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Can you not all realise that this is possibly the worst news for a lord of the rings fan? !!
If you truly love Tolkiens world and want to enjoy it, then another big corporation player is seriously BAD!
Here is why...
Scenario : Amazon release a quite successful game and SSG take a hit in numbers... SSG lose staff in a round of lay offs. Lotro becomes worse for it. Story telling, world building etc etc all slows down dramatically. Eventually Lotro hit Maintenance mode or near as d@mn it. Amazon game trundles on for a few years and then, as corporations do, they shut it down...(as Warner did) and then where are we?
There is no SSG this time to pick up the pieces and carry the torch... So, the net result is that we have no world to play in or at best two worlds that are in maintenance mode with no more cool stories...
Everyone who says "great, SSG need some competition"... or "I can't wait and hope it is great" are really short sighted...
SSG cannot compete with the likes of Amazon...
If you really love Lotro... this can't be anything good
If you really love Tolkien. this can't be anything good
Curiosity though will drag most of us over but I hope that this is just another flash in the pan... and the inevitable Amazon game shut down is before the point where Lotro goes under.