Hi, thanks for your interest. Fwiw, info on TerrainMap is easiest to find on the lotrointerface download thread for the plugin:
The update for U32 & U33 (Angle and Yondershire) for TerrainMap should be available sometime this week.
The update to TerrainMap is just the first step in many needed to update the Google map. The new tiles for Yondershire and the Angle are fairly easy to update although the borders/background around those areas may need significant work. The Angle in particular has a lot of developer markup stuff available - I generally add some of that to TerrainMap once the tiles are included in the live client for those that like a hint of things to come but it isn't appropriate for the Google map not to mention all the additional work it makes when it eventually gets updated. Unfortunately, the process of identifying changes to existing tiles is not an automated process at this point (although I have been working on automating the process, it's a bit complicated) and that area will need even more work on the borders/background. The pre-zoomed tiles aren't quite as difficult since I can simply set the application that creates them to regenerate the entire map and let it chew through them overnight. Transferring all of those changes to the hosting server, however, will take a fairly long time (access to the host isn't terribly fast, but it is free :cool: ). And lastly, the annotations need to be updated (I know, most of you probably turn the annotations off but a few may actually use them) and that process takes nearly as long as transferring the images but they also get updated after the map is available so it doesn't interfere with the update schedule of the map itself. Anyway, we may be looking at a month or more depending on how much real life interferes. I may publish the Google map update for Yondershire/Angle before the update(s) for Azanulbizar and/or Gundabad just to break the project into more manageable time blocks. And with that, it's time to get some yard chores done before my wife divorces me 'cause if that happens there won't be
any updates... :p