Placid Brandywine
Upon sandy shore revealed
Outre vexation
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Placid Brandywine
Upon sandy shore revealed
Outre vexation
Gandolf washed up and told me he was taking the hobbits to Isengard.
A Lossoth tourist.
"Now, you may not believe this, but there Hob Hayward is, and he saw it too!
"Well sir, sometimes of an afternoon when I ought to do some weed-pulling, instead my feet lead me down to the shores of the Brandywine, right where Bingo learned to swim. The mud is cool and the river is slow and doesn't look so dangerous. You can see the High Hay across the river, and I said to myself, I might just take a stroll across the Bridge and see if good ol' Hob is near. And who should come off the Stock side of the Bridge but Hob himself! One thing leading to another, we soon had our pipes a-going, having moved up to the grass to take a load off.
"A few fine smoke rings later, Hob says to me, he does, 'Bandobras, my lad, what do you suppose THAT is?' And he points at a shiny round thing on the shore where I'd been a-standing not ten minutes prior. Neither of us knowing, we got up and went to give it a poke with a stick. And cart me off to Bree-Hill if I'm lying, but it was a dragon scale!
"Well, that's what I told myself, and Hob, and everybody else that day. But a few days later the Quick Post brought me a letter from my cousin (second cousin) Ronald up in Dwaling, and he said from my description, it is a scale from a big kind of sand-lizard they have up there just north of him. He said they use them to make pigmented glass! Can you believe that? And it floated all the way down here to Stock.
"Where is it? Well, I managed to put a hole in it, and a string through the hole, so now it hangs just inside my east window, and brightens up the kitchen every morning. Come to tea and I'll show you tomorrow. Yes, all of you lot!"
A wizard...
A Couch! ...Probably more of Goldie Tunnelly's lost Furniture (if you ask me, she has muddled her wits). OR possibly, from attempted improvements to the Bucklebury Ferry? Who knows.
At least, Floats! :cool:
Gilminuial's lost cargo on the Drogo Baggins and Primula Brandybuck's drowned location..
What's the most unusual thing that has washed up on the banks of the Brandywine River?
Me after drinking from the ale keg, or perhaps it isn't so unusual but i just can't remember being there after the drink.
Oddly enough, a dodecahedron!
Me, after a long night of celebration.
My wrecked plate! (What? It was dirty!)
Gwindeth's Tears
A jar of Pickles!
I sometimes wonder what happened to the fishing hobbit who was dragged out to sea in one of the Boffin children's stories. Did he ever wash up somewhere downstream?
A laundry basket filled with Tomb Raider's Sashes.
Better don't ask
Drunk Hobbits