Aww, thanks :) I still need to work on skirms & BBs though, but where to find the time...
You're very welcome!
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Great guide! What is your advice on how to get into raids and epic battles?
Here is a detailed guide about Epic Battles:
Hi Cindaring, thanks for your nice comment!
As for your question: unfortunately I've been unable to play except for a few short logins since December due to RL and work stuff, so I can't say I'm still up to date with everything going on.
Before the server merge, it would heavily depend on what kind of server you're playing on, but now that all servers are quite busy there should be no problem to find people during peak hours. Just send out a message in /world asking for company. There are 2 approaches to this:
- Simply ask if there are any people interested in joining you for Raid X of Epic Battle Y. Example: Anyone want to join for Carn Dum?
- Give the readers of your message some basic info on what your group looks like / what it needs. Example: 7/12 for OD T2C, looking for healer & DPS, pst
The 2nd is used most because it's targeted specifically at people who can join your group (in this case players at level cap with access to the Ost Dunhoth Raid, and healers & DPS toons specifically).
Being in a kinship also helps a lot as you get to know your kinmates and can ask them if anyone wants to join you, this usually works better than asking strangers on /world (on condition that you're in a good kin of course). Same for having people in your friends list. If you completed a run with a nice group, it's a good idea to add them to your friends list so you can easily ask them if they're up for something new later.
Hope this answers your question, if not - feel free to ask again :)
Updated the guide again, revamped almost every section. Merged a few sections into the same post so I could add crafting, LI, skirm and EB sections to the end without messing up the entire order of the thread.
Please let me know if you spot anything that's incorrect - I don't get as much play time as I used to so I am not following update/patch notes as closely as I used to. Won't blame you if it takes some time though, the guide currently takes up 44 pages in a Word document :D
Great job man.
Thank you for your guide,i just return to the game is very helpful.
Why is it sticky?
Thornelas, thanks very much for your new player guide. As a brand new LOTRO player I found it very helpful.
I think some of the information is dated, though. For example, while you reference Stout-Axe Dwarves many times they don’t have an entry in the race list. For another example, Captains can be Men or High Elves, not just Men. And the resistance bonus for High Elves is the same as for vanilla Elves, just 1% not some level-based formula. I could compile a detailed list using the reference numbers of your guide if that would help, although I’m sure you don’t need that from me.
Is there a way to recommend this thread to be stickied?
The “Free 2 Play” FAQ has a lot of dated information, hasn’t been updated in a decade, is closed so there’s no way to post corrections in its thread, and it’s stickied so new players like me are reading it and being misinformed. Just as an example, that FAQ states that Premium accounts have a base of 3 character slots per server and VIP accounts have a base of 5 character slots per server, but it’s actually 5 and 7 as confirmed by my personal experience and here:
Glad to hear!
It's definitely possible that some things are outdated. I've only recently updated this guide after a long time of not taking care of it, and I have to say that I have missed a lot of update notes during a time that I didn't play much (if at all).
If you find mistakes, feel free to point them out to me because I might either not be aware that something changed or it has slipped through the mazes of the net when I scanned the guide for outdated info. Its a 40+ page document in Word so it takes a while to get through, so a pointer is always appreciated :D
Not that I know of, but if enough people keep commenting one of the forum moderators may notice it and make it sticky :D
Yeah it's kind of sad if there is no easy way to make them aware... Perhaps you can try reporting the post / thread? I have no clue if you can write a message to the moderator who has to review it...
Would you add "Last Updated On: date" to the top? I know you can't edit the title, but this should be on the first line. It does list the last edit date at the bottom of the post, but
that's several screens down. Putting it at the top will help people see how current it is.
Thornelas- Once again, thanks for this guide. Here are my suggested edits and changes.
3.1 Races
Needs an entry for Stout-Axe Dwarves.
3.1 Races
2. Elves
Elf resistance is just 1%, not some level-based formula (same as High Elves).
3.2 Classes
Stout-Axe Dwarves may also be Burglars.
3.2 Classes
High Elves may also be Captains.
3.2 Classes
High Elves and Stout-Axe Dwarves may also be Champions.
3.2 Classes
High Elves may also be Lore-Masters.
3.2 Classes
High Elves and Stout-Axe Dwarves may also be Rune-Keepers.
3.2 Classes
High Elves may also be Wardens.
5.2 Useful Tips In The Game
I suggest adding something about Pending Loot. This escaped my notice at first, then I lost stuff due to time delay, then I figured everything in there was supposed to be junk and was safe to sell, and only then did I realize I needed to sort through it to find the things worth keeping, the things worth selling, and the things I could jettison/delete to make room.
5.2 Useful Tips In The Game
I don't think the torch-lighting key combo works anymore. I tried it, nothing. I looked for it in the keybinding menu, also nothing. I am using the Mac client (actually it's the Windows client with a WINE wrapper so it will run on a Mac) so maybe that's why, but I asked other players in game and they had never heard of it at all.
edit: I was wrong, this does work. Still can't find a keybind for it in the menu but alt-F10 works to toggle it – but only at night when outdoors, I haven't yet tried it in a dark indoor setting.
6.2 VIP Benefits
The reference to "5 inventory bags" should be changed to a number of inventory slots since nowadays all characters, even F2P accounts, start with the maximum number of bags (6?), it's just the number of slots that can be divided among them that changes as extra bag space is granted by VIP status or in-store purchases.
6.2 VIP Benefits
F2P base character slots is 2/server, Premium base slots is 5/server, VIP base slots is 7/server. The reference to extra character slots should be changed to something like, "2 extra character slots. This adds to however many character slots you already had. If you were F2P before going VIP you get the 3 extra character slots awarded to a Premium account as well for a total of 5 extra slots. And of course any character slots you are awarded through store purchases or as part of some other purchase (such as from the Moria expansion pack which adds 2 character slots) are added to this." All the notes about what happens to the 2 extra slots when VIP expires and the account status changes to Premium still apply.
6.2 VIP Benefits
Paragraph starting "When your subscription ends, your account will be permanently elevated to premium status." Consider changing to "When your VIP subscription ends, your account will be downgraded to Premium status. Once your account is Premium your account can never lose Premium status and revert to the lesser Free-To-Play/F2P status."
6.3 Store Items Worth Purchasing Early
This is only my opinion, but I think the Samwise Gamgee Starter Pack is the best deal for a new player, especially one who might create a lot of characters in order to get a feel for all the different classes and isn't yet sure they want to go VIP or otherwise spend a lot of time or money on the game. It's only available from third-party sellers such as Amazon nowadays. For about $10 US you get free riding skill and a fast mount for every existing and all future characters which can be used as soon as the game intro experience is completed and "Novice" status is achieved so very very early; gold cap removal for every existing and all future characters; and 15 extra inventory slots for every existing and all future characters (those at the inventory slot cap already don't get more to exceed the current cap). And of course since this is a real-world money purchase the account is changed from F2P to Premium if it isn't already (so 3 extra character slots per server and the ability to send money via mail, among a lot of other benefits). The gold cap removal is not a big deal for new players but will turn out nice later for those that decide to continue to play. The extra inventory slots are a huge convenience right from the beginning. And there's no other way to get riding so easily or so early in the game with so little time or hassle, and no thinking about having to go VIP for a month multiple times just to enable the Level 20 riding skill quest rather than spending LOTRO points for each new character that needs it – this is worth the $10 all by itself and of course you get more than $10 of LOTRO points worth of other benefits.
I'm new so there's still a lot of stuff I don't know, therefore I have no comments about other sections of your great guide at this time.
Thanks for reading!
edit: And maybe add a link to the stickied F2P FAQ and mention it is terribly out of date and should not be referenced by new players.
Strange... I have multiple copies of this guide (1 local, 1 here, 1 on Steam, 1 somewhere on a site of an old kin I was in and 1 on the kin I'm active in now). For some reason the copies here and on Steam are not the same as they are in my local copy or on the kin site. One example is the Sout-Axe race which is included there.
I will have to look into this because that means there could be other differences as well. Will let you know when I'm done going through it and updating with suggestions. Thanks for listing these up by the way!
Best tip for LotRO: don't give money to the game and you won't be angry that the game barely works when and if it wants to.
Hello again,
It took me a tiny bit longer than the few days or weeks that I had initially anticipated (life is a bit upside down in the real world at the moment, you may have heard something about a worldwide thingy...), but I just finished updating the guide with most of your suggestions.
What I didn't change:
The torch is a small effect, yes, but it can still be useful in some dark places like Moria.
The Samwise Gamgee Starter Pack is only available through the LOTRO Market, and if the player is about to spend real money on the game I suggest going for a VIP subscription instead (even if only one month) because that will give them more benefits.
I didn't link the other thread because it didn't make sense to me to do so. They're already on this thread anyway so I prefer not to link another one where they may pick up outdated info.
As always: thanks for pointing out any incorrect, outdated or inconsistent things! Feel free to keep suggestions coming - I won't promise that I'll change everything as suggested but I will definitely look at them (even if it takes some time).
Hi there, I am new to LOTRO. Can I have couple characters on one account? Thanks
Welcome aboard!
You can have a ton of characters on each server on one account.
If you are playing for free then 2 characters.
If you spend some real money your account becomes "Premium" and you can have five per server.
If you subscribe the number goes up to 7 but will drop back to 5 if you end the sub. In that case you must pick two of the seven to be locked.
In addition to the above you can purchase additional character slots in the in-game store with LOTRO Points. One slot is 595 LP or approximately $6. The maximum number is 20-something.
Have fun!
Hi and welcome!
In addition to Nosdracir's reply above, I just want to clarify that you can purchase these character slots without spending real money. You can earn LOTRO Points (LP) by completing deeds in the game, and you can then use those LP to buy stuff from the LOTRO Store. It takes quite a bit of playing to earn enough LP, but essentially you can play the entire game for free without missing any major benefits that the VIP users have.
For more info, refer to the guide - sections 4, 5 and 6 specifically :)
Have fun!
An beginners guide that is actively maintained: that is a first sighting for me.
Big kudos for Thornelas, and @Cordovan: do everyone a favour and sticky this, please? Pretty please?
I do my best :) Although I have to admit there were gaps when I haven't updated the guide for several years, I hope to stay on it a bit more actively now!
As for the sticky-ing... I don't know, the first version of this guide was published over 7 years ago and people have been asking for a sticky since reply #1, not sure what would make the forum moderators change their mind now :D
Hi! This guide helped me a lot, but there is still a question I cannot find anywhere.
I read there is a chat channel for trading (/trade). But, how is the process of exchanging items? Where do I have to click? I am really lost with this. Thank you.
So in Trade channel a typical message from a seller would look like this
WTS [Ithilharn Shard] 190G each, 1800G for 10 - PST.
Anyone interested would send you a tell and you can agree how many items they want and price and mechanism for exchange.
Easy option and fine for cheap to mail items like shards, is just mail the buyer the item, with the COD checkbox ticked and the agreed price entered. When they get the mail and accept the price, you get a mail with the money.
However stacks of crafting mats can get expensive to mail so some people may not want to, in which case you need to agree to meet up somewhere e.g. Boar Fountain in Bree and do a trade exchange in person, I think it's right click on the person and select trade exchange (it's been so long since I've done that I can't remember specifics)
Both Altair6 and Once_of_Bree gave good answers but there's some further points to be aware of with regards to trading via COD mail.
There are a few jerks out there who will offer good money if you COD them an item by mail and will then ignore your mail. It will sit unopened in their mailbox for something like 6 weeks and then get returned to you unopened. They can also open th email just before the 6 weeks expires and set a new timer of, I think, 2 weeks, but maybe more. Thus a jerk can lock up an item for 8 weeks or more. It is much safer to trade in person where you both have to approve the trade before it will go through.
Once you reach level 20 and go through the skirmish tutorial you can meet with people who are located in a distant part inside a low level skirmish, like one of the level 20 Great Barrows skirms. The two traders create a fellowship and then both join the same skirm. Then you can trade in the start location without engaging any mobs.
Have fun!