Looking for Kinship
Your name, or character name and race : Willing to play any race any class. Currently Tiniwen (Elf Hunter on Arkenstone)
Age: 31
Preferred server(s), if any: Currently on Arkenstone. Willing to move for the right Kinship.
Location: USA, MA (EST)
Playstyle: Moderate player, heavy crafter. Past officer. Prefer non-raid family style group.
MMO games you’ve played: FFXI (to endgame), EQII (to endgame), WoW (just listing current MMOs)
Why kinships should be interested in you.
I play generally 2-3 hours on weeknights and more on weekends. Currently scoping out website options if a kinship needs a fast webpage setup. Ideally would like to work up to officer status. I am not looking for raid craziness, i had my fill of that in FFXI. I would like to casually level with some new friends and help each other over hurdles. EDIT:: I have played in very RP heavy guilds before and enjoy it.
contact info:
Please PM me through my forum name if you are interested.
Goodluck to all the new kinships forming on the newer servers.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Character name: MoonGoose
Elf Hunter on Firefoot, willing to start a new character, prefer ranged weapons or healing.
Age: 14
Location: Norway (GMT +1)
Playstyle: Doing quests, playing in fellowships, not too much raids.
MMO games: Some other betas, WoW to lvl 6.
Why Kinships should be interested:
I play an hour or two, most days, I'm friendly (member of the Clan of Bobs(Halo 2 clan) which means I have to be friendly and kind too everyone:p I want to be in a Kinship which is newbie-friendly and not too hardcore...
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Your name, or character name and race : Reddeck (Hobbit)
Age: 35
Preferred server(s), if any. : Nimrodel
Location. : East Coast timezone : anywhere around 5-11 at night on mon., weds, fri. Tues and thurs anytime after 9pm, saturday sun : time will vary
Playstyle. : casual, I do some crafting (trying to figure it out currently), would like to do some raids
MMO games you’ve played: EQ, SWG, Planetside, CoH/CoV, GW, WoW
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I am a fun loving person. I usually like to try and help people out as long as they help me out in return. I really hate helping people then when I ask for help they don't want to. I pretty much am easy going and like grouping. I do some lite RP'ing, but it's not a necessity.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. : I am looking for a Hobbits only Fellowship. Nothing against men and elves and dwarves. There is just something amazing about seeing a huge group of Hobbits running around together.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Your name, or character name and race (if known):Willing to play any race/class except guardian
Age: (some kinships have real life age limits):45
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.):I have 1 lvl 15 burgler in Brandywine, but will build a new character for the right Kinship
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.):Seattle-Pacific. Play usually after 9PM for a few hours each night
Playstyle.Would like to RP. Casual player, more interested in fun not leveling
MMO games you’ve played: Shadowbane, CoH/CoV
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: Mature individual without big ego
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): Role play, casual, not heavy into voice chat (for rp reasons) but I can listen if required
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
char name will be: Scripp
Server: willing to start on any
Kinship type wanted: mature players that aren't "Elite" oriented but want to have a fun environment with focus on having a "fun" gameplay experience when they log in. Friendly Kinship that has rules and organization.
About myself: 43 years old. Veteran gamer. Worked for Infocom back in "the day" writing in basic for the old text based adventures that seirra eventually capitalized on. Have beta tested over 100 games. Used to be webmaster and owner of the old beta testing site "Online Beta Tester Guild" (was known then as Boolean).
I am a veteran of W-W and am leaving it after 3 years of dedicated play and being guild master of the largest guild on my server there for two years.
Looking forward to being in a group here that is willing to have fun and not take gaming to seriously, but login to Lord of the Rings Online to have a fun gaming experience every few hours each night.
Thanks for any replies. Please feel free to send me a forum IM if you are interested in a gamer of my type for your Kinship.
I must add that I am not willing to be a Kinship leader in this game due to the time involved keeping so many players together and just want to blend in and be a part of a good community this time around.
Thanks, have fun!
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Name: Brandon
Main Character Name: Craig
Main Character Class: Dwarven Guardian
Age: 16
Server: Silverlode
Location: Iowa
Playstyle: So far I've been pretty solo, up for basically anything except RP.
MMO games you’ve played: My first. =D But I've been playing since Beta 1.
Why you should choose me:
I'm a pretty easy going guy, I don't really care about gaming politics/ranks/stupid stuff like that. I catch on quickly and I'm pretty much always willing to help fellows. I don't really know, I'm usually well liked. Yep.
I'm mainly interested in Kinships that have rules, although are pretty lax on them, especially when it comes to swearing. Yeah, I have a potty mouth. It's not because I don't have "self-control" as most people on the forums seem to put it, it's because I honestly don't care. Words are words. So if you're adament about no swearing, look past me, but if you don't mind it/do mind it but not THAT much, then continue to read.
I'm kind of interested in a Kinship that would be into raids, being that I've never been in one and I'm very intrigued by them.
Questions, feel free to ask.
I'm best contacted on AIM@ xxToolsKxx
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Your name, or character name and race:
Marroc Loamsdown, Level 15 Hobbit Minstrel [main]
Andruir, Level 6 (and climbing) Man Champion
Age: 24
Server: Arkenstone
Location: CST
Play times:
I am usually on from 2-4 hours a night, starting at 9 or 10 PM until 12 or 1 AM, though I've been known to stay on much later for a particularly exciting fellowship quest or the like. :D Weekends vary, though I'm generally on as much or more than weeknights.
A mix between solo/group PvE, casual, part-time crafter. Have tried and enjoyed Monster Play.
MMO games you’ve played: FFXI, CoH/V, WoW
Looking for a mature, casual kinship for fellowing and socializing. Thanks!
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Greetings all, one more cog in the MMORPG wheel looking for creative, RP/goal oriented players to join.
Name: Macero, Faelan, Fannath
Class: Human minstrel, Human Burglar, Elf Champion
Age: 34
Preffered Server: Undecided; in WoW (last MMORPG played) I played in Warsong and Illiden, later on Emerald Dream. I prefer servers with a lot of guild interaction.
Location: Atlanta, GA – will be playing nights and late night weekends.
Playstyle: Primary playstyle from EQ, AC, Lineage, DAoC, Shadowbane and WoW has been PvP/Raid (with an RP flavor, I played with Shadowclan in DAoC and Shadowbane, Verndari in WoW) focused. As there is no meaningful PvP in LoTRO, I’m looking for a guild that aims to be goal-focused, but not to the 24/7 raid requirement – I play for fun, not for a job.
MMOs played: Pretty much all of them.
As a player, I’m not looking to ‘win’ the game, I’m looking to have enjoy the games offerings and have fun doing it. I’m a bigger fan of storyline and questing than min/maxing raids for loot. In SWG, DAoC, WoW, etc. I spent a lot of time assisting up and comers with quests, goals, etc. after hitting 60 and then 70. I got burned out of running Ony, MC, ZG and BWL 5-6 nights a week and am not looking to turn this game into a second job.
If a guild can bring an RP element, has fun interacting with other guilds on the server, and treats the game as an enjoyment and not a taskmaster I’d love to hear from ya.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Inca - 15 man captain
Inka - 15 hobbit minstrel
Others will be secondary to these.
Age: 28
Gladden server
Location: East coast, Miami, FL
Playstyle: Always enjoyed hybrids. I love to multitask so having a character that can heal/melee or nuke/melee has always suited me.
MMO EXP: I started Mainly on DAoC which has been my favorite so far mainly cause of the PvP. FFXI, WoW. GW briefly.
Looking for laid back kinship that doesnt force their members to attend manditory anything. I play to have fun when I can, no really fixed schedule cause of school/work.
I like to help others and like to do big raids. Would like to do some PvMP and all the end game stuff. Also would like a guild where size isnt too big where ppl dont know each other to the point where you might as well not even be in the same kinship but not too small that it's the same 5 ppl on at all times.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Name: Dashl
Age: 27
Server: Meneldor
Location: CST, Norman, OK
Playstyle: Somewhere in between casual and hardcore. I do not PvP, spar or duel, because I burned out on that in SWG. I like to group up and do all the quests that are possible. I want to join a kinship because I don't believe in playing a MMO and then playing solo. My SWG guild went to EQ2, then WoW (which I don't like) and are staying in WoW.
MMO games you’ve played: EQOA, SWG, EQ2, WoW for two weeks, CoH for two weeks.
I would like to join a kinship that helps out other members, does all the quests that are possible, even if that means doing them again to help other members. I don't like to PvP, and I don't like to RP. I like being able to use vent or TS, I think it helps to plan, organize, and get to know everyone better. My job is Monday-Friday, 6am-3pm CST, so I can be on after that, and I have weekends off which means I will probably be on 6-8 hours on the weekend. I have only been a part of smaller guilds, which has worked out fine for me in the past, except for raiding then we had to form several alliances with other small guilds. As long as I am able to group up, and do quests I will be happy.
Anyway, thanks for reading this, and if you think I would make a good fit for your kinship, send me a message.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Your name, or character name and race (if known):EremiticWolf
Age: (some kinships have real life age limits)36
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.):Brandywine
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.):Illinois
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.):Mainly soloed in most of my online games but willing to do all.
MMO games you’ve played:SWG, Eve-Online, CoH, UO, RF-Online, Lineage 2, WoW.
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?:I am a mature player, willing to help the other Kinship members, don't swear, willing to give advice.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters):A mature, organized kinship, where most if not all members will help each other out with quests or questions. I will be doing monster play, so will need a kinship that will allow that. Might not play every night but will be on at least every other night.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Your name, or character name and race (if known):
Age: (some kinships have real life age limits)
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.):
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.):
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.):
MMO games you’ve played:
UO (Catskills Shard), AC, DAoC (Guinevere), SB (Mourning), AO, SWG, WoW (Bleeding Hallow & Maelstrom)
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?:
Active/hardcore RPer... enjoy gaming and helping others.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters):
RP dwarf only guild.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Gavriliana, Elf Hunter
Age: 36
Preferred server(s), if any. Elemrendil (sp?)
Location. : Pacific, California
Playstyle. :I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game
MMO games you’ve played: Just this one
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I don't have any bad habits from other games, and I am teachable, and I am nice and get on well with others.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): I would like mature people, willing to trade crafting items, fun to talk to, do quests together, but also be able to do things solo at times. Also need understanding group that is willing to help me along when needed. But I think I can hang pretty well on my own.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Nullaher Elf Champion
Age: (some kinships have real life age limits): 30
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): Silverlode
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.):EST
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.): Some RP
MMO games you’ve played: UO, EQ, SWG, WOW, AC, EVE
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I dont take it too seriously, and I have fun
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): I am looking for a Tolkien Centric Kinship. A Group of players who have read and known Tolkien's works. Not all professors, but at least people who know who Tom Bombadil is.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Your name, or character name and race : Cragoth, Dwarven champion of the 12th season and climbing.
Age: 25
Preferred server(s), if any: Currently on Landroval
Location: USA, CT EST
Playstyle: I love to group up with others. Whether it be just for mindless slaughtering of goblins, to elite quests. I've never RPed before but haven't ruled it out, it could be fun, but wouldn't like to be in a strict rules RP kinship.
MMO games you’ve played: Hmm... this could be a long list. Started with EQ1, then came AC, AO, DAoC, Horizons (for about 3 days), AC2, Shadowbane, EQ2, Vanguard, and WoW. I think that's it.
Why kinships should be interested in you.
I try to play about 2-3 hours on weekdays and more on the weekends. While I'm on I love to get into fellowships with my kinship members and do some quests together. What I am mostly looking for from a kinship is to make some friends and to have a good time. I like to help people out also with some stuff that I have done already if they are having troubles with it I have no problems travelling to their location and giving them a hand if I'm free at the time.
What kind of Kinship are you looking for? :
I'm looking for a Kinship that's fun and helpful with eachother. One that likes to group up or just get together and do odd things. It doesn't matter if it's an RP guild as long as their aren't any strict rules about the RPing because like I said up top, I've never done it before but I wouldn't mind trying it out.
contact info:
Please PM me through my forum name if you are interested.
Well there you have it, that's about it :) I look forward to hearing from some of you and maybe getting to meet you.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
-I found a kinship to join, but thanks to those who PMed me-
Main Character - Alwyvan Prumdale, Hobbit Minstrel. (If you would like to know of my other characters, PM me)
Server: Landroval.
Country/State/Timezone: USA, Nevada, PST.
Playstyle: I'm usually a solo player in most MMO's, but I am usually guildless and friendless as well in those games. I plan on soloing often, but if someone else is in the same area, I wouldn't mind fellowing with them. I play a Reaver and a Warg in the Ettenmoors, but right now I'm more focused on my Free Peoples. Lately my log-in times have been popping around, but when I do get on I usually play for quite a few hours. I later plan on evenly playing my Monsters and experiencing End-game PvE. I am not a heavy RPer, and can barely be considered a light one.
MMO's I've played: Dark Age of Camelot (A few 50's on Gaheris) World of Warcraft (A level 41 Paladin on Cenarion Circle) Guild Wars (Technically doesn't count, but a level 20 Mesmer and many lower characters) Everquest (Played a Paladin to around level 30)
Why be interested in me?: I was going to type all of this out, but I think it would make this too much more longer. PM me for this kind of information.
What am I looking for?:
Members who are - Mature, helpful, friendly, active, in a large number, with a sense of humor (but not the overly stupid kind of humor), in understanding of my playstyle, and enjoy fellowing with eachother to complete quests.
A Leader who is - Mature, helpful, friendly, active, in understanding of my playstyle, fellowing with it's members every now and then, in understanding of a fair bit about the game, and allowing members who do not RP.
PM me if you're interested or wish to know anything else... please.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Looking for a Oceanic guild that isnt on the Elendilmir server due to the queues on that server already
I am a 37year old with 10 years of mmorg experience.
Looking for a raiding guild
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Server: Landroval
Name or character name: Sparks
Age: 23
Location: USA; EST timezone.
Playstyle: I play Solo is I have to but prefer playing in groups. I love helping people and getting help from anyone I can!
MMO games you’ve played: WOW, EVE Online, City of Heroes, City of Villains, Lineage II, and Guild Wars
Why kinships should be interested in you. Well i have been playing MMORPG for years now, and I can say I am a great team player. I help anyone I can, I have maps printed out so I can lead people wherever they need, I am willing to lend anyone any help I can as far as weapons and armor. I can craft well enough to supply people with the latest weapons, and have a sense of humor, unlike many LOTRO players!
What kind of kinship you are looking for. I am looking for a serious Kinship, and by serious I don't mean no joking around, I mean one that willlast and does everything it can to be the best. I play every day and am very dedicated to any team I join, and if I was part of one of the best I would help out and make them the best I can!
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
im a lvl 14 elf hunter.
i want a bomb guild to do quests with.
thats that.
Deschain, 15 Elven Hunter Brandywine
Name or character name: Deschain
Server: Brandywine
Age: 25
Location: Atlanta, Ga
Playstyle: (KAE) I'm a hardcore casual if there is a such thing i.e. I play a lot when I want.
MMO games you’ve played: Asheron's Call 4+ years, DAoC 6 months, SWG 6 months, WoW 2+ years.
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I take pride in every class I play. I can't stand being midocre. If im PvPing I want to be the best, if im in a raid I want to be the best at whatever it is im doing. I will play on a regular basis any where from 5 pm est to 12 pm est on weekdays and any time on the weekends. I am big into crafting as long as the crafting system is worthwhile. I'm willing to help those around me.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. I want a group of people that are ruthless in every way. When they are pvping i want them to be aggressive and full of rage destorying everyone and everything in their path. When they are on a raid on want it ran efficiently not kill a mob and take a 5 min break and dying isn't an awe man we can do better thing but expect success because everyone is working thier hardest to win. When they are questing, soloing, grinding, crafting do it like the others attempt to be the best and you will see that you really are better than most others around you. Also I want a kinship that wants to be the best.
Re: I'm (Rinri-Level 10 Dwarf Guardian)--Looking for a Kinship--
Rinri-Dwarf Guardian: Level 10 & rising
I like to play solo on the easy "talk to" or "get this" quests, but don't mind having or helping company. Since I am a guardian, I cannot dish out a lot (unless they hit first!) so I like to have company when entering a monster stronghold--I'll take the hits (& attention!) while you hack & slash.
I like a team share attitude, not a "who can hack them up first".
I like to work together and strategize a little, be it whether we do this quest for you first or mine, or 'how do you want to run our attack?'.
I like honesty; I am loyal; virtue is highest, both in real life and in game playing.
This is my first MMO, but I'm a quick learner. I try to figure things out on my own until I get stuck. I've gotten my fair share of help from gracious players like Silrien (hack & slash), Hordin (hints on 'where's that'), and Elvaria (who graciously worked some leather for me for a fair price and didn't take advantage of me on my first time to do that). But I've also helped Caito raise his level to mine (and we have Fellowshipped quite a bit since then). I can't wait for the day when I can return the favor to players like Silrien & Hordin who helped me out even though 5-8 levels above me at no advantage to themselves. I'd take the hits for elves and dwarves like that.
I've perused a lot of kinships, and many look really great, but I'm not sure which would be the best fit. YOU have more experience than I: could I be an asset to you? You will have my deepest loyalty.
-Rinri (Honesty & Loyalty) "The best chance that life [even an MMO] has to offer is the chance to work hard at work worth doing."--Theodore Roosevelt
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Nieriel, Elf Hunter, currently level 14
I'll never see 30 again
Elendilmir, but willing to start over on another server for the right Kinship
Canada, The Wet Coast (PST)
I generally solo but would love to group more. I'm shy to begin with but it doesn't take me long to warm up. I play a lot but I'm in no hurry for the end-game or to reach the level cap. I like role-playing and exploring. My craft is Woodsman.
MMO games you’ve played:
EverQuest (original), StarWars Galaxies, World of Warcraft. I've also played Quake2, Diablo, Diablo2, There, Sims, Sims2 and lots of other games.
Why kinships should be interested in you:
I'm friendly and I like to help people. I'm mature but like to have fun and do silly things. I can play just about any time of day (I'm a stay-at-home mum, but my "kids" are four-legged and furry) which means a non-North American kinship is fine.
What kind of kinship you are looking for:
A kinship with mature members (and by mature, I don't mean physical age) with minimal drama would be wonderful. A kinship that's organised and has meetings if fine, but they won't get hysterical if you have to miss a meeting or two (life happens!). Relaxed and casual, fun and funny are all good.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Account Name:
Feantur ("Master of Spirits" in Quenya)
Celebelen ("Silver Star"), Man Hunter, level 16, Master Journeyman F/WW
Feantur, Elf Loremaster, level 15, Master Journeyman WM/pathetic S
Bullroarertook, Hobbit Burglar, level 15, Master Journeyman F/P/T
Glorthoron ("Golden Eagle"), Man Captain, level 14, Journeyman P/J
Aglardalor ("Brilliant (in) Battle"), Dwarf Guardian, level 14, Apprentice P/MS
I enjoy leveling thru quests while also gathering resources/crafting. Like to expore solo, but would like to group more for quests, especially Epic. I don't monster play (against Tolkien spirit).
MMO games you’ve played:
Guildwars for a year - 4 characters thru entire content, although I never joined a guild (!). Diablo, Civ, MUDs, etc...
Why kinships should be interested in you:
I tend to be well-informed, helpful, and relatively skillful. Playing 2-4 hours a day and willing to group often. I'ev read all the Tolkien books and am familiar with the lore of the game.
What kind of kinship you are looking for:
One where I can find groups frequently, as I've mostly just experienced solo play so far with a few small pickup groups. I get the sense that this is a group-oriented game. I'd need a little help getting up to speed on kinship play (help with ventillo, etc...) as I've never joined a guild.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Your name, or character name and race: Character name is Veremoth, A Champion and one of the race of men.
Age: I've never given my age in any MMO I've played, even to other players I became close friends with, so I prefer to keep that information to myself
Preferred server(s), if any. : Currently on Elendilmir. Hoping to find some of those people I played MP with back when it was first brought into the game.
Location. : East Coast, US
Playstyle.: Solo mostly, with the occasional grouping if I can't do things myself, someone really needs me, or if I feel like it when invited.
MMO games you’ve played: Final Fantasy 11, Lineage 2, World of Warcraft, Everquest 2 (Very short time on that one), Planetside (This even count?), and some others I have trouble remembering.
Why kinships should be interested in you.: Meh, I'm more of the joking type, always throwing out a bad joke here and there to lighten the mood. I suppose I'd just bring a little light into a group.
Experience as well as I've been a part of the game since Beta1 and I'm pretty well versed in gameplay as a Champion and Minstrel, though I've come to prefer the Champion aspect.
What kind of kinship you are looking for.: A group that's a bit close to my personality. Carefree with a good sense of humor, though serious and well organized when it comes to fellowships and raids...well, I suppose I don't count as well organized....more like good at taking orders from command.
Also keeping an eye out, as stated above, for some people I used to play Monster Play with in beta. Characters I had back in beta are Mardin (Minstrel) and Veremoth (Champion)........and that's about it.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Name: Carvu Elf Hunter At time of posting lvl 17
Server: Elendilmir
Age: 35
Play Times: Australian (GMT +10) 7.30pm - 11.00 pm weekdays + most weekends all day
MMO's Played: Asherons Call, EQ, DAoC, EQ2
Play Style: A bit of everything as long as it is group related. Grinding, quests or raids are all good. Usually pick a crafting line for the fun of it and something to do in quiet times but its not a priority.
Expectations: A well set up guild with Website/Forums and 3rd party communications i.e. Teamspeak or Vent.
Please send me a PM if you think i will fit in with your guild.