Can't let this slip of the front page :)
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Can't let this slip of the front page :)
1 year of play in Meredian 59 on the free russian server 109
4 years of continuous play in Everquest, Stromm server.
4 months of play in LotRO Brandywine server.
I have to seriously /salute your suggestion--that's a DAMNED good idea.
really fantastic! i hope it comes to fruition.
Excellent idea! OP did an amazing job with the presentation as well!
fantastic idea
Sounds like it would add a lot of fun to the taverns that is currently lacking there.
My thanks again to everyone who has posted here. Much appreciated.
Those do sound good and I wouldn't mind having those be the buffs. My first thought at the time was to avoid people wanting to Tussle all the time just to get a +Might buff, so I switched it to +Agility. :p The others seemed to fit with food strengthening limbs, dancing generating vigour and such, but they aren't set in stone. I like yours, so I when I make my second pass on the images I think I'll add your suggestions.
Thanks, Melkite. I would agree on those being a separate feature of the game, as they can be enjoyable in themselves rather than needing to be tied to buffing Maneuvers or attributes. I do have a few ideas on how the interfaces might look, but that will be for another thread I think.
PS I like to fish with the winged Balrogs!
I recently received an email from a LOTRO player on the Euro Servers who wished it be known that this idea has also received support from our friends across the pond.
To them also I give my thanks and appreciation.
Hah, that is awesome. Are you sure you aren't a dev in disguise? ;)
BTW, which server do you claim as your home? Just curious ^^
(and yes, this was a bump. Bumpity bump bump bump).
Wow, what a wonderful suggestion. Well prepared post!
I'd just love that idea! Then taverns would actually be used! There are many inns all over the place in level 1-25ish areas. I would love to see more....
I was here for something..... oh yeah..
My name is Melkite, and I approve this message!
and *bump*
Well thought out and well done my friend! I can only take notes from your post as I forge my own in the future. Such style and presentation!
Like Valk, I am willing to fish with balrogs, winged or unwinged, to get this idea implemented.... and keep it at the top of the suggestions page.
its this or bingo to make taverns some place players want to go, I say this. Truely a great idea
Time to once again praise Hayoo's Excellent work.... and get this back on the front page.
/bumped by fishing winged balrogs
I wont let this amazing idea die :)
Vote +1!!
We want beer, we want beer!
Oh.. what?
I agree, this is a great idea, implementation now! ;)
Yep, still a great idea
7 pages and no dev in here yet??
Thank you, everyone.
I have added Paradoxical's buff changes for Feasting, Dancing, and Tussle to the initial description and to the accompanying graphic.
I have a small task for the community. It would help to have more screenshots, without the UI showing, of merry gatherings within a Tavern/Inn, around a campfire, or within what could pass as a house. Participants can be laughing, smoking, dancing, eating, scolding, or whatever.
With such pictures we can place Revelry icons above their heads, and make up our own combinations as examples to future readers who come here.
It doesn't have to be fancy or elaborate, just a snapshots of people gathering and doing something. And from there we can have a little fun "guessing" what Revelry Combo such a hypothetical group was going for if the feature existed. :p
I'll try to get some screenshot taken so I can add them here.
I sincerely hope the devs not only look into this, but actually add it to the game at some point.
Until something is said or done about this I will do my part in keeping this thread alive.
Keep up the great work Hayoo.