I'm not sure I understand what you're seeing, but I did find I needed to update the way it copies the Songbook plugin file.
I'll send you a new copy to test.
I'm not sure I understand what you're seeing, but I did find I needed to update the way it copies the Songbook plugin file.
I'll send you a new copy to test.
BRay, I cannot get your script to run ( getting a syntax error ) for the one you sent me in PM.
Thur, your script runs and compiles the files except, it only makes the files available for a single player that first logs in, on that account. all other characters on the account get that message I posted above.
It seems something is corrupting the Songbook layout file, not the song list data.
If I delete the songbook layout one, and log in a different character I can load songbook for that person, but then if I switch back to the one I had it working on before I get the error etc etc.
I feel that we all are "almost here" to get this working, but, as it currently is It doesn't help me, when I need to switch characters.
I have concert in a bit in lotro, so I'll hold off testing more, til the concert is over though hehhe.
once again thank you both!
Okay, well, I finally figured out making a link, so here's my mods to Thurallor's script.
If you copy it to the Plugins/Chiran folder and run it from there, it probably will not have to prompt for Music or PluginData folders. For example:
I've found double-clicking in a GUI file browser has issues.Code:$ cd ~/Documents/"The Lord of the Rings Online/Plugins/Chiran"
$ perl discover_songs.pl
Good job, BRaymarK!
Everyone should use BRaymarK's version from now on.
In our band there was someone who had a mac and same issue, so we solved it rather simple:
Zip up your music folder, send it to a friend, who have windows, let him run songbookfiller.exe or songbooker.exe.
Have your friend send over the resulting file back to you. (SongbookData.plugindata)
Put it in the right folder, and voila.
Might be irritating if you are to do this procedure several times each day, but worked for us.
We distributed our music zip with that file included, so the mac users had easy access. :)
You two did good work :)
Thank you,
This last version fixed things right up, no errors, and I was able to log in other characters as well and use Songbook without error!