Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Looking for a casual/occasional raid Kinship that appeals to older players on Brandywine Server. Have MMORPG'd since EQ1, so I'm a relative geezer. Have played many MMORPG's. Willing to help anyone, anywhere at anytime if I'm available to do so.
Thanks for any and all consideration.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Name: call me Kay
Age: 23
Preferred server(s): I'm playing on Gladden, but willing to start new anywhere.
Location: I am looking for a kinship that is local to Minnesota. I am in the Twin Cities.
Playstyle: I am kind of new to LoTRO, I played a little of beta and I played about a month of actual game time. I just purchased a year of game time, so I plan on being around for a while. My playstyle is usually casual but with an interest in end-game content. I like playing in groups and soloing equally. I also like to use voice chat when it's available.
MMO games you've played: Ultima Online, Acheron's Call, Star Wars Galaxies, City of Heroes/Villains, Warhammer Online, World of Warcraft
What kind of kinship you are looking for: I am looking for a kinship that is local to the Minnesota area. I want to try something new and play with people who are from my part of the world. I am willing to reroll for the right kinship, please pm me with details. I look forward to meeting some MN gamers.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
My Character name is Maradith and I am an elf. I am looking for a kinship where people enjoy helping others and playing together. I am on server Elandilmir
Age: 26
I'm pretty new to this game, just play casualy when I get the chance, although i am getting addicted :) I have started the woodworking/farming/tailor crafts, and think that I like making things more than I like doing the quests.
I used to play FFXI online for a while and really enjoyed it.
I like interacting with others, and would help in whatever way i could when asked. I would like making things for people once i built my skill up a bit.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Looking to join Runic Knights. contact Quirinius
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
I am looking for a hard core gaming kinship. Currently on Gladden but can change since no hard core gamers there. Level 65 champion, man 130 rad gear. I'm on east coast and play everyday. Contact Doombringer on gladden.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Kiddric
Age: 35
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): Elendilmir
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): Sydney Australia
Playstyle. Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual,
MMO games you’ve played:UO,
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: team work, new player support
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): one with ozzies or NZ, my time frame.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Your name, or character name and race: Lilgem, Hobbit
Preferred server: Brandywine
Location: Eastern US
Playstyle: casual, crafter, still learning...
MMO games you’ve played: just about all of them
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Sarobjorn, Dwarf, level 21 Guardian
Khosael, Race of Man, level 24 Loremaster
Age: 30
Server: Brandywine
Location: EST
Mostly solo so far, but would like to find a kin to participate in fellowed instances and RP. I'm taking the game "casually" in the sense that I play with some frequency, but usually in short-ish sessions. I enjoy taking the game relatively slowly, exploring, chatting and crafting. I've had a good time on Brandywine so far, but would like to find a group that does at least some playing in-character and shares an affection for the lore. (In other words, I want to play with people who are here because it's Middle Earth--not because its another alternative to WOW. And I don't care about fast leveling.)
MMO games you’ve played:
NONE besides this one. Was playing Morrowind prior to this.
What I can offer your kinship:
I'm a helpful, mature player with a love for Tolkien's world. I've never RPed online, but I used to love pen & paper roleplaying and believe I'd be a creative collaborator as well as a stalwart companion. My friends in RL would probably describe me as funny, clever, and game for anything.
What kind of kinship I'm looking for.
Like nearly everyone else, I'm looking for a "mature, helpful" kinship. I'd prefer to play with others who have a love and respect for the lore (which is not to say encyclopedic knowledge of it ;-) but do not take themselves too seriously. I would really like to find a group that has at least a semi-regular time I could find people online. Ideally, I'd like to set up a "league night" once a week so I can have a dedicated time in my RL schedule when I know I can meet my kin-mates.
Example kinships I'm interested in:
Judging from the information I've been able to gather casually in-game, I think I'd do well in the Order of Middle Earth (as it seems to be big enough and big-hearted enough to have something for everyone), or the Alts (as their casual-gaming mission is attractive to me). I list these as examples only, but I think I'd be happy in either of these kinships (or one with a similar ethos) as long as there are other characters of about my level online in when I am. Full disclosure: One of my characters is currently a member of the Lost Boys, but I'm looking to change since that kinship is rarely active when I am online. I joined because I swapped information with a friendly kin-member, we got to talking, and he helped me with a quest. Simple as that. Wherever I go from here, I hope to find and foster the same kind of easygoing cooperation that I enjoyed with them.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Character name and race: Noigrim, 27 Dwarf Guardian
Age: 19
Preferred server: Elendilmir
Location: East Coast
Playstyle: Whatever
MMO games you’ve played: WoW, FF11, DDO, Guild Wars, RYL
Why kinships should be interested in you: Experienced.
What kind of kinship you are looking for: I was an original open beta player but I quit playing around a month after the game went live. I haven't touched the game since then and I'm looking for any clan that's willing to help me get adjusted back into the game and make catching up a little bit quicker.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Looking for kinship. Human Bard. Age 19, plays on Firefoot server. Solo plays but is open to other types of play. Wants a kinship that would be willing to help on instances or quests too hard for one player. Hardcore. Played this MMO before with a different character so somewhat familiar with gameplay mechanics. Dont have friends playing this game, so a kinship will enhance the experience. Open to other servers if needed. A fairly large kinship would be desirable. Location: Central Time Zone. Thanks
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Name/Race - Lyndrae, level 16 Elf Loremaster
My Age - 28
Preferred Server - Meneldor
Location - CST
Playstyle - Prefer groups, solo is OK.
MMOs Played - *deep breath* UO, SRO, SWG, WoW, WAR, AoC, TR, CoX
What I can offer a kinship - A laid back, helpful, intelligent player who can also provide solid entertainment in Ventrilo. Slight case of alt-itis, so I'll probably end up with characters strewn throughout all level ranges (and will be able to help most people regardless of level/location). I am rather active, but my work schedule is 4 days on then 4 days off, so I'll be largely absent for half a week, then on consistently for the rest. I'm a crafting nut, so I'll also be able to provide those services to anyone who needs them. I'm not quite casual, but not hardcore either. We'll call it "mildly obsessed."
What I'm looking for - Organized. Fun. Active Ventrilo, as I love to chat while playing. People willing to group. A desire to do end-game content is nice, but not necessarily required. People that aren't going to flip out and break things when a group wipes or something doesn't go their way. Absolutely no drama.
Additional notes: I -may- be interested in changing servers if the kinship is really that great (and there are no other solid options on Meneldor). I also have two friends I can likely bring with me with similar traits and personality (one is also CST time zone, 16 Hunter, other is PST, 23 Runekeeper).
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Your name, or character name and race (if known):
Christopher (In game name isnt decided yet.)
19 (20 this coming February)
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.):
Kansas City MO
None? lol
MMO games you’ve played:
WoW, Warhammer, Ferentus (and countless other betas)
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?:
I can be a very "lively" person if I get along with the players in the kinship/guild. Meaning if I end up meshing well with everyone. I love talking and making jokes and generally just being a nice person. Though I do tease people a lot.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters):
Casual. But I honestly don't want a big one. I'd be happy with 20 or so people that played often and were good friends then 200 people who had separate groups in the guild. Its no fun when you only know a small portion of your guild.
Also. I'm headed to California soon to visit family for a month (won't have a computer then) and then a few weeks after I get back I go into Basic Training for the Air Force.
If you want to contact me AIM: aspyr08
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
My info: josh 23 fayetteville, nc
my characters: i have given test runs to many different race/class combos and i have settled on this one:
Runekeeper: Level 11 name:Maegalad (just made him today)
playstyle: i am a casual player, ive been playing mmos for a few years now but sporadically. i have also played WoW a bit. i mostly got into this game because i am such a die-hard tolkien fan, well, i dont dress up as Gandalf or anything but get me started on the Silmarillion or history of middle earth in general and its hard for me to shut up lol. lately ive been learning to take it easy with the pace, their is no deadline and its not a race so i like to take the time to enjoy the game world and the story.
What i can offer to a Kinship: im a very nice guy, though i can be a little shy. ill help out with whatever or whenever im needed and i have a drama free and laid back personality
What kind of Kinship im looking for: openminded, organized and is mature. i really dont get along with people who are argumentative or spiteful, i WILL ask noobish questions and i would like to do so without being ridiculed, we have ALL been noobs at one point!^_^ i get along best with people that realize that they are playing a game and NOT a lifestyle. i usually play by myself but i decided to join a guild because its really no fun to solo it all the time. if ive failed to mention anything important then by all means ask
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Adanthir, Champion
Age: (some kinships have real life age limits) 14
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): Vilya is where most of my characters are located. I do have a ministrel on Brandywine who i play when i get bored of lvling.
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): Ohio, EST
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.): I am somewhat new to the MMO world. I love helping out others because it gives me that warm fuzzy feeling :D lol
MMO games you’ve played: warhammer, (for first few days) WOW (lvl 80 and lvl 77 highest) This took me about 2 years to achieve.
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I've tanked and dished out major dps on wow and look forward to doing so here. I have basic raiding knowledge so i would also like 2 do raids
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): I'm a friendly soul who is here to have fun, help others and just do any of those crazy ideas you think of like going to mordor at lvl 3 haha. So im looking for a friendly guild who shares the first 2 characteristics, the third is an added bonus :D I also hope that this guild would do some basic raids that you can do. (not sure if this is possible as i am still new to this game.)
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
i'm looking for a kinship on any server,i have a lvl 20 0n meleldor but im real green at this game,would like to find one with low lvls like myself and people that are sociable,adult player
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Rivendora, 64 Elven guard
Age: (some kinships have real life age limits) 23
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): Nimrodel
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): Central and mountain (no daylight savings here)
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.): I do solo, but very much enjoy raiding, and just kin pugging as well. Have time restraints on playing due to three kids, but when I do play I'm a step up from casual, but certainly not "hard core"
MMO games you’ve played: Just LOTRO for over a year
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I'm easy going, and a great guard. I dont have a TON of end experience but love what I've been able to do, and am good at taking instruction. I've been an officer, so am willing to help out a lot and have a few alts with decent crafting ability. I also have all but two moria rad pieces so can help in those instances. I know what I"m doing and am confident in my class, but like to joke a lot and have fun while I play.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): Looking for active, medium sized kin that lacks in foul language and sexual induendos. I enjoy crafting and helping others with my craft (jewler on an alt). Someting with raiding capabilities, but I don't want to be guilted into it, or made to feel it's required.
Thats about it, please let me know if I can join your team and what your all about. I also would preferr having an active kin website!
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Your name, or character name and race: Qidan, Race of Man, Warden
Age: 31
Preferred server(s), if any: Currently on Nimrodel, but would transfer for decent Kin
Location: MST, Salt Lake City,
Playstyle: I have a habit of soloing most, if not all MMO's, would be nice to have a little help on some fellowship/group type quests if needed. I am Artisan Woodworker, Artisan Forester, Apprentice Farmer
MMO games you’ve played: Too many to list here, it would bog down the thread. Put it this way, not many I haven't played.
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I am a very active player, I help when needed, I have much experience as Clan Officer/Clan leader so I voice my opinions openly. I love gaming, its what I do.
What kind of kinship you are looking for: I am interested in an open but mature guild. Prefer veteran players, can tolerate drama, but not over zealous drama. I know that in every guild/kin there will be drama, I usually just stay out of it. Would enjoy raiding/instances, but need to level my self more currently 33, so I have a long ways to go.
I am interested in receiving pm's here or in game mail introducing your kinship, and why you could use me, not just for a body count.. if thats all it is, then don't message me. I want to have a kin I call home/friends.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Your name, or character name and race: Haven't made one yet...waiting for replies on here for good kins on certain servers....that sorta thing =P
Age: 22
Preferred server(s), if any: Any server, I am new.
Location: US EST.
Playstyle: Well I guess solo for some of it as I am new and I cant expect others to carry me through the game, I like RP, though not hardcore where I always have to be in character. PvE and raiding may be fun too, but as I said nothing hardcore. Casual! That's the word I am looking for.
MMO games you’ve played: WoW, Aion, tried DDO and SWG.....also gonna play SW: TOR when it comes out.
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: Friendliness, I am always willing to help and do my part. I can try out whatever roll the kin needs me to be. I am very open to suggestions.
What kind of kinship you are looking for?: Something casual. I guess if I had to pick out of all the types of kins i would say an RP kinship. I am not a big PvPer, PvE does get boring after awhile and RP gives you something fun to do in your downtime.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Grinderson, still low level so is insignificant
Age: >30
Preferred server(s), if any. No preference although Brandywine, Landroval and Elendilmir looks the most populated
Location. evening PST
Playstyle. I don't mind solo but prefer to group. I consider myself a mid-core player, not too soft not too hard
MMO games you’ve played: DAoC, SWG, WoW, AoC, and WAR
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I am a team player. Easy to get along with, friendly, open-minded and helpful. Want to learn all about the game.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. Kinship that is active and play when i do
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Jurav (Human Hunter/Weaponsmith) or Chrysinia (Human Champion/Tailor) also have a couple of alts each.
Age: 39 and 37
Preferred server(s), if any - Elendilmir
Location - East Coast U.S.
Playstyle - Husband and wife couple who like to RP and group with others
MMO games you’ve played - AO, DAoC, AC, SWG, WoW, EQ II, Vangard, AoC, DDO, and Aion.
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: - Both of us love to help people and guilds, roleplaying is also a fun aspect to our playstyle as well as humor. Exploring, crafting and questing are our main focuses. We are very easy going and get along well with others.
What kind of kinship you are looking for - A mature kinship that likes to RP (can be hard core or casual RP), and can use some fun people to help their Kinship grow.
Ministrel Looking for Aussie Kinship on Brandywine
Hi :) I just switched over to brandywine. Was on arkenstone with a 53 lore master. Im looking for a aussie kinship that has mostly people from aus in it because of the time zone (I live in new zealand). I'm on brandywine and have a level 15 ministrel leveling fast. Looking for a kinship on Brandywine~ :) Name is Ladidadida in game (It's like a song). Thnx~ :D
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Guardians of Nimrodel are still currently recruiting. Nimrodel is a medium-population server with the PVP growing immensely.
Our members range from lvl 20 - 65 and anywhere in between. We have several end-game ready members but on the flipside those same members are showing the way for the up and coming :D
Our main focus is kinship and comradery first, then end game. We have a happy home and we will not see that upset.
The link I posted above will give you some more information about our kin.
But feel free to visit our kin webpage here There you'll be able to get a good feel for what we are looking for. If you would like to chat in game or in vent, send me a tell and I'll give you our information.
See you all in middle earth!
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
My name is RichardButterbur and I'm 49 years old. I play in Brandywine and normally play evenings CST. I usually play solo but join groups as necessary. I've played PoC in the past and was a member of guild in that game. I would like to join a kinship because I've found that I cannot play further without help, plus I enjoy the fellowship of groups. I'm actually looking for Esmerelda who probably has created a kinship in LOTRO. I've also been know as Bart Squidmartin.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Character name and race: Xandrah Rapscallion ~ Hobbit
Age: 41
Preferred server: Meneldor
Location: CST
Playstyle: no RP, solo, group, raids, casual, endgame.
MMO games you’ve played: Dungeon and Dragons online
Why kinships should be interested in you?: SM in most professions. Willing to help other members, can be serious about game and want to suceed.
What kind of kinship you are looking for: Mature, casual endgame/raiding kin.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Character Name: Malnori
Race: Dwarf
Age: 25
Preferred server: Landroval
Location: EST timezone. Portsmouth, New Hampshire, USA
Playstyle: Don't really know yet. Just started this game. I hope to play with mature people. I wouldn't consider one style.
Kinship Info: All I can offer is a player who enjoys RPing with a mature crowd. Likes to quest with other people and just generally have a good time. I go with the flow and will like to help others when I finally figure everything out in the game.