Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Name or character name: Kilain (65 Guardian) - Solos (65 LM) and others
Age: 40 + Son aged 13
Location: uk; gmt timezone.
Server: Laurelin
Playstyle: Enjoy, Skirmishes, questing, raiding and Solo for when I can't find groups, but prefer to be in groups of similar level people. Enjoy working through the books as they are released and would like to be in a Kin that works through em actively.
MMO games you’ve played: Played Rift for a bit but prefer LOTRO
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: Mature active player with 13 yrd son who also plays, enjoy helping others with difficult quests. On uk server I used to do Great Barrow runs for lower levels (fastest time was 15min, both parts, thats pre instance/skirmish mods) Massively active crafter, maxed in all areas across all my alts, basically I can craft anything. I have done plenty of raids and dont mind passing on special kit someone is particularly after. Good knowledge on all the bassics like aggro, pulling, main tank, off tank, etc.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. Mature and active kinship, willing to take me and my son on, which you wont regret. Were not to heavy on the RP aspect more interested in the actual game itself. A functional website would be advantage with a roster for raiding or item gathering. A kinship that will help it's members is a must. And generally a nice bunch of folk to hang out with and enjoy the game with.
Just let me know
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Your name, or character name and race (if known): I plan to play a Warden of the Rohirrim on whatever server I find a kin on.
Age: 17, although I've been mistaken for someone far older several times.
Preferred server(s), if any: Landroval or Laurelin, but any server with active RP and a friendly (English-speaking) community is definitely a possibility!
Location: Virginia, U.S. East Coast, UTC/GMT -5.
Playstyle: Everything! I am first and foremost interested in the social and RP aspects of the game, but I also plan to involve myself heavily in all other aspects. I've been an avid PvPer and raider (albeit not full-time) on every MMO I've played, and would like to continue doing so in LotRO. I intend on exploring everything LotRO has to offer.
MMO games you’ve played: I have played Guild Wars, WoW, WAR, DAoC, Lineage II, a small bit of Ultima, Aion, EVE, DDO, an untold number of various F2P MMOs, and of course LotRO, on and off since 2009.
Why kinships should be interested in you: I am a seasoned MMO veteran with around seven years under my belt. Although I've mostly played healers in the past, I'm looking for a completely fresh start. I've not done too much with a Warden (or a tank in general) in the past, but I am a quick learner, and have wanted to become a tank for a long time (if only to know what tanks have to put up with, hehe). When I make an alt (it's always an inevibility for me ;)), it will most likely be a Minstrel. I am a fairly skilled healer in both the PvE and PvP departments. Aside from mechanical skills in-game, I am a long-time Tolkien fangirl and writer. I love to RP and have done so in nearly every MMO I've played. I'm used to playing a more evil character (I have played and written of a Drow from DnD and a Chaos woman from the Warhammer IP in general most extensively), and as such, I feel that the general good nature of the Free Peoples will be a nice challenge and reprieve from the doom and gloom I have been used to over the years.
As far as personalities go, I am a very relaxed individual. I do my absolute best to avoid drama, and I most definitely keep it out of kin-chat. I can be a bit of a chatterbox sometimes, but am fairly quiet unless spoken to. I adapt to my environment very well, and tend to talk or not depending on if a conversation is going on around me. I am more reactive in conversations and RP than proactive.
What kind of kinship you are looking for: A social, friendly RP kin with an RP style suited towards welcoming and accepting a (somewhat disgruntled) Rohirric lass. Although an Eorlingas/Rohan-based kinship would be preferred, I am most certainly open to anything. :)
Please PM me on the forums!
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Baravon Captain
Age: (some kinships have real life age limits) 18
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): Landroval
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): California PST
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.): RAIDs, END-GAME, Group
MMO games you’ve played: Guild Wars
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I am a very experienced player as a Captain. I have been playing since the beginning of the game. I have been in 2 kins for most of the time. The Kins were Order of Middle Earth and Titans. I was an officer in both as well as a raid leader in Titans.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters):
I am looking for a smaller DEDICATED End Game/Raiding kin, with people who want to play this game and are succesful at it.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Nyzorlas (Elf-Hunter: Lv16 atm)
Age: 13
Preferred server: Nimrodel
Location. : No TZ-preference, I live in Central (US)
Playstyle. Solo<group, hard-casual (read-on), time limited (2-3hours/day) , crafter
MMO games you’ve played: DDO WoW Runescape
What do you offer kinships?: Activity (4-6 days a week), general friendliness, good-natured (forewarning-sometimes sarcastic) humor, willing group-worker, and Armsmen Vocation.
What kind of kinship you are looking for: Supportive; I can Solo fine, but help/groups are appreciated/preferred. Wide-Ranging; I do need some help in areas like crafting or Instances, and that doesnt work if we're all Armsmen or DPS. Friendly; No Verbal or Emotional Assualt, I'm at a tender age (<-example of my sarcasm ((sorry if you don't think I'm funny))). Hard-Casual; While I love playing, I have real commitments (ie School, or Sports) and Kinships should respect that.
--...THIS GUY!
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Hello i'm looking for a kinship.
First,i'm leader of a Kinship , but for some reason I had to break it and looking for a new kinship .What am i looking for: Kinship players will be attending, and the instance should be active in the game, frequently to attend events such as the skirmish, as well as social, warm-blooded, it is important that likes to help.
My Character Status :
Preferred Server : Winthywindle
Nick : Sysmicnova
Level : 59
Class : Champion (i'm very care my character he's got very nice armour , morale , and of course DPS )
PlayStyle : Hardcore DPS !!! , i like tactical moves and never attack without a plan , i like strategy , i can command a group with my plans i think got some kind of leadership skills :P
---And about me--
Name : Berk
Age : 24
Location : Sanjose State
if you want to contact me , please use /tell or game mail system .
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Your name, or character name and race: Not sure yet, will be making a new character
Age: 28
Preferred server(s), if any.: Any server really. Looking for a place to call 'home'.
Location. : USA CT, eastern time
Playstyle. : I mostly solo but enjoy the communication with other players like myself. Since i'll be creating a new character, most of my time will be spent soloing until I get to a level where I can group with my kin mates.
MMO games you’ve played: Asheron's Call, WoW, SWG, DAOC
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I'm a mature player that likes to have fun. I can RP but I know when to joke around. I can be chatty at times so hope thats not a problem :-P I've been playing Lotro for a few weeks now but have grasped the basics very well.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. : Looking for a casual small - mid sized kin. A kin that has players at least some players on when i'm online. Please no 'ghost town' kins. Also would like a kin that occasionally does events such as questing and instances. Since i'll be making a new character i'm not too interested in endgame. I know there are some players that move from kin to kin, but i'm looking for a place that I can settle down for a while.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Character Name: Mohegan (Level 49 currently)
Age: 18
Server: Brandywine
Location: Green Bay, Wi, USA.
PlayStyle: Group Player, PvE, PvP, Raids, Etc. I don't RP.
MMO's Played: Eve, GW, WoW, AoC, and Lotro of course.
What do you offer kinships: I am a ready and able leader who is very informative about end game content when I've had a decent amount of exposure to it. (Haven't played endgame since Moria was released though) I'm very helpful and will offer aid to others.
What kind of kinship you are looking for: A medium-large sized kinship focused on teamwork. Also I would prefer a mature kinship but additionally willing to cut back on formalities every now and than. Website/Vent/TS are not necessary for me as they don't affect my gameplay. I would also appreciate organized raids, instances, etc.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Wyndwyrdyr, Dwarf Champ lvl 43, Rymdalas, Elf Lore master lvl 28.
Age: 39
Server: Gilrain
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.):UK GMT
Playstyle. :solo, groups for instances/skirmishes. FTP pretty much entirely so I grind away at deeds to earn my expansions
MMO games you’ve played: only a bit of runescape before this (late starter!)
Why kinships should be interested in you. : I play most days to unwind after work so I tend to be on fairly consistently in the evening. I'm older and pretty mature. I'm pretty helpful - I don't mind taking time out from what I am doing to help other folk with their quests etc. I want to do more instances especially GA, GB, Fornost and Annuminas ones on both my characters. The only time I won't join an instance is if I know I need to go offline soon and would be deserting the team. I don't like letting people down - even if it is only a game. I'm fairly taciturn so I won't clog up the chat channel with drivel and inane ramblings
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): one that is online when I tend to be (1900-2200 GMT). One that does instances at my sort of level. Not much point being in a kinship that is all lvl65 raiders and PVMP while I'm struggling through the lower levels. At some point I'm going to start crafting which I have largely ignored up to now so a kinship that will help me with that would be good too. Most important thing for me tho is being able to find a bunch of players to do all those troublesome fellowship quests with as I get so frustrated running around areas with no-one in sight to team up with.
Send either of my characters a tell in game and I'll have a more in depth chat to see if we're a good match.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Meredil, Elf Lv 65 RK, Borofir Lv 65 Guard.
Preferred server(s), if any: Silverlode
Location: CST.
Playstyle: Solo, Raid.
MMO games you’ve played: tons
Why kinships should be interested in you: I've got two 65 characters and I'm very interested in being serious about raiding end game content.
What kind of kinship you are looking for: RAID RAID RAID RAID RAID, PvMP, RAID RAID RAID RAID RAID.
/tell me in game.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
About me:
-Professional adult female, plays weekends and evenings (after 7pm servertime)
About my character:
-65 Lore-Master, focuses on CC/support
-Supreme Historian with Scholar Guild and all recipes
-Successfully completed most end-game content/raids (OD T1 complete, Vile Maw, etc.)
-My hobby is thinking outside the box, for example completing T2 Northcotton farms with a hunter and burglar
My ideal kin:
-NOT on Brandywine, Crickhollow, Dwarrowdelf, Elendilmir, Imladris, Landroval, or Riddermark - I'm looking to transfer to a new server and these worlds do not allow transfers at this time
-Lots of raids, instances, end-game content, occasional PVMP
-I'm looking for a kin with a regular raiding schedule and one that has room for me to participate right away (I'm not looking to sit on the sidelines because only a select few get a turn to participate in raids)
-Friendly, social people are a must - I have no desire to join a kin full of a bunch of dudes cussing each other out on a daily basis
My current server is dying. Our kin has lost half it's members to the Rift game. We used to do raids almost every day and now we struggle to get a group of 6 together for a PUG on a Friday night. I have no problem transferring servers if I find a good fit.
Thanks in advance for suggestions!
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
My name is Hornayast - I'm a lvl 49 human burglar.
I normally play on Meneldor at various times usually between 1 and 8pm US EST.
I prefer to play in groups and I'm looking for a Kinship with folks interested in fellowships and raids.
I'm always ready to help someone with a quest, etc. Just want some consistent people to team with.
If thats your kinship please send me and invite :)
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Belethelion - Race of Man
Age: (some kinships have real life age limits) 29 Years Old
Preferred server: Crickhallow
Playstyle: Newbie to the game.. currently doing solo but love to do instances or raids..
MMO games you’ve played: WoW, Ragnarok Online, RF Online, Allods Online
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I don't have anything to offer yet.. I'm a newbie an i'm in need of help specially with tutorials on how to play my character well in groups
What kind of kinship you are looking for: Friendly and a lot players always online
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
I am looking for a closed knit group of people who likes each other and play regularly and raiding as their preference with no drama and respect each other. I can understand RL is important too; But no activity for a long duration for over two three months will make me sad and alone. I have vent and can talk as well :) (though it might take some days for you to get used to my voice :P due to different accent)
Age: 25
Location.India, GMT+5.30. I am working as well in weekdays. Usually the server night time raids fall on my mornings. But I can wake up and raid. Not a problem. If we need to raid daily; then it will be difficult to stay past 12AM server time all days. If only one or two raids fall on weekdays that needs me after 12AM; then I can manage work (by opting for WFH or going late for office and compensate by staying late. No big deal)
During non-raiding times; I love to group up and do stuffs anywhere. Even moors.
Prasanna - Man Champion - Well geared. Please check my lotro page for inspection
Lambryt - Man Captain - moderately geared; but raid ready.
Currently working on a RK, lvl 49.
Have done almost all raids on champ/captain including OD (yet to see Gortheron and need to kill Ivar).
Please send me a PM here in forums or in game or send a tell If I am online if you want to have a discussion .
Thank you
Re : Looking for a Kinship
Hello, I've just started LOTR yesterday, and I'm looking for a kinship where most people are active at my connection time.
Your name, or character name and race (if known):
Age: 28
Preferred server(s) : Anyone, where server population got some french player ;)
Location. Québec, Canada , gmt-5
Playstyle : all thins, casual player
MMO games you’ve played:lots of mmo. Everquest, DAOC, Guild Wars, etc...
Im just looking for a kinship to make fun.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
my character name is chesterbrand and my real name is dave. Im 24 and live in the uk. I am currently on the laurelin server and have been playing lotro for a couple of years although i have never got to the highest level as i get bored and start a new character. I haven't played for a while and have started a new character and want to give roleplaying a good go. I have dabbled in the past but not very much. So i am looking for a role playing kin thats friendly and likes to help out and possibly even level together. hope to hear from someone soon.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
My name: Angeron, human guardian.
Age: 18 (seriously)
Preferred server: Ridermark
Location: Central time zone
Playstyle: I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game.
MMO games I’ve played: Runescape, WoW trial.
What kind of kinship I'm looking for: I'm looking for a fun, social, monster-slaying experience! W00T!
I'm a big Star Wars, lotr, and Red vs Blue fan.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Name: RL = Jon Game= Zsadist
Age: 18
Server: Vilya
Location: Georgia,Usa (EST)
Playstyle: Solo/PVE mostly enjoy grps when I can find them
MMO games you’ve played: WoW, Star Wars Galaxies, Silkroad online, Perfect World International, Age of Conan, Guild Wars, Star Trek Online, Vanguard
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I'm a dedicated player I'm online usually 6+ hours a day. I enjoy being part of a community and helping others when I can.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): I'm looking for a friendly community. I enjoying being part of a "family" when I play games I look for camaraderie in a guild.
I played lotro a long time ago breifly and just came back to it since it is free-to-play. I'm currently a low lvl hunter although as much as I game I"m sure I'll level up in no time.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
RL Name:
Character Names:
Luriwen, 65 Lore-master
Luriwyn, 65 Runekeeper
Lurieth, 65 Hunter
Luriel, 65 Guardian
Luribeth, 38 Minstrel
+ some low lvl alts
36 yrs old
Type of account:
Portugal [GMT]
PVE / Prefer to play in a group doing quests and/or helping out while having fun with kin mates. I'm kind of a casual player although I can spend several hours logged in. Mostly evenings and weekends.
MMO games you’ve played:
Age of Conan, Aion and Lotro since Beta
Why kinships should be interested in you:
I'm a nice, friendly, mature and helpful person. I've been playing Lotro since beta but I took a break a few months ago due to some health issues and I am now ready to come back, therefore I need a new place to establish myself. I wish to lvl up my alts and be prepared to the "Rise of Isengard". If I can do this in a kinship with a group of kin mates, the experience would be even better.
What kind of kinship you are looking for:
I am looking for a laid-back, fun, friendly and helpful kinship where we can level together. A mid-sized kin would be good, with a fair number of players always online in order to be able to chat, have a few laughs together and group up for fellowship quests, grinding deeds, etc. Not interested in PVMP. Not into raids and endgame content at the moment but it doesn't mean I won't help if I'm needed. Basically I am looking for a place that I can call home. :D
Looking forward to hearing from some kinships out there,
Lu Bloodmoon
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Real life: John, 17 years old, upcoming university student (law studies), born in Hellas and unfortunately still lives there, fluent english and mediorce french speaker, mature, easy-going, helpful.
In game: PvE experienced hardcore raider, no time limitations, fond of endgame content and progressive gaming, sufficient knowledge of each class (have leveled up every one of them to at least 40), best at burglar/minstrel, not really a fan of lore and rp, does craft for raid purposes, hates dwarf hunters.
Here's my story shortly. I've been playing since beta. Had no MMO experience previously. Tried different servers, kinships, created hunter, then minstrel, then burglar, all lvl cap, completed every PvE challenge the game had to offer except from OD, had to delete everything 3 months ago because of rl issues (i judged i should stay away from MMOs at that time - i know it sounds weird but i had too much pressure on me with university admission exams and a variety of other matters through which i won't go here). I'm back for a fresh start, willing to power level any character of any race in order to fill a raiding spot of an endgame, pve focused, semi-hardcore or hardcore kinship in any english-speaking non rp server. I'm not searching for a kind kinship to help me quickly level a char by clubbing and providing advice. I'm interested in a well-organised kinship with a friendly environment, serious about its goals, a raiding shelter, so that i won't be walking around once i'm 65 getting wiped to the end of our times with pugs.
If you match this description, which i doubt, cause the ones who do don't use to ''waste'' time searching these forums and the minority who does has no reason to trust someone like me, well, reply giving me a link and some hope.
edit: Kinship found in Snowbourn, thanks for the interest.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Okay, I'll be honest: I'm a total n00b. This is my first time ever playing an MMORPG, though I've played a few offline RPGs like Dragon Age and really enjoyed them.
Anyway, my point is that I'm looking for a casual, beginner community with a kind, helpful atmosphere. Large communities scare me since I'm very shy, so I'm looking for a smaller kinship if possible.
Character: Balela, human, Level 17 Guardian (I'm working on it...)
Real-life Age: 20-year-old female
Preferred Server: Vilya
Time Zone: Central Standard Time (-6:00 GMT?) But I tend to be on at weird hours...like 4am.
Play Style: Solo mainly, but I'd like to do group. Just don't expect me to have a strategy other than...you know...hitting things with my axe. C:
What do you offer kinships?: I'm mature, well-spoken, I learn quickly(ish), and I'm willing (and eager!) to help out when I can. I'm also online 8+ hours a day and I don't mind trading extra items or gold. And did I mention that I can hit things? Plus, my character has a nice butt. ;D
If interested, please let me know~
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Hi, I'm a level 16 Elf Champion on Meneldor, I'm looking for a friendly kinship with experienced players who can give advice
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Melendi - Dwarf - Champion 44 main, Karmak-Dwarf-Guardian 31 alt, Petalo-Hunter-Elf 42 alt
31 years (adult player)
Interested in instances and raids, hight end content and crafting.
i've played DAoC (6 years), WoW (3 years)
Im looking for english or spanish Kin.
Im f2p player with Evendim, Moria, currency cap, riding, Angmar, AH etc..
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Name or character name: Not sure yet
Age: 60
Location: CST - MN
Server: Melendor
Playstyle: solo, fellows, instances
What do you offer kinships?: I'm Prospector, Metalcrafter, Weaponcrafter.
looking for crafting cooperation, to pair with warden, I'll provide pelts to turn into tailor mats, will trade for ingots or money, etc. My server is Melendor.
What kind of kinship you are looking for.: Relaxed & mature, no kidstuff.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Mi nombre es Rubén, y busco un kin español rolero en Laurelin. Tengo un pj nivel 65 en otro Kin (inglés) pero me gustaría que mi primer alt estuviese en un kin en el que poder hablar en castellano.
Edad: 34
Servidor: Laurelin
Location: España
Playstyle: Solo, grupo, skirmish, PvE, RAIDs, instances, RP, crafter, etc.
Busco en Laurelin un Kinship español, maduro (nada de adolescentes flipadetes peleando por ver quien alcanza el 65 en menos tiempo), "heavy roleplaying" que organice eventos, instances, etc roleadas, en el que poder jugar tranquilamente sin prisas por subir de nivel, disfrutando del roleo y del juego con calma y en grupo.
Qué puedo aportar: aunque no soy un gran experto en los MMORPGs, ni tampoco especialmente hábil, :-P llevo ya bastante tiempo jugando a lotro, soy rolero desde hace muchos años, siempre se puede echar una mano a la hora de organizar eventos para el Kin. Además me defiendo en inglés por si hace falta interaccionar con algún otro Kin y tengo un PJ 65 Cooker, Jeweller, Prospector a máximo nivel las 3, que puede echar una mano crafteando si es preciso.
Para contactar conmigo, un mp aquí en el foro o buscarme en Laurelin (mi pj se llama Sarunniel).
Hasta pronto!
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Main Character: Bunghimli, 59 Dwarven Champion.
Alt Characters: 39 Warden, 26 Hunter, 26 Lore Master, and others
Age: 37 male
Current Server: Firefoot
Location: Florida
Game Time: Varies. Typically Eastern U.S. evening times (8PM - 2 AM).
Playstyle: Casual Solo PvE up to this point. I just started a Monster Play toon and I'm very excited about PvP options. I am also interested in end-game content and Raids at some point.
Other MMOs: Active game play in EVE and Guild Wars. I quit WAR (Warhammer) and Age of Conan both a few years back due to performance (low-end computer) issues. However, I may try AoC again now that it's Free to play.
About Me: Casual gamer (and father of two young kids) that spreads time and enjoyment between different MMOs. I also play RPGs (D&D) on a regular basis. For these reasons I don't consider myself a "hardcore" LOTRO player. I tend to float between MMOs as interests shift.
What I'm looking for: I'd like to join a kinship so I can experience higher level content, such as Raids, PvP, and high-level fellowhip/group quests. I'm looking for other casual adults. What I don't like is being told how to skill/equip, or being passed over due to lack of skills/equipment, although this is much less an issue in LOTRO than in other games.