This one is so funny Lady in Red.
"is it can be not nom-noms tiem plz?" had me laughing so hard that my coworkers came in to see what I was laughing about.
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This one is so funny Lady in Red.
"is it can be not nom-noms tiem plz?" had me laughing so hard that my coworkers came in to see what I was laughing about.
LOL Those are great! Shelob! muahahaha
Lollerskates, AWESOME Lady in Red, A+!
Ha! We managed to get the devs to do them!
Now our evil plan has borne fruit!!!!
the next new LotRO class: the LOLCat!!! Yey!!! :)
Jes Wun Moar beefoar ai goe aweigh foar teh weeken'
Nice work Lady_in_Red.
One of our 2 cats.
Sorry, I can't get it to post inline and am a noob at this. :)
And once again I use lolcats to promote my own threadz
Glad to see this thread found a new home! Although not a regular, or ever really, contributor to this thread, I have been a long time reader and enthusiastic fan of this thread. I was very sad when I logged on tonight and didn't see it in the sticky section of General.
Whew, still here, still going strong..thankfully.
Keep up the good work!
What can I say? Wet Cat=Evendim. Iz too good to pass up.
That wet cat looks like he has fallen under the sway of Sauron. :( Another kitty gone bad.
lol some great ones, keep'em coming :D
Coming soon...
someone needs to do one on the tdm and bk14
This last one goes out to my kinmates- who, for the past, um, well, quite a long time, have been complaining every time they unlock another deed...
Its actually quite amusing: and yes, I've set them up quite a number of times (hehehe)
(me)"Here, lets go kill this!!"
(them) "Ok..... $@#$!!! Another deed!!!"
(me) "tee-hee-hee!"