Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Name: Aglecthon, Champion, level 11
Server: Snowbourn
Gameplay time: Friday, Saturday or Sunday afternoons (depending when I can play), so I may not be able to participate to all community events.
Age: 15
Location: Quebec, Canada
Playstyle: I have been playing solo up to date trying to level up a bit, but I really like playing with other players to complete missions, since I have just started playing about a month ago and do not know all the tricks.
Why choose me: I like helping other people while playing, even if I have to abandon my mission for a while to do so.
What kind of kinship I like: I like kinships in which more experienced players pass down there knowledge to the unexperienced ones (like me) and where everyone tries to help everyone else in some fashion.
Please try to contact me in game if possible. If not contact me on forum (name: Agent13).
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
I am a lvl 75 Captain, LM, RK and a few lower characters and am looking for a kinship/group of players who are active and participate in Raids,Skirmish,Instances. I play on Gladden and am on all times through-out the day. I am not a kid and want to join a group/kinship with adults.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Name: Omeganaut, characters will try to be close to that name while still being origin-appropriate
Server: Undecided.
Gameplay time: Evenings and nights about 8-12 U.S. Atlantic time
Age: College-aged
Location: Virginia, U.S.
Playstyle: I am enjoying simpler classes like Hunter, Guardian, Champion and Captain. The other free classes I've tried weren't as much fun.
Experience: I tried DDO, but left because it was a bad compromise between D&D and MMO. I played Runescape way back. I don't have much experience with MMO's, but I do have lots with solo RPG's
Why choose me: I would love to help with crafting, grouping, and anything else. I wanna experience the best of what this game has to offer, and it always pays off to help and be helped by others.
What kind of kinship I like: A kinship that is okay with F2P-ers, and one that has a lot of active players (if not active on a whole group scale)
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Veridir, elf hunter, 75.
Age: 21
Preferred server(s), if any: Vilya
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): Oregon. PST/PDT depending on time of year, but depending on the day of the week, you might find me online at any given time in any given 24 hour period.
Playstyle: Solo thus far, pretty casual (I've been playing off and on since beta, and I only reached level 75 on my first character last week). Looking to learn a bit about PvE, raids and some endgame stuff, but still casual.
MMO games you’ve played: None, really.
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I'm pretty laid back, so I'm not going to get worked up over too many things. I try and be pretty helpful if I'm able to, whether with crafting, quests or anything else.
What kind of kinship you are looking for: Looking for one that caters towards casual players. I won't be able to guarantee being online at certain times each week, for instance. Certainly not interested in one that's based purely on endgame or raiding. Looking for one with folks who're willing to help me learn more about the game and MMO's in general. Would prefer a well established group with lots of members. Also looking for some people who know a bit about Tolkien's works, so I can get into lore discussions now and again, as I'm a Tolkienite or whatever we're called these days. :D
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Your name race etc:rejaan I am a elf hunter
Age 39
Server: evernight
Mmos played :eq2,wow,fallen earth,xsyon and others
Playstyle:solo a lot but always open to grouping
I'm looking for a mature kinship on evernight to have a laugh with while we play etc ,I'm pretty laid back and uninterested in the petty squabbles etc that go on in some kins
Hope to join soon
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Level 58 hunter elf looking for a kinship to join on the Brandywine server. I am from the USA and in the Central Time Zone. I play daily and am currently located within Lothlorien. Just an FYI, I have gained friend standing with the Galadhrim and have access to Caras Galadhon.
I play the game for enjoyment mostly but I do like the raids and skirmishes. In consideration of the raids and skirmishes I would like the kinship to have a fairly decent amount of lvl 50+ members so that the higher level skirmishes can be done.
Please PM me or send an email here to my profile or in world.
Thank you for your consideration.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Server: Landroval
Name/Race/Class/Level: Adanaranth/Elf/Guardian/49... (Adandarian in my main lvl 50 hunter, I rarely play it anymore)
Age: 30's
Location: Nevada, USA (Pacific time)--mostly evenings and weekends.
Character Profession: Tailor (plus forester and prospector)
Playstyle: Casual,I mostly solo, and have done a couple small fellowships with 1 other person when randomly invited. (Would be interested in other styles, if someone can hold my hand *it's scary out there*)
Why a Kin should be interested in me: I have no idea! I am a nice person, and sometimes I'm funny. I'm laid back and like to chat (and sometimes not). I also like to help other people out when I can with quests or crafting. Pick me, pick me!
Why I'm interested in a kinship: Having people to chat with and do quests and deeds together. I am a fairly new player, maybe about 9 months and this is my first game ever, so I am still learning. I am not looking for a full on lets RP or meet at required times and all that, because I cant commit to being on all the time. I am also not a big fan of the preachy, you aren't doing that "right" types, I'm just here to have fun.
Im usually on in evenings and weekends, but sometimes im not on for days or weeks at a time. I have never participated in a raid or a full on fellowship, and the thought is a little scary but I would love to learn and have others to help out.Basically and easy going fun group, that does stuff and chats would be nice.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Server: Crickhollow
Character: Kicharion, Elf LM, currently lvl 24
Age: 36
Location: USA, Eastern Time. My 'weekend' is Monday and Tuesday, I log on for hours during those days. On other days, I usually only play for short periods of time in the evening.
Char profession: Scholar
Playstyle: awkward ;-) I've never played an MMO before. I love LOTRO and I would like to enjoy the whole experience, including group play, but I am kinda anxious to play a raid, as I have no exp whatsoever. I have joined some fellowships though, when other players asked for help finishing a quest. I am pretty laid back and always willing to help someone out with questing, crafting or whatever.
I am looking for a relaxed, mature kin on the Crickhollow server.
New Player looking for a kinship and server
I am looking for a kinship to join and be a part of. I am team oriented and would like to find a group that has a website and a calendar of events and uses them. I am stationed in Japan and can show up for events that are scheduled Sun thru Thur from 4pm to 9pm pacific. I am also interested in doing endgame content as a rune keeper with other FUN, mature, reliable Kin once I learn my way through Middle Earth which from all the expansions and maps I've seen on the LOTRO website appears to be pretty large. I just don't know which server to start on.
Thanks in advance
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Character: Kemendil, Elf Champion
Age: Late 20s
Server: Snowburn
Location: CET (Spain)
Availability: Mostly weekend warrior (due to job), I use to connect a daily hour or two in the middle of the week.
Playstyle: Instances and Raids; I like deeds and other collections too, solo or group.
What do I offer to kinship: Although where I come from, Withywindle, didn't offer many opportunities for raid instances, I'm a decent geared DPS and Tank. I'm very disciplined when it comes to group play and, the most important thing, I come with a Statue of Draigoch for the Kinship house :P.
What kind of kinship you are looking for: I'm looking for a kinship that's able to call its own raids, but also be able to call non-trendy instances like Annúminas, Great Barrow, Inn of the Forsaken, etc. Jovial and cheerful, yet mature, I'd like that we share items we don't need or have plenty, and craft for free between us. Oh, and I'm looking for an English speaking kinship, I like to know what people are saying when they write, and unfortunately I don't speak many different languages.
Note: I'm going on holiday and will be returning at mid-june, so I'll postpone a decision on kinship until then.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Baarsak Lvl 59 Dwarf Guardian on Laurelin server
Age: 45
Location. GMT +2
I've been playing Lotro since launch on and off. Resubbed again and I see empty lands, made me... well bored.
Thats why you reading this. Need a casual friendly kingship to have fun again. I like solo play but without friends/group
lotro really does not offer much. Love grouping, helping people when I can. I'm not a hardcore player, hate being hardcore !
I can be online anytime, love my home-office job ;) I enjoy crafting, PvE, raid and monster play. A side note, cant RP ! Believe me, I tried but no. So if you're RP kingship, skip to next post now. Well infact you may skip to next post now because i'm done writing =)
Ah by the way, have 3 active alts; cook (33), farmer(26) and scholar(44) (all supreme).
See you in-game...
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Hi, longtime gamer but first-time LOTRO player seeks mature and dedicated LOTRO kinship with emphasis on clear communication.
Age: 34
Preferred server(s): Browsing the forums I've heard good things about Landroval, but am open to any.
Location: PDT (GMT -7)
Playstyle: I would prefer to solo at first while I learn the game. It takes me a long time to get tired of even menial content and so while I love endgame play, I'm not likely to lose interest without it. I am definitely RP-friendly!
MMO games you’ve played: Most recently Wakfu (innovative but appears to be dying). Also Fantasy Earth Zero and FFXI. Dabbled in a few others.
Why kinships should be interested in you: I believe in the importance of building community and cultivating communication online as well as off, and in an MMO environment that value is something I hope to help build and contribute, not merely passively enjoy. And I tell awful jokes. And I like to talk about food! And beer. Currently I am F2P but hope to be convinced to plunk down VIP bucks after a thorough test run. I'm a good and reliable fellowship-mate with a solid and speedy connection, and a beast of a little gaming laptop.
What kind of kinship you are looking for: As stated above, communication and organization. Mutual respect. Open-mindedness to new ways of thinking and patience for new players.
Don't have a name or class picked out yet, I have my leanings but would prefer to wait and pick a kinship first, then help fill a need.
Cheers, PM at your leisure and thanks for reading. :D
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Phinisha, Elven Race.
Age: 17
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): Eldar.
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): I am GMT (+00:00)
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.): I prefer to play in a group, but can solo as well.
MMO games you’ve played: LOTRO, League of Legends, Heroes of Newerth.
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I am almost always very cheerful, always up for helping new players and always up for a chat:D
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): I am looking for a friendly, helpful kinship.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Willarm, Hobbit
Age: 16
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): Dwarrowdelf
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): Florida, USA. Est. Time Zone
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.): RP/Casual. Light PvP
MMO games you’ve played: I've played LOTRO on and off (mostly on) since it was released Ftp (actually got it three days before in a box set, not realizing it was Ftp.) I played Runescape for two years through 4-5th grade (I think I may have turned OFF more people by saying this.) I've also played a little known game called Queville for several years, becoming the co-founder of one of the largest clans as well as a public enemy against THE largest clan. LOTRO is the first MMO of it's genre I've ever played.
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I'm a very outgoing and friendly player. I can be very energetic when it comes to advertising the kin. In past kins I have been extremely loyal, being the last player along with one other person in the Legion of Doom after we started going down hill (attempting to recruit more players). After that, I stayed with a second kin, Ursa Clan, for several months until that one fell.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): I'm looking for a Casual RP kin that has light PvP. I enjoy the kinmates to be friendly and outgoing, and not at all serious. My dream kin is a full hobbit kin, but I have yet to find one of those. I have thought about starting one up. If you decide to invite me
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Your name, or character name and race: Amaltheowyn, Elf Hunter, Level 25
Age: Late 20's
Preferred server(s), if any.: Crickhollow
Location.:USA, Central Time Zone
Playstyle.: I do a lot of solo questing, but wouldn't mind helping out others with their quests or to have someone help me out if I ever needed it. I like to sometimes join a fellowship and do the Great Barrows instance (I'm only in Bree, so that's the only one I've done so far.) I'm semi-new so I'm still learning and trying stuff out. :D
MMO games you’ve played: I tried WoW once. I played AQWorlds for a little bit. I used to play Free Realms before it went downhill, lol. I've played Pirates of the Caribbean Online as well.
Why kinships should be interested in you. What do you offer kinships?: I like to help out whenever I can even though I still don't know much about LotRO.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): I will let you know that I am a Christian, so a kinship that has mature players but one that knows how to have fun without being offensive, blasphemous or vulgar is what I'm looking for. I love to give, so I wouldn't mind helping out with quests, instances, or giving away crafting items. I also like working on deeds, so I wouldn't mind helping out others to finish their deeds. I've only completed the skirmish tutorial, so I'm probably not good at that, lol. At least not until I work on it some more. I think I'm more into fellowshipping for instances. I work well solo or in a group. I would like a kinship that makes me feel welcomed. I've been in guilds from other games where I've felt ignored simply because I was new or didn't chat much. It would be disheartening when I would come online and nobody say Hi, but they would to the next person who came online because they "knew" them. Or not even including me into their events. If your going to be a leader of a guild, you should at least acknowledge all members fairly. I don't chat much but sometimes I will chat non-stop lol. Just depends on my mood and what I'm doing in-game at the moment. :) I'm currently level 25, so a kinship that has members of all levels would be great, so that I could help out the low levels, and eventually do mid-high level stuff as well. I also do not want to be a part of a kinship that gets mad if your not online 24/7 or if you decide you don't want to do the event for that week or something. Life happens and it's not always about playing games. :P Well, I guess that's it for now. :)
Thank you and God bless!
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
I was thinking about possibly getting back into LOTRO.
I have a founder account with a lifetime sub. I have gotten a few characters to max level, done many raids, been in a few kins, made many new friends along the way.
After a while there was a fallout and I have not logged in in over a year. But I am hoping I can start new, re-level and make some new friends.
I'm looking for a mature kin, RP is nice but not necessary. A guilt free 'if I cant make it' type of kin. I am open to any server as I will start from zero anyway. Not looking to join a kin just to grow their numbers or for power leveling, but to socialize, explore and enjoy middle earth with cool peoples..
I am located in Florida, EST time zone. I play when time permits, it can be early mornings, late nights, prevening...Sometimes for long periods, sometimes not. I am a married guy with 2 kids... That should explain it all.
Please send me a PM if you have a kin you think I may fit into
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Character name:
Thenidiel, Elf, Level 10 Hunter.
(You can call me either.)
16 (17 in a month).
Preferred server(s):
Middlesbrough, United Kingdom, GMT.
I finish my first year of college in two days so I’ll have plenty of time. I’ve recently downloaded LOTRO on my laptop but I can only last up to an hour without stressing out due to it lagging (my laptop’s a bit ####, ahaha). I also have it downloaded on my home computer and it runs amazingly well on that but my mother also uses it. She has a job that keeps her busy between 10am – 3pm the latest. She’s never on it for ages and I tend to stay awake till about 4am so I’ll be on quite a lot. I also stay at my boyfriend’s for about 5 days the most but he’s going to try and download LOTRO on his computer for me so if that works, all is good. He also plays WoW so it’s not like he’ll be expecting me to sit with him and watch movies. Bit of a gamer couple here.
I prefer solo when I can’t find any groups but when I can find groups; I prefer them to be around the same level as me. I also like it to be more casual.
MMO games you’ve played:
WoW, Runescape, DDO. (I used to play these, not anymore.)
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?:
Even though I seem young, I’m mature for my age. I do swear but I can stop myself for those who don’t like it. I also don’t stupidly swear like constantly saying the F word in every sentence I say. I don’t start random #### or argue over pathetic things. I’ll treat all other members properly and never insult or say anything bad about them. And I listen well to instructions and I’m not afraid to ask for help if it’s needed.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters):
I'm looking for a kinship where it’s fun yet serious. Too serious ruins it for me and it makes it seem like work instead of a way to escape reality for a while. I’m also looking for one that’s mature but can still have a sense of humour. I don’t like immature people, they annoy me and I can’t work well with them. I do try but it’s very unlikely I’ll survive even an hour with them. And on the humour side, I’m looking for a kinship where you can have a few jokes and banter. I’m British and I’ve pretty much been brought up on banter, so it’s a little hard to just suddenly stop having it. And a kinship where its members help other members out is a definite must have. It’s plain ignorance to not.
There we go. Hope it’s alright. :3
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Name unknown, race elf hunter
Age: when posting this I am 23 XD
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): Preferred a ROLEPLAY server...but not sure if you guys have it XD
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): I'm from europe, Holland to be exact, dunno the timezone though...
Playstyle: Definetly a hardcore Roleplayer. But I go solo if I cannot find a good group to grind/quest/instance with.
MMO games you’ve played:Used to play LOTRO a few years back, got interested in SWTOR, Neverwinter Nights.
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?:
Well, like I said again, I am a hardcore roleplayer. What I am looking for and offering is Roleplay and fun. I am always helpful (if time willing) and I am also a social bunny so chitchatting is also a good thing of mine ^^
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): I am looking for a friendly, social, helpful and of course a Roleplay guild. I am someone who enjoys some good roleplay and I expect the same thing from the guild. I'm a guildie for life once I found the guild that is most suited to what I look from a guild.
so lemme know if interested, if not...well then don't wahaha
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Lardhors, level 30 Elf LM
Age: 43
Preferred server(s), if any. : Arkenstone
Location: Switzerland, gmt +1. Available evenings.
Playstyle: Solo, group, PvE, casual. Eventually crafting, raiding and end-game
MMO games you’ve played: Lotro is first MMO I've played, returning after a 2 year odd break.
What kind of kinship you are looking for: I'm eager to join an easy going kinship, ready to help and chip in, meet people online, befriend some fellow gamers.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Eadeniel (Human- Dunedain?)
Age: (some kinships have real life age limits) :24
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.):Landrovale
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): EST, USA
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.): RP ,RP, RP (Heavy RP would be nice), PvE, crafting ect.
MMO games you’ve played: Just aobut anything SL, LOTRO, Wow(for about 6 months)
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: Sold roleplayer, intelligent, eloquent. I don't do drama.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): Heavy RP (history and growth of characters is almost a must.), intelligent, mature.. friendly (preferabley one with Ventrilo usage.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Broelski
Age: 20
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): Nothing preferred but I'm currently in Snowbourn
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): I prefer British & EU Timezone
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.): New to the game so I don't know yet :)
MMO games you’ve played: WoW
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: A fun, laid back, and active person. I enjoy playing the games but I enjoy the socializing aspect of it twice as much. I could go on and elaborate but these 2 sentences sum me up pretty much.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): Active and social kinship. One with activities would be nice too. Any sort of ACTIVE kinship would be nice AS LONG AS they speak English.
Newbie lf kin on elendilmir
Hi guy's right now im playing a dwarf guardian and im enjoying the game so far but i would really like some ppl to team up with. I'm from city of heroes where a lot of ppl generally team up to lvl so im looking for others who also enjoy the same. I'm 30 years old on the east coast server in the US. I'm a nice guy and i do not use profanity so a kin with ppl who do not would be great. You don't have to be an old fart like me just yah know a mature kin :P Oh and i don't have any expansions yet but i am vip right now. But if i get into the game enough i will eventually buy or use tp to get them. Hope to hear from someone soon! Oh and my guardians name is griam on elendilmir.