If you happen to be a kinship on Landroval who is in need of a Loremaster, you are in luck!
My name is Lirael, and I happen to be on the market for a kinship.
Contact me in person for more info!
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If you happen to be a kinship on Landroval who is in need of a Loremaster, you are in luck!
My name is Lirael, and I happen to be on the market for a kinship.
Contact me in person for more info!
Your name, or character name and race:
Chris, Reisik 17 Minstrel
Male, 19
Preferred server:
CST, Minnesota, USA
Play style:
I usually solo until I know this is my main character, then I go looking for kinships/guilds, I think I'm at that point :) But I love to group, do instances, I consider myself a casual player but some days I put in 8+ hours a day it really just depends.
MMO games you’ve played:
Guild Wars, WoW, Graal
Why kinships should be interested in you:
I'm very friendly, I am a fast learner, although I started my main the day the game released, I am learning and progressing to try and keep up with all the pre-release players.
What kind of kinship you are looking for:
I'm looking for a friendly kinship above all, people who just love to have fun. But at the same time I want a kinship driven to explore and complete instances together, while maintaining the fun aspect of the game.
Again I'm on the Brandywine server, send me mail either in game or here on the forums! Thanks :)
Morning folks.
Character name and race:
Iraendil, Female Elf Champion
Sex, Age:
Male, 32
Preferred server:
Timezone, Location:
EST, Toronto, Ontario
Play style:
I'm not really picky. I often solo but only because I don't have a regular group of people to play with.
MMO games you’ve played:
EQ1, Guild Wars, WoW, CoX, Anarchy Online, MUD's, Auto-Assault (Beta), SWG, Rappelz, Saga of Ryzom, Lineage 2, etc.
Why kinships should be interested in you:
I consider myself friendly, and competent as a player. I'm generally receptive to tips or help. Usually willing to lend a hand regardless of personal benefit.
What kind of kinship you are looking for:
I'm interested in finding a group of fun folks to play with. I'm going to keep LotRO active casually, so it's not my main game. I'll be playing at least once a week for awhile, largely on weekends I think. I'm interested in some light RP, quests and general good times.
See you in Middle Earth.
Your name, or character name and race:Pimsley/Human/Minstrel
Age: 26
Preferred server: Brandywine
Location: PST west coast
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.):Raiding, PvE, PVP, end-game
MMO games you’ve played:Planetside, EQ2, WOW, Lineage 2, vanguard(lol)
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?:Maturity, very experienced gamer, healing!
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters):Friendly mature community that is on west coast time and loves to progress end game etc.
Name: Elisean, Telar
Age: 30
Server: Brandywine
Location/Time: EST, preferably late evenings (wife goes to bed at around 22:00)
Playstyle: Casual gamer, can put in about 10 hours a week. Like grouping, have a RL friend who I play with frequently.
MMO games you’ve played: Lineage2 (ugh), EQ2, SWG, Vanguard Beta (ugh), WoW (ugh), Roma Victor. Ugh = didn't enjoy at all.
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I'm a casual player who wants to have fun. Happy to help people, have a good time, and just all around be relaxed. At the same time, when I'm on a quest with a fellowship, I take my role very seriously (I'm usually laughing the whole time, however) in that I like successful groups.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): As above. A casual guild with no pressure about when I'm on. Large enough that there are people in my level range, small enough that we get to know each other and can have a good time.
Hello. I'm a middle aged gamer looking for something entertaining to do. I play a lot, mostly solo, and I'm finding my interest in LOTRO flagging for a couple reasons.
I like LOTRO but none of my friends from other games are here. I'm finding myself lonely as well as frustrated by the game content that requires a group to pass such as the crafting tier quests.
I come from EQ2 most recently and I like to solo more than I like to sit by the side of the road with my LFG sign. I am hoping to find a guild similar to the one I have been part of for so long in EQ2. I come from a guild of relatively independent players who come together when need be to overcome the group only content of the game. We share one another's accomplishments and congratulations while mostly doing our own thing.
I've made numerous characters, mostly to try out the different classes and tradeskills. My main is currently a level 24 Hunter with all the others being at level 15 and stuck on their tier three crafting quests.
I need to find a kinship to chat with, share accomplishments with and to help with the sticking points. If I don't I'm pretty sure I won't last out the month. The world is pretty darned small and I've mostly explored it already. Other than leveling my main all the rest of the fun is off limits to me as a mostly solo player due to the group content gating all the story quests and crafting fun. I'm positive I'll never be able to stand the repetition needed to level up every character just to do crafting tier quests. The game world simply isn't expansive enough that leveling one character is any different from leveling another. Doing all the quests five times over just seems too brutal to contemplate.
Name: Perilon
Age: 14
Server: Nimrodil
Location: Atlantic (AST) (UTC-4)
Playstyle: RP, groups or solo, Hobbit Ministril, level 11
MMO games you’ve played: Guild Wars, WoW
What do I offer kinships: Active daily, social, contribute
What kind of kinship you are looking for. I am looking for an active (RP) Kinship with a considerable (5-20) amount of players.
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Altexist-Hunter, Ilindil- Loremaster, Nightmother-burgular, Imrihil-Captain
Age: 29
Preferred server: Gladden
Location: Louisville, Ky est.
Playstyle: Solo so far but Im ready for anything.
MMO games you’ve played: WoW, DAoC(still my favorite), UO, SWG, CoH, Vanguard. lots more...
Why kinships should be interested in you: I have tons of gameime in mmo's, grat team player and groupmate.
What kind of kinship you are looking for: Basically just an active kinship. One that is organized, but not hardcore or militant. Just looking to find some good people to play with and enjoy this game. Hit me up in game, I am usuall on Altexist, and if you cant get me there bmarcum AT rotech DOT com
Looking for a solid guild. Loading for the first time now. Will post my info soon. (ex SWG founding member of MeS guild)
Your name: none yet
Age: 30 something
Preferred server(s), if any: any
Location: US Central
Playstyle: Casual, an hour or two a night. Can raid two nights a week depending on college/work load.
MMO games you’ve played: Currently playing this and City of Heroes/Villains...have played WoW, Lineage II, EQ2, Planetside, Eve Online, etc.
Why kinships should be interested in you: I am very group oriented and usually play best as a support class (prophet for two years in Lineage II, Shaman in WoW). I love crafting and will take any profession that is needed to best help the kinship
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): Casual, mature kinship. I have only played this game for two days. I have a lvl 9 Elven Hunter on Silverlode and a lvl 7 Human Captain on Brandywine. I am willing to play any race/class combo that is needed to help a friendly kinship that is willing to help me learn my way around faster.
age: 55
server: nimrodel
loc: toronto, can
atm a lvl 25 hunter...looking for a guild that is not too hardcore and with dedicated leadership...lotro definitely requires good teamwork...i've played guild wars and was in a good guild as far as the PvE, but as soon as PvP came up, it dropped the ball...
MasterofFate, Man Guardian.
No server prefrence
Im 20 and really new to this type of game.
I would like to be in a kinship with alot of teamwork.
Your name, or character name and race: Name/Race/Class Undecided, wish to find a kinship first.
Age: 20
Preferred server(s): Any
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): US EST
Playstyle: Group focussed and Strictly RP. I do not always have time to log on, but when I am you will see me in character and ready to enrich myself in the LOTR experience. Seeking a kinship with similar ideals.
MMO games you’ve played: UO, AO, EQ2, L2, CoH/CoV, RO, SoR, EvE, SWG, WoW, GW, PE, FFXI
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I am a helpful group based Rp'er, interesting in making a story for my character and offering the most I can to help my kinship.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): Looking for an RP Strict kinship who cares more about enjoying the game over grinding and getting to end game as fast as possible. Also interested in possible RP Monster players.
Character name: Aryllia, lvl 9 elf guardian
Age: 30
Preffered servers: Doesn't really bother me one way or another, but I've been playing on Vilya.
Location: CST, southern Alabama
Playstyle: Pretty laid back, but still want to get things done. I have no problem helping someone else with their quest if they need help, regardless of whether I need it or have already done it.
MMO Games Played: TT (4 yrs open 3 yrs test) and SO (over a year there)
Why should a kinship be interested in me?: I like to help, I don't mind sharing things, and I just want to have some fun in my spare time.
Kind of kinship I'm looking for: I'd rather play with some folks that are pretty laid back. When I'm able to be on, I'd like to enjoy that time rather than feel stressed trying to get things done. Don't get me wrong, I would like to get my quests done, but right now I'm still kinda learning my way around.
Please PM me if you think I'd fit in with your group.
I'm interested in joining a mature, easygoing kinship with a good mix of different people but mostly around my age group. I'm 30 years old and a resident of Milwaukee, Wisconsin (that's the Central time zone). Previous MMOs I've played are Star Wars Galaxies (way back before it started to completely suck) and World of Warcraft. In Galaxies, I was guilded with Warriors of Lost Freedom, and I'm currently guilded with Oldtimers in WoW. I am by no means a power gamer, but I'm not at all opposed to playing with such people.
My characters so far on Brandywine are as follows:
Danno, Hobbit Burglar
Tomorian, Elf Hunter
Sigfrid, Man Champion
Vindalf, Dwarf Guardian
Tweedledee: Man champion, dont craft much. Level 16, though very good fer my level (930 health, 120-165 dmg against whites and yellows, 110 AoE dmg)
Age: 14, but mature
Preferred server(s): Landroval
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): US PST (GMT -8), newbury park, CA
Playstyle: I do some exploring now and then, so I have most of middle earth mapped out (well what we can reach at least). I also grind sometimes, but am definately looking for an RPing kinship, though definately not completely RP, just if want to.
MMO games you’ve played: Only AO
Why kinships should be interested in you: I am a very flexible player and will help anyone out if i know where to go, and can do it. I can also pitch in some money =D
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): Part grind, part RP, part hang loose kinship, But the most important part is it better be tightknit, i especially enjoy those types.
Character Name: Sheiter
Class: Burglar
Age: 18
Preferred server: None, will roll on any server
Location: East Coast USA
Playstyle: Hardcore End-game / Crafter
Past MMO: World of Warcraft
Looking for: Kinship focused on Hardcore End-Game
About me: I've been playing WoW for over a year as a raider and would like to do the same in LOTRO. I've played a priest since I first started WoW but I've fallen in love with the classic dnd-style Burglar presented in LOTRO. I love playing the utility class and being helpful in felowships, and Burglar's fit me perfect. I have a lv 28 Burglar on Arkenstone right now but am willing to reroll if I feel the guild I'm joining is serious enough for me to do so. You can contact me on Arkenstone or e-mail me at jhelpme@gmail.com
Your name, or character name and race (if known): My in-game name is Cardinal, and I'm a Hobbit Burglar, currently a level 13.
Age: 20
Preferred server(s), if any.: I play on Gladden
Location.: Austin, Texas
Playstyle. : Probably casual light RP, I suppose.
MMO games you’ve played: This is my first, unless you count Runescape, which I don't.
Why kinships should be interested in you. : I'm funny, creative, and fun, or so I've been told. I get along easily with people.
What kind of kinship you are looking for: IO want something casual and fun with a little RPing, but with people who have a sense of humor. I'm really just out to make friends to go on Fellowship quests with and hand out at the Pony with. :D
Ingame name: Bladestalker (lev 35 champion .. with mount now)
Age: 32
Landroval Server
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): USA, East Coast
Playstyle: Raid, group, PvP (non RP)
MMO games you’ve played:daoc, wow, lineage 2, ao, ac, uo, shadowbane, etc.
What do you offer kinships?:
I take leveling and gameplay seriously (in the sense i pride myself on avoiding aggro and handling dungeons and areas with precision).. I still like to have fun though its not all gameface....But, I prefer guilds who are big on precision on high levels of teamwork.
What kind of guild im looking for?:
I need a guild with a lot of members most particularly around my level. I need a guild who group a lot and is willing to help guildy get caught up on mission arcs for greater good of everyone. (i will assist in this for guildys too)
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Galdur, Dwarf Champion
Age: 23
Preferred server: Elendilmir
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.):EST
Playstyle: PvE group style, Solo Style occasionally.
MMO games you’ve played: WOW, Star Wars Galaxies, Guild Wars
Why kinships should be interested in you. What do you offer kinships?: Support for newer members, aid for large groups/raids, resource sharing for crafters, witty banter to be thrown around on the guild chats
What kind of kinship you are looking for.: casual but mature, nothing with lots of pressure to focus an ungodly amount of time on the game. Something that is a little more organized would be nice too.
Looking for a Kin for me and my friend on the firefoot server. Im a lvl 21 Champ and hes a level 20 capt. im 18 and he's a 30sumthin old. We both have ventrillo and talk on it regularly. We wont join unless we are both accepted so PM me. My ingame name is galinden if you want to send me a tell.
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Tarriell, Elf Minstrel
Age: 39
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): Vilya
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): EST, Ottawa, ON
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.): No pref.
MMO games you’ve played:First one but long time RPG / RTS gamer
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: Loyalty, dedication, desire to play my role and let the real fighters do the fighting, generosity with things picked up I don't need.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): Casual and fun, but with some scheduled times/raids/quests.
my ingame name is Shudog and he is a level 28 elf gaurdian
I am only 15 but I act mature i think, it sounds cheesy but I really dont act like a little child
I play on Arkenstone
I live on the East Coast
I like to play group but even for solo quests I might use a PUG to advance faster. Endgame content is another thing ill be doing if I can find a kinship. I also like crafting and am currenty trying to gain my master of the thrid level in prospecting and working on the main level for artisan rank.
I like to work hard and have fun. This is a great game so I want to enjoy it but I also wanna excel and become better.
I have only played WOW before but I didnt play for very long(storyline was boring)
I am really looking for a small kinship that is realitivly new and wants to fufill my goals stated up there. I dont want over maybe 30 members and teamspeak or vent is good.
Thanks and happy questing!
I was hoping that there were some other 2nd and/or 3rd shifters that would be interested in an AM raiding guild. I ran one in WoW that was very successful (Naxx pre BC, Vashj 2 weeks ago) but after 3 years of WoW, it's time to move on.
Anyways, if there is one already, no need to re-invent the wheel. If not, I'd love to get one started. I'm currently on Gladden but I wouldn't be adverse to a reroll if needed. My toon is Mandela and I can usually be found between 8am and 11am mountain time.
I dont know if I am the right candidate for a kinship. I am a MMO newbie, this is the first MMO I have played over a day. I try to play an hour everyday from 830 pm to 10 pm CST. I am a level 6 human champion, Bheeshma on Brandywine. I really need help clearing the prologue quests, especially anything where multiple enemies attack me at the same time. Are there any such newbie kins to save Middle Earth :))