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Well, they don't have to tie it to the Fourth Age stuff with Hobbits settling it. With LOTRO's main timeline, I'd much rather have the High Elven version where Gildor Inglorion and company are settled (*before wandering around Eriador where they meet Frodo before heading up to Meluinen in ND), the Tower with the Palantir that only looks to the West, and so on. It's much cooler than an extended Michel Delving in my view. The new area should cover the Hobbity aspects well enough, I'm thinking.
As for the Grey Havens, and I know I've said this before: I think it would be far better to have Tales of Yore versions of the Havens and Forlindon and Harlindon. It would mean, of course, having them on a coordinate map separate from Celondim, etc., but I think it would be worth it. A built-up, settled Lindon dealing with the War of the Elves and Sauron in the SA would be far more interesting, I think, than a late TA version, where really the only noteworthy thing that happens is Frodo sailing West (*I agree with you that, ideally, everyone would be included with that level-wise). But I'd love it for them to actually tackle the real, substantive content of those areas, all of which happens in the distant past, and High Elven characters could even be "remembering" what they actually experienced as that would technically be before the High Elf Intro chronology-wise.
They could also "cover" important events like the coming of Glorfindel and the coming of the Istari, which would be neat instances, and Cirdan giving Narya to Gandalf. I'd much rather have that stuff in-game to really soak-in and enjoy those regions as opposed to their really bittersweet, tragic Third Age counterparts with Lindon mostly in ruins, save for Mithlond, and Frodo's final voyage...
I think it really would enhance things to give players access to those regions; SA Lindon and SA Eregion, I maintain, would be awesome additions to this game.
For TA, I think Tower Hills / Far Downs would be appropriate regions for lower-levels to further help fill-in the gaps between those zones :)
Cheers! :D