Looking for a Kinship on Landroval
Name: Bruce
Age: 40
Location: US (Pacific time zone)
Playstyle: currently solo
MMOs: UO, EQ 1 & 2, WOW, LOTRO, Rift and several others
I played when the game first came out but quit 7 years ago.
57 Champion
44 Burglar
Currently leveling a minstrel as I'd like to take a poke at healing.
I'm a huge Lord of the Rings fan and I keep finding myself drawn back to play. It would be nice to have some people to group up with, but admittingly I've forgotten so much I'm basically new again.
I'm looking for a friendly kinship that is laidback, but likes to run dungeons and various raids.
Thanks for your time!
PST Player, mature, not a min-maxer
Hello all!
I’m Jay, a newer player, I originally played back at launch, finally trying to get back into it.
Age: 37, old, but young at heart?
Preferred server(s): Arkenstone primarily, willing to relocate if a good match is found.
Location. (Timezone: HST, usually on evenings on weekdays early mornings on weekends.
Playstyle: Solo mainly, but only because I’m intimated by my lack of understanding to percentages and min-maxing. I’m here for the story and for fellowship.
MMO games you’ve played: I mainly played MUD’s back in the day.
What do I offer kinships?: I offer a good friend, willingness to help and companionship when grinding or crafting.
What kind of kinship you are looking for: I’m looking for ones willing to help new players into the game, guide and assist in teaching on how to be beneficial to the Kinship. Even slightly interested in casual roleplay, although I’ve never done it before.
Let me know if I sound interesting!
Looking for Kinship on Arkenstone
I have a 140 Hunter, a 80 Champion and a few level 30 alts. I am looking for a kin that has a social voice chat scene on discord. I am currently on Arkenstone. I am a day player in the Pacific time zone, 48 years old and not a fan of drama. I would also like to join a kin with a cool name that reflects the Lore of Middle Earth.
Please Pm me if I sound like a good fit. Thank you!
Looking for an active Kinship in Landroval
Name: Doug
Age: 51
Location: US (Pacific time zone)
Playstyle: Explorer, I like to find all the lore, willing to help with fellowships
MMOs: WoW, LOTRO (Of course), SWTOR, Neverwinter
I've played off an on since the game first came out, but I'm just really finding my home here as compared to other MMOs
71 Hunter (Main)
65 Champion
Several lower level (under 10)
I've played LOTRO often over the years, but for the last year, I've just really had so much fun exploring all the areas, living in Middle Earth. I'd like to get to know a more mature group of players, that are just loving the world and the escape from reality. I'm on fairly often, when time, work, and wife allow.
I'm looking for a friendly kinship that is laidback, but likes to run dungeons and various raids, and willing to help with all the n00b questions.
Thanks for your time!
Returning to game looking for Kinship
Character Name : Aedwynme on Arkenstone Server. Main is Loremaster lvl 120
Over 21
Location : San Clemente, CA +8 PST
PLaystyle: PVE, PVP, Groups
Prior MMOs : Too Many to list , LOTRO always has been my favorite
I am hoping to join a kinship that has players who love the game, enjoy a more active kinship than one that is casual.
Adult couple LF solid active kinship-Arkenstone
I am a returning player who introduced my husband to the game recently. We are looking for an active community of adult gamers, casual atmosphere, no drama, no politics, just gaming at all levels. We both have played MMO’s for all our adult lives and are looking forward to enjoying our recreational time with like-minded gamers.
I am 50, husband is 52. We live in Tennessee. Both are professionals, I’m retired from my career. I have a lvl 42 red hunter (Jenivaen) my husband has taken to the warden and is currently lvl 45 (Valainez).
I’d love to hear what our kinship options are on Arkendstone. If anyone has suggestions, please feel free to message. Any kinships looking to refresh the ranks, aid a couple of gamers and enjoy the occasional joke, message me.
Thank you all for your time and consideration.
Just moved servers, looking for a fun kin
Character name and race: Balselotta, beorning (with alts on the way)
Age: 24
Server: Laurelin
Location: Estonia, EU (GMT +2)
Playstyle: Mostly solo, but would like to do instances/raids together, lvl together or help someone lvl etc. Would like to reach end-game.
MMO games you’ve played: LOTRO on and off for 10+ years, others too many to count
Why kinships should be interested in you: I aspire to be a valuable member in a tight community
What kind of kinship you are looking for: Casual that runs instances (maybe even community events)
New Player Looking for Kinship
Character Name: Vestu
Level: 105
Server: Brandywine
Age: Over 40
Play Style: Casual
Other Games I've Played: EQ, WoW, Smite, DDO, ESO
Hours of Play: Late EST
What I Want in a Kinship: A kinship that is active; interaction, socializing, etc
What I Can Bring to a Kinship: I'm just starting out in this game, althought I played it for a very very short time many years ago. That being said, I'm pretty green in the world of LOTRO, but I have a lot of experience playing other MMOs. I have played extensively (in other games) in both group and raid settings.
New player looking for Arkenstone kin!
Character name and race: Suilendis, elf hunter (level 33 at the moment)
Age: mid-twenties
Preferred server: Arkenstone
Location: United States, East Coast Time
Playstyle: This is my first MMO, so I am still figuring this out! I'm enjoying doing quests and exploring casually for now :)
Why kinships should be interested in me: I can promise great enthusiasm!! I really like this game and can see myself playing it for years to come. I'm also a lifelong Tolkien fan and really enjoy meeting others who feel similarly!
What kind of kinship you are looking for: I'm looking for a casual group where I can find friends to go on fellowship quests with and improve my crafting skills. I'm interested in raiding but don't know much about it. Mostly, though, I'd just love to get to know some fellow lotro players!
Thanks for considering me!
Looking for Arkenstone Kin
Long time player looking for Arkenstone kinship.
Toons name
Eredil, Loremaster
Dernwine, Guardian
Long time player coming back from a break looking for socail kinship
I am Sandy and I have been playing since Oct 2007 (not quite since Launch). Looking for a kinship that is active but does not mind players who take a month or two off from the game and will not dismiss from kinship. I do have vision problems sometimes and cats that enjoy either the keybaord or batting at the screen during play.
Server: Landroval
Location: US Southeast
Playtime: Usually during day or afternoon
Age: 56
Characters - at least 22 on Landy
Above 120 toons Daelily, Creefast, Creewing Merelyn, Criel = other toons include Snowpe, Butterflybash, etc.
Just looking for a social kin who doesn't mind someone who enjoys doing festivals, deeds and sometime group play, but laptop not tested.
Returning player, looking for a group of Lotr Friends
Ios, lvl 22 Loremaster (alt addict in most games but I want this to be my main)
Age: 42
Preferred server: Crickhollow
Location: 8pm to Midnight est weekdays, weekends fluctuate but usually up through the night (night shift worker)
Playstyle: Opportunist group content. I find die hard raiding in other games at least to be too demanding of personal time. This game could be different though so would not be opposed to trying it when I get there.
MMO games you’ve played: Far to many to list. Notable time put into Rift Online and excessive play of City of Heroes (still dabble with it).
Why kinships should be interested in you: I am a social player and like to get to know people. For me it's not just about playing the game but the people you play with. I enjoy casual talk while playing, so some form of voice chat like discord is a must for me. I really want to focus on a Loremaster however I am also a flexible player and tend to play what is needed. Once I get to know people and the game I tend to throw groups together for dungeons and such on a regular basis. I am also more than happy to make a new character to play up with new people. Though it will be awhile before I am not the new person heh.
What kind of kinship you are looking for: Casual and laid back group of people who enjoy group content and understand people who have work and real life commitments. Also looking for a group that is not overly sensitive. No real good way to say what I mean there but I don't want to have to walk on egg shells around people. So basically a group of people who are mature enough to take a joke and accept that not everyone has the same world view that they do.
Additional thoughts: I do not want to be carried through the game. I am here to enjoy the content. I have little interest in having some high level character run me through things while I stand around and just collect xp and loot. I am also famous for not wanting to bother people with making gear for me though they always seem to insist. The reason I have not stuck with this game in the past was in great part to my previous work simply not allowing the time to have a life. That has changed and I have far better work life balance now. Another factor was I always tried to drag my non lotro friends into the game and they never stuck with it. This time I just want to find a new group to befriend and enjoy the game with.