I'm bringing My Orc friends for a party of our own!
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I'm bringing My Orc friends for a party of our own!
Butter, scraped across too much bread.
Gold Hobbit Present
It's almost time to celebrate Bilbo & Frodo's Birthday! What are you bringing to the party?
Hobbit feet
Contrary to any plans for fun I might have made, I have been informed that I will be bringing the Missus.
A barrel of good Old Toby. Bilbo & Frodo must miss them!
Nothing. I'm not invited.
I will bring pipe-weed to make everyone feel better and a barrel of honey for taste
My finest birthday suit.
a nice bundle of lembas bread, that should last the hobbits for a few hours
My cheery disposition
Dwarven tiger-striped Speedos and a lamp-shade. :)
A Beorning's wrath...
Everyone in Middle Earth, after all it is nearly the fourth age and what better way to bring in a new era than a huge party for ALL!
Gariel maegnaith Gil-Galad,
Thôl palangennin, ann-vegil;
A giliath arnoediad
I will bring my laptop so I can play Lotro :)
gollum as my +1
Delicious Barrow-brie Cheese Cake!
Athelas salve, in case anyone gets hurt or sunburned.
A ravenous hunger.
A positive attitude and an unquenchable thirst!
Oh, and BEER!