if your looking for a kinship here's a list of some good ones at http://crickhollowkins.tumblr.com/
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if your looking for a kinship here's a list of some good ones at http://crickhollowkins.tumblr.com/
character name: CasperTheGreat
Race: Man
Age: 26
Server: Arkenstone
Location. -8PST
Playstyle. Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs & anything else
MMO games you’ve played: I play LOTRO & Paragon
What kind of kinship I am looking for.: I am looking for a kinship for a few reasons. I want a kinship I can team up with other players throught the game. I am very interested in learning how to raid and skirmish. I am new & level 34. I need a Kinship that I can complete quests with who are a early level too like me.
I also need to join a Kinship to meet friends who play this game.
To brazilians only / somente para os brasileiros.
Server: Arkenstone
Procura uma kinship brasileira que ainda esteja na ativa?
Mais de dois anos de existencia!
Foco na diversão!
Sem impor milhares de regras de condutas aos players!
Sem cobranças!
Galera que gosta de fazer novas amizades!
Temos TS próprio!
Canal do YouTube e tumbler!
5 grupos do whatsapp!
Página sempre atualizada no Facebook!
Diversos guias e tutoriais!
EXILADOS DA TERRA MEDIA, Kinship que veio pra ficar!
Procure um dos nossos officers!
Hi, hoping to find a kin that can offer the intensity i am looking for..
Your name, or character name and race: I am Jordee and I am Hobbit.
Age: 18+
Preferred server: I am on Landroval
Location: Eastern USA
Playstyle: I am a hunter and enjoy killing everything, Love to do instances new or old, I am very interested in raids and T2 instances, I am very Helpful.
MMO games you’ve played: Runescape, LoTRo.
Why kinships should be interested in you.: I can offer time and can help if needed. Also would donate. Am very loyal. Take me serious and i will take kin serious.
What kind of kinship you are looking for: Raiding and T2 instance kin.
Howdy! I'm a returning player, picking up where I left off with my captain. He's currently 72; I'm working my way through the epic lines in Enedwraith.
Character name: Amerygn
Age: 50+
Server: Landroval
Location / timezone: US Eastern; I generally play Friday nights & weekends, with occasional weeknights
Playstyle: I'm soloing a lot by necessity, but I enjoy grouping. I'm combating my completionist tendencies to get through Enedwraith into zones more on-level. Casual raiding is fine. I enjoy crafting but am not obsessive about it. RP is welcome and I enjoy it, but it's not my primary focus; doing cool stuff with cool people is.
MMO games you’ve played: Many and more, going back to EQ1.
Why kinships should be interested in me? I'm a mature, laid-back person who nevertheless tries to be as good at their class & role as possible while still playing casually. I strive for zero-drama while looking to contribute to the community in some small way.
What kind of kinship I'm looking for: One with active players in my playtime who talk to each other, and some level of group interaction. Pleasant, mature people who enjoy the game and play for fun, however they define it.
I've been playing solo since the server consolidation, but feel it's time to join a kin. I play daily, and would like to get into more raid/T2C content, which I'd rather run consistently with a kin vs. rolling the die with pugs.
Arothrin (105 Rune Keeper), Arohad (100 Guard), Arograth (85 Champion)
Colorado, United States.
Solo, Group, RAIDS, Casual
MMO games you’ve played:
WoW, Rift, SWtOR, ESO
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?:
I've played several MMOs, so understand the fundamentals. I play LOTRO daily, so as a kin member I'd often be available to support kin runs. I haven't mastered T2C content yet, but am eager to learn & take advice from others.
What kind of kinship you are looking for:
Just an active one full of reasonable, easygoing people is really all I'm looking for. Ideally, the kin would maintain a calendar/schedule of planned kin runs, have a website, & use voice-chat.
My toons name is Heet I am on Arkenstone lvl 55 champion. looking for kinship. willing to train different toon for kingship. I play regular 4-5 days a week and usually extended periods when I play. I am new to Lotro but not to gaming. I have ts as well. Reside in Pst time zone -8GMT
My name is Daniel. I am a returning player (haven't played since early 2014). I am looking to enter a kinship because I
remember how wonderful the social aspect of this game was, and I want to re-experience that. Moreover, after being gone for so long I find that there is much in the game that I do not recognize nor understand. I feel a kinship could help me get on my feet, so to speak. All I ask is some friendly guidance and mentoring. I do not require any material support, as all I did three years ago was harvest gold, TPs, and other in-game currencies.
Your name, or character name and race (if known):
Galrichtobor - lvl 85 Dwarf Guardian
Preferred server(s), if any:
Transferring shortly to Arkenstone (current server is Gladden, but I plan to leave it because of low population)
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.):
Phoenix, AZ - Pacific Time (Mountain Time soon since my mediocre state is too "special" to move the clocks)
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.):
I've done it all (expect PvP & RP, but willing to try, I suppose), but what I really miss is hanging with a nice group of individuals who enjoys playing together, completing difficult content, and having a few good laughs along the way.
MMO games you’ve played:
Well, besides LOTRO, I've tried FFXIV and SWTOR - couldn't get into to either. Nothing compares to this wonderful game.
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?:
Well, I'm a decent fellow, easy to get along with. I also used to be rather good at raiding and such. So, if a kinship is willing to help me reacquaint me with a now-changed (from 3 years ago) LOTRO, I feel I have a lot to offer in return.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters):
I'm open. Hopefully, a kinship that knows to balance between competitiveness and amicability. I want to raid and enjoy end-game content, but I want to do that with people who know how to relax and enjoy themselves. And the most important is an active kinship (I mean with players who are online a lot). I log in virtually every day, and play a lot over the weekends. I'd like to have some company :)
Thank you for your consideration,
Daniel - Galrichtobor
I have recently returned to LOTRO and have a lifetime account from around Moria release. I used to group with my brother and his wife in those days but they have long since quite playing and I have drifted in and out of the game over the past several years. I have a character of every class ranging from 105 down to 10. I am currently playing my Rune Keeper (level 55) and am loving it. I have plenty of time to play now and would like to find a casual guild or group to explore group and raid content with.
Character name: Zeland (Rune Keeper)
Age: 47
Server: Landroval
Location / timezone: US Eastern; I am usually on daily between 1pm to 7pm. Thu-Fri are my weekend nights and I can be on any hour those nights.
Playstyle: I'm currently soloing but would love to find a Kin to explore group and raid content with. I have maxed out all the Crafting trades over all my toons as well.
MMO games you’ve played: EQ1, EQ2, Vanguard, Wow (briefly didn't care for it much), Star Wars Galaxies, SWTOR
Why kinships should be interested in me? I'm mature, laid-back, no drama, fast learner, patient, dedicated to learning and developing my character to their maximum potential.
What kind of kinship I'm looking for: A guild with active players looking to group and explore content.
Character name: Barien (Hunter)
Age: 48
Server: Landroval
Location / timezone: US Eastern; My time on is sporadic due to work & travel
Playstyle: I'm currently soloing but would love to find a Kin to explore group and raid content with.
MMO games you’ve played: GW2, SWTOR, DDO
Why kinships should be interested in me? I am a quick learner, mature, funny & helpful
What kind of kinship I'm looking for: A mature guild with active players looking to do group runs and RP
I have a few characters from L72 down to L10. Barien's home is 4 Garden Street, Highburg.
Name: Darreus
Server: Gladden
time zone: PST
playstyle: pve (questing, dungeons, raids, ect. not too much pvp but may consider)
MMOS ive played: dont know any that i havnt. haha
i can bring a lot of positive attitude to the field. I can fill any role needed.
i am currently low lvl (highest toon is lvl 30) but am looking for a kinship to join and play with that will have something for me if i hit max lvl. (I.E. raids and such)
Infamy kinship is now recruiting
The Infamy Kinship is Brandywine based kinship that has been around for over 5 years and has been inactive for the last couple years but we are back in the game now. I am the original leader of the kinship. we are rebuilding the kinship from the ground up. We are looking for any and all who would like to join, we are a north american kinship. We are welcoming players that are new to the game or long time veterans. We would love to help anyone who is new to the game learn their way around. We will also belooking for new officers in the kinship, so anyone who can show good leadership skills could become an officer in the kinship and play an active roll in shaping this kinship into something amazing again.
-We will be running weekly raids and instances
-Helping kin mate with anyting they need
-Running classing content
-Kinship lotterys
-Friendly kinship events
If you are interested in joining or have any questions please send gelderock or Mearadan a message or mail in game.
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Aymeri (59 Cap), Lauretheron (44 Hunter), Demlordol (38 Guard), Gahmuret (28 Ward), Skaldryn (25 RK)
Age: (some kinships have real life age limits): 45 (return player) Currently VIP, Have Moria expansion, planning on getting the rest if I can find an active Kin
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): Crickhollow
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): Pacific, United States
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.): Quest, quest, quest, End Game, fellowships
MMO games you’ve played: LOTRO, WOW
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I play often, and I am easy going. I will others help when asked, and love questing
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): One that helps members through fellowships, and achieving the end game. One that will run instances together.
Greetings everyone, I'm not just looking for a kinship on Laurelin but also people in general to socialize or practice roleplay with so please do text me, even if you don't have a kinship to recommend :)
Main character name and race (if known):
Sejawyn, ~lvl 22 Hunter Woman (further I'll be leveling an elf LM, elf Minstrel, Hobbit Burglar and Woman Champion on this server soon)
Age: 25
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.):
Laurelin for now.
CET +/-2 would be ideal but I play at different times so it's not that important
- being new to LOTRO and not knowing anyone yet I play solo at the moment but I would welcome some joined action with nice (read: newbie-patient) people.
- most of all I would like to get into role-play with my character so a RP-kin would be best but they sure can be casual about it
- I'm more of a completionist and I couldn't care less how slowly my character progresses to endgame content so I'm probably of no use to hardcore kinships
- I'm planning to get self-sufficient in crafting with those 5 characters on the server so in the future I could help out kin-mates with crafting
MMO games you’ve played:
At the moment mostly Star Trek Online and some others back as a kid but that's been a long time.
Why kinships should be interested in you:
Uhm, I own The One Ring? 5€ on Amazon.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters):
- much as I wanna try it I can't see myself being constantly all over Raids and such so most importantly I'd like a kinship that provides me with nice people to chat with and to have fun with but without any sort of pressure to constantly having to participate in group activities if I feel like doing solo for a while.
- as mentioned I want to practice RP so a kinship that can help with that would be great. At the same time I'd love if you were a bit more casual about it so I don't have to be scared to RP in fear of making mistakes.
Kinda important regarding RP:
In the long run I would like my main toon to hang out in Forochel more often and discover her origin and stuff in that area roleplay-wise. A kinship or people who play there or generally in the North or maybe got some Rangers of North kind of theme or similar going would be absolutely ideal for my character as she wouldn't quite fit in a Riders of Rohan Kinship for example.
If you know of people I might get in touch with up there once I reached Forochel levels please let me know, even if it's on other servers.
If you have any recommendations about people or kinships for Elves of Lórien or Rivendell please send them along as well as I'll be levelling those two alts next and at some point would love to get involved in some Imladris/Lórien roleplay.
I am returning to the game again after an 11 month absence. I am a lifetime VIP since Launch and have knowledge of the game to a point. (some new stuff still learning since last time I played)
Your name, or character name and race (if known):MardinSr level 41 Warden
Age: (some kinships have real life age limits) Not a kid anymore
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): Arkenstone
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.):Texas CST but play most of every day
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.):like all but PVP and RP and by RP I don't like getting yelled at because I don't join in with those who do.
MMO games you’ve played: Lotro, FFXIV, and several others ove r the years, but this is the only one I was willing to pay a lifetime sub package for.
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I am not crazy or stupid, do not want a leadership position, willing to train newbie members on what I do know, willing to learn what others know that I do not, like to solo play a lot, but love socializing with a group and willing to run groups when needed.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): Casual but everyday or almost everyday play, no major requirements about having to group and make certain runs daily, although in the right situation (as long as it is kept fun) would be willing to do it for several days in a row if needed.
Thanks ofr any that give this any consideration.
Hey My name Is Termminal If you are still looking for a kinship, Come check us out. We raid 3-4 times a week and have a very mature player base. We focus on the end game content, and Take the content pretty seriously, We would like to work with you and teach you anything that needs to be taught so you can be an effective part of our team. If that interests you Check out our Kinsite or Shoot me an In-game Mail to Termminal, and we would like to hear your thoughts
Hey My name Is Termminal If you are still looking for a kinship, Come check us out. We raid 3-4 times a week and have a very mature player base. We focus on the end game content, and Take the content pretty seriously, We would like to work with you and teach you anything that needs to be taught so you can be an effective part of our team. If that interests you Check out our Kinsite or Shoot me an In-game Mail to Termminal, and we would like to hear your thoughts
I've found it better to contact folks looking for kinships in this thread by PM.
There are other threads (often on server forums) that are useful for general kinship recruiting.
Infamy is recruiting, we are a rank 10 kinship with a kinship house. we are accepting new players as well as experienced players to the kinship. we are also looking for high level players interested in being part of a raid group that will be doing weekly raids. pst for info
we play on brandywine and my character is gelderock
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Kryadan, Elf (lvl95 transfer from Eldimindil)
Age: 35
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): Arkenstone
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): EST
Playstyle. Solo/Raid/Group
MMO games you’ve played: Lotro, WoW, D3, NWN, FFIV:ARR, BoD
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: Active community member, I am not a fantastically talented raider but i can push buttons at appropriate times.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): Size does not matter, but being active would be a big plus. I can play solo if needed, I like deeds. I do not roleplay, but i don't mind those that do at all. I enjoy raiding, but I am just coming back and have a lot of questing and deeds to catch up on.
Played for a short while and forgot I was subbed to my account for something like 6-7 years (honestly)..... and when I realized it I decided to try to play. Originally played this game with my children but they are grown and gone now so it is time to branch out.
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Sulabri
Age: (some kinships have real life age limits): 35
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): Landorval
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): EST
Playstyle. Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, RP, ,crafter
MMO games you’ve played: Too many
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?:
- I roleplay and I do not need my hand held when it comes to taking care of myself. I can if so allowed, self initiate events.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters):
One that is active and has some RP, even if its casual... I want to play a LOTRO mmo to be immersed not just solo play.
Edit: I starting as a lvl 1 Warden... I do not remember much on how to play, I'm just looking to have fun with others when it comes to a Kinship.
Mae Govannen!
I'm looking for a kinship. I've played since 2012, then i came back on 2014 and now Im playing again, always as an elf hunter. I've never been very social though, but i want to explore the social part of the game.
Server: Laurelin
Name: Daniel (real life), age 31
Location: Chile - Timezone: UTC/GMT -3:00, i play almost every day 1-2 hours, weekends i play up to 4 hours.
Character: Fimil
Race: elf Hunter, level 48 (i played another elf hunter up to level 91 before)
Playstyle: solo, group, open to learn new styles.
Why me: i plan to be serious on this, to be an active part of the group. I love the LOTR story and Im commited to keep the spirit of It. I want to learn and share my experience too.
Looking for: a kinship that goes to quests/instances together, if its an elvish kinship i would love it, to have in game friendship and fun, raids maybe (Im new on that one).
Thanks for reading!
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Bywine
Age: (some kinships have real life age limits): 47
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): Brandywine
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): PST
Playstyle. Solo, group, PvE, RAIDs, casual, RP, crafting.
MMO games you’ve played: Dark Age of Camelot 10 years
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I am an easy going platyer, I do not get upset with players for messing up a quest or raid (it's just a game). I enjoy helping new players either by showing them around, help out with a quest or craft items they would need. I have characters in every crafting discipline at legendary level. I enjoy promoting a Kinship and helping out in anyway that could benefit.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): A casual Kin that likes to run quest or skirmishes together or other events. A Kin that will do a RAID but does not focus completely on it. A Kinship that is mostly together for the social aspect and for sharing in-game experiences.
I have been gone close to a couple of years and I would like to find a Kinship. I am a casual player but do enjoy the occasional raids and would like to try pvp again if that is still worth it. I have two major characters and a character that are legendary in each crafting discipline. I enjoy mature, casual Kinships.
Here is what I have:
level 95 Warden
level 81 Champion.
The rest are alts for crafting but all are legendary.
Contact Bywine in game.
Looking for a group of people, many or few, to enjoy the game with! Played on and off after launch and MoM but have only recently returned with a vengeance. About to take my Burg (Kasey) through Moria and will be bringing up an LM shortly.
Not looking for anything hardcore; levelling's more fun with people to chat to and help where I can!
(Playing on Evernight and on GMT)