Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Characters :
Nemulias (main) level 65 Elf Guardian
Has every instance armour set in the game except Ost Dunhoth
Supreme Master Metalsmith/Kindred Rep.
Arenor (alt) level 65 Elf Minstrel
Also quite well geared, has most armours except Ost Dunhoth and DN sets.
Supreme Master Scholar.
Something of an experimental tankstrel build - does wierd stuff like this
somethimes. Outbound heal rating / power pool not as high as it might be because of this.
Farrowden (alt) level 65 Man Champion
Supreme Master Cook with Kindred Rep.
Second Age weapon , mostly crafted armour.
Rhoswith (alt) level 65 Man Loremaster
Supreme Master Tailor with Kindred Rep.
Crafted armour, doesn't play much.
Other alts - level 57 RK, level 51 Capt, level 28 Burg
Age: 38
Server : Evernight
Location : UK
I work 4 days on, 4 days off across a 7 day rota, doing 12 hour shifts. I'm in the GMT timezone but even on my days off i prefer raid starts earlier rather than later if possible.. by 22:00 i'm starting to feel tired.
Playstyle :
Up till Ost Dunhoth i've been a pretty keen raider, but the guardian set doesn't appeal that much and i don't think my minstrel would be accepted there. I've only been there about half a dozen times and am concerned about my lack of experience.
I like running 6 man instances and want to collect all the rare jewellry drops before Isengard launches!
MMO games you’ve played:
Only LOTRO! I've been in the same kinship since 2007, sadly, the leader has left and most of the core players left. The kin is trying to reform on a casual/social basis but i'm really missing the endgame instances, the 3 man and 6 man level 60+ stuff.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Your name, or character name and race: Ethelid of Rohan
Age: 26.
Location: England.
Playstyle: New here, so only running around on my own at the moment.
MMO games you’ve played: None.
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: Can't really offer anything special to others as I am only just starting out..
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): Casual kin, active members.. Maybe small amounts of RP... Above all, I just want people to chat with (and learn from). At the moment the game is just another single player rpg for me.. :(
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Your name, or character name and race: Evanesco, Elf Hunter
Age: The Driver's License says 20 years old. Inside I'm much older.
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): The one with the right Kinship.
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): Central US Timezone
Playstyle: Solo, group, PvE, Raidss, casual, end-game, RP (never tried it, but LOTRO seems the place to do it)
MMO games you’ve played: In chronological order; Runescape, Anarchy Online, Everquest 2, World of Warcraft (still playing)
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I love making people laugh, but cheap laughs are a realm I don't subscribe to. Genuinely enjoy offering other people a genuinely enjoyable experience earmarked by loads of laughing. Because I've been playing MMORPG's for well over 8 years and I know how their frameworks function and their basic inner workings. I know how to play a dps class very well and I love ranged/pet classes, combinations of the two are my bread and butter. Bows and arrows are where I live. Also been told I have a smashing English accent.
What kind of kinship you are looking for?: The kind that isn't stupid, but has a major focus on good company, good values, treating people like people, inclusion, and who are open to questions from someone new to the game, but veteran to the game type. Also, a Kinship that enjoys the feeling of working with good friends like a well-oiled machine to bring down something that's trying to kill us.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Main Character: Eriferth - Capt (61)
Alt Characters: Just a bunch of low level chars
Age: 31/m
Current Server: Crickhollow
Location: WI
Game Time: Varies pretty heavily, some weeks I can play quite heavily in the evenings (7-9), some weeks I barely get to log on. Every now and then I'll play during the day and/or weekends.
Playstyle: Very casual. Because of my erratic hours I've almost exclusively leveled solo. I've recently been wanting to try more raiding/group content.
Other MMOs: FFXI
About Me: I'm a programmer from WI.
What I'm looking for: Looking for a large kin wherein I can experience raiding, etc. Due to my unpredicable schedule it would be ideal if there were PUG style raiding events.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Looking for an active, raiding and end game instance kinship; OD, BG, DN and 6 man instances.
ign: secretasianman
i have a few characters, my main is my 65rk and my 65 champ. Im looking to do some end game instance and other 6 man instances routinely in the game. Im 35, play casually but know how to play my toons. Im on the Brandywine server and usually play in the evenings and weekends. Please let me know if any of you are recruiting. Thanks
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Lorhir En Galad, human, Lore-Master
Age: (some kinships have real life age limits) : 32
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.):
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): I'm located at Germany
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.): Mostly I play solo but I don't like this at all. I prefer to be in group.
MMO games you’ve played:daoc, Diablo II...
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I'm at lvl 62 with Lorhir and I believe I have developed a lot in order to be able to assist a kinship, plus that I also can contribute by making weapons for low lvl members so they can go ahead the game faster, easier and with low costs.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): I'm at the point that I want to do some raids mostly and learn to act in raids. I learn easily and I like to exchange my points of view with other experienced players. I'm located at Germany as I mentioned before so I play a lot during morings. From 6:00 until 12:00. Hopefully there will be a kinship out there that is fitting on my free time schedule. To contact me in-world send a message to : Lorhir En Galad. The server I play is Snowbourn
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Your character name and race: Amitiel (11, Elf Champ), Csapok (45, Human Guardian), Kabooter (22, Dwarf Champ).
Age: 30
Server: Laurelin EN-RP
Location: The Netherlands
Playstyle: Solo, Group, PvE, Casual (limited for time due to work and other commitments)
MMO games you’ve played: (still active sub) WoW, EvE (previously): DAoC, WAR
What kind of kinship you are looking for:
I've just returned to Middle-Earth after being away for quite some time (last time was just before MoM came out), and even back then I was quite a newbie.
Mostly I enjoy questing and achievement hunting, but due to time constraints I simply do not have the time to log in every day. (my girlfriend would kill me!)
What I am looking for is a social guild (not a dying 8 member F2P guild). It doesn't have to be massive, it would just be nice to have a place to hang out and chat, and perhaps ask some questions if my newbishness gets me in trouble :-). An RP guild is fine, but a.) I don't have the time to RP (though I will respect the RP guidelines) and b.) I feel no desire to have to roleplay in kinship chat and ask which button I need in my best Sindarin ;-).
Feel free to buzz me online on one of my chars.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Class: Minnie
Name: Henry,
Game name: ilovecheese
Race: Dwarf
Age: 18 in2 week
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): Vilya
Location. : Gmt if possible
Playstyle: soloer atm got 50 in 1 week and 5 days but hoping to be an endgame raider
MMO games you’ve played: Wow, runescape, guild wars
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: Because im a hardcore player thats aiming to be the best minnie on vilyas currently ive earned lvl 50 in 2 weeks not 2 weeks playtime but 2 weeks irl time, im organised know how to play my class how to build my class i already have my trait build setup have a good idea what armour i want aswell and im hoping i can find a kin that has similar goals and enjoys endgame raiding
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): Raiding/instanceing
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Your name, or character name and race: Evanesco, Elf Hunter, level 30.
Age: The driver's license says 20 years old. Inside I'm much older.
Preferred server: Landroval
Location: Central US Timezone
Playstyle: Solo, group, PvE, Raids, casual, end-game, RP -- never tried it, but LOTRO seems the place to do it, and I'm really looking for a good RP place to be.
MMO games you’ve played: In chronological order; Runescape, Anarchy Online, Everquest 2, World of Warcraft (still playing), Rift/LOTRO
Why kinships should be interested in you: I love making people laugh, but cheap laughs are a realm I don't subscribe to. Genuinely enjoy offering other people a genuinely enjoyable experience earmarked by loads of laughing. Because I've been playing MMORPG's for well over 8 years and I know how their frameworks function and their basic inner workings. I know how to play a dps class very well and I love ranged/pet classes, combinations of the two are my bread and butter. Bows and arrows are where I live. Also been told I have a smashing English accent.
What kind of kinship you are looking for?: The kind that isn't stupid, but has a major focus on good company, good values, treating people like people, inclusion, and who are open to questions from someone new to the game, but veteran to the game type. Also, a Kinship that enjoys the feeling of working with good friends like a well-oiled machine to bring down something that's trying to kill us.
I want to get into RP'ing because it just looks so damn fun. I have a backstory I've written for myself if anyone would like to read it as prerequisite material or the like. It's independent, and just biography style. I'm not intricately familiar with Tolkien or Middle Earth, but i'm familiar with the genre and it's rules, and I can use them to effect when I want to RP. I just want a place where i can get into it with good people who aren't exclusive to a race or class on the Landroval Server.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Your name, or character name and race (if known):vardas, human champion
Preferred server:brandywine
Location:USA -6 timezone
MMO games you’ve played:world of warcraft,star wars galaxies,runes of magic,lotro,runescape
Why kinships should be interested in you?:when im in a kinship i'm extremely loyal to it. i'm also very flexible to most needs of a group such as a kinship as i've played wow and managed and been a guild in it. i'm also extremly random and good for livening things up.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters):i'm looking for a casual guild (prefferably one with 'gondor' in it's name) that loves the game but doesn't take it too seriously, overall i just want to have fun in a kinship because i find it's easier to quest when im not completely by myself. (talking to fellow kinship members)
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
name pawel
name of charecher:atri
race/class: minstrels 4 of them men hobbit elf dwalf
(can start a new minstrel on anothere server but i want doo raid the time 11pm in swedish time 23.00)
age: 29
Preferred server: all
Location sweden
Playstyle raid/solo/group.
MMO games you’ve played only LOTRO
Why kinships should be interested in you: i am frandly, helpfull person. love too do raid, quest, DEEDS. heal love it.
What kind of kinship you are looking for? i am loking fore kin how do raids 11 pm . 23.00 in swedish time.have fun.
like to join a kinship so I can experience my self better. and allsow doing allot of raids/quest/instances.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Your name, or character name and race (if know): Nantedild, Hobbit Warden
Age: 30
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): Preferably Laurelin (but if kinship is willing give some sort help to start the new character, I can also start on the new server).
Location: Finland
Playstyle. : Solo, Group, PvE, Casual, maybe also RP (I have no experience from RP style of playing, but if there is kinship which is based light style RP [No medium / heavy RP guilds] and willing to teach how to do it, then that is good option too)
MMO games you’ve played: Lotro, World of Warcraft, Runes of Magic and several smaller ones
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I am very loyal to kinship and I am very helpful / mature player. I have also tried all the classes, so I have some feeling how to play each class.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): Casual / Social type of guild. Maybe light RP style too. But no raiding guilds nor heavy / medium RP-guilds.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Your name, or character name and race (if known): exploder, human guardian
Age: 23
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): Arkenstone
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): Australian EST
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.): at the moment solo but i like doing group events nothing too hardcore and i mostly will end up playing in the evenings/ late nights
MMO games you’ve played: this previously when released, wow, bunch of other low key ones.
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: i would contribute a reliable helpful nature along with maturity but still remembering this is a game.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): just looking for a nice bunch of people to help with quests instances etc when i get to the end would like to do end game material.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Melcron , Melcor and one other can't remember whilst at work ;-)
Age: Late 40's ;-)
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): Snowbourne but considering a shift depending on population.
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): GMT BST
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter. Well tend to play solo and Group whenever called. Pve and dabble at RP not found a quality RP Kin to date. Eng-game mildly important. Don't mind instance repeats to level kin members. Enjoy the use of TS etc to get to know kin members.
Play mainly late PM Brit time and Heavy on the weekends.
MMO games you’ve played: Played Lotro from release. Rift, Small amount of Wow years ago.
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: Mature outlook. Once committed to a kin, i stay. Helpful and not scatterbrained. Not looking for a position of authority. Just want to have a 'FUN' time.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): Mature, Fun, 'ACTIVE', inventive, resourceful, group of people who don,t sweat things but can combine to provide powerful helpful groups when needed.
After a 6 month break i'm looking to return to a game and community that i enjoyed being a part of before. Its going to take a few weeks to work this new token shop experience out but i'm looking forward to it hence the research whilst i'm at work ;-)
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Adam Lashley is my real name, in game name is Larodacar, he is a Hobbit.
Age: 17, 18 in October of this year.
Preferred server(s), if any: Laurelin or Landroval (sp?)
Location: GMT. I am from England.
Playstyle. Casual, solo, group, RP (very interested), will raid when I can. Just came back and learning everything again!
MMO games you’ve played: Runescape, Guild Wars, World of Warcraft.
Why kinships should be interested in you: Very friendly, eager to learn about the game, very eager to participate in Roleplaying and I take advice on board and learn from peoples suggestions.
What kind of kinship you are looking for: A friendly roleplaying kinship, preferably, that won't mind that I'm basically clueless about the game since I haven't played in years!
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Name: Grezelda
Class: Lore-master
Level: 65
Race: Human
Age: 31 yrs. old
server: Firefoot
Location: Eastern Time Zone
Playstyle: group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, end-game.
I work in the morning till about 3 pm or 4 pm, off Wednesdays and Thursdays available in the afternoon mostly all the time. I have vent and team speak. I'm not new to the game (obviously) and I have a lifetime membership so I'm not going anywhere for a while. I started the game a week after it came out but recently came back from a break and have already pre-ordered ROI.
I keep things light when the group is raiding, questing, etc. in a low stress or minimum concentration required area, but I buckle down easily and am easy to get along with. I am usually the meter my co-workers tend to use when determining if a customer is unreasonable: "If he/she can't get along with me they probably weren't hugged as a child". I like to joke and have a good time but I am interested in end game raiding and pvp. I have much to learn but I do my homework if given a proper leader. I'm not stingy and will pass on gear if there is a need for it or if I have already got something. Finally, I do not complain or whine and I don't like drama.
I am looking for a kinship that is professional and forward moving that has members who strive to do the hardest content but still have the capacity to teach others in order to better the group as a whole. Example: " So and so needs this heavy armor it would be a great boost for them. Let's go get it!" I got post 666 lol
Thank you for your consideration :D
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Name: Risthon
Class: Lore-master
Level: 65
Race: Human
Age: 32 yrs. old
server: Nimrodel
Location: Central USA time Zone
Playstyle: group, PvE, PvMP, RAIDs, end-game.
Been playing for 3 years. Came back from leave to find kinship gone. Im in a VERY SMALL kinship. Looking for a kinship that is active and skilled at instances. I have 6 65's and am a skilled player. I want to remove GLFF for good from my channels, but right now that is all i can do to find groups. And poor groups at that. Im looking to help and be helped. Thanks.
My real name is DJ. PST to Risthon, Minastrel, Ati, Desiraen or Fundamentalsofdeath.
P.S. I am sub, not F2p
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Olá, possuo alguns personagens no servidor Arkenstone, sendo meu principal um Hunter nível 43 (o nome dele é Perennas), procuro uma kinship ou algum brasileiro que jogue por lá. Normalmente eu estou logado das 20:00 em diante (horário de Brasília).
Hello, I have some characters on the Arkenstone server, my char is a level 43 Hunter (his name is Perennas), looking for a kinship or a Brazilian who plays there. I'm usually logged on from 20:00.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
well a lilttle abour myself first I suppose - I'm 41 and ya I know thats like 150+ in dog years and even more prehistoric in gamer years gut what can I say - I'm 18 at heart if that counts for anything....
Gaming experience has mainly been with WoW for that last 7 years - I side track into DDO and EQ2 land every now and then and have accounts in countless other games - my sons are big on the "hey this is coming out soon" so we try alot of stuff when its released....
I've ran guilds - raided - pvp'ed - class officer ummm basically all of it in the past - I'm coming to LOTR mainly because I've just had my fill of WoW and so far in the week of LOTR I am loving the community atmosphere which is something I always detested in WoW
I am mainly a healer at heart - tanking class 2nd but in just about all games i usually take a liking to the hunter type classes the most....
I've started on Vilya i think is its name lol not real sure but its 3am for me too - I have a lvl 17 minstrel so far - could be higher but I've been taking my time and enjoying what the game world has to offer and just randomly exploring sometimes - I'm paid for the next 3 months and have pre ordered rise of isengard - I'm here for a good while not just a quick in and out
I am on disability and have extreme insomnia so I tend to play alot and sometimes it seems for days on end if my sleep is screwy
I am mainly interested in just a casual group atmosphere nothing too serious - that may change down the road I honestly can't say atm but I would like to group for stuff without alot of hassle - I'm used to healers being in demand but so far I haven't rncountered that and aside from a few persistent buttheads I really haven't heard from any kinships and I've only seen 1 or 2 advertising
well I won't ramble anymore - if you have any specific questions feel free to PM me on my minstrel - Hopeinfaith
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
About me: My name's Oriol. I'm twenty one. I'm Spanish and I love the world J.R.R.Tolkien created long time ago. I was a child the first time I read The Lord Of The Rings, when I was eleven. I've read all the Tolkien books and my favourite story, after the lord of the rings itself, is the one about Beren and Lúthien, in The Silmarillion. I consider myself a mature player, and I love roleplaying in the Middle Earth.
Character Name: Erethrorn [Captain - Level 31 right now] [Now in: Bree]
Age: 21 (22 next month)
Location/Timezone Preferences: I'm from Spain, I don't have timezone "preferences" but, I play since 18/19:00 UTC/GMT+2 and for four or five hours forward, maybe more.
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.):
My playstyle is highly oriented to the roleplay. I've been playing a lot of MMORPG but this is the only one I recommend if you want to do a good RP, even if I've been playing Lotro for about a couple of weeks.
I have no problem with playing in group (Fellowship or Raid), but I'll play my character the way he was meant to be played. I mean, my character is not me, and of course I don't do metagame. I don't use voicecomm(TS, Ventri, Mumble) except when in raid (and only to stay tunned about the commands [wich means I won't talk, but I'll warn my fellows about everything and I'll reply via in-game]). And my character is a little mistrustful about the others. He has a mission, and his letters to Rohan have no answer. He prefers to be on his own, but he has no problem helping others (a good thing to know if you want me in a fellowship/raid RPing).
My character is a rider of the Mark, sent to the North to gather information. He's not me, and I play "almost" always RPing just to be him, to be part of the Middle Earth. So you can't expect from me to be the social guy talking via the Kinship chat [wich doesn't means that I'm not going to talk via the kinship chat sometimes if needed or if you ask me something ;)]. But you can expect from me to read all the letters the officers, friends or other people, send to me via in-game, and to be active in the kinship forum's, if you have one, and the my.lotro forums. I'm not playing just looking for the end game. I'll not be leveling everyday. I'm playing to have a fun (and dark) trip through the Middle Earth, with friends, adventures and that kind of things.
MMO games you’ve played:
Ragnarok Online, Guild Wars, World of Warcraft, Age Of Conan...
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I'll offer my help to the ones who need it. I'm an active player [but with real life! ;)]. And even if I'm not english I think I have a good level so I can RolePlay without any trouble.
What kind of kinship are you looking for?: I'm looking for a medium-high or high/heavy RolePlay Kinship. Rohirrim better but, if not, there's no problem! A kinship that lets my character be as he is. It doesn't matter how much people there're in the kin. And it doesn't matter if they do a lot of raids or don't.
Erethrorn of Rohan, Guard of the Isen, rider of the Mark.
PS: Just in case, I'm subscriber, not F2P.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Hi, my names Deminan. i'm looking for a hard-core, end-game raiding kinship on Elendilmir. i have 6 lvl 65 toons, all raid ready (i don't expect to be able to use all of them). 3 have full bg armour sets and my hunter has 4/6 OD set. I am 32 yrs old and live on the east coast, USA. My raid days and times are any day of the week and/or weekends and times are anything that works for east or west coast players. i'm a competent (should i say good?) player who's easy to get along with and will put the good of the team first. I need a kinship thats mature and gets down to business. Please send me an in-game mail if interested.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Trilel - Level 65 - Minstrel
49 years old
I am on Elendilmir
Raids (I like to raid alot, played end game EQ1 for 9 years)
UO, EQ1, WoW, Aion, Warhammer, AoC and others (been playing MMOs since UO days back in the 90s)
Looking for a very active raiding Kinship and preferably one that does group content also.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Name: Minuette (Minstrel)
Age: 42
Server: Meneldore
Location: PST
Playstyle: Spend more time crafting than questing. I enjoy questing, but I could care less about leveling so I level on accident. Would rather meander around aimlessly than race to 65. My other favorite thing besides crafting is collecting clothes.
MMO games you’ve played: Scores. I've also worked on several.
Why kinships should be interested in you: I am very funny as well as courteous. I smell good, too.
What kind of kinship you are looking for: I need a kinship that doesn't mind if I am around less. This is because I am an altaholic and also play many games. I don't want a kin where everyone is focused on the highest levels or rushing to get there. Would like to be able to do some skirmishes and dungeon crawls.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Name: Vaenyr.
IRL: Edward
Age: 18 about to go to College
Server: Landroval
Location: Texas, so I assume Central Time
Playstyle : Played since Moria first launched. I've been on and off since that time but have recently returned due to F2P conversion (basically, I have the full game unlocked for me without the monthly fee)
MMO games you’ve played: World of Warcraft (never hit endgame), Warhammer Online, Rift, Conan
What kind of kinship you are looking for.: I'm looking for a casual kinship. Now, that doesn't mean that they don't do anything. By "casual", I mean that it's not required to raid 24/7 all the time and to be on a super-tight schedule. I've been playing since Moria and I'm only level 62 at this time (sooo close). For kinships like Band of Hope, yes, I am very Christian but I don't force my beliefs onto others and I respect any others as long as they can do likewise for me :)
I recently bought a new gaming headset and I have vent. I play a warden on Landroval. I've basically been a solo-oriented player just trying to level up, but I can see myself partaking in instances, skirmishes, or just kinship meetings. I'm not a really great tank yet. I've been considering rerolling into either a Rune-Keeper, Lore-master, or Minstrel, so if you really need one of those, I'd be willing to start over if I feel the kinship is where I belong. You can reach me in game through chat or mail. Please be prepared to introduce yourself and kinship rather than just throwing an invite. I'd also be willing to do an interview either through chat or vent. Thank you!
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Character Name:Irtesam
Preferred Server:Vilya
Location:Pakistan(+4 GMT)
Playstyle:i wanna be in the back shooting arrows while the others do meele :)
MMOs:Runescape(A bit),AQW(A lot),Magi-Nation(Not much),Armored Legion(Alot).
Interest:I'm always looking for Players to help me with bosses(Though i haven't met any).i also like to have pals to melee while i shoot from back.My skills as a hunter would be dead useful.
I'm looking for Kinships that travel Middle-Earth and level up and are kind.
P.S:I'm lvl 8 and am trying to lvl 13 before i move out of archet.