Dungeonman, yu gits two (2) innernetz an a pie.
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Dungeonman, yu gits two (2) innernetz an a pie.
I gotta be honest, the first time I saw this thread I thought it was rather gay.
But... I dunno, maybe it's because I'm a cat lover.... after awhile... (and this is difficult for me to admit) it sort of grew on me.
To the point where... I *sigh* made some of my own...
Here you go
Should prob save for an actual downtime, but we just had one recently enough
And here I add my 2 internetz together
(jokes from this site)
YES those ones are full of WIN!
My feline companion didn't feel like doing anything cute or degenerating into gibberish, so all I can offer is this message she did want to put across.
Where did you find the source picture for the lynx? It's great.
This is a RIP for one of my fav pvp tribes, plus, this guy just looks hilarious.
lol nice one!!
Holy finger in a light socket, dude.... :eek: :p
Nahh, it's just an Angora desperately in need of grooming.
Personally I think Lionheads are adorable.
I think its dead
Wow...thats kind of a...buzzkill, good job.
since now anniversary is over.