Am looking for a Kinship in Elendilmer
Hello to all that read this my name in the game is Wilstefar, who is a hunter from the Shire. I am fairly new to this game and have leveled my character to level 23 but know am looking for a kinship to join. Will help supply wood and leathers to the Kinship if needed. Love a Kinship that does not take the game to seriously and excepted the impossible. I do not know how to write these things, Hope to hear from someone soon.
EN RP server if you please!
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Anaruin, elven Lore Keeper
Age: 23
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): Preferably an RP server
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): Ontario, Canada
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.): New player here! I would very much prefer an RP server though.
MMO games you’ve played: World of Warcraft is my main one. Played a few smaller ones, here and there but looking for a game that's not so repetitive.
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I am an active player, more so once I've found a good guild. Well in this case Kinship. I main a healer in most games but havn't quite gotten used to this game enough to try healing.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): I need one that's talkative. Doesn't have to always be full of people but if I can play for a period of time, say all morning, and there's no one on or those that ARE on never speak? I'm not going to be to interested! I would very much like a kin that is active RPwise as I join RP servers for a reason.
Looking for social kinship.
Character name and race: Thindhelstel, Elf, 25 minstrel(crickhollow). I have some low levels on brandywine, minstrel/hunter.
Age: 26
Preferred server: Crickhollow/Brandywine
Location: NY, eastern timezone
Playstyle: Solo, group , casual, no RP.
MMO games you’ve played: World of Tanks, EQII
What kind of kinship you are looking for: Social, friendly, informative, casual, mature(preferably kinship with adults).
As for what i can really offer.. not much. I am friendly enough; willing to participate in group activities. I can also provide a spot for people to chat on ventrilo. I am not on much, an hour or two on weekdays maybe more on the weekends.
Looking for a social Kinship
Your name: Magnas, level 18
Age: 18
Preferred server: Withywindle (Will try others if needed)
Location: England
Playstyle: I don't mind
MMO games you’ve played: SW Galaxies, Runescape and WoW
Why kinships should be interested in you: I'm reasonable active, have a excessive interest in LOTR and am looking for some people to work with.
What kind of kinship you are looking for: Looking for a kinship so I can chat, RP, maybe a little bit of raiding?
Pysiren, Super Support needed kinship
Player Type: Female Minstrel Support/ Healer Lvl 20
Server: Arkenstone
Age: 27
Region: Eastern US, online mainly from 10pm-5am EST so some earlier time West Coast kinships would work.
Looking for an active kinship that I can get involved with.
Newer to this game genre, but I'm a serious gamer that learns very fast and spends alot of time online
Recently converted console gamer (FPS, RPG) to PC (LoL, HoN)
Never played WoW for fear of my social life may end, so I may be a little greener than most.
This is my first character I've got to 20 so Skirms and Raids are still a little greek to me.
But regardless, I'm a team player that has common sense and communicates with others.
Until I'm able to upgrade my PC, voice communicate won't be an option.
PM me if you are interested
Looking for Kinship UK :)
Real name : Matt
Character : Beovayne (Man Champion)
Age: Late 20s
Preferred server : Snowbourn
Location : UK
Playstyle) : Solo, casual, group, instances
MMO games you’ve played: WoW
Why kinships should be interested? : 3+ years on WoW, easy going, helpful
What kind of kinship you are looking for : Just started LOTRO after quitting WoW a few years ago so looking to join a helpful and friendly guild, that do regular instance runs :)
Mainly on Meneldor, but open to starting fresh
Name or character name: Currently leaving this blank, due to fact that i am posting here looking for a new kinship... and quite possibly, a new server. I post this to see what responses I get and to see if any are interested in the same. I have created a recon toon on many servers to scope out the general maturity level, quality of regional chat, etc. to find the RP servers are very nice.
Age: Up there, but not too up there >.<
Location: Arizona, US... my schedule is pretty open lately, and I am intermittently on throughout the day.
Other MMO's: N/A, nada, zilch... this is my first and only MMO ever, and loving it too much to find another. But I have played for nearly one year.
Playstyle: OK, here's where i get to why i am posting here in the first place. Currently, I am in a small, casual kinship where everyone pretty much solo's and does their own thing with an occasional fellow for a tough spot. I levelled a warden to 75 that way... and quite honestly, I look back now and realize how lonely and boring a lot of it was...heh. Don't be mistaken, the people in my kin are great people, and the game itself is awesome, but I am ISO something different. I sort of got stuck in a rut, and went with it.
So, solo... done it. Now I am searching the different servers for a new place to call home. But not just to solo again. I would be willing to roll a new toon to level with another (or more). RP is a possibility, but am a little unsure if it is for me. I love to craft and have enough alts to be self-sufficient... and to help fellow kinmates in need.
What kind of kinship you are looking for: First, I am NOT looking for a kin that is bigger than the Eastern Seaboard. I'd like to be in a kin that is medium-sized, casual, and mature-minded with clean chat... a group of friendly folks that enjoy PvE, crafting, kinship events (skirms, instances, deed-ing, get-togethers, etc.)
Bottom line... I hope to not solo my way to end level again.
Thanks for reading, and hope to hear something soon :)
Happy hunting...
I am looking to join a kinship
My character name is Noahgorn.
Server: Elindylmir
I've been playing for a while but I really need some help on some quests. I consider myself very mature and will be willing to help others whenever I can.
I am a level 19 elf hunter.
Central time zone
Looking for Riddermark Kin
Name: Rob, Character name: Zeddikus (20 Guardian)
Age: 29
Preferred server: Riddermark
Location: East Coast Canada (But I am a night owl)
Playstyle: I am great at soloing (Who isn't?), but I do like to group and run dungeons/raids when I have the opportunity. I very much enjoy achievement hunting (or Deed hunting as the case may be with LOTRO), and casual roleplaying. Would love to get to end-game content eventually, wouldn't mind raiding 2-4 nights a week.
MMO games you’ve played: Diablo 3?, WoW, SWTOR, Rift, Atlas, and many other Free-to-Plays
Why kinships should be interested in you: I am very active, and have been gaming for 20+ years, so I know what I'm doing (usually) :p
What kind of kinship you are looking for: Newbie friendly, casual raiding/dungeon, casual RP.