Warg: Fin- some noteworthy ones membrane/suddenmaul/erazer
Warleader: Crum/rugh/theshield
Reaver: murz/reaverface/orcules
Defiler: to be updated.
Black arrow: to be updated.
Spider: urmomsayshi/gandedhis
Edit: Spelling errors
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Warg: Fin- some noteworthy ones membrane/suddenmaul/erazer
Warleader: Crum/rugh/theshield
Reaver: murz/reaverface/orcules
Defiler: to be updated.
Black arrow: to be updated.
Spider: urmomsayshi/gandedhis
Edit: Spelling errors
Warg: Snick
Warleader: Crum
Reaver: Murz
Defiler: TBU
Black arrow: Hood
Spider: urmomsayshi/gandedhis
Updated list-
Defiler- Jvarasura
Spider- Urmomsayshi/Gand
War-Leader- Rughbok/Crumb
Once again updated list:
Defiler: Jvar
Warleader: Rughbok
BA: Pyrometheus, Ashtonkutcher
Spider: Big difference in playstyles here, Arachnophobia is a pain in the butt to 1v1, but in landscape I don't fear him as much as I do Expel or Gand. They have lower morale pools, but are more dangerous.
Reaver: With the departure of Zerg, Grish, Murzer, and Reaverface kind of all three way tie it here. Zargbash is pretty good too.
Wargs: Erazer and Gurbursh are nasty. Membrane is quite good, too.
Warg: eliminate is the only warg that sticks around to fight and doesn't run.
Reaver: Marzuls reaver
Defiler: Bebette (spelling?)
War-leader: muzzo, until I xfer back
Black-arrow: twerkforinfamy
Spider: urmomsayshi
Current best I've seen, in my opinion, since I've been back.
Defiler: ratnor unless ronk comes back