laurelin: looking for lore orientated kinship
I am looking for a kinship for my elf on the laurelin server.
What am I looking for in a kinship?
I am looking for a lore orientated kinship, obviously an roleplay kinship with a social community (which i also find rather important actually.) so in short I am looking for a friendly lore orientated kinship which is rather active, i do not mind if a kinship is big or small and as long as the guild fits my character =)
About the character:
The character I am talking about is one of the oldest characters I have on the laurelin server. She is an elf loremaster who has lost her eyesight and her memory and she is trying to find out what happened to her. Other than that you can find out through rp OR read her old bio (which still not saying much...HAH!)
About the player:
I have at least 10 years of roleplaying experience with different MMO'S varying from Neverwinter Nights, Rift, Neverwinter, Guildwars1&2, star wars the old republic and some others of which I totally forgot their name of. =)
I have read basically all the tolkiens books and if i have not read one than it is on the list ;).
So to say the least I am a very cheery and social player, sometimes I can be quiet and sometimes i can talk your ears off. I am considering myself a sort of a rp addict, i am always willing to roleplay and develop my character further or other characters :)
Times i can be on:
Mostly on the weekends and well if i can be on through the week then it would be in the evenings.
I am european, from the netherlands sobasically uk timezone
Wellthat is basically me and my character in a nutshell. Hope to find a kinship fitting for my character and of course loads and loads of rp!!
Return Player Looking for Kinship
I have returned after 2 years and originally started playing in 2010. I play on Nimrodel server during pacific standard time zone. I originally was with Guardians of the Veiled Rose and really enjoyed playing with the members, when I left I dropped the kinship as I could no longer be of service to other kin members. I have a lvl 82 Elf Hunter who is a weapon smith, who has yet level up to the last tier. I have been trying to catch up on quests, and leveling my player. I have some experience in raids as I did quite a few with GVR. Looking for a laid back but structured group who helps others who need help progressing in middle earth.
Please look me up if you are this type of Kinship,
Thanks so much,
LF mature but humor friendly Kinship
I Like to make jokes , they are all clean however. All about witty jokes with me.
I am brand new player in Lotro and I must say it is beautiful and more compelling so far than i would of thought.
But it seems solitary and no one really talks with each other even if they are just standing around in bree.
I am only level 14 runcaster and level 13 burgler right now but I would like to join a Kinship on Evernight.
I have a subscription and plan to play this game for a long time.
Looking for a social/casual kinship more than hardcore raidng right now. I have been down that hardcore raiding road and have been successful in other games but I really want a relaxing slow paced experience now for leveling without having to much pressure to go fast do this and do that.
I am 32 years old in the United States. I can speak some korean, spanish and belove it or not portaguese if that helps. No I am not foreigner you just pick these things up when you are over seas alot.
Looking for Kin Brandywine
Name: Banneram, 95 Minstrel
Age: 26
Server: Brandywine
Timezone: EST
Playstyle: Focused main healer, main healed in many mmos
MMO games you’ve played:Lotro Vanilla to Mirkwood, Wow(Paladin Healer), SWTOR(Sage Healer), Rift(Main Tank), SWG
Why kinships should be interested in you. What do you offer kinships?: I am a group player, I really enjoy running with other people. Whatever the group needs that is what I will be.
What kind of kinship you are looking for: Looking for a good group of people to run helm's deep and other instances, and just in general enjoy the game together. On the side I enjoy healing in PVP, I would love to take my healing to the moor if I could find a good group of people to run with.
Looking for Brandywine server Kin
Age : 19
Location : Midwest travel between states quite often
Occupation : College
MMO Experience : 6 Years of WoW 3 months of LOTRO
I am new to Brandywine server i just came back from not playing an MMO for about a year. I joined up on Brandywine and i own the first 4 expansions and will eventually get Helms Deep when i cross that bridge. I play at least 10 hours a week so i am quite active. I am looking for a kin that will be around for questions as i get back into the game and also to eventually do instances, raiding, and PVP.
Message me, add me as a friend, or send me mail on Brandywine my main will be a Captain named Andowulf.
Minstrel (willing to transfer)
Your name, or character name and race: Hello, my name is Zeyta from the Windfola server. I started playing a Minstrel in April this year...I'm very new to the game. I am level 95 and my current Kinship is full of very nice and helpful people but I do not believe it is where I really belong.
Age: 27
Preferred server(s), if any: As I would love to stay on Windfola, I will transfer if need be.
Location: Usual play times are on the weekends but I'm free wed-fri evenings and pretty much all the time on the weekends. The only two days you wouldn't see me on are usually Monday and Tuesday.
Playstyle: I like to solo when I quest but at the end of the rainbow I want to raid and do challenging instances. As I said before though, I'm not an experienced raider, but I used to be addicted to WoW so I have a little insight on how to listen, bring consumables, be reliable and learn :) I dont RP.
MMO games you’ve played: Again, I used to be a WoW addict. I played for 4 years, starting off in a very casual guild for about a year. Although I was very hesitant, I left the only home I new and joined a very hardcore, 6 raid nights a week, guild. I was hooked for a year at that pace and eventually it got to me so we formed a small guild and started from the ground up. This is the longest section of my post haha...I can't help it, I'm passionate sometimes and I wanna be that for this game, I know its just all in finding the right home. So for 2 years I put my heart into this new guild my friends and I created. I loved every minute :) We pulled ourselves through enormous challenges but never gave up and because of that, to make a long story short, we saw endgame.
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: Well this question makes me feel like they want me to brag about myself or something. I've said so much already...Ok, why choose me? Guess I'm gonna have to go with my passion for MMOs again. I want that feeling of conquering something with a group of friends. Even if it is just the small instances...I'm new to the game and willing to put in my time to help create a solid kinship. Or join a solid kinship that needs another like-minded adventurer :)
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters) I'm looking for a kinship full of people, not robots. I dont want kin chat to be G-rated. It's so much more fun and interesting to be yourself and accept everyone for their own unique personalities. Whether it be the guy with all the crude, yet funny, jokes. Or the guy whose messages would go unseen if you had profanity filter on. But in this guild, in the guild I'm looking for, no one uses profanity filter...because we're gamers and gamers curse, joke, and trash talk (with love). Sersiously though, I doubt anyone is going to track me down and speak with me out sheer fear that I'm a lunatic, but I would love for you to give me a chance if you fit this insane list of requirements, for lack of a better word. I don't even curse that much, I just don't want to hold back if it's needed.
So come find me on Windfola! I would love to chat with ya if you think I may fit well in your kinship.
Update: if you need to reach my by email, my email is
Looking for Active Kinship
Server: Brandywine
Character name: Haibara
Race: Hobbit
Playing for: ~3 years (took a few breaks)
Age: 20s
Location: USA
What kind of kinship you are looking for: An active, talkative kinship that enjoys group questing, raiding, etc, but will go easy on people new to those things, like myself. My highest character level is 51, so I've only done one raid and several group quests, and I'd like to be able to do more of those. I'm a good sport and I don't care much about looting and such; I just want to have some fun with other players.
new to LOTRO but want a kinship
Name: Uhtredson (stephen)
Class: Champion Dwarf
Age: 29
Location: UK GMT can adjust game to suit kinship
Playstyle: Solo or group play, can get really absorbed in game and play for days at a time
Im a casual gamer but like to play with ppl and get into the spirt of the game. im new to LOTRO but am quick learner and willing to help other newbies and build up a strong fellowship. currently play on DWARROWDELF but willing to move to another server
Looking to join RP Hobbit Kinship on Laurelin Server
I'm looking for the Hobbit RP Kinship...can't remember the whole name...something, something Lost Mathom...they were having a song and dance at The Green Dragon in Hobbiton Friday afternoon.
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Hobbit - Pragtho
Age: (some kinships have real life age limits): 49
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): no timezone preference though i am eastern standard time.
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.): I love group rp thats what got me interested in this Kinship. I'm into RP big time and consider myself well versed in LOTR lore.
MMO games you’ve played: WoW, SWTOR, UO, Private UO RP Servers, Guild Wars 1 and 2, Age of Conan, DCUO and the list can go on for quite a bit.
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?:
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): I get along great with others and love to RP. Looking for a large active RP Hobbit Kinship which what drew me to the Kinship I am looking for.
Looking for a Social guild
I'm looking for an active, social guild that's is happy to help its members. Here's some info about me:
Character: Randirion, level 11 Elf lore Master, no alts as of yet.
Age: 15
Preferred server: Crickhollow, (just a personal favourite)
Location: Devon, England. GMT
Playstyle: I love to have fun in MMO's and prefer to group when possible, I would like to think that I am reliable and happy to help any player in need. I Haven't done much Rp but definitely wouldn't mind giving it a go.
MMO games you've played: In the past I have played, Wow, Wot, Aoc, Swtor and Lotro.
What I offer: I offer myself as a sociable and regularly active character who would love to join in with anything and help when my talents are needed.
To summarize, I want to find a guild that is sociable, has friendly members, if possible not a huge amount of members, ( I like it nice and cosy ) but most of all loves to have fun