Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Age: 41
Location: EST (I play on Vilya)
Playstyle: Solo, but also enjoy group quests when I have time.
MMO games you’ve played: UO, LOTRO
What do you offer kinships?: Crafting, maturity, no drama, experience, 2 chars over L60.
What kind of kinship you are looking for.: Relaxing, mature group (NO drama please…I have teenage children that provide me with 100% of the RDA), helpful, no pressure, and respects the fact that I have a wife, kids and a demanding job so I may not be on every day and when I am, I may not be able to participate in every instance or event. Kin website for out of game contact would be great!
LOVED the last kin I was with, but it is no more. Not enough members or something along those lines I guess. They remembered above all else that it’s a game, not a part-time job.
PM me with info!
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Canthar, man
Age: (some kinships have real life age limits) If you think maturity is based on age don't even bother to PM me
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): Landroval (is that what it's called?)
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): CT, but my sleep schedules are really messed up so I don't really care what time the majority of the kinship plays at
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.): Well, I'm really new, but once I get to a high enough level to pvp, I will. Pvp is my first priority, but after that I will do anything as long as it's entertaining
MMO games you’ve played: SWG, Swgemu (does that count?) WoW, EVE
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I'm a pretty mature person, I've got mmo experience, and I'll do anything as long as it passes the time. If I grow to like LOTRO, I will most likely be on all day every day.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): Anything active, I want pvp but like I said I'm a really low level right now.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Hi all! I hope this forum helps me find the kin that meets all my kin-needs and desires. ;)
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Swifthawke, (wo)Man
Age: 24
Preferred server: Brandywine
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): West Virginia, USA (Eastern Time Zone)
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.):
Ah! Okay, so, I've been playing solo to small group a lot. I enjoy groups. I'm not entirely sure what RAIDs are. I don't think I want to PvP.. I don't know what end-game is. I would love crafting help. I'm fairly low level (level 29 burglar).. I'm a pretty casual player, but I like getting #### done when I'm online.
MMO games you’ve played: I've never played any longterm (didn't have the capabilities); I played a couple of text based mmo's growing up - I don't think they're still around.
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?:
I think this question operates best in conjunction with the next question - to any kin that is what I describe below, I'll fit in well and be an outstanding kintizen (a play on citizen - ah ah? funny?). I'm loyal to kins/guilds. Guild loyalty is a problem I've seen a lot. I want to make friends in the OOC world of the kin, play alongside members, and contribute to the growth of a kin I love. I can recruit the hell out of people. ;D I plan to play longterm and feel like I'd be a valuable asset.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters):
I'm listing a ton of things I'd LIKE to see, but I realize that being too picky will get me no where. I'm happy to check out things that sound even remotely like what I'm talking about.
First of all, I want some sort of an adult friendly or adult based kin. I don't want to be harassed by censors because I've said "####" or I'm talking with kin-mates about irl things - beer, broads, and all. ;D
I would like a kin that has an active member base, but isn't SO large that I'm not able to make any friendships.
The kin must be accustomed to taking newer and lower level members - at level 29 I still have a lot to learn.
Extracurriculars in the kin would be fun - RP groups, musical groups, etc.
GAME PLAY - I want to learn more about all the different things to do in LOTRO other than just solo/group questing. Raids? Yeah, that sounds like fun, teach me, kinmates.
Support - If I have 100 hides laying around in my vault, I want to be able to give them to a fellow kinmate; I hope to see the same sort of activity by others
(and totally not important, but if there is a Brony kin, I'd LOVE it! xD)
Thanks for taking the time to read, guys! I'm really excited to hear what's out there for me! <3
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
What kind of kinship you are looking for: I'm hoping to find an GLBT friendly kin, not necessarily as a focus point of their activities but as a friendly community. I enjoy the social aspects of MMO's so I'm hoping that there are generally a few people online at least during peak hours. I'm new to the game so a kin that is open to teh newbz would be helpful (I don't expect help levelling by any means but if people are levelling alts it could be fun to tag along).
Why kinships should be interested in you: As mentioned, I enjoy the social aspect of MMO's, whether that means raiding, crafting, parties, questing, etc. I'm generally up for it. While I doubt I'll be much help off the start, I hope to contribute to the guild as a whole once I'm of a more suitable level.
Name: Rolric - Hobbit Hunter - level 14 (just trying one out to learn the game)
Age: 26
Preferred server(s), if any: I'm currently on Vilya but open to alternatives!
Location: West coast - PST - Canada
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.): PVE, raiding, casual, social. I'm new to the game.
MMO games you’ve played: WoW, SWTOR, RIFT, EQ2 and Lineage II.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Friendly reminder to posters here - check your messages for contact from kinships.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Character: Runarth, an Elf Hunter of Mirkwood
Preffered server:Arkenstone
Playstyle:solo but I'd like being in fellowships or groups, i just don't know anyone.
mmo games:lotro (of course), World of Warcraft, Evony.
why kinships should be interested: I'm not immature but I know how to have fun. I'm respectful and always try to offer/take advice. If anyone in the same kinship as me needed help with a quest, a boss, or anything really I'd be happy to lend a hand.
kinship I'm looking for: I'd like an RP but really I just want to belong to a group, I've been playing lotro for a while now and I'd like to go on fellowship quests and raids but mainly I want to be able to talk to friends and comrades while online.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Name or character name: Aryanthil 31 Elf Minstrel - Elendilmir
Age: 38
Location: USA; EST timezone.
Playstyle: Mostly play in a Fellowship with my husband, but I also enjoy playing in instances/fellowships with other players. I really enjoy being a Healer/Minstrel, but I'm a little overwhelmed with very large groups. I'm new to MMOs (I've been playing LOTRO for about a year), so I'm still learning.
MMO games you’ve played: this is the first one.
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I'm an adult and I think we can all learn to play like adults. I'm open minded and will always be willing to take advice from others and follow directions in groups. Since my husband and I have 4 kids, I know how to multi-task. :) I'm very laid-back.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): I'm looking for a kinship with mature people. To me, mature doesn't mean a certain age, it means people who don't act like children. My husband and I usually play on weekend afternoons and some weeknights. Casual is key! I want to find a kinship that is friendly and has a big enough membership. I want to take the time to get to "know" some of the other members. I would hate to make the investment of getting to know people, and then the kinship dies. A functional website is a must. A kinship that will help it's members is a must. I would really love it if I could get some pointers/tips on how to be a better Minstrel.
Re: Looking for a Kinship
Hi there,
Im 35 living in Canada im new to LOTRO i have a lvl 10 Hunter rigght now. I have been playing World of Warcraft for over 5yrs and have a lvl 85 arms warrior and I have done raiding and Heroic 5 man end game dungeons. I work well in groups and would love to learn a hunter by a higher level here in LOTRO, i take constructuve criticism well. I play on Arkenstone right now but can play a realm with a kinship if the fit is right....im ooking to learn the game from great people who also love to have fun in hopes to play some engame stuff here.
Hope to hear from you
Rysson on Arkenstone
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Soy un Elfo Warden lvl 30 (hasta el momento)
Busco una guild de habla hispana en el server de MENELDOR
Tengo un par de amigos q tambien han venido a jugar aqui a LOTRO
Cualquier guild interesada en estos aventureros buscarme in game
Mi nick es Melhallad
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Character name: Kinthelt
Age: 33
Server: Brandywine
Race/Class/Level: Level 15 Minstrel Hobbit
Timezone: Central
Playstyle: I guess I'd be classified as a casual, since I only game for an hour or two before I go to bed. Would like to group a bit with some regulars.
MMO games I've played: Just this one, when it first came out. Just re-created my character the other day and enjoying the free play (will probably go VIP when I need to leave the free areas). I also have also played fairly hardcore on some MUDs for the last few decades.
What kind of kinship I'm looking for: No RP, not looking for crafting. Mostly following the main quest line (and interesting side quests for items/xp).
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Hello I'm back after five years currently I play on nomrodel but will change to any server I'm looking for a large kinship that has. A lot of members online around 5pm to 11pm est I would like to play as a minstrel but will roll what is needed please post me a pm if you have. Kinship like I'm looking for
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Character: Derrant, Man, Burglar
RL Age: 43 (act like I'm 12 :p )
Server: Gladden
RL Location: USA, East Coast
Playstyle: Solo for the most part. Hence my choice in character class. I have two places (RL) I can play.
Most every weekday I get into the office early (7-9 am EST) and can game over broadband, but it's on a PC that's just at the recommended specs for LOTRO and has several programs that must run at the same time. It behaves itself for the most part, but I can get bad lag at the darnedest of times because the CPU has to "catch up." This will someday be resolved when we decide to upgrade the office with newer PCs, but for now.... If it's a slow day, I can game during business hours (I'm the IT person...ha ha).
After hours (4-7 pm) and weekends (if I don't have other things I need to do) I operate on an i7 rig that has no issue with the program, but I'm limited to dial-up. I would like to have broadband access, but if I was any more rural the data packets would be sent by carrier pigeon. Ironically, and much to my pleasant surprise, I have hardly any lag issues once I've been logged in for a couple of minutes...unless I'm in a big town like Bree.
On both PCs I can turn on voice and HEAR others, but I don't have a working mic to talk, and I'm not sure if dial-up will handle both voice and gaming without increased lag issues. I do know from looking at my connection box that I'm really doing a lot of data DL over dial up at home.
Because I can't camp out on the PC to play with others and my time to play (while somewhat consistent) is erratic and limited, I'm inclined to do everything solo. To this end, I created two other characters (now at or just over L20) to be support characters (and experiment with different classes). While my man burglar is a scholar/weaponsmith/farmer. My hobbit minstrel is a cook/jeweler/prospector, and my dwarf guardian is a forester/prospector/tailor.
I'm also somewhat OCD. I'm driven to do EVERYTHING in one map area and only then move on to the next. Currently I'm trying to finish off quests in two map regions (North Downs and Lone-Lands) that require fellowships to complete, and once I'm done with all of those, I'll pay for the next section of the map and start working at doing everything there.
I don't mind helping out others because I know how it feels to need a fellowship to get something done and not be able to find anyone willing to help, but you gotta get me when I have the time and am not currently tied up in something of my own. Derrant has multiple milestone slots which are used to teleport across the game world (if it's far away). If you want to do group stuff, it helps to let me know in advance so I can plan for it. I hate to sound like an old fart, but I go to bed at 8 pm most nights (as I get up at 5 am). It's not that I can't stay up late, but it's not something I can do often. Hence the need to plan in advance.
MMO games you’ve played: I tried WoW, but didn't want to pay every month for something. Someone pointed me to LOTRO as a "free" alternative, and I'm loving it...of course, I've probably spent too much on TBs already (LOL). Non MMO games that I enjoyed include Oblivion, Morrowind, Fallout, Fallout 2, Fallout 3, Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2.
Why kinships should be interested in you: Well, in spite of being a burglar, I've maxed my stats with tomes, and I focus on getting good weapons and armor. I handle myself quite well in a fight. As a scholar, I feel my ability to make morale-restoring potions is an asset. If you bring me the ingredients, I don't mind making them. In fact, the ability to make my own moral-restoring potions was the key reason I picked that occupation group. I know my minstrel cook can make some stuff if I grow the needed ingredients, but I've not messed around too much with that as I've not needed anything more than what the potions can do for my main character.
What kind of kinship you are looking for: One with a really cool name like "Men Who Stare Inappropriately At Goats." (LOL) On a more serious note, I'm not sure. To me, my only gripe about gaming with groups is a lack of strategy, discipline or tactical know-how. I enjoy fellowshipping on a quest (or a raid) with people who can appreciate the importance of letting one person direct the group, letting one person pick the current target, and not rushing in blind or running around/away as to attract 20 bad guys who dive in and jump on everyone's bones...sending us all back the rally point. I also appreciate a group that stops BEFORE a quest and makes sure everyone is clear on the goals and specifics of what's about to go down so everyone kicks butt and walks away with lots of loot and every quest objective fulfilled. Otherwise LOTRO might as well just set up a fight club.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Character Names: Alemir (warden), Alemyrth (minstrel), Ozgarde (burglar), Draanthir (loremaster), Dhugan (champion) - all under level 15 at the moment, as I just started playing a few days ago.
Age: 44
Preferred server: Larelin - I prefer roleplaying-enforced, not because I want to speak in olde English, but more for the absence of some of the silliness that goes on on standard servers in many games.
Location: USA; EST
Playstyle: I prefer to group and raid (though I don't typically approach the latter in any sort of hard core fashion). That said, I have no trouble soloing when time constraints dictate it.
MMORPG's I've Played: EQ, WoW, EQ2, Star Wars Galaxies, EQ, DDO, EQ, Vanguard, Horizons, EQ, Age of Conan, EQ, Rift, SW:ToR and back to EQ again.
Why kinships should be interested in me: I may be an altaholic, and I may be a slow leveler (I tend to "waste" time on silly stuff like crafting, exploring, etc.), but I am also very loyal and guild/kin focused. I enjoy participating in kin events and providing whatever assistance I can to help others in my kin. Everyone likes getting their "shinies" - I'm no exception - but I also enjoy being part of the effort that helps someone else accomplish their goals/milestones as well.
What kind of kinship am I looking for: I would like to find a group of people who check their gaming egos at the door, who are interested in playing their class and digging into all that Tolkien's world has to offer, who detest the drama so often associated with gaming guilds, who aren't in any sort of race for much of anything and, above all, who just enjoy playing together.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Character Name: Eadathor (plus many more)
Age: 30
Server: Elendilmir
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Playstyle: PvP, but in LotRO to PvE obviously. Smaller raiding, etc.
Previous MMO's: Vanguard, LotRO, Eve, Shadowbane, Warhammer, Aion, Rift, SWTOR, SWG, Age of Conan, and not WoW :)
Myself, and another 5+ players (all online and RL friends) are looking for an Australian Kinship with a play time between 4pm and 1am AEDST, and longer on the weekends. We've all played to near L65 on other characters in the past with another Australian Kinship, but after a long hiatus from LotRO we've returned to be left on our own.
Please contact either myself or "Chooks" in-game between 4pm and 1am AEDST if you would be interested in having us.
Looking for a Kinship
Hi! My character's name is Lynndal and she's a level 17 Elf Champion. I am 43, and I play on the Arkenstone server in the Eastern time zone. I am usually on in the evenings during the week, and throughout the day on the weekends. I guess that I would consider myself a solo, casual player. I have only been playing a little over a week, and I am still learning the game. I'm interested in joining a mature guild that can help me advance in the game. I have noticed that the further I get, the quests get harder and there are a couple that I just can't complete by myself. So knowing that I have somewhere to turn for help would be great! I think that I could be an asset to a guild because I am very guild loyal and even though I sometimes prefer solo play, I am a team player. I hate drama, so you won't get any here. You can also call on me anytime to assist other players, if I can. I know having help can make a big difference in any game, and I am always willing to do what I can to help others advance. If there is anything else you would like to know, please ask! Thanks for your consideration, and I hope to hear from you soon if I sound like a good candidate for your guild.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
I'm looking to join a kin that is active in Raids and Skirms
I have three toons
Ozred LM lvl75
Blackthalion Champ Lvl 75
Qhor Warden Lvl 75
I have been an active player for 2+ years.
I am 41 yrs old
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
My name is Daniel, i have serveral characters on Snowbourn and riddermark (main is Salherila an a female Captain, race of man) and i will make some others as i go to try all classes and for crafting reasons :).
I would like a kinship on snowbourn, an English UK one.
i like to do a lot of group playing and spend quite a while crafting. i have played other MMOs before this one mainly World of Warcraft which many people might be glad to hear i have left my sinful ways of playing that game and pretty much only play this game now :). i would very much like to be in a relaxed and helpful kinship. :)
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Hello! I want to get back into LOTRO with a good group of interesting, active, and friendly people who don't mind answering all my lore questions :P I'm planning on starting a new character, and have no server preference.
Age: 22
Location: Indiana
Playstyle: mostly solo, but always interested in a group
MMO games you’ve played: WoW, SWTOR, Guild Wars, LOTRO, countless f2p ones
Re: Looking for a Kinship
Originally Posted by
Hi! My character's name is Lynndal and she's a level 17 Elf Champion. I am 43, and I play on the Arkenstone server in the Eastern time zone. I am usually on in the evenings during the week, and throughout the day on the weekends. I guess that I would consider myself a solo, casual player. I have only been playing a little over a week, and I am still learning the game. I'm interested in joining a mature guild that can help me advance in the game. I have noticed that the further I get, the quests get harder and there are a couple that I just can't complete by myself. So knowing that I have somewhere to turn for help would be great! I think that I could be an asset to a guild because I am very guild loyal and even though I sometimes prefer solo play, I am a team player. I hate drama, so you won't get any here. You can also call on me anytime to assist other players, if I can. I know having help can make a big difference in any game, and I am always willing to do what I can to help others advance. If there is anything else you would like to know, please ask! Thanks for your consideration, and I hope to hear from you soon if I sound like a good candidate for your guild.
I know where you are coming from and understand you may have already found a Kinship to your liking since the above post. I am extending an invitation to search a little about a new-New-Player Kinship named Middle Earth Militia. Here is one of a few forum links already posted about us:
While we are still small, there is a progressiveness that seems to be providing a solid foundation for a stable Kinship that should last indefinately. We have members from the USA, Sweden, and Netherlands, as of this reply. A glance at our new website and noting the names in our current Kinship Roster will help you track us down in game via /tell or mail.
~ Fyreflye
I hope you fiind/have found a home and that your journey "there and back again" will be fun and exciting! No drama, no feeling lonely, no rush to do-it-all but moving forward at a steady pace! ;)
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Hello, I am a rather new player to LOTRO but I have played many other MMO's so I am not completely new to this type of game. I am a level 18 elf rune keeper, and am looking for a kinship that can help me move along. I do not know anybody that plays LOTRO so whenever I get stuck on a quest I have to go figure another way to do it because I can never find anyone to help me. So one of my big things in a kinship is people that would help me do quests, and in return I can help others do quests. I am not really a high enough level to do much but once I get high enough I would like to participate in pvpm and raids and all that kind of stuff.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Originally Posted by
Hello, I am a rather new player to LOTRO but I have played many other MMO's so I am not completely new to this type of game. I am a level 18 elf rune keeper, and am looking for a kinship that can help me move along. I do not know anybody that plays LOTRO so whenever I get stuck on a quest I have to go figure another way to do it because I can never find anyone to help me. So one of my big things in a kinship is people that would help me do quests, and in return I can help others do quests. I am not really a high enough level to do much but once I get high enough I would like to participate in pvpm and raids and all that kind of stuff.
If you mention your server, I think you're likely to find a friendly, helpful kin ready to welcome you. There are lots of them in Lotro. Welcome to Middle Earth.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Originally Posted by
Hello! I want to get back into LOTRO with a good group of interesting, active, and friendly people who don't mind answering all my lore questions :P I'm planning on starting a new character, and have no server preference.
Age: 22
Location: Indiana
Playstyle: mostly solo, but always interested in a group
MMO games you’ve played: WoW, SWTOR, Guild Wars, LOTRO, countless f2p ones
Hi, I'm Malcarador, I'm the leader of the kin called The Angelic Defenders in the server Imladris! We are a lifespan 7 kin with a kin-house with furniture already inside of it, a website, and over 8 pages of players. If you want to join us just send a message over to me, Malcarador.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Originally Posted by
Hello I'm back after five years currently I play on nomrodel but will change to any server I'm looking for a large kinship that has. A lot of members online around 5pm to 11pm est I would like to play as a minstrel but will roll what is needed please post me a pm if you have. Kinship like I'm looking for
Hi, I'm Malcarador, I'm the leader of the kin called The Angelic Defenders in the server Imladris! We are a lifespan 7 kin with a kin-house with furniture already inside of it, a website, and over 8 pages of players. If you want to join us just send a message over to me, Malcarador.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Hi all looking for a good place to start playing again been away a while and looking for a good EU server to play on.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Character name and race (if known): Ardulfryn, Loremaster.
Age: Actually 26, grey hair says 40+
Preferred server : Brandywine
Location : I'm actually in Scotland, but play in the east coast prime time and at other hours which are 'odd' over here.
Playstyle: Social, Casual, interested in grouping.
MMO games you’ve played: The usual offenders. WoW, TOR, EQ2, SWG, AoC, etc etc.
What do you offer kinships?: My sense of humour, the fact that very little bothers me, and I'll go out of my way to help a friend.
What kind of kinship you are looking for: One that doesn't care if I tell a mature joke, one that has my back, a kin that is all about fun.