Johnster, what server are you on?
it will help folks know if they should contact you. :)
Good luck on your search.
Newish Player Looking For A Kin!!!
Hello everyone! I have wanted to get into LOTRO for such a long time. I have tried in the past but have found myself playing solo 95% of the time and eventually get tired of it. I love being able to play with other people or even just chat while questing. I think finding a social and helpful Kinship is what I need to do to truly enjoy the game.
If any Kinships out there are recruiting, please reply! I will be on all day tomorrow =)
Returning Player looking for a Kin (On Nim)
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Gunsword
Age: 29
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): Nim
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): Central US
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.): All of the above
MMO games you’ve played: Too long to list
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: Depends on what the Kinship is needing.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): Any really, mostly wanting to hang out with people while I play. Do want to raid in the end of things.
Old player coming back; looking for Kinship!
I played from beta until right when Siege of Mirkwood came out. I was in a very successful raiding guild at that time and left the game to play SWToR. My main character is a 60 Elf Hunter named Schayla. (she was named Sharreth until I had it changed) I play on Silverlode. I am a fan of Tolkiens writings so I am very familiar with the lore. I do not, however, role-play. I am mostly interested in any PvE content at the moment. I have played a great many other MMOs as well. I am in the Pacific time zone and I am in my 30s so, not a kid.
I am looking for an older, larger, friendly established Kinship who has room for a returning vet. I have been out of this game for a long time and need to not only relearn what I forgot but figure out what's changed since. (a lot, from what i can tell!)
Thanks! Please message me here if you'd like to talk to me. I want to get back into this game! :-D
Level 100 Mini on Landroval looking for a home
I'm a LotRO Founder (been playing over 8 years) that is currently looking for a kinship on Landroval. Some things about me:
- I didn't play for several months and am far behind (last major instance I did was the dragon)
- I have a level 100 mini but she's poorly geared
- I come with a 100 level hunter (the hubby)
- I'm a casual player.
- I'm very sarcastic and love to laugh (yeah, I'm a real person). :D
- I'm a nerd gamer gurl.
What I'm looking for:
- ACTIVE players. Holy cow, why is this so hard to find?
- A kinship that gears up yet enjoys the occasional old run (i.e. The Rift, etc)
- Friendly.
You can find me online on Landroval as Lilybella or message me here.
Returning player looking for a kinship
Character name: Qavah
Server: Brandywine
Timezone: USA central time
MMO past history: LoL, Perfect World, SWTOR, ESO (currently only occasionally playing LoL and ESO)
A little about me: I'm a gamer girl who just started playing lotro again after a year of being away I played for two years on Riddermark before I quit where I have two lvl 85s (burg and hunter) and one lvl 81. (lore-master) I do plan to have them moved to brandywine eventually. I am a laid back and caring person but also very competitive when challenged. I am online just about every day or at least every other day. My play style is mainly soloing but I also enjoy grouping and am more then happy to help out in any way I can with anything. I'm looking for an active kin with a fun atmosphere that does pretty much a little of everything and does events that involve everyone. ( I joined a kin once that only cared about the lvl 60s and above which really bothered me so this is a must)
To contact PM me on here or send me a tell on Qavah. Thanks so much!
Returnin player looking for a kinship - Dwarrowdelf
Hello all,
Character name : Coileen (Human/champion)
Lvl 48 (and increasing :) )
Playstyle : Usually solo. Willing to learn others.
I like helping fellow kin members :) Quite loyal, too.
I really don't know what to write here, I was in a kinship for a long time, but I couldn't play for 8 months, so I guess I'm kicked out. Got a new shiny computer and keyboard, so I'm planning to dedicate with myself and become VIP.
Please pm in game.
Looking For Kinship On Evernight
I'm looking to join a kinship.......especially if there are members who like to do the Moors.
I have 7 Alts including a 100 Champ and Mini. I also have all of the crafting vocations fully leveled to Westemnet and would be willing to share.
I've never been in a kinship before.....I've pretty much soloed through everything.
I'm on Evernight......EST but I can play during the day sometimes.
My name is George and my age is ancient. My Character contact is Ravenbrooke
Looking for a kinship on any server
Hi all,
I'm looking for a friendly and active kinship to be a part of. I'm coming back to the game after a hiatus and am still f2p (my last attempt years ago stalled and I believe it's because I didn't have a kinship to interact with). I'm interested in trying out various classes, crafting with a hope to have my kin use my items (and with help from the kin!), and helping others enjoy the game.
Unfortunately though, the time I can spend online are pretty limited due to family constraints. I'd like a kin with a decent out-of-game channel of communication like with an active forum so I can contribute even when not gaming.
I'm also looking for a group that has other lower level characters that I can play with.
I'm currently running a couple of characters on Gladden and Brandywine, but am very willing to start a new character on another server if needed. I'm on Pacific time.
If you'd like to send me an in-game mail, Rilphor on Gladden is where I can be reached most often.
Looking for Brandywine kin
Hi. How are you? Thanks for dropping by. I am a 57 year old semi-retired, disabled, bipolar attorney. Really. I am looking for a fun kin (Brandywine) that is about having people/friends to play with. I am not looking for an ersatz online family; just a bunch of fun people. I have been playing since open beta with a few lengthy breaks from the game. My mains are Abagadol, a really handsome, debonair RK; and, Moonsugarr, a doughty Hobbit minstrel that has, thus far, only done DPS (can you say Glass cannon?) I don't have BB ranks, but, I am willing to learn. (Will you send me someplace special?) If you are at least interested in conversing with me, send me a PM here or look for me in-game.
Long-Time Player Seeking Home
Name: Sephrin / Drachis / Tristral / Solenos / Solenus / Mitren / Rathmar / Nathis / Andestis / Haldegren (Guard / RK / Hunter / LM / Minstrel / Cap / Beor / Ward / Burg / Champ)
Age: 33
Server: Windfola (born and raised)
Location: California
Playstyle: I've tended to play solo for the most part these past couple years but I'm attempting to remedy that. :)
Why a kinship would want me: I tend to be pretty easygoing in temperament and I'm pretty much adaptable in terms of what I play (fine playing the tank, the healer, or just dps'ing whatever has a symbol over its head). I used to run raids and dungeons as a tank pre-Mirkwood and a healer/dps'er during Mirkwood but alas, time marched on and I found myself wandering the big world on my own since then. I'm aware that Windfola has a limited shelf life at this point but all the same it would be fun playing with others once to it's inevitable conclusion and beyond.