Cappy changes and Guard suggestion
I think the ycappy changes are too much. The fundamental problem is not that the cappy is too strong, but that various boss mechanics penetrate evade stats and thus any guardian CD no longer works and is therefore useless. If different bosses would not do this anymore, then the guardian would be much better and would be played more.
The current changes do not fix the basic problem, they just postpone it and do not fix it in any way. It's not the problem between cappy and guardian but a problem with the boss mechanics in the raids that the CDs don't work and you don't need a guard.
For these reasons, it makes no sense that you have the ycappy nerf so strong, how can you then still be able to refuel properly and run 3 and 6 man instances? Setting the shield of dunedain from 20 to 15 seconds is a big change and, in my opinion, justified. It is also justified that you reduce the morale bonus, so I'll go with you, but that you take out the shield of dunedain as a CD and you can no longer use it as a cappy on yourself, that breaks the entire skill line and with only one single CD, the class hardly makes sense to continue filling up with it. last fight is not enough as a CD.
If you really need a nerf, you should take the reset out of the shield of dunedain or reduce the one from the load stand, but not take a complete CD away from the class.
The 5 seconds shield of dunedain, possibly reduced reset (last stand 3-> 1.5 sec etc) would fix a lot, in combination with the reduced morale bonus.
What would help the guard enormously would be that not every mechanism penetrates evade stats, that the CD works again. If you don't do this, the Guardian will still remain bad. You have to revise the raid bosses.
P.S. A cool thing for guard would be a skill from red line usable in blue line, so that you get a parade reply that you can use redirect every 20 sec and don´t have to spam sting
thank you 4 reading and have a nice day
RK Rousing Words changed to Raid-Wide for balance across the three main healing classes.
Originally Posted by
[*]Anthems should now be Raid-wide.
The go-to is already Mini-Bear since Mini is a great healer with buffs and the bear provides raid-wide heal. With this latest change, the Bear is raid-wide heals and the mini is now raid wide buffs. I have no problem with change to raid-wide mini anthems. However, the RK healer (which is suppose to be a main healer) is being pushed farther from usefulness in raids.
Given that the standard now seems to be "raid wide" effect for healers, can we please make an argument to make Rousing Words raid wide? I think this one change could help the RK healers to be on par and viable in raids again.
Thank you!!