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The problem is my fault, that my 5man can hold off 10 terrible creeps using no coordination? So that makes it okay to bring 24+ rather than 12-13? The whole point was when they lost more than once, their numbers just increased by 100%, because obviously incremental group size increases risk still losing. Simple fact is when they bring 24 or 30 or 500, we're not "getting a few kills" we're getting nothing, we're not even getting fun, it's just boring to play, it's laggy and you're CC locked for the minute or so you live, while all your DPS can do absolutely NOTHING to out-dps their heals.
Balance the classes evenly, for the love of God this needs to happen, because then finally they can put something in place that stops zerging like getting -1 points per kill when its 4x numbers.
I'm sorry but it's not MY FAULT that creeps need more to kill my groups, the fact they suck is also not my fault, and I don't control Turbine's balance system. I'm a full advocate of them being on par with freeps the split second we get some sort of system in place that means they won't still bring 24 to fight my 5man. Because quite frankly without that, they still will.