Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Name or character name: Silverlode - Slamfist, Champion Dwarf Level 14 as of May 16
Age: 41
Location and Time: Vancouver BC, Canada, PST timezone. Usually evening and weekend, occassionaly very early morning.
Playstyle: Up to now, typically solo, with occassional casual fellowship (sheesh - this is beginning to sound like a bad lavalife ad!). But looking for a group of like minded persons for quest completion, crafting assistance, general hanging out. Ready to drop a craft to avert a war or whatever comes up - generally happy to help. I like to stop and look around. I smell the roses. I read the quests (every word). Don't mind pushing up character levels but not first priority.
MMO games you’ve played: COH/COV, but none currently.
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I'm a mature professional (engineer), youth group leader, love to have fun, love to play this game, but will always maintain balance with real life. No elite speak here. Am willing to try new things - like voice chat, but may stumble over some things I've never tried before. Will sometimes be slow to respond to chat, cause I haven't figured out how to quick reply without typing the players name. I will act fairly and civily, expect and give respect to all I team with. Don't have any age restrictions, provided all team members are respectful. I don't swear and don't care to hear it. I like to hear constructive advice on how to be a better player.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters):
Looking for a Mature, fun, group. Perhaps a west coast group (because of time zone), perhaps an all Canadian group, perhaps a Christian group, or a combination or none of the above. Basically looking for folk who enjoy the game for the sake of playing. Who are playing LOTRO instead of WoW or some other MMO cause they love the Tolkien world and not because they want to powerlevel to 50 and look down on us Level 14 slobs. Willing to help new players as I'm pretty new myself. Want a group that understands this is a game and an escape from RL, but who understand that, when the kid scrapes his knee, or the wife puts dinner on the table that I'm going to say "bye" and log off and sometimes might not even have time to say "sorry, bye". Will always endeavour not to leave fellow kin members in the lurch - but sometimes life happens. Would love to make friends through this game.
It's the journey, not the endgame.
Hope to get some pm's from suitable kinships.
Oh yeah, although my current main is Silverlode, I'm open to starting anew on another server.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
I am new to online gaming, but VERY enthusiastic about learning lore details concerning Lord of the Rings. I am married and work during the day. I am having a blast playing Lord of the Rings Online!
Character name: right now I am playing a dwarf named Stonethrow
Age: 36
Location: Southern California
Playstyle: Solo or group, learning about crafting, enjoy teamwork
Why kinships should be interested in me: I think any kinship would be interested in me because I am not playing Lord of the Rings Online just to "goof around" on the computer. I am really interested in learning about this online world. While I am serious at times, I can also have a good time, but not at anothers expense. I treat peope as I would wish them to treat me. I love to learn. I am also very much a team player, and will gladly make sacrafices to benefit another of my team.
What kind of kinship are you looking for: I am looking for a kinship that is not too large, but not too small. I am looking for others who share my interests in learning about Lord of the Rings lore and exploring Lord of the Rings Online. Above all, I am looking for mature online gaming, and to have some fun while learning.
So thats about it. I hope I am to your liking and get in touch with me if I sound like someone who may fit in nicely with your kinship.
Heavy RP Kinship on Ladroval
Hello, My name is Elesaros the Wary, captain of Gondor. I am currently interested in a heavy roleplaying kinship on the server Landroval. I have been roleplaying for about 3 years and have submitted several works to Wizards of the Coast (makers of D&D). If you are looking for a person to craft stories for your kinship lore, or quests for your group to partake in, im your person. If you want a good RPer, im here. Please send me an in-game letter to Elesaros, thank you.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Abellric, human champ.
Age: (some kinships have real life age limits) over 25
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): Meneldor
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): Central
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.):
I am intrested in a casual with some Rp.
MMO games you’ve played: SWG(till nge), wow
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?:
Im the type of gamer who will drop whatever im doing to help a guild mate.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters):
Im intrested in a guild that i can call home, good peeps, good times. I am willing to go RP(thow it would be my first time :), this game seems built for it)
Thats all i can think to say, pm me anytime for a interview-Abellric
Found a Kinship, thanks
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Your name, or character name and race (if known): None yet =)
Age: 20
Preferred server(s), if any: Any, don't have a home yet.
Location: PST
Playstyle. Solo/Group/Raids
MMO games you’ve played:AC, AC2, AO, SWG, COH/COV, WoW
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I've played many MMO games so I have quite a bit of experience.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. Friendly, helpful and hopefully an end-game raiding guild. (If there is end game raiding in LOTR)
PM me with any questions or invites. Thanks!
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Name: Garrowdir Mithrilbeard, Level 25 Dwarf Champion
Age: 23
Server: Landroval
Location: US EST
Playstyle: Pretty much a bit of everything, not TOO hardcore on RP
Past MMOs: Dark Age of Camelot, Anarchy Online, Asheron's Call
Why me?: I play a lot, get involved a lot and love chatting :)
What kinships am I looking for: I'm looking to see if there are any large kinships yet (like 50+ members). I'd like to get in on the ground floor of a large group and join in on the fun.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
character name and race (if known): Fingelwe, elf
Age: (some kinships have real life age limits): 38
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): Nimrodel
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): Eastern, USA
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.): This is my first MMO, but I've been a serious RPG'er most of my life. Was a huge Ultima fan but never UO. I typically like solo play, but since playing LOTRO I have really gottten into the team aspect. I'm really not interested in PvP-- in fact, that's what's kept me from getting into MMo's-- all the PKer stories were really discouraging. I'm glad LOTRO seems to be free of that. Like many others, I'm married with kids and work full time so my play time is limited mostly from 9-11 pm.
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I'm not in it for myself. I'm a team player that wants to see the group succeed. In every fellowship I've joined so far, I've worked to ensure the success of the mission. I'm an easy going, low maintenance guy who likes a good mixture of role playing and straight game play. I'm also an enormous Tolkien fan that really treasures the body of Tolkien's work, and would love to be able to share that with interested kinship members.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): Like-minded members. Mature, straight-forward but patient enough to deal with a noob like me. Loyalty and respect above all-- I always give it and I expect it in return, bottom line.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Originally Posted by
Renegades of Numenor is recruiting players of any race or level. We have over 60 members and are growing fast. Contact Garen, Blakeowulf, or Legovis on the Arkenstone server for an invite.
This thread is for people looking for kinships, please do not advertise here. Send the person you wish to invite a personal message.
Looking for Brandywine kinship
I'm looking for a kinship based in Brandywine. I am currently a level 15 human/hunter working on the quests in Bree. I like to play 1-2 hours a day usually in the evenings (CST). I like to solo play but am frustrated trying to find fellowships for group based quests. My character is Nels, Watcher of Roads. I may not be the most avid gamer on the block but I honor the spirit of RPGs.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Name: Merrhelm (Man, Guardian in Elendilmir, but im willing to go to another server)
Age: 23
Location: NY usually on after 6pmEST
Playstyle: Solo, group, PvE, PvP(eventually), RAIDs, casual, minor crafting
MMO games you’ve played: SWG, a little WoW, CoH, Guild Wars
Why kinships should be interested in you: I'm a mature player looking for some other mature players to roll through middle earth with.
What kind of kinship you are looking for: One that helps each other out, and one with members that are fun to play alongside
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Hello all,
I am a 37 yr old vet gamer. I have played just about every mmorpg out there.
I am seeking a Kinship on Gladden so I will have friends to adventure with. I usually play 8-11 pm EST so I would like a group that usually has people on during that time. I like RP but can do without it as long as I am playing with a reasonably mature bunch.
I am playing Asteriveth an Elf Champion current level 12.
Hope to hear from you.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
character: Nuvyn. Man. Loremaster.
Age 36
Server Preferred: Any
Location: singapore
play style: solo, Pve, group.
Mmo games i've played: Guildwars
im looking for mature, relax n Fun Comes first kinship. No shouting or badmouthing anyone regardless of what happen in gameplay.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Name: SlaYeRXXL (Dwarf, Guardian, Lvl 14, Server Meneldor - other Servers maybe possible. don't know enough if i can work with the same char or if I have to start again? I am really new in this busines)
Age: 31
Location: Atlanta GA, EST (GMT-5)
Playstyle: Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, minor crafting.. I am really new and would try everything.
MMO games you’ve played: EVE online (Still playing since Launch Date for 4 or 5 years now - but only casual in the moment - little skilling and some missions sometimes), Lineage 2, Planetside and some other Games
Why Kinships: I am looking for group play to have more fun. It gets a little boring after a while and it is annoying to look for Fellowships again and again after a few quests. I like it to do quests in the Moment and some quests are to hard to do alone. More features and possibilities i have to find out in the next couple of days / weeks. I just started playing 2 days ago.
Send me a PM or talk to me ingame - same nick - if you are interested. I would appreciate it.
Kindest Regards
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
I'm Australian, play on Nimrodel server. My timezone would likely be your "graveyard shift". I like to get to know people through teamspeak and ventrilo as such.
My username is Dulot.
Contact me for more info or an invite.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Name or character name: Fiodor - lvl 16 Hunter
Therengar - lvl 8 Lore-Master
Age: 21
Server: Windfola
Location: San Diego, CA
Playstyle: Mostly solo but would prefer to partner up with at least one person.
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I'm an adult and I act like one. I don't swear every other word and I don't argue over pointless stuff for the sake of arguing. I'm open minded and will always be willing to take advice from others and follow directions in groups. I go on at about 5-7 every weekday (Pacific Time)
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): I'm looking for a kinship with mature people. To me, mature doesn't mean a certain age, it means people who don't act like children. What I don't want to see is people or kinships with names like "1c4Mp4lLd4y" or "$$havens$$" or anything else that uses numbers/symbols in place of words/letters or alternating upper and lower case letters. Casual is better to me than hardcore also. I don't want to feel forced into leveling instead of enjoying the game. A functional website is a must. A kinship that will help it's members is a must.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Character name: Goldring, Hobbit, Burglar, Lvl 13, Explorer
Age: 30
Server: Firefoot
Location: EST (GMT -5)
Playstyle: Fellowships preferred ( I like the collaboration), Solo, Raid
MMO games you’ve played: NWN, NWN2, BF2, Never played WoW
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I enjoy Light RP and adventuring. I do not expect all interaction to be in-character, but it is fun to RP. I enjoy Hack n Slash as well. I do not like to hang with a bunch of script kiddies who type "LOL" after every sentence, and grief other players.
What kind of kinship you are looking for: (This one is very important for recruiters): Lite RP with lots of amicable, approachable, and friendly members. Organized, lots of fellowships, and people on willing to team up, but not so organized that I feel like I have to play for a set number of hours every day since I a married, have a dog, and will be having kids soon.
I am a laid back person,and my gaming style reflects that directly. I currently belong to a kinship that my BF2 clan started, but they are rarely on, and they don't team up very well. If the right kinship offers membership, I would be willing to forgo my current one, and join theirs.
I assume that the kinship will have a website with forums as well...but not completely necessary.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Character name: Fingelwe, guardian-armourer, elf, currently level 13 AND Khazalin, dwarf guardian, currently level 12
Age: 38
Server: Nimrodel
Location: EST (GMT -5)
Playstyle: Fellowships preferred ( I like the collaboration and comeraderie), Solo, Raid
MMO games you’ve played: LOTRO is my first. Played a lot of BFME2 but not online, Diablo II, AoM
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I've enjoyed the fellowships I've joined so far, but found it difficult to find people to fellow when I need them. I almost always accept fellowship requests, but it tends not to be reciprocated. I like RP and adventuring, but am finding that the better and more difficult quests need coordinated, loyal and unselfish groups to get the job done, and could really use the help from a consistent group. While I dont expect all interaction to be in-character, I love the RP interaction (because I love Tolkien's work). Don't mind Hack n Slash but not for long periods of time, and especially not simply to hoard $. NOT into kids who type mindless chatter and grief other players.
What kind of kinship you are looking for: (This one is very important for recruiters): Good mix of RP and OC with lots of friendly, mature, easy going but respectful members. People who are willing to team up even for the sake of one or two members, but not so hard core that we've got to keep playing until my mouse hand goes numb since my wife will beat me like a harp seal if I spend more than 2 hours playing (ha, ha!).
Kinship with a website and forums is great but not a must. feel free to PM me or seek me/send me mail in-game as Fingelwe or Khazalin (they tend to hang right now in Gondamon and Duillond.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Your name, or character name and race (if known):Baeradan
Age: (some kinships have real life age limits):20
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.):Vilya
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.):on the west coast
Playstyle. not really sure what my game style is considered i quest all the time and raid when im a high enough lvl
MMO games you’ve played:played WOW
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?:Im a real laid back guy, im a team player, fun, always willing to help fellow members.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters):looking for a family atmosphere, some type of ranking system( like the military), end-game raiding etc. i guess your basic guild stuff haha
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Hello, I am 22, and have experience from playing WOW, just started and currently wondering if anyone is accepting members, I mainly play on Silverlode.
Anyone interested in letting me join please let me know
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Name- Gillivral Finion of Gondor
Server- Elendilmir
Location- Pacific
Playstyle- I do all kinds. I mostly enjoy fellowships for the fun and teamwork that goes into it. I like the idea of working together with others to complete something you would not normally be able to complete by yourself.
Previouse MMo's- EQ, EQOA, WoW
About me- I am a huge fan of LOTR and I have been playing LOTRO since Closed Beta. I am currently level 31. I was an active member of the Alliance of Rhudaur kinship since December, but I have recently parted ways due to kinship strife.
What kind of kinship I am looking for- Like previously stated, I was a member of a great kinship that recently turned a little ugly. I am looking for a kinship that is a family, and do not hold silent grudges or talk about other members while their backs are turned. Another important aspect is roleplaying. I enjoy roleplaying often, but I also know when to be OOC. I am looking for a kinship who role plays in events in game, and together. I also am looking for a laid back (yet organized and active) kinship that is OOC in a lot of kinship chat and realizes the freedom to just goof off sometimes.
Why you should choose me- I am an active member of the LOTRO Community and I have many valuable traits that make me...me. I enjoy having fun, and being apart of a family that likes to have fun together.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Level 31 Captain, Master Journeyman Scholar, Journeyman Weaponsmith.
I'm looking for a mature and active kin with active forums prefferably 25+ level members (not looking for a small kin either) I can quest with daily and leadership that knows what they're doing.
I'm on EST, and play at different times of day.
I have about 8yrs of MMO experience and I love lotr, if you are interested contact me in-game (windfola server) /tell Windkeeper
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Your name, or character name and race : RaZoaR - Human
Age: 16
Preferred server(s), if any.: Firefoot
Location. : Canada, BC
Playstyle. : Group, looking for kinship
MMO games you’ve played: Too many to count =P
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: because i'm good with groups, easy to talk too, funny, nice, and love to help out
What kind of kinship you are looking for. : mainly one that can help me out.... getting lost with these quests..... and skills and things....
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Hello LOTRO forum members,
I pre-ordered the game and played for about a week, and originally thought the game was boring. After a couple of my friends picked up the game and I gave it a second chance, I am now having a blast as a lvl 15 Guardian on Silverlode.
Anyway, I had a stressful semester at uni and would love to really get into LOTRO for the summer.
I am looking for a relatively mature, laid-back kinship to experience the whole game with. Helping guild mates would be a priority of mine and I would expect the same -- I don't mind playing for an hour or two and not leveling or getting any new gear. For me it's more about the experience; it is just a game after all.
I've played FFXI, Vanguard, WoW, and Guild Wars Factions and the one I got into the most was FFXI, mainly because of the immersive world and tight, epic storyline. Even so I only made it to level 28/14 WAR/MNK because I just didn't have enough time to do anything in the game. I played Vanguard pretty hardcore for a few weeks and then when everyone started leaving I quit. I was part of E.G.G. in Vanguard mainly because of the number of players; it was nice knowing I would have a little support when someone PKed me (on Tharridon) and I wanted a little revenge.
I've never made it to end-game in any MMO, and I think a large part of that is because I wasn't part of a good guild to play with and keep interest. I hope LOTRO will be different, as the Monster Play is a very enticing end-game goal of mine.
Anyway, if any Kinships are interested, I'm Limaj on Silverlode.
Last but not least, About me:
Age: 20
Location: Austin, TX mostly. For the summer I'm staying with my parents on our farm in Katy (ahhh.... free home-cooking!).
Times played: Varies, but usually daily or near daily in the morning and/or evening from 9am - 12 and/or 6pm - 2am.
Job/What I do: Currently a computer engineering undergrad at UT Austin.
EDIT: Found one.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Name: Rolan, Lvl 20 Captain (as of writing), Human
Age: 40
Preferred Server: Meneldor
Location: Australian East Coast
Playstyle: PvE, RP
Previous MMO's: Warcraft
Experience: I had a Lvl 70 Warrior on WoW, plus several other high level alts, was (and still am) a Guildmaster for a +50 member guild (with 6 other level 70's). I decided that because of my love of Tolkien I would try this game out, and ended up loving it. Unfortunetly, no-one I know plays so I am looking for a friendly Australian guild who doesn't take things too seriously.
What Type of Kinship: Australian (preferable), fun, not too serious or gear-centric, more mature aged -- 30+.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Hello Middle-Earth! I just started playing yesterday. Since I'm new to LOTRO, I want to have a kinship to explore and enjoy the game more.
Name: In-game is Haralin, a level 13 Dwarf Champion
Age: 21
Server: Nimrodel
Location: Australia, so the time is GMT+10
Playstyle: Well, since I'm new to the game I'm still PvE soloing now, although I've been in fellowships. I enjoy playing in party with others for questing or levelling. I usually play around 5pm to 11pm AEST on weekdays and mostly on weekends.
MMO games you’ve played: Ragnarok Online, Guild Wars, World of Warcraft, FlyFF.
Why kinships should be interested in you: I'm willing to help other people (be it questing or levelling or just chit-chatting), I love TLOTR and I'm an active player.
What kind of kinship you are looking for: Since Australia's in the different side of the globe, I'd prefer an Oceanic kinship. It fits my playtime perfectly. However, any kinship is alright as long as there are people online when I'm playing. Other things... maybe just talkative, respectful and helpful :)
Please PM me in-forum or tell me in-game if you need a member for your Kinship in Nimrodel server.