Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1.The character models and customization of the characters
game would be much better if the characters upper and lower body had the proper proportion and didn't look as goofy. More options of customization would give a more personal feel to the game and thereby make the game more fun. fix character movement the characters walk and run so awkwardly and plain goofy. its a shame lol
2.NPC appearance
they just look so bad and different from the characters
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
low level exploration of ME (maybe w/ a guide) for quests or any cause. to make the game feel more perilous like the books and similar to the epic adventure in the books.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. can't remember anything as of now
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. A better LFF tool, similar to the one seen in DDO, where you can actually select your quest or instance amongst a list of all of them. It would help if open Fellowships had their own tab in the social pannel for easy access. Compatible fellowships should be easily denotable over incompatible ones (i.e. clear or dark, just like for DDO). Player note should be easily readable and not cutted off, just like locations and quest name.
2. Better housing. I would like to see more choices on where you may place furniture, where you want to put your chest, etc.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
KvK (kin vs kin) pvp, where Kinships members can choose to battle with other kins on skirmish maps.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. Music. Would be nice to be able to play lute while walking between two cities/quests.
2. Slayer deeds. You can never finish them before you actually finish the quests in the area.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
1.Remove cooldown on travel to housing.
2. KOTOR-style combat realism, if possible, where our weapons/shields, etc., connect with same on mobs.
3. Make grinding for deed/virtues fun somehow :D.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. I do think housing has been put on the back burner for a bit too long. maybe add some more houses in exsiting neighborhoods, also maybe some type of crafting/profession specific storage ie a garden the could hold some crops that another of your toons could pick up when needed something like that.
2. Fishing/hobbies either some type of change to the mecanics, like maybe fly fishing :{D
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be? I don't know if this is what you are looking for but I would love to be able to chat with my friends or kinship without being in game. (using BB or Iphone)
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. Raiding/End game instances
2. I don't spend much time in the moors.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Originally Posted by
How it works:
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Housing. There are plenty of suggestions around - pick from them. Essentially the goal is to expand the Housing to make it more useful for all the items we're collecting as we adventure.
2. LFF Tool. We need something better that allows use to specify what we're working on, what we'd like to work on, etc. And it needs to work whether you're in a partial group or just starting a group - as in LFM or LFF.
Originally Posted by
How it works:
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
I seem to recall a lot of tech issues with the idea of physical presence - as in, not being able to run through other toons, etc. I find it quite frustrating that you can't set defensive lines, etc to stop melee attackers running through/past melee defenders (without negative consequences) to the back line.
So, while it might be impossible to do collision detection, etc, there might be a means to simulate something close to it. A form of "(Automated) Opportunity Attacks" or whatever based on certain conditions applying (whether it be PC or Monster).
Mob charges towards fellowship, the guard is out front, the hunter at the back. Because the hunter has grabbed "threat", the mob runs right past the guard and starts whacking on the hunter. The new mechanic would have some means for the guard to get an auto hit in (this stance or whatever would be a toggle the PC can activate, and probably should ignore facing at the point of actual attack) as the mob runs past. For tank type chars, the threat generated by this attack should be high. For others, it would be lesser, similar to their current roles.
So, with this auto-attack, it's possible to get the mob to switch targets to the tank, who can then proceed with getting on with his job, etc. And it would appear more as you would expect - the mob is attacked, comes in and has to deal with "obstacles" to get to the main "threat". And these "obstacles" could then become the main "threat".
Monster AI could be tweaked to this change. Rage mode/stupid creatures may just blindly do what happens now - and thereby take extra damage as they "crash" through the melee defenders.
Note: this *should* work on the flip-side as well. PCs charging into mobs to run through to some "bigger" threat should cop the same treatment. As a class advantage, I'd give some buff to Champions (AoE melee class) to reduce the impact.
Originally Posted by
How it works:
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. Raids/instances - It's getting to the stage that there's too much gating and/or grinding required to be prepared for some of the raids/instances within the games.
2. Group based activities. Sometimes, I'd like to do even "normal" quests with a bunch of people - not because they're hard, but because grouping up can be more fun (especially if you're on an alt doing the *same* quest for the nth time). It's just too difficult to get groups for this sort of thing and in general there's no real incentive for others to do it either.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Housing - More item placement flexibility
2. Taverns and Inns - Make them a place that players want to go. Add minigames, revelries, faster cooldowns of death penelties, faster cooldowns for travelling, etc.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Tavern Revelries!!!!
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. Chicken play - I love the concept, but have only found time to try it twice.
2. not sure.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. level increases. Stop increasing levels. Modify or updates the trait system to be more relevant to give players another avenue to improve what is currently a vanilla character design system.
2. Tradeskills - armorer, leatherworker and tailor. Allow runes to be imbedded into cloths, increases variability and improves character design opportunities.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be? Equipment enchantment system and a redeign of character traits that allows for greater variability between players
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. there isn't enough end game content to prohibit me from trying any of the other aspects of this game.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Visiting the Bard for traits. I think this could really use a bit of an upgrade because it takes a while to re-slot traits every time you want to switch them around. For people who switch roles (soloing versus group play) frequently, it would make the game much more fluid if we could click a button to pay for a pre-set trait grouping.
2. I would like more options for the housing system. Perhaps the ability to mount and show armor (perhaps a barter thing) and a way to add more wall slots. Windows in the houses would also be very nice; something to get some natural light into the buildings. Perhaps the ability to buy more slots for putting up furniture.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be? Mounted combat, definitly. While I think something like this would only come with Rohan, it's something I would really, really like to see.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. Raiding. I am something of a casual player and I wish I had more time to do some of the end game raids.
2. Deed farming. I am a completionist and I like to finish various acheivments, both recorded and not. I just never seem to have time to go back and finish everything I want to, especially the kill deeds that require hundreds of mobs.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1.I'd like LOTRO to have a better travel system. Either ports for all, or faster horses, or even a horse with a Sprint skill. It's ridiculous how long it takes a player to get from point A to point B then onto point C and D. I play my hunter and feel I don't enjoy my other classes because of the travel woes. Warning: do not start with a Hunter or you'll never want to play other classes due to the travel restrictions!
2. I would implement guides to be bought by all classes from trainers, and/or give a Horseman skill that provides a Sprint instead of watching your horse meander along like a drugged snail. There is no shame in providing faster travel for players who want to feel accomplishment before they grow old. Some players need to explore the huge map you have given us but don't want to due to the mundane slow-trotting horse they forked over $4.2 gold for.
1. Housing decor options are deplorable in this game.
2. Provide a macro that can be used to move a chair over 3 spaces, or a picture up 5 spaces, etc. Do away with hooks and provide a format where a person can hang up to 50 items, or whatever the total, inside the house, be it on the floor, wall or ceiling or anywhere in-between. This has been done in the original SWG game and was a hit. Allow all items to be used as decor, ie a sword can be positioned on a wall to look as if it's hanging, a set of armour can be placed as if on display, a pair of robes can be positioned as if they were curtains on your window.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
1. Create a way for a crafter to make stacks of 25 components in a FACTORY that is built on lots that allow for factories. Introduce factories where a crafter can add the needed supplies a recipe requires, then set the factory on auto and wait 2 days for the end result, for example a stack of 25 Lemba etc.
Doaway with the current HOUSING storage system and allow a player to store, in addition to their 5 inventory bags, 100 items inside backpacks they can equip and unequip and hang inside their home for storage. The regular home holding a limit of 300 items (ie, 3 full backpacks) and a deluxe house holding 500 items (5 backpacks). My husband said he'd be ok with this game if it just had more storage. A Tinker needs gobs of storage just to craft jewellry and food and therefore must empty bags before they can even load up the necessary ingredients to craft a batch for the AH, and even then that batch must be limited as there is no room for the end result due to so many components/ingredients taking up slots in your inventory! Currently the storage system is too ineffecient to enjoy gameplay as a crafter.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. AH's 2 day post limit. I think there should be a 5-day long option for a player to keep his goods up on the Auction House. Why? Because I don't sell anything in 2 days anymore! The Arkenstone server is so dead nobody purchases goods anymore. If I'm being charged a fee I want the exposure time increased to enjoy the fruits of my labor.
2. I never have time to enjoy the actual game before another content update inundates me with new zones, instances. I realize games change however if a player is not in a tight group of friends, they get left behind. In other words; many players like myself was promised help from kinmates in Angmar instances but then Forochel opened up so they went onto Forochel instead, so we were promised help after they got done with Forochel but then Moria opened up, we were promised help with Moria but then Mirkwood opened up. This is fine for that tight-knit group of 8 or 10 in each kinship who's sole purpose is to conquer and divide the freshest instance but many are left in the dust and do not get the needed help without joining a lame suicidal pick-up group of strangers who are rude or just plain selffish and leave you high and dry as soon as they get what they need from you! Too much emphasis on adding to the game without really ADDING to the game is going on. Instead, work to improve the game we already have and for once satisfy your ongoing customers who will willingly play the game given them without complaining that the map is too small or the instances are too easy. Take care of us who don't feel the need for new territories or instances just yet. Give us quality not quantity. Work on travel, storage, crafting and AH as well as combat balance, only then you'll have a huge customer base.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Housing - There are several substantive consolidations of housing ideas so I have nothing to add other than look closely at what has already been posted.
2. Crafting - See my sig. It's not self-aggrandizement. It's simply illustrative of a much more robust crafting system built closely upon the game's core crafting system already in place. Crafting is part of the itemization solution which could be resolved as follows:
A. Crafted comparable incomparables; slotted, customizable gear
B. Better raid comparable incomparables and much more of them
C. Rare comparable incomparable world drops
D. Salvage
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
THIS! ------> http://forums.lotro.com/showthread.php?t=86442. A fantastic, innovative concept for gameplay!
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. Music
2. Hobbies - We got off to such a great start with fishing, and then nothing. :( So much possibility here!
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. More crafting tiers & recipes! Also, I wish it wasn't a requirement to get to Lothlo (for example) to pick up certain recipes. I have some Supreme Master crafters that are only level 13, so getting to Lothlo isn't reasonable. I think those recipes should be purchasable at the Guild.
2. As a solo player, I can never get the Symbol of Celebrimor - there needs to be another way to get it other than a fellowship (or spending 200g on the AH).
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Default toggle skills. Hunters have a book they can slot so that a specific "stance" can be already on when entering the game, but I'd like to be able to see it with other classes. For example, the Warden toggle traits, esp. the run buff. This would be a big help for alts whose only purpose is to run the mats vendors, but it also helps if we have to drop out of the game suddenly in a dangerous area - when we come back in, we waste time turning our toggles back on while we're getting aggro'd.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. As a primarily solo player, I intensely dislike that I *must* have radiance gear in order to go into some instances with an occasional fellowship. Getting the gear essentially means doing other fellowships, so instead of it being casual, I have to plan it out. Yes, skirmishes can get you there, but it's a very long, repetitive process, and because I play at work, I can only infrequently commit to long fellowships.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Macros that allow for multiple keystroke capturing (such as capturing [shift][1] + [alt][1] + [alt][2] to run through a non-combat sequence). My Guard will often need to change gear/stance on-the-fly, but having to click all over the screen to get that done is a major hassle, often results in mistakes. I understand that this could be exploited to chain together immeadiate combat skills and might not be desirable, which leads me to the Question #2 answer...
2. Threat Display indicators make no sense. Blue arrow overhead, Red arrow overhead. What does it mean? Minimalistic is nice, but the visualization makes no sense. What does Blue mean? I've seen it on my Guard on a threat skill and on my Minstrel with a -threat skill.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
1. Quick buttons that allow you to switch between sets of gear and stances in a single click/keypress. This becomes more and more important when you fill multiple party roles. Even if it had a cooldown to stop players from rapidly switching back and forth, it would be a HUGE improvement.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. End-game raids (wipes take too long to recover from, learning curve/difficulty too steep)
2. PvMP Freep-side (too unbalanced)
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
I'm going to go with the common ones people are naming, but with different angles. Since they kinda transcend the named categories, I'm not putting them into any:
1. HOUSING: Yes, everyone is mentioning it. Yes, the placement hooks are restrictive. Neighborhood events and such would be great, perhaps festival events there.
One thing that needs to be done first is to allow for ACTIVE neighborhoods. Some joker bought the large house right by my kinhouse, then left the game. That was almost a year ago and the house is STILL THERE! We need some eviction here.
My solution here is to have some sort of neighborhood homeowner's association that can vote to evict people. Having a few hundred neighborhoods with 1-2 active players in each can NOT be good for your server space. Add a voting board in each neighborhood. If a resident puts up an eviction for a player that has not paid upkeep which goes unchallenged for a week, the house is abandoned and can be sold again. If enough residents vote to evict a particular person, they have to move.
2. Hobbies! Fishing could use an upgrade: Rare items occasionally fished up,etc. The thing that really need to happen is MORE HOBBIES. Having a hobby tab in several places with one hobby on it looks kinda stupid. There are plenty of suggestiong for hobbies already. Just pick whatever looks best.
Another quick two things:
1: Selectable level for all old dungeons would be nice. One or two loot tables for each level would be much easier than making drops of varying levels for each dungeon.
2: Some sort of auto-grouping would be great. It works beautifully in other MMOs. Putting your name on a list for a certain dungeon/skirmish/storyline instance would make finding groups much, much easier and really help bring the community together.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Old Instances - What you guys did with Garth Agarwen and the new horse and goat rewards are good ideas. Incentives to do these instances would draw more people to the game. Too many people are skipping ahead to Mirkwood, and alot of new players miss out on the opportunities of doing Fornost, Carn Dum, Annuminas, etc. It would also be a good idea to revamp the rewards and quests, or break up these instances like with Garth Agarwen. Alot of players often complain these instances take too much time, so breaking the instances up would allow more players to do them.
2. Cosmetics - It would be nice to have cosmetic shields and weapons. There are some great looking weapons and shields, but they're not always the best stats-wise. Also, other things like face-masks or quivers on cloaks would be nice to have. Perhaps combine a dye-able plain cloak with various quivers? Saddlebags on the horses and ponies? I always liked the goats because they carried tools, bags, and a latern. Makes sense, since apparently we can't have our bags anywhere else on our person. Also, I really want that pointy end on the Makeshift Ranger Mask skirmish reward removed. It urks me alot, and looks silly.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Siege weapons for the Ettenmoors. They were introduced with the Defence of Thangulhad skirmish, and I would really like to see the concept expanded. They would also introduce new strategies and types of playing. Having several creeps lay siege to Tirith Rhaw and bombarding the doors and the top using catapults and ballistae while freeps respond in kind with trebuchets and ballistae or flanking and quickly destroying the weapons through a secret side door would be an example. Something new like this would reinvigorate the Ettenmoors, and would change up the usual boring pace of fighting around in the general area of Elf Camp/Tirith Rhaw.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. Festivals. I wish they'd last a little longer, since I spend most of my time in instances. A full month of festival, like the fall festival in October, winter festival in December, etc.
2. Hobbies. Don't really have time for these either. Er, hobby. New hobbies like gardening, ice skating in Forochel, drinking, art, etc. would be awesome.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Originally Posted by
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1.Virtues. Either new levels need to be opened, or change the figures to percentage increases where applicable i.e. level 10 Determination gives +10% agility instead of a flat 30.
2.Faction rep. By the time you grind enough rep to become kindred, a player is past the level where such gear could've been useful. Exceptions are cosmetic rewards and mounts, and factions such as Malladhrim, Galladhrim, and (to a lesser extent) Moria, due to the current level cap .
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Assuming I could have my cake and eat it, too, i'd love to see mounted combat, but it'd have to be Mount-&-Blade good, and not take away from development of new areas, instances, etc.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1.Book 1. Since most of my time is devoted to either running instances with my kin, or doing dailies for the god-awful LI grind (seriously, do something!), it seems like i'll never be able to finish this volume! In other words, not so much a reflection of Vol 1 per se, but of the horrible end-game grind that takes so much time from other things.
2.Vol 2, particularly (i believe) 2.5.5. Whoever thought saddling players with a 2-hr-long (at least it feels that way), 6-person instance as a book quest must be insane. It's hard to ask kinnies to sacrifice all that time to help you on that, particularly if you have alts.
Answers in quote
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. More randomized stats on crafted items (see question #2)
Change crafting mechanics -- see question #2
2. Armor and other crafted items wear out and permanently break, each fix reduces the durability. This would allow for much more dynamic item management and remove my "pefect" rune stone from the game eventually. As it stands, there is no reason for me to look for another :)
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
I have posted on this before: all like recipes in LOTRO produce the like items. If we were to base crafting system based on recipes that called for a collection of specific components (i.e. leather, bones, fabric etc..) however, because leather could have come from a multitude different mobs, its property would be different, each property would in the end affect speed, durability, affinity etc.. that is a piece of leather from deer would produce soft, light gloves, that would have speed of 90, durability of 50, affinity forest, the same gloves but produced with wolf skin, would be heavier and more durable, that is speed of 50, durability of 80, affinity forest. When 5 or 10 different item types are combined, and each item type can be represented by 20 different items, the number of combination is 5^20-5 (did I get that right?); factor in Critical success and other events (i.e. created in the middle of the night or day etc…) crafters would seek the best combinations and keep it secret.
Some combination would be worse than drops, some would be on-par and rarely items would be super.
Items would also wear out, each repair would reduce the durability and at some point, they would break. That sustained crafters.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. Revisiting old areas. You end up staying in the area corresponding to your level, gets boring. Give me something to do in shire ;)
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Radiance
2. LI
Lets get for real we dont want you working on anything but removing these from the game. Nothing else should be considered nothing!!!!!
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
N/A just go back to comparables to incomparables
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. I dont enjoy the game any more because of skimishes and LI and radiance, get rid of them
2. read the above answer and think about it for a while. And get use to the fact folks want 2 things changed the most and do it instead of finding other crud to work on.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Originally Posted by
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1a. Questing system. The current system made me feel like an errand
boy instead of a hero. I'd make the quests more
about scouting and rescue and defense and such
instead of gathering bits and pieces of this and that.
1b. The LFF system. Instead of a channel, create tools to help find groups.
2. I would add PvP. LotRO would be much more interesting to me if it had
a PvP system. I think somebody tried at one point but
it looks like it never made it past beta. Might want to
remove that zone before people start thinking that's the
finished product.
3. Nothing comes to mind. From moria to mirkwood it was all just one big
never ending trail of blah so nothing really stands out for me.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Housing. We definitely need more flexibilty and better pick-your-favorite-suggestions-here that allows housing to be what it should be. I've already voiced my own thoughts and have agreed with many ideas in other threads on the forum, so I'll spare you the long list.
2. More "fluff" capability that allows for further immersion when the time calls for it. I know it's been said before, but: emoting while sitting! Or at least give us a way to return to sitting/smoking/whatever after we clap/cough/laugh without having to fill the chat screen with scrolling notices of everyone sitting down again. Also, can we please drink or eat something other than a tankard/bread? And I want a bucket (that's not quest bound), and a book, and...and...you get the idea. And stop slapping them into skirm rewards or bog them down with rep reqs unless they actually pertain to that battle/whatever. (Honestly...I need to have Mathom rep just so I can carry a hoe that I can't even -use- except as a weapon?) And let's open a few more doors to the public! There are so many buildings/halls/etc. already in place that we cannot go inside. There were dozens of other possible public oriented interiors within cities of that time, so let's see them!
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Something that allows for those who want non-combatant characters. (Even if it was to make a new class that has zero skills or the like if necessary.) Yes, I have my budding heroes, but I also have those who are content staying out of that life, and there's only so much they can currently do in game. (And level based storage is just one of the headaches they deal with.)
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. Being my creep. Since creeps have no real tutorial/intro, we just get thrown right in with only our destiny points and a bunch of camped out quest areas. So as a newbie who doesn't know power gamers to take me under their wing, creeping is just a source of frustration. There's no safer zone for us to learn how/practice to be creeps--and once you're id'd as a greenie, Freeps thrill at bashing you even though you're no challenge just so they can easily bang up their rank.
2. Music. Although it's a very basic music system, it's also pretty cumbersome the way it's designed, and after a year of playing this game, I'm only just finding time to utilize it without fumbling and holding things up--even when I'm soloing. A drop down menu system at the very least for our playlists would be such a huge help, but there's been oodles of threads on this as well, so I'll stop there for now.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Originally Posted by
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Crafting -- Currently, much too mundane, much too rigid and inflexible a scheme, and very lacking in creativity. Give players a reason to go back to older zones to collect materials for crafting by (a) allowing addition of different materials to basic recipes to add stats; e.g., mixing in lighter armor components to get a +5 bonus to agility, adding in gems to a crafted weapon to get a +10 bonus to morale, adding in food/farming components to potions to make a healing potion increase resistance to poison, etc. This reintroduces reasonable (as optional) cross-dependencies between crafting disciplines and gives players some ability to select/control variations on basic recipes. Right now, with the leveling speed being excessive, players outlevel whatever they can produce until they hit level cap and crafting is only useful for twinking alts. (b) allow crafters to "research" variations on their products so that they can make unique items. A player could expend crafting resources with a low percentage of success to obtain a random variation on a crafted recipe that only they might have (less rote recipes). Research might produce better armor, more DPS, a stat bonus, a resistance, or some other adjustment to a basic recipe. The player would always have this new recipe for future use.
2. Pets' AI -- Sorry, it is currently next to horrible. While the current degree of control is reasonable, the AI is broken in many ways -- pathing, aggro, aggressive/passive/guard modes -- none work as well as they should. While it may be desirable to minimize CPU usage by a pet, when skimpy AI makes a pet frustrating instead of useful, the pendulum has swung too far in the wrong direction.
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Legendary racial [and capstone] traits - The current differences between races are almost meaningless and many of the racial traits are essentially useless. Players within a race end up with pretty much the same racial traits and they do not really distinguish one race from another. Allow different races to have many different unique traits (in the same way classes do) with a selection of different capstones (similar to classes) that are actually useful and desirable.
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. Raiding -- I don't have time to enjoy these because I have no interest in doing them for the gear; I only enjoy raids for the opportunity to do the associated quests one time. Repetitive raiding is a joke and a horrible; even extreme; timesink. More power to those who enjoy it and I do not begrudge them their rewards, but I won't waste the time to do it when other gear suits me just as well.
2. Festivals -- Similar to raiding, I don't want to waste my time on these. Again, more power to those that enjoy these timesinks, but they're not for me.
You asked...
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Deeds, Have certain mobs/bosses be worth like 10-25 kills.
It could be random or specific to a quest perhaps.
Instead of killing all the creatures have an option to destroy their lair or chief or something along those lines. Maybe even add it as a special skirmish.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
1. Mounted Combat
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Originally Posted by
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Taverns. Lotro would hugely benefit from a truly compelling tavern experience. I'm not talking about just copious amounts of alcohol, but rather the hustle and bustle of people laughing, talking, playing games, and relaxing in between adventures. Implement a worthwhile buffing system, entertainment, tavern reputation, swift travel directly to them, whatever. Just give us a reason to congregate in the taprooms of Middle Earth. Those little hobbit pubs are just begging for a reason to not just linger in front of their warm hearths, but relinger, again and again. Relinger is a word. Trust me. Make taverns the social epicenter of Middle Earth that they were meant to be. Give us benefits for using them. If the benefits are buffs, don't make them trivial ones either, like a 10 minute +5 to fate or something we can't even detect.
2. Mob encounters. No, not the mafia. The stuff we attack while wandering around. There has to be a better, more interesting and innovative way than to simply fill the countryside with thousands of mobs that stand or wander around and then simply charge when they detect you. It bores me to tears. Have a few mobs wander around, and then implement some good random encounters to spice things up. Bandits on the roads, ambushes, etc. Pen-and-paper rpg elements. Die rolling goodness. I don't care. Just please, for the love of God, inject some creativity into grinding.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
This should technically go above, but since it would be a complete reinvention I am putting it here. Active combat a la Age of Conan (or even DDO). The warden class is a pretty good AOC interpretation, with it's gambit mechanic. I'd like responsive, real time combat with blocking, dodging, and skill use. No more mind-numbing toe-to-toe button clicking combat with mobs that don't move.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. Drink a pint, in a tavern.
2. Social tourism and people watching. The cities are boring and dead anyway, but if they weren't it would be a lot of fun to walk around and observe people, carnivals, etc.
Answers above.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Areas to the map (Tolkiens original map) to cointinue and expand all the in between. Theres so much to see. Even after three years of playing, I can't wait to see whats around the next corner.
2. Continued expansion of the houseing areas, as the game moves on. Maybe the ability for each character to buy a house versus sharing on an account???
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
I would add the ability to increase the size of our personal houses, instead of abandonment and buying a new one. Most of us like our neighborhoods, and don't want to move out. It would be nice to be able to expand, so that the honors and trophys can continue to fill our houses instead of having to be sold or destroyued to make way for new.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. Fesitvals are great, but alas they always come to and end.
2. Basic exploration of the world, without having to fight through it. If you could purchase round trip siteseeing trips out to areas that you dont see until your questing, it could be an intresting side show. You would start in one of the major cities, and end up there after the trip. If you dismounted, you would automatically return to the starting place. No cheatting here. Anyway, thanks for taking the time to listen. Keep up the great work!!!!
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1:
This is minor, but:
I would like to see the way you sell items revamped. Specifically, I organize my bags, then I want to be able to sell from one bag, and the order that vendor items appear in the sell interaction window does not correspond to how it is ordered in my bags. I think that interface could be improved.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
So I'm not supposed to mention these but I like beating dead horses.
1. Radiance Gear. Make the gear we get for the toughest raid in the game have decent stats and be teal. The toughest raid should give the best armor.
2. Legendary Items. Make a 2nd age automatically better than a 3rd age. Fail crafted 2nd ages that are worse than the average 3rd age are...fail.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Mounted combat.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. More 6 man instances. Not skirmishes, instances.
2. A bonus lair raid would be nice as a consolation to kins that have difficulty with BG.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. The LFF system needs overhaul. It's pretty much impossible to use right now. I think it would be cool to have a way you could post a quest you are looking for and current group could set what roles/levels they are looking for. When a match is found, it automatically sticks a group together. Saves everyone the time of spamming LFF.
2. The inventory system, specifically, more bag space. I currently have a mimimum of 13 slots in my inventory more or less permanently tied up (2 crafting tools not equipped, 2 class items not equipped, Celebrant salves, Aethelas essences, the 4 different kinds of wound pots, hope tokens, food, and my map). Add into this the materials I collect for crafting and I can kill about 10 mobs before my bags are full. Some of these (like the potions) should go in special "belt slots" that can't be used for anything else. Maybe make a special bag for crafting materials too. Also, any bound reputation item or token should not take up inventory space (Skirmish marks, I'm looking at you!!!)
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Add a skirmish like solider system that could be used in PvE (probably only in instances) so we don't need to spend hours in LFF
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. Raiding, primarily because I don't want to grind for radience gear that is inferior to what I already have (BAM! See what I did there?)
2. Story quests after Vol. I, because it is too hard to find anyone that wants to do them (give all those quests the Inspired Greatness buff - please???)
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Customized and Specialty Bags. The custom bags made by tailors ranging in sizes from 25 slot to say 40 slot. Maybe a special item found in an instance is required for this, like you have for the legendary weapons. The shared bank slot was a great improvement however the additional room was gobbled up by all the coins, tokens, marks etc. that drop from doing Skirmish's. Therefore have a bag that ONLY Skrimish items can go into. Have a bag that ONLY crafting items can go into, etc.
2. Offline Character accessibility. Since they are all on the same account, I would like to be able to look at my other toons to see what they have on them (armor/weapon/jewelry) from any character i am logged into. Even more important would be to at least be able to see what each toon has in their bank. A drop down to select any toon of yours and make it a pop-up like the dressing room to inspect.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
This is a no brainer...Mounted Battle. Not for all classes but the ones that would make more sense (tank classes). Improve the whole combat system so you cant run thru a character, mounted classes could knock you down, trample you etc.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. Hobbies- Please expand them and make them useful
2. Festivals - same old, same old.Have some class/race only related activities.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1: I've been playing since Beta and have seen allot positive changes.. There is another one that I am hoping to see soon... I think that it would be a great addition to Lotro, to be able to send multiple attachment emails... Currently, if I want to send 3 items to one of my players, I need to send 3 emails.. Multiple Attachments in one email would allow us to get things mailed out faster so that we could spend more time playing the game.
Now that I think of it.. Instead of having items as BOA (Bind on Acquire). Why not have them BTA (Bind to Account).
Can't think of anything for Question 2 or 3, at this time
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Hobbies. Fishing needs more depth and we need more hobbies.
2. Housing. Needs a good overhaul. Hooks seem very out of date compared to the mechanisms other games use. Public areas should be shared between neighborhoods to add some life to them.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new game-play mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
I really really liked the Asheron's Call Tinkering system. Give mob loot some meaning!
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. Being very casual in a family kin, I never get to raid or do the group instances. I feel like I'm missing out on a lot of exciting activities.
2. Again being very casual, I never seem to have the time to do festival activities anymore. Drat those time consuming babies!
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Neighboorhoods. They should have events, hobbies, basically a sort of Sim-life where you can have a wife/family to check into every once and a while between raids lol
2. Mounts. Mounted combat anyone?
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
I would want to see Creeps be able to have their own zone in Mordor to PVE in. Those who choose to quest there will get powerful additions to their class.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. Skirmishes
2. Levelling alts
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Raids - I'm talking about 24 man raids and such. I think it would be good if you make short raids like an hour or two in length. I haven't done the skirmish raids yet, but I don't have too much time to play in long 5-6 hour stretches.
2. Hobbies - Fishing was good and stuff but I want more stuff to do. Maybe like hunting deer or something or sparring with other people for fun/titles/achievements.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Random world events where players could jump in an instance and fight against creeps while defending towns. Example, creeps attack Bree, Rivendell, etc. (instanced of course) then freeps would have to join the instance and fight back. Gear, money, etc. could be rewards for winning/losing. Defend an objective, destroy the other team, something along those lines.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. Fishing - doesn't seem like it's worth the hassle to try.
2. Raids - as posted earlier, not enough time.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Crafting. This system has really become over-simplified, and is somewhat boring. To revise it, I would add considerably harder-to-craft recipes, and also add a method of slightly adjusting stats to personalize an item by allowing more free-form in choosing ingredients (ie. adjusting how much of an ingredient is used, or choosing certain ingredients to use). In other words, Dynamic Output recipes.
2. Itemization (specifically: random landscape drops). Itemization has become imbalanced, and one thing which many players seem to really miss from SoA's itemization is the chance for rare and valuable loot to drop from mobs on the landscape. To revise this, I would either: (a) Make random drops of Rare quality or higher comparable to at least instance quality drops; (b) Have random drops on the landscape controlled by a loot-o-matic (random loot system). Also, I would add the chance for Incomparable quality loot to drop.
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
I would add a free-form Relic system (somewhat similar, but not the same as the kind used currently with Legendary Items) to allow crafters to add minor stats to items of the same kind they can craft.
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. PvMP. Too much lag and large concentrations of players make it difficult to do much with what time I have here.
2. Raiding. The current method of gating makes it very hard to find a group, and by the time such a group is formed I do not have nearly enough time to really enjoy it.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. housing add free form placement and give some flexibility to house it self
I've done well and I'd like to expand my house to show off all the cool things I've collected
2. Kinship neighborhoods I'd like to buy a area for my kinship and allow us to fill it up with members and items. so each raid boss drops a token and yard item, house item you could then group up at the kinship house and use the token on the item for a buff of some description. End raid bosses could drop an item that allows a port back to the raid
getting us back to forming up at the kinship house for raids. also a batter npc collect tokens from enough bosses and buy you kinship a crafting station
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
The original 'as advertised' legendary system.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. chicken play
2. raiding the grinding required for rad has slowed down raiding for me
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Originally Posted by
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Mounts - Introduce a legendary item system for mounts, but with sharply limited features - for instance, a new type of mount relic could possibly be introduced, and mounts would have specific legacies only (mount speed could be a legacy trait, for instance, such that if you bought a slow horse it would only have effectively "Lesser Speed" which could only be raised so high with points). Right now, it might only be speed and hit points, but when you do Rohan you could expand it into combat-related legacies.
2. Skirmishes - Make the actual goals of each skirmish change from run to run. This could mean that you run into Thievery and Mischief and find almost no opposition all the way to the end, but then find that you're trapped at the end and have to defend it against waves of adds, or perhaps you discover someone that you have to escort out through danger, and so on...
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Well, mounted combat, obviously...
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
Let me predicate this answer by saying that I participate in everything about as much as I really want to. It has nothing to do with time, and everything to do with desire. I simply have no desire to engage in the vast majority of this game's activities, because they are grindy and boring.
1. Raids
2. SG runs
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
1. Multi-output recipes. The ones for the jeweler are great, but I would really like to have multi-output recipes for my tailor. Being able to choose whether I want shoes with +agility or +vitality would be great!
2. I would love to be able to set a crafting queue. Ie, if I want to make 20 medium leather, then 20 planks of yew, then 20 pristine leather, I'd like to be able to queue them up instead of waiting for each one to finish.
Question 2
Custom map markers. I would really like to be able to look at the map and set my own pointer, which would then get an arrow in the radar. I realise that isn't a game-changing mechanic but it really would be handy!
Question 3
1. Hobbies. I don't fish, because it doesn't interest me, but I'd like other hobbies to be available. Someone mentioned gardening, which sounds good. Something like knitting or needlework would be good also, still aimed at purely cosmetic things.
2. Housing. Every house I have looked at tends to be very similar, so I haven't put any time into buying or decorating one. If there were more hobbies related to custom decorations, I definitely would.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. quest chains-- I really HATE it when an npc quest says "go explore X microlocation" and when you turn it in, he/she tells you to run all the way back there to kill the "Big Ol' Baddie". Would it be possible to consolidate these type quests to autoupdate to the next step so that the unnecessary running around is minimized? THere are times that I have limited play time and I really hate wasting the time running back and forth between the quest giver & the quest location. The epic quest lines probably shouldn't do much auto updating because they are supposed to be epic and paint you as part of the larger story.
2. I hate being told that I can't increment a deed skill because I've already progressed as far as I could for the day. I would rather be required to do the skills more times to fiinsh the deed than be told I can't progress in it. Think about harvestings/crafting skills-- crafters arent told that they can't earn any more skill points because they've progressed as far as they can in the crafting/harvesting skill for the day.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
The ability to purchase old quest rewards that you have earned from a special merchant. The artists have done such a great job on all of the textiles they deserve to available for purchase for those that like to put together new cosmetic outfits & may have already discarded or outgrown a previously earned item.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. The solo quest instances (like those in Dolven View in Moria). I duo and fellow a lot, but I really enjoy doing the solo quest instances. I can observe what my abilities do / how mobs react to them witohut having other people around to distract me. Although I enjoy the solo skirmishes there's just something about being able to get pulled into the story in those solo quest instances in Moria that is so enjoyable.
2. I enjoy being immersed in the elder lore of Middle Earth. I particularly love the quest lore in Evendim... the Blue Lady, the tombs , etc. Plus, that zone is just gorgeous.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Item Repairs - Why can any item be repaired anywhere? I can repair a sword at Healer, and a cape at a food vendor? Make this a crafting skill, for starters. High level items can only be repaired so many times, then they have a chance of breaking. I mean, that's just the nature of items!
2. And yes... I'm going to say it too - HOUSING. Customizeable styles, more freedom for decoration placement, anonymous addresses, guard dogs (lol), unique neighbourhoods (instead of 10000 copies of the same one), and for goodness sake, move them closer to major towns - it's not Beverly Hills! And have a commercial area where players can rent stalls to sell their own wares.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Languages/Writing - Why can't my elf develop a Quenya skill? Or a Sindarin ability? and grow in ranks? I would like to write a book, put it on my customizeable bookshelf for other people to read.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. Exploring, would like to see more ruins that are expanded for the sake of exploring, archaeological stuff (non-scholar skills).
2. Sitting in an inn, enjoying some in-game music (need more NPC music)
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Housing. - Free placement, more storage, NO BOA housing items.
2. Hobbies. - I would add 3-5 new hobbies. Writing, collecting, painting, etc.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
To Write in a journal. Then people can buy/exchange what you write in some type of book store (which is like an AH). I think it would be awesome.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. Raiding. The trashmobs take way to long for me to even consider going with my new busy schedule.
2. Working on group skirmishes. Even now, its hard to get a group skirmish going.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
1a..UI..make all the UI settings PER character not ONE for all!! My farmer doesnt need more light, my lvl 65 sometimes does. My hotkeys for my minstrel are not where I want them for my hunter. Option to use the scroll wheel for skills instead of zoom in/out
1b..Housing..most of what is mentioned in other posts but will add, Make the return home CD a lot shorter, maybe 15 minutes or half hour. One hour is way to long. Put in a horn to summon others to your home.
2..Totally redo the character creation. All races look alike, also the classes. Aions character creation was awesome and no two players looked alike. Different looking weapons and armor would help here also. More realistic looking hair?
3..Fishing..nothing to do here as I done it all....
Crafting..make hi level recipes *bind on account*
Skirmishes..make the marks a bit lower for some cosmetic items. The amount it costs me in repairs in higher lvl skirmishs just to get a *Straw Hat* is a bit much.
4..Drop down menu for hunter ports
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Housing: Allow free placement of items, with a limit per house size (a la SWG housing system)
2. Bags: Allow player-crafted bags that increase the amount of slots within them! Like EQ2 has (24, 32, 40, 48, 56, and 64 slot bags as an example).
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Mounted combat with an all-new Horselord class which specializes in sword, lance, bow, thrown javelins, and throwing spears.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. Raids: They always seem to difficult to form and too to pull off with pickup fellowships.
2. Player-run events. Perhaps make a system that allows players to set up events and advertise them to the server.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Fishing -- You might get some great ideas from World of Warcraft fishing system. Do some brain storming. Fishing could be much more interesting and more rewarding.
2. Mail system. Enable sending same message to multiple characters. Enable sending multiple items in single message
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
1. Event calendar system for allowing kin members to shedule & sign up for fellowships, parties, raids, etc. Enabling alliance system between kinships. Alliance kinships could sign up for events flagged as alliance events.
2. Enable turning off experience gain so a character can stay on a specific level and fully experience each region if so desired. Also means one kinship character can stay at a specific level and be reserved to train many kin members in specific fellowship instances without leveling out for as long as desired.
3. Develop level controls so you can set a lower level fellowship to a higher level. Example: Great Barrows is for the Level 20's. A group of Level 50's wants to run it on level without each of us starting new characters.
4. Put some mobs that are required for deed grinding into more fellowship instances so grinding can be done gradually over time in group fellowships. Less boring that way.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. Hobbies -
2. Fellowships & Raids
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1: If you haven't already realized.... housing was mentioned :) . However, i'd like to add a few things to the housing revamp that were or weren't mentioned as of yet. Housing styles for one (exterior coloring), even a single crafting area of the player's choosing. I'd like to have a multi-use farmfield, or an oven that doubles as a forge (already have a scholar's bookcase as a cosmetic item, that could double as a sholar's area). Previous mentionings of fixing the interior also apply. Funny how u can sit in a chair against a wall at a table 10 feet away, huh? lol...
Hobbies would be my next suggestion. I picked my housing area in Erid Luin area because of the immediate access to water. My house even has a stream out back with a tree to stand/sit under. Back when fishing was new, you could find me under that tree fishing my heart out. Now, well..... you get the point.
Question 2: The Epic Book session plays were very entertaining for me. Its why I rolled out a champion. And after doing a session play on the bad side, I found I enjoyed that as well. I'd like to see more of that in-game if possible. There's many a scenerio you could conceive with that type gameplay. I'd however NOT like to see mounted combat until its appropriate. Rohan would be the only area that that style of gameplay should be implemented since Rohan was painted as an open plains type area. Or, if you must, allow mounted combat in open plains areas only.
I'd like to mention another type of game mechanic if I may. Its craft-related. If you find or craft item 'X' and you don't like it/want it. Instead of vendoring/giving it away.... how about creating a craft to break it back down into its base components? FF online has something similar you could adapt to the gameplay. I found it quite enjoyable not knowing what was coming out of the de-crafting (if you will), it lends itself a feeling of suspense and excitement all at the same time :)
Question 3: I stopped enjoying the deed grinding thing. It was enjoyable the first 2-3 times, however since i've moved up to my 7th alt, I find any excuse to 'not' have time to deed deed deed! The other things I seem to miss out on, is due indirectly to the historian profession. More specifically the amount of time spent making potions (wrong animation, by the way. You're mixing things in a bowl, not reading a good book), and the amount of time spent on a farmfield. Because of these, i'll sometimes miss out on other, more entertaining things. :(
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1.Housing - Making them more useful by making a center area instance for all housing of each racial group for that server (4 centers in all). And have that center area include an Auction House and a crafting area with novice and expert trainers only. You still have to go to special areas for quests and special training.
2.Crafting - Some of the professions are very tough at the tier 1 and 2 levels. Recipes are scarce, vendor ingredients are very expensive and the crafted material are not worth as much as what you bought to make them. I would like to see some standardization so that all professions have access to material and can make a little profit from vendoring gray or white crafted products. Also, some of the tier 2 crafting quests are way out of reach for the level at which most players reach tier 2 proficiency.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Social/Role Playing areas outside of the general playing area. Another thing you could stick into the center areas for housing. And Grand balls specifically designed for role playing with NPCs with special skill for interacting with player characters.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1.Crafting - scarce resources and not enough money force me to quest when I would rather be crafting.
2.Crafting(my favorite thing) - I get stuck on a crafting quest I am too low to do and I must quest when I would rather be crafting. :)
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. I'll echo what everyone else has said about the housing--I'd really like to see more flexibility in the layouts, particularly where things that should be able to go together (like tables and chairs) can be placed.
2. Deedwork. The endless grinding gets really old, really fast, especially when dealing with multiple toons.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Mounted combat. At least by the time we get to the Rohan expansion! But then, I'm a die-hard Rohirrim-loving freak so I'm rather biased on that point. (Along with that, I really wouldn't mind if some system similar to the skirmish soldiers could be implemented to customize the horses' appearance and skills somewhat, if that's even possible.)
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. Crafting. I'm pathetically behind on pretty much all of my toons on this, as it tends to get put on the back burner for leveling and deed grinding.
2. Hobbies, for pretty much the same reason. Though I'd be more inclined to jump on that if there were more options than just fishing.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1.The Housing. With alot of the instances and books quests and all the events we get alot of Housing items. I would like to see an expansion to the number of decorations nodes avaliable in the houses or a Float point system. Using the exsisting system for decoration, but add multiple inputs on one spot with the ability to move the item to a desired spot. Alot of the houses even fully decorated still have lots of room and can look empty. Exsample: A multi output spot would also give players the chance to add chairs around a table instead of here is a table and the chair is over by the wall somewhere.
2.Hobbies! So far we only have the one hobby, Fishing. A possible expantion to this could be a "gaming" hobby ( Cards or Dice ) there could be an NPC in the taverns all across Middle Earth where players can earn A chance title for fun, but also earn chips/tokens that can be traded for consumables or cosmetic gear. Players would buy "chips" used to place bets in the game and awarded chips that can be cashed in for tokens that can be used to barter for Items or can be vendered for money. In addition since "Gaming" is a worldly hobby "Chips" can even be a rare drop from humanoid mobs. This would be a fun diversion from the daily grind.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be? A trait saving system: Through out the game players have to change there traits and thus change the way there built to suit the situation or the party. Adding a way to save a desired trait built will lessen the time it takes at the Bard to switch traits. This would be an optional system where the bard would ask the player if they wish to save there current traits. Players would beable to name the file that would get save to the Lotro folder.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1.PvMP: I like the pvp, but I would like to use a Morvale (Bat chick) as a playble creep. More importantly being able to play with out it lagging in a crucial battle would be awsome, and newer higher lvl rewards. (PvP specific Armour for both Creeps and Freeps. Darkpower weapons for creeps I.E. creep legendaries only avaliable for the higher teir creeps)
2.Skirmishes: there fun, but improving the control of your soldier would make soloing in the skirmishes flow better. Many a time My helper is off admiring something and not bothering to help in the combat even when prompted.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
I've spent my fair share of time on MMOs (2 years on Guild Wars and 3 on the "unmentionable other"), so here's my $0.02.
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
**due to the length of my answer, I will restrict myself to one**
1. As many colleagues have stated already in both this thread any many others, housing. The entire neighborhood system needs a major revamp. Most neighborhoods are ending up either 100% filled with locked out houses (because hardly anyone pays upkeep) or 50% filled with locked out houses (because those who don't pay upkeep usually buy only the deluxe homes). In addition to a free-form arrangement system (similar to what Sony has done with Playstation Home), an "upgrade" or "renovation" option would be great. Let all homes in any neighborhood start as say, a tract of land (or a vacant lot), and let the player purchase it. Once the lot is purchased, he or she can "upgrade" to a basic house for a price. Later, if that player desires, he or she can then "renovate" the basic house into a deluxe house for a similar in scale price (to the current prices that is). As for kinship housing, allow for larger tacts of land, and cut the renovation option to just land grant->kin hall upgrade. Setting default permissions to having a home open to the general public instead of locking everyone out would help ease tensions about most neighborhoods being/becoming desolate (just the entry lock--all others such as decor, permissions, upkeep should remain as is). And for those who refuse to pay upkeep, allow X amount of time to pass before the lot returns to the market and that player's belongings go into escrow, where X is the maximum amount of prepaid upkeep allowed (example: current housing allows for 6 weeks upkeep to be paid at a time. Once the house goes into lockout due to lack of payment, allow that same amount of time (6 weeks) to pass to give the player a chance at paying upkeep. If that timeframe passes without a payment, then the house should go back on the market "as is", meaning whatever stage of development it is: basic or deluxe).
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
I'll have to take a rain check on this one. Both because I can't think of anything and to still try to make up for the wall of text given for question 1 :P
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
**again, due to the length of my answer, I will restrict myself to just one**
1. Raiding. I'm not exactly high enough level to raid myself, but given what I've heard from other players, it seems to be a constant treadmill of getting radiance gear which is predominantly useful only in raids. Again, haven't experienced it myself on LOTRO and what I have is 2nd hand knowledge, but if you're going to have players devote hours and hours of teamwork and heartache (this I do know from experience, after doing 6 armor tiers' worth of raiding in that "unmentionable other" MMO), toss them a freakin' bone and give them slightly overpowered armor. Give them the radiance needed for raiding, and better stats than anything they can find elsewhere (maybe provide a PvMP equivalent as not to force players into raid grinding). To myself (and probably many others), raiding is the pinnacle of the PvE experience and its rewards should attest to it. Also since LOTRO doesn't really have a hardcore, focused and in-depth PvP system (like arenas, battlegrounds, and siege warfare in that "other" mmo, or guild warfare, random team arenas, and general tiered pvp such as whats in Guild Wars), this might be wise to keep a stronger hold on your player base.
By no means do I wish for LOTRO to just copy/paste ideas from other MMOs, but rather take a look at what many out there share and how they can be improved upon. By far, this has been the best MMO I've been on... but that is not to say it is perfect. Nor do I wish for the developers of this game to follow suit of other MMOs and simply "give everybody what they want". This ideology has flat-out ruined MMOs in the past and choked their game's growth (like in ArenaNet's case with Guild Wars where its PvP base started whining about skills being "overpowered" in PvP matches, so a series of nerfs was implemented. This caused skills to be balanced in PvP but underpowered in PvE and its form of "raiding" (this is also what caused me to simply stop playing that game) or with WoW's player base complaining that high-end gear was difficult to attain, and the result was that every boss in the game became essentially a "loot pinata").
To wrap up: devs, listen to the players but don't kowtow to them. Players, be thankful for what the devs are doing to keep the game interesting for you.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Housing. I want what the others have pointed to: a way to make it lived in. As an adjunct to that, public areas in a 'neighborhood' are open and empty: create lotteries where folks win the right to plant a decoration in public just like they do in their house.
You could perhaps make the "Public Decoration Token" an item that could be auctioned off too. Anyone in a kin should be eligible to win a token. Neighborhoods should look lived in too.
2. Cosmetic Clothing: I'd like at least one more "costume tab."
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
I like the idea of mentoring too. But I'm not sure how to improve over the fellowship mechanic. The best thing I'd ask for is a Much better voice chat system. I can never get mine to work consistently. Maybe I should just figure out Ventrilo, but dang what a chore to take time out from LOTRO to learn that other thing. Voice chat can make teaching easier.
Maybe you could give me the option to scale damage for my 42nd Warden so I'm equal to my buddy's 15th champion.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. Let's make Inns a place people gather other than during the seasonal festivals. How about deeds for new emotes or perhaps games for Tokens that can be spent to boost fellowship maneuvers.
2. I always hear about player run events after the fact, it seems. Maybe that's my problem though. I don't check the forums often enough. But I'd like to join in with some of the events – perhaps a bulletin board in game at various towns and camps. I'd love to see 50 people fishing in Angmar and have a derby for bragging rights.
Dang it that wasn't as brief as I'd hoped.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
1a) not sure what system this actually is but. . . since the beginning of the game, items on a toons back do not interact well. my bow pokes through my quiver, swords poke through cloaks. this idea can also been seen anytime a toon rides a horse, especially if sword equipped, the weapons are shredding the horse to bits. it's very unnatural looking and i believe it should be addressed. sort of takes away from the immersion aspect when you can see erroneous things like that.
1b) since my 2 big sore points are excluded. . . i would probably like it if the housing hook system were changed. housing is more cookie cutter than end game gear. i have quite a few hooks in both my personal house and kin house that have been unused since day 1. there are not enough items of the type necessary. and 1 hook should not cover an entire 12 ft wall. instead of using a static hook type system, make it a tile like system. large items take x by y tiles, smaller items take less tiles, etc. why a dormouse is a large wall item i have no clue.
2) with the welcome addition of mounts as skills, i think it would be great to be able to have cosmetic items for horses. sadles, reins (in hand not hands on neck), blankets, armour, etc. these items could be purchasable for blander items and craftable for fancier items.
3) exploring. . . my favorite class and main toon is a hunter. with each new area, i explored well beyond what is strictly necessary to do the quests for that area. exploring, moving in the shadows, creeping around mobs, going where i really shouldn't solo, finding new things and great screenshot locales. with Moria i felt hemmed in. only certain paths are available and those are invariably loaded with mobs forcing a fight. Mirkwood opened it up considerably but the saturation of mobs makes exploring a chore. i avoided Forochel for the longest time. but once i went there it has become one of my favorite zones. open areas, right amount of mobs and some awesome screenshot opportunities. the ice cave in the NE sector near the shore is awesome!
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1) Housing!
As it stands now, housing is little more than extra storage space. There’s no way to express our personalities with an insert tab A into slot B form of decorating. At the very least remove the hook system and allow us to express ourselves with our decorations. Giving us the ability to save meaningful items in our homes, such as the dagger we’re given at the end of the Mirkwood book quests, would make our homes more meaningful to us. And on a grander scale, adding a system where we could piece different floor plans together and choose different home exteriors would be amazing.
2) Hobbies.
Fishing, much like housing, was a nice first attempt but it’ll never be of much interest unless some real time and effort is put into it. Check out what Blizzard did with WoW’s fishing as a good example of what can be done with such a system. And there needs to be a lot more hobbies other than fishing. Players need something else to do outside of combat oriented content. Housing, fishing and other such activities, if done right, could give players hours and hours of entertainment when they are in need of a break from the hack and slash routine.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Granted, this isn’t entirely new, but I would very much like to see the dressing room system we currently have for armor/cosmetics expanded to include housing/yard decorations and soldier cosmetics.
There are far too many wallpaper options, flooring options, theme music selections, pieces of furniture and yard decorations at just the standard neighborhood vendors to buy one of everything just to see how it looks. Add to that rep vendors and seasonal vendors and the auction house and trying to find a decent look for our homes, even as limited as our decorating options are, can be overwhelming. Being able to preview all these items would make the game much more enjoyable and certainly less of a pain in the backside.
As for our soldiers, I absolutely refuse to spend precious skirmish tokens on cosmetic items for my soldiers when I have no idea whatsoever what they look like. As far as I’m concerned they could vanish off the vendor tomorrow and I’d never miss them. But give me a preview window and if I like how items look on my soldiers I may well be willing to do some extra skirmishes in order to save up for them.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1) Chicken Play. I’ve always liked the idea of giving it a try, and the cloak would certainly be worth it, but I never seem to get around to it.
2) Festivals. I actually do spend a lot of time at the festivals, but I would enjoy spending even more. And adding new events each year, as you have been doing of late, is a great addition to the game. Keep them coming as in my opinion you can’t have too many.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. When i played WOW, I enjoyed killing mobs that had a VERRRRRYYYYY rare occurance to drop a specific item - And by very rare - one maybe every 1000 kills - There are no mobs like this in LOTRO.... These items could be housing items that are neat or possibly extremely rare components to crafting... (not like beryl shards but very very rare!!!!)
2. hobbies need to be revisited!!!!! Hunting? poaching? Discovery? some new hobbies!!!
3. (I know I am only asked to list 2 but.... couldn't help it!!!) More Emotes!!!!!!!
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
If the gameplay mechanic changed in this game similar to that of what happened in SWG... you can kiss my account good bye!!!
I do not want to see a change to the gameplay mechanic to this game!!!! Even the thought of that angers me!
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. Leveling alts.... I am enjoying PVP too much for that!
2. Resource gathering.... again... I enjoy PVP too much HINT HINT Turbine!!!! Mooor moors PLZ!!
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Housing - The existing hook system offers not enough options in decorating. I would allow more free-form positioning of housing items with less pigeon-holing (big wall/little wall only etc.) More floor plans would be nice along with an extra room or two in the home. It would be nice to have a social room, trophy room, sleeping room and pantry. Reduce or delete upkeep fees. If the number of locked homes is not a database issue for Turbine then why make players sink money into them regularly ? It's not an incentive to keep your home because you never really lose it. I would move housing closer to the main centers. I would make two types of neighbourhoods in each racial area. One with all homes, another with homes plus a single kin hall. Anyone can move in the homes only area. A kinship must purchase the kin hall and only then can someone move into the kin hall neighborhood area and they must be a kin member. The kinship can maintain all homes and escrow homes belonging to players who go away, etc. This gives kin members a better chance to live near their hall.
2. LFF Tools - you should be able to mark multiple quests you are available for and make the system more intrusive (by player choice of course). In other words when you are in an area with other players flagged for the same quests as you, you get some sort of visual indicator that lets you go check out the LFF panel and decide on sending a tell to them.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
"Items Wanted" - Similar to the Auction House mechanics a player can visit the AH and place a work order with the "Items Broker" (for lack of a better title at the moment) for something they want or need, could be personal use or for a crafting quest. They submit what item they want and are prepared to pay for it and put a time frame on it, 1-7 days max. Like a bid, this money is immediately deducted. Another player can commit to supplying it, they place the Wanted Item Order on hold for 24 hours (reserving it for them to fill). They send it via the Items Broker and receive the money. You have a fixed number of Items Wanted slots so if you don't picked up your completed orders, you won't be able to post more either.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. Festivals - I don't want to pause my leveling for what is essentially fluff.
2. The Music System - similar reasons as the festivals.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Crafting: ability to modify/remove/swap stats on gear.
Fix the timers for making guild emblems for the auto crit gear. Someone making weapons only needs one or 2 emblems per 10 levels but someone making armour or jewellery needs six of seven for the same time frame. Also you need to find a way to allow a crafter to make crit gear for themselves sooner than once they have the crafting level maxed out. One of the problems with this game is that unless you are wearing good crit gear as soon as it is available while leveling you feel like a punching bag instead of a hero and that's a big turn off.
2. Housing: Be able to place anything anywhere inside and out and just have a budget. ie. outside budget is 200 and a big tree is worth 25. Also you should be able to take a room in an inn or have an apartment in town
3. Let us have access to fix the UI
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Runes and runewords to be slotted in armour and weapons ala Diablo 2.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
This question doesn't make a lot of sense. This is a game I play in my entertainment time and I do exactly what I want when I want.
If you asking what content I would like to see more of then its simple, new lands, quests, story, instances and real character progression (not deconstructable character progression)
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Destiny point buffs - These have been around forever and have not really changed (rouse spirit was a nice addition thou). Adding more buffs or upgraded buffs would be nice to see
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
PVMP skirmishes
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. PvMP as a freep, progression and rewards need to be expanded
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. As many have already said, Housing!!! One thing I would like to add though is there really needs to be an ability to sell back a house, even if it's at a minor loss.
Or, in other words, the ability to move without losing a fairly large sum of gold.
2. Skirmishes. There are a lot of things that I think could be improved with the skirmish system.
- The Skirmish tutorial should give you the ability to try out all of the different soldiers while they are pretty beefed up so you can get an idea of what they are capable of before making your final decision. I know you can always use skirmish marks to level up each solider class, but it's incredibly boring and such a waste of skirmish marks when the game should give you the necessary information to make a good decision anyway.
- Soldier AI needs to be drastically improved. Nothing like watching your warrior standing 2 feet away facing the wrong direction while you get beat on by 3 mobs.
- This should go for all instances, but I would like to see automatic difficulty scaling for however many people are in your group. Or at least an option for 4 or 5 man skirmishes as well.
- Skirmish mark costs revisited. Maybe it's just me, but the costs for the Curiosities barter items seem ridiculously high. In most cases I think the cost should be reduced by at least half, if not more. Because right now it feels like way too much of a grind for any of those items that it's not even worth doing. In other words, right now I would spend MUCH less time grinding gold to buy one of the items off the auction house than I would spend grinding skirmish marks to buy it from the barter vendor.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Mentor system. The ability to both temporarily lower your level to play with a friend or increase their level to play with you. CoH's sidekick system would be a good jumping off point.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. I would like to spend more time crafting, but the incentive is just not there since MoM and Mirkwood have come out.
2. Gaining reputation. Bree-lands (and the other low level reputations) has a perfect balance of grind vs. reward. Most of the higher level reputations are way too much of a grind. I end up getting bored and doing something else when I don't see any real results after hours and hours of grinding mobs for reputation items.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Session play, especially session play with chickens or other creatures. I want to be able to session play in Moria, Mirkwood and Lothlorien. Combat Session Play like the "We cannot get out" instance in Volume two where you play a majorly buffed champion is also pretty fun.
2. The reputation system. I would like to see titles at every rep level for every faction and new reputation rewards especially new cosmetics, housing items, mounts or emotes.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Town sieges. A few attacks have been made as live events. I would set it up where a town would become an instance and say and players could join the instance with a panel similar to skirmish join. Have it be like a biweekly event. Also they could be setup to either be vs npcs or possible monster players.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in.
1. The music system. It seems I've been doing less and less of this lately, I still pull out my instruments every once in a while.
2. RPing with the massive grind inclusions in MoM/SoM I have less time to sit around for this
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Originally Posted by
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1.Housing. Free form, no hooks, limit only the number of items placed (ie 20 items for a regular house room, 30 for deluxe, 50 for a kin hall, etc.).
2.Reputation. Most rep rewards stop at 50. Add or scale the rewards to better reflect the current level cap and effort involved. As it stands, you cannot attain kindred with most factions at a level to use the items they offer. A wider range of rewards would be nice. Also rep crafting items for each faction from each craft. The Rangers of Estildin probably need meals as much as they need fancy tailored items. Even giving each craft one item for each rep faction would improve things immensely.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Scaling. Instances can scale to the average level of the group/ fellowship. Old raids (Helegrod, Rift, etc) at the very least could have set ranges (50-55, 55-60, 60-65, etc). Treasure and drops should scale to the levels of the groups, even barter rewards can be scaled. Scaling things for fellowship numbers would also be a plus, for those times when you have 4 kin on, making 3-mans and 6-mans both impossible.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1.Rad instances. I'm from a small kin and play off peak hours. Providing some ways to save time LFF would be helpful. Or making the instances scaleable (see above) to the number people in the fellowship. Many things would help.. better lff, bulletin boards at the local inn/tavern, etc.
2.Session play. Chicken runs, story sessions (Fall of Khazd-Dum) etc. Some are too long and boring, or solo only, others aren't re-playable. Making these more fun would be nice.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Battle Instances. Make them more fluid/epic feeling. For example instead of just defending 1 of 3 locations filled with npcs make it so you can attack/defend a keep (npcless aside from lords if defending) and have mobs in the 50s-100s (swarm level and up) per pull.
2. Skirmishes. Add more unique rewards such as epic jewelery or armor thats only gettable in skirmishes. Make these items cost 5k-20k skirmish marks.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Zone renown/infamy. As you do things that advance the free peoples plans you gain renown and after gaining a certain threshold (within a certain area like trollshaws or evendim) you get acess to different rewards like a special recipe or cool piece of equipment.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1.Combat system. The current live combat system in live is the same as before. In Beta the new melee combat was fast and fun. What you brought to Live flat out sucks. Its no different.
2. Crafting. Make it relevant again.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
New class that is focused on hand to hand combat.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1.12 man raids
2. Helegrod
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. The damage/resistance system is too confusing. There are no clear explanations for why player damage should hit below the tooltip listed damage when a Knowledge of the Lore Master scan shows a feeble resistance to a certain damage type. There is way too much mystery to how damage is calculated, how -resistance traits and tools function, and why the combat is shifting more towards luck than skill. The new "range of damage" and "numbers instead of percentages" needs to be explained much more clearer than it is currently.
2. There needs to be more gear coin drops in raids. Waiting a year for a complete raid set is...painful. The current paltry coin drop chance discourages team participation and encourages selfishness. Make raiding more rewarding by giving out more goodies.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Offline crafting. It would be nice to be able to craft on my PDA, cell phone, or Facebook account without having to be logged in the actual game! :D
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
I can't think of one activity that I don't have time to do....
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
1) housing : either expand the already existing neighborhood or let us upgrade our houses (too few houses available to buy) , it s kind of frustrating to have all the houses locked due to upkeep in the neighborhood where our kinhouse is located (also where bunch of my kinmates have theirs) to have 0 houses available , well there was one deluxe house left ,was on my way to buy it and someone bought it during the night, let us pay the ammount it would take to buy a deluxe house to have the small houses upgraded to a deluxe one (i already own a small one in there)
edit: the hooks as bunch of people mentioned is dumb, also from the housing quest you get a bear rug but you cant even put it in a small one ,you expect people to keep their rug untill they can afford a deluxe one?
and to the question of whats missing and would be nice more hobbies , i ve read in a thread somewhere (not sure if it was mentioned in this one) sculptures either from plants or rocks
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Housing. It's just an additonal chest right now since no one has a reason to stroll by and see all the pretty items. Plus, most houses are locked due to lacking upkeep so no fun going around trying to see them. Sorry no ideas as to how improve it.
2. Music. Too difficult to get a group together, share the same song, type the commands, find the right part and get it all going. However, the rewards are excellent but most people don't try it since it is too hard. Why can't the leader assign the song, without others having it, and get it all going? Maybe too easy.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
- IN GAME CALENDARS!!!! The game should include the tools you need in a kin to schedule instance runs.
- Underwater swimming. Gollum did it to get the ring, according to the movie.
- Random generated instances. Diablo did it.
- Aggro/Threat monitor. As a tank I can never tell just how well I'm doing with threat generation compare to the rest of the fellowship.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. Levelling, it happens too fast.
2. More areas to explore. The rate at which the expansions come out takes away from the urgency of the Ring's journey. I don't wish to see the game end too fast, so I would rather see more land to explore.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Originally Posted by
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Housing - I would love to see a revamp of the item placement in housing so that we could fit more items in the house. I would also like to see more reasons for people to want to own a house or visit the neighborhoods (I haven't seen another player in my neighborhood in FOREVER). One idea would be Superior Crafting facilities somewhere in the neigborhood. Another idea would be to implement some sort of "yardsale" type of ability to sell items at your house. You would need to have some way in-game to advertise that you're having one and also your location so people could find you. This would keep people from spamming the global channels.
2. Skirmish System - It was a great idea and a lot of people do like it, but it seems like a huge grindfest to me with level capped characters. There are only a few things I would even barter for if I did have the skirmish marks. Everything just seems expensive to me and not worth the time. Give level capped characters (or characters that have SM crafters to create gear for them) a reason to run skirmishes. I like that you've added some cosmetic items, keep adding these, but don't make it take me three full days of grinding to get them, it just bores me to death.
3. I know you said two, but I just can't limit it to 2. Revamp the deeds and virtues. It really bites for me to go back and kill 360 of the same mob in some area on multiple characters. Give me a way to share the load between the characters or allow me to "purchase" a copy of the deed if another character has done this using in-game money, not RL money.
Originally Posted by
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
This probably doesn't qualify since it has to do with LI's, but give us another "Bounties" mechanic so that we can level these LI's up without having to grind Sword Hall 400 times. The old Bounties in Esteldin were really worth it and TONS of people participated in it. I grouped up more doing these than any other time in the game and it was fun to run it daily because it was worth it. You killed the bounties when you nerfed it into oblivion with the SOM release. I know you felt it was OP, but obviously most people didn't feel that way since grinding LI's became MUCH less of a burden when these came out.
I would also love to see a way to change the race of a character. I have an Elf guardian and would love to change him to a Dwarf. My likes and dislikes have changed since I first started playing the game and created this guy. It would be great if we could do this, I would grind the race traits over again with no problem if I could just change the race.
Originally Posted by
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. Fishing - it just doesn't seem worth it to me, there are other things that always draw my attention away.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Housing - Right now my deluxe house mostly feels like a storage shed with a fancy bed and some stuffed animals. I want it to feel like something *I* did, not just a place to stash stuff.
There are a lot of ways you could go here, and some of them would require major overhauls. I'm not sure it's time for that yet, but I'd like to see some real improvements. First, give people a reason to spend time in houses, and a reason to check out how other people live. SWG had an excellent system where you could basically place any in-game item anywhere in your house, in any position. People made some really excellent displays using captured armor sets, furniture, art, etc.
I really like the trophy system in LotRo, but in SWG there were many more artistic things you could get. Some kinhouses looked like an art gallery! I don't expect you to completely trash the hook system for something as versatile as SWG had, because I doubt the engine would support it. But more options on what I can place, and much finer control over where I can place it would lend to more creative and much more satisfying decorating.
2. The economy / auction house is in serious need of improvement and upgrading. WoW's AH was pretty lame in the beginning, but since they allowed plugins, people came up with tools to read and track markets that really improved the system for crafters and buyers alike. Since LotRo doesn't have that option, you guys need to build it into the game. You can't have a real market without information. Currently your information is limited to what's on sale this minute for what price. There's no history, there's no record of what anything actually sold for, and there's no memory. LotRo's "market" is just a simple "spigot/drain" model, which takes all the fun and interest out of being a crafter.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
More hobbies - Fishing is boring! I've seen some excellent suggestions elsewhere, like card playing, that could add some fun social aspects to the game. Notice how popular casual gaming has become in the Facebook age. I don't want Farmville in Middle Earth, but more casual things to do would be fun. The festival events are a good start. Things like the hedge maze and horse races really add something. But they get old after awhile, there's no advancement, and they aren't always around.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)[/QUOTE]
1. The Epic storyline - I'm a social gamer, but an inveterate solo quester. My game time is intermittent and at odd hours, so it's really hard for me to find groups for instanced quests. I basically skipped the second half of Volume 1 and went to Moria. At lvl 59 I went back because you'd made it soloable. I was thrilled to complete Vol 1. I hope you do something like it with Vol II (maybe a little more sophisticated then the god buff, but I'd be happy with that even). BTW - there are still some small fellowship quests in the Trollshaws for Vol 1 that are not soloable by an even-level toon. If the mobs in some instances hadn't been gray to me, I never could have soloed them.
2. I can't think of another one.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised?
1. Character creation options
2. Housing- No hooks make them free form (& add on a side-room "stable" for mounts)
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Random Encounters- much like the wandering Rare Signature's in the game: Bandits ambushing you on the road, small moving enemy "patrols," wandering Dwarf/Elf trade caravans. These should be extremely random & wide ranging paths so players can't camp an area or know where they pop up / duration in game or to rez. Like "Hayoo" he has some great ideas.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in.
1. Definately NOT skirmishes they are worthless, Doing "off questing time" expand "Festival" type actions into Inn's & towns so they are alive and not static boring places.
2. Doing more quests, we have to waste alot of time doing endless boring grinding for deeds, traits etc. And I'd rather do new quests to rescue captured kids / save a homestead specifically just to get deed credit rather than kill 60 bunnies, sparrows and kittens then another 120 kittens, sparrow and bunnies.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. I would like to see Kinship get a revamp
2. Housing neighborhoods for kins / ability to work as a community to build neighborhoods up (superior crafting stations, decor, whatever) / Housing neighborhoods over the mountains (Dale for Men / Erebor for Dwarves / N. Mirkwood for Elves...just a thought)
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be? Super Farming, or Animal Husbandry that one must collect in periods of time, preferably in their new kin neighborhood =)
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. I have time, but thanks for asking =)
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. The LFF tool. I have never successfully used this tool. I believe this is due in large part to it only looking for a single quest when I may have a dozen or more quests I need a fellowship to complete.
And, I may be wrong with this next part but I bet that it doesn't take into account chain quests. By doing so it could expand the pool of potential fellows considerably.
2. While not an existing system, I believe an in-game calendar would be of great use. Through this system, official events could be advertised but more importantly, it would allow for the organization of player-created events.
I imagine it would work by anyone creating an event with date, time, location, description, roles necessary, etc. They then share this event with their friendlist (or a subset thereof) and/or their kin. When a friend or kin accepts the event it shows up on their calendar and a roster of all those participating is visible.
A simple and powerful tool for organizing quests, raids, rp events, and whatever else a group can do.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
I don't have an idea for a brand new game mechanic, but I would like to see an existing mechanic expanded: Hobbies. I admit that I don't have a ready example of what would fit here, especially when lore constraints are considered but perhaps some kind of tavern game which could involve multiple people.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
Two activities I've not done as much with I would like is music and housing. I've learned musical skills and I have decorations filling up my bank, but these two systems just don't command my attention when I log in. I don't think this reflects poorly on these systems it's just that my time is taken with leveling and deeding.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised?
1) Cosmetic Weapons and shields. I love the look of certain weapons and shields (especially the Dwarven Shields, being primaraly a Dwarf player) and really don't like the look of others (like my current guild shield which looks like a big set of wings, very undwarven).
2) Economy. I'd like to see more selling slots and longer selling times. 30 slots doesn't seem like a lot when your selling looted recipes which I hate to just sell when someone might need them and 2 days isn't very long at all. Maybe raise the price a bit and offer 7 days. Also maybe put in a system for wanted items. Since I solo most of the time it took me like 2 weeks to lvl up my bow because no one had posted one.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
I would love to see mounted combat before or at release of gameplay in Rohan. Also would like to see characters being able to equip their horses with barding for combat, etc.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in.
1) PvMP. I haven't really explored much with this becuase it seems like I'm always tied up leveling up my characters. Maybe someday.
2) Fishing. Just kind of boring. Not sure how to make it exciting though as I don't really care for fishing in real life.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Deeds, especially as they are tied to Virtues. With the revisions that have occurred to 'expedite' leveling and shove players into the endgame content/areas quicker it is completely unreasonable to expect that players will have to kill (for example) 450 Angmarim in Angmar to raise 1 rank of Justice per character. This problem becomes even more acute with the possibility to have 9 characters on a single account and the benefits that Virtues provide being not only demanded by fellows for group content, but even to effectively play solo with a character. Clearly exploration deeds can/should be done per character, however the slayer deeds could desperately use some sort of accountwide system. Even if it were to autogrant the base slayer deed (after initial completion on one character) and still require each character to seperately finish the Advanced section (thereby reducing the total number to be killed by 1/3) would be of immense help. Also the sheer number for certain mobs should be revisted. Killing 450 of any one type of mob should be a thing of the past if it is not coupled with accountwide credit for the kills. As a tack onto this, rank 10 cap on Virtues coupled well with a Level 50 character level cap, at this rate we should have a rank 13 cap on Virtues now, they just aren't providing a meaningful impact during end-game/grouping content at the current level cap.
2. For crafting, keep the Multiple-Output system coming! The idea behind the Malledhrim recipes and the recent Jeweller recipe changes were great, keep it up and expand it out to the other professions as well. Also, if Turbine's going to keep the same pathetic Book release rates that we had during Mines of Moria (every 4 months compared to the bimonthly Shadows of Angmar rate), then make these Multiple-Output recipe revamps come out more frequently than just with Book releases (a la the II.8.1 patch).
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Kinship based accomplishments/rewards. There are already a lot of kinships that specialize in raiding, but many of the rewards go to a specific member in terms of gear. It's clear which kinships are raiding kinships based upon how many trophy items they have in their front lawn, but what about kinships that can't/don't focus on raiding? What if you have a kinship which has it's accomplishments resting in crafing instead? Many well equipped raiders out there got their gear from some of the most proficient crafters on their respective servers, maybe a reward in the form of a crafting facility that would take up a housing decoration slot is in order It would serve a two-fold function of rewarding some of the best aspects in the game, namely the wide diversity of things a player (or group of players) can choose to do in the game, and provide some real incentive for players to visit their kinship house other than to use the storage boxes or to get that repair discount at the local vendors.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. Fishing. The idea is great and I actually enjoyed leveling my first angler, but without new/top tier/max level recipe productions for the fish I catch, there isn't much incentive for me to keep fishing or to level the hobby on any additional characters.
2. With the amount of time required to invest in Virtue farming, gear farming, radiance gating, ixp farming, the Legacy lottery, I really don't feel like I have enough time to experience all the game has to offer in terms of perspective from each of the different classes. I am about as self sufficient as a player can possibly be, but the time involved in getting a character up to snuff for even solo content, not to mention group activities, really limits a player to having to choose a rather small number of characters to play with on a regular basis. I'm not saying I want to have 9 main characters, but if the other systems had a little bit of the grind taken out of them, I know I could better appreciate all the details that have been put into making the game enjoyable for all character classes.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Housing. Definitely housing. Considering that peoples unhappiness with the incredibly restrictive nature of the hook system began within a couple weeks of Housing being introduced, it's fair to say this is something that should have been redressed further than allowing rotation of objects. I don't see any need to make any suggestions, there are more than enough in the sub-forum and many of them seem (to me) to be far superior in concept than what we currently have.
2. Although it's not what you'd call "a system" and it probably wanders into the same territory occupied by LIs and Radiance G(ating)ear, my second suggestion would be to do something about Itemisation in the game. I remember in the halcyon days of LotRO the fact that you could get cool armour and weapons from pretty much anywhere, Instances, Barter, Crafting as well as the barely known and even then poorly implemented World Drops. As it stand now, if you somehow get a weapon drop from a mob, it is invariably going to be yellow and completely, utterly and stomach turningly USELESS. Nowadays, LI and Radiance aside, the weapons and armour that you can get from Instances is far and away the best you can get, even though it doesn't change in anything other than appearance (different weapons having the same names, and exact same stat bonuses? please try harder) depending on where you get it from (3 mans). Give people more options in what they can use, have some unique world drops (Purple or better) with low probability (0.3% or smaller) that would actually be considered for use by anyone other than a Mentally deficient Chimp post massive brain haemorrhage. And don't make them only drop inside instances.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
It's already an existing system, but the changes i'd suggest would require the complete breakdown and reconstruction of the system that already exists. Kinships. Make them appealing. Make them fun. Reward people for participating with their kinmates in EVERYTHING. More XP, increased drops, more SM for in-kin Skirmishes. Reward Kins uniquely for working together. Give us a kinship levelling system that could easily have been included from the start, and incorporate access to those special rewards as part of the levelling process (Did I just suggest a content gate? Oh yes I did!). What about special Skirmishes/instance only accessible in kinship groups, and only after your kinship has levelled to a certain point? The rewards and motiviation they can tie into the kinship system are massive, and very easily incorporated into the current state of the game (ie as the war across Middle Earth deepens, kinships become more important, cooperation, family and teamwork are what allows the Free People of Middle Earth to push back against the forces of Sauron).
*(Now i know a lot of people are going to be insulted by that, because they feel they shouldn't have to be in a kinship to do content, but the fact is everyone should want be in a kinship, because otherwise you are wasting your money playing a single player game in a persistent player populated world.)
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. Music. Too technical for me to learn, especially with all the other goals im striving for in the game.
2. Fishing. I want to, but again there are soooo many other things I want to do in the game other than sit wathcing a float bob for 30 minutes every day.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Housing, housing, housing. The hook system needs to go away, we need more flexibility as far as where we can put our items. Actually we need more housing items/patterns too. And more space... additional or larger chests, working "closets" for cosmetic items, a stable for mounts. The neighborhoods feel empty, especially with all the closed houses... there's got to be some way to improve this.
2. Music. We need new instruments. A fiddle and cello for stringed instruments with sustain would be wonderful. A way to for players to transfer .abcs in-game would be great too, then we cold more easily get files to other players for group playing, like an item that you can assign an abc file to, then trade or mail it to other players.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
An in-game calendar. Our kin was just talking earlier today about the hassle of getting people to sign up for events on our kin forums/calendar. An in-game calendar with a mechanism for players to set up events and invite other players (see the WoW-version) would be fantastic. You could even set up a server calendar that players could add events to... concerts, open RP opportunities, PUG raids, etc. That way if a player is bored he can check the calendar to see if anything major is going on that night.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. Hobbies. Fishing is great, but it doesn't really grab me. Some new hobbies would be appreciated... gardening, card games, something nifty that doesn't necessarily improve your character stats-wise but offers fun "perks". Could even tie them into the housing neighborhoods somehow.
2. I don't have a second. :)
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Originally Posted by
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. I like the housing comments about hooks or more hooks
2. Another housing issue; I would like to be able to have my Elves have the option to be able to have houses within their respective cultures (Lorien and Mirkwood). Later game housing instances would be nice
Originally Posted by
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what
would it be?
I think that one or two special legendaries be allowed/char that would stay exactly the same level as the player. The catch being that the weapons themselves would get their own deeds (in addition to scrolls). Deeds could then allow for substitution of Legacies, provide bonuses, etc. Maybe there would even be unique skills. But players could only have a limited number of deeds per weapon/item.
Maybe Rep from other areas like say Ettenmoors could unlock some of the legacy/deed options?
Originally Posted by
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. Activities? PvMP stuff in general, I like Creeps/PVP but Creep content vs. Freep... one sided.
2. Chicken Runs
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1.An updated UI or releasing more robust (useful) UI APIs to allow for UI mods. Most of my greivances with the UI lie with equipment and inventory management. It would be great if the shared bank UI was applied to the standard bank UI, there is no way to quickly spot one stack of items from the sea of small icons nor is there a way to automatically stack items between bank and bags without having to drag and drop an item onto its coresponding stack. The selling interface makes no sense to me, the order that items are listed have little to no correlation to the way they're sorted in my bags. I would also like the ability to keep track of my items across alts, similar to the Altaholic UI mod for WoW: http://www.wowinterface.com/download...Altoholic.html
2. Improved skirmish AI. This is pretty self explainatory. My soldiers are constantly: getting stuck on things which results in both of us getting killed, never heal me inbetween fights when they're at full power (maybe a powerful out of combat regen aura could solve this?), or not moving out of damage zones.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Mounted combat for Rohan?
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1."Non-standard" Skirmishes: There are no compelling reasons to do the higher tier or group skirmishes because they take ~50+% longer to do yet only yield 10-20% more marks. It just feels like a boring grind that's only worth doing for my class legendary trophies because no one does Carn Dum anymore and the ones that drop from elites have an abysmally low drop rate.
2.Grouping: It just feels like no one really groups anymore which is a shame because it makes it so much easier to just tear through quests in a group especially if you're playing a class that isn't very solo friendly
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1....... really? you have to ask? Okay. Housing, please Turbin, for the love of all that is Tolkien and holy! - My current stand on housing has removed the need to say "Do it my way!" :p But the frustration is that the house is too limited. I want to showcase what you have given me and I have obtained! That is the long and the short of it. Find a way to make that happen and you will have a happy Bandit.
2. hobbies - more of them would be great and fluff stuff that you could do with them (eg: whittling - make housing statuettes) <~ not that I am suggesting you include whittling as a hobby, just that you should couple a hobby with fluff stuff.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Entirely new? I guess Mounted combat is the hot topic right now that is actually "new" PvMP skirmishes wouldn't really be new since skirmishes and PvMP are neither new, combining them would be... innovative.
Anyway, Mounted Combat would be nice.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. PvMP - Mostly, there isn't enough to do out there to make it a priority. But I wish I had more reason to be out there.
2. Fluff stuff, I tend to feel as though I need to grind far too much. (So I am saying you have too much gear grinding) ;)
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Originally Posted by
[/COLOR][/COLOR]Question 2
[COLOR=Orange]If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
[COLOR=White]Offline crafting. It would be nice to be able to craft on my PDA, cell phone, or Facebook account without having to be logged in the actual game! :D
Now that is a brilliant idea. I'd definitely love to have an app for that! :D
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Originally Posted by
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. I would love to add more ;variables to emotes and tweek the system a bit.
Xhiu: /emoteto would love to smack ;target around and see ;possessive eyes fall out.
print to you: You would love to smack Frodo around and see his eyes fall out.
print to target: Xhiu would love to smack you around and see your eyes fall out.
print to room: Xhiu would love to smack Frodo around and see his eyes fall out.
Xhiu: /hail waves in greeting as ;pronoun says 'Mae govannen, ;target.'
print to room: [color emote] Xhiu waves in greetings as she says, '[color say]Mae govannen, Frodo.'
Xhiu: /echo Sweating profusely ;me takes a moment to wipe her brow.
this puts my name inside the emote for variety.
I would like to add a /aliasmake command or something of that sort to allow aliases to print to users/aliases the actuall alias and not what the alias is suppose to be. (vocabulary went south for a moment) so that I can make an alias to add aliases without them being (oh yeah) parsed.
2.I would like to see pathing for player owned horses. I type a command that starts my horse path then start autorun and when I'm there I stop the path. Next time I am close to a startpath I can just send my horse on the long trek. This would not be like taxi horses in that if you run into something that aggos you they could attack and knock you off your horse. pather beware.
Originally Posted by
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
ffs please no flying mounts. I want to be able to drop items on the ground and pick them up. or make items droppable for other people to pick up. (not up to me to make this work so gl with this idea) Gardening is a hobby. Farming is a profession. Parsely, thyme, mint are growing in my GARDEN as we speak. I dont find it in logs. Moss maybe. Flowers should be like fish imo. Plant them anywhere, pick them and [/color=green]arrange[/color] them. Trade them, put them on tables, make them into other obj for cooks or farmers (dont get me started on seed naming). Give them a life time of an hr or 30 mins and max number for an area (gl with that).
Originally Posted by
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. Festivals. I try to make time. But sometimes getting 3 or 4 toons through races, or walking fences while drunk, can wear on me. I'd also like to be able to have more opportunity to use those fireworks, or festival items. I guess thats what makes them special.
2. /music
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1.Fixing the hunter class, it is too hard to find groups because no body wants a hunter, we are ranked 3-4 on the dps scale with Champions and Rune keepers at the top,
The hunter class is defined as a nuker class, yet I still get out dpsed, even by a well traited minstrel,
can't do **** in moors.
2. upgrade housing please, and more roleplaying cosmetics, i want cosmetics that make me look normal, like someone you would meet in middle earth! I want to be RANGER not a pointy hatted witch archer
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
New Trait class, e.g hunters have Bowmaster, Huntsman and Trapmaster, Why not add another Class set to the table for all classes? It would make the game even more fun. turbine is otherwise just following world of warcraft with there 3 class sets,
this means heaps of new skills, trait set bonuses and epic class deeds!
AND another type of player v player minigame, we have moors, skirmishes and sparing, but it would be nice to have like real game (not instanced) events, e.g some type of event, or wars of armies that pop up over middle earth every few hours, like Orcs assaulting The 21st hall once an hour, Or an instanced, matchmaking Arena fight type for freep vs freep team based stuff
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. All the older instances i've seemed to miss, because groups only want to do the easy ones like MM /DG instances
2. make locations more interesting, like the prancing pony, inns in the shire, thorin's hall ect.
these places just feel like a waste of time going too.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
1.Housing - DOUBLE Inventory space, Remove Hooks or half rent as there is little advantage and as a casual but lifetime player it's just a wasted money sink.
2.Inventory- I'd like to see more inventory space all over. Expanded by at least 1 row each (bags, bank and double current housing space without adding another giant chest)
Question 2
Lock Picking and trap disarming similer to DDO.
Question 3
1. Crafting - so much of my inventory is hogged with diffrent components I usually dont even bother.
2. Skirmishes - I dont enjoy grouping (but i do RP in cities alot) and after the Skirmish Tutorial I got my butt handed to me so many times on the only solo skirmish it cost me nearly 2 gold to repair and I never did compleate it. I'd like to see the low end a lil easier and more Solo Skirmishes. I dont care if the lower end gives a much lower reward I'd just like to be able to finish some as a casual lifetime player.
Added Suckup
I really enjoy all the fests. As a Casual Lifetime player I am often away from the game for long periods but the diffrent Fests always pull me back in. ;)
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Originally Posted by
Question 1
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
New Trait class, e.g hunters have Bowmaster, Huntsman and Trapmaster, Why not add another Class set to the table for all classes? It would make the game even more fun. turbine is otherwise just following world of warcraft with there 3 class sets,
this means heaps of new skills, trait set bonuses and epic class deeds!
I was thinking that this 4th class set would be a mounted class set, for new skills you can use while mounted on horses and such,
for the Rohan update :P
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Housing - loose the hooks (or at least add more). add more items you can interact with. maybe let each room have different wall/floor decor. add things that give players a reason to go to there house more often; crafting locales pehaps, or maybe even a node yard item. a closet for cosmeticly equipt items would be great. pets/servents that move around the house. but my favorite/most impossible idea is to have my alts randomly walking around my house so the housing zone doesn't feel so empty all the time. same for kinhouses useing kin that aren't curently online.
2. Mounts. i'm thinking this will probably happen when we eventualy get to rohan but what the heck. items for mounts. cosmetics for mounts.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
something that would get more people to roleplay a little.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in.
1. i rarely have enough time to do complicated or long instaces with a fellowship.
2.probably the music system
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1.
A. Travel. You can swift travel from West Bree to South Bree, but in Rivendell, you have to ride around and may very well take a swim in the waterfalls. The logic of when and where stables connect seems pretty haphazard. Some quests are pointlessly brutal in terms of where you have to go (see the GF line in Vol I Books 6-10) that could be easily remedied with more swift travel options. Some places that absolutely should have stables (Homesteads) do not have them. Given the possibility of players working Angmar and Moria simultaneously, one map home is limiting.
My proposals: Standardize the stable system with connections and prices based on how many stops/zones one passes through en route, not unlike a subway system. Standardize when swift travel becomes available. Put stables at the homesteads, or, better yet, move the entry gates to the Homesteads closer to towns. Give us a map home plus a map to base/encampment so we can have two spots to travel to. Reduce the cooldown times by half (to 30 minutes).
B. Housing. While I agree with what many people have said about hooks and such, I want to go in a different direction: Most neighborhoods are ghost towns of non-payment foreclosures. This isn't fun.
My proposal: Allow people to pay rent further ahead. 6 months or even a year. Considering non-payment basically means you have to pay for a new house to re-open your old one, change it so that people lose their houses if they don't pay (but keep the escrow NPC so they can get their stuff back). Urban renewal. Keep neighborhoods fresh.
Question 2
A fleshed-out hobby system. Perhaps painting, calligraphy, ______ collecting, bird watching, taxidermy (!), geo-caching (:O), woodcarving/sculpture, animal husbandry...
Question 3
1. PvMP
2. Fishing
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Housing - Probably been said time and again. To me this is very important for an MMO. It is a serious reason for why I couldn't stand to play a game such as WoW after playing Star Wars Galaxies. Once you play Star Wars Galaxies and experience the housing there, you can't go back. I played LotRO during Beta and even bought it and got the nice Founders subscription, but I promptly quit before the game was even out for a month because I honestly thought LotRO was ****, pardon my language if it offends you. After 2 years of not even thinking about LotRO, I finally thought of it and looked into what had changed over two years when I saw...housing. When I learned LotRO had housing, I canceled my subscription and subscribed to LotRO and have a 65 Rune-Keeper and am a founding member of Mar Vanwa Tyalieva on Landroval which I hope some of you have heard of or heard of our leader Fionnuala. I would have never done those things or become those things if LotRO didn't have housing. That is how important it is to me, I am happy that there is housing but everyday I realize how displeased I am with housing. Whats the point of my house? Whats the point of my Kin's Kin house? Why am I limited by these stupid hooks and forced to have rooms that look empty and bare when I have so many things that I could and WANT to place? Face it the system is obsolete. If anything, hooks need to be removed and replaced with a system similar to Star Wars Galaxies. While I doubt I will EVER see the ability to place ANY item I own in my house, we should be able to place house items wherever we want, instead of being forced to have hooks. Instead of houses having hook limits, houses should have furniture limits. This would be nice because it would allow people to decorate their homes as they want and not be limited by an oppressive and constraining system. It would allow me to have contests with my Kin to see who can decorate the nicest house or something. That is just a simple fix to the larger problem of housing. Houses need a purpose. I can't possibly think of stuff to make them serve more of a purpose, but I don't doubt there is someone out there with a good idea of how to make houses more purposeful. Anyways take a look at this blog post with so other ideas for changing housing. http://my.lotro.com/fionnuala/2010/0...as-on-housing/
2. Crafting - There is a saying in my Kin "Turbine has no love for crafting". No I don't think that is true, but in my Kin we sometimes see the choices Turbine makes as having no love. With Mirkwood, we got new things to craft, but for the most part did we get anything that useful? As a Tailor and Rune-Keeper what do I use the Mirkwood Light Armor for? I use it as cosmetics. I wouldn't dare go into combat with a set of that armor. Crafted armor for the most part at endgame is worthless, completely fully worthless and the only people who want it are the ones not willing to run an instance to earn FAR better armor. Some might argue, well if crafted armor is as good or better than instance armor then the crafters will make so much of it everyone will have it. My answer, make it not easy to craft. Such as the level 65 second ages, those require the hard to get Symbol's of Celebrimbor. There needs to be more love for the crafters, right now being an Armsmen and Jeweler are probably the only truly profitable crafting classes, the rest have been ignored and neglected when it comes to recipes that are demand and people will pay good money for.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Legendary Armor :), I am sure whoever is reading this is laughing at that. I personally LOVE Legendary Items. It is something completely unique to me, maybe it has been done before but I haven't seen it before. Sure at times the LI system is annoying and hellish but I like it and have always wondered if Turbine would add Legendary Armor or maybe just a specific piece of armor like a Legendary Helmet or possibly a piece of Jewelery like a Legendary Necklace. Try saying those names in a deep voice and it sounds even cooler.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities
or events.)
1. Instances
2. Skirmishes - Some of them are far too long and remove from the time I have to spend on others :(
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Crafting - I think the game economy needs to be looked at and especially how crafting fits into this economy
2. Well, you didn't ban skirmishes as a topic, so I'd submit that skirmishes need to be expanded on. There are many good threads on this already; I'll just say the depth of the skirmish needs to be developed so they aren't quite so repetitive and the rewards need to be significantly improved to make this a viable alternative to running instances
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
I like the ideas I've seen about mentoring.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. Chicken play - I have run my chicken a few times, but not enough
2. Moors - I have too many alts that need too much LI work and the Moors doesn't provide any progression for that
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
I think we should have Server vs Server for a event then there are point u gain and ranks for killing a person and capturing a flag instead of keeps.. For Monsters vs Players, I think we should have more then one area to play in, and players get to choose which area they like. and for Monster player change it up no keeps, "Flags". please! THunter19matt87@yahoo.com
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. See below.
2. Fix those first, and then we'll talk.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Statistics! At the end of an instance or when leaving a PvP zone, have a screen that shows most DPS of group member, individual, etc. Most healing done and maybe titles for getting these stats.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. Hobbies.
2. Crafting
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Housing. At a minimum, remove hooks and allow us to design the layout of the house. If it was unlimited budget allow us to buy a plot of land and design our house like UO or horizons or vanguard. Keep neighbourhoods, I don't want housing in landscape.
2. Tokens. Get them out of our packs and into a token dialogue or something. Including Reputation items. I don't know how that would effect the ability to transfer rep items between characters and auction house, but I would sacrifice that ability to get back the space.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Public quests re: Warhammer Online.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in.
1. PvMP
2. Deeds. I can barely motivate myself to do slayer deeds on my main, forget it for my alts.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
1> re revising or expanding a current system:
i) the cosmetic system: 90% of all my storage is hoarding unique armour items purely for making up outfit combos. This needs to be revised into something like a Wardrobe housing item that can convert armour into a non-bound cosmetic item, and also store an infinite or suitably large number of cosmetic items in something like the current Sharded Storage format.
ii) the potion system: every mob seems capable of putting some kind of wound/poison etc on us. When fighting multiple mobs, we cop one or two effects from each of them. On my guard I regularly have 6+ effects on at any given time. Yet the potions only remove ONE! And even then, say I only have 2 Fear effects on, and one is just "fear resistance -1000" and one is "400dmg every second for 20 seconds", the damned pot will always remove the one that *isn't* killing me. And there is then nothing at all I can do about it. There's no amount of skill or playstyle that will prevent this from happening. The first thing to do is simply make potions remove *all* effects of a given type. That would be such a simple thing to do, but make a massive impact right away. A more elaborate revision of the system could follow later.
2> re a new gameplay mechanic:
Raid Assist Combos - when grouped up I think each class should have the ability to coordinate with other fellow members to pull off a special combo of moves. This could be similar to the Warden gambits, but fellowship-wide. So keep the existing knockdown CJ's, but add another form of combo which is constantly being updated based on the skills being used across the entire fellowship, and does not have the knockdown effect. This could be tied into the Raid Assist panel, so that the entire fellow could see what skills were being used, and then the raid-assist toon could trigger the actual combo whenever he saw a desirable sequence.
Champion is Raid-Assist, and assuming participants are all hitting his target:
Champion hits Wild Attack (red)
Hunter hits Barbed Arrow (yellow)
Guard hits Bash (red)
Minstrel hits Bolster Courage (green)
the Champ at this point may go "oh I see a nice combo available" (red/yellow/red/green) and hit his Raid-Assist combo button.
I think this would be an awesome mechanic to really make you feel like you are fighting as part of a team *all the time*, not just when CJ's come up.
3> re existing activities I don't have enough time to join:
I'd like to spend more time helping other people out. I used to do this a *lot* before Mirkwood came out. Now with several toons on the go it is just one endless grind for skirmish marks for Empowerment scrolls, (trying to get) Symbol from SG, item XP, raid gear etc. Hardly have any time to help newer players who are still struggling to complete Moria instances etc, or even lower level stuff to help out, which I used to do all the time. And now when I do go and do an instance, I find myself getting impatient because I know I have so much other grind stuff to do to complete my toons. The grind has really killed the nice helpful atmosphere.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
I would like to see the ability to send multiple items via the mail system. It gets annoying sending 10 seperate mail to the same person to get 1 item crafted.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Think about what could be offered to your customers that would drive additional revenue with minimal added cost and at the same time increase the customer's enjoyment and retention. Customers would be interested(me) and shareholders would be happier(me).
2. What could be offered for sale in the game?
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Initiate a system where a character can purchase experience tokens, advanced weapons, and fully developed characters. Many players who do not have the time to develop a whole range of classes would be willing to pay for a character that is already advanced.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. Skirmishes - Shorter, higher return on effort
2. Trait development
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Housing at all, the way how we place furniture, and spot limitations make the house decoration strange, like we cant put a table near to chairs (what sounds logic), for example. Also, make the way out of a neighborhood to others towns, like item/quest/deed reward a travel back to determined locations. what I saw till now is that house is nothing more than 1, 2 or 3 storage box. Its a waste imo.
2. Mount. we can think in more ridable animals (ok this one is too far) but I bet ppl will love to mount a Frost Mammoth. On normal rides I wold like to se a revision on all horses, like givin the more or less hp, or maybe a boost running skill, evade skill... each especial horse shold get diferent skill/stats. The quests of chicken run, gave me this ideia, and a lvl 20 horse as easy than a lvl 30. It can be improved!
*edit*3. (plz!) navigation sistem! Is common to get lost in some ways, or when trying to get into a quest ring location on map you have to stop hit M and look at a full screen map, its really need to be fulll screen? IMO make it user controled, like size of window, zoom, transparency, and a eventual pot location (you put a pin o map and set it to tracker) may help a lot with game dinamics and sholdint be any very revolutionary change on game client. *end edit*
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
A light taste of somekind of siege, to flame up chalenges between kinships, I think is a thing to think. I know PvP Ising the point of overall gameplay, but Im sure some games to conquer a zone will put some fun on it, who dont like to pvp simply do exactly what you have been doing for years. np.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. Actualy fellowship. Im have a hartime finding help on group quests.
2. Housing.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question #1
1. Housing improvement needs to happen. More spaces or free form. Addition of rooms. As for the outside, I'd like to have trees lining the path to my house as well as a gate and a cobbled path (I don't like the mud.) A high wall so that I don't have to see the neighbors and/or they can't spy on my grand works. I like showing off, but only to my friends.
2. Mounts. More types. I haven't progressed enough to consider a mount, other than basic, as a must have expense yet; housing allows more storage space; but i've gotten the idea that they aren't as fast as the swift travel horses and there's no way to improve them in function, speed, health, or fashion. Armor would be nice. Functional or cosmetic.
3. I can not compress the data into a two answer format. Personal bagage could get an expansion. I don't like bringing other MMO's into conversation, but I think WoW has a way to get bigger bags. Granted, if you use your bank and house, this isn't too big a deal, but some moments are too good to pass up and I have leave them or throw something away to make space. This is more of a personal complaint and delvs into probable psychological issues with hoarding, but the cost to increase bank space seems extreme.
Question #2
I don't know if this would techniquely be a new game mechanic or qualify as a revision or improvement, but more things to do in your neighborhood. In particular, the ability for the community to pool it's resources and make additions. A crafting hall and then upgrade that to a superior crafting hall. Maybe add resource gatherers like ore, wood, and other crafting stuff. You would still have to pay out of pocket, but it would make that mechanic which already exists, in Thorin's gate and Combe at least, more viable. As far as turely 'new' mechanics are consernd I can sum up in one word, holograms.
Question #3
1. Well, PvMp could be expanded and thus be worth my time. Don't get me wrong I like how controling certain places affects the community on the whole, but give it more/new places to play. Make it level based and let the creeps level up and get used to their mechanics before throwing them up against fully leveled and experienced freeps. Don't need creep story lines or anything. Keep the current system, just modify it for leveling so the creeps have a sense of accomplishment.
2. As far as not having time goes, I try to live a life out side of cyber space, so I just don't have time. What I realy want is a game that has MMO content with out being forced to play online. Subscription for upgrades and more content, sure, fine. You can get online if you want, but your not restricted to whether or not you can pay your real world bills. You can play what you've already payed for with out having to worry if your connection will hold. Maybe Npc fellowships.
Plus, I don't like online socializing. I like being able to touch my girl friend. This is more of a personal thing realy.
To sum up, i've been playing Computer games since Wolfenstein and Doom were shareware and you could get them in a cereal box. I've had fun on a computer with 16mb of ram. I've played fewer MMO's, but other than Guild Wars, which is cost effective, Lord of the Rings is, by far the best balanced. There are issues to be addressed and you're not going to make everyone happy. There's always going to be someone who complains that it's not like WoW, boo hoo. Most of the issues, after these years of being live, are going to be with the player not the game, especialy this game. If you make changes i'm certain you, the devs, will make good use of your time. All in all, this is one of my favorite games and i'm itching for Helmsdeep, Gondor and Mordor.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
1. First of all, I'm putting in another vote to a revision of the housing mechanic and how housing and house decorating works. Tehre have been a number of excellent suggestions here, so I won't reitterate, but I would really like somehting done with decorating, to give us the abiity to make it feel more homely.
2. Rest Experience. Now, there have been a lot of threads about slowing up XP, or not, or speeding it up, people complaining in a variety of diffrent ways about how our bonus xp works, or shouldn't or whatnot. Here's a suggestion:
Rest XP tied to zone. Like this, players would only accumulate rest XP if logged off in certain areas, where their character might feasibly, actually rest. It always seemed a little silly to clear a spot around you inthe middle of a spider den, long enough to log off out of combat, and come back a day later with your character so wonderfully rested and ready to hack more spiders... No.
Rather, for example, have any inn or tavern count as a 'rest zone', logging off inside would apply Rest XP normally, but elsewhere would not. This would address the mentioned issue of all the wonderfully designed and atmosphered pubs about the place being so sorely neglected; people would have a reason to go to one. (Out in the wilder parts of hte world, some of the camps could have simple rest facilities... Those beds in a side room in Ost Guruth would do, the sets of bedrolls about Echad Candelleth, that sort of thing.)
This same change to the mechanic could be used to address some other problems with the game as well. One muhc lamented one is how empty the housing instances ae, and how little incentive there is for players to go back to their houses, except for blunt sotrage. You could have housing neighbourhoods (where the player in question has a kin house/personal house... in this sense tied to the same thing that determines the availability of your house ports) count as rest zones, where Rest XP would be applied normally. This would be incentive not only for players to buy and maintain thier houses propperly, but to visit them more often as well.
(**cough** If, as above, a redesign of how housing decorating and the like were implimented as well along side this... **coughcough**)
Consider also, to help this incentive, without making it actually forced or inhibitive, placing a small fee on players for logging off in a rest zone that is not hteir housing instance... Instead of the normal "Would you like to log off now/cancel", you might have, in pubs and such, "You are logging off in a rest zone, Rest XP will be applied here, but a small fee of X silver applies, Log off yes/no" or something to that extend.
Some players might complain about that, sure, but ti would hardly be a cripling amount of money, just something tokenary, but just enough to make it worth your while to go home instead if you want to save. This would be an advantage to owning your own home and taking care of it; free rest XP. Of course, you pay upkeep instead, but that's to cover the other benefits of having a house as well, so no-one really has ground to stand on for complaining against it on either side, really, as long as it was balanced well.
(You know, if we want to take this further, you could also look at the potential for deccelerated XP, as I laid out somewhere else in another suggestion; you would have neutral zones, that weren't offical rest zones, where nothing would be applied, but you could also have the wild places and dangerous zones that would give you decellerated XP, from fitful or poor rest... but keeping it simple, this is jsut an aside)
Question 2
As for a new mechanic, I'm really not sure here, I'd really like some progressive mechanic that allowe dus to grow our characters in certian way that wasn't dependant on slotting things; something that actually made our character, themself, stronger in some way. Something liekthat would need to be tightly controlled, I imagine, so as not to over-balance things, or to create a possible divergance of play power margin so great as to make content unsatisfying, but I'd like tot hink there's some good way to implement somethign like that well.
Question 3
1. Hobbies. when hobbies were first intorduced to us, the implication would be that there would be a variety of hobbies players could pursue. At the moment, we dont' ahve hobbies, we have fishing. All barring one of my characters don't fish and have no inclination to do so, at a character level, so I didn't teach them fishing, and won't... they would like to pursue other hobbies thogh, I hthink that the hobbies are a great idea, if only they were more than fishing. (especially distasteful is the manner in which, after it was implemented, everythign fluff related seemed to assume that everyone would be able to fish now, and would want to do so... Have deeds and the like for different hobbies, sure, but don't force hobbies onto people for external and largely unrellated deeds.)
2. Beyind that, I'm not sure... I get to experience most if not all of what i really wnat to, to mostly satisfying amounts. I dn't seriously RP as muhc as I might like to, by time constraints relating to actual/serious gameplay with folk who don't, themselves, RP, but that's nothign that can really be addressed from a Game end, sadly.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Cosmetics - I feel that there is not enough customization available to some of the outfits in the game. I think it is very weird that we HAVE to have hoods up on our hooded cloaks. It would be nice for there to be a 'de-hood' option in the outfit tab of the Character panel. That, and add another slot for customization. We should be able to have a 'facial' slot, where you can put masks, eyepatches, and other things to customize the look of your character, while still being able to wear helmets, hoods, and other things.
2. Player and Item skins -- I would like to see an update with new faces, hairstyles; as well as new item skins. I find it silly that at level 65, in Mirkwood, I am using the same skin of a shield that I recieved as a quest reward at level 12. Either that, or let us be able to customize the skin of our legendary weapons and/or shields.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Tavern Revelries. It would not only add a new way to buff without the need for certain classes, it would bolster the farming and cooking crafter communities, and be a great way to bring people together for Role-playing opportunities.
Or just hire Hayoo and do what he says.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. Roleplaying. There just seems to be too much pull to do raiding, questing, deed grinding, and other things to really enjoy some of the great things roleplaying can do after a tough day at work.
2. At the moment, nothing comes to mind.
Thank you for your consideration.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Instance chest loot. With the addition of LIs, chests (especially raid chests) have a lot of loot there and it is mostly runes and relics. It can be a pain to use ML sometimes with so much loot on the screen and the good stuff is hidden. Also this can take a long time, I've seen times where it takes longer to hand out loot than it does to kill the boss for the chest. I think having a set number of runes and relics that each person would loot just like they loot their Medallions would be a good idea.
2. Virtues. They are still capped at 10, which is what they were when we were level 50. Either scale ranks by player level or add 1 to max virtue rank for every 5 level cap increase, so at 65 we would have a max of 13. Also, an addition of new virtues that add damage-type mitigations. Right now all we have is shadow damage, there are 4 other damage types that are untouched by virtues.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
New Hobbies.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. Exploring. I see a lot of nice screenshots on the forums, places I would like to see in-game, but there is just too much grind in this game now, even for 1 character.
2. Playing creep side.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. I am in agreement with most everyone here that Housing needs fixing. It lacks realism and with the way hooks are designed they do not look like homes.
2. Story choices. I know that you've started to put some choices in there where you can decide your characters opinion. I would like to see more of them and I would like for them to have consequences for the story arc. I dont mind if its not long term in the story lines because they do need to be updated as the game expands but maybe they can be included inside instances or session plays. The experience of such and such instance or session play would be different depending on the story choices you make. It makes alts a little more exciting and provides extra immersion.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
A system that detects immature WoW players and ejects them? Disclaimer: The question was just a little harmless joke, not meant to offend anyone. -- On a more serious note, while I dont have a specific suggestion per se, I would love to see anything that provides for great story immersion.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. Older Raids. Rift, Helegrod, CD, Uru, BG in Angmar, Fornost etc. People don't like to do them anymore becausse leveling occurs much more quickly now and the rewards apparently aren't good enough for higher level players. I really would love to see these get some action again. Maybe they could drop an Eriador Medallion that could be used to barter for medallions from newer instances. I dunno. I miss them.
2. Hobbies.. because there arent any. Level fishing and thats that. This probably would fit in the what to expand catergory but I already filled in my two spots there so this goes here. I would like to spend more time in participating in new hobbies though =D .
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Housing. The ideal situation would be Sims-like. The current situation is far from ideal. Everybody likes a happy medium. :)
2. Traits/skills. Classes need much more diversification. I would like to see 2-3 trees per class to enable more customization. In addition, many skills need to be streamlined, consolidated, split up, altered, or moved.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Many people would say 'Mounted Combat'. I personally say the mount system needs to be expanded...perhaps this could be a new mechanic. Or rather...a new use for existing ones. Apply our Soldier trait templates to our mounts.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. I would raid. I was a hardcore raider in WoW and other games, but the radiance gear dissuades me here. Not only because of the artificial barrier, but because it's terrible all around.
2. I don't spend enough time in my house or neighborhood, because there isn't anything compelling to do there. I would love to see more social events there, as well as additional utility for the existing system. (ie: storage of BOUND items, as nearly all housing items are bound.)
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. *broken record* Housing. Leaving the distinction between floor, furniture, and wall items, base what you can put in a room\hook on points, so if I have a large hook, allow one large item or two small items or 3 thin items...or have a max number of furniture points per room and each size have it's own point value, so a room might have a max of 18 furniture points, so I have have 6 large pieces, or 4 large pieces (at 3 points) and 3 small (at 2)...crafting facilities in each housing area...NOT all, but specific to the housing area
2. Hobbies. I would like to see the addition of perhaps taxidermy, glass blowing, nerf bat making, (make a "bat" someone can use to "nerf" their char to the level of a certain instance, usable only in that instance and expires when you leave the instance)
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new game play mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
server events -
ex 1 if the "creeps" own every keep in the Ettenmoors, an event is opened that allows creeps to escape the Ettenmoors through that tunnel from Volume 3 book one into the Trollshaws. (would automatically increase all town guard npcs, send a server event notice and expire either in 24 hours or when at least half of the keeps returned to "freep" control, Ered Luin would still be inaccessible to "creeps")
ex 2 if a particular non-level cap instance has been defeated x number of times in a day (% based on server volume), open up a server challenge that rewards a barter item each time you defeat the final boss for 24 hours, the same barter item regardless of the instance, that can be bartered for other barter items, pocket items, special cosmetics, or nerf bats (see above)
ex 3 random "instance boss x escapes and attacks area y" {ie Mordirith decides he wants to go attack the west gate of Bree, but since the current max level is 65, good old Mordy's now 65 with all his possible skills (including stuff that he summons on script but at random) scaled up to 65.}
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. exploring the landscape. There are a lot of fun little things (snowman in Ered Luin as an example) you miss running around like mad leveling. I'd love to see the rest of the Shire opened up if only to explore the landscape.
2. level 50 instances. Having played since SoA beta, I greatly miss the challenge and enjoyment these instances brought when we were capped at 50. Most seem to skip these now, or else will drag some 65s along so they can breeze through them.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Housing. It's ridiculous how much of ghost towns they are. One thing that would be really really cool is to have more hooks/moveable hooks. And please give us something to do. Maybe listen to an npc band, have some npcs to dance with, some games...anything. Also it's really a tired excuse to not put crafting facilities there because it would steal us away from towns. Homes are way out of the way from quest hubs so any quick crafting would still be done in towns. Then there's bards, trainers, barter npcs, vendors. All those are still in towns. All I'm asking for is even non-superior versions of crafting facilities.
2. Kinships. Custom ranks, more kin-related chat channels, mechanics for inter-kin grouping (LFF panel upgrade). See discussion threads for more.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Non-combat pets. Maybe as a skirmish reward. Make them customizable as to fur/hair length, color, breed, size, etc. Have them be summonable as well.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. Session play of cool/significant events.
2. *shrug*
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Originally Posted by
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Housing
Time to change housing from hooked to hookless and from static to upgradable.
There's too much out there to put in the houses, and the homes have some awful layout issues. Easiest fix would be to change the system.
In stead of a limited number of places and types, have each tier home have a value ... say 50 for 1st tier, 100 for 2nd tier and 200 for Kinship. Each item would have a value, say 1 for thin furniture, 2 for small furniture/small yard, 3 for large furniture/large yard, etc. Then, let the players put out anything they want, anywhere they want, adding up to the max value for the home.
Also, with this method, housing could be upgradable. You could pay to go up a tier, or half-a-tier. Your home inside could be bigger than on the outside, or even make the outside home change to match. Adding a 3rd tier or even 4th tier home in this fashion would be neat as well.
2. Special Storage
It would be really cool if furniture in a home could hold items that are cosmetic in nature to the game, or just make sense for the item. For instance, a dresser or wardrobe that holds just cosmetic clothes (LOTS of them); a "closet door" or shed that could hold statues, furniture and other house items, or a scholar's desk that holds only scrolls; a cupboard that holds only food, etc. In the current system, or an unhooked system, you could limit the number of each item per home to one or two, or just let the players go to town with storage if it could be made fesable.
Originally Posted by
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Horse Combat and Travel
I'd love to be able to act while on the horse. I still think that the horse should have limited health, and you should be unseated early in combat, but to be able to ride in and do charge attacks, or just have regular combat while on horse would be cool enough, but special effects on attacks from horse, using a lance or only attacks capable while moving would be cool.
On the same subject, but different purpose, I think horse owners should be able to ride their own horses from one stable to the next without renting a stable horse. Here's what I mean (and how it could work): If you're standing on the ground and click on the stable-master, you get the normal destination list, at normal prices and you take a stable horse for the secure ride. If you're MOUNTED and click on the stable-master, you get a destination list with all swift-rides greyed out, the prices vastly reduced (5% or 10% of regular cost) and when you select the destination, you just turn and go. The only difference between traveling this way and regular riding is you don't touch the movement keys, like when you're on Follow. If you touch a movement key, or if something decides to attack you and succeeds in dismounting you, the guided ride is cancelled.
Originally Posted by
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. Epic Story Quests
I think a good idea would be to make the Epic Story Quests be level-flexible. I like the fact that the Book quests have been changed so it is possible to solo them all, but I would suggest one step further. While it is fun to do the stories, it's hard to stay with the stories without leveling past them because there's so much good content. To that end, I suggest that the creatures inside automatically match the level of the group leader, or highest-level person in the group.
2. Rep-building
I don't actually have any good suggestions for this one. I just know I like building my rep with groups, but it always seems to go slow. I know its more about how much time I put in, because my best friend, who plays about 1/3 more than me, gets much more rep-building done (Her goal is to have all the horses).
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. crafting. bulk crafting recipes were good idea but only available as a reward from doing skirmishes.
2. grinding mobs for deeds. a reduction of the required number of mobs would be great.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be? acquiring crafting nodes while on horseback would be great 8)
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. shorter skirmishes.
2. pvmp creep side where im not being ganked by a burg or two who keep chain riddling me. and vice versa freep side wargs.
.............................. ...................
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1.Need cosmetic shields and weapon slots. So many cool looking weapons that you never get to see because they are not good enough to use. (ie, many grey color weapons look awesome but no one ever sees them and same goes for shields)
2. Grinding virtues... sucks. I hate it. Everyone hates it. Needs some massive help.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
scale old instances so that if people wish to collect old armor for cosmetic they can as it is nigh impossible to get groups for those instances.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. No idea.