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I mean, that's true and understandable that their takes on the places established in the lore might align with SSG's, and the map is indeed very nice! But what I meant is that I often see people taking this map for granted as in "this what this spot gonna be, or how it's bordered" but not even the Kallioita needs to be right and can be named totally something else in a different fashion or even split into different differently bordered zones.
I believe the Umbar borders they outlined might be correct for how SSG are going to do this, roughly, as a "political entity". With this difference that some of these "further ashore" lands may be more like vassal satellites and some early sneak peak into Harad at some of the borders, rather than everything directly under control of Umbarim all the time. Think more a consolidated pirate "kingdom" with its very own infrastructure, maybe smaller ports along the coast, for everything associated with the water and near it (or up the rivers, potentially, if we get any) and then some smaller satellite states/villages/cities/whatnot, not as directly controlled.