Looking to come back to LOTRO
Hi, my name is Patrick. I used to play back in 2009 but due to not having a decent pc could not play until now. Back then I was in friends of frodo, but sad to say I could not get active which was not fair to them. Now I want to start back into it and need to know should I go on Anor or just pick a normal server. I'm looking for a friendly casual kinship that will help me grow and is active. I'm on the east coast of the US.
Looking for Kin as an Inactive Player
My character name on many servers is Xaldox and I am 20 years old. Although I have a level 105ish on Gladden I barely get back onto it because I don't really enjoy very far in the epics past Rohan last I remember. I have a character on Arkenstone as well around level 40. I usually always play a Guardian as the race of Man.
Preferred server(s): Gladden and Arkenstone would be my main go to servers as I am currently levelling my Guard on Arkenstone.
Location: EST
Playstyle: I really enjoy grouping, especially for deeds and side quests, I just always enjoy the game more with friends I can play with from time to time and it is also a lot easier to be active when I look forward to playing with people. I also really enjoy just sitting around and listening to the soundtrack from time to time.
I've dabbled in SWTOR, but I have honestly mostly played LOTRO since 2011 and just got inactive around 2017 because of school.
What kind of kinship you are looking for: I really want to be able to be in a kinship that won't kick me for my inactive stints, I know it's difficult when it comes to managing space, but with school I cannot always be active and on every day, especially when I lose interest in the grinding of this game. I would love to have access to great crafting friends that help with armor and weapons as well as people who just want to do things together instead of soloing.
Looking for a friendly, helpful kinship on Landroval
I am a 75 year old player in the USA Mountain Time, I play during the day most everyday.
I have 32 toons, 6 active now, 5 are low-mid level crafters that I never play, the remainder are basically dormant and subject to being deleted and replaced.
I'm not an aggressive player I level slowly, I don't particular like the 100+ levels.
The 6 active players range in level from 40-72.
I particularly need help with crafting (especially from Level 50 and up). I seem to stall out somewhere between level 60 and up.
I would like a kin that will run a few group skirmishes and such occasionally.
I'm not particularly interested in overly organized Kins, I like to play freely,
Please PM Johnchamp if you have a proposal for me.
(Brandywine) Looking For Kinship
Names: Krelltherion
Age: 49
Server: Brandywine
Location: USA -- On and off throughout the day. West Coast.
Characters: Just starting with the Loremaster.
Playstyle: Dungeons and leveling.
MMO games we’ve played: Lotro, WoW, Rift, SWTOR, etc.
LF: Returning after several years and relearning the game. Looking for a friendly and active Kinship that I can relearn the game with.
Thank you.
Landroval Returning Player
Hello! I'm returning to the game after many years and would love some folks to play with!
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Tricksae
Age: (some kinships have real life age limits): 36
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): Landroval. I'll be online between 7-11pm server time (EST)
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): I'm from the Chicago area, CST
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.): At the "old" level cap, I was hardcore into raiding and PvMP. I've got more responsibilities IRL and less time, so I doubt I'll get there quickly. That said, I mostly enjoy the social aspect of MMOs and have always enjoyed crafting and any group content.
MMO games you’ve played: LOTRO has been the one I have played the longest (2007-2012ish), but I did play SWG up until the NGE (dating myself), and dabbled in ESO and FFXIV over the last few years.
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I'm social and like to add to the feeling of community in a kinship. I like to give as much back as I get and I want to be a part of a community, not just looking for help / raid spot. I very much enjoyed being an "expert" in the few classes I played. Understanding why meta builds work, and most importantly having fun with off meta (Blue line burg was my favorite MMO experience ever)
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): Active, friendly players that get to know each other. Lots of activity in kin chat or discord. Folks who don't mind helping me get back on my feet (seems a lot has changed, or I just forgot a lot in the last few years!)
Two looking to join The Light of Telperion kinship, recommended by Borgiol
My info: Caitira level 24 elf hunter. 62 years old. Brandywine server. CST in the U.S.. Casual player. Played LOTRO for a couple of years back in 2007 and also have played ESO
Other player is Laazaruslong dwarf champion, also lvl 24, same server and timezone, casual player as well. Has played WoW for some time. He is my nephew and is 40.
Borgiol helped us last night with Weathertop and told us about the kinship and said to tell Gravildor he recommeded us. Thank you.