For those of us who are computer knowledge deficient, how does one switch form 64 to 32 bit launch?
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For those of us who are computer knowledge deficient, how does one switch form 64 to 32 bit launch?
Thank you so much :) it worked ! only difference was mine showed defaulted to 32 bit tried it, didn't work, checked off 64 bit (new) and it's working fine! can't thank you enough, I even uninstalled and re- installed game and still didn't work before you replied! TY so much :)
We have added Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x64) to the launcher pre-requisite list. It should (as of now) automatically download and install this package the next time the launcher is executed on your machine.
Well, other than the instant withdrawal symptoms, that's reassuring -- I didn't screw my client up somehow.
Not that this helps with the immediate problem :(.
ETA: Switching back to 32-bit, inasmuch as it's clear I'm doing that with the weird options GUI on the launcher, didn't fix it. It seems determined to download 64-bit C++ no matter what.
yeah,TY for response,I am not computer literate when it comes to all this stuff , ( in my 60's :) ) but got help from forum that worked, all fine now, just don't understand why everyone was saying they could log in on 32 bit not 64, and when reply came back to me on how to change from 64 to 32, I was defaulted to 32, had to change to 64 (new) then all worked smh, but all good now, tyvm all
My mac is also stopping on the Visual C+ message.
Any one figure a way around this by chance?
Guy near the end of the thread has a work around -here,
Although if you need to relog you have to do it all again.
Morning, So I'm still having this issue of the launcher just vanishing when I try to enter laurelin , downloading this hasn't worked for me.
Any further advise ?
Lenova G50-45 laptop
Windows 10 64 bit
Ram 12 GB
Total Phy Mem 11 GB
Available Phy Mem 7.57 GB
Total Virtual Mem 12.6 GB
Sorry I'm not a tech person , 32 bit is fine , its just 64
January, 2020
It seems this is still happening
I was able to log in via x32 without problems (besides performance) and I read all of these wonderful things about x64
I re-launched with the x64 box checked and it instantly dropped me out of the queue and back into the login screen.
Windows didn't even suggest that anything tried to launch.
I tracked down the lotroclient64.exe and ran it to figure out which .DLLs I was missing.
Downloaded the missing .dll and then instead I got a generic "0xc000007b" crash.
Reset settings, rebooted, ran as admin, compatability for win7, downloaded the MS redistributable packages, and every combination of such, nothing worked.
Screw it, I'll just grit my teeth with the frame drops and loading times, thought I.
Checked x32 box again, and it instantly dropped me out of the queue and back into the login screen.
At the time of typing this, I am reinstalling the game since otherwise LotrO is genuinely unplayable owing to my attempt to try out the x64.
Anyone else still having this problem, or just little ol' me?