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Sure, I never expected them to add everything blank to Andrast all in one go when I heard them say Outer Gondor. But... consider what they've done so far...
Update 36 -Lossarnach, Upper Lebennin, Lebennin with Linhir - copied over at the start but they're also changing things and adding new valleys/spaces which will certainly have their own locales in them (like that dwarven fortress). Sounds like your regular amount for a quest pack update (compare with the old release of Upper Lebennin with 1/2 of Pelargil, Lossarnach, South Ithilien with Osgiliath, the numbers seem to match, though they can certainly do some things quicker these days and focus on detail instead, like these rocks or dirty floors scenario talked about).
AS of now, they have landscapes and lots of "new look" for the key places work done, still not finished though and haven't even touched any of the towers/wings and who knows if they ever will if we're to believe MoL - I find it a little hypocritical it's fine to redecorate geology with rocks or erase entire mountains adjacent to cities... but not even be sure whether they can bring it over to old one... yet no touching these towers, look of cities overall, etc, many things players have been pointing out over the years and whenever Gondor subject pops up there are always some comments about how the space seemed rushed or unpolished, for whatever reason - whether that's actually true or not doesn't matter, what matters is it's being perceived that way persistently, so clearly doesn't come from nowhere - but these things don't even seem to be on their radar up until this point :D oh well, strange, but fingers crossed!)
Update 37 is just the mission pack from what I understand.
So then, Update 38 - Dor-er-ernil, Ringlo Vale, new space in Belfalas which is region-sized, that's 3 again, plus new spaces in the valleys, which may potentially connect to Lamedon or even Blackroot as well, given Scenario's comments. Anfalas, as it's own at the very least region-sized space, if not more to it. And then Dol Amroth with Havens, Lamedon and Blackroot too, in addition and actual brand new things and "biomes" in Umbar for expansion? All in this update? Which may also have boats in it? Maybe it's not impossible, given quick work and less content throughout Gondor, but... it really may point towards less time/work/attention/polish given to all these spaces here plus to Umbar bay/city-state (or coastal kingdom) itself. So yeah, I would rather not have Western Gondor "After", if that was to be the case. It would be redoing something for very little. Anyway, if you take Western areas out of the equation, then the amount of work seem to match the one that's in Update 36, so maybe that's actually the case, given that there will be also expansion with that too, that's not small and hopefully means a sizeable, cool bay of Umbar.