If you happen to be a kinship on Landroval who is in need of a Loremaster, you are in luck!
My name is Lirael, and I happen to be on the market for a kinship.
Contact me in person for more info!
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If you happen to be a kinship on Landroval who is in need of a Loremaster, you are in luck!
My name is Lirael, and I happen to be on the market for a kinship.
Contact me in person for more info!
Your name, or character name and race:
Chris, Reisik 17 Minstrel
Male, 19
Preferred server:
CST, Minnesota, USA
Play style:
I usually solo until I know this is my main character, then I go looking for kinships/guilds, I think I'm at that point :) But I love to group, do instances, I consider myself a casual player but some days I put in 8+ hours a day it really just depends.
MMO games you’ve played:
Guild Wars, WoW, Graal
Why kinships should be interested in you:
I'm very friendly, I am a fast learner, although I started my main the day the game released, I am learning and progressing to try and keep up with all the pre-release players.
What kind of kinship you are looking for:
I'm looking for a friendly kinship above all, people who just love to have fun. But at the same time I want a kinship driven to explore and complete instances together, while maintaining the fun aspect of the game.
Again I'm on the Brandywine server, send me mail either in game or here on the forums! Thanks :)
Morning folks.
Character name and race:
Iraendil, Female Elf Champion
Sex, Age:
Male, 32
Preferred server:
Timezone, Location:
EST, Toronto, Ontario
Play style:
I'm not really picky. I often solo but only because I don't have a regular group of people to play with.
MMO games you’ve played:
EQ1, Guild Wars, WoW, CoX, Anarchy Online, MUD's, Auto-Assault (Beta), SWG, Rappelz, Saga of Ryzom, Lineage 2, etc.
Why kinships should be interested in you:
I consider myself friendly, and competent as a player. I'm generally receptive to tips or help. Usually willing to lend a hand regardless of personal benefit.
What kind of kinship you are looking for:
I'm interested in finding a group of fun folks to play with. I'm going to keep LotRO active casually, so it's not my main game. I'll be playing at least once a week for awhile, largely on weekends I think. I'm interested in some light RP, quests and general good times.
See you in Middle Earth.
Your name, or character name and race:Pimsley/Human/Minstrel
Age: 26
Preferred server: Brandywine
Location: PST west coast
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.):Raiding, PvE, PVP, end-game
MMO games you’ve played:Planetside, EQ2, WOW, Lineage 2, vanguard(lol)
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?:Maturity, very experienced gamer, healing!
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters):Friendly mature community that is on west coast time and loves to progress end game etc.
Name: Elisean, Telar
Age: 30
Server: Brandywine
Location/Time: EST, preferably late evenings (wife goes to bed at around 22:00)
Playstyle: Casual gamer, can put in about 10 hours a week. Like grouping, have a RL friend who I play with frequently.
MMO games you’ve played: Lineage2 (ugh), EQ2, SWG, Vanguard Beta (ugh), WoW (ugh), Roma Victor. Ugh = didn't enjoy at all.
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I'm a casual player who wants to have fun. Happy to help people, have a good time, and just all around be relaxed. At the same time, when I'm on a quest with a fellowship, I take my role very seriously (I'm usually laughing the whole time, however) in that I like successful groups.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): As above. A casual guild with no pressure about when I'm on. Large enough that there are people in my level range, small enough that we get to know each other and can have a good time.
Hello. I'm a middle aged gamer looking for something entertaining to do. I play a lot, mostly solo, and I'm finding my interest in LOTRO flagging for a couple reasons.
I like LOTRO but none of my friends from other games are here. I'm finding myself lonely as well as frustrated by the game content that requires a group to pass such as the crafting tier quests.
I come from EQ2 most recently and I like to solo more than I like to sit by the side of the road with my LFG sign. I am hoping to find a guild similar to the one I have been part of for so long in EQ2. I come from a guild of relatively independent players who come together when need be to overcome the group only content of the game. We share one another's accomplishments and congratulations while mostly doing our own thing.
I've made numerous characters, mostly to try out the different classes and tradeskills. My main is currently a level 24 Hunter with all the others being at level 15 and stuck on their tier three crafting quests.
I need to find a kinship to chat with, share accomplishments with and to help with the sticking points. If I don't I'm pretty sure I won't last out the month. The world is pretty darned small and I've mostly explored it already. Other than leveling my main all the rest of the fun is off limits to me as a mostly solo player due to the group content gating all the story quests and crafting fun. I'm positive I'll never be able to stand the repetition needed to level up every character just to do crafting tier quests. The game world simply isn't expansive enough that leveling one character is any different from leveling another. Doing all the quests five times over just seems too brutal to contemplate.
Name: Perilon
Age: 14
Server: Nimrodil
Location: Atlantic (AST) (UTC-4)
Playstyle: RP, groups or solo, Hobbit Ministril, level 11
MMO games you’ve played: Guild Wars, WoW
What do I offer kinships: Active daily, social, contribute
What kind of kinship you are looking for. I am looking for an active (RP) Kinship with a considerable (5-20) amount of players.
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Altexist-Hunter, Ilindil- Loremaster, Nightmother-burgular, Imrihil-Captain
Age: 29
Preferred server: Gladden
Location: Louisville, Ky est.
Playstyle: Solo so far but Im ready for anything.
MMO games you’ve played: WoW, DAoC(still my favorite), UO, SWG, CoH, Vanguard. lots more...
Why kinships should be interested in you: I have tons of gameime in mmo's, grat team player and groupmate.
What kind of kinship you are looking for: Basically just an active kinship. One that is organized, but not hardcore or militant. Just looking to find some good people to play with and enjoy this game. Hit me up in game, I am usuall on Altexist, and if you cant get me there bmarcum AT rotech DOT com
Looking for a solid guild. Loading for the first time now. Will post my info soon. (ex SWG founding member of MeS guild)
Your name: none yet
Age: 30 something
Preferred server(s), if any: any
Location: US Central
Playstyle: Casual, an hour or two a night. Can raid two nights a week depending on college/work load.
MMO games you’ve played: Currently playing this and City of Heroes/Villains...have played WoW, Lineage II, EQ2, Planetside, Eve Online, etc.
Why kinships should be interested in you: I am very group oriented and usually play best as a support class (prophet for two years in Lineage II, Shaman in WoW). I love crafting and will take any profession that is needed to best help the kinship
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): Casual, mature kinship. I have only played this game for two days. I have a lvl 9 Elven Hunter on Silverlode and a lvl 7 Human Captain on Brandywine. I am willing to play any race/class combo that is needed to help a friendly kinship that is willing to help me learn my way around faster.
age: 55
server: nimrodel
loc: toronto, can
atm a lvl 25 hunter...looking for a guild that is not too hardcore and with dedicated leadership...lotro definitely requires good teamwork...i've played guild wars and was in a good guild as far as the PvE, but as soon as PvP came up, it dropped the ball...
MasterofFate, Man Guardian.
No server prefrence
Im 20 and really new to this type of game.
I would like to be in a kinship with alot of teamwork.
Your name, or character name and race: Name/Race/Class Undecided, wish to find a kinship first.
Age: 20
Preferred server(s): Any
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): US EST
Playstyle: Group focussed and Strictly RP. I do not always have time to log on, but when I am you will see me in character and ready to enrich myself in the LOTR experience. Seeking a kinship with similar ideals.
MMO games you’ve played: UO, AO, EQ2, L2, CoH/CoV, RO, SoR, EvE, SWG, WoW, GW, PE, FFXI
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I am a helpful group based Rp'er, interesting in making a story for my character and offering the most I can to help my kinship.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): Looking for an RP Strict kinship who cares more about enjoying the game over grinding and getting to end game as fast as possible. Also interested in possible RP Monster players.
Character name: Aryllia, lvl 9 elf guardian
Age: 30
Preffered servers: Doesn't really bother me one way or another, but I've been playing on Vilya.
Location: CST, southern Alabama
Playstyle: Pretty laid back, but still want to get things done. I have no problem helping someone else with their quest if they need help, regardless of whether I need it or have already done it.
MMO Games Played: TT (4 yrs open 3 yrs test) and SO (over a year there)
Why should a kinship be interested in me?: I like to help, I don't mind sharing things, and I just want to have some fun in my spare time.
Kind of kinship I'm looking for: I'd rather play with some folks that are pretty laid back. When I'm able to be on, I'd like to enjoy that time rather than feel stressed trying to get things done. Don't get me wrong, I would like to get my quests done, but right now I'm still kinda learning my way around.
Please PM me if you think I'd fit in with your group.
I'm interested in joining a mature, easygoing kinship with a good mix of different people but mostly around my age group. I'm 30 years old and a resident of Milwaukee, Wisconsin (that's the Central time zone). Previous MMOs I've played are Star Wars Galaxies (way back before it started to completely suck) and World of Warcraft. In Galaxies, I was guilded with Warriors of Lost Freedom, and I'm currently guilded with Oldtimers in WoW. I am by no means a power gamer, but I'm not at all opposed to playing with such people.
My characters so far on Brandywine are as follows:
Danno, Hobbit Burglar
Tomorian, Elf Hunter
Sigfrid, Man Champion
Vindalf, Dwarf Guardian
Tweedledee: Man champion, dont craft much. Level 16, though very good fer my level (930 health, 120-165 dmg against whites and yellows, 110 AoE dmg)
Age: 14, but mature
Preferred server(s): Landroval
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): US PST (GMT -8), newbury park, CA
Playstyle: I do some exploring now and then, so I have most of middle earth mapped out (well what we can reach at least). I also grind sometimes, but am definately looking for an RPing kinship, though definately not completely RP, just if want to.
MMO games you’ve played: Only AO
Why kinships should be interested in you: I am a very flexible player and will help anyone out if i know where to go, and can do it. I can also pitch in some money =D
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): Part grind, part RP, part hang loose kinship, But the most important part is it better be tightknit, i especially enjoy those types.
Character Name: Sheiter
Class: Burglar
Age: 18
Preferred server: None, will roll on any server
Location: East Coast USA
Playstyle: Hardcore End-game / Crafter
Past MMO: World of Warcraft
Looking for: Kinship focused on Hardcore End-Game
About me: I've been playing WoW for over a year as a raider and would like to do the same in LOTRO. I've played a priest since I first started WoW but I've fallen in love with the classic dnd-style Burglar presented in LOTRO. I love playing the utility class and being helpful in felowships, and Burglar's fit me perfect. I have a lv 28 Burglar on Arkenstone right now but am willing to reroll if I feel the guild I'm joining is serious enough for me to do so. You can contact me on Arkenstone or e-mail me at jhelpme@gmail.com
Your name, or character name and race (if known): My in-game name is Cardinal, and I'm a Hobbit Burglar, currently a level 13.
Age: 20
Preferred server(s), if any.: I play on Gladden
Location.: Austin, Texas
Playstyle. : Probably casual light RP, I suppose.
MMO games you’ve played: This is my first, unless you count Runescape, which I don't.
Why kinships should be interested in you. : I'm funny, creative, and fun, or so I've been told. I get along easily with people.
What kind of kinship you are looking for: IO want something casual and fun with a little RPing, but with people who have a sense of humor. I'm really just out to make friends to go on Fellowship quests with and hand out at the Pony with. :D
Ingame name: Bladestalker (lev 35 champion .. with mount now)
Age: 32
Landroval Server
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): USA, East Coast
Playstyle: Raid, group, PvP (non RP)
MMO games you’ve played:daoc, wow, lineage 2, ao, ac, uo, shadowbane, etc.
What do you offer kinships?:
I take leveling and gameplay seriously (in the sense i pride myself on avoiding aggro and handling dungeons and areas with precision).. I still like to have fun though its not all gameface....But, I prefer guilds who are big on precision on high levels of teamwork.
What kind of guild im looking for?:
I need a guild with a lot of members most particularly around my level. I need a guild who group a lot and is willing to help guildy get caught up on mission arcs for greater good of everyone. (i will assist in this for guildys too)
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Galdur, Dwarf Champion
Age: 23
Preferred server: Elendilmir
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.):EST
Playstyle: PvE group style, Solo Style occasionally.
MMO games you’ve played: WOW, Star Wars Galaxies, Guild Wars
Why kinships should be interested in you. What do you offer kinships?: Support for newer members, aid for large groups/raids, resource sharing for crafters, witty banter to be thrown around on the guild chats
What kind of kinship you are looking for.: casual but mature, nothing with lots of pressure to focus an ungodly amount of time on the game. Something that is a little more organized would be nice too.
Looking for a Kin for me and my friend on the firefoot server. Im a lvl 21 Champ and hes a level 20 capt. im 18 and he's a 30sumthin old. We both have ventrillo and talk on it regularly. We wont join unless we are both accepted so PM me. My ingame name is galinden if you want to send me a tell.
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Tarriell, Elf Minstrel
Age: 39
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): Vilya
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): EST, Ottawa, ON
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.): No pref.
MMO games you’ve played:First one but long time RPG / RTS gamer
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: Loyalty, dedication, desire to play my role and let the real fighters do the fighting, generosity with things picked up I don't need.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): Casual and fun, but with some scheduled times/raids/quests.
my ingame name is Shudog and he is a level 28 elf gaurdian
I am only 15 but I act mature i think, it sounds cheesy but I really dont act like a little child
I play on Arkenstone
I live on the East Coast
I like to play group but even for solo quests I might use a PUG to advance faster. Endgame content is another thing ill be doing if I can find a kinship. I also like crafting and am currenty trying to gain my master of the thrid level in prospecting and working on the main level for artisan rank.
I like to work hard and have fun. This is a great game so I want to enjoy it but I also wanna excel and become better.
I have only played WOW before but I didnt play for very long(storyline was boring)
I am really looking for a small kinship that is realitivly new and wants to fufill my goals stated up there. I dont want over maybe 30 members and teamspeak or vent is good.
Thanks and happy questing!
I was hoping that there were some other 2nd and/or 3rd shifters that would be interested in an AM raiding guild. I ran one in WoW that was very successful (Naxx pre BC, Vashj 2 weeks ago) but after 3 years of WoW, it's time to move on.
Anyways, if there is one already, no need to re-invent the wheel. If not, I'd love to get one started. I'm currently on Gladden but I wouldn't be adverse to a reroll if needed. My toon is Mandela and I can usually be found between 8am and 11am mountain time.
I dont know if I am the right candidate for a kinship. I am a MMO newbie, this is the first MMO I have played over a day. I try to play an hour everyday from 830 pm to 10 pm CST. I am a level 6 human champion, Bheeshma on Brandywine. I really need help clearing the prologue quests, especially anything where multiple enemies attack me at the same time. Are there any such newbie kins to save Middle Earth :))
Name or character name: Silverlode - Slamfist, Champion Dwarf Level 14 as of May 16
Age: 41
Location and Time: Vancouver BC, Canada, PST timezone. Usually evening and weekend, occassionaly very early morning.
Playstyle: Up to now, typically solo, with occassional casual fellowship (sheesh - this is beginning to sound like a bad lavalife ad!). But looking for a group of like minded persons for quest completion, crafting assistance, general hanging out. Ready to drop a craft to avert a war or whatever comes up - generally happy to help. I like to stop and look around. I smell the roses. I read the quests (every word). Don't mind pushing up character levels but not first priority.
MMO games you’ve played: COH/COV, but none currently.
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I'm a mature professional (engineer), youth group leader, love to have fun, love to play this game, but will always maintain balance with real life. No elite speak here. Am willing to try new things - like voice chat, but may stumble over some things I've never tried before. Will sometimes be slow to respond to chat, cause I haven't figured out how to quick reply without typing the players name. I will act fairly and civily, expect and give respect to all I team with. Don't have any age restrictions, provided all team members are respectful. I don't swear and don't care to hear it. I like to hear constructive advice on how to be a better player.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters):
Looking for a Mature, fun, group. Perhaps a west coast group (because of time zone), perhaps an all Canadian group, perhaps a Christian group, or a combination or none of the above. Basically looking for folk who enjoy the game for the sake of playing. Who are playing LOTRO instead of WoW or some other MMO cause they love the Tolkien world and not because they want to powerlevel to 50 and look down on us Level 14 slobs. Willing to help new players as I'm pretty new myself. Want a group that understands this is a game and an escape from RL, but who understand that, when the kid scrapes his knee, or the wife puts dinner on the table that I'm going to say "bye" and log off and sometimes might not even have time to say "sorry, bye". Will always endeavour not to leave fellow kin members in the lurch - but sometimes life happens. Would love to make friends through this game.
It's the journey, not the endgame.
Hope to get some pm's from suitable kinships.
Oh yeah, although my current main is Silverlode, I'm open to starting anew on another server.
I am new to online gaming, but VERY enthusiastic about learning lore details concerning Lord of the Rings. I am married and work during the day. I am having a blast playing Lord of the Rings Online!
Character name: right now I am playing a dwarf named Stonethrow
Age: 36
Location: Southern California
Playstyle: Solo or group, learning about crafting, enjoy teamwork
Why kinships should be interested in me: I think any kinship would be interested in me because I am not playing Lord of the Rings Online just to "goof around" on the computer. I am really interested in learning about this online world. While I am serious at times, I can also have a good time, but not at anothers expense. I treat peope as I would wish them to treat me. I love to learn. I am also very much a team player, and will gladly make sacrafices to benefit another of my team.
What kind of kinship are you looking for: I am looking for a kinship that is not too large, but not too small. I am looking for others who share my interests in learning about Lord of the Rings lore and exploring Lord of the Rings Online. Above all, I am looking for mature online gaming, and to have some fun while learning.
So thats about it. I hope I am to your liking and get in touch with me if I sound like someone who may fit in nicely with your kinship.
Hello, My name is Elesaros the Wary, captain of Gondor. I am currently interested in a heavy roleplaying kinship on the server Landroval. I have been roleplaying for about 3 years and have submitted several works to Wizards of the Coast (makers of D&D). If you are looking for a person to craft stories for your kinship lore, or quests for your group to partake in, im your person. If you want a good RPer, im here. Please send me an in-game letter to Elesaros, thank you.
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Abellric, human champ.
Age: (some kinships have real life age limits) over 25
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): Meneldor
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): Central
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.):
I am intrested in a casual with some Rp.
MMO games you’ve played: SWG(till nge), wow
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?:
Im the type of gamer who will drop whatever im doing to help a guild mate.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters):
Im intrested in a guild that i can call home, good peeps, good times. I am willing to go RP(thow it would be my first time :), this game seems built for it)
Thats all i can think to say, pm me anytime for a interview-Abellric
Found a Kinship, thanks
Your name, or character name and race (if known): None yet =)
Age: 20
Preferred server(s), if any: Any, don't have a home yet.
Location: PST
Playstyle. Solo/Group/Raids
MMO games you’ve played:AC, AC2, AO, SWG, COH/COV, WoW
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I've played many MMO games so I have quite a bit of experience.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. Friendly, helpful and hopefully an end-game raiding guild. (If there is end game raiding in LOTR)
PM me with any questions or invites. Thanks!
Name: Garrowdir Mithrilbeard, Level 25 Dwarf Champion
Age: 23
Server: Landroval
Location: US EST
Playstyle: Pretty much a bit of everything, not TOO hardcore on RP
Past MMOs: Dark Age of Camelot, Anarchy Online, Asheron's Call
Why me?: I play a lot, get involved a lot and love chatting :)
What kinships am I looking for: I'm looking to see if there are any large kinships yet (like 50+ members). I'd like to get in on the ground floor of a large group and join in on the fun.
character name and race (if known): Fingelwe, elf
Age: (some kinships have real life age limits): 38
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): Nimrodel
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): Eastern, USA
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.): This is my first MMO, but I've been a serious RPG'er most of my life. Was a huge Ultima fan but never UO. I typically like solo play, but since playing LOTRO I have really gottten into the team aspect. I'm really not interested in PvP-- in fact, that's what's kept me from getting into MMo's-- all the PKer stories were really discouraging. I'm glad LOTRO seems to be free of that. Like many others, I'm married with kids and work full time so my play time is limited mostly from 9-11 pm.
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I'm not in it for myself. I'm a team player that wants to see the group succeed. In every fellowship I've joined so far, I've worked to ensure the success of the mission. I'm an easy going, low maintenance guy who likes a good mixture of role playing and straight game play. I'm also an enormous Tolkien fan that really treasures the body of Tolkien's work, and would love to be able to share that with interested kinship members.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): Like-minded members. Mature, straight-forward but patient enough to deal with a noob like me. Loyalty and respect above all-- I always give it and I expect it in return, bottom line.
I'm looking for a kinship based in Brandywine. I am currently a level 15 human/hunter working on the quests in Bree. I like to play 1-2 hours a day usually in the evenings (CST). I like to solo play but am frustrated trying to find fellowships for group based quests. My character is Nels, Watcher of Roads. I may not be the most avid gamer on the block but I honor the spirit of RPGs.
Name: Merrhelm (Man, Guardian in Elendilmir, but im willing to go to another server)
Age: 23
Location: NY usually on after 6pmEST
Playstyle: Solo, group, PvE, PvP(eventually), RAIDs, casual, minor crafting
MMO games you’ve played: SWG, a little WoW, CoH, Guild Wars
Why kinships should be interested in you: I'm a mature player looking for some other mature players to roll through middle earth with.
What kind of kinship you are looking for: One that helps each other out, and one with members that are fun to play alongside
Hello all,
I am a 37 yr old vet gamer. I have played just about every mmorpg out there.
I am seeking a Kinship on Gladden so I will have friends to adventure with. I usually play 8-11 pm EST so I would like a group that usually has people on during that time. I like RP but can do without it as long as I am playing with a reasonably mature bunch.
I am playing Asteriveth an Elf Champion current level 12.
Hope to hear from you.
character: Nuvyn. Man. Loremaster.
Age 36
Server Preferred: Any
Location: singapore
play style: solo, Pve, group.
Mmo games i've played: Guildwars
im looking for mature, relax n Fun Comes first kinship. No shouting or badmouthing anyone regardless of what happen in gameplay.
Name: SlaYeRXXL (Dwarf, Guardian, Lvl 14, Server Meneldor - other Servers maybe possible. don't know enough if i can work with the same char or if I have to start again? I am really new in this busines)
Age: 31
Location: Atlanta GA, EST (GMT-5)
Playstyle: Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, minor crafting.. I am really new and would try everything.
MMO games you’ve played: EVE online (Still playing since Launch Date for 4 or 5 years now - but only casual in the moment - little skilling and some missions sometimes), Lineage 2, Planetside and some other Games
Why Kinships: I am looking for group play to have more fun. It gets a little boring after a while and it is annoying to look for Fellowships again and again after a few quests. I like it to do quests in the Moment and some quests are to hard to do alone. More features and possibilities i have to find out in the next couple of days / weeks. I just started playing 2 days ago.
Send me a PM or talk to me ingame - same nick - if you are interested. I would appreciate it.
Kindest Regards
I'm Australian, play on Nimrodel server. My timezone would likely be your "graveyard shift". I like to get to know people through teamspeak and ventrilo as such.
My username is Dulot.
Contact me for more info or an invite.
Name or character name: Fiodor - lvl 16 Hunter
Therengar - lvl 8 Lore-Master
Age: 21
Server: Windfola
Location: San Diego, CA
Playstyle: Mostly solo but would prefer to partner up with at least one person.
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I'm an adult and I act like one. I don't swear every other word and I don't argue over pointless stuff for the sake of arguing. I'm open minded and will always be willing to take advice from others and follow directions in groups. I go on at about 5-7 every weekday (Pacific Time)
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): I'm looking for a kinship with mature people. To me, mature doesn't mean a certain age, it means people who don't act like children. What I don't want to see is people or kinships with names like "1c4Mp4lLd4y" or "$$havens$$" or anything else that uses numbers/symbols in place of words/letters or alternating upper and lower case letters. Casual is better to me than hardcore also. I don't want to feel forced into leveling instead of enjoying the game. A functional website is a must. A kinship that will help it's members is a must.
Character name: Goldring, Hobbit, Burglar, Lvl 13, Explorer
Age: 30
Server: Firefoot
Location: EST (GMT -5)
Playstyle: Fellowships preferred ( I like the collaboration), Solo, Raid
MMO games you’ve played: NWN, NWN2, BF2, Never played WoW
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I enjoy Light RP and adventuring. I do not expect all interaction to be in-character, but it is fun to RP. I enjoy Hack n Slash as well. I do not like to hang with a bunch of script kiddies who type "LOL" after every sentence, and grief other players.
What kind of kinship you are looking for: (This one is very important for recruiters): Lite RP with lots of amicable, approachable, and friendly members. Organized, lots of fellowships, and people on willing to team up, but not so organized that I feel like I have to play for a set number of hours every day since I a married, have a dog, and will be having kids soon.
I am a laid back person,and my gaming style reflects that directly. I currently belong to a kinship that my BF2 clan started, but they are rarely on, and they don't team up very well. If the right kinship offers membership, I would be willing to forgo my current one, and join theirs.
I assume that the kinship will have a website with forums as well...but not completely necessary.
Character name: Fingelwe, guardian-armourer, elf, currently level 13 AND Khazalin, dwarf guardian, currently level 12
Age: 38
Server: Nimrodel
Location: EST (GMT -5)
Playstyle: Fellowships preferred ( I like the collaboration and comeraderie), Solo, Raid
MMO games you’ve played: LOTRO is my first. Played a lot of BFME2 but not online, Diablo II, AoM
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I've enjoyed the fellowships I've joined so far, but found it difficult to find people to fellow when I need them. I almost always accept fellowship requests, but it tends not to be reciprocated. I like RP and adventuring, but am finding that the better and more difficult quests need coordinated, loyal and unselfish groups to get the job done, and could really use the help from a consistent group. While I dont expect all interaction to be in-character, I love the RP interaction (because I love Tolkien's work). Don't mind Hack n Slash but not for long periods of time, and especially not simply to hoard $. NOT into kids who type mindless chatter and grief other players.
What kind of kinship you are looking for: (This one is very important for recruiters): Good mix of RP and OC with lots of friendly, mature, easy going but respectful members. People who are willing to team up even for the sake of one or two members, but not so hard core that we've got to keep playing until my mouse hand goes numb since my wife will beat me like a harp seal if I spend more than 2 hours playing (ha, ha!).
Kinship with a website and forums is great but not a must. feel free to PM me or seek me/send me mail in-game as Fingelwe or Khazalin (they tend to hang right now in Gondamon and Duillond.
Your name, or character name and race (if known):Baeradan
Age: (some kinships have real life age limits):20
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.):Vilya
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.):on the west coast
Playstyle. not really sure what my game style is considered i quest all the time and raid when im a high enough lvl
MMO games you’ve played:played WOW
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?:Im a real laid back guy, im a team player, fun, always willing to help fellow members.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters):looking for a family atmosphere, some type of ranking system( like the military), end-game raiding etc. i guess your basic guild stuff haha
Hello, I am 22, and have experience from playing WOW, just started and currently wondering if anyone is accepting members, I mainly play on Silverlode.
Anyone interested in letting me join please let me know
Name- Gillivral Finion of Gondor
Server- Elendilmir
Location- Pacific
Playstyle- I do all kinds. I mostly enjoy fellowships for the fun and teamwork that goes into it. I like the idea of working together with others to complete something you would not normally be able to complete by yourself.
Previouse MMo's- EQ, EQOA, WoW
About me- I am a huge fan of LOTR and I have been playing LOTRO since Closed Beta. I am currently level 31. I was an active member of the Alliance of Rhudaur kinship since December, but I have recently parted ways due to kinship strife.
What kind of kinship I am looking for- Like previously stated, I was a member of a great kinship that recently turned a little ugly. I am looking for a kinship that is a family, and do not hold silent grudges or talk about other members while their backs are turned. Another important aspect is roleplaying. I enjoy roleplaying often, but I also know when to be OOC. I am looking for a kinship who role plays in events in game, and together. I also am looking for a laid back (yet organized and active) kinship that is OOC in a lot of kinship chat and realizes the freedom to just goof off sometimes.
Why you should choose me- I am an active member of the LOTRO Community and I have many valuable traits that make me...me. I enjoy having fun, and being apart of a family that likes to have fun together.
Level 31 Captain, Master Journeyman Scholar, Journeyman Weaponsmith.
I'm looking for a mature and active kin with active forums prefferably 25+ level members (not looking for a small kin either) I can quest with daily and leadership that knows what they're doing.
I'm on EST, and play at different times of day.
I have about 8yrs of MMO experience and I love lotr, if you are interested contact me in-game (windfola server) /tell Windkeeper
Your name, or character name and race : RaZoaR - Human
Age: 16
Preferred server(s), if any.: Firefoot
Location. : Canada, BC
Playstyle. : Group, looking for kinship
MMO games you’ve played: Too many to count =P
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: because i'm good with groups, easy to talk too, funny, nice, and love to help out
What kind of kinship you are looking for. : mainly one that can help me out.... getting lost with these quests..... and skills and things....
Hello LOTRO forum members,
I pre-ordered the game and played for about a week, and originally thought the game was boring. After a couple of my friends picked up the game and I gave it a second chance, I am now having a blast as a lvl 15 Guardian on Silverlode.
Anyway, I had a stressful semester at uni and would love to really get into LOTRO for the summer.
I am looking for a relatively mature, laid-back kinship to experience the whole game with. Helping guild mates would be a priority of mine and I would expect the same -- I don't mind playing for an hour or two and not leveling or getting any new gear. For me it's more about the experience; it is just a game after all.
I've played FFXI, Vanguard, WoW, and Guild Wars Factions and the one I got into the most was FFXI, mainly because of the immersive world and tight, epic storyline. Even so I only made it to level 28/14 WAR/MNK because I just didn't have enough time to do anything in the game. I played Vanguard pretty hardcore for a few weeks and then when everyone started leaving I quit. I was part of E.G.G. in Vanguard mainly because of the number of players; it was nice knowing I would have a little support when someone PKed me (on Tharridon) and I wanted a little revenge.
I've never made it to end-game in any MMO, and I think a large part of that is because I wasn't part of a good guild to play with and keep interest. I hope LOTRO will be different, as the Monster Play is a very enticing end-game goal of mine.
Anyway, if any Kinships are interested, I'm Limaj on Silverlode.
Last but not least, About me:
Age: 20
Location: Austin, TX mostly. For the summer I'm staying with my parents on our farm in Katy (ahhh.... free home-cooking!).
Times played: Varies, but usually daily or near daily in the morning and/or evening from 9am - 12 and/or 6pm - 2am.
Job/What I do: Currently a computer engineering undergrad at UT Austin.
EDIT: Found one.
Name: Rolan, Lvl 20 Captain (as of writing), Human
Age: 40
Preferred Server: Meneldor
Location: Australian East Coast
Playstyle: PvE, RP
Previous MMO's: Warcraft
Experience: I had a Lvl 70 Warrior on WoW, plus several other high level alts, was (and still am) a Guildmaster for a +50 member guild (with 6 other level 70's). I decided that because of my love of Tolkien I would try this game out, and ended up loving it. Unfortunetly, no-one I know plays so I am looking for a friendly Australian guild who doesn't take things too seriously.
What Type of Kinship: Australian (preferable), fun, not too serious or gear-centric, more mature aged -- 30+.
Hello Middle-Earth! I just started playing yesterday. Since I'm new to LOTRO, I want to have a kinship to explore and enjoy the game more.
Name: In-game is Haralin, a level 13 Dwarf Champion
Age: 21
Server: Nimrodel
Location: Australia, so the time is GMT+10
Playstyle: Well, since I'm new to the game I'm still PvE soloing now, although I've been in fellowships. I enjoy playing in party with others for questing or levelling. I usually play around 5pm to 11pm AEST on weekdays and mostly on weekends.
MMO games you’ve played: Ragnarok Online, Guild Wars, World of Warcraft, FlyFF.
Why kinships should be interested in you: I'm willing to help other people (be it questing or levelling or just chit-chatting), I love TLOTR and I'm an active player.
What kind of kinship you are looking for: Since Australia's in the different side of the globe, I'd prefer an Oceanic kinship. It fits my playtime perfectly. However, any kinship is alright as long as there are people online when I'm playing. Other things... maybe just talkative, respectful and helpful :)
Please PM me in-forum or tell me in-game if you need a member for your Kinship in Nimrodel server.
Your name -- Depends on character.
Age -- 30
Preferred server -- Any
Location -- Eastern US. EST
Playstyle -- PvE, RP Friendly, 20ish hours a week, possibly more.
MMO games you’ve played -- EQ, EQ2, WoW, CoX, EVE, Guild Wars, DDO, FFXI, many others.
Why kinships should be interested in you? -- I am friendly, mature, and competent player.
What kind of kinship you are looking for? -- I'm looking for a mid-sized PvE kinship with mature individuals with similar goals. I'm interested in playing the game and exploring the world at a reasonable pace. On the topic of RP: RP is cool with me so long as it is action oriented RP. In other words, I'm not interested in spending my days in the tavern RPing backstory but casual RP while out fighting foes and doing instances is just fine. I prefer to avoid spoilers whenever it's not going to get everyone killed.
Turnoffs include greed, rushing, immaturity, drama, l33tness/l33tsp34k, authoritarian rule and trying to exploit the system. Things I like to see include people that display a friendly attitude, calm competence and excellence, a relaxed attitude about loot, and folks that can speak in complete sentences. I would be interested in playing a Guardian and have one started on Nimrodel. I'd be perfectly willing to start someone new on a new server, however.
Please contact me if you think I'd be a good fit for your group. Thanks!
Currently interested in a kinship in Vilya.
Oeramorn Uvezian, Human archer, level 21 currently. RL age is 40.
Server - Vilya
Central standard timezone
Playstyle - casual player, likes to join fellowships and working together, may be interested in raiding but I don't know what raids are, I am currently a cook but a real beginner. Dislikes include grandstanding ME ME ME players, players slinging around insults and profanity, and over-the-top immaturity in general.
The only MMO I've played is UO, 2002-2004
Interested in kinships that work together to do quests; help each other out; like to sit around and chat. Also looking for a kinship in which I can explore the world of Middle Earth and have fun doing so. Not interested in helping to build up a new kinship; I want to contribute, but not to control and run one.
Talrod of Gondor on the Nimrodel server
I'm 20 years old in the real world
I have no preferences for time but I live in the EST zone
As of this post I'm level 14 in Bree-Land. I don't mind soloing quests in order to level up but I prefer to do quests and PvE with groups of people since it is more fun then playing by myself. I have little interest in PVP but if a kinship member asked me to join him or her for a while on PvP and I wasn't busy I would join them. I've never done a raid but I'm interested in doing some. I will most likely only play during the summer and winter break as playing an MMO during the school semester is probably not a good idea.
I've played FF11 WoW Guild Wars (if you consider it an MMO)
I'm a kind player who likes to quests with others so if any member needed me for something I would willing to help them.
I'm interested in any kinship that will take me with the description I made above.
Name: Theodeas, Man, Captain l24
Age: 38
Location. USA, Central Time Zone
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.): Mostly solo, but I enjoy helping others complete quests even if I don't need it, grouping with fun lighthearted people, interested in PvMP, no RP, slightly time limited, crafting is an integral part of the game IMO but not the main focus
MMO games you’ve played: None, this is my first, but I think I am doing well and never have been griefed on my group quests that I have joined, and have been invited on for further quests often.
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I am a good player who is willing to help others (even at cost to myself), and I don't get upset by mistakes people make, even if it results in a wipeout.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): I am looking for a kinship that is focused on having fun and enjoying the experience of playing the game. I am not looking for any agenda driven kinships (RP, Endgame, Raiding, etc.)
Thanks for considering me!
PS sorry, one more thing, I have the bandwidth for voice chat, but I prefer to listen and let more experienced people take the lead.
Name: Galuial, Lore-Master Elf, Level 15 (currently)
Age: 18
Server: Any (though I'm on Gladden)
Location: Arizona US (you know...no Daylight savings)
Playstyle: I'm new to this kind of game
MMO games you’ve played: I've done MUSH but never MMO
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: Well I always try to do my best. I usually take a backseat roll but I'm not afraid to take the lead either.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): I'm looking for a kindred that's laid back but not totally silly. Basically one with members that know when it's time to be serious and time to have fun.
Server: Brandywine
Character: Aerindir
Age: 37
Location: Vancouver BC, Canada (PST)
Playstyle: Pretty much up for anything.
MMO games you’ve played: SWG, WoW, EQ2, etc.
I'm a mature player, 37 who plays regularly in the evenings and on weekends. I'm looking for a kinship made up of similar individuals who are friendly and fun to play with, whether it be casual play, raiding or what not. I'm more than happy to help others out.
I'm looking for kinship of mature individuals without the 'politics' and preferably one with all levels that play regularly so there's someone to play with. Please drop me a line if that's yours! =)
I am a member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Just wondering if there are any other fraternity members playing. I am 19 and in college. My current characters are a level 39 hunter and a 24 Champ. I am looking for a kinship that like to work together. M current kin has 4-6 active members, my characters being 2 of those. This is my first MMO, but I have grown to enjoy it. I play Creeps on my dwarf every now and then, DurkaDurka is my character on there, blackarrow. My hunter will join the freeps once he levels again. I would like a kin who would accept members of my kin, and Order of the Void is looking good so far, seeing as I've worked with several of them. If someone could possibly contact my characters Camador or Camorin I'd be happy to introduce you to my fellow kin members, and talk to our leader about a merge. I am on the Meneldor realm.
Kaolin - Dwarf Guardian
Arkaraen - Woman Explorer
Amkarion - Elf Champion
(pretty sure on these, haven't been playing long)
Age: WAY over 21
Preferred server:Playing On Brandywine only
Location: Central Timezone, playing after 5pm 4-5 days/week
Playstyle: Hmmm Currently Solo mostly. Like small groups for quests, deeds, etc, not interested in big raids
MMO games you’ve played: Also playing City of Heros/Villains farily regularly for about a year and a half.
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: Laid back, relaxed player in no hurry to finish up all the content as quick as possible. Not greedy about loot, happy to split with others of the team. I always try to contribute to the overall success of the quest/instance/etc.
What kind of kinship you are looking for: One that doesn't require me to show up to every event planned, or to justify why not. I just want to play the game and be able to complete all the content as it happens. I've only been playing about 3 weeks, but have discovered that you CANNOT always play alone. I wouldn't mind that, but as the game is set up, you must group to play it all so I'm looking for some adult, not powergaming folks to play with. Please no l33t speak, let's rush from one quest to the next, hit the high spots, groups. If that fits your kinship, let me know.
Looking for a good Kinship on Gladden.
Name is Glurin, lvl 17 atm. Dwarf Champion.
Play at all times and spend about 4 hours a day on, at least.
Have played Shadowbane, EVE, Everquest, World of Warcraft, Star Wars Galaxies, and Final Fantasy. Have teamspeak and a mic.
I'm still new to the game but I learn quick. Good teamplayer, if a horde of orcs is chasing you can count on me jumping to your aide. :)
If interested you can send me a tell or a letter.
Character: Caedrin, Male Elf Minstrel (level 10 as of posting)
Age: 19
Preferred server: Gladden
Location: Florida, USA (Eastern time zone)
Playstyle: I do it all... solo, groups, pvp, etc.
MMO games played: Star Wars Galaxies, Final Fantasy XI, World of Warcraft are the main ones I've played.
I'm a casually- to moderately-paced gamer who's looking to join a fun, mature, and social kinship. I'm the kind of person who likes making friends and helping others (hence the Minstrel class). I plan to eventually reach level 50 and do the end-game activities, but I'm not sure how soon that will be since I am a university student and real-life duties sometimes interfere.
Michaelson of Bree-land, Man, Hunter, Lvl 16, 8-9 Titles
50 years old
Love LOTR since I first read the Hobbit in 1974,lol. I enjoy these RPG's but find that this one is taking up about all my play time now!
I am looking for a kinship that might later change into a fellowship. To move ahead in the story, its time I find a group, so if anyone is doing quests near Bree-Combe-Archet-Staddle-Buckland-Lone Lands-Eastern Shire, let me know here, I guess, or catch me running thru the above area,lol. When I use a title my favorite I use is "Bounders friend".
Characters: Arylan of Gondor, Male hunter level 7 or 8 atm
Age: 24
Server: Landroval
Location: Delaware, USA Eastern Time
Playstyle: I enjoy a bit of solo and group questing, RPing, occassional PvP but not now until I get cable and my pc a bit upgraded really sluggish on this game.
Previous MMRPGs played: Ultima Online was my first, Final Fantasy Online, WoW.
I'm looking for a RP Kinship. I can be limtied for time no real steady scheduel with baby and work and all. Looking for a fun mature kinship thats active in RPing events and questing with each other and all... organized is good but not a kinship that takes things too seriously all the time.
I enjoy helping others and participating in events when i can. I take in character seriously... but it is a game so i dont take anything too serously. Some people take these games and rping in these game a bit too seriously im not looking for a kinship like that mainly people too have fun with I like to be helpful as much as possible.
Character: Milgralin, Dwarven Guardian
Age: 18
Preferred server: Meneldor
Location: Tennessee/ USA, Eastern Standard Time
Playstyle: I don't mind soloing at all and sometimes find it relaxing to just run around by myself and fight, but I definitely prefer having a group to move and challenge the landscape to the max.
MMO games you’ve played: SWG, WoW, Runescape(?), Planetside, CoH, CoV, Guild Wars, WWII Online, Vanguard(shortly), EVE Online, etc...
Why kinships should be interested in you?: Any kinship that is in the game to have a good time, yet progress and see what the game has to offer. Not crazy serious, but definitely seeking success ingame.
What kind of kinship you are looking for?: I want a group of players that are laid back, have good senses of humor, but get serious when its time to play the game. I would prefer an America- based kinship with playing times similar to mine, but since its Summer, I play at all hours :)
Contact me here or ingame! Thanks!
Server: Nimrodel
Laegelaran, Elven Hunter
Galbrand, Man Champion
Adunalo, Man Lore Master
Bero, Hobbit Burglar
About me: I'm 37, and pretty experienced with MMO's. I started with the UO alpha, and have been playing since, though I skipped a few games and have spent a year off here and there for RL. I've played most of the major releases in the last 10 years.
During the summer I'll be playing a good deal more than I should, usually in the mornings and after midnight PST (-8 GMT). After late August I'll have to scale back to, say, 5-8 hours per week.
Sometimes I keep my head down and solo, as when grinding for crafting resources or knocking out quick quests below my level, but I like to group whenever feasible. I enjoy helping kin-mates, and have 4 characters, with all the vocations covered. I am consistently friendly online, and am the type of player who leaves the OOC channel off, usually, to avoid the spam, flames, and teen angst mania.
I have the most fun playing when I achieve some kind of immersion, though this is rare for me. I've made an effort at RP online before, and have some experience with pen-and-paper gaming with a focus on RP, but haven't yet found a guild/kinship with the right balance of RP and adventuring for me.
I have a monster character, and dive into the Fell Scrying Pool on occasion, but it's not my focus.
I don't like to rush through quests the first time I do them. I read what the npc's say, look around, try to enjoy the scenery and the story. if I've done the quest before I'm going to zip through to get to the next thing, but if I'm grouped with someone who doesn't want to rush I'm happy to oblige.
I'm not in a rush to level, either, generally, and despise grinding (inefficient in LOTRO anyway). I do grind for crafting, because it's required to reach mastery. I try to keep my characters at similar levels, to take advantage of horizontal crafting integrations. Well, actually, I'm trying to get my characters to similar levels. We'll see.
What I'm looking for: A kinship of mature players (25-30 years old, minimum). This is important for me; the first time I read "That's gay," I'm pretty much on my way out of the group. I've got nothing against teenagers (or adults stuck in their teens), I'd just rather play with fully-formed people. Another goal of mine is Light RP, where, for example, kinship chat is out-of-character, but say is in-character. I like to integrate the RP into adventuring, and haven't yet enjoyed standing around a tavern chatting. (Someday MMO's will again have placeable objects in the world, and writeable objects like books, and we can make our own RP quests). I'll make an effort to play interesting characters, and I hope my kin-mates do, too. A kinship that accepts members without in-context names is not for me. A Ventrillo server would be nice, and I'm happy to help support it, as well as a kin website (which is essential). I'm unsure how to reconcile voice-chat with immersion, unless people voice chat in-character, which is probably asking a lot, but would be fun, I think. Perhaps the in-game voice chat is sufficient, subpar as it is, since then only fellowships can use voice, and maintaining an IC rule would be easier.
A focus on good grouping is also essential. Members should know the fellowship maneuvers, or be in the process of learning them (like me), and have some idea of the strengths and capabilities of each class. Communication while fellowing makes the difference between success and defeat.
I'd also like a kinship of friendly, helpful people (who doesn't?) but everyone likes to work on their own quests, too, of course.
A large guild would be great, if a large guild exists that hasn't sacrificed their principles for greater membership. Medium and active is fine, too. A small guild works if we can set up a permanent fellowship: At a certain time each week, we meet and adventure together, keeping our levels the same.
I'm not interested in switching servers, unless Turbine starts offering server transfers.
Finally, my experience with Tolkien: I read The Hobbit at eleven, and have read LOTR (a few times), The Silmarillion, Book of Lost Tales, and various HoME volumes. I saw the films, of course.
EDIT: Another thing I'm looking for: No kinship rules that can't be enforced, like disallowing alts to belong to another kinship. I plan to get all my alts into the kinship that invites me, but rules like that are likely to indicate that the guild leaders care more about power over members than leading members to fun. Loot rules, like need/greed are a good example of rules that encourage fairness and fun.
Server: Gladden
Trizon, Dwarf Guardian - Level 8
(plan to start an alt at some point)
I'm 38 years old and I'm looking for a nice, casual Kinship. My time to play is usually late in the evenings starting about 10pm EST to 12:30pm. On weekends I'm up until 2:30am playing usually. I hope to be in a Kinship that have some players that regularly play around these times consistently.
Anyway, I'm looking for a guild that helps each other. Whether it be help with a certain quest or help crafting. I have just started crafting and I am concentrating on Armourer. I love to be a team player and give back to the guild I'm in and help in anyway I can.
I don't mind doing a little RP from time to time, but I like to chat about normal everyday stuff as well. I'm not real big on Ventrillo or anything like that. I have a small child, so I don't like to be too noisy. I like to use the in-game chat to communicate.
I've played City of Heroes for the past 3 years and I played Horizons before that. I enjoy the Tolkien environment here. I read The Hobbit when I was much younger and I am a fan.
I hope that gives you an idea of what I'm looking for.
Thank you!
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Anricor, Man Champion
Age: 18
Server: Firefoot
Location: Tennessee
I'm looking for a kinship that's laid back, but likes to help out each other with quests or instances, whatever the case may be.
Ceolestiwen (Man - Female) 16 Burgalar
RL Age: 21
Server(s): Vilya
Location: MST (CO) Evening to late hours pref.
Playstyle: Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter. I play in all styles based on time constraints and ability of those around me.
Why kinships should be interested in you: I started MMO's 7 years ago playing casually in EQ-PC just before the Luclin expansion and raised 3 toons to max level there. SWG max jedi and ent. GW Full Roster maxxed. My most recent MMO was EQII where I played in the hardcore styles as raid leadership for a guild that was ranked second and briefly first on the Unrest Server where I have a max templar full raid gear and max bruiser in partial T7, partial raid. If the energies of my kinship inspire me I will fulfill any duties before me and become an asset to any raid force assembled, group activity and whatever else may come up (crafting for example.) I am currently 130 points short of grand mastering farming and working the scholar aspect next.
What kind of kinship you are looking for: People to do stuff with when I'm online that might also be capable or will not siphon from my abilities to do hardcore content in later game. I want to enjoy the leveling of my first toon and am in no major hurry to max out just yet but when I do max out I do not want to be bored wondering if we'll ever be recruiting or aiming to do the end content.
Please contact me at melanic_dischords@hotmail.com
I am in an inactive kinship right now, and I plan on leaving it next time I log back on. In the meantime, here's my little application.
Server: Elendilmir
Name/Race: Laerwen, man- female (at the time of this post, lvl 38)
Age: 17; however, I get along with adults very well (sometimes better along with adults than with teens my own age- adults, in general, tend to be much more mature).
Location: PST timezone, USA
Playstyle: Both solo and group, mostly PvE though I do not object to PvP, while I haven't RPed in LotRo yet I have RPed on numerous online forums with original characters, so I know the basics of it. Time varies, but it's enough to get through a good amount of stuff. I like crafting, but it isn't my main reason for playing.
MMO games you’ve played: None, actually. I was drawn to the game for my love of Tolkien and his world. However, I have grasped gameplay very well these past two months and actually know what all of these abbreviations mean ;)
What do I offer?: Well, along with being a higher level and having a good amount of playing time, I do not mind at all helping others go through other quests that they might need, I don't mind giving up virtual items to someone if they need it (say, a weapon that I won in a roll but the other person needs/can use), and I am a generally friendly person :) I also offer a huge amount of random Tolkien/Middle-earth facts that may be needed for some reason or another.
What kind of kinship you are looking for: Basically one that is very active and is helpful. While RP is not my focus, I certainly would not object to it, and I do know how to RP. An earlier applicant commented on OOC chat in the main kinship channel while RP in IMs, which sounds very good to me. If it was an RP kinship, I'd prefer light, casual RP as the group is going through quests. In general, I just want a large, friendly, helpful community where I can hopefully make some friends and we can all go through various experiences and the general storyline together.
Please email me at ainu_laire at yahoo dot com or send a note through the mail to "Laerwen" on the server. PMs are also good, but I don't frequent the forums that often, so I'm more likely to see an email or message in the game before a PM. If PMs from this site are emailed to my inbox, then PMs are good too =)
Character Name: Elowyne
Character Race: Elf
Class: Minstrel
Age: 18 (IRL)
Server: Brandywine
Location: Miami, FL (EST)
Playstyle: For the most part I go solo, but that's just because I haven't met a good group of friends around a similar level in the same area who would want to play with me and do quests with me, and help me in my endeavors such as crafting and minstreling.
MMOs I've Played: Earth & Beyond, Star Wars Galaxies, Final Fantasy XI, Matrix Online
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?:
Looking For:
-- A kinship that has a wide variety of players (particularly many with a similar lvl to me [currently lvl 15]).
--I want to meet friends who I can talk with and add an element to the MMO that you can't get by playing alone.
--Players that can give me advice, do quests with me, and help me with advancing in all aspects of my character.
--Guilds that RP are preferable.
Hey everyone! Though maybe this is not my ideal way to find a Kinship, I've been so bored in game, and I'm desperate to make some friends in middle earth!
Character: Squig the level 21, (as of posting), Hobbit Burglar.
Age: 20
Preferred server: Brandywine
Location: NY, Eastern timezone.
Playstyle: Prefer single group PvE or PvP. However I'm a very casual, laid-back player who just wants to have fun. (I'll get a bit competitive in PvP, I'll admit :D ). Always glad to help and join the guild in their endeavors. Very turned away from a "hardcore" agenda. I'm here to enjoy the content of the game, and socialize and get to know my fellow kin! I enjoy RP and will take part if others are, but it's not a requirement. As of right now I spend most of my time in game in a duo with a RL friend (19 Guardian).
MMO games you’ve played: Mainly DAOC and Wow...but also Lineage II, Planetside, Ragnarok, Vanguard :(... and some others without much time invested in them.
Why kinships should be interested in me: As said before, I'm laid back, friendly, easygoing and mature. I'm pretty good at these games too :D. I understand group mechanics in PvE and PvP very well. Been playing MMORPGs for about 5 years now. I'd consider myself to be a great asset to a casual guild. You'll never see me argue, be offensive or get angry in game, because it really is just that.
What kind of kinship you are looking for: A casual, social group of people who are here to enjoy the game. Looking for a kinship who keeps it fun, without letting things get in the way of it, (group wipes, PvP loss, item drops). As long as the kinship has some direction for advancement, I'm happy, whatever it's pace may be. I'm also looking for a medium sized kinship, nothing too big where it takes away from the intimacy between people. I'm here to make friends and play!
Thanks for reading. Feel free to PM me, or in game via mail or tell!
Name: Ruby or Glorian
Age: 38
Server: Landroval
Location: EST
Playstyle: RP Preferred (See Below)
MMO games you’ve played: WoW, DDO, EQ, EQ2, DAoC, CoH/CoV
What We Offer a Kinship: I bring 3 other players (whom I live with) with me, all of us are knowledgeable of MMOs in general and consider ourselves to be friendly, easy to get along with players as well as bringing different strengths to the table:
One of our number is very good at the statistics and the number crunching end of a MMO and tends to be a good reference for determining things like how to get the most out of a given class/item ect. And is very good at sharing this knowledge without seeming like a know-it-all.
I tend to bring organizational skills to the fore and tend to be the leader of our little band. I've run various guilds in other games, and been an officer in many more. Though that's not what I'm looking for here in LotRO, it does give me an understanding of the overall how's and why's of a guild or in this case Kinship.
The third of us is a very easy going and nice overall player who enjoys raiding, PvP and is very competent at both.
The last of our number (and not the least by far) is an expert on Middle Earth Lore and loves crafting in all games.
What kind of kinship we are looking for: RP preferred but not essential. What is essential is a friendly, outgoing and tightly knit (what used to be called 'family type guild') that we can feel at home in. Where we can make friends, play the game at our own pace and not feel pressured to 'progress'. While we wish to see the end game, we don't want to have to level up at a certain speed or commit to mandatory raiding times and a kinship that will let us simply enjoy the game with them would be ideal. Also a Kinship that allows all races and classes is a must (see below).
If myself and my friends seem like people who might fit in your Kinship, or that you'd like to know more about, please PM me here. We're still figuring out which classes each of us like to play best so I can't quite commit to character names as of yet.
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Shaylric, Human Captian
Age: 21
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): Arkenstone
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): California, PST
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.): Since it's summer, I have a lot of time to play, so I'll be on a lot.
MMO games you’ve played: FFXI(short time), WoW(couple months), and other ORPGs such as PSO, PSO:BB, PSU, Diablo II
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I'm a very loyal and friendly person. I've been in a lot of guilds/kinships in all of the the ORPGS I've played, and I'm always considered to be one of the top members in terms of participation in events and online activity.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters) I'm looking to get into an active kinship with an already established member base(or one that has a fair number of active people). I'd prefer a kinship that really has some goals for the game such as going in future raids and fellowship questing. I guess what I'm trying to say is I'd prefer a more serious kinship as opposed to one that was just built for casual gaming without really any goals.
Thanks for looking and hope to hear from some good kinships! XD
Name: Gronks, lvl 18 dwarf guardian
Age: 16 (But I am a mature player and will act mature)
Server: FireFoot
Looking for: an all dwarf kinship
Character: Boags, Level 13 Elf Champion
Age: 21
Server: Firefoot
Location: Australia (eastern States)
How often do I play?: 2 or 3 weeknights a week usually between 7pm-10pm and most weekends.
Playstyle: I like to group when possible but don't mind flying solo. Big fan of instances.
Experience: WoW (2 years), bought this game last week!
Vocation: Explorer, I would be quite happy to supply crafting materials to other members as long as the favour is returned :D
What kind of kinship you are looking for: Casual kinship with members around my level, would like to group as much as possible with kinship members. Mature but fun loving kinship.
This is exactly what I've been looking for on the forums.
Character name and race: Elendyne (female elf champion)
Age: 18 in real life
Server: Windfola
Location: I'm on EST, but that's all I'm going to reveal online.
Playstyle: I'm pretty versatile in terms of playstyle. I just started the game the other day, and so far I've done mostly solo play with a few experiences in fellowships. I love both, however. Since I'm not experience in MMOs, my style is to follow the lead of other, more experienced players and support them in battle.
MMO Games You've Played: This is my first one, but so far I'm loving it.
Why kinships should be interested in you: While I'm still learning the ropes of MMO games, I do offer a high level of maturity (I don't spam the IM channels, I don't cuss, and I try to respect other players.) and the willingness to take advice, constructive criticism, and orders (By orders, I mean ones given in combat). Once I get more proficient in this game, I would be more than willing to assist new players because I know how beneficial it was for me when more experienced players devoted some of their own valuable time to help me for nothing.
What kind of kinship are you looking for?
I'm mostly looking for a kinship with a relaxed, casual atmosphere that emphasizes community and comaraderie. I would be perfectly happy in a mixed race kinship or one with only elves. I need a casual kinship because I will be going back to college in the fall, and that will seriously hamper the amount of time I can devote to this game. However, my summer schedule is pretty open.
PM me if interested!
Character name and race: Rhank - man champion (23) on Silverlode
Age: 40 - yes the big four oh!
Location: Pacific Time - normally early morning (4-7AM) and weekends. Very little if no play after 7-8PM due to real life commitments although there can be exceptions based on planning.
Playstyle: Solo, group, crafting, wondering, casual but serious when the need be. I Raided a few times and found the intensity exciting but wouldn't want to do it everyday.
MMO games you’ve played: WoW and EVE online.
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I don't know since I've never been a member of any form of Kinship before. I am helpful person by nature and don't mind puting in the the effort. I am a studious, observant, rational, effective, helpful, careful, mature, considerate, and obliging person.
What kind of kinship you are looking for: Something that is casual by nature but serious when the need arises. A kinship where I feel that I could help out and receive help as well. A place where I feel we "knit". My gravest concern is that I wouldn't fit since this is new to me but I'm mature enough to accept critisism and understand it will take some time and effort before friends are made. I don't mind a little RP as it can be fun but become bored by extreme RPing.
My playstyle:
Questing - I usually read all of the quests written works excepting for those - run here - run there or gather 10 warg hides quests (I skipped the water carrying quests). I like to be efficient and effective too but will alway stop to help someone out.
Crafting - I normally reserve a few hours to gathering ingredients and then "grind away at it". I find the mining etc to be a little boring but view it as a necessary evil and I get excited about the weapons to be made. I think crafting adds value to the game although it can be frustrating (if there is one thing that will make me leave LotRO it will be the hard to soft metal's spawn rates).
Roaming - Sometimes I just gather my things and decide to visit a place I've never been seeing what adventures I could have along the way. A relaxed way to enjoy the various scenery and options.
Regarding the Lore: In my early teens I read the Hobit followed by all the Rings books and a few others. I have also seen the movies - both old and new.
Thanks for reading and I hope to hear from you.
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Kyrlin (but considering a new character)
Age: a youthful 40
Preferred server(s), if any.: Meneldor but would consider switching
Location.: EST, East Coast, US, New England
Playstyle: Light RP and casual banter / comedy is good, Tolkein fan since the late 70's, mature but not stodgy, respectful, group play preferred; could make one or two nights a week after 8:00 pm a regular thing, advancing quests (endgame possibility), not sure about crafting
MMO games you’ve played: just D&D Online (MAC Guild - Oeric lvl 10 Cleric)
What do you offer kinships?: good cooperative player, smart, fun, usually reliable, not afraid of voice chat technology
What kind of kinship you are looking for. Light RP, fun, mature, people (with kids like me perhaps), no objection to younger players as long as they are not jerks, not too much zerging, tolerant, smart unique individuals, but NOT "perfectionist" hardcore players who have memorized all the tables/numbers and look down on people they consider amateurs.
Hello and well met....
Regretfully, I find myself seeking a new home. While my existing home is full of very nice and friendly adults, sadly there seems to be an ever increasing reluctance of its memberships to group together. And, that is one aspect of my profession that I enjoy the most.
Therefore, I find myself about to set forth on a new road. A road in which I hope to find like-minded souls that realize that it isn't all about the loot, but the teamwork. That it is more fun to work with others than to endlessly solo. That have a healthy balance of real life with the game, yet actually have goals in both. I seek a kinship of adults, who behave like adults. I seek a kinship that is active and growing, and is east-coast US playing hours friendly (say 8pm est to midnight??)
I am not a hard core player (been there, done that), but I am on most nights.
If you know of a possible new home, please send me a private message.
PS - there are a few alts of various levels that may also come over with me
PPS - yes, I posted this elsewhere in the kinship section, having missed this thread. Sorry about that.
My character name and race : Candyzheng (Captain - lvl 48)
Age: 34
Preferred server(s), (Nimrodel)
Timezone 0800-1400 USA time, 2000-0200 Aisan time
Location: Hong Kong / China
Playstyle. group for East Angmar quest, PvE, PvP, RAIDs,
other I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game
MMO games you’ve played: only shadows of Angmar
Why kinships should be interested in you:
I am willing to help my lower lvl kinmate for any quest.
What kind of kinship you are looking for.
(1) Looking for fellowship for east angmar quest
area inclued Carn Dum / Nan Gurth/ Himbar / Imlad Balchorch / Urugarch
(2) Looking for fellows for Raid quest on Helegrod / Ettenmoors / Angmar
I'd like to get into a kinship. I"m 22, new to this kind of game. I'm goin with a human hunter and i've been playing around in the brandywine server. I'll be playing mainly on Mon-Wed all day. I'm enjoying the game so far, heard its better with some buddies.
Your name, Barron
Age: 70 plus
Preferred server: Open as have played on 2 so far and feel that I need to drop the existing attempts and restart.
Location. Pacific Coast time zone, Play times generally 9-12 noon and 1 thru 4 PM. Eveninging usually reserved for my wife of 40 years.
Playstyle: As this is my first Multi-Player type game, (Played computer RPG's since1988),Solo and hopefully fellowship with the Kinships members when the need for felowship play arrises either by myself or other members. Casual, end-game, RP, crafter if you all would show me the way
MMO games you’ve played:Just LotRO since the second Beta.
Why kinships should be interested in you:
I offer an ADULT view of commradery as having served in the U.S. Navy for 21 years thru the end of WW2 thru most all of Viet Nam before getting a gut full. This teaches Kinship and fellowship if nothing else does.
What kind of kinship you are looking for.
Purely a Kinship that will take 3 new toons and assit them in delevopment and allowing this two fimger typist who scrambles his letters when in a fellowship fight to be overlooked.
A fellowship that role plays. That does 'not only' think of attaining high levels; but of just playing together when ever possible and having "FUN".
Have played as a Minstrel /Guardian and Hunter. As a Dwarf / Hobbit and Elf.
[Name/LVL/race/class] Tirara, Level 16 Hobbit Minstrel
[age] 21
[Preferred Server] Silverlode
[location/time zone] South Eastern United States, Central time zone
[Playstyle] Any, I haven't decided on one. Preferably crafter, casual, group.
[MMO's I have played] World of Warcraft, Regnum online, Runescape, Maple Story, Scions of Fate, and a couple others I have forgotten the names of. :)
[Why should you be interested] I enjoy helping those lower level than me, I don't spam up boards with annoying chatter, I tend to be reliable in battle, I am a healer, If you need an item or money than I'll give it to you (although I'm not a charity case), I'm just playing the game to have fun, not to fight, create havok or to advertise any junk on it and most and foremost, I am mature and do not curse. Oh and one more thing, I try to be literate and not tak lik dis cuz no1 can undRstnd wat ur sayin.
[What I'm looking for] A layback guild that aren't super power-players that like to leave players like me in the dust while they constantly raid. (Been in some of those guilds) I would really be intrested if the guild held events and even rumbles with other guilds just to make things interesting. Right now I'm just trying to see what's out there and will try to answer back as soon as possible.
Private Message me if you think you fit my discription and if I fit yours! :)
Just got LOTRO last week.. Lvl 20 Minstrel already in a Kinship. I am interested in starting a new character (class unknown as of yet) and playing with other people new to LOTRO. I enjoy and appreciate the help I get from my Kinship (Swify and Hammo) .. but would also like to be in a Kinship with another character with people that are experiencing areas/mobs/quests/items for the first time and share my excitement! :D
Your name, or character name and race: I'll probably try Dwarf next
Location: Ohio / EST (i usually play 8pm or later weeknights.. scattered weekend play.. sometimes 5+ hours straight --sometimes not... usually depends on golf weather)
Playstyle.: I'm 50/50 on all of this.. like to solo & group.. like to play casually but I always try to achieve something everytime i login.
MMO games you’ve played: ROSE, 9 Dragons, Tantra, Dungeon Runners
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I'm mature yet goofy -- helpful yet mysterious -- competive yet laid back -- intelligent yet ummm..?? -- easily amused yet yearn for new adventures... I will contribute to a growing kinship in whatever ways good kin-members would be expected to!
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): New-ish Kinship... All members fairly new to LOTRO (2-3 weeks)... no current end game members... as I said at the top... I would like to share the experiences of LOTRO with other first-timers...
RL name, character name and race: Jesse, Ekodus Elf.
Age/Level: 23 years and lvl41 minstrel.
server: Brandywine
Location: Long Beach, Ca UsA
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.): Well I'm a mixture of Solo, and group. Done the Hardcore thing raiding 6/7 days endgame/raid content.
MMO games you’ve played: EQ1, EQ2, very little SWG, 1.5Yrs WoW, and some maxed CoH/CoV toons.
What kind of kinship you are looking for: End game oriented guild thats not completely hardcore. Been taking my time leveling my character but should be close to 50 by the middle of next week. Though i live on the west coast my playtime hours lean more towards eastern time. work at night and have school on monday and wednesday.
Name/LVL/race/class]: Emowyn, Level 22 Female Captain/Glynriel, Level 16 Elf Hunter
[age]: 40+
[Preferred Server]: Arkenstone
[location/time zone]: South Central United States, Central time zone
[Playstyle]: Group and solo. Prefer casual as opposed to hard core raiding.
[MMO's I have played]: World of Warcraft, Everquest, Everquest 2, Guild Wars.
[Why kinships should be interested in you]: Mature, reliable, dedicated player. Past experience as guild officer in Everquest.
[What I'm looking for]: A casual atmosphere that doesn’t emphasize hardcore raiding. I’m looking for a kinship that does things together and has fun doing so. Since I play toons of different races and classes I’m looking for a kinship open to all races and classes.
Please contact me in game if you feel I can contribute to your kinship.
Name: Chris
Age: 38
Toon: Severence/lvl 10/Elf Lore-Master
Location: Texas-CST (I play at all hours of the day, varying times are not a problem for me)
Servers: Main-Silverlode/Secondary-Brandywine
Playstyle: PvE/PvP (later on)/willing to try anything really
MMO's I play: City of Heroes (3 years)/WoW (1 year, but don't play anymore)/Guild Wars (1 year)
Why Kinships would be interested in me: Mature, non-griever, very helpful with what information I know, been co-leader for 2+ years in the favorite Supergroup in City of Heroes (Infinity Server 2 years in a row) and 2nd favorite Supergroup in City of Heroes (Entire game) yes, I am bragging :P
What I'm looking for: Mature players, looking to team and have fun. I'm new to LOTRO, but any level of experience in the Kinship matters not.
PM me here, or in-game if you think I would fit in with your Kinship.
I currently have my own kinship but wouldlike to see if anything else is out there! I am looking for a kinship that is fairly big, very friendly, mature and helpful with active raids and parties and with a good website that has very active forums! I won't really settle because I don't see the point of leaving my own for a slightly better or the same as my own, I want a really good kinship with all of the things listed above. I am an expirienced gamer and have been playing LOTRO since December in closed beta. I have a 27 Champ, 19 Minstrel and 16 Hunter. Please send me a pm on the forums, talk to me in-game (Gimlond, Blodo, Celebrand) or send me an email at mapleleafs4life@gmail.com
I currently play on the Landroval Server, I'll join rp or not, either one and I play around 10+ hours a week. 25 years old and live in Toronto Ont, Canada.
Thanks :)
LFK on Elendilmir
Main Toon: TruthOrDare, 35 Guardian
Alt Toons: Mixelodian, 32 Minstrel
Collateral, 12 Hunter
Live in California, -8 GMT
Play mostly nights, however sometimes on during the day. Not a hardcore player, but play regularly between business trips and/or vacation.
Looking for a Kinship that has a good support group of players for group quests. Any vault trading system, or bank system, would be a bonus.
My experience in MMORPGs started with a South Park episode (j/k). I started with Asheron's Call, and migrated to other games from that (SWG, Guild Wars, WoW).
Hello all, looking for an RP kinship on Gladden.
Baisael, Elven loremaster historian living in the Shire. Full history and personality, which I will go into detail for a rp kinship.
Sigvaldr, Human Captain visiting the dwarven lands studying armor making. Also full of rp elements.
Me: Jason Swallow, 27, Baltimore MD. Play about 5 hours per day when I can. Little experience with playing MMORPGs, a bit of a number of games for a research paper I wrote for law school on selling characters for real money. Over 10 years of classic tabletop RPG experience, hence my coming to LORTO for a role playing experience.
Your name, or character name and race: Eorlwyn lvl 15 Human Minstrel Yeoman, Bergalad lvl 13 Human Captain Explorer
Age: 50.. whatever limit you have, I'm over it. The higher the better. :+)
Preferred server: Windfola
Location: FL US EST5EDT
Playstyle: Primarily to play and enjoy, rather than BEAT the game. I'm ok solo, but I recognize and accept that for a lot of things, a group is required.
MMO games you’ve played: none. [BG/NWN/PnP]
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?:
I've played in an FPS clan for over a year, crafting is what got me interested in LotRO, I help out when and where I can, can kill my share of Mordor scum, and try to be a team player, even though I never even heard of aggro till I got here :+). GM Farmer.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters):
Mature Tolkien bigots. :+) :+) Ones who wouldn't even look at me if I was named FragU2N00b or such. 25 years ago I could sight read Tengwar, but I'm pretty rusty these days, need to read the trilogy again a few times.
Your name, or character name and race : Aiwen, 43 Elf Lore-Master
Age: 27 M
Preferred server: Landroval
Location.: Manitoba, Canada, Central Time Zone
Playstyle: Mostly just questing, but up for anything fun.
MMO games you’ve played: WoW, SWG
Why kinships should be interested in you : I am a fun, chatty player who enjoys to RP on occasion, but doesn't take anything too seriously, because it's game after all.
What kind of kinship you are looking for : I'm looking for a casual guild to help with some of the late game quests, because I'm having a hell of a time finding groups now. Always willing to help others as well. I will be interested in doing some PvP eventually.
After spending lots of time on WoW, Guildwars, Eve online, Vanguard I've arrived
on Silverlode server here.
What can I offer: I have become hooked on teamplay after starting online games so I offer the willingnes to fit in, pull my weight in making a kinship work, put the team success ahead of individual advance i.e fast levelling. As of today I have in game Holderlin, Minstrel 12; Furtoe, Hunter 12, Gunnedah, Loremaster 11, Feolori, Guardian 6.The healer role is the one I am most familiar with from previous gaming.
What do I look for: A friendly group of people who share my love of groups/fellowships which work, believe in being polite in disagreeing and charming in agreeing. People with a warm sense of humor which take the term care-bear as a compliment.
When do I play: My time zone is Central Australian and I play during day time mostly which corresponds to evening and night in the US.
If you think I am right for your fellowship pls contact me ingame on Silverlode
Your name, or character name and race (if known): I have a few lowbies, i'm still pretty new
Age: 29
Preferred server(s), if any: Will start new if i have to
Location. Ohio, EST
Playstyle: Casual, for fun. I enjoy crafting and grouping. Basically, the reason i like MMOs is because of the community.
MMO games you’ve played: UO, DAoC, CoH, WoW, etc etc
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I'm a pretty friendly guy who likes to contribute to the community. I always offer help when i can.
What kind of kinship you are looking for: I'm looking for a friendly kinship with a strong sense of community. I don't need a powergaming kinship, or the biggest kinship, but i hope to find the kinship who's the most fun.
Your name, or character name and race (if known): jenibobeni - Guardian, Cleothryth - Captain
Age: 27
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): As of right now the only server I have played on is Winfola
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): Michigan which is EST, but I am on at all times of the day and night so it doesn't really matter what time zone other people play on because I will probably meet up with them at some point
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.): I perfer to play in groups whether their levels are above or below me doesn't matter. I also enjoy crafting and at times will play solo if I cannot find a group.
MMO games you’ve played: this is my first and I am hooked!
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I am very easy going and am willing to help anyone who needs it. If I have items in my inventory I rather give them to someone who needs them versus sell them to a vendor. I am on quite a bit and for many hours at a time so I am not one to get into a group and only get done what I need to get done. I will stay and help others with what they need as well.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): I am looking for a kinship that is not hardcore. I do not want to feel pressured to level up, although that is my ultimate goal and do not want to feel like I have a time limit with it. I am big on community and would like to join a kinship that interacts a lot, not only with grouping but with helping others in chat as well. I would like to be apart of a fun group. Thanks :-)
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Phyrefoot lvl 39 Hobbit Burgler. (yeah, yeah, but I chose the name before I knew there was a firefoot server :) )
Age: 29
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): Firefoot (go figure)
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.):PA, however I play mostly late at night, so EST timezone doesn't really matter.
Playstyle: Mostly solo, PvE, but that's because ppl from my kin aren't usually on at the same time I am.
MMO games you’ve played:This is the first, but played lots of single player rpg's (Oblivion, Diablo, etc)
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): I'm looking for a somewhat organized, laid back, mature kin. I usually play from about midnight to 6am EST, and I'm on 3-4 nights a week. I'm currently in a good kin (Shrouded Destiny), but unfortunately it's rare for others from my kin to be on at the same time as I am, so I'm looking for a kin where there will be others around when I'm on. I'm at a point where there are fewer and fewer solo quests, and while I sometimes manage to put a good group together for stuff, it's nice to have kin mates that you know.
While I enjoy using voice chat, I'm also fine with not using it. I'm definately not looking for a kin where I'll have to listen to a constant stream of foul language from a kin mate.
I'm a team player in the kin, and I have no problem leaving what I'm working on to go help out kin mates.
Your name and race: Alyxor - Elven Champion
Age: 18
Preferred Server: Gladden
Location: EST - Maine, USA
Playstyle: RP, PvE, PvP
MMO games you’ve played: Guild Wars, The Matrix Online, EVE Online
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I am fun-loving and humorous. I will always be willing to do whatever is needed to better a given kinship. I feel as though I can be a major asset to any organization, and can dedicate myself fully to any given task. I promise to represent any kinship in only the best of lights.
What kind of kinship you are looking for?: I am looking for a kinship that has dedicated members and looks to be an influential part of the LOTRO community. I wish to make a name for myself and my kinship (should I be granted access).
(edited) - found kinship :)
Your name, or character name and race (if known):
Hi. My character's name is Lisabeth- elf champion (18 level). second character is Lizriel- elf hunter (11 level). Brandywine Server.
Age: (some kinships have real life age limits)
I am 33 years old.
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.):
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, etc.):
Right now, I mostly play solo and join others in the area for fellowships.
Mostly casual. I usually can play in the early morning around 6am to about 8am and around 2PM to about 4 PM.
This is my first MMO. I tried WOW for about a month. Liked it, but decided to go LOTRO.
My main character is an explorer. Lizriel is a armsman.
MMO games you’ve played:
This is my first MMO. I tried WOW for about a month. Liked it, but decided to go LOTRO.
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?:
Though this is my first MMO, I have done well enough. Lisabeth was undefeated till about level 12. I enjoy playing with others, but like soloing just as much. Get along with others. Laid back. Like to help.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters):
I am looking for a mature kinship. That is laid back and helpful. Who likes to play for fun. Family oriented would be nice.
I am in a kinship now, but not a good match for me- they are very experienced.
Hello. I am a 31 Guardian named Varin and my girlfriend is a 31 Hunter named Faywin. We play on Brandywine, and are looking for a kinship for questing and later on, endgame content.
We were previously in a kinship that, though large, did not have a good range of levels, and no one seemed to group together except the highest players. Therefore, we would like to join one in which players group together frequently, instead of forming cliques.
Thanks for your time,