Looking for Kinship Hispano - Buscnado Kinship Hispano
MAIN CHAR: Jaragorns(CHP lvl 85) and other characters (WRD 70, RK 50, CPT 30, MNS 30, HTR 30) I don't remember exactly (LAST JOIN ON LOTRO 2013)
28 years old
My last Kinship Southern Cross (VILYA) , I read on Londroval Server have kinship hispano. Any other great kin or server for players hispano. (Have other account friends to back lotto).
(GMT-5 Chile) (GMT-3 Colombia)
Group, RAIDs, SK...
Looking for Kinship with people hispana for talking on RAID. On my last kinship, we can't go some RAID because don't understand instructions for the RAID.
Looking for a kinship in Gwahair
Hi everyone.
I am looking for an active kinship, where I can find fellow members all around Middle Earth so we can do quests etc. together.
I am playing without using money, so things are not so advanced/fancy. I have unlocked Evendim and North Downs so far, and am now saving points for Trollshaws.
I am not a steady/regular player myself, but when I find the time to play I spend considerable time on it in one go. Mostly I am a loner, but I also enjoy doing quests together.
I am generally working on quests, but I also keep track of the book of deeds to cross some things off that list, esp. for points.
Some info about my character in Gwahair:
- name: Nertherin
- female
- elf
- lvl 40
- hunter
- ranger (job)
Hope to be gaming with some of you guys together soon.
Bye, Mindigon
Casual player lookinf for kinship
Character name: Ursyla LM Elf
Age: 40ish
Preferred Server: Arkenstone
Location: USA, CT, EST
Playstyle: I am a casual and solo player. Need advice on group play though. I play mostly at night around 10 pm when I can.
MMO played: I used to play WOW. character was a Warlock lvl70
Why kinships should be interested in me: I am a mature adult who is willing to help out a kin when need.
What you are looking for in a Kin: I am looking for a causal, mature and fun kin.
I have six other toons. 3 toons are in kins and the others are not. None are max level. Levels range from 41-18.
Kadosch and Warris - Landroval Server - RP Kinship Wanted
Your name, or character name and race : My name is Rodrigo, I have two characters A Champion lvl 32 and a Warden Lvl 18, both Elf
Age: 36 years old
Preferred server(s): Landroval
Location. Brazil -3:00
Playstyle: PvE, RP, Crafter, RAID´s, Casual
MMO games you’ve played: WOW, Age Of Conan, Lineage2.
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I´m not a hardcore player, but I really like this game. I have my account for a long time, and I really like TOLKIEN lore, creations, everything. When I´m Online i really don´t care about help friends, and do it with a lot of Role PLay :)
What kind of kinship you are looking for: Role Play Kinship, friendly people, to have some fun into this incredible World.
2 Experienced MMORPGers looking for a kinship
My name ( in-game) is Wod and my buddy, Zathro, and I are looking for a kinship to join. We are both human characters, I am a Minstrel, Zath is a Captain. We have been gaming for >30 years. Our server is Arkenstone. We have been playing LOTRO casually for about 7 years together. Prior to the big server migration we were in a small, casual kinship which dispersed among the new servers.
We play once or twice a week for a few hours each session, but are willing to push for a good run. We would like a helpful guild that can handle casual players. We would like one large enough so there are always players at our level (currently ~57) so we can go into instances together and have it be a challenge. Obviously we are not power leveling, and prefer to enjoy the content and like a good challenge. Zath likes crafting a lot. He is a weaponsmith. I try to keep my skills up, I am a woodworker.
I am Eastern TZ, Zath is Central TZ.
We played at the raiding level in WoW for a number of years, but were not hardcore.
We like to be helpful to our kinship members and will take time to help others.
Would love to hear via in-game mail from any kinships interested and are willing to set up a time for an interview or whatever process your kinship uses.
Thank you,
Looking for large, active Kinship on Brandywine
Hi all. Coming back to the game after about a 2 year hiatus.
Character names: Nithroel - lvl 27 Minstrel, currently looking to learn the minstrel ropes.
Karzai - lvl 95 Guardian.
I was a member of Hammerfist, but notice they rarely log in any more, so I am looking for a large active guild, serious but laid back.
Interested in doing all sorts of content, including Angmar , Fornost fellowship quests (I'm a completist.)
Age: 47, LOTRO founder.
IRL name: Bill
Location: NY City
Server: Brandywine
I'm usually logged in as Nithroel.
Anyone recruiting that matches what I'm looking for, plz send me an in game mail or message.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Hello, :) this is my first post on these forums. I’m looking for a mature, casual, social kinship. I just started playing last month but I am totally hooked. Love this game to death. The lore and story lines are wonderful. I may be new to this game but I am not new to MMOs or Tolkien Lore. I’ve seen all the LOTR and Hobbit movies and love them. I’m old, real old, ancient by gamer standards probably. :) I just got my AARP card, so that gives you a clue. At this point in my MMO career, I don’t really PvP or Raid really. I know, I know, it’s all about end game for most people but for me, when I have time to play, I use it to relax and get away from the world and maybe socialize. I love crafting, it’s a priority to me. I dabble in AH selling and do an instance now and then. Oh, and fishing, a game has to have fishing. I’m terrible at it in real life, so I make up for it online I mainly love the scenery and the lore and even role play a bit, but its not one of my strong points. I go by “Taco” on-line(that name was taken, both in game and in forum, maybe I should go by something else LOL). I started my on-line gaming career with a text based game called Dragon Gate. I think I played that for a couple of years then I played UO from 98 until about 2006, then WoW from then to 2013. Have been on Hiatus for a couple of years but have come back to try this wonderful game, unfortunately I heard rumors it’s in it’s twilight. But, I guess I will enjoy it while it lasts. I have made a half a dozen characters on Crick hollow server to try different races and classes, yes, I’m an Altaholic. LOL Lot’s of invitations from people wanting me to join there guild(Kin) but just like when people do that for parties(fellow), I don’t usually join, because I like to know what it is I'm joining and going to undertake before “I dive on in” TM. It’s like, “who are you, and what do want?”.You should introduce you're self first and explain what it is you need of me. I am located in the eastern US. I am usually in/out(I go in and out a lot if I have chores to do or things come up)game from 10am until around 7pm EST(because I work nights right now). I enjoy questing/instancing in a group, if I know what I’m doing. I don’t like the pressure of being the main healer or tank any more unless it’s with experienced people and it’s not a crazy hard objective. Like I said, I love to craft and don’t mind at all getting my own Mats. I’m not asking for items or in-game currency, just friendly banter and fun experience. I’m not a good writer, as you see the above text could be broken into several paragraphs probably. See, I’m more of a numbers person then a artsy/writer type. I took Calculus in College. That’s why I knew exactly what price to post things at auction and what number each stat and rating had on each piece of gear to be in order to compete in raids or how to calculate which moves and which spells would be best against each class in PvP. Yes, on my old games I did have characters that had top tier equipment and did top tier raids and even dabbled in Pvp but those days are behind me. I don’t need to work that hard and don’t need the stress any more. I like the fact that this game has housing, reminds me of UO. But, it’s instanced which is good and bad and a little pricey and not really needed as much. I like the shared storage and can get mounts early but don’t like the have to pay real money to get everything gimic. :rolleyes: But I guess that’s how most MMOs are now-a days, free to play, pay to win. I want to try a Beorning a Warden or Rune-keep(Oh yea, I played Runescape for a couple of years several years ago too, I forgot about that.) but have already blown though my budget my wife will allow me to spend on on-line games this month. I maybe old, but I’m not Wilford Brimley, but I’m not Charlie Sheen either, I’m somewhere in-between I guess. :p