Originally Posted by
I must live in a different reality because all of Car Broach assets were literally the old Carn Dum assets. "The architecture is showing it's age" because it was supposed to show its age and NOT be a real, as in well-maintained fortress (but was still a very functional city with Angmarim houses and whatnot). And if it is boring to run through just because it doesn't look exactly the same as Car Bronach (which is pretty much just a spire, not as big even compared with Carn Dum), then you have a weird definition of what's boring and what's not, since to me more variety is definitely less boring, rather than everything ruled by the same idea and premise (as in = a perfectly walled, strong, kickass citadel... which is not exactly lore-friendly for Third Age Carn Dum).
I'm not rude. Unless rude = being critical of something and pointing out faults in your logic. I know what was changed, that it is to cover "reimagined" Carn Dum space through instances and what they're going to do with it because... I listened to the devs and Scenario and I looked at the screenshot done from bird's view that's evidently showing the entire thing... so that's a pretty solid idea right there :)
*sight* Dimrill Dale was basically expansion of land with new sections, nothing really got changed. Things just got added and made more detailed where they were needed to be, maybe a few things moved around, new passes. Yes, was definitely amazing work, but different situation. So that's different.
*sight* They did that with Bree, yes, but the replacement conveyed almost perfectly the exact same idea that the old one did and there was no assets from another sets either. Overall better quality assets, a bit different color, but same form, shape, and everything constructed the same as the old one. So that's different.
Yes, fortress almost as powerful as Dol Guldur with kickass bold fortifications as an additional section of existing Carn Dum (that has the exact same layout, roughly, if you haven't noticed from the screenshot, so that would make it even more off when put next to each other) brought down by a small group of hillmen and rangers, no armies ever involved. Because that makes perfect sense... well, wouldn't make any for me!
Why do I feel like me and Phantion are the only ones (from those who commented on it anyway) who actually get some nuances and can discuss them in a reasonable manner, not just come up with examples that completely don't match the situation being discussed.