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Sadly you need zero Finesse and 0 Physical/Tactical Mastery to hold aggro. Once you get a monster down to between 90-93% of its Morale remaining a single forced taunt will keep the monster glued to you for the remainder of the battle (myself and @Arathaert have run tests proving this); excluding other game mechanics such as where the tank receives a debuff that causes them to lose aggro while the debuff is active.
No tank can complain that they do not have enough dps to hold aggro, the sad state of the game allows forced taunts to do all of the tanking for you, all that tanks have to worry about is staying alive and avoiding special attacks.
Wardens just need to spam their taunt gambits alongside gambits to buff their defences, avoidances and self heals and woolaa they are tanking, they do not require dps to hold aggro.