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I was doing some of those last night on my warden with fellrotten and we were working out the best way to do it all.
It seems the best way to complete them all is to do it in two stages;
Stage One; Get the 'once off' out of way;
Take Wrd, LM, yourself (if you are one of the first two, then pick another class) as your core group, do 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 and 8. Take minstrel, RK and whoever for fellowship (ensure it is filled so 8 will be ticked). Raid, ensure you have all classes.
Just have the warden kite for 30 minutes, LM stun immunity spam and lay tar and rest laze around. Herbalists would help here. CC classes (LM, Burg, Hunter) can help with mezzing some Lieutenants in small fellow. To entertain the bored people, they can kill non-Lieutenants if they want to.
You would then complete 1, 3, 4, 7, 8 in one go. Then just leave or die, up to you.
Stage Two; Kill Kill Kill
Since you have done all the one offs, you can focus on dpsing and killing all mobs for a hour, to do 5 and 6.
Small fellow is easy enough with Warden or captain (cos either can heal themselves and raid) and dpses (one maxed word of healing herbalist would be enough, rest dps soldiers)
Fellowship: Same as below but with trimmed class of course (only need Wrd/Lm/Mins, and 3 DPS)
Raid; Warden, LM, two healers (Minstrel or healing RK), 4 herbalists. 1 Main tank (either guard or champion), 7 dps traited line (burgs, hunters, champions, RK, captain). Have 8 warriors or archers.
Warden do the kiting with conviction spam, with minstrel and RK healing. 4 herbalists heals the whole raid using Ultimate Word of Healing. LM stun immunize the warden plus lay tar and debuffs etc.
Main tank pulls one mob off the warden at a time, every DPS class direct their soldiers to attack the MT'st target. Of course target the most dangerous LT first.
This kind of set up would allow you to take control of the instance, nuking each mob asap therefore rank up 250+ kills in one session of one hour, starting from the beginning and you should be able to breeze through 5000 kills tier 3 under 20 runs.
Also if you really want to... you could set the level at 57 so you can just tear through the mobs as 57 is still green and therefore counts at the cost of skirmish marks.