be fun to have a laugh with!
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): I am new to the game but would like to join a guild that is casual enough to work around my work schedule and that want to just have fun and join in on content whenever available :)
If you think I may be of interest to any of your kinships then I would be happy for you to drop me a message on Discord as I have access to that 24/7. Thank you for reading and happy gaming <3
Discord - Skaraedan#1885
Edit: I happened across a kinship recruiting in-game yesterday and am giving them a try. Thank you! :)
Hi everyone, I've recently come back to LOTRO after about 10 years away. I remember next to nothing about the game from back then, so I've made a couple of new characters to play and re-explore Middle-Earth with. All my old characters are still present (and nowhere near the level cap) and I totally intend to raid them for their valuables before deleting them... once I figure out what I'm doing again anyway.
I'm interested in a kinship that is somewhat active at lower levels. I know there is some group content that I'll encounter on my journey through the game, and I'd like to be part of a kinship that wouldn't mind going back and running those things with me in a planned/scheduled way when I get to them. My characters are currently on the Landroval server, so I'd prefer a kinship there, although I'd be willing to think about a transfer or reroll for the right group.
A little bit more about me:
- I am a story- and exploration-focused player. It is much more interesting to me to check out quests (especially obscure ones) and side content than it is to level fast or farm the same things repeatedly.
- I am big into crafting and will probably have characters doing every crafting profession as I get going. I just really enjoy making things. I do post items I make up in the auction house, and I'm also happy to supply friends/kinship members with items for free when I am able.
- These days I am much more casual and laid-back in my approach to playing and I don't really want to do more than simply be part of a group and contribute as/when I am able. I'll join raids or fellowship runs or raids when I'm available and able, and I'm roleplay friendly, but if your kinship is really hardcore in either area I'm probably not a good fit.
- I tend to play US PST evenings and occasionally during the day when I happen to have a free hour or so and can sneak away from other responsibilities. My available game time is pretty limited - some nights I might not make it on at all due to the demands of the real world. I progress pretty slowly and I prefer to plan major things in advance so that I can make sure I have time for them. I can do scheduled events on weekends from time to time, but not always - it really just depends on the day/week. With that said, I have a personal rule not to sign up for something unless I can commit to being there, and I try to be as reliable as I can.
- I prefer text chat to voice chat for general gameplay. I'm totally capable of jumping into discord when there's something special going on, but I'm not the sort of person that will just hang out in voice chat without a good reason.
Anyway if you think your kinship might be a good fit for me please PM me here and let's chat further!
Returning player LF Kin
Hello Recruiters,
My name is Ian, My main character is Gellael lvl 70 Elf Hunter
I am 51 years young from UK
Currently on Crickhollow but open to any server that will have me :)
I am on GMT timezone, i dont really have any set in stone playing times, but usually when not at work i am online and also late evenings upto around midnight 1am GMT
Personally i regard myself as a casual solo pve player but part of wanting to join a kin is to get involved with others.
Spent 15 years playing WoW on and off, Eve online, LOTRO about 7 years ago.
Ideally looking for a kin that helps other players and communicates well. I may be enticed into end game content so that could be option too.
I am returning after around 7 years away from the game, I initally played the game after watching the movies. I am a mature person with RL committments but i do offer my sometimes very dry sense of humour, i also am a big american sports fan. I am just a laid back easy going kind of guy.
Hope to hear from any available and recruiting kinships in not too distant future .
Looking for raid/instanced content kin on Arkenstone
Hey guys, I have a very old account that I've played from time to time where I have a 65 guardian, and a 55 captain on Arkenstone. I'm planning to pick one soon and focus on leveling him up to max and I'd like to get into the raiding/end game scene. I've been a main tank for many high level raiding teams in other games and learn really fast. So a kin that doesn't mind showing me the ropes, and has people around to talk to while grinding away levels would be ideal. The more social (especially on voice) the better. Thanks in advance!
Aussie looking for Landroval kin
Hi All,
Long time on-and-off player here, looking to game more regularly and learn some new aspects of the game with some online buddies.
I'm Australian and would prefer a kin with a good amount of people in a close time zone. Happy to start an alt on a different server to achieve this.
Character: Estriarn , lvl 55 RK , Elf
Real Age: 22
Preferred server: Landroval
Location: Australian Eastern Standard Time
Playstyle: Been a big quest solo-er with many characters, but I'm interested in learning how to raid if there is a kin willing to teach a newbie. Along with this I would love to learn how to best utilise the RK skills for DPS in raids.
MMO games I’ve played: I have played a bit of WOW (and done small raids), but never got too far. LOTRO is my main MMO of choice.
What I offer a kinship: I'm an easy going person, will follow the rules, and would love to join in kin events, craft for members, and join others in any type of gameplay. If it suits, I also have other characters (main is a lvl 121 guardian) that could help out or perhaps join.
What kind of kinship I am looking for: I would really enjoy a smaller, more laid-back and friendly kin to really get to know and make friends with the regulars. Would love members who are willing to incorporate and guide me in the beginning also.
In addition, if you are apart of a kin, or are someone like me and looking for a friend, feel free to send a PM, in-game mail, or reach out on discord: Aces#8405
I'm actively playing on Gladden server
Current character is lvl 31 high elf captain (Threnriel).
Main play hours are 6p-1a EST during the weekday.
Came back recently, used to play years ago, but would like to get back into things and learn the game better. The last time I played, I left off with a lvl 68 character, so I'm still fairly inexperienced with the game. Looking for a casual guild that's active enough to do occasional instances with, though I do most content solo. Would just like to find some place fairly active and friendly. I've got experience with a couple other MMO's mostly FFXIV, and PWI.
LF Kinship Evernight
I am looking for a kinship on Evernight for my level 32 Rune-Keeper, Ardawenn
I mostly level solo & love the lore and story, but I would like to do fellowship instances and maybe try some raids when I get to them - I am a casual player, looking to try healing & dps roles ingame - other games I play are FFXIV and ESO
Returning player LF Kin {BrandyWine}
Hi all,
TLDR; Brandywine server returning player, looking for end game casual to light hardcore raiding. Entry level 140 geared yellow burg and yellow bear. English. USA time zones. Daily player. thanks
simple to the point. we can chat more if needed. :D
Looking for new Kinship. Our old kin disappeared. I like to craft a lot, play in groups mon an tues off. Limited time on weekends. Easy going an willing to re learn again. Mail me. Roe
Returning Player looking for francophone friends/kinship and to learn [GLADDEN]
Name: Michael
Character: Túverion Lvl. 85 Loremaster
Age: 20
Server: Gladden
Location: Eastern Standard Time (UTC - 5:00)
Solo player with occassional group play, I bounce between my lvl 30 alt runekeeper (Tuvy) and my main character aformentioned above. I am a returning player who a month ago hadn't sat down to truly play some LOTRO since 2017, but was possessed with the urge to do so after having recently rewatched the films. I am looking principally for a french speaking or bilingual fr/en kinship. I am mostly a casual player who just likes to pass time with friends, learn more about the world and Middle Earth, and help/chat with my in game comrades. I am down for role play or out of character interactions.
If you'd think I'd be a good fit for your kinship, let me know by responding to this message or messaging Tuvy or Tuverion in game.
Until next time,
- Túverion
Nom: Michel
Personnage: Túverion Niv. 85 Maître du savoir
Âge: 20
Serveur: Gladden
Location: Heure normale de l'Est (UTC - 5h00)
Je joue seul mais des fois je rôde en groupe. Il y a un mois je n'avais pas joué depuis 2017, mais j'ai repris SdAO après avoir revisionné les films en me disant ça me ferait du bien de me retremper. Je cherche désormais une confrérie francophone ou franglophone avec laquelle je peux m'amuser. Je suis joueur détendu qui aime tuer le temps avec des amis. Parfois j'erre sur Tuvy, mon personnage alternat du 30e niveau. J'suis un esprit libre qui aime apprendre et explorer soit en ambulant en jeu ou en bavardant avec des collègues. Je suis ouvert à jouer "en-personnage" et jouer en dehors.
Si ça vous dit que je rejoigne votre confrérie, veuillez répondre à ce message ou m'envoyer un dire en jeu.
- Túverion
Originally Posted by
Looking for new Kinship. Our old kin disappeared. I like to craft a lot, play in groups mon an tues off. Limited time on weekends. Easy going an willing to re learn again. Mail me. Roe
Hi Roe, are you on the Arkenstone server?
Originally Posted by
Hey guys, I have a very old account that I've played from time to time where I have a 65 guardian, and a 55 captain on Arkenstone. I'm planning to pick one soon and focus on leveling him up to max and I'd like to get into the raiding/end game scene. I've been a main tank for many high level raiding teams in other games and learn really fast. So a kin that doesn't mind showing me the ropes, and has people around to talk to while grinding away levels would be ideal. The more social (especially on voice) the better. Thanks in advance!
Hello there, are you still looking for a kin? If so, please let me know!
Looking for an active kin….
I’ve played lotro for quite a while but have been inactive for a couple of years. I want a kin that enjoys raiding together, helping each other grow.
I’m very laid back and easy going. I have several characters @ lvl 140.
I’m on the brandywine server.
Hi hi!
Hoping to find a relaxed, cheerful kin on Gladden. Here's the answered questions:
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Character name "Tussock", she's a Hobbit.
Age:: I have kids of my own but I'm not terribly interested in kins with arbitrary age restrictions: Beyond "we like to drink and swear without the kids around" I don't understand what this kind of enforced line brings.
Preferred server(s), if any: Gladden is where I set up shop and I'm happy there so far.
Location: I'm in the UK but I keep strange hours and am accustomed to US friends - my bestie is in Chicago.
Playstyle: Up to now have played the game solo. There's a lot to take in and it's a little difficult on your own to figure it all out. Typically I lean toward crafting and some raiding, though my days of min-max, high performance raiding are behind me. I have no interest in being made to feel rubbish because my digital numbers aren't high enough.
MMO games you’ve played: ESO (see above - it's been several years since I last played an MMO. The toxicity of ESO burned me out for a long time). Runescape (!!), Elite: Dangerous (was a Fuel Rat, if that counts as MMO), Path of Exile, Diablo 3
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I'm an adult who hates drama. And this kind of question. I like to think I bring a slightly irreverent humour, a joy of sharing what I don't need and caring about my buddies. Just want to meet some folks, relax, have some daft times, laugh, share, you know. All that good hippy stuff.
What kind of kinship you are looking for: I'm only level 24, so a ways of all the super high DPS end game stuff; I understand there's instanced content available from level 20 which I've not accessed yet - I think that'd be a cool starting place. So a guild that just enjoys each others' company, likes to team up and game together, who would show this relative newbie the in-game ropes and kick about the world with me, looking for shenanigans. A guild that describes itself as a kind of jack of all trade, master of none sort of place :)
Thanks for reading!
Originally Posted by
Hi Roe, are you on the Arkenstone server?
I'm on Crickhollow currently
Kemendil, returning champion
Ahoy mateys. I'm returning to the game after maaaany years. I left it some time after Riders Rohan. Never been a hardcore gamer, but nevertheless I managed to be a very decent Champion capable of beating the highest raids and also ventured into the Ettenmoors for some time, before I got bored of having nothing new to do. So I've waited until now to have a whole lot of new content to enjoy. There's a lot of new names and mechanics that sound like gibberish to me, so I need a bit of patience until I eventually get familiar with all I've missed. I've just reached Dol Amroth and level 100 at the time of writing, and starting to need some people to share the fellowship content. Not in a hurry, though. I expect to meet people as I advance towards endgame and hope to be able to apply to a kinship I fit well based on the experience together.
So the classic questions follow.
Character: Kemendil, Champion and tailor. Also have some lower alts that were top tier crafters though.
Age: 30+
Server: Evernight
Location: Western Europe, playing mostly in afternoon to evenings CET.
Playstyle: PvE, questing from Gondor to endgame. Trying to relearn the game before level cap and not paying much attention to gear until then. Sort of completionist, to a point that I'll surely do the new quests that have appeared for lower levels no matter if I'm 100+.
MMO games played: LOTRO and Elite: Dangerous
Why kinships should be interested: "Interested" is a word too strong. Accepting is enough :) I'm relaxed and friendly; it's a game, we're here to have fun. I'm helpful and willing to team for anything and contribute to others.
Kind of kinship I'm looking for: I'd like to be part of a bunch of people in Evernight that could team up for the non-solo quests or instances that may come as I level up. Looking to join the team play that my level allows until I reach the cap and can adequately face the endgame instances and raids together. So I hope for a kinship of other relaxed and patient people that don't take it too seriously until the real final challenges the game offers nowadays.
Player Name - MinnesotaMermaid
Player Age - 51
Player Location - Minnesota, USA
Sever - Gladden
Account Status - Free To Play
Character Name - Minnesotamermaid
Character Race - Hobbit
Character Class - LoreMaster
Character Location - Michel Delving
Character Level - 6
I'm an older adult who's looking for a kin about food, having a good fun time, and making new friends that will be my in-game family.
Looking for a kinship in Evernight.
Hi i'm Emre. I'm from Turkey aged 31. I'm looking for a kinship in Evernight. I'm a new player with a lvl 17 High Elf Rune Keeper. I'm mostly interested in solo, group, PVE raid. Nick Balvilor. UTC+03:00. I try to be online as long as my work and real life duties let me.
Landroval returner
Hello, returning founder looking for a kin to have fun, chat, and group for content.
Player Age - 42
Player Location - USA
Server - Landroval
Looking for Laurelin RP Kinship
I'm looking for a role-playing Laurelin kinship based in an Australian/East Asian timezone. I'm into crafting, slow-leveling and adventuring.
Looking for a casual Kin
Good afternoon, My name is Sneaks, I played Lotro for about 7 years strait from 2009 to 2016. I was part of the Roxxi Manor Kinship which was on Brandywine and then transferred to Arkenstone. At that time I was a VIP member and I was one of the admins in the Kin. I have came back about a year ago as a free to play player, (casual player) I only play a few nights a week, time permitting. I have several toons, and RK @ 100, LM @ 100, Mini @ 100 Champion @ 76, Burg @ 81, and some others at lower levels. I am looking for a casual Kin that I can quest with, play events and have fun. There is a lot about the game that is new and some that is the some that I remember. I am looking to level a new toon at a casual pace, I am in the EST zone. If you feel I am a welcome fit and you would have me that would be great. Thanks for reading!! Oh and I am 53, Live in North Carolina, and happily married for 27 years.
Returning player looking for a Crickhollow kinship
Hello! I am coming back to LOTRO after a long absence. I want to get involved again with leveling characters, teaming up for quests, raids, miscellaneous grinding; anything but PvP really.
I began in the beta and played up until The Siege of Mirkwood. I was a competent raider (was part of the 3rd or 2nd group to complete all the Moria raids on Silverlode) and team player. My main is a 60 Hunter named Sharreth. (pronounced Sharr-Eth, not Share-Eth...people used to get this wrong constantly, lol)
I am now on Crickhollow and looking to get involved again. I prefer a mature, well-established kin with older players like myself; manners and politeness matter.
Please send a DM or mail to Sharreth on Crickholllow if interested. I am not likely to check this very often.
Thank you!
Looking for Christian Kinship
I am looking for a Christian kinship and currently play on Arkenstone, but am open to other servers as well.