New to the game...Looking for Adult EST Kinship
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Rich
Age: (some kinships have real life age limits) 31
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): Does not matter.
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): New York
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.):
I like raiding and dungeons mainly buy i also enjoy group pvp
MMO games you’ve played: I have been playing MMO's for 11 years. I have played many at an end game level.
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?:
I am a team player. I enjoy being in a helpful and friendly atmosphere. I do not tolerate racism sexism or any other ism that ignorantly offends. I enjoy the lore but i am not an RPer.
I am looking to play a melee Dps/supprt or Tank role. Tank preferred.
I do not have any high level toons. Once I find a good Kin I will dedicate myself to lvling the needed class.
You can contact me through the lotro forum mail.
Hobbit Hunter looking for Kin
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Ankushhunter (lvl 23) call me Ankush
Age: 28
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.):Elendilmir
Location: I m from India.
Playtime: GMT 1 pm to 8 pm weekdays. all day weekends while i m not asleep.
Playstyle:love raiding. I am hardcore gamer.
MMO games you’ve played:WoW for 4 years till cata. This is my first char in lotro.
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?:
I play seriously while raiding for all other times I like to have fun.
With my wow exp I am sure that I can catch up fast on whatever lotro has to offer. So far liked this game and looking forward to kin who are looking for long term association.
I am altoholic and would like to have more alts in same guild (obviously constraint to 2 slots :(, wish guild has more branches on other realms)
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters):
For me Kin is place whr you help each other in terms of guidance, trading mats, helping craft and most importantly have FUN.
Champion LF Kinship - willing to transfer
I am a VIP subscriber and play a level 50 Champion. An MMO vet of 14 years, I am looking for a kinship that would be considered hardcore, but works around working professionals. I am currently on Withywindle but would be happy to transfer for the right kinship. Ideally one where not every player is at end-game and waiting for me to get to 85; but has either alts or a few other players leveling up as well. I am also a huge Tolkien fan and like to follow the story of the game.
Must have a website and willing to use VOIP. Scheduled events for end game is a must (or planned if we are not all at end game yet) and earned spots in raid is a plus. Things I would look for would be active forums, and low membership turnover. Things I would offer is: a longterm member (in 14 years I've been in 3 hardcore guilds), skilled player (not that I am the perfect champion, but I don't wipe raids and I study instances and boss fights).
Please PM me if interested, and thank you for your consideration.
Adult player looking for Mature Kin on Gladden
As the title says, I'm an adult player looking for a kin that is mature in age and game knowledge.
I've been playing the game with great enthusiasm for a little more than a year (started approx 2011 Yule Fest). I have 1 player at the level cap, 2 @ 75, and 2 mid level characters (one I'm building now, the other is stagnant and just for crafting).
I am active in chat and very active assisting my kinnies with whatever they need: quest assistance, gear, craft materials, kin events, etc. I like & respect my current kin leadership immensely, but would really appreciate running with an older age group with more experience to share.
I play mostly during the day (EDT) and occasionally late in the evening.
I spend most of my time soloing, for several reasons: 1. the game is more challenging, 2. fellowing with kids (most of my current kinnies) can be chaotic & wearisome, and 3. I play mostly during the day, but not always without distraction.
I haven't done too much in the Moors, but plan on exploring that more now that I'm at level cap.
New to Game, looking for kinship - Landroval server
I have been playing LotRo for 2 weeks, and so far am enjoying the game. The only thing missing for me now is being part of a kinship.
I am looking for a kinship where role playing is optional, and who welcomes new players. I am an experienced MMO player, and for most of the last 6 years have played Everquest 2, with a short break for SWTOR. In this time I have played all different play styles from casual fluffiness to hardcore raiding.
I am mature, sociable and drama free, and would like a kinship which is active and would have players online for most of the day in the euro time zone.
Returning after 4 years - looking for an RP Kinship
Server: Gladden
Main Character: 41 Guardian
I'm looking for a friendly and kind kinship that is at a minimum RP friendly and adult/mature oriented.
I'm a casual player now (used to play this for hours/days on end) and just looking to enjoy the gameworld now, have some fun, make new friends.
I can't promise I'll play everyday. It's more like, I may play for a few months, then focus on other things and then return again to play some more. I can say for sure that I will keep playing my character for the lifetime of the game.
I'd like to focus more on having casual fun and social interaction than on hardcore gameplay. I don't care for players who take the game so seriously they freak out if you don't do something the way they like.
My long-term intention is to play through the entire main storyline as new expansions come out even if takes years to do so.
I will probably always have this account until the game finally shuts down.
My ideal RP kinship would have a website and some kind of creative storyline going on that I can dovetail into. My minimum would simply be an RP friendly kinship populated by thoughtful kind people.
Friendly, casual kinship?
Hey everyone,
I'm looking for a kinship that is casual and is full of cool, level headed folks. I really enjoy MMO's, but my experience is that WoW and SWG have been overrun by rude, impatient and petulant people. This does not make for fun gaming.
I shall follow the format of the OP, if it please you.
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Gabriel. Character = Aeryndas, Level 23 Hobbit Burglar. (First LoTRO toon)
Age: 27
Preferred server(s): Only the one toon on Silverlode, am open to suggestions though.
Location: Manitoba, Canada. Timezone is CST. Though I should mention that my work requires that I work evenings some days, and day hours at other times. I am usually free 3-4 days a week though, so I will be around to contribute often enough.
Playstyle: Solo, group, PvE. I'm not hardcore into stat math or flawless raid performance. While I would love to learn about these subjects, I am weary of a kinship which requires that you are already top notch or has little patience. Rather I am looking for one with cool people who will help me become a better player and a contributing member to their kinship. I am interested in bringing my character to endgame, and would enjoy some good company in that process. I can go either way on RP, it's always fun, but so is just gaming out.
MMO's I've played: Asheron's Call (back in the day!), FFXI, SWG, WoW. Always as a casual player though.
Why kinships should be interested in you:
-I am dedicated to finding and creating an awesome playing experience with some other gamers. I am not possessed of a terrible ego or prone to frustration. Pretty even keel in that sense.
-I LOVE to game out. For hours. I also like to help, meaning I will craft, farm, dance or anything else I can do to make the experience a better one.
-I will take advice when given, and offer it when sought.
-I am a friendly dude. I pretty much like people. Even distant, unknown interwebz people.
What kind of kinship you are looking for:
-Casual in the sense of little pressure. I can and will be hardcore IF I know how. If I don't know how and catch flak for it, I won't be having any fun, and then there is zero point in playing.
-Educational, meaning willing to help me with stats, questions, offer advice on rotations or skills, etc.
-Full of cool people with cool personalities, or people with something to offer that is more than just the game grind. Talk to me of Tolkein or Star Wars or whatever else, even IRL stuffs! Srsly. Anything is an open forum with me, and it would be cool to find some others like that.
So to sum up, I would like to find a mature, open kinship which emphasizes fun, cooperation, good gaming and is willing to help a LoTRO semi-n00b get his bearings.
Mature, Active, Kid Friendly Guild on Crickhollow
I use to play but quit for GW2. However, my 10 year old daughter wanted to play so I got back into it. I work from home as a graphic artist so I have free time throughout the day usually. She will play with me in the evenings EST for a couple of hours. I'd like to find a kin that is ok with her age. I limit her chat features in general but would still like something kid friendly.
Slipikins :D
looking for...The Kinship
Hi everyone,
I am thinking of a new Kinship.
in so-called real life (not confirmed by Canon texts): 42
Preferred server
Lithuania. Playing (mostly) 18-22 o'clock Lithuanian time on working days; some 15-23 o'clock on holidays...with breaks for some things like eating or taking a bath...
Mostly - solo player that is still learning how to live in the Lore. One who may ask lots of things, like "which status is better on this weapon?" or "how do I get to Allmighty Chicken if I see no road to it?". Never took part in any PvP and not intending to do it. Also, I am not roleplayer: could not write "my 6000 years old family history" like some Tolkien fan wrote in our forums.
I may require help with regions I feel kind of bad while in: Angmar and Moria and in fellowship quests.
Instances, skirmishes: knowledge is very poor and I mostly feel myself lost there.
Since I am weaponsmith, I would gladly craft any type of weapon I can to anybody in the kin. I also do enjoy situations when I can defend somebody, be it Eregion (had superb time with one Dwarf: he crafted, I protected him) or grumpy Angmar.
My downside is that sometimes I may feel lost and make too radical decisions like "I will never, never never ever visit ANgmar unless I am lvl.99!". I do dislike Angmar and Moria. Since I am free player, I am limited to purchases I have made (and yes, I do love to make alts).
MMO games you’ve played
Runescape, Istaria.
About myself
Champion who made female champion clones in Withywindle. One who loves to craft and has few regions (Evendim, Eregion) where I could relax just gathering metal. A person that is not into big challenges: a quest for me is better than a skirmish.Since I live in Lithuania - English is not my native. if I type fast, I can make some typos and mistakes. And I do love writing my experiences in my own blog.
What kind of kinship am I looking for
I would prefer little to medium one (having 1500 members of which 100 are online and no one answers simple question is not too good) where every member knows another. I would prefer Kinship that had existed for some time...and not over-expanded (quality over quantity). If joining Kinship requires to do something – I may do it.
I do hope Kinship would be active in Angmar/Moria regions and be able to help me (as well as others) with fellowship quests or instances there.
That ends my introduction. Hope somebody will respond...