Any idea on how long to get a ticket responded too? Returning player here.
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Any idea on how long to get a ticket responded too? Returning player here.
I got suspended 3 weeks ago and I don't know why. I guess I'm perma banned? Still, don't know why. And how on earth is "a few business days" 21 days?
SSG you could atleast respond to my ticket. No email with reason either, as promised.
My id Request #54990
So we have support that isnt working obviously and some of us who have problems with purchases do what? What kind of scam this can be ... hopefully banks may resolve issues
Can you guys just make another emergency help section for people with Bugged passwords? so they can speak with support team and get it fixed
its about 4 days my password bugged and im not able to login. please take a look at request id : 71821, 72090
I waited 42 days for a response as my password did not work and the reset email would not come.
They say I shared my account and was banned permanently because of this.
I provided all details to prove ownership but the response was that they do not mediate account ownership. Even though the FAQ clearly shows how to prove ownership of an account.
Is there any other remedy? Request #69386
I have a ticket (75008) that's been open for 20 days at this point, with no reply for 17 days, where that generic/form response was asking for the same things as creating the original ticket, plus a couple of other generic items. Is this the normal turnaround for tickets for Lifetime VIP accounts? Was looking to get in and play, and spend some additional $, but can't even get a response on the ticket it seems :(
My account got banned 5 weeks ago.
after the ticket response i got the answer: "Your accounts have engaged in several counts of suspicious activity".
Quite weird since i am the owner+creater of this account and never gave my passwort away.
After that respond i tried to do another ticket but i am waiting 23 days for an answer now.
On January 31,2019 I sent the requested information to you about my account and the missing contents. I have heard nothing from you at all since then. When I returned to the game I signed up as a VIP player as did my husband. . We are 6 yr veteran players and my husband is getting the perks of that and yet I do not. My husband and I play together and you found his account intact , but my account was empty- no characters, equipment, money, etc. I had several well developed characters/crafters and do not feel like having to start over with nothing. I created a few new characters expecting my old ones to be found but stopped playing as I haven't heard anything from you and have decided not to continue playing until my characters are located and restored. I am a bit reluctant to continue as the customer service isn't very responsive. I sent you a list of the characters and their locations based on our previous kinship list. They are in the game's mail system and messages sent were not returned. If we are able to locate them why can't you? The longer this goes on the more frustrated I become. Will someone please address this issue
SSG is disrespecting users. They are banning or suspending accounts without concrete reasons and to make matters worse, they do not respond to any opened ticket for help. From what I saw in this forum, they are suspending mainly active players who have recently spent money in the game, whether with expansion or renewal of the VIP service. I have my account since 2008 and now it has been suspended, even after two requests for help to try to understand the situation, there is no response. In my case, I simply opened a willing one to recover my money and, as they have no concrete reason for such attitudes, they will lose!
I've never disregarded the rules and will not accept that kind of joke.
Unfortunate attitude of the company. :mad:
SSG's getting a huge hard-on from permabanning lifetime accounts for no reason. A friend of mine got permabanned recently (active player mind you) no prior bans, no account sharing, no past warnings. Boom, cya in 2047, thanks for your money.
They sent in an appeal, and the "supervisor" of customer service didn't give any reason for the ban, and said the billing address not matching their historical records from 11 years ago despite all other original account info being correct (including 4-5 credit cards that were used to process transactions on the account). When they started playing, they weren't old enough to have their own CC, so their parents paid with their card. They're in their late 20s now. Actual words from a customer service supervisor: "Well we can only release this information to your dad since the account was originally made in his name." Well guess what, their dad is deceased so I guess because of that they can't recover their account in an already dead MMO? (I can't make this up btw) Then they kept the ticket open and any other tickets that were sent got linked to the original ticket, and ignored. 1 month later, still no response.
It's 2019 and customer service is ghosting lifetime players. If this game were to die tomorrow, it would be well deserved.
I'm a returning Lifetime Account holder from the 2007 launch.
I found that one of my characters was now renamed "Gofi-1."
Is there a way to revert that? I had that name long before anyone else on the Landroval server.
Heya, this thread is well over a year old, btw.
To answer your question, when the servers merged, players who moved their character to a server where there was a character with the same name could keep their name if the existing character had been inactive for over a year. So, it seems that your character had not been logged for over a year before the merger, meaning that someone else got your name, and you had a "-1" added onto yours. If the other Gofi is still active, I don't think there's anything you can do, but if they have since become inactive then a GM might be able to swap the names around for you. Either way, you should have been given a character rename token in the meantime if you'd rather just change the name to something else entirely.
opened a ticket weeks ago for a refund and no one ever got back to me. first time I sent an email was on the 9th of may and i got charged for another month in june instead of receivign an answer.
what a ####ty customer service. will someone please get back to me? ticket ID : 130996
Seems I'm not the only one with unanswered account troubles. I submitted a ticket (#125883) on May 5th, but have not received any response there. I'm unable to access my account, it looks like the account is completely gone. I created this new account to try and get some help on the forums, but I'm not sure now.
SSG, could you please look into my ticket?
It does not seem like a very good sign that all these people are waiting a month+ for support to respond on account issues, I put in a request last week to recover my old lifetime account and was beginning to feel puzzled by the lack of response, I haven't played in years but do hope standing stone is doing ok.
Request #134686
been 20 days now, some crazy support SSG has.
I hope they can actually resolve my problem after waiting this long, be crushing if they couldn't.
Okay, so I have a give credit where credit is due story, which will no doubt aggravate all you who have been waiting days.
just after the servers came back up from the week long shutdown, I had started a new character on a new to me server, and had been running the epic book quests, until I got to Evendim. a particular quest from Calengrad has you fighting in an instance with rangers in Anuminas, and I stood too close to the boss while he was going thru his dialogue, and it was near instant death to me when the encounter started, after coming back into the instance from retreat, the rangers were all gone, and no way could I beat the boss solo, I tried every which way to reset the instance, including as a last resort, cancelling that quest. thinking I could pick it up again, Well I couldn't the whole epic quest line was gone for me.
So I put in the ticket, and started back tracking my way thru the quest line. going back and never finding where to pick it up. after just 10 minutes, I went back to Evendim, and there the quest ring was above Calengrads head again. I had tried, logging out, and leaving the zone and coming back previously, so I was surprised to see it reset.
I thought, I better cancel my own ticket, and when I brought up my ticket, I saw a GM had responded to the ticket already, In just minutes they fixed me up. less then a 10 minute wait. and I had my Epic quest restored, and the instance was reset.
I was shocked, and pleased. Credit where credit is due, thanks SSG, now fix these other peoples problems! /Cheers
Still waiting on a reply to #138179. My main account has been hacked, email and password changed, and I want it back, it's a VIP Lifetime account I've had since 2007. It's been nearly 3 weeks and it's incomprehensible to me your support is THIS bad.
I've only been waiting 5 days, but it seems a lifetime. Hacked account, password and email address changed, so I can't access it. $500 worth of lotro points bought by the hacker. No reply.....
Ticket 141036
Hello! I play LOTRO for 2 years on Crickhollow and I was palyingthe whole summer time. I also tried to post my LOTROFREEQUESTS code in LOTRO Store to unlock quest packs in late august. It shows success, but now I have all quest packs locked. Can you please tell me, what can I do now to unlock quest packs?
I submitted my customer support ticket back in early July, I got a response asking for more info to sort out my issue about 2 1/2 months afterwords, I submitted the info that day, and nothing back still and I'm kind of thinking I'll never hear anything back.
This all feels dicey, I think SST inherited these Lifetime accounts from turbine and they like to mess with them because they absolutely just hate them and want them gone. I've never heard of support like this for any service ever and cant imagine any other reason why they'd purposefully burn customers like this otherwise.