lol helper cat :)
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That troll cat is a farmer I tell ya. A true farmer.
Lithya: Creeps took Isendeep. Go get it back.
Isendeep is claimed in the name of the free peoples.
Lithya: Good job freeps.
Isendeep is claimed in the name of Angmar.
Lithya: Freeps to isendeep now.
My favorite farmer, second only to Sanura. You two can fight.. I guess in vent so no threads get closed :o
Sanura's my buddy.. we went up there together recently to farm ore and we got rolled so we both got mad. GO AND TAKE ISEN BACK ALREADY T_T
Ahahahahahahaha rofl! XD +5 stars
Well, since somebody else has said something, I'll chime in and point out the burglar in the middle of the front row.
Sorry, but if you look closely between the heads of the two black cats in the middle, you'll see the ear & a bit of the head of a grey cat. That cat's body can be seen between the heads of the black cat and the orange cat in the back row.
Oh hai hoomans! I been luking fur teh best kind of armour fur my minstrel. I been researches dis on dese forums. I seed dat much meowing haz been dun hear about dis. Sumbudy even asked fur minstrels to wear heavy armours.
By melissaissim at 2008-02-14
"Don't hate, appreciate!"
Did u awls kno dat dey nao haz a report option for teh gold spamzors?!!! Nicey NICE!
One ting dat I notices much hear, everybudy seems ta liek teh idea of moar room! In teh dev chat sumbudy asks fur it and teh dev's says we wants u to haz, but we gotz to think about teh ramifurcatshuns. I fink dey mean dat teh moar stuffs u haz in ur bags, teh slower u will walk... dat makes sense no?
I hatez teh turtles!
Its about time! Dose buildings just keep burnings!
U fink dat guy is a bamf wait until post book 12 Balwrong!
Thanks a lot for the new laughs!
So this is what you do at work, ehh? :rolleyes:
Dunno about Duvainwen, but in my job, sure beats workin
Wow, excellent posts! Keep up the good work!
yeah actually, today is
So I had two at lunchtime. :) I am aware this has nothing to do with the forum summary, but hey I'm a little too happy to care.
melissa you have the best ones!! keep them coming
Dis is da truf I swearz! So 1 ting I do not want to listens to is peoples being so angers at teh Turbines hoomans. Dont get meh wrong, now... Dis is teh place for feedback, an venting and telling everbudy what u wants. Dis is okays, but when peoples starts to sey this game is not going to last, is not more bettah den teh WOWs en other such meowing. Is bery annoyin ta meh... I sez what I wants and what I no liek and what maked me happy... Just no need to sez mah game suxorz. Dev's will not liek dis either, I fink dey rather listen to kitteh den you!!!!!