New player [Laurelin] Looking for Kinship
Hey kinship recruiters,
I recently started playing this game and I found I like it much more than I expected. I chose not to work this summer to unwind from my studies, but those rainy days keep me indoors and I needed something to do, hehe. I was surprised by how immersed I was in this game. I haven’t been so immersed in an mmo since the bygone years of WoW (still loving and playing it though). So I decided to give this game a proper chance and play with other people that like LOTRO. What better way than with a kinship?
Your name, or character name and race (if known): I made all classes, played a elimination game with them and found I have the most fun playing my Gondorian Guardian Gohebor (alliteration :D ).
Age: (some kinships have real life age limits): I’m 28 years old. I’m used to game with people that can have fun in a mature way, which I have found is not limited by age. I’m however understanding and acceptant of a guild not accepting minors.
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): As stated in the subject, I play on Laurelin [EN – RP].
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): I live in the Netherlands (GMT+1; +2 in summer). ATM I mostly play during afternoons, but don’t mind playing in the evenings if there is something up and I’m not otherwise engaged. If I stick to this game in September and beyond, I will be playing in the evenings and the weekends.
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.): I’m currently levelling and enjoying the world, but I like to set aside some time to do some casual PVE content or join in on a RP event.
MMO games you’ve played: I have played many MMO’s, but I will list the most relevant. I play WoW; I’m up-to-date with the story of Secret World Legends and will probably return for future story content; I used to be up-to-date with the SWTOR story, I want to get back there, but there is always something keeping me.
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: Does anyone feel this question is posed at competitive players? Well, I’m not. Please invite all the others that seem to fit your kinship. There are some things that might help picking me though: I’m friendly and helpful, though I’m probably more in need of help than able to offer it right now, I’m afraid.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): I’m looking for a community, not an extra world chat. A social, relaxed and helpful bunch of people that are serious about their kinship, which is partly seen in size (small nor huge), structure, forums/website and a discord server or something similar. Although I’m looking a for a kinship to do casual PVE content with and enjoy some casual RP with, I don’t mind if those are their side activities.
On your PM, please be so kind to provide your forums or website.
Kind Regards,
Returning Players LFKinship
Hello all,
Name: Stormsky
Server: Gladden
Age: 49
Location: Outside Dallas Texas
Playstyle: Casual/Social
MMO's i've played before: Pretty much all, a few are WoW, Daoc, Ultima Online, Everquest, Rift, Aion, etc.
Why pick me?: I'm loyal and trustworthy, committed. My attitude is awesome and I'm fun to be around. I like to help out where I can.
What I'm looking for: Close knit medium sized kin, I don't want to join one that have 1000 members. Prefer voice chat, discord or teamspeak, ventrilo etc. Helpful folks.
Thank you for reading.
Returning Lifetime Sub after 5 years (Arkenstone)
I am back to LotRO after a lengthy absence. My highest level toon is a lvl 58 Warden as well as having all the classes but need to be levelled up heavily. Obvious, my emphasis for a single toon will be the Warden. My old kinship is from Elendilmere and has a couple of active players but the leader has not been seen on in a very long time. Unless I have become the new leader of my kinship, I do not imagine I will be staying for much longer.
The kinship I am looking for is one that will be tolerant and patient with a player that has been away for a while and is unable to commit to any raids/large fellowships as I work the night shift from Wednesday to Saturday nights. I have experience leading a guild on That Which Shall Not Be Named with a guild consisting of over 70 players at it's peak, if not more. It truly has been a long time since I have been there, so the details are fuzzy.
I am looking forward to hearing from any interested kinships and to take the time to chat and to get to know them before making a decision.
Any Lvl 60/65 capped or Moria kinships?
Off-and-on player here. I have a hard time grinding all the way to endgame, looking for a change of pace.
What I really want to do is focus on all the content up to the Moria expansion, as that's the part of the game that I most enjoy. Any kins that are capped at lvl 60/65, or are focused on Moria endgame? Don't care which server (currently most of my characters are on Arkenstone), open to transferring or rolling a new character. Just seeing what's out there.
I'm in MST timezone, and play evenings/weekends.
looking for a kinship on Landroval
Hello, I am looking for a kinship.
My character is a Level 54 Hunter, named Maegh. I myself am 30. I am on Landroval server, in the United States, MT time zone.
I am still fairly new to this game, so this could all change, but I am pretty casual in my style. I only play on weekends, solo, maybe an hour or so at night during the week, if that (I have two jobs). So far I have been really enjoying following the quest lines, and deeding. I like just walking around. I don't RP -- a little is fine but I'm not very interested in a full-on RP kinship -- just not quite my style. I've only done a few skirmishes and zero raids so I'm not sure what I think about those. Could be fun, I just don't know. I'm more interested in the lore and storyline -- I am a huge Tolkien nerd and this is actually the only game I have ever really played. I am looking for a kinship to quest with me when I get to spots I need a fellowship for (I am also a bit of a completionist) or to help me with the actual playing mechanics (I'm not a gamer so sometimes I just do not know what button to push, what things do, etc). I am looking for nice people who enjoy the lore and storyline more than fighting or leveling or things like that. I come to this game to relax and have fun. I would love to meet some other Tolkien fans with a casual playing style so we could work together on what we all needed to get done to continue our questing. I'd like it to be a mature group of people -- not in age, necessarily, but just in general behavior. I come to this game to relax and have fun, not to deal with any drama or foulness. This is my happy place.