A Captain looking for a home...
Character name: Briarwisp is the name by which I am known, however, Rowena Lirulin is my given name.
Age: 23
Server: Landroval
Location: North America, Mountain time.
Playstyle: I am a serious roleplayer who has mostly done solo pve, but my hope is that I can learn the other aspects of the game like pvp, raids, end game, etc.
MMO games I've played: SWTOR, ESO, D&D, and GW2.
Why choose me: Here is a little information to help you decide. I am a returning player after a five year hiatus and I still think LOTRO is the best game out there. I chat IC unless the situation calls for OOC chat. Briarwisp is currently the only character I play and she is level 22. As Briarwisp I am a captain who practices the Historian vocation, something I am very dedicated to learning and using to benefit those I meet in my travels. My backstory is this; My mother was born a maiden of Rohan and my father was a Northern ranger. They met amidst the chaos of a goblin raid and my father stayed only long enough to see my mother safe before he was called back to his kin and his duties. She never saw him again. My mother died when I was eleven, the victim of illness, but before she left us she made my aunt promise to find my father and take me to him. Our search brought us to Bree, where we settled. Unable to find my father I grew up as a farmhand, and now I continue to search doing whatever the Rangers will hire me for. I may be quiet and watchful, but my Rohirran heart is full of fire when you get to know me.
What I am looking for: I am hoping to find a roleplay centered Kinship, with a ranking system that is story (and lore appropriately) driven, I love a good cause and organic in character interaction. I want the more practical aspects of the game as well, like raids, pvp, crafting, etc. though I am somewhat inexperienced in these areas, I make up for it with confused enthusiasm. I also would like a respectful atmosphere, I do not do scandal or drama (but a good conflict in character is always fun). The LOTRO community is already great, I hope to find a home within it that can provide an even richer experience.
Find me: Private message or send a tell to Briarwisp in game, and if I am not online, send a letter.
Looking for RP/PvE Kinship, Preferably Rohan based
Your name, or character name and race (if known):
Ecgwine, Man. (Also have Breohthelm, Ecgstan, and Ecgwald, all Man)
Age: (some kinships have real life age limits)
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.):
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.):
Eastern US/New England
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.):
PvE, RP, Crafter. I've never done much with group content in LotRO, but am interested
MMO games you’ve played:
LotRO (off/on since beta), Rift, WoW, SWTOR, STO, SL
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?:
I'm friendly and work well with a team. I'm extremely knowledgable about Tolkien and Anglo-Saxons. I'm prepared to work to help the kinship out and learn what I need to learn.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters):
I'd like to find a Rohirrim-based RP guild that aims toward martial and non-martial culture. I'm willing to look at non-Rohirrim guilds as well if the story fits the character. Sociable and working together on PvE stuff is also needed. Doesn't have to be large, but I do want active.
Looking for Arkenstone Kin for seasoned gamer-boy.
Good Morning. Harblack here and I am looking for an Arkenstone kinship. Before I spew out the requested speeds and feeds let me tell you about me.
I am looking for what everyone asks for - a low pressure laid back friendly kinship. Does anyone seek out a drama-fest full of anger and vitriol? I hope not. At least not in this game.
My relationship with LOTRO is fractured. I‘ve been playing on and off for 6 or 7 years I jump in, I love it. I level a toon to 60 or 70 and I get pulled away from it. Sometimes I lose interest in a class and/or crafting profession, other times life intercedes (Wifey, Kids, Family, Work etc) and once I get pulled away it’s hard to come back. So months go buy until I pop back in.
The last time I was into it, leveled by Guard to ~ 70 or 80 and the server amalgamation happened and the Kin ‘Return of the elves’ broke-up when the server did. That was totally on me. I could have landed on my feet but I didn’t come back for ~ 6 months.
I’ve made some serious changes in my life and I am hoping this doesn’t happen again.
Anyway – I’m back and looking for some friendly Kinnies.
My Stats:
I am Rich. Not $$, just Rich. :) In forums that’s Harblack, In Game HAR-Something. I am Male however HAR’s are always female. Because, Reasons. ?
Age: Born in the 60’s. Barely.
Server is Arkenstone.
Location. EST. Toronto area in the great ‘state’ of Ontario, Canuckistan. How’s it going eh?
Playstyle = Solo – the Kinship mission (should you accept it) is to get me A) Grouping, B) instances. Don’t even talk about C Raiding = I have an inherent fear of letting peeps down.
MMO games I've played: D&D Online and LOTRO, that’s mostly it unless you go back 20 years – and that’s all a blur.
Why kinships should be interested in me? I am friendly, chatty and will drop everything to join or help a group as long as I have the time and a toon at the right level. I am in the IT field (29 years at the same IT company) and can often have advice with regards to HW specs speeds and feeds. My gaming back-ground started with Pen &Paper D&D in the 80’s. If you want to reminisce I can wax nostalgic like a boss.
What kind of kinship am I looking for? I hope there’s an age-appropriate, friendly kinship that can help me keep me exploring more of this beautiful game. Also one that won’t be upset if I disappear for a week at a time. Game times varied – Mon-Friday evenings, weekends anytime.
That’s all I got. Harblack – roger and out.
looking for a kin on Laurelin
several toons Dafidil lvl 105 Warden, Gilaladuil lvl 100 Minstrel, Dafolas Lvl 83 + hunter, I'm a mature player (read old bugger) and although I've played for serval years off and on have not done many raids etc, looking for an active kin that playes in UK time happy to RP but not essential. Playing Dafolas (hunter at the moment so if any use PM me on that character. And a good morning to everyone.
Looking for a Kinship "friends of frodo"
Hi, ive been gone for a couple of years and came back just this week, and found my characters. Id like to get into the same kinship if they are still around. I believe the name was "friends of frodo" or something like that?
are they still around? If so, What server are they on?
Any Help would be much appreciated.