Looking for a new home...
Curadane is my main, he's a level 57 Elf Guardian
Age: 30
Preferred server:Nimrodel
Location. I'm based in the uk but have always played a sort of gmt-5 timezone due to work
Playstyle. I'm coming back to the game after a bit of a break, looking to get back in the saddle
Im in my 5th year as a LOTRO player, was formerly an office in Legends of Moria, was a guild leader in Rift for about a year, officer in a couple of guilds in WOW, played some SWTOR until I realised it made me sad, same with NeverWinter actually
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?:Cake.
What kind of kinship you are looking for: So long as you are social, active and prepared to accept an Elf like me you sound like my kinda people
RE: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
I used to play frequently on Nimrodel about 3 years ago, but recently returned to find a wasteland :( I just joined Landroval as it looked fairly populated.
-Age: 23
-Nfarwen, Captain of Rohan. Current level is 8, but itll be going up fairly quickly.
-I do not mind RPing, used to be in a RP-lite guild.
-I will usually be on at least an hour a night as work allows (I'm a photographer, so hours fluctuate quite a bit from month to month).
-I love questing, but I do enjoy all the group aspects of the game.
I am mainly looking for a kin that can joke around, and doesnt feel the need to rush through the game. Im also fairly heavy into crafting (Metalsmithing on this toon).
Thanks guys!
Looking for a kinship!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!
Main Character Name: Merenwencoamenel
Class: Champion
Race: Elf of Lorien Lvl 26
Preferred Server: Silverlode. I can start a new character on a different server if need be though.
Timezone: Central standard. My play times vary though.
Play Style: Solo, group, casual. I have only been playing for a month or so though so I could be branching out :)
Other MMO played: Perfect World.
I would prefer an adult kinship.
Looking for a kinship in Imladris!
Your name, or character name and race :
Bryndiorn, 25, champion, and Lelianeth, 15, hunter, both rising. I have other chars too, some at higher and some at lower levels yet I like to play with these two at the moment.
Preferred server(s), if any.:
Imladris – I have rolled most of my characters there.
Location. :
I live in Europe.
Playstyle. :
I’d say I enjoy a little bit of everything! From exploring, crafting and roleplaying to instances and even raids, I try to include all aspects of the game when playing, without focusing solely on one.
MMO games you’ve played:
I’ve played World of Warcraft for about a year, focusing heavily on competitive raiding , an experience I’m not keen on repeating. My max lvl character in LOTRO is in Moria.
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?:
I like to think of myself as a mature, friendly and easygoing player. I would enjoy to help others, as I have been helped before many times, and like to participate in team activities. I possess a fair chunk of MMO experience yet I am always open to suggestions and constructive criticism about improving my playstyle and thus being more useful in difficult situations. Last but not least, I like being part of a community!
What kind of kinship you are looking for. :
I am looking for a kinship that is Europe-based (though I know I stand on a US-server), or frequently participates in activities in EU-friendly hours (i.e. around US noon and afternoon). I plan on advancing and reaching end-game, therefore I would like players with whom to enjoy the game both while leveling and at max lvl, joining together for group content and other activities (hence the importance of timezones). In the end, I play for fun, and that is what I would like from my kinship!
Relaxed veteran looking for Kinship
Hi all,
Character Name: Vulin (elf/warden)
Age: Oh dear god I'll be 43 in May.. trust me when you get older you stop looking at the number.
Preferred server(s), if any: Currently on Brandywine following a RL friend's choice there. Not a deal breaker for the right kinship.
Location: Eastern Standard Time ideally. Nothing like wanting to raid when everyone's asleep. :S
Playstyle: Tanking preferred, group dungeons, PvE over PvP but Flexible, not versed enough in the Lore for strong RP, but I'd even wing that if it was necessary.
MMO games you’ve played: EQ1, AC, DAoC, EQ2, AO, WoW, GW2, EVE, SW:TOR, FFXIV and more I can't remember.
Why kinships should be interested in you: I'm a supportive, mature and diplomatic member. I can help cool things down. I also like to tank, don't need the high dps glory.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): One that supports what MMOs are about, being social, working with and helping each other. One that does have interest in progressing through content, but isn't worried about being world 1st, as my time does not allow that level of competitive raiding.
Overall, I'm an avid MMO fan, I think because I am 'wired' for collaborative play and teamwork. While I can buckle down to help down a boss in a raid, I also enjoy sharing laughs and remembering that this is for fun.
Thanks for taking the time to read this.