Usually 2-3 weeks. They won't push out the release for any bugs, except catastrophic ones.
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So, is Warden tanking going to get looked at as well? The class tank line has been neglected for so long now. Just an acknowledgement that the Devs know the line is broken would be nice at this point.
Heads up! New task items are Onyx scales (need to be marked as such), Blackened claws (need to be marked as such), Savage beaks, and Tufted ears. I have not gotten any beaks yet.
Guardian Response Chains (for purposefully ignorant, Block and Parry chains) cannot be queued up anymore. Your queued up skill immediately gets an error saying it cannot be used. This is different from live servers.
It seems that there was an error in skill chaining and queuing, as on live, the game always first attempts to use the skill and then checks if the conditions are met. On live, this process goes as follows:
- Player state (incapacitated, disarmed or disabled)
- Cooldown
- Chain restrictions
After some testing, it seems that the previously listed process got mixed up and reversed. The game now always checks if the skill is usable NOW, not checking other modifiers.
This means, in the Guardians context, that you cannot skill queue Shield Swipe into Bash with a single button press and that you must press it once the skill is actually usable on the UI to play.
This is a massive downgrade in playability and flow of the rotation and must be remedied ASAP.
Do you guys know if these Missions will be open on the Legendary Servers yet?
Adding an extra voice to "Thrill of Battle" not being a useful trait. Reducing the icd on the proc is nice, but fundamentally irrelevant. Kinda like giving a burning man an ice cube, its nice but really doesn't help at all.
Break Ranks is good in theory, however... Additive Mastery Buffs are of extremely limited use. I would recommend changing this to... honestly I don't quite know what would be best. You could try doubling the mastery % to 80% which would work out to around a 30ish % damage increase. You could change it to a %mitigation reduction on affected enemies (which would be the most interesting in terms of class diversity in raids and open up some possible LM hybrids to raiding) or an oathies like effect of increasing incoming damage, but I just don't think that 40% is gonna be high enough since its additive. Additionally, seconding the call to not tie this in to 'rotational' skills. Now I personally don't use shield taunt on rotation so this has less of an impact on me, however tying a self-reduction to dr to an aggro generating skill just... doesn't feel good.
Suggestion: What if you reduced Litany of Defiance's cooldown by 30s, remove the damage transfer to guard, added a raidwide mitigation buff of +2/5/10/15/20% for allies (kept the personal mits buff) and added the break ranks effect on top. That way you're taking an ability which basically isn't used right now and adding functionality to it while removing the big reason you don't use it right now (it kills you). Or if thats too many effects on the ability, drop LoD cd by 30s, remove the damage transfer, add a %mitigation for raid. Add a new shout which cashes out fortification stacks for a +10/20/30/40/60% damage buff, temporarily doubles your mitigation bonus from fortification and shares a cooldown with LoD.
Stoic: I like what you're trying to do here, in theory. The main problem I have with this ability is its basically competing in effect with Redirection. And Redirection is vastly superior in average uptime, frequency of access, and even just the magnitude of the -inc damage buff (35%). You gotta find a way to make it better than redirection. I'd recommend increasing the active duration of the stoic effect as well as the magnitude of the -inc damage.
Finally: Do make juggernaut 100% damage immune for the duration.
And I strongly agree with turning guardians pledge into a dr ability rather than a B/P/E chance ability.
EDIT: Oh, excellent change on the champ horn of champions. That was well done.
Don't really understand the intent behind the Guardian changes. If the idea is to make Guardians competitive with Captains in terms of support potential I'd question if you understand why Captains are favoured at all?
Numerically Guardians and Captains have similar incoming damage, whilst a Guard runs higher mitigations a Captain is able to throw up enough -% incoming damage that it roughly breaks even. The discrepancy on the defensive side is due to Captains having a 33% morale bonus over Guardians before you even factor in Motivating Speech. On top of this Captains have absurd incoming healing bonuses that don't take any effort to maintain. So not only does Captain have more's easier to heal that higher morale pool up. Amusingly Guardians don't even win on avoidance, neither has great ability to cap partials and Captain ends up with higher full BPE chance overall.
When you go on to compare defensives the discrepancies get even worse. Litany of Defiance has the unique property of being an effective means by which to commit suicide in a raid setting, meanwhile Captains can produce the same defensive effect safely by simply combining In Harms Way with Last Stand. Shield can also be used to either keep the Captain alive or save someone else from dying, meanwhile Pledge/Heart/Juggernaut will only apply to the Guardian and tend to be infinitely less effective since BPE is so frequently ignored by major boss abilities.
If we move on to compare support abilities Captain will once again pull ahead. Guardians are limited to applying a 2% mitigation buff to their fellows, meanwhile Captains apply a passive -5% incoming damage, 9-15% incoming damage reduction/outgoing healing/outgoing damage buff with 25s duration, 1 min cd, 10% morale bonus and 1.2k of each stat (barring vitality at 950 or so), +30% incoming healing 30s duration, 1 min cd, 2 relatively strong heals and revealing mark.
Now after all that you might be thinking that Guardians need a whole lot more buffing to compete but... honestly Yellow Captain is the issue. You really need to reduce the power of that spec so that the other 5 tank specs can have a chance to compete with it.
Tactical Mastery tooltip lists Tactical Outgoing Healing, which seems like just the amount of Outgoing Healing that is derived from your Tactical Mastery stat, as other stats show their derivatives, but is actually total Outgoing Healing? It should be listed separately since it can be modified on its own, without Tactical Mastery.
Ha! Yes. That should be on the character sheet too.
Every attribute that can be modified by gear or traits should be listed on its own line on the character panel.
I downloaded Bullroarer this evening 9/22. When I choose transfer no worlds show up at all. I didn't see choice for non-64 client so I assume it is. Have restarted 4 times hoping it would work correctly but no.
I'm going to try and get some time on Bullroarer before I offer my final impressions, but I'll start with my first impressions:
Thrill of Battle: Seriously, just get rid of the ICD and add a 10% critical chance onto it. It fits the theme of the words "Thrill of Battle" as well as being healed from crits. Furthermore, Guards are thematically about survivability, so let them be known for some potentially potent self-healing, especially if a blue/yellow guard decides to put points into this trait + utilize shield spikes for some pretty powerful crit. Tanking guards will more than likely lack the finesse to be critting constantly, so there shouldn't be concerns about this combination being OP self-healing.
Stoic: From my understanding, the current damage reduction on Bullroarer is 20%. This is decent, but on the contrary, I would NOT recommend nerfing as some believe it should be nerfed. I would daresay increase the DR duration to 1 minute, and/or perhaps increase to 25% (a % that is a factor of 100% for grins). Or don't change the duration/% and have the -ICD apply to the entire raid.
Break Ranks: 40% is quite a lot, especially since the 40% buff is applied raid-wide (which is definitely an undisputed positive about this change), but I'm not going to complain. Let Blue guards and red cappies go hand-in-hand in raids. But if we're really intent on nerfing it, at least bring it down by 5-10% WITH a suggested increase in duration (1 second increase for every 1% decrease, preferably). As for the choice for BR to activate from Shield-Taunt, this is problematic in single-target scenarios. Granted, you could purposely not use shield-taunt during single-target bosses/burn phases (you don't need it for threat if you have Fray the Edge + Engage to keep the boss locked on you, especially with the +5s Force Taunt Legacy), and deprive your group of potential synergy with Oathbreaker as well as raw power every ~60 seconds (given that your block RNG is great), but if you use Shield Taunt, you lose an additional 10% tact/phys mitigation that might very well save your butt in higher end content.
Solution #1: Imagine your Guardian is yelling "Break Ranks!" as a command to tell his raid/fellowship to go nuts on the offensive. Make this a separate cooldown not affecting fortifications or rotation, as suggested by the OP
Solution #2: Modify Break Ranks to only increase the Guardian's Damage by 20% but grant 20% tactical/physical mitigation while his allies get the full 40% damage boost. Basically, a SUPERIOR version of Litany of Defiance.
Bellow Tooltip: Seriously guys, Darth Vader finds your lack of math skills disturbing. It's 6 seconds per rank for a maximum of 30 seconds with 5 ranks, not 5 with 5. Bellow has 5 ranks total.
Overall, thanks team SSG! These changes are a start to at least get Guardians on the right track to being the defining tank class, since nobody believes in the existence of competitive Guard DPS. But these are a start, and I have a feeling Vaskin has more in store for us. Could be wrong though. *shrug* *personally hopes for an overall trait tree/class fantasy revamp*
Before i begin with the notes, i do want to mention a very huge new bug on guardians. All (parry/block) chain skills can not be queued up anymore. This causes the rotation to become very clunky/choppy and slow. Having to wait for a bit to use your next skill. This should be fixed asap.
And break ranks does not get proc'd unless you hit 4 targets with your shield-taunt skill. It should work on skill usage and not targets hit by x skill. This makes Break ranks completely useless unless there are multiple mobs in a small area. Shield-taunt also does not get it's cd reduced by warchant.
- The thrill of battle heal is useless, even if it had no cd it would still be bad. It should be replaced by a crit chance trait.
.- Stoic is a step into the right direction but still not good enough, the incoming dmg buff should last for the entire duration of WH because the bubble itself is too weak to give any uptime on it. I would also recommend reducing the trait points needed. 6 is a bit on the high side.
.- Break Ranks is going towards the right direction but it needs some tweaks, the duration should be 20s minimum and it should be an actual skill of it's own. Not being able to use an important skill of our rotation is quite the handicap and it also bugs out when not hitting all max targets of x skill (shield-taunt atm).
.- No real comment about the bellow change, it's just tooltip stuff unless you're increasing the cd from 30s to 35s which wouldn't make much sense.
And ofcourse: All these changes are not even 2% of what guardians as a whole need in order to become viable again. Almost ALL traits in red line need to be buffed/changed in some way and the whole yellow line has to be changed. Blue line needs some utility/defensive changes/buffs. So this is not even close to what guardians need, but any bit helps and it's good to see some progress.
So this means that ember box offhands are now better than crafted offhands... really bad idea, we will definitely need new craftable offhands then. This increase in item level on ember gear is honestly not even needed to begin with and now we are forced to go through an even higher stat bloat with even stronger offhands.
-No idea why virtues are getting a rank increase, we already got more than enough stats.
There is a huuuuuge stat bloat issue atm, we already had more than enough stats to do Remmorchant t5 BEFORE THE LI BUFF. And now we are getting even crazier with the stats, hopefully the new raid will have extremely high stat requirements or else this will just be a blunder.
Everyone can complete current t3,but thats irelevent.Stat bloat is definitly problem but mainly for reason that it dulls itemisation.Gear should offer more %/skill bonuses and there should be more unique class essences.At the moment its just mordor gear item lvl 330+ or whatever.Stats are same on gear since mordor.We have gotten nothing interesting last 3 lvl caps outside of mediocre set bonuses on armor.
I am amazed that everyone is ignoring this problem or maybe everyone just accepted it.
Remm t5 is mostly DPS checks,on live every DPS can cap offensive stats easly if kin cant complete it on live no amount of stat increase will help them.
It would be much better to stop this stat bloat and go to % based bonuses skill duration/cd.
There is no stat new raid can require outside of either caping tactical mit or going mental moral stack to adapt to stat bloat.
Expansion/quest pack comes with borderline 0 progression outside of relics and that pathetic excuse of setbonus on jewelry.
Oh, not again, there is no heal set. WHY? Blue captain and yellow beorn are not might-healers?