Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Housing. I really wish we had free-form item placement (with some sort of upper limit on total items placeable depending on size of house), and possibly more housing layouts/sizes. As far as MMO housing systems go, LotRO's has the least flexibility for the highest ingame cost. I'd also add stables outside the housing instances with swift travel routes back to the closest city.
2. Inventory Management. I have no pack space, and I must scream. I'd love to see a system that tracked things like skirmish marks and rep items the way quest items are tracked - i.e., somewhere other than physically in my packs. Bonus if crafting resources get the same treatment!
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Mentoring system. Preferably robust enough to allow for 'self-mentoring' to effectively allow players to control their level versus content.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. Raiding. In SoA, I could raid on my schedule because there were no artificial gates. Radiance gating has taken that from me. You didn't say we couldn't mention that here, and I would really like to spend more than 0 time doing it.
2. Fishing. I've loved to fish in every MMO I've played, but I just don't have a lot of time for it in LotRO because I feel guilty I'm not doing something more 'productive' with my time.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. I feel that the deeds system needs to be revised a little. Some of the deed kill counts required for traits and such really are rediculous, 100 kills for advanced and 50-80 for the first isn't half bad and would seem just right. But killing 400 giants is rediculous.
2. Quests, you should make them optional for whether they are fellowship or solo, (not talking about book quests) because it's horribly hard to find a group on an underpopulated server.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Real player versus player pvp, not this pvmp junk.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. Mount selections.
2. I don't really have any ideas.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. MUSIC SYSTEM: Bowed string instruments such as Fiddle, Cello, and Bass; another percussion instrument that concentrates on sounds like cymbals, chimes, bells and gongs; add some sounds to the cowbell that are like different kinds of wooden percussion instruments (a true woodblock sound for instance). Check out this thread for an idea of how to include "singing" in ABC format and consider how this same approach might develop synchronized dance as well.
2. HOUSING: Even with all my 'hooks' filled, my house looks so EMPTY! The hook system just is not satisfying at all. What we need is a complete revision using a grid system that allows players to put stuff wherever they want. Database use can still be controlled by putting a limit on the total number of items the house can hold. But the type and location of those items should be completely up to the player. Additional chests to store housing-only items should be available for purchase, and that means making them shared-type storage so that bound items can be placed in them. After all, what is the point of any of my characters having housing items only for their own use? They can't have their own house... just make "bound" mean bound by account holder and the problem is solved.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Synchronized DANCE =D
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. Festivals, especially each year's new events... I seem to always run out of time to get the new horse tokens for each of my high-level characters for example, or all the usual events with low-level characters. But realistically, I think the festivals already run long enough, heh, I just have too many characters ;)
2. Crafting: sometimes the complexity of some tasks (one-shot recipes especially) require too much time to make them accessible for my limited time in-game. It's not so bad if I'm working with the higher-level recipes because my crafting characters are working in areas where those materials are readily available (and placed in storage for later use). But when I want high-level crafters to make low-level one-shot recipes, gathering necessary materials is somewhat prohibitive, time-wise. Crafting journals in particular, because the recipes are only available as drops from same-level mobs (rare as hens teeth in the AH, too) and my scholar is 60 and not working in those levels. Even if she travels to the appropriate-level area, she doesn't have enough storage space to keep more than one tier's worth of supplies, so this kind of crafting has to be done "real time" not finding and storing supplies "just in case"... hence time-consuming.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Originally Posted by
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Raid locks. In my estimation, they have two main roles: to limit play, and to save progress. I think that this can be made slightly more flexible than global timers. Something like consumable 'keys' (NOT key-ring keys) could be a nicer way to go, especially for those weekly raiding groups out there who do not have enough time in one sitting to go through the entire dungeon. As it is right now, all it takes is one group to acquire a raid lock to a certain point, for the entire server to potentially acquire the same lock, so a way to distribute the 'keys' to a successful group should be similarly generous, but consumable so that they don't last indefinitely (so that a group may pull in subs for subsequent runs but not necessarily get to go indefinitely). This would have the side effect of changing the one-mob raids (turtle, watcher), but perhaps those can be put on 'quest - cooldown' mode instead (like the 'Revel too Far' daily limiter).
2. Housing. Let people place stuff however they'd like, but then perhaps limit the number of objects allowed per space, along with assigning objects 'size points' and limiting how many size points can be allocated to one area as well. It would be nice to be able to line up lanterns, shrubs, etc along a path in the front yard, or have chairs near tables.
Originally Posted by
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Example 1: I belong to a static 12-man raiding group. We are from 4 different kins. It would be nice to be able to send just these people in-game mail.
Example 2: I also belong to a music troupe. It would be nice to keep in touch with all our musicians via in-game mail also, or set provisions for my entire band to be able to stop by my house and pick up instruments without having to assign each individual rights to my house chests.
Example 3: Some kins ally themselves to other kins. It would be nice for them to have certain provisions also - a panel, a channel, and mail.
So really, setting up user-groups that have these amenities available would be a really nice thing.
Originally Posted by
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
Of late, I haven't been doing the epic chain as much as I'd like, and nor have I been tooling around with my lute as often as I used to.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Originally Posted by
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
Question 1.
1.Kinship Mechanics and Tools Would like to be able to communicate better with my Kin, by posting a kinship calendar or notebook at the kinhouse. The Kinhouse which my co-founder and myself have been paying rent on for 3 years, is never used. We need a reason to go there, and having a place where we can post kin runs and get togethers, information and such, without always having to use in game mail (which goes to every alt and is not changeable by our officers, a new one must be sent every time).
Also we need better Kin alliance tools. Small and medium kins need to group together more and the game gives us very little ability to do so.
Lastly, and this is very important, we need swift travel to and from housing areas. They are just too far from the towns, so people will not port there if they have to slow ride back to town every time. Our map ports are usually on cd, since the world has gotten so large, and it means a long slow ride. Why go you your kinhouse when you can get more done just by going to straight to Bree, RD, Thorins or MD? But with swift rides you can utilize all in a town and your kinhouse features. Or we can keep it as it is and no one will use them.
Kinships are an area that is sorely in need of upgrading and really the possibilities are so open to making them great, please try and address this sometime. It would make the social aspect of the game so much better and vibrant.
2.Fellowship Grouping The current tools do not work, that's pretty clear. I don't know of anyone that uses them. There has to be a better solution.
Question 2. and 3. No opinion at this time
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Housing! Great potential that has gone wasted
2. UI-I understand you don't want to go the way of (the 900lb gorilla MMO), but a little more customizationw would be nice.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Not sure
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in.
1. ABC Music system
2. Crafting-I love to craft!
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Housing. Get rid of the hook system; copy one of the many games which has already done it much better.
2. Hobbies. Add a collection hobby of some sort (lots of great ideas in the Suggestions forum).
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Player-created content/quests. If that's too big to be considered a "mechanic", then any of these suggestions:
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. Duo-skirmishes (I was really looking forward to these, but haven't had time to try them out yet.)
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Originally Posted by
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1.Housing. I hate the hook system and lack of being able to make my house feel like a home that is personalized. Either do away with hooks altogether and implement a new system seen in many other games (I hate comparing, diversity is a wonderful thing, but really.. hooks are awful) Or add many many more hooks so you done have this huge room with a table and rug in the center and walls lined with everything else. EVERY house looks the same to me because of this.
2.The first things you excluded. Why worry about other things til those are fixed/changed?
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be? This is just a pipe dream, but if the game became more focused on skill development and not level caps, LOTRO would come one step closer to the "perfect game" to me.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. I wish I had more time to do ALL quests before they became grey and no longer worth XP. I have all my slots filled with alts, and try to "work" a different set of quests each time, but I always feel like I am not going through the world as I should.
2.I think the player music, both listening to and participating in, is a wonderful part of the in game world. It's often a hard choice between progressing my character (always deeds to get done, ect) or just "hanging out" To have music do something like give a little buff to those listening would help justify me loitering :)
^^^ this, in quote
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. HOUSING! Free-form placement of items is a must - see also all of the excellent suggestions on this thread: http://forums.lotro.com/showthread.php?t=161639
2. Again - housing. :)
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Some new hobbies - the system had such great potential (as proven by fishing), but you stopped dead. What about stargazing? (your beautiful night sky is a perfect starting point) Stamp collecting? (mostly facetious, but you DO have the line of postal quests in the Shire) Gardening?! (perhaps the perfect option for Middle Earth) Many others jump to mind.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. Skirmish system
2. Lower level raids with higher level characters. Why return to the Rift at Level 65? Perhaps you can try to make those lower-level raids scalable in the same way that skirmishes can be edited. Tharlauch with more power for a raid of level 65 characters (naturally with desirable loot for Level 65 characters).
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1.LvL adjust the Old instances..I know meationed Many Many times.... maybe there's a reason... one of the BIGGEST complaints about the game is the LACK of end game content, and with all these lower lvl instances at your disposal you are shooting yourselves in the foot... they are awesome, well designed, challenging(at lvl) and show off your depth in the lore of LotR, but because there is 0 and I mean 0 insentive to do them they just sit there unused... to do them at lvl takes too much time and most ppl don't want to put in the effort they would rather lvl, and at 65 we have nuthing to gain from them... lvl adjust them like the skrimishes...DONT make them a skrimmish... but if the leader of the group is lvl 45 the instance is lvl 45 with lvl 45 rewards..gear, jewelry, loot that a lvl 45 would WANT <- key word there "want", and if lvl 65 do likewise... this would give us some options for gear aswell becuase each instance could have its own armor/jewelry set with bonus's and such and the only difference would be that as the lvl of the instance increased the more and more stats would be added. Similiar to how the crafted items gain stats as the crafter teir increases. ie: Borrow Downs example
group lvl------armor/jewelry stats-----lvl to wear
20- 29----- U stats-------- 26
30-39------- U+5 & V-------- 36
40-49------ U+10,V+5 &W------- 45
50-55-------- U(15)V(15)W(10)&X------53
56-60-------- U(30)V(25)W(20)X(20)&Y(20)------- 58
60-65----- U(35)V(30)W(25)X(25)Y(25)&Z(25 )------ 65
just an example and the stats could be whatever your developers decide maybe U = 10might& 10 vital just a thought.
2. Same as above for Skrimmishes in Fellowship and Raid settings along with A LOT higher percentage of skrimmish mark reward for doing the skrimmish on higher difficulty... if you guys would do this you would have more end game content with rewards then most of us would ever be able to complete and that means **** players stay happy which == you guys keep getting paid =) *****
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Zalgred idea:
Leader of the group passive buff. It would be nice to get an extra buff depending who the leader of the group is. This buff can be trained by the amount of time people are leader of groups in instances. Each class can give a different buff to the group. This can be worked just like a deed and will only be given at the beginning of an instance and it will count after 15 minutes of the first mob killed, so it wont change if people swap leadership in the middle of the instance.
lvl 1: its obatined by leading 100 instances.
lvl 2: its obtained by leading 250 instances after lvl 1.
lvl 3: its obtained by leading 400 instances after lvl 2.
Captains: lvl 1: 1.5% more morale and power. lvl 2: 2.5% more morale and power. lvl 3: 3% more morale and power.
Champions: lvl 1: 1% extra dps. lvl 2: 2% extra dps. lvl 3: 3% extra dps.
Hunters: lvl 1: 0.5% extra atk range. lvl 2: 1% extra atk range. lvl 3: 1.5% extra atk range.
Guardians: lvl 1: 1% melee atk defense. lvl 2: 2% melee atk defense. lvl 3: 3% melee atk defense.
Burglars: lvl 1: 1% critical chance. lvl 2: 1.5% critical chance. lvl 3: 2% critical chance.
Lore-masters: lvl 1: 2% wound and disease resistance. lvl 2: 3.5% wound and disease resistance. lvl 3: 5% wound and disease resistance.
Minstrels: lvl 1: 1.5% extra healing. lvl 2: 2% extra healing. lvl 3:3% extra healing.
Rune-Keepers: lvl 1% tactical dmg critical chance. lvl 2: 2% tactical dmg critical chance. lvl 3: 3% tactical dmg critical chance.
Wardens: lvl 1: +100 in combat morale and power regeneration. lvl 2: +150 +100 in combat morale and power regeneration. lvl 3: +225 in combat morale and power regeneration.
I would only add if possible to back date this LOL and maybe increase the stat bonus just a bit not too high but make this a really desired reward
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1.Just work on above please...
2.Just work on above please...
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
This is a very simple request.I feel that when returning to your personal house or kin house that dread should be removed.After all it is a gated sanctuary.You can only port to them per hour..What do you think???
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Virtues. There are so many different virtues and the balance of bonuses among them leaves a few useful ones and many useless ones. Don't go and scrap the junk, but make them more meaningful. Rebalance the benefits of the virtues we have and perhaps provide quest lines to advance virtues as an alternative to grinding mobs (which is usually done long after you have passed the mob's level anyway).
2. Resources. It would be super cool if a barter npc allowed you to trade high level resources for lower level ones. Have some Khazad-Iron but need a little Ancient Iron... Sure we could gallop halfway across middle earth to find some or shop the AH, but wouldn't life be grand if you could also barter on occassion, even if there were limits or cool downs to prevent overuse?
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
To prepare for the major battles to come, allow players to become squad/formation leaders in skirmishes. Grow as a unit commander from 1 soldier to 4, to 8, to 16, etc. Having large battlefield skirmishes, with 1-12 players each controlling their own unit... beautiful chaos.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. Having started in the game after MoM, I never did much in Forochel, and never really did much in Carn Dum, Fornost, or that School in Eregion. There is little incentive to actually "go back" now and do them, aside from being completionistic. Having some manner of scaling goals, higher level quests or rewards would be cool.
2. I don't spend enough time in my house. Its boring and useless (mostly). Sure I can make it pretty, but there aren't enough reasons (fun ones anyway) to go home. I guess if Frodo and Sam can't, why should we.... :(
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Housing: Houses simply are not customizable enough! They need more hooks, and more locations for the hooks, and potentially different layout options for the interiors if at all possible. I like the way Everquest 2 does housng as well as Runes of Magic for examples.
2. Character Models: I have always felt that character models felt stiff, and in a lot of cases have blocky motion when running, turning, and even in combat. I would revamp character models and make them look and feel more alive.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
If I could add an entirely new game-play mechanic it would probably be Arena games. You could possibly utilize the arena ruins in Evendim for this.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. Taverns: I think there should be more insentive to visit taverns/inns, possibly mini games.
2. The music system.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Crafting-specifically armour crafting/metalsmithing - I know this is probably cheating on the "no legendary and radiance gear topic" but I think a great way to expand crafting would be to add craftable armour that HAS radiance. If you don't want to go back and redo the entire radiance/gear system, just adding some pieces (maybe not even a whole set) of radiance gear that would allow max players to have armour that doesn't look cookie cutter without taking up cosmetic slots.
As a girl, I would love to be able to use both of my cosmetic slots for the MANY wonderful outfits in the game. At the moment, on my higher characters, I use one for a dress, and the other for non-cookie cutter armour. Being able to have variety in the visuals of actual armour itself while still keeping stats would be great. I also think adding the ability to have cosmetic shields would be nice. I don't mind no cosmetic options for weapons, and can understand that, but shield differences are like armour where some are more "elfy" or "dwarfy," etc. These could be given a cosmetic slot too, couldn't they? Oh, and maybe even crafted jewellery with radiance....hmmm...there's a thought.
2. Housing decorations - Probably would be hard to revamp, but I would LOVE if a few things would happen.
First, get rid of "hooks" per se. I'd like more flexibility in where I can place objects. It looks very weird when the desk chair is four feet away from the desk, and I'd love to place my clover stool near my clover table...even getting 2 clover stools at the table so I could drink with a guest. ;)
Second, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE change how objects are bound. Probably also difficult or impossible, but I would be so thrilled if bound housing items were bound to account rather than character. So tired of wanting to see how something looks in the yard, having to return to owner, and then switching to the other character, going to escrow, and going back to the house to put the first thing back. Even takes forever to type it, much less do it. Plus, add the bound housing items to my character's bound outfits and weapons, and space becomes an issue. If the housing items weren't bound to the character, i could free up some space in the bank on the characters that are running out of it.
Third, create variety in storage. I would like to have maybe a "dresser" or "armoire" for cosmetics, cupboard for food, "door" on the wall that would be to a "storage closet" would be cool.
Fourth, add crafting areas in the housing areas. I could go on, but I left brief long ago.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Problem solving quests...rather than slay x number of y, maybe the npc has problems you have to solve where it involves solving random puzzles where the solution wouldn't be one specific answer. Basically something that would require someone to pay attention to the quest, and like skirmishes with random mobs, the solution might be any of a few different possibilities, so they won't just get the answer by asking in chat. They'd have to come up with strategy and find the answer. Kind of like Bilbo's riddles, but where the things he's looking for aren't always the same for everyone. Not sure if I'm explaining that very well, but just kind of where there's not always one way to do something.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
Since you asked.....
1. FLUFFY STUFF! ...like -
a. Inn League activities. I can drink all year, I'd like to be able to do inn league (or the new ale association) quests all year too.
b. chicken play....not enough time -- I'd like to see more short-term chicken play activities. It is very fun!
c. housing -- can we have more to do in there besides store stuff and look at our yard?
2. also a matter of not having enough time, end game raiding. I don't get a chance to do it as often as I'd like because first, I spend a major chunk of time getting enough radiance, and when I finally have enough, getting the groups together to do instances takes at least an hour. By the time we're solidly into the instance, the group dynamic changes throughout the instance as people run out of time and have to log out because it's so late which, of course, means waiting again while we find people to fill spots. It's amazing how many more times I've done the first three bosses in DN compared to the last one...just because it takes so long. Sometimes we'll go back the next day and pick up where we left off, but even then, not everyone is on again the next day. This happens pretty regularly until enough people all have enough rad to be able to pick up and get started within 20 minutes or so. All the hurry up and wait gets kind of old.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Originally Posted by
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
Excluding PvMP, LIs or Radiance? Lol, took away my top three.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Player created content would be neat.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
Can't really think of anything here.
In the quote.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Housing - As several others have said, the hook system is terrible. My first choice is a hookless system with a limit on the number of items allowed in the house similar to SWG's decorating system, but since it would probably be way too much work to completely get rid of hooks please at least give us more hooks and movable hooks so that we can put chairs next to our tables and eliminate some of the unused empty space. Also change to just one type of hook instead of large wall, small wall, large floor, small floor, etc. Also we need to be able to store bound items in our house chests.
There are so many cool trophy items in the game but we have to pick and choose because we don't have enough room for them all.
2. The currency/barter systems - We do NOT need different currency for every new zone. Pick a currency (preferably the copper, silver, gold system) and stick with it. It's ridiculous and frustrating to have so many different currencies and all of the new ones are very limited in how to build them. Somewhat along with this there is too much stuff that's bind on acquire, such as all of the new currencies. Make more things in game tradeable between characters.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
This one is easy. I would add a mentor system. This would make it much easier for high level characters to go help new players or other people's alts without loosing the challenge of doing stuff on-level.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
Not sure on this one.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Housing
2. Hobbies
I'm not going to expand on either. It's been done, and ignored, countless times before.
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Spontaneous quests.
An example: at random times, a wagon filled with supplies drives from Bree to Adso's. sometimes (again, randomly), bandits show up and attack it. The wagon stops, bandits attack, players have the chance (if they're around) to stop the attack and receive a reward (Bree rep, a few pies, something).
Do a lot of this, all over.
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. Questing/Exploring - lately I spend all of my logged in time checking auctions, grinding rep or crafting.
2. the Story - unless you do the epic quests (which means grouping), you get almost nothing of the Lord of the Rings story.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Originally Posted by
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Housing. To start, get rid of the antiquated hook system and allow free-form placement of items. Limits on the number of items are OK, but they should be larger than they are now. Houses look empty, uninviting. We keep getting things to put in houses, but have no place to put them.
2. Music. The last update we had to the music system was (literally) a joke: the "moor cowbell". Adding another real instrument or two (viol, please) as well as support for the w: tag to allow musicians to "sing" the lyrics in chat would be welcome enhancements to the one of the most unique social systems in any MMO.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Boat travel.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
No opinion. I made time for things I enjoy (music, exploration, storyline quests) and avoid things I don't (raiding, grinding of any sort).
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
- More styles of houses .. why just 3?
- More types of housing areas .. why just one for each race?
- Freeform placement of objects or *way* more hooks than currently
- Maybe allow you to buy a lot and be able to chose from a selection of appropriately sized houses?
- *Lots* More recipes for crafted furnishing items
New Hobbies
- I love the idea of an exploration / artifact finding system of some kind
- Insect collecting sounds cool also
- Gardening (decorative flowers and vegetables)
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Housing.You've seen the threads.
2. LFG System I hate to mention the new WoW system...but...
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Live Events, daily or weekly, utilizing 'arena' areas. Anything..
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. Festival Events (cause they're the closest thing we have to live events) but the rewards just don't entice me enough to diverge..
2. Skirmishes Same as festival: rewards are lacking. Yes you have the LI scroll and ixp stuff...but other than that... I just don't think anyone would be upset by getting PVE rewards from non-pve events, as long as the investment in time is fair, and doesn't negatively affect the economy or something
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. The slayer deed system. By far the most boring thing I can think of doing in this game is slaughtering 360 salamanders or bandits or whatever for 3 of some stat and small boosts to resistances. I'm not entirely sure what I would do to fix it, but there should be some way... Perhaps make them a bit more like quests? Kill 30 or 60 (really anything less than 100) of them and a specific, difficult boss of the same species or enemy type?
2. Since I can't mention the awful, grindy system used to gain level 60 rad armor, I'll go with the instance system here. Don't get me wrong, the people at Turbine have made fantastic instances, with just the right balance of atmosphere, challenge, and rewards. It's just that I'd love to revisit, say, the Great Barrows, or Forochel, as a higher level instance. For another thing, a lot of people don't get to experience all of the exceptionally cool Moria instances. This is because it's so easy to grind the Grand Stair for medallions that most people just do that one all the time. Maybe you could change it so that you only get medallions from the daily? In GS, at least.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Hands down, mounted combat. Give mounts more health and the ability to equip armor, as well as their own experience to make them useful in combat; give the players skills that can be used while riding mounts. It would be a lot of fun. However, make it so you can't stay on the horse for very long if you stand and fight. That would result in half of the world being mounted ALL THE TIME. Which would be awful.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. I'd like to do more skirmishes. Maybe make the solo Skirms more soloable?
2. Can't really think of anything else.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Originally Posted by
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Housing. There are so many things that could be done here to make the system more engaging. Key is to get rid of the housing neighborhoods. These seemed like a great idea at the time, but the end result is totally dead neighborhoods where you rarely see another soul and even most of the houses are locked due to failure to pay rent. One idea is to turn select doors in towns throughout the world into instanced housing doors. Price and rent of the house would be determined by the town and location within that town. A home right next to the auction house in Bree would naturally be more expensive than any other in Bree, and even the cheapest home in Bree would likely be more expensive than a home in Trestlebridge. Many houses could have back yards, providing space for yard items. Some (like in the Shire) could have gated front yards that provide the instance portal so that the yard can be decorated.
It's also possible to have select non-instanced housing that is very expensive and difficult to get. Failure to pay upkeep would result in loss of the home. These houses would require completion of the region's epic quest line, kindred rep with the local faction, and completion of all deeds in the zone.
The combination of these two systems would result in a much more dynamic world with greater incentive for people to not only have a home but visit it often. More people would be found within each town, adding more life even to older parts of the world. There should be multiple floor plans to choose from as well.
As for decorating, the hook system really has to go. Each item could be assigned a point value, and each house should allow unlimited placement until the maximum number of points have been expended. Placement should be free-form: drag the item to the desired location on the floor (or wall or ceiling), then use the placement panel to adjust its rotation (like what exists now) and offset from the surface (new arrow buttons added to the panel).
2. Kinship Leveling. Not only are there not enough rewards for gaining levels, but the leveling system is a total yawn. Imagine if the kinship itself earned deeds based upon things like questing, raiding, PvMP, monster killing, crafting, etc. For example, each person in the kinship who completes Volume I, Book XV earns a point toward that particular deed. Completion of the deed awards a trait that can be slotted in a new Kinship row of the kinship leader's traits panel. The number of unlocked slots in the row would be based upon the kinship level rather than the player level (one slot per kinship level). Kinship members would see the row of traits, but not be able to change the slotting for that row. These traits would have an effect upon all members of the kinship, based upon the trait itself which in turn is related to the type of activity that awarded that trait. For example, a raiding kinship would appreciate a trait that grants a 5% bonus to raidiance. For crafting a kin could choose between things like increased chances to get rare items from harvesting, 10% chance to get one extra item from a harvest, 5% boost to crit rate, 5% bonus to reputation gain with crafting guilds, etc. There would naturally be set bonuses as well, just like with standard traits.
This system would allow kinships to customize themselves based upon the activities that they enjoy most. Due to the set bonuses, the kinship would have to make difficult choices in order to best customize their build. Do they want to focus most on crafting? Raiding? General questing? PvMP? The number of traits necessary for the bonuses would have to be set up so that a kinship could not get a full set bonus in more than one area of play.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Kinship Recruiting! When not in a kinship the kinship panel should display all kinships that are currently set as recruiting. This system would pull the interest scoring data from my.lotro.com and weight it against the player's own scores, with the recruiting kinships ranked according to their match to the player's own interests. Each listing should also include a link to the kinship's my.lotro.com page and any website that they might have. A recruiting message should be able to be shown as well. Other info that could be shown would be kinship level as well as buttons to list the number of characters in the kinship and their class/level breakdowns.
Because this system links directly with my.lotro.com it would help to drive traffic to that site. The system itself would also be an invaluable tool for kinships that are seeking new members as well as new players who want to find a good home.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Give me more design options in my OWN!!! house!!! Like EQ2 or SWG housing.
2. New outfit - more and different
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
- Collectible Card Game in-Game. Like Legends Of Norrath in EQ2
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. Old instances like Helegrod or Annuminas, they are completely useless now :((((
2. Never have enough time for my house, becouse there are no options inside. Its only 2 chests, nothing more, no personality, Dont tell me tales about trophy and etc, i want put all thing where i want in my OWN!!! house.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. INVENTORY! because inventory management shouldn't be a minigame!
- provide an autostacking button (for all bags, bank and housing chests)
- provide a tooltip type help that enlarges the view of an item's icon (on mousehover)*
- slightly more difficult probably: allow PCs to set bags to "types" of default items, ie - resources go in bag 1, plant/landscape items go in bag 2, quest rewards go in bag 3, etc. with the stipulation once a bag is full, it 'overflows' to the main bag; also provide a toggle setting for this
2. Housing
- lower the timer on the recalls, to maybe 10-15 minutes
- nm more hooks, just add positionable ones - even if that requires preset areas, it would give more options
- personal stables - either based on mounts we have or purchasable 'picture' mounts (preset group, like a picture) (someone else had this idea first, from the housing forum, I just like it)
- many more woodworking and other decorative items - simply furnishing a house with a table, chair and matching rug would be nice. Festival items are great for dressing up, but casual items are good for every day use, as well as keeping crafters in business
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
- new hobbies - checkers, maybe chess, painting (misc. skin +wood = canvas, scholars make paints (like dyes), misc. tail+wood = brush; probably too difficult to make free form paintings, thus it could be broken down into racial 'styles' with more difficult (involved) paintings being available as the more skilled an artist becomes. And paintings could be added as time went on, at various levels.
(for the record I absolutely love fishing and it's NOT boring, despite what others say :P)
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
Honestly, there aren't any... my only difficulty is usually because I'm simply an altaholic <shrugs> I suppose it'd be nice if Festivals ran a month and a half instead of one? I dunno.
* not to be confused with the item's description box & yes, I realize one can increase the UI's size however, for whatever reason, at certain resolutions that makes the UI fuzzy and leads to migraines ><
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Questions 1: Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand .
1. Housing - there should be no hooks. I would expand the number of items that can be placed in to a house and eliminate the hook system. All items in the home should be usable as well... you should be able to sit in your chair or place items in your dresser. Also, perhaps being able to purchase and use crafting stations in your home... a plot of land for farming, a small forge, a corner work table... that would be nice. But I am more interested in expanding/revising the hook system.
2. Storage - there should be more. I would add the option to obtain more housing chests. As well, I would increase the amount of storage in a toons pack. Perhaps adding various smaller bags that a toon could pick up along the way. These smaller bags could each hold a set number of items and be stored inside one of the existing packs. Also, I would add additional chests to the bank vault. But I would NOT make those additional chests quite as expensive as the current chests ;)
Question 2: If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
I don't know the answer to this question.
Question 3: Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. Chicken play - I would really like that cloak.
2. Deeds/Traits - I DON'T want to spend more time doing this, but it is something that I never seem to have enough time to do. :)
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. dyeing system, as it is now, when you dye something only a part of the item actually gets dyed, changing it can give more options. example: when you click to dye something a window opens and based off all the dye you have on you, it lets you change the colors of that item. (with a hat, you could change the main body, the band, and feather).
2. crafting system, make it more player based then vendor based. we should have to harvest the items we need to make everything, not buy them. recipes is fine to buy or loot, but the ingrediants should be looted or harvested (sept seeds, but cooking is hell on the money pouch)
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
ranching, this way we could harvest the meat, milk, hide*, ect. that cooks could use and would help lower the cost a bit. could be like fishing or farming or require owning a house (for the yard space) though that could be a little limiting.
* = optional
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
don't have anything for here, i have fun no matter what i'm doing lol
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Virtues and deeds, I would reduce the amount of grinding for the deeds so that by level 70 we aren't killing three thousand of one mob just to get one valour.
2. Skirmishes, higher tier skirmishes should give more exp for every mob. T2 mobs have twice the morale and the same amount of xp, not only that but it isn't profitable to go the extra mile for a T2 as opposed to T1.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be? A rewards system for solo or small group play in the Ettenmoors. Raids are too easy, if we had a reward for not raiding it would be more challenging and it would be more fun.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. (As a free person) I would like to visit the Delving of Fror more often, it was a fun dungeon and enabling both sides in at once without a sudden flood of creeps would make it much more interesting. One problem, Free People don't have any reason to enter the Delving due to the poor quality rewards. As I said, I would love to spend more time in there.
2. (Now for something completely different) Rift... A skirmish-like rift without locks but it would be necessary to do each prior fight to be able to fight the rog. Maybe get them all set to 6-mans except for Thrang and the Rog... But be able to enter them as separate instances from the doorway.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Originally Posted by
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Instances - make the scalable to level. Some of my fondest memories are from running instances like GB and Fornost on level... I don't want to have to roll an alt just to have that same experience again.
2. Along the same lines, fix the loot from instances, especially from the Dol Guldur cluster and most importantly from BG itself. This should
never be a reward for beating a boss on HM, because no one would ever use something like that... ever. Give us rewards and incentives that make us want to run the instances because the current loot system in place is absolutely horrendous.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be? The ability to link locations on the gameplay map (i.e. Aion). A simple Ctrl + Right Click on the map and a link is given in the chat channel where a left click brings up that location on the map.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. Hobbies. Fishing doesn't do it for me. Add more, maybe in terms of mini-games like Chess or Checkers.
2. I would enjoy crafting more, but I just don't see the point. I have weekly cooldowns that I use the first chance I get, but none of the gear I can make is remotely comparable to the already mediocre gear I can acquire in instances. Revert us back to the SoA days where crafters could make comparable gear and I'd be crafting again in a heartbeat.
Answers in the quote; once again, thanks for a great topic to discuss!
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1.addons like Dps meter , aggro meter , kin calendars, etc etc
2.freeps and creeps could fight in a spot to conquer it
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Creeps Pve, Creeps epic story difenent territoris
Pvmp in low lvls
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1.more pvmp events like amathiel around moors few time ago
2.cross server pvmp
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1:
Excluding PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Skirmishing, first of all once you get 2 good LIs there is really no reason to continue i would just make better rewards that would always be useful like Symbol Of Celembromor(however you spell it) or something like a exclusive thing only avalible in skirmish marks (like a really nice stat scroll of a sort)
2. the bind on accquire rad tokens but still cant you just make them like account bind on accquire so like lets say you were going to get a stat scroll with DG tokens but you have like 100 on one guy but 0 on the guy that needs it just saying
Question 2:
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Mounted Combat! well like in future expansion like rohan otherwise cant really say
Question 3: Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1.DEEDING its so annoying to get all virtues to 10 on EVERY SINGLE ALT
2.Moors duh
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. The music system. Things I would like include stringed instruments that better sustain their notes, an extra octave to play with (pretty please?), and another look at the sync system (since I've noticed that it's much easier for multiple players to slip out of sync with each other since Shadows of Angmar)
2. Fellowship Manoeuvres. They used to be a powerful and even necessary aspect to any group combat scenario which gave LOTRO a useful flair to its combat which other MMOs didn't provide. FMs provided something that LOTRO did that others didn't and it did it exceptionally well. However, in the last two expansions they seem to have fallen behind in their usefulness and thus a unique aspect to LOTRO's combat system is diminished.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Cross-server instance matching.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. Raiding. We used to raid pretty much every couple weeks back in Shadows of Angmar, whether the Rift or in Helegrod. Sometimes it was even spontaneous, a moment of "Hey, there's a lot of us online at levels 48-50. Let's see how we do in the Rift!" Now, raiding has so many additional pre-requisites, radiance not least among them, that I (and presumably others) either don't have enough time to get the radiance or simply get burnt out on the radiance gates. In the latter case, a new raid doesn't have us thinking "New content? COOL" but rather leaving us in the camp of "Oh man... you mean we have to do that AGAIN?!"
2. Since I only get two, I'll cheat and use my second activity as "fun." Simply put, there is far too much grind in the game getting between us and the "fun." The grind-to-fun ratio shifted sharply to grind with Moria and has seemed to be either staying there or shifting slowly towards increasing grind since. You have to grind guild reputation to craft effectively, you have to grind radiance to raid, you have to grind your legendary item and relics to effectively do any sort of combat, you have to grind hobbit toes (a PVE activity) to PVP. Every significant diversion in LOTRO seems to have unnecessary amounts of grind heaped in front of it and that limits the player's time to enjoy and have "fun." It almost feels like an NGE, except it's much slower than the overnight kill-the-fun switch Sony threw on us.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Crafting - Specialization within the mastery of a craft. Not reputation bound.
2. Housing. Really needs some loving, especially free-form placement.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Collections (Like EQ2 collections). It's pretty fun having done them, with rewards that vary from items, to housing items, to titles, etc.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. Really can't think of anything, just so tired of grinding rep for everything.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1: Revamping old instances (CD/URU/Rift) to add barter tokens or something worthwhile and increasing the difficulty. Make them have 3-man and 6-man modes.
2:Housing. Including kinship housing / stat tracking for who pays rent and removes/adds to chests.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1:Festivals due to poor rewards / broken horse races.
2:PvMP due to lack of reward, sense of accomplishment. Expanded PvP areas and more persistent objectives other than just flipping keeps would be nice.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Storage -
One of the biggest problems with the expansions is the overall lack of increase in available storage and the large number of bind on acquire/equip items in the game. The best storage system I have seen in an MMO is at EQ2. Not only can you create expandable bags for inventory, but also for bank and broker use. Guilds have shared storage with reputation/age of guild unlocking additional vault space. Stacking should be increased in all stackable items also similar to the increase put on some vendor pots and crafting materials to save space.
2. Race & Kinship Reputation -
Create new reputation systems for races and kinships with special rewards such as specially designed cloaks, housing rewards, special titles, cosmetics that unlock with rank. Design each system for earning rank through questing, deed completion and crafting. Ideally, I would absolutely LOVE to see racial armour/clothing sets available that can be unlocked and bartered for based on your characters chosen homeland without being level-locked. (ie: separate sets of cosmetic gear available for characters from Lindon, Rivendell, Edhellond, Dale, Rohan, Fallohides, The Lonely Mountain, Gondor, Iron Hills, etc.... for each homeland.) The ability to earn reputation through crafting would also allow people to play alt characters more leisurely without the tunnel vision for end game. (Currently reputation seems to be gated by the level of mobs in each reputation dungeon.) This would give the game a feel of being less empty in lower level zones because people will be less focused on hurrying through the content. New starter zones would be a plus too for the various races - ie: level 1-11 quests with fast travel to Bree at end of Epilogue.
3. If I could give a third option, I would without a doubt suggest a housing revamp. Revise interior spaces to no longer be constricted by the hook system, but with an item number limit which allows placement anywhere. Exterior would probably be more difficult to recreate without the hooks, but if it was doable it would be outstanding!
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Either some sort of mentoring system or leveled instance mechanic so that players could go back and re-experience instances/quests at level.
For example, allow a level 65 player to mentor a group of low level 40 players so that your level is scaled down to theirs for Carn Dum. Another possibility would be a reverse of the Inspired Greatness buff that would scale you down to the level of the area. Or a third option would be to recreate instances with mobs/bosses that auto-scale to your current level.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. Silly session plays like ~Chicken play! I heard rumors of a ~rat session play for Moria at one time which would be great fun. More of that sort of stress-relieving gametime would be great. I never laugh as hard as I do when I'm on my ~chicken chasing players around the zones. The quests are really well-written too. Love it :)
2. PvMP. I PvMP as much as possible, but find that with each level cap change the whole dynamic takes far too much time to make a character competitive in that arena. Currently, the majority of freeps are from raiding kins who grind out the leet gear/weps which is a change from the SoA days when many gear options made it more accessible to the masses.
Those who have less time or connections for completing the content necessary to get geared out at max level gravitate to creepside which causes population imbalance in the Moors. Opening up the PvMP gear rewards to be rank-based instead of barter + rank and making the base stats on the gear comparable to the current high end gear would do a lot to balance out population. Make the gear only equippable in the Moors to prevent people going there just to rank for loot/gear for PvE. Monster skills and toughness are rank-based so it seems like the same could be made available for Freeps, too.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Housing. There are so many flaws with housing it has turned into little more than shareable storage.
There are 2 things that need adjusted with housing: 1) interior decoration improvements and 2) community.
Interior decoration improvements have been suggested by many other people before me so I wont bother going into detail.
Community is important. I have never once seen another player in my neighborhood. I think a fix for this is to remove neighborhoods and instead place housing inside the major cities.
For example, there are numerous doors in Bree that do nothing. I think you could make each non-NPC related door an "instance" of an apartment. If more than one person wants to the same apartment there should be no problem. If I own an apartment, but I am on the access list of somebody else who owns the same apartment, then I should be presented with a list of which space to enter, mine or theirs.
2. I think the Skirmish system is great but can be improved.
My suggestion is to carry it a step further and make interesting, more immersive instances out of them. Instance like SG and GS are grand adventures, I think skirmishes as complex as these should be available.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Mounted combat. Age of Conan has it and while it wasn't awesome it was at least a decent try. We all know Rohan is coming soon... and Rohan without mounted combat would be a little bit sad.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in.
1. Hobbies. Well, make that "hobby". If you had something other than fishing I might make time for it.
2. Somebody else mentioned Inns and Taverns. I think this goes hand in hand with more community. I would like to see a gameplay mechanic added that made going to taverns helpful. For example, some minor Fear or Dread effect that would have a 12 hour duration but could be dispelled by doing something in the tavern. (The idea being that social behavior is a cure for many fear and dreads).
If this were implemented along side my suggestion for housing it wouldn't even be "out-of-the-way" for most players.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Housing. I think others have sufficiently explained this.
2. Skirmishes, both in rewards and in the actual instance. Make skirmishes trully random where multiple things can happen instead of only 3 places being attacked and giant messages telling you what to do on the screen. Only thing that is random is what lieutenant you will get and out of 5 encounters which 2 you will get. Also, ther armor sets for skirmishes are a joke at 65, only reason to do them is for relics and scrolls.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Mounted Combat that works
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. I would like to raid BG more, but our kin's healers dont like to do it because there arent alot of rewards for them :/
2. Nothing else really... I play alot so I usually can do anything I want exceppt for BG
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Combat system - I play DDO and OMG it is so much better in this area.. lotro combat is soo generic and bland when compared.. howcome? DDO makes you feel like your skills actually matter. as another said "If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be? I would add a completely new combat system, after having played DDO and seen how well they implemented flexible combat with player skills + spells, Lotro feels so slow and restrictive. "
Amen. If tis would require a total revamp so, not doable.. then make players actually use the LFF panel, in DDO everyone uses it and it makes getting into a group so easy and effortless. The panel/section is already there, but everyone uses the lff channel - if the section could be expanded and added to the UI interface for INSTA ACTION joins and grouping from anyplace in the world - and after instance/run completion - sends you back to your orginal location.
2. DDO style character customizations and multi-classing or at least some flexibility on how we can build out a character - all players do in this game is compare morale numbers.. that is what makes so many players walk cocky and strut their stuff over... morale numbers. In DDO you can make a hybrid toon that combines 3 different classes or more. So here we can't expect that, but any customization
C. and melee EVASION, Power ranged build etc..
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Make all toons have collision avoidance enabled - no one should be able to run through another toon - it is creepy and kills realism and it can be used for strategies (another great DDO implemented feature).
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. Chicken Runs
2. World events - whatever happened to those great great events -
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1.housing, add more to housing. new hooks or designs for aways to make our house different from the person next door.
2. lff and grouping. if this game is going to turn in the direction of lager fellowships then you need a new way to find grps to join. make it so people also go back and do the old instances for rewards that way lower lvls can also experince it.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
what happened to the hobby system. it started with fishing over two years ago and did you just give up on it. before adding a new system continue to add more to the ones that are already in the game. add more hobbies, do more with fishing.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. fishing
2.spending time in towns. make it so more people want to go back to towns either by adding communtiy activites or new places to explore in them. the towns are slowly getting empty.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Housing please. I can live with more hooks and better control over where those hooks are placed if you deem free-form too large in scope to handle. I also like the idea of choosing a look for my home, I mean 7 freaking gold for the darn thing I think I should get to pick out its color or something. You can use a similar system to how we customize our skirmish minions to achieve this.
2. Make the Warden class playable by Dwarves. It just doesn't seem right that a Dwarf cannot be a warden when everyone else can.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
DWARF WARDENS! Seriously, if a Hobbit and pansy Elf can do it, a Dwarf can do it a hundred times better
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. Raids, my kinship is mostly dead and when it comes to raids most people do not like PUGS, usually because they do not end well.
2. PvMP but I admit after my first encounter with this I have avoided it rather passionately
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. I would say housing: http://forums.lotro.com/showthread.php?t=161639
2. Crafting: http://forums.lotro.com/showthread.p...46#post4529946
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Games: cards, dice, billiards, etc.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. Instances and Raiding
2. Crafting
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
1. Make housing decoration more customizable.
2. Take another crack at revamping the lff tool.
Question 2
Hayoo's Revelry mechanic
Question 3
1. Festival's
2. Raiding
No time for either b/c of RL.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Virtues. Its kind of an old system, but I like the concept. Needs to be updated and made more relevant to today's game.
2. Crafting. Needs more questing associated with it. Particularly questing for high value, useful wares. Also just needs to not stall out like it does not, but should continue to scale up so those who have reached the highest tier have more to strive for.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Sidekicking. This is something done in games like City of Heroes, where players of disparate levels can come together and do a raid or quest or something. Essentially a lower level player gets raised up temporarily to become a sidekick. XP gains are commensurate with level.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
2. Raiding
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
[QUOTE=Sapience;4553008]How it works:
From time to time we'll be asking you questions, and here in our thread, you tell us: What comes to mind; what you think; how you feel; etc, as it relates to the question(s) at hand.
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Why do we sometimes ask you to limit your answers?
Because what we’re looking for are the top issues or absolute best answers you can give. Anyone can come up with a top ten list of things they’d like to see. Filling out a list is easy, but coming up with the most important issues or the things that really matter takes a bit more thought. Those are the responses we’re looking for.
Reminder: This is not a discussion thread. It is a Q&A. We ask questions, you give your answers. Multiple posts, editorials, debates/opinions about someone Else's answer, will be ignored or deleted.
Question 1
[COLOR=Orange]Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1.Market is out of balance and needs to change. Crafted item should be as good and sometimes better then quest items. you should be able to make any item like you get from quest(Radiance Gear). Some quest items better some crafted items better. This would help the market in the game balance out. Why become a crafter if you cannot make something as good or better then you get from quest. This is mostly the higher lvl items. the market was good when you could make and sale things make but know why make anything when people only wont the quest items. there needs to be a balance here between the quested and the crafted. I love crafting and feel it has been taken away from me.
2.Battle mounts. be able to fight on our mount. I would love to be able to ride to a battle and fight.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Battle mounts to be able to fight on your Mount.
Question 3
[COLOR=Orange]Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. Make all Class and book quests 3 or 6 man quests so people who cannot fine 6 people can take two friends in and do the quest.
2. Crafter have more control over what is on the item they make. Like when you make s set of boots the crafter is given a ramdom set of traits to be placed on the boots. (Pick two of the 5 traits here that has ramdomly picked for you) this would help make item for each class of fighters. do this for all lvl and types of items being madel. People would love this and spend a lot of time making things for others in the game. The quest drop should be as good as the crafted but the crafter should have more control over what they make.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Originally Posted by
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items, and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. One word: Inventory. The inventory system is really quite poor. I've seen shareware with better inventory management than LotRO. I should be able to drag and drop items to sell them. I should be able to organize by type or use of item. The only clever thing about the entire system is that it will bring up the tooltips of equipped items when I examine an item that would go in the same slot. Although it's not all that clever, since, if I point at the item equipped in that slot it shows me the same tooltip twice.
2. I'd like the reputation factions cleaned up. I haven't finished getting the alt through the Lone Lands, but, so far, I like the Eglain grind a lot better than any other I've done. I don't necessarily need a horse every time, but completing every single quest in The Shire (including Oatbaron) and still having to make dozens of [item]Honey-roasted Chicken[/item]s or collect 4 characters worth of Mathoms to get to Kindred with The Mathom Society sucked.
Originally Posted by
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Crafting mini-games. Not with the current crafting system, because there is way too much grind in the current system for me to want to have to mini-game my way through several dozen greatswords per tier. But if I want to have a critical success, perhaps assembling a pile of Tetris-like pieces within a time limit would give +20% to crit. I'm actually thinking of Puzzle Pirates' hull repair game, if you've seen that.
Originally Posted by
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. I'd actually like to spend more time crafting. I'm trying to cover all the professions, which means trying to get at least four characters through the game while leveling up their craft skills. I spend a lot of time grinding out stuff that I either vendor or guild items that I turn in for reputation. I'd like to be able to craft some interesting stuff that isn't doomed to be discarded or consumed immediately. [quest]The Short Order Cook[/quest] sticks out in my mind as an example of an excellent way to make crafting interesting. Having to repair the Trestlebridge ([quest]An Errand for Millicent Greenlake[/quest]) so my Jeweler could use the workbench was the opposite. "I'm a jeweler and you want me to get splinters doing what?" I wouldn't mind having a profession that actually required some real skill and time to learn. Maybe it only produces cosmetic items, but I could really get into something that takes time and planning to pull off.
2. Music. The ABC player system is nifty, but I don't get to use it nearly enough. Having some standard tunes loaded with the game that everyone can play would be helpful in this regard. Actually, now that I think about it, making music that others can play would be a nifty new craft/hobby.
Team O, Meneldor: Osyth, Olave, Ornwen, Oho, Orla
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1.Definetly housing. Right now houses serve as glorified storage chests. Give them some more use and make them more interesting. In short, add all the sugestions from this thread.
2. This is a tough one, but I'd say crafting. I'm happy with the vast number of items we can create, but the crafting system involves getting items, and clicking a button. Even if it makes crafting a little harder to level, a unique crafting system would be nice.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
I'd like to see battles on an even larger scale than raids, to give the game a more epic feel. They would be spontainious, and involve however many players happened to be in the area at the time. Naturally, they would stay within the bounds of the lore.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1.Instances from the original game back in Shadows of Angmar. So many of them are never done due to lack of players, or lack of challenge for level 65s. If one could play content from the original game scaled to level, it would be fun.
2.A lot of quests for all levels-There are so many of them, and even after leveling two characters, there are very many quests I have never done. I try to do different quests each alt, but there are still many I have not even picked up.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1:
A. Mounts- Make them into more like the Skirmishers (There next to you when your not mounted and gone when you are mounted) using traits for their appearance, speed, strength et al. (Could be optional as an addition to the current mount system so people could opt to use skirmish style horses or not, the basic riding system would also be used)
B. Housing- More hooks for everything possibly even overlapping hooks you can choose which to use. More rooms for the Kinhalls and Deluxe houses. MORE DWARVEN HOUSING DECORATIONS!
Question 2:
I'm going to have to mention Mounted Combat (Simply because there is soooo much this game already does I can't think of anything better to post for a Gameplay Mechanic LOL)
Question 3:
A. Crafting
B. Creep PvMPing (It takes WAY to long to get to any 'good' point playing a creep as most abilities and traits are way up the rank line. They should all be Standard at rank 1 and the higher ranks should simply grant improved passive bonuses)
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Rework the loot system. See my post regarding this here: http://forums.lotro.com/showpost.php...01&postcount=1
2. Like Gildhur said, make every instance, including epic and/or group quests, scalable. But, in addition, put level blocks on them. For example, for the non-skirmish Barrow Downs instance, put a level cap of maybe 30 on it so no one over 30 can go in. This will keep level 65's from helping level 20's walk through it like it's nothing.
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
I'd say work to enhance what's already in the game. Remember, the more that gets added the more that gets abandoned (housing, hobbies, PvP, etc.)
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
Too busy doing the other stuff to worry about other things that I don't have time to do. And, if it's something I feel that needs time, I'll make time for it.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1) Kinships. There needs to just be more things you can do with them. Right now kinships just give you another chat channel, another way to port back to civilization, and a few more chests. Oh and lets not foret the titles. Im sure you guys/gals can come up with some fresh ideas for this.
2) Skirmishes. I tried them out for a week and then completely lost interest. The reason being rewards. I dont care how my hobbit minstrel looks in a new "Rift" dress because certain people will still call her a blue hurdle!
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
-Aggro monitoring. Because when a mini is getting pounded on and you dont have a tank with an aoe taunt it takes way too long to type out "something is hitting me, ouch ouch, get it off me!". Im talking about preventing something like that from ever happening with aggro scale.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1)Mining Ore
2)Housing Neighborhoods
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
question 1
excluding, Pvmp, Legendary Items And Radiance Gear, What Systems Do You Feel Could Be Expanded Or Revised? Please List Two And Give A Brief Description Of How You Would Revise/expand Them.
1. Ui - More Hotbars, More Flexible Adjustment Of Hotbars(set Rows And Columns, Individual Bar Sizes, Alpha, Etc), Option To Remove Borders From Bags And Put Them Together So They're Not Separate, Give Us An Auto-sort Option For The Bags (cross Bag So You Don't Have To Do Each Individual Bag), Etc. An Option To Auto Sell All Vendor Trash (grey Items) With Vendors, Or the Ability To Set Selling Thresholds The Way We Set Looting Thresholds In Groups. The Ability To Set Up certain 'stacks' Of Items In Our Bags To Be Locked, But Available For Adjustement So We Can Add More To The Stack (such As When Your Looting Food Items From Mobs That You Want To Lock To Avoid Selling). Right Click Needs To Be More Intuitive. We Can Right Click To Get Items Form The Bank, But We Cant Right Click To Put Items In The Bank When Its Open. Same With Mail....right Click To Put An Item In Teh Mail Slot. While Were At It, Options To Send Multiple Attachements To Mail Pls. They Can Cost The Same, Just More Slots To Send Stuff, So We Don't Have To Spend A Half An Hour Mailing Stuff To Our Alts For Storage.
2. rep Grind - Some Of The Rep Grind Is Out Of Place Now That Our Options At Levle Cap Are Expanded. Ths Is Specifically Oriented Towards The End Game Fractions, Such As Moria Miners/guards, Annuminas, Etc. Give Us Options To Increase The Rep Gained From Kills And Drop Rates Of Items, Such As Tabards, Or Seals We Can Wear When Killing The Appropriate Mobs. Moria Is Especially Bad For This As Important Class Skill Are Gated Behind Kin Rep. Back When Moria Was It, You Eventually Got It. Now With Skirmishes And Loth/mirkwood, You Often Are Leaving Moria Long Before You Can Get High Enough Rep To Get A Goat (which Is Only Needed For Moria), Not To Mention Your Class Skills. If You Stay Around Long Enough To Get Teh Rep, You Outlevel All The New Materisl. Adjustment Is Needed. Or Just Take Some Of The Problem Fractions (moria, Annuminas, Ferochel), And Lower The Thresholds/increase The Rep Gained Per Turnin.
question 2
if You Could Add An Entirely New Gameplay Mechanic To Lotro What Would It Be?
new Game Mechanic...hmm....crafting Changes (to Me Theses Changes Are Bgi Enough To Qualify As A Mechanic Change, But Some Are Mere Adjustements). Some Elements I've Found Very Enjoyable In Other Crafting Systems That Aren't In Lotro Yet, Such As :
- Experience For Successful Craft. Doesn't Have To Be Allot, But Enough That An Alt Can Gain A Few Levels While Crafting. Being Able To Level An Alt Up Throgh 20 While Mastering A Craft Would Rock.
- Flexible Elements In Crafting Mats. These Elements Would Add Specific Stats To Items. Such As Might, A Slight Bonus To Damage, Etc. Or Perhaps Even Making A Group Of Mats Taht Determine The Overal Effect Of The Item, And Stats On The Item Would Be Determined By What Mats You Used.
- Daily Crafting Quests, Appropriate For The Tier Of Crafting. So Artesian Qeusts Woudl Be For The High 30's Supremer For 50+, Etc. Rewards Are Crafting Mats And Experiance, Or Perhaps Crafting Points Towards The Next Tier. Quests Woudl Involve Collecting Rare Mats Very Similar To How The Tier Gating Quests Function Now.
- Real Apprentiship Approach To Crafts. Having A Higher Level Craftsman Assist In Levleing Crafting Accelerates Your Craft Leveling, Opens Chances To Learn Rare Recipes (that Can Only Be Learned Via This Method). Level Capped Crafters Who Want The Rare Patterns Can Learn From Other Capped Craftsman Through A Similar Process. Each Tiem You Craft After You've Mastered A Tier Gives You A Chance For The Rare Patterns, And The Crafting Levle Of The Mentor Dictates The Chance Of Getting The Item. I.e., A Journeyman Master Mentoring An Apprentice Would Get A 3% Chance, An Expert Master Gives Them A 5%, While If The Apprentice Is A Journeyman And The Mentor An Expert, Then It's Only A 3% Chance On The Journey Items Etc.
question 3
name Two Activities In Game That You Never Seem To Have Enough Time To Enjoy Or Would Like To Spend More Time Participating In. (note: Things Currently In Game, Not New Activities Or Events.)
1. hobbies - Make Them Mor Interactive And Beneficial. A Previosu Poster Mentioned Wanting More Reasons To Go To Many Of The Inns And Such Across The Game, And It Reminded Me Of The Pazaak You Coudl Play In Kotor. Give Us A Card Game Style Hobby That You Could Levle Up, And Increase Your Chances With Fodun Or Crafted 'decks' Of Cards, Or Dice, Etc. Allow Us To Use Silver And Gold In The Games So Theires A Stake And People Can Benefite Form The Game. Fishing Could Use A Boost As Well, But The Gambling Idea Hit Me As A Good Idea. The Gaming Tables Would Only Be In Inns Of Course :)
2. Don't Have A Second, Sry! and I apologize for all the caps. for some reason it pasted that way....
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Crafting: Jewelry and consumables remain the most viable crafting professions due to, erm, the current LI and radiance gear systems.
2. I'm torn between housing and hobbies as a second, so I'll combine them. I think hobbies that are advanced and directly related to the housing system would be nice. For example, quests that originate in the housing instance that require you to perform some hobby related feet in the main world. The reward would be something that would directly benefit your house (i.e. expanded storage, ability to buy crafting stations, further discounts, etc.) Simply put, housing can use some more in depth quests.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
I would like crafting guilds to be a place where players can go to post gear requests that other players can fulfill. Currently, if a player wants some new crafted gear, they need to go to the AH and see if anything is posted. As is often the case, there is very little gear available to purchase. This results in many players being undergeared for their level. Essentially, the only way gear is produced is if a seller decides to test the waters. It would be very nice if a player could post a work order, through the guild site, that lists what gear they want and how much they are willing to pay. That money is taken by the guild (plus a fee) and stored in escrow. A crafter then goes to the guild, browses available work orders, and agrees to take on work that they feel is paying them an amount they can live with. The guild again takes a fee. Upon turning in the requested items, the player receives the money stored in escrow.
Such a system would empower buyers and would help non-consumable crafters find the demand in the current market.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
I wish I remembered to take part in the festival activities more often, but many of the events have such arbitrary time-delays associated with them that I lose my patience (i.e. learning the dances is once every 20 minutes???? I get an emote, not a sword of sauron killing +2 - no reason for such a long delay.)
Otherwise, I used to play the game too much, so I'm quite happy restricting playtime to a couple hours here or there until the mess that is radiance/LI gear is fixed to my liking.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Housing. I'd like to see the hook system done away with and placement of items more so that if I want to center pictures on walls or put chairs around tables I could do so. It would also be nice to be able to choose a house type/color/layout vs. having the same house as a neighbor.
2. The crafting menu. I wish it were expandable/stretchable so choices are available at a glance.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
It would be great if we could jump off our mounts and they stay visible with some random animations.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. Hobbies
2. Festival activities
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Originally Posted by
[B]Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
Question 1:
1: Housing absolutely. When I walk into my home, I want the ability to actually place furniture in a moor realistic and aesthetic manner, I want more options on where I can put furniture/decorations and I want to see the beautifully crafted chests and dressers, etc that I put out actually usable to store my clothing. I want cupboards in which I can actually have foods and drinks stored to serve for my guests (whether made by one of my toons that cooks or bought from another) I want to be able to display the cloaks that I am in love with collecting and I want to be able to display sets of armour that were once important to me but may now be outdated for my level.
2: LFFing. Maybe the ability to enter a pool of players looking for the same instance you are, to cut down on folks missing each other or having to spam themselves to death.
Question 2: Add social activites to social areas (i.e. Inns, taverns, courtyards with seating) . If tables had specific games attached to them and a set number of open spaces for it, people could wander in, pick a seat and play games with other members. Cards, dice, tic-tac-toe, chess, etc.
Question 3:
1: Group skirmishing. A lot of times it just takes too long to get enough people together, or I am needed in kin runs for other instances, etc.
2: Hanging out and just socializing while doing something relaxing. Most things that need to be done to trick out your toon take loads of time and effort and grinding.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. HOUSING, there is now ALOT of trophy housing items. Sadly, no place to put any of them. Either allow 1 yr plusses to buy Kinhomes OR give us the freeform housing that has been begged for for the last TWO YEARS. That means no more sticks. If we wanna make our front yard look like a Trailer Park...LET US.
2. HOBBY/FISHING: Was disgusted to see now how EASY it is to catch all the deed fish now (caught all 7 sturgeons in ONE area in 30 mins)The Kindergartening in this game has gone from KINDA to WONKA. Add more hobbies. If there is a Lotto....then give us a gambling hall...and if Turbines concerened that 'minors' would be effected by it...make it all games of chance (Keno/Roullete/etc).
3. Traits should go past 10. If I've grinded Valour to 15; I should get VALOUR of 15.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
I agree, ANYTHING HAYOO has put forth on suggestion boards. The fact that this guy isn't working for you yet with his incredibly superior ideas BOGGLES me.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. Let me level up my chicken!! He wants to see Mirkwood!!
2. See No.1
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Definitely housing.
2. Get rid of hooks, it had to be done long time ago...
And if housing is out of question then as people mentioned above already - the instances need to be reworked and offer challenges based on how big is your party. Mechanic is already in place - skirmishes.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Guild Keeps. So guilds could have their own little CRAFTABLE town. Similar mechanics can be found in multiple other MMOs. You build structures of the Keep/Town by finding necessary materials in Middle Earth some of which can be of exceptional quality and different tiers. Say a blacksmith shop - after construction would allow guild members to repair their items for cheaper than anywhere else. Sounds more like an expansion for housig system though...
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. Raiding - takes a lot of preparation in kinship and usually happens only every other week or so.
2. Skirmishes - definitely would want to spend more time. Same as raiding.
A lot of activities, for me personally, seem to lose their 'value' as longer I am with LOTRO. Been way over 2 years and am struggling to keep it fun for myself. If not for my kinship I'd be in LOTRO so much less frequently I think.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. As I think several people have already suggested, a serious and in-depth look at and re-vamp of housing would be greatly appreciated by many. The ideas have been out there for months, years even, so I don't need to say much on that, read your own forums for some of the most interesting ideas!
2. There is a thread based around the idea that a fellowship, or even single person, could spend time at an inn or tavern and gain certain benefits and buffs for singing, dancing, drinking, and smoking as people would in Middle-Earth. These Tavern Revelries sound remarkable! Here is the link, I take no creative credit for something this cool: http://forums.lotro.com/showthread.php?t=86442
3. Cheating, I know, sorry! But this is something that I would like Turbine to very seriously look at: Hero Deeds to overwrite the Radiance Gear system. I envision any one instance giving 5, 10 or 15 "Hero Points", or courage that show your standing among your fellow players and therefore your ability and strength to face particularly dangerous foes (raids/fellowships).
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
I am sorely tempted to suggest that LI's be redone in a Skirmish Soldier Mechanic, but I will instead just re-suggest the Tavern Revelries idea, it really sounds exquisite!
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. Easily my first suggestion, if not lament, of my time here is that I sometimes don't feel 'lost' in the lore of LotR. The stories are spectacular and lend imagery beyond what any designer can place into a game simply because their imagination is not my own. But I would appreciate it if Turbine tried harder to show players the Middle-Earth of their imagination the game would be better for it. You have succeeded in many ways, like in the The Deep Dark of Moria, The Hobbit-Holes of the Shire, or the Tranquility of Lothlorien.
But in other places you did not, like the Linearity of Mirkwood, and the lack of free movement in that Forest. I was dissapointed because going through Mirkwood felt like a chore; whereas in Bree or the North-Downs or Angmar, or even Moria felt like an adventure! I doubt that is an easy thing to find, and I can offer no help in finding it, but please start looking, because I know all of us players want to Gaze at the Rolling Hills of Rohan, and Stand Awestruck at the Argonath , and be Moved by the Majesty of Minas Tirith. But that isn't enough, those monuments, as important as they are, most likely will be done beautifully. Turbine, you have to do all of it very well, not just the monuments! For example, the Tower of Dol Guldur is what it should be in look and feel, but the forest surrounding it is not. Do you see the dilemma?
2. I suppose this is a similar vein as my first answer, but oh well, it is owed the attention. I have often felt like I have missed some experiences of LotRO because of my current level. The cause of this, I believe, is not that leveling should be altered, but rather that it seems we have less to do, less Middle-Earth to see as we grow, and that seems wrong in many ways.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1 - Virtues. At this point in the game they feel like a vestigial organ. With Mirkwood you added a bunch of new stats (i.e. incoming healing rating, outgoing healing rating, just to name two off the top of my head) which would be nice to have traits to potentially bolster these new stats as well as the old. I like the current system for achieving virtues, I know a lot of folks don't, but either additions of new virtues, a revamping of the stats attached to current virtues... oh and an increase in their lvl would be nice as well. Some of my fondest memories of SoA was just getting together a 4-6 player group to go destroy Sarnur for Justice or some other virtue deed.
2 - Housing. It could be very nice, but you simply can't do even remotely close to what you want with them. I think the overall look of the houses and the items is great, you just are SO immensely limited as to where you can place items that it almost feels like a joke. Heck, if I wanted to have my character be a Cumpulsive Hoarder in-game, which I think would be rather amusing, I could in NO way even come remotely close to creating that appearance. So redo the hooks or give more or do something that would actually make homes customizable.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Um... not much on this one... maybe actually make more Hobbies. Don't know if that counts as a mechanic or not. I would love to see something like a card playing hobby.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1 - Housing. I know I would enjoy it if it was redone but since it is the way it is I just refuse to put more than 30 minutes every 6 months into that portion of the game.
2 - Hobbies. Not really interested in fishing... feels like the in-game equivalent to watching paint dry.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Crafting, I would do away with static recipes and have it an open world where we have to learn and experiment of what to combine in a recipe to produce a different result (ie, you would need a type of metal and a gem stone to make a ring...the variuos metals and gems you use produce various results...mutiple metals and gems...etc...more rare ones for better results...and so on...
2. Housing...a larger variety in room layouts and locations (hopefully when rohan comes you put this in (dwarves in moria, elves in mirkwood and humans in rohan...hobbits...they are left out sorry)
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Character collision would be paramount.
In lieu of that, casual activities. Inn league games (cards, darts, pool type things in a lotro world activity sense) where the winners can wager thier own currancy or win RARE (1-10 per world) cosmetic prizes.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. Hobbies, limited to one and not very rewarding.
2. 6 man runs, too few level 65 ones available.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
1.) Housing. More options. Cabinets that you can store food and old toby. Wardrobe to hang cosmetic items.
Hobbies - Whittling (Use driftwood from fishing or other branches or wood). To make minor pocket items or Decorations. Combined with primary crafting to make better pocket items.
2.) Climbing - Such as in DDO being able to jump to a ledge and pull yourself up. Also falling and grabbing the cliff ledge.
3.) Instances - It takes forever to get a group together then instead of finishing you kill the third boss the burglar wins his 3rd symbol of celebrimbor and you walk away 2 hours closer to death.
Spending time in Inns or housing.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
1-a) Housing. I bought the house, let me organize as I see fit. If I wanna cram it full of trophies AND furniture, let me. More in-house storage too.
b) Fishing. Add a reason to fish, better rewards or maybe fishing in a certain area bumps a trait.
2) Fighting WITH, not through an enemy. I don't know how it can be done but having my axe hitting air behind the enemy as I'm standing inside them doesn't look good. It would be much more fun if it were realistic, if weapons actually 'contacted'.
3-a) Hobbies. Too many chars, not enough time!
b) Festivals. The first 2 char runs is fun but I don't have time to run my other chars.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Crafting System. Make it more interactive. I can only think of making it more like a fight where you have skills mand use them in order to craft the item and the better your "fighting" the higher chance you will crit.
2. Session Play. Using it to tell stories or flash backs. Would love to see some of Bilbo's advanture in the Hobbit as session play!
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
1. Naval Combat! You get a ship and fight the Corsairs of Umbar!
2. PvMP Skirmishes. Give Creeps soldiers, firstly. And redesigne some old instances or skirmishes to make it a competive.
3. PvMP Verses instances. Just like the PvMP Skirmish idea but no soldiers. You could challenge an individual and/or make it a fellowship/raid sized groups or make it a random cue. With time limits and a winner!
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. Festivals
2. Raids
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Originally Posted by
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
- Housing - I'd appreciate a clothing/trophy wardrobe/cabinet to show off momentos of my adventures, try things on, etc. I'd enjoy more interactive geegaws (the ones you have now are a riot). Being able to sell a house and use the proceeds to buy a new one (swap) would help me. Letting alts own houses (more than one house/account). Provided a deed to houses, so I can auction mine or buy one on the AH (an actual housing market). Housing parties! The party planner can have a raid-style quest to summons participants (like skirmish teleport) with party-game quests (like the seasonal festival games).
- Crafting - I understand that MoM compressed 2 tiers of crafting into tier 6 (doubled up mats). But I feel crafting hasn't kept up with LIs or skirmishes. Crafted runes help, but are limited compared to what can be earned. I'd like to craft skirmish stuff, perhaps things for my soldier or items with skirmish-only bonuses. More variety of housing goods to craft; apply the clever multi-output recipes to housing items so there are several styles/colors of bench or chair crafted.
I want to say Mounts. Mounted combat would be amazing. But I am convinced you already have this in development (why else would my mount list B/P/E?), so I will not spend one of my two suggestions on it.
Originally Posted by
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Apologies for answering the wrong question. Rather than a new gameplay mechanic, I'd far rather see more content in existing areas. Here's what I mean:
Existing LOTRO has a wealth of gameplay options, I really don't grow tired or bored with that at all. And the content you have is fantastic, built with love and it shows. But there is only so much of it!
Look at what you did with the ruins east of the Chetwood, adding a mix of high/low level content to an existing area. Brilliant!
I picture Bree-town with new, high-level content overlaying the existing low-level content. And I see you filling map gaps with new, content-light areas (but not content-free).
The totality is a rich, complex world enjoyable at many levels and from many perspectives and styles. LotR books themselves are like this, and Turbine has all the tools and amazing staff needed to make reality of this vision.
Originally Posted by
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
- Questing - I run out! No, really. I enjoy the quests, the storylines, the settings so much that I eventually get around to all quests in all areas for all characters. A major motivation to roll up a new alt is just to experience the low-level quests all over again.
- Exploring - I love exploring the nooks and crannies of Middle Earth. The architecture is fabulous, the vistas truly scenic, the locals interesting. And exploring fits well with my love of crafting; always more resources to gather. Turbine has done such a good job with the environment, I can never get enough of it.
Some posters have mentioned AH improvements such as WTB listings. This would be awesome! By intelligent combination of sell/buy listings I can arbitrage pricing irregularities. If you would add future dates to such contracts, it could develop a futures/options market.
Perhaps this would be lore-breaking, but it would be a chance for me to take my work home and bring it into the game, instead of escape work when I play LOTRO. Best suggestion yet.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Housing
More detailed/customizable. More my house instead of a track home.
2. Hobbies
Fishing is fun but I believe that system was set up to have multiple hobbies. After fishing you seem to have dropped the ball.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Mounted Combat
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. Music system
2. Cosmetic clothing
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Updating Items: 1. BAGS!!!!! You need to allow increased bag space through purchase, crafting or quest reward. When you are on quests far from any traders it becomes infuriating to have to continually dump good items because you simply do not have room. I would also suggest that horses and ponies be allowed saddlebags that could be loaded and unloaded to add bag space, OR that you be permitted to buy a pack animal after a certain level (or both :-))
2. HOUSING - I agree with all those who have posted about housing changes. I like my house very much, but have run out of room to put stuff and there is plenty of wall and floor and especially yard space still available. Either sell a house with a base number of hooks that can be added to by purchasing them, or allow one account to buy several houses - since you cannot sell a house anyway, noone can profit from this.
NEW 1. One thing I noticed is that when one rides a mount, there are no reins, which looks pretty stupid. In LoTR, JRRT mentions decorated reins of some mounts. Why not have the graphic added of mount reins, but the reins could have decorations, such as bells, tassels, medallions that provide some form of buff to the rider that last for a while after dismounting, say 30 minutes with a 60 minute CD or some such? Medallions could give tank classes extra armor protection, tassels could give casters a power boost, etc. This could be expanded to different saddle or saddle blankets as well. Plus, for the reins, we wouldn't all look like idiots riding with our arms straight out in the air.
THINGS I NEVER HAVE ENOUGH TIME TO DO. 1. Well, there are so many fellowship quests I never was able to do at level or when I could earn xp. LotRO is amazing in allowing as much solo advancement as they do, but why not simply make all Fellowship type quests soloable? I realize to some extent this defeats the purpose of the MMO part of the game, but some folks like to solo, and sometimes there is just no one around doing those quest, especially in remote places like Forochel. To perhaps discourage folks from doing everything solo, perhaps you could have solo xp and quest rewards lower than if one goes in a group.
2. Fishing (zzz), cooking (zzzz), farming (ZZZZZZ) - All are too much like rl, too much work for too little payoff. Among all of the toons I have rolled, none of them do any of these things. Make them more interesting somehow or easier to level through.
All this being said, LotRO is still the best MMORPG I have ever played. Thanks for listening.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Housing. I would love to be able to buy a house for each of my Toons. I would also like to see a deadline on housing upkeep before the house is completely reset and put back on the market. Too many ghost neighbourhoods.
2. An increase in the number of non-LI weapons on DPS\stat par with say a maxed 3rd Age LI. I'm not suggesting the demise of LI's, just would like more alternatives for those of us that don't have the time\inclination to jump through the LI hoops.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Completely scalable instancing. Not entirely new no (and is it a mechanic come to think of it...) but I heard the CSTM podcast interview with Tolero from DDO talking about what you've done for those instances. Not just difficulty scaling, but class aware scaling to boot. Sounds awesome. I'd love to see that applied to all the existing LoTRO instance content.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. Grouping.
2. Just flat out exploring.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
1. Housing -- Allow us to put things where ever in the house. Allow us to make "trophy" armor. Old armor taken to the taxonomists and convert them into "trophies" of the old armor suit. It could have components that have to be added to it, like a wood stand made by woodworker.
2. Hobbies- need new hobbies, I really don't fishing. Map making? Book Writing? Book collecting? I dont know ....
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Boating -- Ok I know right now it would only be on Evendim and the Lhun, but there's the Anduin soon ... and then the Ocean
-OR- just as important ... i like what someone said about MvP Skirmishes however .. that sounds pretty cool ...
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. Freeze Tag :D
2. Festivals
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1.kin panel: more ranks like senior/junior officer, or something. custom title names. in game kin calendar that remids people when events are happenin
2.chat system total overhaul. the ability to be in more than just 4 custoim chans and ability to add more chat tabs that the current limit
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
hmmm tough one, perhaps crafable/buyable horse upgrades. like make our horses quasi characters wit harmor slots, inventory space (like a fast pack mule but for horse items only) also a item to put in front of our house to cosmeticly hitch up as it were a horse
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1.need more cosmetic slots. i likes me some outfits
2.a real reason to use the hobbies ...yes hobbies plural. we need another
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. The scaling of SoA & MoM fellowship and raid instances into a non-skirmish environment with on-level drops.
2. Deeds, it's time for virtues to be raised to a higher cap.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
The scaling of SoA & MoM fellowship and raid instances into a non-skirmish environment with on-level drops.
Someone else's mention of a poker game in the inns could be great fun!
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. 6 man instances, nonskirmish. I am missing these tremendously since Mirkwood was launched.
2. 6 man instances, nonskirmish. I am missing these tremendously since Mirkwood was launched.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Traits/Deeds, especially virtues. New virtues, higher ranks, give a little bit of free ranking to alts if your main has maxed out their virtues.
2. Horse-travel: have a swift-travel option for each and every route.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Well mounted combat has potential to be cool as long as the characters don't just stand there on the horse and attack. It should be fast-paced! I imagine some cool instances where you can kill trash mobs in 1-3 hits and boss battles against warg-riders where the fight is almost "on rails"... the scenery would be flying by as you speed in pursuit of the boss, dodging projectiles thrown by him, killing/avoiding adds. Fellowships could use different formations like wedge into a group of enemies or form a circle around an enemy. Maybe each class could have a small set of mounted skills specific to them that are appropriately related to their usual class roles, but simple and few enough to use while piloting a horse.
Also, in general, I'd love to see more use of puzzles (example: Mirror-halls instance and Spring Festival maze) and platforming (example: festival horse races, Captain class quest level 30)
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. PvMP. I have enjoyed it in my limited experience, but there's no incentive to play as a freep
2. Fluff content. Festivals, music system, house decorating. I feel compelled to advance my character (in the present case, grind item xp and scrolls of empowerment and virtues on my alts) rather than do something that has no effect on my character other than a cosmetic.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1.UI in particular more kinship and alliance management, and iproved grouping/lff tools.
2.cluster instance/raid scaling... lotro has so many fantastic instances but we're out levelling them too quickly. obviously some sort of barter system to tie them all together. (ok maybe this is new tech but we already have it with skirmishes)
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Socketed armor, so I choose to slot radiance or other modifiers etc... to add depth to armor options.
or pvmp skirmishes/scenarios/battlegrounds/instances.
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1.pvmp because although it can be fun its designed around living in the moors which i dont have time for. If there was an option for short pvmp skirmishes i would probably participate daily.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Emotes. I find them to be lacking. I wish there were far more emotes (that included animations). I remember in a previous MMO I played, nearly every "/something" that I could think of was an animated emote.
2.Pipeweed! Its such a cool little corner of the game that is so completely forgotten. I would love to see titles and deeds for smoking and growing the different varieties. Most importantly, more animations for the higher tier ones! These could be smoke colors, shapes, durations, effects, etc...
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
1. Cant think of any
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. Fishing - I've always wanted to do it, but never have time.
2. Monster Play - I would like to do it, but my freep alts take all my time!
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Raw materials processing times: it literally takes forever to process a stack of hides, ore and wood; it would be nice to see this time cut down (perhaps by half)
2. Item repair costs / Let crafters do repairs: I understand that there are areas where repairs are substantially cheaper than others but the general cost of item repairs is a little steep.
Why not try and give crafting a boost and allow skilled artisans the chance to make some $ by offering repair services (see below)?
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Allow crafters to repair armor / weapons / jewellry. Provided there is a necessary crafting implement around (ie. forge, workbench, etc.), allow a secure transaction between players for the purpose of repairing items. You could borrow from the mailbox COD system where the price is agreed upon before the actual repair. This would help to expand the role of crafting in my opinion.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. seasonal festivities - can never seem to wait for events to start and leave
2. gambling - doh, sorry, that is new
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 2: If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
I play another game, Guild Wars, and there is an option that allows a player to watch other players play, either as an option to be an Observer (We could watch others on a Raid, or even in the Ettenmoors, just for fun), or when you are in a group and die, you can click on a teammate's name and watch what that teammate is doing from their perspective.
I don't know how a mechanic like that can be implemented, but it is really neat to have, if it is something that could ever be implemented here
( Not a gamebreaker for me, LotRO still rawks ;) ).
Thank you for this forum.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Instance scaling made available for all instances in the game (including epic volumes 2 and 3).
2. Revamps on LL and Bree are great; please revamp other areas like N. Downs and Trollshaws also.
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Occasional unscheduled monster/bad guy attacks on PVE areas that rally people to the defense of a town, fortress, or camp (as during the Amarthiel days).
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. PvMP
2. Fellowship quests/instances while leveling -- I've missed most of these on my many alts because of the time one must spend in an effort to put together a group.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Housing External. Use existing buildings within Cities and Towns as the zone point to a specific housing instance. (e.g. housing implementation as per EQ2) Cities and Major towns can and should be the center of activity. With housing instances social gathering is fragmented and scattered. By placing homes within Cities and Towns. key social hubs remain vibrant.
2. Housing Internal. Hooks for furniture provide limited flexibility. Recode to allow greater flexibility during the interior design process.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Mounted Combat Would fit nicely with a Rohan expansion. Don't you agree? :)
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. PvMP Tiered Ettenmoors (or new zones) would be interesting.
2. Skirmishes Nice mechanic, but disjointed from game. Would be nice if they were tied into larger objectives (e.g. reclaiming Moria. A well organized server could unlock new halls and added benefits through skirmishes. If the server relaxes, the forces of darkness begin to retake Moria).
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
We get a new skill called CAPTURE (or name it whatever) that allows the capture of humanoid mobs.
Some mobs are worth more than others. After they are captured they must be escorted back to a new class of NPC (Interrogator?) that will deliver the rewards.
Once captured, the mob goes “green” and automatically goes on auto-follow. If it ever gets out of auto-follow it “escapes” and is gone (runs off before you even notice).
The most valuable new mob would be “Strategist” or something and these, when brought back to the new NPC, deliver the big bucks. Regular prisoners would only gain you some points toward a new Deed that when completed will improve your CAPTURE skill.
The CAPTURE skill is tough to get. Maybe you have to complete a jujitsu class or go golfing with Chuck Norris or something. This new skill will be available to all classes.
Capturing is not easy. The CAPTURE skill will only work on humanoid mobs. It only works when their morale is down to something like 5 or 10%. Before that they are invulnerable.
Captured mobs have a small chance to “escape” at all times. (2%)
This chance increases under certain conditions:
1. You go into combat mode. (10%)
2. Your morale gets below a certain point. (25%)
3. You fall off a cliff and begin limping like you just got kicked somewhere. (75%)
4. Some other stuff.
Traveling while escorting a prisoner is limited to regular walking/running. No mounts, ports, or mapping.
"Escaped" mobs cannot be recaptured.
CAPTURE is disabled while grouped.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Skirmishes. I think it is a brilliant idea, but it could see changes. I thought the point of skirmishes is to simulate a battle. Which is why I think there should be more enemies to fight and more soldiers you can have summoned at a time. Capturing the southern half of Bree with no more than one soldier at a time just doesn't seem logical to me.
2. Housing. I think we need more house varieties. I mean man, dwarf, and hobbit houses have almost the exact seem interior designs.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
I like this question. And here is my suggestion. My apologies if it turns out to be long.
I don't know what to call it, but it would be something like a combo of Session Play and Skirmishes. It would allow us to witness things in the history of Middle Earth that we could not experience otherwise. I'll start off with a view of what it would like by illustrating the Battle of Dagorlad.
You would be playing as Isilidur in this sort of instance. The class would be up to you. You'll have a choice of being a champion-like, for offensive play, guardian-like, for defensive play, or captain-like, for a little bit of both with some buffs thrown in. All three will have you wield a two-handed sword.
Once you have that selected, we'll start up the instance. You now play as Isilidur with the chosen skill-set. You are about as strong as a Master Defender, or Elite Master. The story is that you have become separated from Elendil during a particularly rough fight that occured not long ago. You and some survivors have decided to make their stand on a hill, where the Gondorian Banner stands proud, and have been surrounded by the enemy force.
The survivors (A cluster of defender statues NPCs that will not respawn after death) will aid you. They suggest you use some horns to see if there are any other survivors around. This is where the skirmish part comes in. There are five horns for five soldier classes.
Man-at-arms, a melee DPS-ish, tankish class. Much like the defender, but puts out a good deal more DPS. Marksman, a ranged dps class. Much like the archer, accept they can fight at close range too if needed. Medic, the healer class. Much like the herbalist accept they carry a weapon so they aren't defenseless. Sergeant, a buffer/fighter class. Much like the banner guard accept they may can do ranged damage with a bow too. And the flanker. A stealth class that does debuffs. Isilidur can have up to 5 soldiers at once. The soldiers are about as strong as the npcs. Now for the fighting.
Once your soldiers are chosen. The battle will start. The battle is a constant flow of enemies that will last for 25 minutes. No breaks, waves. The goal is to survive and defend the banner in the middle. In the middle there are some smaller banners that will give you health and power. They have cooldowns of course.
Let me describe the camp real quick. It is basically a taken over orc camp. It is about 60 meters wide with one entrance to start, but has two other small doors that can be broken down if enough damage is dealt to them. There are platforms near all entrances, allowing you to defend them by posting marksmen on top of them. Yes, you can command a soldier to defend its current position or follow you.
The first monsters that attack are goblin slaves. Swarm statues, easy to kill. But there are lots of them. And as soon as you kill one, another will spawn to replace.Thats how things will go down. You will be constantly fighting. As it progresses on, the enemies will get tougher. Until finally, the instance ends with Elendil and Gil-Galad arriving with reinforcements, and Sauron appearing moments later...
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. Theres nothing that I really don't have time for.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. The Housing System needs some work. Basically more reasons for you to spend time in your house. Because at them moment it is almost pointless and a waste of time other than a few item chests.
2. Fishing needs to be fixed so that bait works (if this has not already been done) and I think when you mount the fish it should say who caught it, just like crafted items say who made them. There also need to be more hobbies, what I don't know, but it seems a bit silly when it talks of multiple hobbies then there is only one.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Not sure.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. Events, eg Spring, Winter etc Just don't get around to doing them.
2. Multiple player skirmishes. I can never find enough people around my level.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Housing - Eliminate the hooks or at least give us more of them. My hobbit hole looks so sparse and empty, please allow me display more of my housing items. My yard also has plenty of room for more decorations please allow me to use all this empty space.
- Please add a dresser that is just for cosmetic items or allow us all to purchase additional chests.
- Unbind all the housing items, or make them bind to account and allow them to be placed in the housing chests. Nothing is more annoying then having items for a house that can't be stored in said house! Other than when you have to switch characters to move decorations around. :rolleyes:
- Allow us to add rooms or a cellar to our home for added decorative space. You could charge more upkeep for the modified house.
- More interactive items would be fun too. It would be nice if we could grab food or drinks off the feasting tables. I'd like to be able to light my festive candle or shake my snow globes.
2. Cosmetics - I want cosmetic weapons. There are so many cool weapons I'd like to use the appearance of one of them instead of my plain, boring, everyone else has the same one, legendary weapon. Not to mention all the awesome shield designs that are under utilized.
- More dye colors please. We have 3 shades of green and I don't know how many shades of brown. Could we please have more shades of blue and perhaps even pink?
- Could we have another outfit slot or two? Pretty, please.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Tavern Revelries
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. Raiding - Besides the forced grind of rad gear, it sometimes it takes so long for the group to get together that I've used up all of my play time waiting.:(
2. Chicken run - Since you pretty much need to do the last part in a group in and in one session I don't think I'll ever have enough time to complete it.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Housing -- We need more decorations, many more hooks (or, even better, freeform housing), and more thought put into existing decorations (e.g., why does my picture frame hang so low on the wall that it covers the chair rail that so many of the festival wall textures have? Why does my glorious beer keg use up a Large Furniture slot when it's so small that it could easily fit into a Small Furniture slot?)
2. Inspired Greatness -- a wonderful new game mechanic that should be expanded to include Volume II of the Epic Quest line. It can also be used to breathe some new life into the old SOA instances that you guys spent so much time and effort creating but that are now mostly deserted.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Partial Trait Grinding Credit for Alts -- I've already killed 450 wargs in Angmar on my main. Do I REALLY have to kill 450 more on each alt to complete the deed for them? I'm finding the very thought of repeating all that grinding filling me with dread, and it's causing me to neglect my alts. If each alt only had to kill half as many as the main, that would make the prospect of trait grinding much less foreboding.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. Fishing -- I loved fishing in WoW, but it just isn't as fun or interesting in LOTRO.
2. Skirmishes -- I'd like to do more skirmishes, but I find them overly difficult. I pretty much can't complete them without dying unless I set the difficulty so low that the rewards suck. The death penalty makes the whole process even less appealing.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
(a)Key Bindings for each character
(b)auto lock target toggle
(c)Scale Map
(d)Threat Meter
(e)Scale Buffs-Debuffs..to name a few.
(a)Change the way neighborhoods are created...it should be when a Tier of a house fills up ,not when all house's are full, then it creates a new one.
(b)Either remove the hooks and make it like SWG/EQ2 or allow the hooks to be moved..so I can place a chair near a table???
(c)Allow me to show off Gear/Weapons
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
1.Tiping-Minstrel playing in an Inn, would be cool to toss them some coins. maybe
/tip (amount) (player) -confirmation box-<--a must :)
2.Horse Barber-Add something that can change your horse's color,hair color,add/remove pieces of armor for your horse!! and add Horse armor to Skirmish Vendors/Player Crafters/Festivals ect..
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
2.Housing-If it was fixed
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
i. LFF - A system in which we could search for players who are on the same book or chapter as us. even 2-3 chapters away from us. This will help in building up a fellowship. I seriously dont mind helping a person few chapters behind me to come up to speed with me and later team up on the chapter i am on.
ii. Fishing.
- Add in weight for the fish so that competitions can be held.
(e.g. top 3 heaviest fish caught from bree)
- Achievement / Fish Book to list all caught species.
- Deeds for fishing. (Maybe increase patience virtues for catching 6 different rare species )
Question 2
Minigames. Board games, dart and dice (also mentioned by player before me) Let player offer a challenge or wager as in item and coins ;) This would all be available in Inns and taverns. Spending some amount (15 minutes or half hour in the inn or these games would provide some buff which last for few hours)
Question 3
1. 12 man Raids.
2. Music.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Originally Posted by
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. The combat system needs to be revamped to rebalance the damage types which were thrown out of wack when we lost unique weapon type DPS ranges. Ranged and tactical damage needs to be closer in output and melee needs to be bumped up significantly. There's no reason a melee class with 500 might should only have about one half the offensive output (depending on classes it seems to range from 3000-5000) that a tactical class does with 500 will (which is about 6000-7000). To accomplish balance the benefits each class gets from 1 point of an attribute needs to be adjusted as well. Melee classes had more frequent critical strikes with the old combat system which is something that is few and far between with the new combat system.
2. Skirmish loot, both in-skirmish drops and the skirmish barter rewards, needs to be revamped. Rift skirmish tokens drop very inconsistantly (after the first run, I only see 1 drop every 3-4 runs which is a huge waste of time in my opinion...these should drop once or more every run from the chest upon completion) and most of the other barter rewards are useless compared to crafted gear and radiance gear. Increase the stats on skirmish gear and add new armour and weapon recipes to give us crafters something to do once again!
Originally Posted by
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
In last week's thread I posted my idea of a "Battleground Skirmish" system for PvMP (http://forums.lotro.com/showpost.php...&postcount=898) but since it seems like PvMP, Radiance, and Legendary items are off limits this week I had another idea...The Songwriters Guild. LOTRO has a great built in music system but it lacks the ability for people to write and save ABC music files. Turbine could add this as a hobby to allow users to write and save their own creations to a play menu that would allow you to export a song in ABC format and mail it to a friend in-game which in turn would teach them to play it. Which is a bit like how a minstrel can mentor other characters to learn additional instruments. The more songs you create would level up the hobby which in turn would unlock the ability to create multi-track ABC files (say every so many hobby points unlocks an additional instrument track you could add to any of your songs). Turbine could even have contests with the new system to feature user written songs be played by bards in taverns across Middle-Earth.
Originally Posted by
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. Session play...it would be nice to see more sessions to experience both epic events of lore and those of The Fellowship. Besides chicken play there are only two other session plays currently in the game that I know of.
2. Hobbies...there just aren't any others to do besides fishing and that one takes forever to level. Maybe create some mini games like checkers, chess, tower defense, etc that could be played in taverns and kin houses. Each win would give you a point in that hobby.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Itemisation - every instance should be over hauled with more 'useful' items added. Its a shame that players don't bother running certain instances. Make them all more rewarding please!
2. Housing - more freedom, more items, more customisation and the ability to expand house (add rooms, storage, etc), some thought into freeing up unused housing (after 6 months or more)
3. Hobbies - I'd like to see fishing expanded to make it more interesting, also 2 or 3 more hobbies added. Card type collectable mini game would be great (think FF7)
I realise this was supposed to be just 2 but I couldn't leave one out. :)
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
PVMP Skirmishes - an instanced area of an actual location (with the neccessary changes made for gameplay). Area will have goals to complete and should be approximately 20m-45m matches. This 'battleground' system should also have many appropriate rewards for competing.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
Dungeon / Instance runs, simply due to the lack of a LFF tool (that players will actually use). Blizzard obviously have a great system in place, maybe Turbine could match or better that?
Raids for much the same reason as above.
I really believe more people would group if it were not such a 'I can't be bothered searching for the next hour or two' moment. Some thought really needs to be put into this area (for all MMOs)
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
Housing right now has no attraction to me. I have visited some houses and they seem drab, uninspiring and over priced. You need to lower the upkeep so people will quit abandoning them. You need to add usable out door areas and things like BBQ pits etc where people can congregate. If you own a home and a grill you should be able to make food which should buff differently that the other in game foods. Make one of them an XP bonus buff. "Hey, come to my house, have a steak and corn on the cob hot off the grill and get extra XP for an hour or two while we adventure."
I would like to see some nicer random drops in the game, not enough to mess up "game balance" or whatever but something that would make you go, "Oh yeah, you should see the sword that dropped last week, I'm still using it."
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Adaptable mounts. Classic game balance customization choices. Fast vs tough. You could add barding which would slow the mount but give it more resistance to hits by MOBs. That way people could play with it. Cloth, leather and metal armor for the mounts with different stats.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
Two of my characters have fishing poles but fishing is so meh that I just don't do it anymore. I want to enjoy it but watching my bags fill up with trash fish and the same three worthless joke items is just too depressing.
Four characters, one skirmish. Just never seem to get around to it.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1) Housing as others have mentioned, but to add, the instances themselves at the very least could use their own stable master
2) Stats... specifically the excessive amount of hard caps, diminishing returns and lack of scaling. As an example Might contributes to your block rating (provided you have a shield), but the higher your might score, the less it contributes to rating. With 600 might, the first 100 contributes more rating than the last 100. The rating itself is capped to not exceed 15% and the rating changes in value based on your level... so as you advance your character, it has less and less impact on performance and it will get to the point where advancing your character will actually cause you to perform more poorly.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Scaled instances and rewards. Existing instances could have a version for their current intended level, and then a version for the current level cap, with drops and rewards that scale with whatever version is being run. You could also have multiple versions so the instance scale for every 5 or 10 levels. That way older content is not made obsolete and there are plenty of instances to choose from and a wide variety of possible rewards.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
I generally manage my time fairly well, if something catches my interest, I can usually carve out the time to do it.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. easier to obtain set armor. For example, make the Rift armor sets purchasable through skirmish marks. Same for the loot drop armor, MUCH better way to complete a set of the Sun Lands than hoping against hope that someone posts it to the AH. You can price them to be expensive to obtain for on-level toons but relatively cheap for 60/65 toons due to the amount of marks you get per mission at each level. BOA would be OK for these bought items too, don't want them flooded on the AH.
2. housing - more housing items and more hooks, even if you have to buy them
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Gotta say I am looking forward to the (hopefully) mounted combat that pretty much HAS to come with Rohan whenever we get there. :-)
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. Ale League and Inn League - I always mean to do more of these types but it seems something else always comes up.
2. nothing else really, I am on quite a bit so I get to try out most everything.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Housing. Just bouncing ideas....lol
A. More customizable. More hooks. How about hooks in the stairwell! More furniture. How about a trophy room or a wall...for orc heads/fish/ etc. How about closets...lthat hold more than chests. How about allowing bound items in them.
B. Larger available houses w/ leveling...make rooms open up, like chests.
C. How about putting the areas in the major towns. For example, Make an apartment complex in Bree, a "Hill" in the Shire, a Tree in Lothlorien, housing area in Rivendell, a housing area indie of thorin's hall....
D. How about putting the crafting halls, auction halls, inns inside of the housing instances too.
E. How about painting the outside of the houses?
F. I would like to have a superior study in my house...or, you could allow even that to open up as the player levels...so they start off with the lowly study and work up to superior study....same for a garden spot too...in the yard.
G. I would love a gold fish pond!
H. Kinhouses need more chests or closets for stuff...my kin tries to put in stuff to share like craft mats, recipes, LI's, etc. It fills up quick.
I. How about a stable for my horse...lol.
2. I would like to see more of Middle Earth opened up for exploration. How about Dale? The Lonely Mountain? Northern Mirkwood?
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
NOTHING NEW. Work on and improve on what you got.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. These RAIDS for Rad armor are ****. Rarely see raid invites for Watcher, BG, DN, Rift, etc. They are RARE. Besides, the veterans don't want to run them with a bunch of noobs either. So, create something else for players to earn their rad gear.
2. Crafting, crafting, crafting. How about making it difficult for anyone to attain the two top levels of a craft. That way, the stuff they make is rare and worth the time to make. Newer recipes. Items that rival LI's!
Anyway...those are my ideas and insights.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Originally Posted by
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. Housing. Get rid of hooks completely. allow us to put furnishings wherever. Also put stables outside to display our horses, and allow crafting facilites to be put inside or outside houses. A completely new thought is instead of selling houses, Sell lots. then when we purchase the lot, we have a choice of what we want our house to look like. we can pick it out of a list that you provide. that will include: Yard, Inside floor plan, outside part of the house, and color and other minor details. This will ensure that there is a variety of houses in the nieghborhood so that everything looks different. The housing desings will differ with each race. Also add some things that go on in the neighborhood so there is an incentive for people to actually roam around the awesome neighborhoods you have created.
some other suggestions for housing that im sure have already been meantioned, but increase storage and put in weapon racks, wardrobes, armour racks..etc. Would also be nice to be able to see out of the windows and allow us to have outside lights that we can turn on. This just sums up my imput, there is still much more out there that housing needs. thanks for spending the time to read this awfully long but informative post :D
2. Reduce the grinding please..its getting to the point where im just not doing things because of the grind. its just not worth it and it sucks :(
Mounted Combat would be nice :D
1. Would like to spend more time gaining my rep for different factions, but for some..it just takes to long to get:(
2. Fishing
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Like most ppl here HOUSING HOUSING HOUSING. Mainly though having a more dynamic placement/ hook system would be nice as would the ability to actually use dressers, shelves, and other items to store and show off your spoils of war.
2. The horse travel locations. When you goto a vendor and request a mount a map should pull up and allow you to choose the location you're wanting to goto or if you're high enough level when you mount up on your personal steed you could open the map click a marker and then choose ride to location and have your very own quick travel. It's not much but people would greatly appreciate it.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
A better targeting / attack system. If you're able to gain the high ground on a mob and it can't attack you via ranged or get to your location it should run outside of range instead of just bug out. That way players would be encouraged to leave the position of advantage in order to make the kill. Also some mobs could have a climb attribute added which could allow them to move to the "inaccessable" location and enter the fray with the player. Either way would be better than having a mob become immune and then reset.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. Raids such as the rift. It's hard to come by 3-4hrs and a full group in order to make it through it. The whole things a pity too because the content there is so rich. It's by far the best instance I've seen in the game and even though it's designed for a group of level 50 characters it can still wipe out a group of 65's if the mechanics of the system aren't respected.
2. I would like to spend more time actually completing quests instead of running all over middle earth. Most of the time it just feels as if object X has been placed in position Y for no other purpose than to kill an hour or more of your time.
Well there's my fifty cents worth.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
So, weary of the outcry against LI and Rad gear? Okay, I'll play along.
1.Housing. Design - my hobbit deluxe has no tidy hobbit tunnels between rooms, no cozy hobbit kitchen, no well-stocked hobbit larder, and no comforting view of my hobbit neighborhood. Functionality - our kin house, instead of a useful hub of kin activity, is a mausoleum full of trophies and empty of kinship.
Ideally I'd like a system that allows the personal house owner to design his or her own layout, to include the location of hooks, placement of chests, and layout of ouside areas. Add outside 'rooms' like walled gardens, stables, farm yards, or court yards. Another idea: limited storage forces us to discard treasured items that, though they no longer have use, have personal value such as pipes, cloaks, and weapons. Maybe you could create a way for me to permanently archive such items in my personal house, rendering them no longer usable but displayed as a simple image on a plaque that can hold many images and display my choice.
All the same for kin houses, but with new stuff to make the place more social. More folks would come to the kin house for social activities if they found it easier to return, so add a stable that, like skirmishes, simply returns one to his or her previous location outside the housing instance. Then add social rewards to the kin houses, buffs and deeds for taking part in kin house activity or maintenance. For instance, the 'Meal with the Family' buff would be awarded for eating any Cooked Food with 2 or more kin members, adding 10% to out of combat power and morale regeneration for 4 hours. Add a way to each kin house for members to contribute a fixed, daily part of maintenance cost, and reward them with 'Pride in Duty', +1 Valour virtue for the day. Finally, invent some social utility beyond storage for kin houses. A bulletin board, a card table that allows a fellowship to sit down and play cards, a banner that must be raised daily by a fellowship that supplies fractional % xp bonus buff for all kin members, scaled to the size of the fellowship attending the raising.
The present housing system was and is a place-holder, the design far behind and falling further behind other MMOs. LOTRO deserves better; please place us back at the forefront of gaming.
2. Monsters and Creeps have to go around a tree, but can run straight through me. I suppose pathing around fixed obstacles is tough enough, much less temporary obstacles like characters, but I think it would be worth the effort. If it means characters can't occupy the same space, so be it. I feel a shield wall should be just that, a wall that must be broken, not an imaginary barrier. Perhaps you wouldn't need to actually alter how objects work in combat - just add a very brief root with aggro when monsters and/or players collide, maybe even a little 'pushback' when that collision involves large groups or large monsters.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
As mentioned above (and in other posts), social game play. You've heard it before; Board game tables in taverns, Golf at the local Links, Fishing tournaments with useful rewards, Saturday night Poker at the kin house.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
For me, and perhaps others, if there were some way that these activities would REWARD THE TIME I SPEND IN GAME doing them, I would. Time spent at Festivals or Fishing is wasted for me; no advancement, no socialization, no radiance gear, no LI experience, no skirmish marks, no Emblems or Leaves, or Branches, no Deeds to help with my Virtue grind. If I could have a bit of fun at festival, then barter 20 festival tokens for a single Emblem of Moria, I would be both happy and satisfied my time hadn't been wasted.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Originally Posted by
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1) housing. The decoration stuff is too rigid. There is nobody in the neighbourhood, only locked houses. My idea of a new housing system is to create something where likewise people hang out. Right now crafting is the biggest crowd-bringer, the Bree crafting hall is often full. But what does a level 12 new powerleveler and a level 58 roleplayer have in common, what could they talk about? Nothing.
If you would create housing areas that attract similar players there would be more socializing. This could be done by cost, by level (soft, don't kick people out when they grow up), by proving crafting facilities only for certain tiers.
2) allow us to spend destiny points on slower XP gain. If you want to make it fancy you can give people destiny points instead but either way give me something to keep XP gain in check.
Originally Posted by
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
I opt to say "nothing", in favour of fixing other things mentioned in this thread.
Self-service character moves are second.
Originally Posted by
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1) Music. Can we have MIDI masterkeyboard support?
Again, I waive the second one in favour of asking for fixes to existing systems.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Crafting - There seems to be no balance between crafting professions. Each profession that actually creates non-disposable items needs to have something that is. Woodsman should be able to make spikes of some sort that are temporary buffs. That would help.
2. Nothing else, you guys rock.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Dungeon Finder for LoTRO. I'm a believer that even though companies are competing, they should expand on concepts from one another to make games better for everyone. Even if the concept of cross-servers wouldn't work, LoTRO could still do a single server dungeon finder for people to get books done. Don't dumb down the books to be single player, but rather, just make it easier for people to get into groups for them. It really worked in WoW and I have to admit, it allowed me to go back easily to play the old dungeons that I loved.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. None. I really don't spend a lot of time on the events.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. LFF system. Perhaps a queue. Perhaps a moderated GLFF Channel.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Incentive program for mature/higher level players helping up and coming new players/alts, thus enhancing LOTRO's community. This certainly includes rewards for the time sink ... perhaps deeds, titles, or emblems that can be bartered for skirmish marks (more fluid and flexible currency).
I know we have a form of this now with Moria tokens, for example, that can be exchanged for relics. But this would implement across all content (or all instances at least).
It could be implemented as the opposite of Inspired Greatest.
One of LOTRO's strengths is its helpful and mature community...this system aligns to that strength and builds upon it. It would also help people find groups (see Q1 above).
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Housing. POHs are my favourite part of games but the housing system on LOTRO needs a complete redesign, imo. Houses are hardly customizable, the hook system is very poor and in short, almost all houses look the same. You need to breathe some live into houses. Also, I think the payment/escrow system should be changed. I have gone on several long breaks from LOTRO without paying rent, and it can be a real pain when I return. I love how you can no longer LOSE your house, but it's still a pain that items that are put into your escrow are only there for 2 weeks and the fact that they're put there at all. It's just a pain to have to completely redecorate anytime I return to the game. I would prefer it if you fail to pay rent, you are locked out of your house. All of your items remain in tact in your house, you are simply denied access to your house when you try to enter. When you continue making payments again, you are given back access to your house with all your items just the way they were.
2. Raids/instances. With the level cap continuing to rise, old instances/raids become obsolete. I used to LOVE The Rift but now I have little to no reason to go there and even if I wanted to go out of pure enjoyment, there aren't enough other people who could justify spending the time to go. Raids should be scalable.
Question 2
NOTHING. Too many MMOs spend so much time focusing on NEW content, that they forget about OLD content that seriously needs revision. Halt the new features for a while and focus on fixing/improving things that already exist in game.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. I'm going to way raiding... but.. I just came back after a year long break. Prior to my long break, I got a lot of raiding done because I was in a raiding kin. Now that I have returned, I'm no longer in a raiding kin and because of that, I can not get as much raiding done as I would like. Right now, it feels like you HAVE to be in a raiding kin to get some quality, constant raiding done. Improvements to the LFF tool might help with this.
2. There are things that I don't do (hobbies, music, etc.) but I don't wish I had more time to do them because there's nothing that great about them. If those things were improved, I might wish I had more time for them.. but for now, I have time to do just about everything I want.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Housing areas. I believe that this area can be improved on very simply. Id like to see them become more of a communty hub than the current play to dump your trophies. Special quests, special events for your area, id like to see housing grade crafting areas(at least farming but i think maybe crafting stations that are only useable to master tier?)
2. Exploration. Id like to see special quests only found thru exploration. Maybe by finding a item lost in the wilds that starts a quest.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Id like to see playable evil races still. Id say create their our starting areas that wont interfere with the Lore, and they cant interfere with low lvl free people till a certain lvl. At which point you can have PvM areas just for those who would like to be involed. Sort of like Warhammer online but better because its LotRo. This could fix the PvMP. Think of the possiblitys. By time we hit Minas Tirith, we would have PvM areas for the seige of Gondor. The Lore can be held true. All monsters can start as agents of the Lidless Eye. Quests could be very military. As you level up you will be sent to new areas where your skills will be needed. Multiple orc classes, urukhai, trolls, 1/2 orcs and evil men(southern and easternlings) Hope this is food for thought.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. Deed grinding. To much of a grind.
2. PvMP. the current system is not to my liking but i love the pvp dynamic. Love taking the keeps. i also like the feeling of questing as a monster just wish there was a leveling system; see question #2 for my ideas.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. See Question 2.
2. Ditto.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Kinship Advancement Program
Really this ties into the question above so posted here.
Essentially add more benefits/deeds/fun things to the kinships. Examples in include possibly a whole new rank or kinship leveling system. As the kinship progresses through these new ranks/levels, certain things may open up such as:
1: Passive buffs or skills, traited in a new virtue line called Kinship Support. The gist of the idea is that, once the kin completes advancement, or unlocks kinship achievements, these skills/buffs can open up. Skills may include some fun things like
A: Reduced repair costs
B: Quicker Virtue/Deed advancement
C: Extra Radiance (gasps!)
D: I'm sure you Devs could think of MANY better things than I !
Basically, incentives that get the kinship to group up and have a goal to complete in addition to what we currently have in game. I feel that skirmishes could be a HUGE player here, and maybe that extra bit of incentive needed for them. But also things that get the playerbase out in the world, old and new zones to DO stuff unlocking things, not only giving us plenty to do, but breathing life into the wonderful game world out there.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. PVMP but thats all my own fault since I'm focused on PVE things like crafting and virtues atm.
2. --
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. The Housing system: Remove/rework hooks, add customization to interiors, ie. move walls, add rooms, expandability etc, add functionality such as crafting stations, farming etc
2. Pipe Weed: Add functionality and benefits to pipe weed, it is an entire line of farming and a complete meta game of cross-breeding which goes totally neglected because there is no practical use for it.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
A new hobby called painting, in which players could convert screenshots from there PC into in-game wall decoration items as paintings. The higher the skill level the more detail and different sizes of canvas would become available.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. I have never raided in Lotro and would like to try raiding once or twice I suppose, although I am rather burned out from years of raiding in other MMO's which is why I play Lotro to begin with.
2. I am more or less self employed and have plenty of time to play Lotro, therefore I do not really ever feel pressed for time.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Originally Posted by
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Housing - I would like to see more housing decorations, more customization including placing objects/chests anywhere in the house. There's numerous threads on the forums about the many things that housing needs.
2. Hobbies - we need more hobbies. gardening, collecting items such as stamps, coins, etc, painting, drinking to name a few... and they need some good rewards/titles/etc.
Originally Posted by
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
1. can't think of anything :/
Originally Posted by
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
can't think of anything
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1.LFF. While I never actually used it, I know how the WoW system works for finding groups. Personally I think we should have a system very similar to that INSTEAD OF dumbing down content so everything is soloable. If the purpose of making stuff soloable (like all of volume 1) is because people have trouble finding groups to do old stuff, yet people on the forums talk about how many new players they see, then the solution as I see it should be to make it easier to find groups for lower level content, NOT to make it so you don't have to group anymore.
2. Loot. While to some extent I like the idea of the LI system (though honestly I hate it more than I like it) I miss the days of running CD and finding those rare items from bosses. Or the days when teal items dropped in the world and they were something that made you so excited when they dropped. Right now loot is just so boring that I really have no desire to go out and just grind for it, where before running stuff like Carn Dum for that rare chance at teal items made it sooooo much fun. Look at all of the armor sets that used to exist that you got from world drops. I remember paying tons of money for level 31 gear even though it wasn't amazing simply because it was a random drop.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
More character advancement aside from just leveling and buying mandatory skills. One method could be skill trees that you pick a line and progress down it. Another method could be ways to add basic stats to your toon outside of just gear and traits (since some traits are so bad hardly any class uses them, and often you have a trait with one nice stat and two that are really bad). I want to be more attached to my character than I already am. I want to grow this person's skills and really make them mine. Right now my toons are carbon copies of other players because often there is only one "good" set of gear to go for. More things that bring about true character customization.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. Crafting. I like crafting, actually, but I find that I usually just want to blow through it so I can craft the crit items for things since that is all anyone will ever want to use, or all that anyone would want to buy on the AH. I would love for there to be more depth to crafting so that I enjoy the process and not just the end result. Currently it sucks having to craft 500 yellow swords just so you can make a pretty purple one.... sometimes.
2. Can't think of a second one at the moment. Maybe I can come back and edit this later.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Most of the items I would like to see improved/added have already been submitted in this thread. The housing would be my number one improvement. I have a deluxe house and piles of items for it with nowhere to put them. They are taking up most of the housing storage making the house useless to me (in terms of storage). Free-form would be my first choice and connectable hooks a distant second.
Many of the other submissions are good so I won't rehash them here, but I do have a new idea...
How about a coliseum a la ancient roman style. A place to sign up for PvP competition in various group sizes (solo, 2, 4, 6 and 12 man etc). A place to watch the action from and a betting booth to give the audience something exciting to do while promoting spectators watching the games. Kin vs Kin raids of 24, the possiblities are endless! There could be titles and deeds awarded and a rep system like the Moors...
This would add a totally new dimension to an allready great game!