This is, just, well very, very cool. Maybe if you have had bit too much 'merriment' from drinking ale, there should be a % chance of hitting the wrong revelry button :D
Anyway, /signed I would love to see something like this in the game. :)
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This is, just, well very, very cool. Maybe if you have had bit too much 'merriment' from drinking ale, there should be a % chance of hitting the wrong revelry button :D
Anyway, /signed I would love to see something like this in the game. :)
I try to RP there whenever I can. However, nobody is about. So I talk to the tavern keeper, get lonely and leave. That is considered some life. :P
And then there was that summer festival... meaning that there were at least 2 people in the Thorin's Hall Tavern at the time. :O
You on Landroval? If so, hook up with me as Mullein and the Dawn Riders, we tend to have at least weekly events stationed in the inns about the Shire and Bree-land.
I've also had a great number of PURPs show up (Thats pick-up RP for you folks) that came wandering through.
My thanks to everyone once again. Having posted the idea for fun I did not know what to expect in the way of responses, which have been overwhelmingly positive. I have greatly appreciated your support and discussions and I am glad so many have been inspired by the idea.
And thank you, Vastin, for letting us know this thread has been seen and for sharing with us some insight into the development cycle.
Finally, a DEV! I do hope your idea makes it to the game, Hayoo.
As a Burglar I would really rather appreciate those maneuvers. :)
And that time I would say: "Just spam beer!"
no posts since September 20?
Wow. You, sir, win this forum.
11/10 suggestion.
An interesting system. Certainly would add to the game and promote fellowship.
sounds like a fantastic RP idea for the game.
AND who doesn't enjoy a Good Drink!
I love creative thinking like this!
Dear 6-pound 8-ounce Jesus, I know you don't exist in Middle Earth, but I just wanted to tell you that this is the most ridiculously awesome post I have ever seen anywhere, ever. Including the one on about how awesome you are. No offense.
Please use your holy powers to make the devs cancel all current work and implement this into the game lickety split.
P.S. Sorry about the industrial strength epoxy I used to put that fake mustache on your nativity sculpture last year.
You are most kind. Thank you.
Wow. I saw this on another site and thought it had really been added. So I came here to find that it was only an idea?
This is a fricken brilliant suggestion. Period.
A long time ago, I posted an ideas thread asking folks to think of ways to liven up the taverns but none I saw were as spot on as this one. Wow, this is the way to do it.
I do feel a little for the devs and understand the point of the dev, but if they really wanted to do it - meaning it didn't interfere with gameplay, screw something else up or cost too much - they could do it. Who knows, maybe it will still happen. I agree with other posters, SOMETHING has to happen to liven up taverns.
Just like Burg's are the FM opening specialists, I say Champions ought to have special ability to open Tavern Revelries. Tie it into the fun yet useless Boast skill.
Hurry Dev's, implement this, or something similar!!!! Please, please please.
Absolutely. Currently taverns simply don't do what they did in the books. A tavern should be a place for gathering and for entertainment. Currently they are not filling that need, and it's not as if the need doesn't exist - people are desperate for community games and get-togethers. Clearly there is a strong need for some sort of game mechanic that encourages players to get together in taverns instead of outside them.
If the books mirrored the game in terms of community there would be no taverns in the books and all the activity that takes place in taverns would take place in the village square.
This is the one facet of the game that seems very un-Tolkien-esque. Please, developers, address this game flaw!
Why aren't you working for Turbine? :)
I really like this whole idea. Wanted to give the thread another bump.................I'm sure some people haven't seen it yet.
W. O. W.
This is sheer, utter brilliance! I am stunned that it (to date) has fallen on deaf ears. What an incredible way to enhance interaction, support the use of crafting, add non-combat content... the list goes on.
Please Devs, take this seriously!
/hat off
- Aethelberht, Hobbit Burglar Level 36
Last seen November 2007 hanging with Farmer Maggot, waiting for things to get interesting
This idea is great. It is beyond great.
This idea would GIVE players a reason to go into taverns and just hang out. If just being a bystander might give you a 30 minute buff, people will have so much incentive to stay in taverns. This is a problem NO RPG has EVER been able to fix. If Turbine doesn't implement this idea into their game then some other RPG may steal it and become the ultimate RP friendly and ultimate RPG all together for being the one that isn't just about grinding, but about city/tavern fun too.
Best idea i have ever seen in a mmo, and this would really put the cherry on the sundae that is that game :D .
Thanks for this well done post, it shows you put some thoughts into this, not like a lot of the other post where they demand in CAPITAL letter to have leet stuff :P.
/signed and add a couple hundred more of these :D
What concerns me is that this was posted in September, there have been two massive updates since (if you include Roheryn's beta Book 12), and there's no sign of anything remotely like it coming. (Which is basically what was promised by the Dev back in the fall, so doesn't really come as a surprise. Just a disappointment.)
This is a stellar idea, fleshed out, thought out, eminently reasonable, fully in keeping with the spirit of LOTR and community-building. It would be such a great addition to the game.
I'm trying to keep my grumbling down. I know to each his own. But jeez, I would have given an arm for something like this as opposed to more PvP and fighting Balrogs. I guess it's small wonder the taverns are empty when you can go kill a Balrog: Morgoth's own creatures of shadow and flame, one of which killed -Gandalf-, immortal heavenly spirit and keeper of one of the Elvish rings. Killed him. And yet now a raid can bring one down. What's next? In Book 13 will we be able to kill a Valar? Why not Uru himself? I'll bet he has some -SICK- drops.
Seriously, Turbine, think outside the box. Please! Levelling and getting shiny armour and promoting bash-fests between toon warriors, and killing bigger & bigger bosses is so.... ordinary. Middle-Earth is anything but ordinary.
- Harry
Aethelberht, Hobbit Burglar Level 36
Hoping to come out of holding pattern some day. Just don't make me kill more boars.
I agree. Very disappointing because basically it shows that the dev team just do not understand the concept or how it would immensely improve the game. Either that, or they understand but won't implement it. Personally I don't know which is worse - the incompetence or the disregard.
MMOGs desperately need features like these to help develop the sense of community that they all too often lack. It's a pity that the LotRO team either can't see, or won't see, how such features can help the game. Instead they focus on more and more features that only give players more things to fight and more loot. Personally I got bored of fighting three months ago and I don't need money. I want a social environment, not creatures and loot. Creatures to fight and loot only take a game so far. If there's no one to socialize with due to the fact that there's no mechanism to foster socialization the whole MMOG concept becomes pointless.